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副标题: 让家里的火继续燃烧

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第二章(CHAPTER 2)
让家里的火继续燃烧(Keep the Home Fires Burning)
(“There is one front and one battle where everyone... will be privileged to remain in action  throughout this war. That front is right here at home, in our daily lives, and in our daily tasks.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt)
(World War Two, more than any war before it, is fought on two major fronts: the battlefront and the home front. This chapter looks at how the conflict impacts on jobs, living arrangements, food, fashion, and entertainment for those left at home, in order to give you an overall feel for the world in which Achtung! Cthulhu is rooted.)

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血液,汗水和眼泪(BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-02-19, 周三 23:33:10 »
血液,汗水和眼泪(BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS)
(Although the privations and horrors of the battlefront are many, life at home certainly isn’t always easy, and in some cases it is considerably more dangerous than being on the frontline. For many parts of the world, civilian fatalities far outnumber those suffered by the military. Besides the death toll caused by bombing, the blackout regulations in England and Germany lead to a huge increase in accidents, and you are far more likely to suffer an amputation as a result of an industrial accident whilst building war materiel than you are through being on the receiving end of them during combat.)

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当你工作时哨声响起(Whistle While You Work)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-02-19, 周三 23:34:10 »
当你工作时哨声响起(Whistle While You Work)
(America and Britain are still suffering from the global economic collapse caused by the Wall Street Crash as the spectre of another world war rears its ugly head, though war industries soon perform a miracle in virtually eradicating the high levels of unemployment in both countries. Germany, having endured its own share of economic woe, enters the war with full employment but severe shortages in key areas, such as mining and agriculture. Strike action is banned during the course of the war in Britain and America, but dangerous working conditions and unfair treatment lead to more strikes taking place than at any time during the 1930s. In other countries, such as Germany, the passive resistance measures of absenteeism and decreased production are preferred, as outright action leads to imprisonment or much, much worse. As well as carrying out their day jobs, workers are also expected to fulfil voluntary duties, such as air raid precaution activities, first aid provision, fire-watching, or fire-fighting.)
(Although conscription removes many young men from the workplace, not everyone is subject to it—certain professions are deemed so important to the war effort that male workers in them are protected from the compulsory call to arms. They are, however, free to volunteer. In Britain, for example, mining, manufacturing, and farming are amongst these reserved occupations, as is teaching for women. Skilled workers are often in short supply, forcing Germany to pass laws in the summer of 1942 to prevent companies from poaching the best craftsmen from one another.)

(You are far more likely to suffer an amputation as a result of an industrial accident... than you are during combat.)

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只有男性有工作?(JOBS FOR THE BOYS?)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-02-19, 周三 23:54:27 »
只有男性有工作?(JOBS FOR THE BOYS?)
(Before the war any woman with a job, once she weds (unless she is very poor), is expected to give up that job and become a housewife. The best she can hope for after marriage is to join some sort of voluntary organisation, like the Women’s Institute or the Associated Country Women of the World. The workplace is for single women only. But the role of women changes dramatically with the onset of the war, although some countries do everything in their power to suppress female emancipation.)
德国和维希法国都是赞成生育的政权,坚信妇女的家在家里,可以培养很多未来的模范公民,并为配偶保持一切清洁舒适。 至少,这是对漂亮的中产阶级女孩及过的更好的女孩是一个不错的看法:一旦男人参加战斗,贫穷的妇女将被剥削为农业工人或从事最肮脏,最危险的工作。
(Germany and Vichy France are both pro-natalist regimes, firmly believing that a woman’s place is at home raising lots of future model citizens and keeping everything clean and cosy for their spouse. At least, that’s the view for nice middle-class girls and their betters—poor women are there to be exploited as agricultural labourers or in the dirtiest, most dangerous jobs once the menfolk have joined the fighting.)
尽管战争一宣战,法国就动员妇女去工厂工作,但领导层的更迭带来了立法上的变化,使已婚妇女无法在丈夫能够供养的情况下工作。母亲节被改为国定假日,以进一步强调政府的政策。与英国、美国和德国的妇女不同,法国妇女甚至没有选举权,尽管戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)刚刚成立的政府原则上同意在1944年春季实行普选。
(Although women are mobilised for factory work in France as soon as war is declared, a change of leadership brings a change in legislation, preventing married women from working if their husbands can provide for them. Mother’s Day is turned into a national holiday to further underline the regime’s policies. French women do not even have the right to vote, unlike women in Britain, America, and Germany, although Charles de Gaulle’s fledgling government does agree in principle to the introduction of universal suffrage in the spring of 1944.)
(In Germany women’s employment falls dramatically at the beginning of the conflict, partly due to the generous allowances given to them if their husbands are serving in the military. Only when the tide of war turns against them does the German High Command insist on conscripting women into war work, though many use their influence and connections to either avoid service all together, or ensure a “cushy number” in a family business. The first serious attempt to train women for armament and aircraft production does not occur until December 1944. In Britain and America by this time almost half the workforce in any given aircraft factory is female, although women do have to receive union permission in Britain to work in trades from which they have previously been barred.)
(For the most part, Germany prefers to use slave labour rather than women for its war economy: not only is it cheaper, but there are fewer restrictions as to what the workers can and cannot be made to do, or on how long they are allowed to work. The French, in turn, are forced to repeal their women’s labour laws due to Germany’s ever growing demands for foreign workers.)
除了极少数的例外,无论在哪里辛苦工作的妇女,即使从事相同的工作,她们的工资也比男子低得多,工资通常低20%至40%。 但是,并非所有的女性都想工作:在某些情况下,结婚就更有利可图。 参加战争后,美国看到所谓的“婚配安妮”人数增加,精明和不道德的妇女即将退伍的士兵结婚,以便她们可以领取已婚生活津贴。 最有成就的安妮一次最多拥有六到七个丈夫。 有些人专门找飞行员结婚,他们在行动中被杀的可能性要高得多,这导致了一笔可观的补偿金,可以使他们终身受益。
(With very few exceptions, no matter where women toil, they are paid substantially less than men even when car-rying out the same jobs, with wages usually being between twenty and forty percent lower. Not all women want to work, though: in some cases, it is far more lucrative just to get mar-ried. After entering the war America sees a rise in so-called “Allotment Annies”, canny and unscrupulous women who hustle departing soldiers into matrimony so they can pocket their married living allowance. The most accomplished Annies have anything up to six or seven husbands at a time. Some even specialise in airmen, who have a much higher chance of being killed in action, leading to a large compen-sation payment that can set them up for life.)

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历史准确性与可玩性(Historical Accuracy versus Playability)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-02-19, 周三 23:55:26 »
历史准确性与可玩性(Historical Accuracy versus Playability)
(Whilst women are heavily discriminated against in certain countries during the war, and attitudes are seldom better in many of the more “enlightened” ones, they play a huge role in every theatre of the conflict, either directly in the various covert and resistance operations, or indirectly in essential support roles, taking risks equally as great as their male counterparts. They acquire a degree of freedom that most women have never experienced before, and are determined to fight to hold on to that liberty. In your own campaign, it is entirely up to you how historically accurate you want your female investigators’ occupations to be, and how heavily they become involved in frontline action.)
在处理美国的非裔美国人和其他少数族裔的待遇时,情况同样如此。 黑人部队与白人士兵隔离,限于某些角色,并禁止加入海军陆战队或空军军团。 1941年的一项行政命令宣布禁止在战争中的歧视,并扩大了允许的军事作用,从而创建了诸如塔斯基吉航空兵之类的单位。 但是,如果您不想在游戏中处理这种歧视,则将其删除。
(The same is equally true when it comes to handling the treatment of African-Americans and other ethnic minorities in the United States. Black troops are segregated from white soldiers, limited to certain roles, and forbidden to join the Marines or Air Corps. An executive order in 1941 outlaws discrimination in the war industry and widens the military roles permitted, leading to the creation of such units as the Tuskegee Airmen. But if you would rather not have to deal with this sort of discrimination in your game, then remove it.)

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家,甜蜜的家(Home Sweet Home)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-02-19, 周三 23:56:10 »
家,甜蜜的家(Home Sweet Home)
尽管战争期间流离失所的最常见原因是征募,但人们还有许多其他原因要离开家。 英国有一半的居民在战争期间迁徙,要么是由于工作原因,房屋被毁,要么是因为担心房屋被毁。 在整个战争中,成千上万的人被撤离,尽管大多数人在威胁未能实现或严重程度低于预期时返回。
(Although the commonest cause of displacement during the war is enlistment, there are many other reasons for people to leave home. Half of the inhabitants of Britain move during the war, either because of work commitments, because their housing is destroyed, or through fear that it might be. Many millions are evacuated in several waves throughout the war, although most return when the threat fails to materialise, or is much less severe than expected.)
(Subsidies are available in Germany from September 1940 to help parents pay for the cost of evacuating their children to rural areas, and in the summer of 1943, several million women, children, and old people are evacuated from the Ruhr Valley, Berlin, and other cities in Germany in response to Allied bombing raids.)
(In the event that you are bombed out, who do you turn to for help? In Britain, the Women’s Voluntary Service takes care of finding new accommodation, clothing, and food for the victims of air raids, as well as providing information on casualties and assisting the bereaved. In Germany, the Nazi Party is responsible for the rest centres where people first go for shelter, but finding new billets is the responsibility of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation and the National Socialist Women’s Association. Underused or vacant properties are seized from their owners to provide housing for the homeless.)
(The population movement in America is also spectacular, with over twelve million people moving out of state and thirteen million more moving within state to supply the growing need for war workers. Unfortunately, migration on this scale causes severe housing shortages in key areas, leading to high rents and discrimination, and occasionally sparking riots. A squalid shanty town grows up around Ford’s Willow Run plant, where one of the real-life inspirations for the world-famous Rosie the Riveter is employed, because there is simply nowhere else to live.)
(Mass migrations are not just limited to the free countries—in France, an exodus is triggered by the German invasion and occupation, leaving some towns and cities, like Reims and Lille, as virtual ghost towns. Later in the war, large numbers of French men also vanish into the countryside to avoid forced labour conscription, becoming réfractaires, a small number of whom form the foundations of the anti-Vichy outlaw organisation, the Maquis.)
(As their countries are invaded, those of many nationalities flee to Britain, including Poles, Belgians, and Norwegians. Considerable numbers join up to serve in the British forces, or form regiments of their own operating within the British military.)

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出于一片好心(With the Best of Intentions)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2020-02-19, 周三 23:56:50 »
出于一片好心(With the Best of Intentions)
(Early in the war, the Children’s Overseas Reception Board (CORB) plans to relocate thousands of British children to the safety of Commonwealth nations abroad. The first such shipment is that onboard the SS City of Benares, which sets off from Liverpool en route to Canada with a cargo of ninety child “seavacuees” on 13th September, 1940. The ship is sunk on 17th September by a U-boat torpedo, killing seventy-seven of the children. Many of the ship’s crew and the children’s adult chaperones are also killed. CORB’s activities are suspended soon afterwards, although individuals are still permitted to evacuate their children at their own risk.)

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2020-02-19, 周三 23:58:00 »
(One serious consequence of war is a change in the availability of consumer products; essential and non-essential alike. France, Britain, Germany, and America all enforce rationing during the conflict as a means of controlling supplies and prices, although the extent to which the different goods are rationed varies greatly. As with all rationing systems, the merchandise still has to be paid for so even if you have the necessary coupons, if you do not have the cash, you have to go without. Germany and Britain both begin rationing very early, with Germany introducing food rationing in August 1939. Britain’s first rationed item is petrol, with food rationing commencing in January 1940. In France, rationing begins in the summer of 1940 after the Fall of France, and in America in January 1942.)
(Heavily dependent on imports, Britain has to enforce rationing quickly to make the best of potentially limited resources, particularly in light of the Battle of the Atlantic. Food rationing is covered by a coupon system, and is carefully constructed to ensure the best possible nutritional value for the largest number of people. Although initially based on set weights and measures of certain foods, later in the war a points system is introduced, allowing families to vary what they buy to a limited degree. Families must register with a particular shop in order to use their coupons. A points system is also in place for items like new clothing, soap, and furniture.)
战争农业执行委员会(War Ag)还鼓励农民提高自己的能力,并在整个战争中大幅度提高生产力,以减少该国对进口食品的依赖。妇女协会在农村地区开设了保鲜中心,以腌制,保鲜,装瓶,并提供每种可以想象得到或想不到的食品。无论身处何地,在自由或被占领的领土上,生活在农村地区的人比获得城镇和城市的人遭受的痛苦要少,这是因为他们可以获得季节性和替代性食物,例如野味。
(The War Agricultural Executive Committee (War Ag) also encourages farmers to up their game and dramatically increase productivity throughout the war to reduce the country’s dependence on imported food. The Women’s Institute opens Preservation Centres in rural areas to pickle, preserve, bottle, and can every foodstuff imaginable, and quite a few that aren’t. Regardless of location, in free or occupied territory, those living in the countryside tend to suffer less than those in towns and cities, due to their access to seasonal and alternative food supplies, such as game.)
面包在英国没有配给,但面包师不允许新鲜出售。他们必须等待一天,以使面包不那么开胃,因此吃起来会更慢,从而有助于保护面粉供应。 在英国,美国和德国,都鼓励“胜利花园”计划以增加人们获取新鲜水果和蔬菜的机会,并将英国的所有剩余土地都用于此目的,包括皇家公园和伦敦塔的护城河。有趣的是,在此期间,由于该系统提高了较不富裕的饮食水平并遏制了富裕阶层的过剩生活,英国平民的健康状况大大改善。
(Bread is not rationed in Britain, although bakers are not allowed to sell it fresh. They must wait a day so that the bread is less appetising, and therefore will be eaten more slowly, thus helping to protect flour supplies. In Britain, America, and Germany, “victory gardens” are encouraged to increase access to fresh fruit and vegetables, with every spare bit of land in Britain being turned over to this purpose, including royal parks and the moat at the Tower of London. Interestingly, the health of Britain’s civilian population improves substantially during the period due to the system bringing up the standard of the less wealthy’s diet as well as curbing the excesses of the more well-to-do.)
德国的配给经验有时是混乱的。 阿道夫·希特勒的部队掠夺了他们入侵的国家,以回到家中养活自己和家人,但这不总是足够的。 战争开始时,由于征兵,德国农业遭受严重的劳动力短缺,又不愿招募女工,从而阻碍了收成。 与英国的配给制相比,这要复杂得多,根据其年龄和职业将平民分配到七个等级之一,而等级又决定了他们每天有权获得多少卡路里。
(Germany’s rationing experience is chaotic at times. Adolf Hitler’s troops plunder the nations they invade to feed themselves and their families back home, yet this still isn’t always enough. At the beginning of the war, German agriculture suffers from a serious labour shortfall due to conscription and a reluctance to draft women workers, hampering harvests. Far more complicated than the British rationing system, civilians are assigned to one of seven classes based on their age and occupation, which in turn determines how many calories a day they are entitled to.)
(Not only is there a national system, but there are also local ones caused by a lack of certain goods, such as potatoes, fresh vegetables, and fish, in certain areas. A points system exists for clothing, textiles, and shoes, but there is no additional points system for food. Ration coupons even have to be handed over in restaurants before you are allowed to eat. Winston Churchill’s British Restaurants, on the other hand, operate outside the rationing system, making their meals a welcome top-up for those that can afford them.)
(From the beginning of 1942, German restaurants are only permitted to serve “field kitchen” dishes on Mondays and Thursdays, and vegetarian dishes on Tuesdays and Fridays. Up until 1943 there is sufficient food, although the German people frequently describe their rations as “dreary”. As the war goes on there are greater difficulties in importing food, and unusual meats such as dog, fox, bear, and beaver are added to the list of foodstuffs legally permitted for human consumption.)
(The number of foreign labourers in the country increases as time passes making matters worse by significantly raising the number of mouths needing to be fed. However, whatever food is available always goes to German citizens first, often leaving the foreign workforce which the regime depends on for its war activities to starve to death. Despite the rationing system there are still haves and have-nots, with Party members having access to better resources than workers, and workers not always receiving their full allocations due to supply issues, leading to much bitterness. Despite all the provocations, the German people do not riot as they did in 1918, partly due to the regime’s overt use of terror and repression.)
由于德国的占领,法国的粮食短缺尤为残酷。 尽管每个公民都像德国同胞一样被分配到一个特定的阶级,但由于占领者帮助他们自己采摘农产品,而且由于强制执行外国劳工细节而使农业工人流失,粮食供应非常短缺。 食品排队很长,人们的耐心越来越薄,战斗经常爆发,导致统治军方采取惩罚性措施,往往会进一步限制食品供应。
(French food shortages are particularly brutal as a result of the country’s occupation. Although each citizen is assigned to a particular class like their German compatriots, food is in very short supply due to the occupiers helping themselves to the pick of the produce, and a loss of agricultural workers to enforced foreign labour details. Food queues are long and fights regularly break out as people’s patience wears thin, leading to punitive measures by the ruling military that tend to involve restricting food supplies even further.)
(The French, renowned for their love of food, suffer the indignity of being issued with leaflets warning against the dangers of eating stewed cat. Guinea pigs become very popular, although not as pets, in a determined attempt to maintain meat as part of the diet. Desperate for something, anything, to eat, urbanites take the train out to the countryside at weekends to hunt for food. From the autumn of 1941, the rural population is allowed to send care packages to their urban families to try and ease shortages, although any food in them often arrives in a far from edible state. The afternoon aperitif is banned as alcohol becomes scarce, and tobacco rations are slashed, further damaging morale. Britain, on the other hand, goes to great lengths to ensure that beer and cigarette supplies are maintained to avoid just such a problem.)

(Bartering returns everywhere as a  means of acquiring extra supplies without money or coupons.)

尽管在美国实行了定量配给,但这种配给的程度从来没有像欧洲那样大,配额通常确实非常慷慨。 随着农民的生产力大大提高,他们的生活变得越来越富裕,从而带来了生活水平的提高。 由于较高的工资和更长的工作时间,许多家庭的生活状况得到了改善,社会鸿沟开始缩小。 由于缺少店员,超市的数量急剧增加,货架高度降低,因此妇女可以自己拿货。
(Although rationing is introduced in America, it is never to the same extent as in Europe, with the allowances usually being very generous indeed. Farmers become much wealthier as they massively increase their productivity, leading to an accompanying improvement in their standard of living. Due to higher wages and longer hours, many households are better off, and the social divide begins to close. The number of supermarkets dramatically increases due to a shortage of store clerks, and shelf height decreases so that women can reach the goods for themselves.)

“从没想过政府会出手,出动资金来支持我们的‘piece’。 请注意,如果他们想让我们多吃土豆,补贴炸鱼薯条店肯定是一种办法。” —玛吉,伦敦,1940年9月
(“Never thought I’d see the Government putting their hands in their pockets to support our ‘piece’. Mind you, if they want us to eat more potatoes, subsidising fish’n’chip shops is certainly one way of doing it.” —Maggie, London, September 1940)
Piece: 手拿的食物,很容易在移动中吃,如面包和果酱、面包和人造黄油、鱼和薯条
(Piece: hand-held food that can easily be eaten on the move, such as bread and jam, bread and margarine, and fish and chips)

饮食不错(Good Grub)
(The trial scheme that leads to the establishment of the Community Feeding Centre programme begins in Britain in July 1940, providing diners with the option of a three course meal and hot drinks for a fixed price per course. Churchill demands that they be renamed “British Restaurants” in March 1941 as it sounds far less depressing and raises expectations of a good meal. They become very popular as the war progresses, and food is free for the first forty-eight hours to those who have been bombed out of their homes.)

“我看到党的信徒仍然在饱餐,而我们其他人却饿了。这对他们来说是一条规则,对我们来说是另一条规则,这很明显。 生活是艰难的,是的,但是元首一旦意识到他手下的白痴们管理国家有多么糟糕,他就会把一切都搞定。”
(“I see the Party faithful are still filling their bellies while the rest of us starve. It’s one rule for them and another for us, that much is clear. Life is difficult, yes, but the Führer will put everything right as soon as he realises how badly the idiots under him are running the country.”)
(—Matthias, Hamburg, 1943.)

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私下出售的(Under the Counter)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2020-02-20, 周四 00:00:00 »
当然,只要有需求,就会有人找到供给,在战时黑市很快就会繁荣起来。尽管黑市交易和牟取暴利在一些地方是违法的,而且可以处以非常严厉的刑罚,但许多人更关心的是生存,而不是道德上的顾忌,即使是在美国这样的口粮限制相对较轻的国家。在法国,犯罪者被称为BOF(bouf/Beurre,Oeuf,Fromage Beef/Butter,egons,Cheese),因为他们喜爱的商品。甚至连法国的小学生也参与了这一行动,他们囤积着国家供应的维生素饼干,并用它们来换取更可口的食品。
(Of course, wherever there is demand, someone will find a supply, with the black market soon flourishing under wartime conditions. Although black marketeering and profiteering are illegal and punishable in some places by very harsh sentences, many people are more concerned with survival than moral scruples, even in countries where ration restrictions are relatively light, such as America. In France, the perpetrators are known as BOF (Boeuf/Beurre, Oeuf, Fromage—Beef/ Butter, Eggs, Cheese) after their favoured merchandise. Even French schoolchildren are in on the act, hoarding their state-supplied vitamin biscuits and trading them for more appetising goodies.)
(In Britain, black market spivs specialise in petrol, sugar, and stolen ration books. In an attempt to prevent illicit sales of purloined military fuel, red dye is added to make it easily identifiable, although the spivs claim to have developed ways around this. The extra sugar rations allowed for beekeepers are briefly dyed green, but the resulting green honey is a little alarming, and the practice is soon stopped. The arrival of American GIs on British shores with their comparatively enormous military rations also helps to ease shortages around their bases. Bartering returns everywhere as a means of acquiring extra supplies without money or coupons, and the fresh egg rapidly becomes a unit of currency, at least in Britain.)
(Crime flourishes during war: not only do most people turn a blind eye to the activities of the black marketeers, but it is also easier to commit criminal acts wherever there is a blackout in force. Looting from bombsites is a constant and widespread problem, even where the death penalty applies for those caught red-handed, as it does in Britain and Germany, although the sentence is never actually carried out in Britain.)
(Profiteering in other areas is also common. With the rise in war production, unscrupulous businessmen cut corners to maximise returns, either by faking the numbers working for them in order to receive larger subsidies, or by selling shoddy goods at premium prices. One of the worst cases is that of the National Bronze and Aluminum Foundry Company of Cleveland, who sell scrap metal as parts for fighter engines, with easily predicted but nevertheless unfortunate results.)

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任何老铁?(Any Old Iron?)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2020-02-20, 周四 00:02:36 »
任何老铁?(Any Old Iron?)
美国大兵(GI)这个单词是从邮寄在包裹中的装备而取的名字。在第一次世界大战期间,它代表“镀锌铁(Galvanised Iron)” ,但现在代表“美国大兵(Government Issue)”。
(The GI takes his name from the stamp on his kit. During World War One it stood for “Galvanised Iron”, but now represents “Government Issue”.)

(Not sure about the colour of these “eggs”, but they do make an interesting omelette, Just don’t tell Deadman)
(– Arthur Morris)