作者 主题: 【B&B】进阶生物技术规则 ADVANCED BIOTECH RULES p13-19  (阅读 9733 次)

副标题: 英雄不朽!


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劇透 -   :
The practice of medicine is extremely information-intensive, especially in the advanced and rapidly evolving scientific environment of the the Sixth World. Often success or failure hinges on a practitioner’s store of knowledge; that is, what she knows and how she applies that knowledge to a given clinical situation. For this reason, Knowledge Skills often play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of medical ailments.


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At the gamemaster’s discretion, a character can utilize a relevant knowledge skill to improve his chances on a particular Biotech test. Gamemasters are encouraged to use this option only for unusual situations or for dramatic effect. The character rolls the appropriate Knowledge Skill + Logic against a threshold determined by the gamemaster. Each hit at or above the threshold adds a +1 dice pool modifier to the subsequent Biotech test. The maximum number of bonus dice should not exceed the character’s Knowledge Skill.

又或者,角色可以尝试通过翻阅数字版医疗手册,查找医疗数据库或者矩阵搜索来寻找必要的信息。这种情况下,角色投一个查找数据+浏览延续检定(SR4A)/计算机+直觉检定(SR5)检定的阈值由矩阵搜索表(p. 230, SR4A/p. 241, SR5)决定。如果成功,角色得到和上文中相同的增益,最大加值数量有角色的数据搜索技能或浏览器程序等级(SR4A)/计算机技能等级(SR5)决定。在SR4A中,决定角色数据搜索的时间时,使用复杂动作(p. 230, SR4A)。

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Alternately, a character can attempt to obtain the necessary information by referencing a digital medical text, accessing a medical database or searching the Matrix. In this case, the character rolls a Data Search + Browse Extended Test in SR4A or Computer + Intuition Test in SR5 against a threshold determined by the gamemaster. See the Matrix Search Table (p. 230, SR4A, or p. 241, SR5) for threshold guidelines. If successful the character gains the same bonus detailed above. The maximum number of bonus dice should not exceed the character’s Data Search skill or Browse program rating, whichever is lower, in SR4A, or their Computer skill in SR5. Note that in SR4A, if the character is performing the Data Search during combat, he will need to expend Complex Actions as appropriate (p. 230, SR4A).


在下文中将会介绍角色们能在战斗轮中使用的医疗性生物技术动作。关于动作本身的规则请参照p. 146, SR4A, 或 p. 158, SR5.

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The following section briefly describes medically oriented actions characters might take during combat as part of the Action Phase. For more information about Actions see p. 146, SR4A, or p. 158, SR5.


 • 改变连接设备模式:角色能使用一个自由动作来开启,关闭,或改变某个设备的工作模式,只要他通过DNI直连或无线连接到该设备(p. 146, SR4A,/ p. 163, SR5).

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• Change linked device mode: A character may use a Free Action to activate, deactivate, or switch modes on a single device to which she is linked via direct neural interface or wireless link (p. 146, SR4A, or p. 163, SR5).


 • 施用速效贴或止血带:角色可以用一个简单动作施用速效贴,创伤贴,或特殊的止血材料如战地紧急止血带(见War!p.163)(译注:这是个4E的玩意)或静血止血带(见本书p.22)。
 • 安装体征检测器:在身上安装体征检测器是一个简单动作。
 • 快速检伤:角色可以使用一个简单动作来简略的调查一名伤员,这个动作类似于“仔细观察”(p. 147, SR4A,/p.165, SR5)。角色做一个急救+直觉(2)检定。如果成功,他会得知患者的大致状况(是死是活,濒死,重伤,等等)。根据GM的决定,净成功能提高这一动作获得的信息。要注意这个动作和正式的诊断检定不同。

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• Apply slap patch or dressing: A character may use a Simple Action to apply a slap patch, trauma patch, or specialized dressing such as an emergency field dressing (see p. 163, War!) or HemostatiX dressing (see Biotech Gear, p. 22).
 • Attach biomonitor: Attaching a biomonitor is a Simple Action.
 • Rapid assessment: A character may expend a Simple Action to briefly assess an injured character in a fashion similar to the Observe in Detail action (p. 147, SR4A, or p.165, SR5). The character makes a First Aid + Intuition (2) Test. If successful, he gains a general sense of the patient’s status (alive or dead, in distress, badly wounded, etc). At the gamemaster’s discretion, net hits may increase the quality or amount of information gained. Note that this is different than a formal Diagnosis Test.


 • 连接医疗箱/开始静脉注射:消耗一个复杂动作在患者身上链接所有那些被医疗箱用来救命的针头,电线,管子和传感器。具体信息参见本书 p.16 的急救箱构成。通常这也包括了施用静脉注射,使得角色可以用一个简单动作为患者注射药物。
 • 控制设备(指令):控制设备复杂动作可以用来远程遥控医疗箱或自动医生。详见SR4A p.229或SR5 p.238。

 • 诊断伤情/病情:在火线救护可选规则下,角色可以消耗一个复杂动作进行一个诊断检定。详见下文“诊断检定”,p.15

 • 制作应急医疗补给:缺乏所需的医疗补给的角色可以消耗一个复杂动作临时制作应急耗材,详见下文“临时医疗耗材”,p.18
 • 注射药物/毒素:注射药物或者毒素是一个复杂动作,除非患者已经被执行了上文中的连接医疗箱/开始静脉注射动作,这时它变成简单动作。
 • 治疗伤口:在火线救护可选规则下,进行一个治疗检定是一个复杂动作。详见下文“治疗检定”,p.15
 • 稳定伤势:在火线救护可选规则下,进行一个伤势稳定检定是一个复杂动作。详见下文“伤势稳定检定”,p.14
 • 在标准规则下,出于其他目的使用生物技术技能是一个复杂动作

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• Attach Medkit/Start IV: Applying all the leads, wires, tubes, and sensors required for autonomous operation of a medkit requires a Complex Action. See Components and Capabilities, p. 16 for further details. This routinely involves starting an IV, which allows the character to inject intravenous drugs or toxins as a Simple Action.
 • Control Device (Command): The Control Device Complex Action is used for remote operation of a medkit or autodoc. See p. 229, SR4A, or p. 238, SR5 for further details.
 • Diagnose Wounds/Illness: A character may perform a Diagnosis Test with a Complex Action as detailed in the Care Under Fire optional rules. See Diagnosis Tests, p. 15 for further details.
 • Improvise Medical Supplies: A character without proper medical supplies can expend a Complex Action to improvise as described in Improvised Medical Supplies (p 18).
 • Inject Drug/Toxin: Injection of an intravenous drug or toxin is a Complex Action unless the character has already performed the Attach Medkit/Start IV action detailed above, in which case it becomes a Simple Action.
 • Treat Wounds: Performing a Treatment Test requires a Complex Action as detailed in the Care Under Fire optional rules. See Treatment Tests, p. 15, for further details.
 • Stabilize Wound: Performing a Stabilization Test requires a Complex Action as detailed in the Care Under Fire optional rules. See Stabilization Tests, p. 14, for further details.
 • Use Biotech Skill: Use of a Biotech skill for any other purpose requires a Complex Action, per the standard rules.



劇透 -   :
Under ideal conditions, medical care is delivered following a logical sequence of steps. A sick or injured patient is first stabilized to prevent imminent death or progression of their disease. Next, a diagnosis is sought by means of physical exam, diagnostic testing, and research. Once the diagnosis is established, effective treatment can begin, which ultimately facilitates healing.
Of course, shadowrunners aren’t generally known for doing things under ideal conditions. Often a medic character will be charging into enemy fire and rendering aid under the least ideal conditions imaginable. Usually there isn’t enough time to definitively treat wounds in the midst of combat, and the medic is forced to temporarily stabilize his patient until he can get them to a safer environment.
The following optional rules introduce an alternate approach to wounds and healing designed to integrate a medic character into the action of Shadowrun’s combat system.


在基础的《暗影狂奔》规则中,伤害会在每次受到成功的攻击后累计(例外是角色的物理CM被填满后会在每(体质)轮后累计一格溢出伤害)。如果使用火线救护可选规则,除了轻微的伤害之外的所有伤口都会逐渐恶化,累计额外的伤害,直到伤口被一个成功的伤势稳定检定(见下文)稳定。这表示了外伤带来的各种生理学变化,比如失血,冲击,器官衰竭,等等等等。在此规则下,如果角色因为单次攻击承受了超过5点的物理伤害,这个伤口就会开始恶化,每(体质)战斗轮造成额外的一点伤害,这个恶化的过程类似溢出伤害的累计。伤势减值的规则不变,并且角色依然会在他的物理CM被填满之前保持意识(见SR4A p.162或SR5 p.100)。如果伤员的物理CM被填满,则伤口恶化伤害转为溢出伤害,若是没有加以稳定,最终会导致死亡。

劇透 -   :
Under the basic Shadowrun rules, damage accumulates in an incremental fashion with each successful attack (except in situations where a character exceeds his Physical Condition Monitor and begins to accrue Overflow Damage at a rate of 1 box per (Body) combat turns). When using the Care Under Fire optional rules, damage from all but the most minor wounds continues to progress, accumulating additional boxes of damage, until stabilized by means of a successful Stabilization Test, which is described below. This represents ongoing physiological changes associated with traumatic injuries such as blood loss, shock, failure of various organ systems, and so forth. With this rule, whenever a character takes 5 or more boxes of physical damage from a single attack, the damage continues to progress, adding 1 box every (Body) combat turns in a manner similar to Overflow. Wound modifiers accrue as normal and the character remains conscious until his Physical Condition Monitor is exceed (see rules on p. 162, SR4A, or p. 100, SR5). If the injured character’s Physical Condition Monitor is exceeded, the damage progression continues into Overflow, which will ultimately lead to the character’s death unless they are Stabilized.



劇透 -   :
Under the basic Shadowrun rules, Stabilization Tests are used to stop the accumulation of lethal Overflow damage in critically wounded characters. When using the Care Under Fire rules, Stabilization Tests also halt Damage Progression in similar fashion. In addition, Stabilization Tests can be used to negate the effects of Wound Modifiers, described below. This represents use of pain medications and stimulating combat drugs to get the injured character back on his feet and into the fight.

要想稳定一名受伤的狂奔者,施救的角色需要成功地进行一个急救+逻辑(阈值可变,复杂动作)延续检定。这个检定的阈值是伤者所累计的总物理伤害格数。这包括从之前受到的攻击中承受的所有伤害,以及在伤势稳定检定的过程中这些伤口带来的恶化伤害。在检定中,应用治疗调整值表(见p. 253, SR4A, 或 p. 208, SR5)。稳定重伤伤员的检定阈值还要加上伤员承受的溢出CM格数。如果伤员在伤势稳定前溢出CM超过体质,他就死了。

劇透 -   :
To stabilize an injured runner, the character rendering aid must succeed on a First Aid + Logic (variable, Complex Action) Extended Test. The threshold for this test is the total number of boxes of physical damage the injured character has accumulated. This includes any damage from prior injuries, as well as any progressive damage added while the Stabilization Test is underway. Apply any dice pool modifiers from the Healing Modifiers Table (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5). Stabilization of critically injured characters who have exceeded their Physical Condition Monitor is handled in the same way. Simply add any accumulated Overflow Damage to the total number of boxes for the purposes of calculating the threshold. If a critically injured character cannot be stabilized before his Overflow exceeds his Body, he dies.


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If, however, the Stabilization Test is successful, the injured character stops accumulating additional damage. The wounds stabilized in this way have not been healed, so no damage is removed from the character’s Condition Monitor. The injured character is still subject to any Wound Modifiers accrued, but each net success on the Stabilization test reduces the total wound modifiers by 1. The character rendering aid can chose to continue until all Wound Modifiers have been negated. The negation lasts for a number of hours equal to the First Aid skill rating of the character who performed the test. At the end of that period, wound modifiers return to their normal level based on the remaining amount of damage the character has.


劇透 -   :
Additionally, a Stabilization Test can be performed to negate wound modifiers for non-progressive damage, including Stun. The threshold for the Stabilization Test is equal to the total number of boxes on the injured character’s Condition Monitors (Including both Stun and Physical damage). Apply any appropriate dice pool modifiers from the Healing Modifiers Table (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5). Each net hit on this test reduces the total Wound Modifiers by 1; the character rendering aid can chose to continue until all Wound Modifiers have been negated.


当使用火线救护可选规则时,法师可以如常使用治疗法术治疗伤患(见下文治疗与魔法)或者使用“伤势稳定”魔法来稳定伤口恶化伤害和溢出伤害,(见. 208, SR4A,/p. 289, SR5)这会让伤势稳定魔法有一定的改变。首先,“伤势稳定”所需的强度应当至少为法术施放时伤者累积的恶化伤害和溢出伤害之和。法术的耗竭如常抵抗,但任何在维持法术直至生效的期间内伤者累积的伤害都会导致耗竭+1.法术的耗竭等于(伤者累积的溢出伤害+恶化伤害)/2,向上取整。为了是法术生效,它需要被维持伤者累积的恶化伤害和溢出伤害之和那么多个战斗轮。如果法术被成功施放,这个法术能阻止伤者受到更多的恶化或溢出伤害。施放法术时获得的净成功(译注:没有对抗哪来的净成功……就是成功吧)可以用于减少法术生效的基础时间,每点成功减少1战斗轮。

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When using the Care Under Fire optional rules, magicians can choose to treat damage using a Heal spell in the usual fashion (See Treatment and Magic below) or stabilize progressive damage using the Stabilize spell. This requires some modifications of the Stabilize spell (p. 208, SR4A, or p. 289, SR5). First, the spell’s Force must equal or exceed the total number of boxes the injured character has accrued by Damage Progression and Overflow when the spell starts. Drain is resisted after casting in the usual fashion, but any damage added while the spell is being sustained adds to the Drain and the length of time the spell must be sustained before it becomes permanent. The Drain Value of the spell is equal to (Progressive Damage + Overflow Damage) / 2, rounded up. In effect this means that the spell must be sustained a number of turns equal to the total boxes of Progressive Damage and Overflow Damage being stabilized. If successfully cast, the spell prevents the injured character from taking any further damage from Progression or Overflow. Net hits on the casting test reduce the time required by 1 Combat Turn each.
The Resist Pain spell can be used to reduce Damage Modifiers without modification.



劇透 -   :
When using Care Under Fire, the application of a trauma patch or administration of the drug crash (see New Drugs, Toxins, and Pathogens, p. 19) allows an injured character to make a Stabilization Test using their Body attribute at the end of each Combat Turn. If dosed by a medic character prior to rendering aid, the use of a trauma patch or crash adds the patient’s Body attribute to the medic’s dice pool for the subsequent Stabilization Test.


如果时间允许,医生可以仔细检查病患,以此得到关于伤势严重程度或存在疾病的宝贵信息。这通过一个诊断检定进行,它是一个医学+逻辑(可变,30分钟)延续检定(见 Augmentation p.125 译注:这是个四版书,别看了)。当使用火线救护可选规则时,诊断检定需要一个复杂动作,医生投他的医学+逻辑或者是急救+逻辑,阈值由GM决定,下面的诊断阈值表提供了在多种情况下决定这个检定阈值的建议。在这个检定中需要套用治疗调整值表(见p. 253, SR4A, 或 p. 208, SR5)中的适合的调整值。如果伤患配备了体征检测器,医生在这个检定中获得+1加值,不过这个加值不与医疗箱提供的加值叠加。

劇透 -   :
When time allows, a medic can gain valuable information by assessing his patient to determine the severity of any injuries or the extent of an illness. This is done by means of a Diagnostic Test (Extended Medicine + Logic [variable, 30 minutes]; see p. 125, Augmentation for more details). When using the Care Under Fire optional rules, the Diagnostic Test requires a Complex Action. The medic rolls his Medicine + Logic or First Aid + Logic against a threshold determined by the gamemaster. The Diagnosis Threshold Table gives suggestions for thresholds based on various conditions. Apply any appropriate dice pool modifiers from the Healing Modifiers Table (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5). If the injured character is fitted with a biomonitor, the medic gains an additional +1 dice pool bonus for this test, not compatible with the use of a medkit.



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If the Diagnostic Test is successful, the medic gains a +2 dice pool bonus to subsequent Stabilization or Treatment Tests. A glitch on the Diagnostic Test may indicate that the medic has missed an important detail or finding (reduce the dice pool bonus to +1 or 0), whereas a critical glitch may mean that the medic has misdiagnosed the patient altogether (–2 to subsequent Stabilization or Treatment tests).


在上述的常规诊断检定之外,觉醒的治疗者们可以通过魔法手段估算伤势和疾病的情况。这可以通过两种手段进行。首先,任何能够进行星界感知的魔法师都可以通过灵视伤者进行诊断,魔法师需要消耗一个复杂动作做一个灵视+直觉检定,阈值由GM根据上面的诊断检定阈值表决定。如果检定成功,他可以在后续稳定或治疗患者的所有魔法或凡俗的检定中获得+2加值。又或者,法师可以施放一个诊断伤势法术(见Street Magic p.123,五版法术将会很快出现),阈值用同样的方法决定。如果检定成功,魔法师也可以在后续稳定或治疗患者的所有魔法或凡俗的检定中获得+2加值。

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In addition to the conventional Diagnostic Test described above, Awakened healers can evaluate wounds and diagnosis illnesses by magical means. This can be done in one of two ways. First, any magician capable of Astral Perception can make a diagnosis by Assensing the injured character. The magician must expend a Complex Action to make an Assensing + Intuition Test with a threshold determined by the gamemaster using the guidelines described above. If successful, the magician gains the same +2 dice pool bonus for any subsequent magical or mundane attempts at Stabilization or Treatment. Alternately, a magician can successfully cast the Diagnose spell (p. 123, Street Magic; Fifth Edition version coming soon). Use the same guidelines to determine the threshold. If successfully cast, the magician gains the same +2 dice pool bonus for any subsequent magical or mundane attempts at Stabilization or Treatment.



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After stabilizing an injured character and diagnosing the nature and extent of their injuries, the medic can then turn his attention toward definitive treatment of the wounds. Usually this is done outside of combat whenever possible, but sometimes circumstances dictate otherwise.

如果你真的要在战斗中治疗伤口,你需要使用火线救护可选规则中的治疗检定。和伤势稳定坚定不同,成功的治疗检定会从角色的CM中移除伤害。进行治疗的角色需要在一个急救+逻辑(2)检定中获得成功,这一点和核心规则书中的描述相同(见p. 252, SR4A/p. 205, SR5)。标准规则在这里有如下的变化:首先,除非受伤角色已经在累计溢出伤害了,否则一个成功的治疗检定能同时稳定他的伤口,阻止其收到后续的伤口恶化伤害。如果受伤角色已经填满了他的物理CM,正在累计溢出伤害,那么还是会需要一个伤势稳定检定来阻止他收到后续的溢出伤害。第二,如果伤者的伤势在这之前业已稳定,治疗检定的每点净成功恢复伤者的2格CM。通过这种手段能投入治疗的最大净成功数不能超过治疗者的急救技能,或者使用的医疗箱的等级,取高者计算(见使用医疗箱和自动医生,p.17)。
在战斗之外使用医学技能协助伤者恢复依然遵循基础规则(p. 253, SR4A/p. 207, SR5)

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When attempting to treat wounds in combat, the optional Care Under Fire rules call for a Treatment Test. Unlike Stabilization, successful treatment of wounds removes damage from the injured character’s Condition Monitor. The character rendering aid must succeed in a First Aid + Logic (2) Test as described in the core rulebook (p. 252, SR4A, or p. 205, SR5). The standard rules apply with the following exceptions. First, unless the injured character has exceeded his Physical Condition Monitor, a successful Treatment Test will also stabilize him, halting any further Damage Progression. If the character has exceeded his Physical Condition Monitor and is accumulating Overflow Damage, a Stabilization Test is still required to halt the ongoing damage. Second, if the injured character has been previously stabilized, net hits on the Treatment Test reduce the damage by 2 boxes each. The maximum number of net hits that can be applied in this manner is equal to the medic’s First Aid skill or Medkit rating, whichever is higher (see Using Medkits and Autodocs, p. 17).
Use of the Medicine skill outside of combat to aid in healing is unchanged from the standard rules (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 207, SR5).



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Magical healing by means of the Heal spell is unchanged from the standard rules with one exception. Unless the injured character has exceeded his Physical Condition Monitor, a successfully cast Heal spell automatically stabilizes him, preventing any further damage from accumulating. If the character has exceeded his Physical Condition Monitor and is accumulating Overflow Damage, a Stabilization Test is still required.


因为医疗箱和自动医生在游戏中往往处于一个背景角色的地位,在《暗影狂奔》的基础规则,以及 Arsenal 和 Augmentation 扩展书中(译注:这两个都是4版书),和它们相关的规则都被相当的简化了。虽然基础规则假定医疗箱和自动医生的作用与特性都很相似,它们还是有许多不同的。下面的可选规则可以为想要更细致的游戏机制的GM和玩家提供更多的选项,他们也可以用作基础规则的澄清解释。

劇透 -   :
Since medkits and autodocs play only a background role in most games, the basic rules presented in Shadowrun core rulebook, along with Arsenal and Augmentation, are streamlined for simplicity and ease of use. Although the basic rules assume that all medkits and autodocs have similar features and capabilities, there are some important distinctions. The following optional rules are designed for gamemasters and players who want more detailed game mechanics; they can also serve to clarify the basic rules.


已经公开发表的《暗影狂奔》书目中提到了一系列的系统,用以在各种环境中提供全自动的医疗服务:医疗箱,自动医生,稳定单元,等等等等。它们全部都包含不同的医疗专家系统和/或计算机系统,用于分析医疗数据并指导对患者的照护。医疗专家系统基本上可以分为两类。一个是医疗箱,正如其名所示,是一个工具箱,装满了各种医疗补给和一个医疗专家系统。医疗箱可以在全自动运行的情况下执行一些有限的任务,比如监控患者的生理状态,施药,给予气体,等等,不过它们通常还是需要一个泛人类的操作者来做一些需要上手的工作。而自动医生则是另外一种情形,它是在一台运行的无人机平台上搭载的医疗专家系统,通常可以自行移动,一般也还装有为这些追加功能而设的机械付肢,这使得自动医生可以执行更大范围的实操任务,并且可以独立于泛人类操作员行动。零件车·自动医生(p. 350, SR4A),天演·秩序(p. 120, Arsenal)(译注:还是四版资源)以及瓦尔基里模块(p. 146, Arsenal,p.166 Rigger 5.0)就是自动医生的绝佳范例。

劇透 -   :
Published Shadowrun materials describe a number of systems that can deliver autonomous medical care using a variety of different terms: medkit, autodoc, stabilization unit, and more. All of these describe different medical expert systems and/or computers that analyze medical data and direct patient care. Medical expert systems generally fall into two categories. A medkit, as the name implies, is a kit that contains medical supplies as well as a medical expert system. Medkits can operate autonomously in a limited role by monitoring a patient’s biometric status, giving medications, administering gases, and more, but they often require a metahuman operator for hands-on tasks. An autodoc, on the other hand, is a medical expert system built on a more functional drone platform that is usually self-propelled and generally includes robotic appendages With these added features, an autodoc can perform a more robust range of hands-on tasks and is designed to function independently from a metahuman operator.  The Crash Cart Autodoc (p. 350, SR4A), Evo Orderly (p. 120, Arsenal) and Valkyrie module (p. 146, Arsenal) are all examples of autodocs.



劇透 -   :
Like almost every device in Shadowrun, medkits and autodocs have a wireless-enabled microcomputer that analyzes data and manages their various functions. All medkits and autodocs are loaded with medical content of varying complexity, ranging from basic drug databases and anatomy tutorials to complex diagnostic algorithms and step-by-step walkthroughs for simple surgical procedures. This content can be a resource for skilled users or a guide for the unskilled. It also functions as a fund of knowledge for the device itself when operating autonomously. In any of these situations, this data can be accessed using a Data Search + Logic Test (SR4A) or Computers + Logic (SR5) to augment any medical tests (Biotech, Knowledge Skills, and Data Search, p. 13), but the net hits on this test are limited to the rating of the device.


劇透 -   :
All medkits and autodocs function as drones with varying capacities for autonomous operation and rigger control. When using the advanced rules, assume that all medkits and autodocs have a Pilot Rating equal to their Device Rating unless otherwise stated. See Using Medkits and Autodocs below for more information about how the Pilot Rating comes into play. Generally speaking all autodocs are equipped with rigger adaptation, but this feature is only standard on higher-level medkits (Rating 4 and above). Lower-level medkits (Rating 3 and below) require after-market modification. This costs 250 nuyen and requires a Logic + Hardware (4, 2 hours) Extended Test.


劇透 -   :
As noted above, one important distinction between medkits and autodocs is their ability to perform procedural tasks such as placing IVs, dressing wounds, and performing simple surgeries. Generally speaking medkits cannot move under their own power and are not equipped with robotic arms. Unless a medkit is modified to include these features, it will function in a somewhat passive role (monitoring the patient’s biometrics, pushing drugs, etc.) and will require a metahuman user to perform crucial hands-on tasks (including the initial setup test described below). Conversely, autodocs have these capabilities by definition. As such, an autodoc can setup its own biomonitors, place IVs, apply slap patches, dress wounds, and even act as a skilled assistant (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5). Note an important exception to the above is the Valkyrie module, which cannot move under its own power but for all other intents and purposes acts as an autodoc installed in a vehicle.


劇透 -   :
Medkits and autodocs both use a preprogrammed Profession [First Aid/Medicine] autosoft when performing Biotech skill tests (p. 114, Unwired). When using these advanced rules, assume that the medkit or autodoc’s autosoft is equal to its Rating unless otherwise stated. These autosofts are designed to function similar to an activesoft or tutorsoft when guiding an unskilled user, but they do not grant the user an active skill in the same way an activesoft does.  The unskilled user is at the whim of the device’s medical expert system and must follow the instructions the device gives him in order to proceed to subsequent steps. Although similar in function, an autosoft designed for a medkit cannot be used for an autodoc, due to the functional differences noted above. For the most part this should not affect game play, but the gamemaster may require players to upgrade their autosoft when modifying a medkit—such as adding robotic arms, for example.

所有医疗箱和自动医生都装备有无线连接的体征检测器,它们会把它装在患者身上,用以收集患者的体征数据和生命信号。除了最基本型号的医疗箱之外(等级3及以上)的设备都拥有药物注射功能,同时配有呼吸罩以提供氧气或者其他气体。高等级的医疗箱同时还能做分析血液,呼吸,汗液和其他体液。要把所有这些探头,线缆,管道在患者身上安放到位需要花点时间,在游戏中这是一个逻辑+急救(4,复杂动作)检定。医疗箱或这自动医生也可以连接到患者身上已经佩戴好的/植入的医疗设备(体征检测器,自动注射器,等等),可以事先连接,也可以用一个登录动作或者进入/退出主机动作(p. 231, SR4A/p. 239, SR5)

劇透 -   :
All autodocs and medkits have a wireless biomontior, which is attached to the patient in order to collect data on the patient’s health status and vital signs. All but the simplest medkits (Rating 3 and higher) have intravenous infusion capabilities and most have a facemask for delivery of oxygen or other gases. Higher level medkits can also analyze blood, expired air, sweat, or other fluids. Attaching all the necessary leads, wires, and tubes to the patient takes time, which in game terms requires a medic to make a successful Logic + First Aid (4; 1 Complex Action) Extended Test.  Medkits and autodocs can also subscribe to a patient’s worn or implanted medical devices (biomonitors, autoinjectors, etc.) in advance or with a Log On or Enter/ Exit Host complex action (p. 231, SR4A, or p. 239, SR5).

医疗箱和自动医生中都实现存放有许多基本的医疗耗材,比如绷带,夹板,一次性针头,常备药,以及一套手术用具。耗材的品质和涵盖范围由医疗箱或者自动医生的等级决定,不过只要还有耗材,医疗箱或者自动医生就能抵消由于缺少医疗耗材导致的-3调整值(p. 253, SR4A/p. 208, SR5)。你也可以另购医疗耗材以补充医疗箱,或者单纯是为了提供给熟练的医护人员使用(见消耗医疗箱耗材,p.18)。

劇透 -   :
Both medkits and autodocs stock basic medical supplies such as bandages, splinting materials, disposable syringes, commonly used drugs, and a selection of surgical tools. The quality and versatility of these supplies is dependent on the medkit or autodoc’s rating, but any stocked medkit or autodoc will negate the –3 dice pool modifier for lacking medical supplies (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5). Medical tools and supplies can be purchased separately to restock a medkit or for independent use by a skilled metahuman medic (see Expending Medkit Supplies, pg. 18).


劇透 -   :
The Medkit Component Table gives examples of what one can expect to find in a given medkit or autodoc based on rating. Note that the higher a medkit’s rating, the more supplies it contains and the larger it is. The table also lists concealability modifiers for a given medkit rating, along with a more detailed optional cost structure for use with the advanced rules.

1耗材:绷带,胶带,剪刀,酒精或碘伏,口腔诊察器具 专家系统:基本药物数据库,解剖学指南,疾病百科大口袋(-2)100¥
2耗材:包括上述,夹板,一次性针头,数种注射剂,抗生素,手电,急救剪刀 专家系统:常见病综述,复杂药物数据库小腰包(-1)400¥
3耗材:包括上述,呼吸罩耗材,输液管,输液药物,氧气罩,保温毯 专家系统:简单诊断算法,医疗用计算器,疾病详述输液器具,呼吸罩大腰包(0)   900¥
4耗材:包括上述,基本手术用具,一系列的速效贴或自动注射器 专家系统:先进诊断算法,简易手术指南体液分析,机师界面小背包/小行李袋(+1)1600¥
5耗材:包括上述,注射用医疗纳米体,StatScan手持生理成像器 专家系统:在线矩阵支持,先进手术指南手持成像大背包/大行李袋(+2)2500¥
6耗材:包括上述,全套手术用具,无菌帘幕,麻醉瓦斯等 专家系统:专家矩阵支援(需订阅),手把手教导手术指南呼叫医疗马车救援(收费)超大行李袋(+3)3600¥



劇透 -   :
Medkits and autodocs can be used in different ways and function differently when used by a skilled medic versus an untrained layman. Most of the time, a medkit or autodoc will be used under direct control by a metahuman operator. In this situation the medkit or autodoc’s Rating acts as a positive dice pool modifier to the appropriate Biotech skill test. When used by a skilled operator, the medkit or autodoc presents the user with diagnostic algorithms, useful tips, and treatment suggestions based on an inventory of the available of supplies. When used by an unskilled operator, the medkit or autodoc enters a tutorial mode and presents the user with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions.


劇透 -   :
Note that under the basic Shadowrun rules, when a medkit is used by an unskilled operator the medkit’s Rating is substituted for the user’s Biotech skill, which prevents defaulting. Under the advanced rules, the medkit’s Rating acts only as a dice pool modifier and does not act as a substitute for the appropriate Biotech skill or prevent defaulting.

就像其他基于矩阵的设备,医疗箱和自动医生可以被远程遥控,不论是使用控制程序或者直接跳入。在远程控制的状态下,这种情况下,用户的逻辑属性被控制程序的等级或者设备的反应属性替代(译注:这个应该是四版规则,有人能解释一下吗?)。因为控制等级或者反应等级都无法直接替代逻辑,远程控制下的治疗检定都会因为可动性上的限制以及自动医生平台的限制受到影响。这样的远程控制时的检定会受到-2的减值(见p. 253, SR4A/p. 208, SR5,或Augmentation p. 125)。不过,自动医生或医疗箱的设备等级依然作为检定的骰池加值存在。

劇透 -   :
Like other Matrix-enabled devices, medkits and autodocs can also be controlled remotely by means of a Command program or through jumping in. During remote operation, the medic uses the appropriate Biotech skill, but his Logic attribute is replaced with the rating of his Command program (if using remote control) or the device’s Response rating (if jumping in). While Command and Response are not directly equivalent to Logic, effective medical treatment under remote operation is limited by the decreased maneuverability and versatility of the medkit or autodoc’s drone platform. Such remote operations are further subject to a –2 dice pool modifier as detailed in the core rulebook (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5) as well as in Augmentation (p. 125). However, the medkit or autodoc’s Rating is still added as a positive dice pool modifier to these tests.


劇透 -   :
All medkits and autodocs are also capable of autonomous operation to varying degrees. Under the basic Shadowrun rules, medkits use only their Rating to perform tests when operating autonomously. Under the advanced rules, however, medkits and autodocs both use their Pilot + Rating for Biotech skill tests. In this case their Rating represents their pre-programmed Profession [First Aid/Medicine] autosoft. The Medkit Dice Pools Table below shows the dice pools for Biotech skill tests under different conditions.

医疗箱/自动医生 自动行动[自驾+设备等级]



虽说医疗箱里面装了一些可重复使用的东西,不过它里面的大多数道具都是一次性的耗材。通常来说一个医疗箱或者自动医生装有足够治疗等同于其设备等级数的患者的耗材。每次它被用来治疗或者稳定一组伤口,耗材数量便减一。要注意在耗材用尽前,这个并不会影响医疗箱提供的骰池加值,也不会改变它的设备等级。不过如果耗材用尽,医疗箱就不能抵消核心规则书中缺乏耗材的-3减值了(p. 253, SR4A/p. 208, SR5)。这些耗材可以单独购买,用来补充医疗箱,或者拿给医生直接用(p. 337, SR4A/p.450, SR5)。

劇透 -   :
While medkits contain a small selection of reusable items, the majority of a medkit’s contents are single-use disposables. Under normal circumstances a medkit or autodoc contains enough supplies to treat a number of patients equal to its Rating. Each time the device is used to treat or stabilize a set of wounds this supply limit is reduced by one. Note that this does not affect the actual Rating of the device or reduce the positive dice pool modifier it grants. However, if the supply is reduced to zero, the medkit or autodoc will no longer negate the –3 dice pool modifier listed in the basic rulebook (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5). Supplies can be purchased separately to restock a medkit or autodoc, or for use by a character operating without such a device (p. 337, SR4A, or p.450, SR5).



劇透 -   :
Using the advanced rules, players may want to upgrade a medkit in order to gain a larger dice pool bonus from a smaller package. The main advantage of upgrading a medkit is to avoid the concealability modifiers and bulk associated with larger kits. The dice pool bonuses granted by a medkit are not solely dependent on the Ratings of its software or the quality of the supplies it contains, but a combination of the two. Thus, upgrading a kit involves reinstalling higher-Rating software, adding more detailed medical content, and switching out the kit’s contents for a streamlined selection of higher-quality tools and supplies.


劇透 -   :
Only medkits rated 4 or lower can be upgraded in this way. To upgrade a medkit, the character pays an additional sum equal to the cost of the kit and makes a Cybertechnology + Logic Extended Test. The threshold for this test is the medkit’s Rating + 2, and the interval is 1 hour. If successful, the medkit Rating is increased by 2, but it retains its original size and concealability modifier. The medkit’s supply limit is also unchanged; the number of patients the medkit can treat before restocking is equal to the original Rating. Autodocs cannot be upgraded in this manner, but their individual pilot and autosoft Ratings can be increased per the standard rules for upgrading drone software.



劇透 -   :
Sometimes a skilled medical character may find themselves without medical supplies in a time of need. In such cases, an industrious runner can improvise supplies using whatever ordinary objects or materials are available. For example, she might use a belt for a tourniquet, tear clothing to use as bandages, or even perform simple surgery with a drone repair toolkit. In situations where a character is required to improvise medical supplies, she expends a Complex Action and makes an First Aid + Intuition Test. Each hit on this test reduces the –3 modifier for lacking medical supplies (p. 253, SR4A, or p. 208, SR5) by 1 to a minimum of zero. The amount of time subsequently required to administer First Aid is increased by 50 percent (multiply the time by 1.5) to represent extra time spent modifying objects and materials for unintended uses. Ultimately the gamemaster should determine whether there are adequate materials available for the character to use in improvisation.

« 上次编辑: 2019-07-06, 周六 11:59:52 由 CPDSSS »

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Re: 【B&B】进阶生物技术规则 ADVANCED BIOTECH RULES p13-19
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-03-18, 周四 10:35:28 »
受训使用者,有耗材   [逻辑+技能等级]+设备等级
