作者 主题: 【SG】奇物商人的日常 THE LIFE OF A TALISMONGER,P223~完本  (阅读 7651 次)

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离线 失语

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劇透 -   :
It is no exaggeration to say that talismongers are a magic user’s best friend. Talismongers provide access to reagents; reagents that runners would have to take time away from their runs to hunt down and collect themselves if talismongers were not available. Many urban shadowrunners would lack the skills, experience, and the proper gear to adequately undertake these excursions into remote and uninhabited parts of the world where some of the best reagents exist. In many hostile environments, if you don’t know precisely what you’re doing, your inexperience will get you killed.

劇透 -   :
Once the reagents have been gathered, suitable telesma have been acquired. With their broad knowledge of the arcane, talismongers undertake the complicated enchanting process to combine all these elements and turn them into powerful foci and alchemical preparations of all varieties. These can be invaluable to your typical shadowrunner at the street level, particularly when a runner team is going up against a potent magic-based threat such as a corporate wage mage or a toxic shaman who may have their own foci and other magical gear. In short, a quality talismonger can turn any magic-using slot with a small amount of talent into an elite, magic-using shadowrunner over time. This is an asset that no magician or adept should ever be without. Talismongers’ services can, and very often do, keep a magic user alive, even when the rest of the world may want him dead.

> 奇物商人:魔法界的掮客。他们不仅能附魔法器,还拥有自己的关系网来获取难以获得的试剂,经常通过以物换物和利用人情关系来交换彼此需要的物品。很多时候,这些已建立的关系网将会节省奇物商人的时间和精力。当你认识的关系网中另一位奇物商人有多余的试剂可以卖给你,或者他们恰好需要你用于交换的东西时,你为什么还要自己去收集试剂呢?大多数奇物贩子也是走私者和偷猎者最好的朋友,他们总能把一些非法货物绕过海关。很多时候,奇物商人会扮演约翰逊的角色,雇佣狂奔者帮助他们获得他们自己无法获得的物品。同时,他们也需要狂奔者来保护自身的安全,以避免在野外被认为是容易打劫的猎物。
> 宝石(Stone)
劇透 -   :
> Talismongers: the magic fixers of the world. Not only do they enchant foci, but they run their own networks for obtaining hard-to-get reagents, often times bartering and leveraging favors for the items they need among each other. Many times, these established networks will save talismongers time and effort. Why go out and harvest the reagents yourself, when another talismonger you know in the network has extra reagents they can sell you, or trade you for something you have that they need? Most talismongers are also best friends with smugglers and poachers, often to be able to bypass customs with some of their less-than-legal acquisitions. And many times, talismongers will act as Johnsons, hiring runners to help them obtain the items that they can’t obtain on their own. And also, they need runners to keep them safe from other talismongers out in the wild that might see them as easy prey for robbery.   
> Stone

> 所以,如何分别奇物贩子和奇物私贩的区别?
> 孤骑(Lone Rider)
劇透 -   :
> So, how does that make talismongers any different from talisleggers?
> Lone Rider

> 奇物商人合法,虽然我们偶尔会为他们的客户提供一些非法物品,但一般来说,他们收集的材料会遵循各国政府对他们施加的绝大多数法律限制。这意味着运输合法许可和试剂收集许可。奇物商人也(或多或少)遵循奇物联合会(United Talismongers Association)制定的奇物销售准则。所以,如果UTA说,“嘿,这很危险,你不应该这么做”,奇物商人就会通常遵循这种做法。或者,如果信息是“嘿,这种动物濒临灭绝,不要捕猎它”,一位有信誉的奇物商人就会听取这一建议,或者至少负责地不猎杀怀孕的雌性超自然生物样本。奇物私贩基本上就对当局说“操你妈的”,并且会为了利益做任何他们想做的事。此外,奇物商人往往独立工作,或者们为某人,为某个合法的组织工作,比如UTA隶属的魔法组织。奇物私贩则相对的倾向于组织地进行犯罪工作。
> 莱兰(Lyran)
劇透 -   :
> Legitimate talismongers, although we will bend the rules on occasion to acquire some illegal stuff for their clients, will, as a general rule, follow the vast majority of legal restrictions for the materials they collect imposed on them by the various governments. This means carrying legal-ish permits and licenses for gathering reagents. Talismongers also (more or less) adhere typically to the talismongering guidelines as laid out by the United Talismongers Association. So if the UTA says, “Hey, this is dangerous and you should not do it,” a talismonger frequently follows that practice. Or if the message is “Hey, this animal is near extinction, don’t hunt it,” a reputable talismonger heeds that advisory, or at the very least acts responsibly by not hunting and killing pregnant female specimens of the paranormal critter. A talislegger basically says “fuck you” to the authorities and will do anything and everything they want for a profit. Also, talismongers tend to be more independent, or if they work for someone, they work for a legitimate organization such as an UTAaffiliated magic group. Talisleggers, on the other hand, tend to work for organized crime.
> Lyran

> 比如你和科萨里(Koshari)?
> 麻烦(Ma’fan)
劇透 -   :
> Like you and the Koshari?
> Ma’fan

> 不一样。他们是我的客户,不是我的雇主。我还被雇用为极道和三合会工作。我是中立人士,我走自己的路。
> 莱兰
劇透 -   :
> That’s different. They’re a client, not my employer. I have also been contracted to do jobs for the Yakuza and the Triads. I am independent, and I follow my own path. 
> Lyran

> 你可以将“不使用龙试剂”添加到合法奇物商人不会再做的事件列表中,并且理由充分。似乎参与这种行业的绝大多数奇物商人如今已不再营业。
> 吉米No(Jimmy No)
劇透 -   :
> You can add the “not using dragon reagents” to the list of things that legitimate talismongers will not do any more, and for good reason. Seeing as though a vast majority of talismongers that participated in that practice are no longer in business today.
> Jimmy No

> 或是活着。
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
> Or alive.
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
Talismongers, because of the nature of their work, will work out of a physical shop. A talismonger needs tools, some place to store their reagents, and a proper work area to enchant (also commonly referred to as their magic lodge). This would typically be a storefront known as a lore shop, which most reputable talismongers prefer as it makes it easy for their clients to find them. Alternately this could be the back of a van or other type of vehicle, as some talismongers prefer to remain mobile and harder to find, while also keeping the location of their permanent magic lodge secret. It is a lot harder to steal from a mobile talismonger when you’re not sure where they’re ever going to be. You should not judge a talismonger based on how they conduct their business, however. Instead, you should judge talismongers based on the quality of their work as well as their street cred. Some talismongers do not engage in fine craftsmanship; choosing instead to mass produce foci, and turning anything and everything into a focus, from crappy cigarette lighters to ugly, cheap-ass rings that cost no more than twenty nuyen, with no sense of quality control or aesthetics. From my perspective, those crappy talismongers are no different than these megacorporate subsidiaries that approach talismongering and enchanting as a “onesize-fits-all” operation and lack any individuality, subtly, or soul in their work. Honestly, I fail to see how they can do their jobs without infusing even a small amount of passion and creativity into their work. Others, such as myself, are true artisans, and will spend a lot of time and effort getting the aesthetics perfect on a particular focus. We’re quite particular in what we will enchant and how we will enchant it. Talismongers like myself know no limits when it comes to our art. Craftsmanship is something we take great pride in, and we go to great lengths to satisfy the customer, no matter how far we must travel or what remote parts of the world we must visit to gather various unique reagents for the purpose of creating just the right custom focus for our customers. Even if it means tossing out our first or second attempts at enchanting a focus, we’ll do it, if only to make sure our art form is perfect and our reputations as true artisans are preserved.

劇透 -   :
So what does it take to be a talismonger? It really depends on who you ask. I would say the first and foremost quality of being a good talismonger is possessing a fundamental knowledge of alchemy, herbalism, metallurgy, geology, geography, and of course thaumaturgy. You have to be able to identify which herbs, plants, metals, gems, and paranormal critters are good for enchanting and which ones possess the highest-grade qualities for enchanting purposes. You also need to know how to determine whether a specimen is of good quality or whether it has become tainted by environmental factors and is unusable. A good talismonger is always looking for ways to perfect their techniques and will frequently barter and haggle with other talismongers for tips on how to refine their enchanting process. In remote areas, such as in South America and Africa, there is a lot more fluidity with governmental forces. One day, you may be working with one government, and in the next, you have a different government with new rules breathing down your neck. You need to be adaptable to change. This also means there could be new government officials to bribe. So keeping up with current events in geo-political hot spots is also crucial for the success and the longterm survival of a talismonger.

> 确保你有可以用来行贿的物品——这和你的枪支弹药一样重要。在偏远地区,士兵不会对你的信用棒和电子账户感兴趣。这些东西在无线连接受限的地方毫无用处。相反,他们会对宝石、白银、黄金或其他贵重商品感兴趣。在许多第三世界国家,准备好把你收获的大约15%的试剂以贿赂的形式收买这些投机取巧的王八蛋。
> 旅行者琼斯(Traveler Jones)
劇透 -   :
> Making sure you have goods you set aside to use in bribes— it’s just as important as having ammunition for your guns. In remote areas, soldiers are not going to be interested in your cred sticks and electronic accounts. Those things are useless in places where wireless connectivity is limited. Instead, they’ll be interested in gemstones, silver, gold, or other valuable commodities. In many third-world spots, be prepared to lose approximately fifteen percent of the reagents that you harvest to these opportunistic sons of bitches in the form of bribes.
> Traveler Jones

> 是的,这就是为什么当我遇到糟糕的试剂时,我仍然会去收集它们的原因。那些我用不到但看起来价值不菲的东西,我就把它们留给外行人。对我没有价值的东西可能对他们有价值。最棒的是他们可能永远都不会知道其中的区别。
> 莱兰
劇透 -   :
> Yes, this is why I will still harvest crappy reagents when I come across them. The things that I can’t use but still look like they are worth a lot of nuyen, I will pass off to the uninitiated. What’s not valuable to me might be valuable to them. And the best thing about it is they probably will never know the difference.
> Lyran

劇透 -   :
The best places to visit for harvesting reagents tend to be remote locations that are difficult to access and less likely to have been impacted negatively by metahuman contact. Amazonia is perhaps one of the best locations for finding pristine specimens of fauna and paranormal critters for your enchanting needs, particularly in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest. However, with Aztlan’s encroachment into the northern parts of the rainforest, you need to stay away from the northern areas where Aztlan has moved in since the Azt-Am War, as the Azzies are not treating the area gently. Also remember that there are many dangers to be found in the Awakened rainforest, including carnivorous trees (which can provide powerful reagents if they don’t kill you first), the ghost cartels, deadly insects, and venomous paranormal critters, some of which have yet to be classified by today’s science. Africa continues to be another popular spot for reagent gathering. But again, rapid urbanization of wilderness areas, irresponsible poaching, and strip mining operations continue to whittle away at sources of radical-quality reagents. Asia also suffers similar problems, particularly with the rapid loss or wilderness.

劇透 -   :
One part of the world that does not suffer as much metahuman intrusion is Australia. With all the wild magic, mana storms, and highly venomous Awakened paranormal critters, Australia’s outback is one of the best places in the world to harvest untainted reagents. In North America, there are still a few locations that are ideal for harvesting reagents. Mount Shasta, despite being devastated by the events surrounding the climax of the Great Dragon Civil War, still has locations that are ideal for talismongering. The Mohave Desert is also known for its exemplary reagents. The main drawback, besides the unbearable temperatures during the summer months, is you might just have to endear hostile spirits, resulting in many talismongering expeditions disappearing into the desert and never being seen again. And the NAN nations, particularly the Sioux Nation and the Pueblo Corporate Council, have territory that has been protected from metahuman abuse, making them ripe for reagent hunting. The downside of these locations should be obvious: these lands are generally restricted, meaning only talismongers belonging to the tribes that are native to those nations can enter. Even then, there are tight restrictions on what they can and cannot harvest. Talismongers from outside find it difficult at best to work in these areas without overtly breaking the law. Many talismongers find that they have no choice but to break the law to make a living in these areas, even if they would prefer to remain law-abiding.

> 是的,奇物商人的日子不好过。他们不仅要担心政府和与做好本职工作有关的所有危险,还要担心犯罪集团。有些人会因为你争夺他们的资源而直接杀了你。那些不这样做的公司会试图恐吓你,让你放弃一部分试剂,以换取继续经营下去的权力。许多人会屈服于这些敲诈勒索的要求,因为活着总比死了好。
> 强制退出(Hard Exit)
劇透 -   :
> Yes, talismongers have it rough. Not only do they have to worry about governments and all the dangers associated with doing their jobs properly, they also have to worry about the criminal syndicates. Some will just try and kill you outright for competing for their resources. Those that don’t will try to intimidate you into giving up a share of your reagents for the privilege of staying in business. And many will give in to those shakedown demands, ’cause it’s better to be alive than dead.
> Hard Exit

劇透 -   :
Talismongering has become much more complicated thanks to the dragons. Talismongers typically have locations that they have staked out and have claimed as their own territory for prime reagent harvesting. Due to prime specimens of reagents being so hard to come by, talismongers are very protective of the areas that produce decent reagents. Independent talismongers regularly hire runners to help defend their turf. Talisleggers wil generally have the muscle of the syndicate they are working for to keep rival operations out of their way, in order to protect syndicate profits. Don’t expect a rival talismonger to be willing to negotiate for rights to use the land. Your intrusion into their territory threatens their livelihood, and they are more than likely willing to take you out than share their turf.

劇透 -   :
When the dragons extracted their vengeance on the talismonger population for using dragon reagents, they shook up the balance of power within the talismonger community. Many of these optimal locations that were previously claimed by veteran talismongers have since gone abandoned. Ever since the conclusion of the Great Dragon Civil War, there have been power grabs by talismongers and talisleggers over this newly unclaimed territory all around the world, while criminal syndicates have been trying to shore up the operations they have already established and take over areas where rival operations were devastated by the dragons’ intervention. So far, the fighting over land use has been bloody. The shifting territories have yet to be resolved, and each day new talismongers are looking to use the chaos to muscle in on the more lucrative territories. If you intend to make talismongering your life, you better watch your back. There’s going to people gunning for it, trying to get their hands on the same reagents that you’ll be looking for. Life for a talismonger will remain tough for the foreseeable future, until a new pecking order amongst the talismonger community is all sorted out.
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-31, 周四 17:03:14 由 阿飘 »

离线 失语

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-07-31, 周三 12:51:24 »

劇透 -   :
Outside factors, including background counts, emotions, and environmental destruction are well known to influence the conditions of reagents. And so, too, when a talismonger is crafting a focus, emotions that a talismonger invest in the enchanting process can either make things easier to create a focus—or more difficult. Crafting a focus as a work of art, and infusing it with creativity and passion, is one way talismongers can influence the enchanting process and make it easier. Prior to making the Enchanting Test, a talismonger may elect to make an Artisan + Intuition [Mental] (5, 1 Day) Extended Test. Net hits represent the creativity and the passion the talismonger is infusing into his work. If a mystic adept has an adept power that can influence their creativity, such as Pied Piper, they may choose to use that power and make that test instead. The character may only make this test if the focus they are constructing is being individually made and is not being mass produced. Taking one’s time to craft a focus instead of merely assembling one requires an investment of time. The character decides how much time they have put into crafting the focus, with a minimum time being 1 day. Some talismongers will take several days working on one focus, much like a sculptor or painter does on their art forms, while others take weeks and some take months to add artistic flourishes to their work, from engravings and inlaid jewels to elegant drawings. Some very rare talismongers sometimes takes a year or longer crafting the telesma before making the final Enchantment Test. The net hits from the Artisan Test are then used as bonus dice for the Enchanting Test, in addition to any enchanting focus they may be using.  The maximum amount of bonus dice that can come from this process equals the ranks in the skill used as part of the Extended Test.

劇透 -   :
Alternatively, negative emotions can have a detrimental impact on the design of a focus. If the character is mentally distracted or is emotionally distraught in some way while they are making an enchantment, the gamemaster make call for a Composure Test (p. 152, SR5) with a threshold of 2, higher if the emotions involved are especially intense. A successful test allows the character to keep their emotions in check while they are designing a focus. A failure imposes a –2 dice pool modifier to the final Enchanting Test, and a glitch means a –4 dice pool modifier. A critical glitch causes the character to make a critical mistake, which ruins the entire enchantment and wastes the reagents. 


劇透 -   :
In the Museum of Sioux History in Cheyenne lies a combat knife used during the Native American Nations’ battle for independence against the United States Government. According to historians, this combat knife is among the first weapon focuses used during that conflict, and it is believed to have belonged to War Chief Ossiolachiih from the Muscogee tribe. The blade was used for sixteen confirmed kills of United States military personnel during that conflict. What is interesting about this combat focus, beyond its historical significance, is the fact that after nearly sixty years, the enchantment on the weapon focus retains a significant amount of its power nearly sixty years later. Typically in those early years, enchanting was very rudimentary, and enchantments rarely survived past ten years. The quality of this enchantment speaks to the talent and skill of Ossiolachiih as a master enchanter. The Museum of Sioux History also holds three other weapon foci recovered from that conflict: a tomahawk and two combat axes, all of which have had their enchantments break over time. Currently there is a great demand from collectors looking to acquire artifacts from that era. At various battle sites within the Native American Nations, valuable relics may remain, waiting to be unearthed by the right hunter. However, many battle sites from that conflict are off limits to outsiders, and anyone who violates these tribal laws could end up serving lengthy prison time. Some see the risk worth it for hunting these historical relics, and for the nuyen they can net. Examination of War Chief Ossiolachiih’s combat knife suggests that it was likely a very powerful focus in its day, but has lost perhaps half of its potency.
« 上次编辑: 2019-07-31, 周三 15:17:45 由 失语 »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-08-01, 周四 19:11:40 »

劇透 -   :
The enchanting process is a delicate one. Any number of variables can enter the process at any step, causing unintended flaws in the product and perhaps ruining cause the focus. It is because of this the United Talismongers Association recommends that when a talismonger is collecting materials, they should only use properly prepared tools in gathering reagents. The UTA has approved the sell of a cleanser that, using an industry-recognized process, can eliminate a vast amount of impurities from a talismonger’s tools (ranging from chisels, pickaxes, scalpels, and knives to melee weapons, which are handy if you’re collecting pelts of paranormal critters), and prevent cross-contamination between reagents. The last thing you would want, for example, is for flecks of dried blood from the pelt of a phoenix from your last kill to end up on the pelt of a horned bear that you just collected. Or a trace amount of diamond dust ending up in an enchanting that does not need it. It may seem like minimal contamination, but it would not be a minor detail later if the focus’ enchantment breaks due to the adulteration of the two materials. This is perhaps the easiest part of a talismongers’ jobs—keeping their tools immaculately clean and ready for the next batch of reagents. Unfortunately, I know of too many talismongers who are lazy or who overlook this step, risking contamination for the sake of expediency. They claim it makes no discernible difference in their work, but I can tell you there is a significant difference in the way the focus is constructed and how well crafted (or shoddy) that enchantment is. There have been stories of enchantments randomly shattering on a runner because of how it was made. So if you are looking to be a talismonger and excel in this field, learn to do the right thing at the start of your career, practice proper habits and keep your tools and workspace clean. It may save you a lot of wasted reagents later on. And if you are a runner looking for a talismonger, always pay attention to the street rep of a talismonger. Just like there are shady fences out there who will sell you modeling clay for explosives, so too are there shady talismongers out there that will cut corners to increase their profit margins.

劇透 -   :
Keep in mind talismongering is never as easy or as glamorous as the trid movies make it out to be, especially when it comes to gathering reagents. You don’t just go out to a remote area and spend time looking around on the astral. You have to actively search for them. This means hiking, climbing, sifting and panning rivers, tracking, and digging. This is often tedious and grueling work. Depending on the kind of reagents you are looking for, you could easily spend weeks, if not months, outside of modern civilization. Trust me, the lifestyle is not for everyone. Living inside tents, wearing bulky or burdensome environmental suits, being filthy without the possibility of hot showers for weeks on end, living off of pre-packaged, dehydrated food, encountering exotic diseases that make your life a living hell, and living in extreme temperatures without hardly any modern conveniences are all things that talismongers have come to expect in their line of work. This on top of the risk of always stumbling into dangers that are not natural, but instead, are metahuman-caused. Minefields are the most common threat in my line of work, but so are chemical spills that someone “forgot” to report, as well as radioactive hot spots and toxic waste spills that have been covered up.

劇透 -   :
If the living conditions and dangers were not enough to discourage you from the lifestyle, you might want to consider the frustration that comes from the realization that not all specimens of reagents share a uniform quality. You could be stuck in the middle of nowhere, chasing a vein of gold to mine, only to find that the vein of gold you finally stumble upon has been contaminated by a chemical spill from MCT, and any gold you unearth will be unusable to you, as the gold no longer contains any trace of magic potential. Or you could wind up spending all your time looking for a paranormal critter specimen when it turns out that it has become mutated or turned toxic by its environment. There is nothing more frustrating than having to start your search all over again when you invested dozens of hours or more on your current search, only to find out that the pot of gold you have been chasing is nothing more than a cauldron of toxic sludge. But that is a reality of today’s talismongers: you encounter failure and more failure before you finally strike success. 

劇透 -   :
Experienced talismongers have come to accept there are variations in the quality of reagents. Besides those that have been contaminated to the point of being worthless, there are other reagents that have been severely damaged but can still be used with a lot of effort. Other specimens are only moderately damaged and can be used with less effort; usually these are considered to be “inferior” specimens. And there are still others that are only considered “subpar,” meaning they only have moderate imperfections due to various health and environmental factors. If you are lucky, you will stumble across what are called baseline specimens. These are the specimens which are meant to be the normal expressions of the species. In my opinion, the lowest grade of reagents you should ever consider using for enchanting are your baseline specimens. Anything else and you risk ruining the focus by interjecting flaws into the enchantment process. The flaws from these poor specimens can still carry over to the finished product even after the reagents have been turned into refined or radical reagents. Also, the more damaged the specimen of reagent is from various environmental factors, the less you can harvest to use for your enchantments. A vein of silver containing ten drams of material might only be able to produce six drams if it is considered to be of inferior quality. If the severity of the contamination exceeds the amount of drams a source of reagents can produce, than nothing can be harvested and you have wasted your time. So it is more worth your time seeking out higher quality reagents and to get more for your effort than settling for subpar materials.

劇透 -   :
If you are prepared to spend a lot more time hunting reagents, it is possible to gather reagents from superior and prime specimens of plant, mineral, or animal life. These specimens are extraordinarily hard to come by in this age of ground, water, and air contamination, so if you have your heart set on acquiring these types of reagents, be prepared to spend even longer periods of time hunting for them. However, the qualities of these superior and prime specimens allow for a higher quality of focus to be made, and will allow the enchantment on the focus to last much longer. This is why I generally stick to using superior and prime specimens for my reagents, and choosing to only use baseline-grade reagents when I absolutely have to. The location where you harvest is key to your success at locating superior and prime specimens. If you are harvesting in places like Amazonia, you have a much greater chance of locating superior and prime specimens that have not been tainted by pollution or toxins. However, if you try talismongering in places like Aztlan, which still has a problem of excessive mana warps, or Tsimshian, which has become the poster child for toxic waste dumps the world over, all you’re going to find are severely tainted and unusable reagents. This is why finding a good place to harvest and protecting it from other talismongers and talisleggers is key to your success.

劇透 -   :
As a talismonger, it is also important to keep in mind that the methods you use to gather reagents can impact the quality of the specimen of reagent, particularly with paranormal critters. The way you choose to collect animal pelts may either be neutral and does minimal damage to the pelt, or can be recklessly applied and cause severe harm to the pelt of the creature that it actually degrades its quality. Talismongers early on realized that shooting an animal up with bullets is a bad thing, as there’s a chance of contaminating the pelt with metallic and gunpowder residue that can fuck with the enchantment process. Not to mention that gunshot wounds inflict traumatic damage on the body of a paranormal critter, causing you to lose potential drams of reagents. To minimize damage to a specimen, the UTA recommends using a basic bow and arrow if you are hunting an animal at a distance. Both the bow and the arrow should be properly treated and prepared using the approved UTA cleanser to avoid contamination of the specimen from foreign particulates. Using tranquilizers and other drugs on a specimen also has a negative reaction on the specimen and degrades its quality. Combat spells cast on paranormal critters have been known to adversely affect reagents that are harvested from their bodies. If you cannot use a bow and arrow, the next best thing to collecting material is engaging the paranormal critter in melee combat with a treated melee weapon. Any other method risks damaging the pelt, and risk damaging the reagents you are looking to preserve.
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-31, 周四 17:08:55 由 阿飘 »

离线 失语

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  • 帖子数: 971
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-08-01, 周四 19:17:04 »

劇透 -   :
Anyone who is a history buff and is familiar with the events of the Second Matrix Crash may have heard of Gungnir. Gungnir was the weapon focus belonging to the Winternight cult leader known as Wednesday. Wednesday used a number of foci during his day, but none were as well known or as visible to his movement as Gungnir, a weapon focus, enchanted into the form of a spear. No one truly knew how powerful this weapon focus was, as Wednesday kept it masked most of the time. Reports and rumors suggested it was quite powerful, possibly a Force 12 weapon focus. When Europol captured Wednesday, they learned that it was a Force 8 weapon focus, decorated with Norse runes and inscribed in gold lettering. Europol also confirmed that it was a toxic weapon focus. For nearly a decade, it was left in an evidence locker room. In 2073, when someone went to destroy the weapon focus, Europol learned that the spear had vanished. They still have no idea when it disappeared. They believe that remaining Winternight cells or other, newer neo-Winternight groups, may have been responsible for its theft. Its location is still a mystery. There is a 25,000 nuyen bounty on its recovery, as well as the capture of anyone behind the theft. So far, there are still no good leads as to where this toxic weapon focus has gone.



劇透 -   :
Unusable       No reagent can be harvested from source
Tainted         –6 drams
 Inferior         –4 drams
Subpar          –2 drams
Baseline          No modifier, all drams that the source of material is capable of producing can be harvested
Superior          No modifier, all drams that the source of material is capable of producing can be harvested
Prime          No modifier, all drams that the source of material is capable of producing can be harvested
Superior and Prime specimens take less time to refine into refined and radical reagents. Reduce the time it takes to convert Superior reagents into refined and radical reagents by 25 percent (round up). Reduce the time it takes to convert Prime specimens into refined and radical reagents by 50 percent (round up).
An Assensing + Intuition [8, 10 minutes] Extended Test before the talismonger collects the reagents will inform him of the quality of specimen.


劇透 -   :
ITEM                AVAILABILITY       COST
Tool cleanser (15 uses)       10             50
For each tool a talismonger uses, they make an Artificing + Magic [4, 10 minutes] Extended Test to properly clean each tool and get it ready for harvesting reagents. If improperly cleaned tools are used to harvest reagents, roll 1D6; on a 1, the reagents have their quality downgraded by one line (e.g., going from baseline to subpar, or subpar to inferior). Tools that use lasers or produce flame to cut or melt reagents, or otherwise do not allow for cross contamination of reagents, do not need to go through this process.


劇透 -   :
Due to how reagents work, talismongers must take the person that they are building the focus for into consideration. This also includes their mentor spirit. During the enchantment process, if a talismonger uses at least one reagent that has a direct connection with the mentor spirit (or totem), such as the use of eagle feathers as reagents for a focus for a follower of the Eagle totem, the person buying that focus will find it easier to bond to that focus. In game terms, the character receives a –1 reduction to the Karma cost that the character has to pay to bond to that focus. If all reagents used for a focus are related to the individual’s mentor spirit, that reduction increases to a –2 to the bonding Karma cost. For example, if a talismonger constructs a focus for a follower of the sea totem and uses nothing but coral reef, naturally grown pearls, and conch shells as reagents, that bonus becomes a –2. This bonus is only available to individuals that have mentor spirits.

劇透 -   :
There is a price, however, for this Karma reduction. Using reagents that hold a connection to a mentor spirit gives the mentor spirit power over that focus. This typically is not a big deal, but should the follower upset the mentor spirit, in addition to taking away certain bonuses the follower receives for upsetting the mentor spirit, the mentor spirit could also turn off any focus where this connection was established and where the follower took advantage of this Karma reduction. If a follower chooses not to take the Karma cost reduction for bonding to the focus and chooses to pay full value, however, this connection is not established with the mentor spirit, which means the mentor spirit has no control over the focus.

劇透 -   :
Also, should the follower ever decide to change their beliefs and follow a different totem or mentor spirit, the connection with that mentor spirit is severed, and the focus becomes inert until the character spends the full Karma cost to re-bond to the focus— provided the character wants to re-bond to the focus that was basically dedicated to the purpose of their former totem. Bonding to an old focus that was dedicated to an old mentor spirit could be perceived by the current mentor spirit as a slight against them and could risk the anger of the new mentor spirit.


劇透 -   :
There are questions that persist as to whether a runner who wishes to use a higher rated focus than the one they currently using must purchase a brand new focus or if they can simply upgrade it. The truth is, foci can be upgraded under the right circumstances. The main restriction on upgrading any focus is that it must be done by the same talismonger who forged the focus in the first place. A focus cannot have the astral signatures of two talismongers interwoven into its tapestry. Attempting to do so automatically shatters the enchantment. This means that foci taken from other magicians and you do not know who enchanted them cannot be upgraded. Also, the focus must simply be upgraded to the same, stronger version of itself. It may not be repurposed as another type of focus. A power focus may not be upgraded to become a sustaining focus.

劇透 -   :
The talismonger will need to add regents to the enchantment equal to difference in karma costs for bonding the old focus and bonding the upgraded version. For example, if a character wishes to upgrade a Force 3 Spell focus to a Force 5 Spell focus, the talismonger will need to use 4 reagents to upgrade the focus (10 being the new cost for bonding the focus, 6 being the cost of bonding to the Force 3 focus). The talismonger will need to make another Enchanting Test to re-forge the focus. They may, if they so choose, make another Artisan + Intuition test to rework the aesthetics of the focus to incorporate the changes into its design. Because the character was only bonded to the previous version, they will only need to pay 4 Karma to fully bond with the upgraded focus.
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-16, 周三 08:27:53 由 失语 »