作者 主题: 【LD】认知碎片障碍(CFD)病毒 与 标准CFD病毒 p198-p201  (阅读 10786 次)

副标题: 译者并不鼓励令PC感染CFD,同样也不为任何CFD感染负责。

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劇透 -   :
The cognitive fragmentation disorder (CFD) virus con-  tained in Lockdown is different from the strain seen in  the rest of the world. The strain of the virus introduced  here is a jacked-up super version modified to mess with  the mind of a dragon. Where the CFD virus normally  acts slowly and meticulously in taking over the mind of  its victims, the new strain is fast, violent, and shatters  the mind. There is a mix of head cases inside the QZ;  some with the main strain of the virus, others with the  new. Those with the primary version try their best to  hide what they are to avoid confusion with the newer  head cases. These more mainstream head cases (which  is an odd term, but will serve our purposes), along with  some of the newer ones, see the new strains (notably  ragers and shamblers) as an army. Many believe them  to be very dangerous and want nothing to do with  them, and they also don’t want to be lumped together  with them. Others, though, have found ways to guide  and control their less-evolved kin. This is far easier for  some of the more sapient new head cases than it is for  mainstream head cases, but the more common ones  are still capable of giving it a shot if they want. The de-  tails on the classic flavor of head cases, can be found in  The Standard CFD Virus section.

« 上次编辑: 2021-12-12, 周日 19:52:17 由 pangbai »
Somewhere, Someone, Screaming

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Re: 【LD】认知碎片障碍(CFD)病毒 与 标准CFD病毒
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-12-25, 周五 03:23:14 »
劇透 -   :
The CFD virus is not really a biological virus and does not require a living host to survive. The virus can and will infect machines, especially those with advanced processors (meaning high Data Processing or Pilot rat- ings). In doing so, though, the virus fails to perform its primary function, which is making duplicates of the AIs that created it in biological vessels.
劇透 -   :
The AIs that are trying to be written onto these bio- logical minds come from many places. Some were de-
liberately built to be electronic sentiences, others were amalgamated programs that accumulated code to the point that they became self-aware, and still others were originally biological entities whose consciences were scanned and digitized or erupted in the Matrix during the Crash. Gamemasters should feel free to make up any AI they want for the purposes of infection. Some AIs have spent time as biological beings, but many oth- ers have not. Either way, for several years now they have been held in containment mainframes in Evo’s Dickens Program, NeoNET’s Project Imago, and any other project a gamemaster wishes to create in their game. Evo and NeoNET’s programs will be the primary focus of the can- on universe, but any megacorporation could have some similar, if smaller, program.
劇透 -   :
So that gamemasters are aware, forces within Evo and NeoNET are at the root of the problem, but as a whole, the bulk of the either corporation does not know what’s been going on. Members of Evo’s Dickens Pro- gram and the management that oversees it are becom- ing more and more aware of what is happening but are not about to share that information with anyone else. The same goes for Project Imago staff and its overseers, including Cerberus and Celedyr. The rest of NeoNET is as blind as Ares or Horizon. The long-term effects of the virus are constantly in flux within the minds behind this madness, but the virus will play a part in the ongoing Shadowrun universe for a while.
劇透 -   :
Gamemasters are encouraged to continue to play up the mystery behind the virus, along with the damaging and insidious effects it has on those who are infected as well as those around them. But be careful with your PCs. Infec- tion is a major, character-changing event, and there are no known cures for this virus. It can be fun to roleplay some- one who is fighting for their mind with the hope to some- day find a cure, but that cure is not within the universe yet. Dealing with the ramifications of cognitive fragmentation disorder over the long term may not be enjoyable for some players, so the gamemaster should take care in who gets it.
劇透 -   :
In terms of personality and coping skills within their new form, e-ghosts tend to have an easier time with their new forms than do pure AI, as the e-ghost at least has some distant understanding of what it is, or was, to be human. AIs will have all sorts of problems, not only during the transitional period while they fight for control of the mind, but once control is gained and they have a meatsack they don’t know how to take care of or main- tain. Many AIs are going to end up in sick or damaged bodies as they misinterpret the feelings they get or how to treat them in a physical body. The concepts of eating and sleeping are quite foreign to them, and machines do not have hormones. Though some head cases may learn to control their bodies better than others, none of them will handle unexpected hormonal effects well. Even if they are aware of the release and technical aspects of the hormone, they don’t understand the sensations they cre- ate. They are adult, sometimes genius intelligences who are as unprepared to deal with hormones and connected emotions as the average teenager. This can make for sig- nificant dangers, but also a lot of fun.
劇透 -   :
In the game universe the prevalence of nanotech and genetech is going to drop drastically due to the risk of CFD infection. Corps will pull away from the products when they can’t seem to find a cure. This means corpo- rate citizens will get less of the tech, but in order to clear out present stock and save the bottom line it will be sold to the street. On the streets it can still be put in where few people know of its true potential for damage.
Somewhere, Someone, Screaming

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Re: 【LD】认知碎片障碍(CFD)病毒 与 标准CFD病毒
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-12-25, 周五 03:30:32 »
劇透 -   :
CFD virus stats include two aspects, Nanite Volume (NV) and Matrix Entity Concentration (MEC). The NV is based on the number of nanites in the subject, while MEC is a measure of the concentration and cohesion of the Ma- trix Entity programmed into the nanites (see the Nanite Volume table for how to determine NV). The MEC is de- termined by the gamemaster and varies based on the concentration of a dominant Matrix Entity in the nanites. A single nanite population may be made up of a single Matrix Entity or many Matrix Entities that are all battling for control of the mind they infect. A single powerful ME will overwrite a subject faster, meaning a faster change, but the mass of personalities often results in an amalgam at the end and a crazy roller coaster ride along the way.
劇透 -   :
The process isn’t fast, but it is eerily certain. As it occurs, characters will need to make weekly Resistance Tests and more frequent Control Tests as long as they are infected.
劇透 -   :
In biological systems, the nanites use the body’s own low integrity to rewrite the human mind and replace the original personality. This process varies between head cases and is determined by the Charisma and Essence of the subject and the MEC rating of the CFD virus trying to overwrite them. For computer or electronic systems, the infection occurs at whatever speed the gamemaster de- termines based on his own plot desires.
  抵抗包括了每周的对抗检定 魅力+精华 v. 纳米含量(NV)+ 矩阵实体浓度(MEC)。角色获得的每个净成功会创造一个能在整周的控制检定(Control tests)内使用的控制骰池。骰池是有限的,并不是每次都有额外骰池。每次使用骰池的一部分,那部分就将消失。这意味着玩家会想要把它留到那些真的不想晕厥的时候。病毒获得的成功减少角色的1点意志。当意志到达0时,AI将会完全接管角色。以此方式失去的意志时永久性的,但可以根据角色提升规则,通过业力提升。GM可以自由地将被感染的NPC的意志返还。
劇透 -   :
Resistance consists of weekly Opposed Charisma + Essence v. Nanite Volume + Matrix Entity Concentration Test. Net hits received by the character create a Control Dice Pool that they can use throughout the week on Con- trol Tests. The dice pool is finite and not a bonus to every roll; each time they use a portion of that pool, that por- tion goes away. That means players will want to save it for those times when they really don’t want to black out. Success by the virus reduces the character’s Willpower by 1. When Willpower reaches 0 the AI has completely taken over. Willpower lost this way is permanent but can be raised back up with Karma, per standard Character Ad- vancement rules. The gamemaster is free to return an in- fected NPC’s Willpower to whatever they would like.
劇透 -   :
Control Tests consist of a Simple Composure (4) Test. Missing the threshold results in a loss of control for (4 – hits)d6 hours.
控制检定最少每天发生一次。额外的检定也会在患者在一次攻击中受到至少4点伤害;受到总计6点伤害(物理或眩晕);被迫失去意识;或让自己的身体疲惫(即任何需要抵抗疲劳的情况)。当患者受伤时,CFD尝试夺得控制以阻止宿主受到进一步伤害。如果AI或AI碎片成功夺得控制,受伤的角色将会逃跑。当患者被击倒,AI或者AI碎片自动获得控制(规则见优势 肾上腺控制)。失去意识的人会突然以AI碎片状态醒来并逃跑。
劇透 -   :
The Control Test occurs daily at minimum. Additional tests also occur when the subject suffers an injury of at least 4 boxes in a single attack; suffers a total of 6 boxes of damage total (Physical or Stun); is forced into uncon- sciousness; or allows his or her body to become worn down (meaning any situation where they must resist Fatigue). When the subject is injured, the CFD personal- ity attempts to gain control in order to prevent further damage to its host. If the AI or AI fragment successfully gains control, injured characters flee. When the subject is knocked out, the AI or AI fragment automatically gains control (see the Adrenal Control advantage for rules). Those rendered unconscious will suddenly wake as the AI fragment and flee.
劇透 -   :
Failing a daily test could either mean a loss of time while the character thought they were sleeping, leading to more potential Fatigue rolls due to the missed sleep, or it could be a lead in to trouble when the character comes back into control in some unpleasant environment like a firefight or in the back of a Knight Errant patrol car.


劇透 -   :
While genetech is not explicitly part of the virus, its presence makes it easier for the virus to overwrite its host thanks to the already overwritten DNA, so it factors into the Nanite Volume rating.
劇透 -   :
Unlike in most nanotech cases, where the nanites wear out and the Rating drops over time, nanites that are CFD infected have developed a way to reproduce. As long as the head case ingests food, the nanites are able to create soft nanites at a rate of +1 NV every week. If the head case can eat some inorganic mate- rials, the nanites can create hard nanites at the same rate. That means a feeding head case increases their nanite count at a rate higher than the degradation of old nanites (–1/month), which are often recycled if they have not been flushed from the body by injury or waste evacuation.
劇透 -   :
We never said this was pleasant.
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-25, 周五 03:39:30 由 pangbai »
Somewhere, Someone, Screaming

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Re: 【LD】认知碎片障碍(CFD)病毒 与 标准CFD病毒 p198-p201
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-12-25, 周五 03:45:01 »
劇透 -   :
This is easy. There are none. For now. There are ways to slow and weaken the virus enough to keep it from developing quickly but no known way to completely purge the virus and its effects from the victim’s system exist in the universe as of yet. Here are a few possible methods and what we suggest as effects. Truly creative players (which we know there are many of in Shad- owrun) will try other things as well. Gamemasters are encouraged to continue the creativity in the effects of those cures. Maybe it slows the infection or holds it at bay for a while, but CFD is relentless and not eager to be stopped.
劇透 -   :
These actually make the virus worse. The CFD nanites spread the virus to other nanites and the hunter-killers join the fun in trying to overwrite the character’s mind. CFD is a virus for other nanites as well. Every application of H-K nanites increases the Nanite Volume by 1.

劇透 -   :
Most spells are terrible at targeting nanites for two rea- sons. First, they are too small to be seen individually or create a connection to them directly. Second, they are highly processed, and magic and tech do not blend well. Spells cast on a head case targeting the nanites, have their Drain increased by +2 at a minimum and may not work at all. Be creative, and make it tough—this vi- rus is not fair.

劇透 -   :
Chemical procedures are partially effective against the vi-
rus, specifically targeting soft nanites that are affected by
the chemicals. Hard nanites are unaffected when working
with a level of chemical that will not kill the subject.

劇透 -   :
Medical procedures designed to extract nanites from the bloodstream won’t cure the condition, but they will pull some infected nanites from the target’s system that can be used to infect someone else or be studied in a lab. This will also decrease the Nanite Volume of the host by half (rounded up), to a minimum of 1.

劇透 -   :
Attacking the nanites with multiple treatments all at once will probably be the best way to find a potential cure or solid method of delaying the virus and slowing its progress. Maybe a spell with an Electricity (e) effect to stun the nanites in the system, alongside a chemi- cal treatment to destroy the organic nanites and some blood scrubbing to clear out the nanites that are tem- porarily disabled. It’s all a matter of trying to balance player enjoyment with the inevitability of CFD.
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-26, 周六 02:05:45 由 pangbai »
Somewhere, Someone, Screaming

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Re: 【LD】认知碎片障碍(CFD)病毒 与 标准CFD病毒 p198-p201
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-12-25, 周五 03:50:25 »
劇透 -   :
Head cases have a number of abilities that come with being infected. These abilities are not available to the base subject, only to the head case personality when it is in control of the body.

劇透 -   :
Head cases can boost any of their Physical Attributes through manipulation of their biochemistry using their nanites. Using Attribute Boost requires a Simple Ac- tion. The head case makes a Simple Nanite Volume roll. For each hit, the head case can increase any Physical Attribute by 1. These points can be distributed over separate attributes as the gamemaster desires, even on the same test. These boosts last for a number of rounds equal to the number of hits on the roll. After this time the head case suffers a number of boxes of Stun dam- age equal to the hits on the Nanite Volume roll.

劇透 -   :
Head cases can add their Nanite Volume attribute to any Toxin Resistance Test or Damage Resistance Test versus an illness or toxin.

即使物理CM被填满,脑病患仍能每轮进行一个简单 意志+纳米含量(2)检定以 保持清醒。他们仍能按照伤害溢出的标准规则受到物理伤害。脑病患同样能在眩晕CM被填满的情况保持清醒。脑病患进行简单 纳米含量检定,移除等同于成功数的眩晕伤害,效果持续等同于成功数的轮数。当效果结束时,脑病患所有之前移除的伤害都将会来,并且每进行一次检定额外加1。这意味着他们承受物理伤害(可能会死亡)并昏迷。
劇透 -   :
Head Cases can make a Simple Willpower + Nanite Volume (2) Test every Combat Round to stay conscious even when their Physical Condition Monitor is full. They >>  LOCKDOWN << NANITE TABLE NANOWARE/ GENEWARE NANITE VOLUME (CUMULATIVE) Nanohive + rating Nanite System + 1/2 rating Genetech 1 per 2 genetic modifications 200 GAME INFORMATION  >> can still take Physical damage and it follows standard rules for damage overflow. Head cases can also stay conscious when their Stun Condition Monitor is filled. The head case makes a Simple Nanite Volume roll and reduces their current Stun monitor by the number of hits on the roll. This effect lasts for a number of min- utes equal to the number of hits on the Nanite Volume roll. When the time expires, the head case gets all the removed damage back, plus 1 additional box for each test they have made. This means they suffer Physical damage (and possibly death) and pass out.
劇透 -   :
If the CFD virus is still fighting for control, the indig- enous personality resurfaces after the incident as the virus personality tries to recover from the trauma and massive use of energy from the nanites.
Somewhere, Someone, Screaming