作者 主题: 【CF】游戏信息——心理疾病与心理重编程 p.50-53  (阅读 6464 次)



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劇透 -   :
This section is intended as both a source of plot hooks, and a resource for players who wish to portray a character with some form of mental health issue. Below, you’ll find a list of qualities that may be suitable for characters with the mental illnesses described above; there are also qualities in The Enhanced Life that can be used in connection with mental illnesses. Those are also listed here. Note that not all of the symptoms and disorders listed in this section will have qualities recommended for them, and not all of the disorders with qualities listed here have descriptions in the in-character section.

恐惧症恐惧症(RF p.157)
社交焦虑症社会压力(SR5 p.85)
强迫症,盗窃癖,纵火狂自控力低下:强迫症(RF p.158)
创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)下列的一项或全部:与心理创伤相关的失忆症(RF p.152),战斗麻痹(SR5 p.80),闪回(RF p.155),失眠(SR5 p.81),社会压力(SR5 p.85)
解离性失忆症失忆症(RF p.152)
记忆丧失症非完全洗脑(RF p.156)
解离性身份障碍(多重人格)非完全洗脑(RF p.156) 由于分离人格的持续性是这种疾病的一个关键特征,强烈建议玩家和GM创作一个第二人格用于人格转换的状态。
自恋型人格障碍自控力低下:吹逼佬(RF p.158)
对立违抗性障碍战斗狂热者(R&G p.127) 自控力低下:报复心(RF p.158)
偏执型人格障碍被害妄想症(RF p.157)
双向情绪障碍双向情绪障碍(RF p.152)
赛博性脑颞叶癫痫症(TLE-X)赛博性脑颞叶癫痫症 TLE-X(p.59)
感官超负荷综合症感官超负荷综合症(RF p.159)
人工诱导精神分裂综合症(AIPS)人工诱导精神分裂综合症 AIPS(p.57)



(DT中的一个译注:ASIST,全称Artificial Sensory Induction Systems Technology,人工感觉感应系统技术,诞生于2018年,能够记录、处理和反馈虚假感觉到大脑中,也就是拟感模块基于的技术。)

劇透 -   :
The core of psychotherapy is to change the way a person thinks. Psychoactive medications, including self-medication with various substances, are taken to make oneself feel better (or at least make bad feelings go away). Thanks to the miracle of DNI technology, ASIST biofeedback can now be used to alter a person’s feelings and memories directly.


劇透 -   :
In game terms, PAB can be used to implant or remove memories and/or Negative qualities in a character, including false identities and personalities for deep-cover operatives. To get the process started, the aspiring therapist (or brainwasher) must have three things: a PAB unit, a way to connect the unit to the target’s brain through DNI (a datajack, trodes, etc.), and time. Chemical or physical restraints are recommended if the target is unwilling, as a PAB unit has no built-in means of sedating a subject.


劇透 -   :
Using a PAB can be broken into four categories: event reprogramming (altering memories that the subject can normally access), invoked reprogramming (implanting or altering memories the target isn’t consciously aware of, which activate with a pre-set trigger), reversing reprogramming, and behavior modification. All four categories require a Psychology + Logic [PAB unit’s Rating] Extended Test at 1-week intervals, with differing thresholds (see the Action/Threshold Table and Event Reprogramming Table on the previous page).


劇透 -   :
PAB programming is extremely time-consuming, and the process must be completed in a short period of time to ensure the modified memories take hold. Any attempts to implant event or invoked programming, or remove either type of programming, require the (de)programmer to spend at least eight hours every day working with/on the subject until the threshold of the Extended Test is met. Missing a day causes the programming attempt to fail.

在极端困难或者时间紧张的情况下,心理编程者可能会使用γ-东莨菪碱(核心规则书p. 410)来加速摧毁目标抵抗的进程。(在这种情况下,目标必须在编程的每个阶段开始前摄入一剂药物。)如果目标有一次没有摄入药物,会移除对目标意志的减值,增加这一延续检定的阈值3点,并且即使之后补上了药物也不能降回来。

劇透 -   :
In particularly tough or time-sensitive cases, a programmer may use gamma-scopolamine (p. 410, SR5) to break down the subject’s resistance more quickly. (In those cases, the subject must be dosed at the beginning of each programming session.) Missing a dose removes the penalty to the target’s Willpower, increasing the threshold of the Extended Test by 3, and may not be reversed by further doses of the drug.


劇透 -   :
Detecting and reversing PAB reprogramming is tricky, at best. Any power or ability that examines the contents of the memories (such as the Photographic Memory quality) will be ineffective. The only reliable ways to detect PAB reprogramming are through psychoanalysis, via a Psychology + Logic [Mental] (12, 1 day) Extended Test, or by a magician who receives five or more net hits on a Mind Probe spell targeting the subject of the reprogramming. A PAB unit may be used to aid the Psychology Test only, adding its Rating to the user’s dice pool. Concealing the reprogramming modifies the threshold of the Psychology Test and Mind Probe spell by the same amount added to the difficulty of the original programming threshold.


劇透 -   :
Of course, PAB units (and their users) are far from perfect. At the gamemaster’s option, critical glitches on Psychology Tests to program or deprogram a subject with PAB may inflict negative qualities as well as causing the attempt to fail. Examples include Sensory Overload Syndrome (for programming attempts) and Incomplete Deprogramming (for deprogramming attempts).

原则上,所有影响角色的感情和/或记忆的负面特质都可以通过PAB重编程获得或者移除。这包括:成瘾(仅限心理成瘾,不能用于治疗拟感成瘾),失忆症(但玩家仍然需要支付业力购买技能),双向情绪障碍,荣誉守则,战斗麻痹,贪图享乐,独特风格,装作精灵,物品依赖,闪回,非完全洗脑,失忆症,丧失信心,装作兽人,被害妄想症,自控力低下(所有子类别),歧视,社会压力,粗鲁,以及本文中提到的所有新特质。(这些特质的描述可以在核心规则书p. 77-87,RF p.151-159找到)

劇透 -   :
Generally, any Negative quality affecting a character’s emotions and/or memories may be removed or implanted by PAB. These include: Addiction (psychological addictions only, may not be used to treat simsense addictions), Amnesia (players still must spend Karma to buy skills), Bi-Polar, Code of Honor, Combat Paralysis, Creature of Comfort, Distinctive Style, Elf Poser, Emotional Attachment, Flashbacks, Incomplete Deprogramming, Insomnia, Loss of Confidence, Ork Poser, Paranoia, Poor Self Control (all variants), Prejudiced, Social Stress, and Uncouth, as well as any of the new Qualities listed in this section. (Descriptions of the other qualities listed here may be found on pp. 77–87, SR5, and pp. 151–159, Run Faster.)


劇透 -   :
Note that there are some limitations to using PAB to modify a subject’s behavior: First, only Negative qualities may be implanted or removed. Second, the Karma cost for removing Negative qualities must still be paid—PAB behavior modification is a justification for spending the Karma, not a replacement. Whether a player receives Karma for a quality inflicted against the character’s will via PAB is left to the gamemaster’s discretion. The procedure has an Availabilty of 14 and costs 120,000 nuyen.


†心理编程者可以选择通过一个比通常的手段更复杂的方式来进行心理编程,以隐藏心理编程的痕迹。编程者选择提升这一检定的阈值一定的量,而后同样的数字会作为调整值加在发现这一事件重编程的的阈值上(见发现和反向心理编程的规则,p. 53)。


除了简单的认定一个心理疾病就是没药救了之外,玩家也可以被允许使用一些药物和/或BTL,无论合法的或者非法的,来压制他们某个特定的怪癖,就像双向情绪障碍(RF p.152)特质里的那样。细节可以由GM决定,但是和这些药品相关的花销会成为角色生活方式的一部分(伴随着合适的花销提升;普遍而言不少于500新円每月,或角色生活方式的1%;取较大者),又或者直接让角色自掏腰包。

劇透 -   :
Rather than deciding that a mental illness is simply unmanageable, players may be allowed to use medication and/or BTLs, whether legal or illegal, to suppress their particular quirks, as in the Bi-Polar Negative Quality (p. 152, Run Faster). Specifics are left to individual gamemasters to decide, but expenses related to these drugs could become part of a character’s Lifestyle (with appropriate price increase; generally no less than 500 nuyen or 1 percent of the monthly lifestyle cost, whichever is greater) as easily as paying directly out-of-pocket.


劇透 -   :
When the function of another’s mind is disrupted, anyone viewing the inner workings of their thoughts is at risk of being affected, as well. If a magician uses a Mind Probe spell on a character whose thinking is far enough outside metahuman norms, the magician may suffer some kind of “translation error” or be disoriented by the disorganized (to them) patterns of thought. This should only happen in cases of twisted psychosis, not in more common mental illnesses such as bi-polar disorder, depression, and OCD. The psychic backlash causes stun similar to dumpshock, dealing the spell’s Force in damage to the spellcaster in addition to any Drain they suffered, and leaving them stunned (–2 to all actions) for (10 – Willpower) minutes. Psychic shock normally results from reading the minds of targets with psychoses or other significantly altered perceptions of reality, but the full list of circumstances it might occur in is left to the gamemaster’s discretion.

« 上次编辑: 2018-08-09, 周四 14:03:00 由 CPDSSS »

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Re: 【CF】游戏信息——心理疾病与心理重编程 p.50-53
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-08-09, 周四 12:15:46 »
好赞 :em009