作者 主题: 【Faiths of Purity/Balance/Corruption】《探索者》Pathfinder 主神/理念信徒角色扮演指南整合  (阅读 75283 次)

副标题: 从今天开始每日都来当虔诚的教徒吧!

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #10 于: 2017-04-05, 周三 22:58:44 »



劇透 -   :
As the most prominent nature god of Golarion, the dual-natured Gozreh inspires both awe and terror, for Gozreh is as fickle as the weather. The two aspects of Gozreh are the woman of water and wave who rules the sea and the thunderous male sky-god who is master of the winds, though both aspects are part of the same entity, and thus Gozreh is considered both male and female. She is an elemental force, the destroyer of hubris and the leveler of ambition. Gozreh’s two aspects hide within every living thing, the duality of human existence represented within his genders. Gozreh’s only concern is for nature and the wild places, and while she may reward fishermen with bountiful catches or bring needed rains to fields, she is also the typhoon or drought that destroys whole villages. As nature is amoral, so is he, and when he bothers to notice civilized creatures at all, it is to reward those who live in harmony with nature and punish those who would pollute and destroy it. Her alignment is neutral, her favored weapon is the trident, and her domains are Air, Animal, Plant, Water, and Weather.

劇透 -   :
The worship of Gozreh spans all races and nationalities. If you worship Gozreh actively, you are most likely a hunter, a sailor, or one who relies on the vagaries of sea and sky to reach your destination. Farmers often petition her as well, though many find that Erastil has far more concern for their welfare than the Wind and the Waves. You might also devoutly appreciate nature, and spend a great deal of time in the outdoors to study its beauty and understand your place in it. You are generally curt and gruff, rather than expansive, for you believe in quick reactions and moving with purpose, reading the intentions of the world around you so that you might react immediately and appropriately. You know that the world is far larger than your simple perceptions, and you try to pass through life with this knowledge held before you. You are willing to lash out at that which seems wrong to you, most often the despoiling of nature and its gifts.


劇透 -   :
While most of Gozreh’s priests are clerics, druids and rangers are the most likely of all the classes to venerate her. Their very livelihood depends on understanding the fluctuations of the weather, and their extraordinary ability to comprehend their place in nature puts them in close communion with one or both aspects of the nature god. Oracles who take their power from nature, wind, or waves are also perfectly suited for Gozreh’s worship. Many barbarians understand the harsh power of the unforgiving winds and the devouring nature of the sea; this base view of the world serves them well when praising Gozreh. Most other classes may choose to worship the Wind and the Waves as well, especially those who make their way through the wilds or embark on long sea voyages, though their reasons are more individualized—the great diversity of Gozreh’s worshipers ensures that no two will come to the goddess with the same perspective.

Paladins cannot worship Gozreh. Classes that rely more on civilization, such as rogues who make livings as thieves, or summoners and other arcanists who routinely twist the laws of nature for their own ends, are far less likely to consider Gozreh an object of worship.


劇透 -   :
If you are a devout worshiper, your goal in life is to maintain the purity of the natural world and strike against those who would destroy it indiscriminately. You recognize the unforgiving nature of the world and do not stand in its way, but the random and juvenile destruction of the living world by humanoids strikes a note of rage in your heart.

You might also be a traveler who, despite understanding the appeal of Desna, chooses the pragmatic approach of Gozreh, whose intervention in any situation is much more overt. Your god is largely indifferent to your affairs, and you are free to live your life in moderation, with occasional outbursts of extreme behavior. The dispersed nature of your religion means that while you are unlikely to find great conclaves of your people, you can likely find someone who shares your beliefs anywhere in the world.

劇透 -   :
Gozreh’s holy symbol is a green leaf with a drop of water pouring from it. Your coreligionists might wear this as a badge made of worked twigs, shaped out of coral, or carved from driftwood or whalebone. The colors of your church are blue and green, and the most devout among you often grow their hair and beards long, weaving in dried seaweed, strands of white cloth, or other decorations. More than these things, however, you are most easily identified by your attitude, your bond with the wilderness, and your general distaste for (and discomfort with) the trappings of urban society.

劇透 -   :
Most worshipers of Gozreh are worshipers of convenience, offering sacrifice as a preventative measure before heading off on a sea voyage or long caravan journey through unpopulated lands. Some, however, are more conscious of their duties, and act with intent to reduce their impact on the natural ecosystems of Golarion. Least common are those who venerate the Wind and the Waves with fervent devotion, actively working to ensure that civilization’s interaction with the world is natural and harmonious—or attempting to drive it from the land altogether, militantly enforcing the supremacy of sea and sky. It is not unusual for priests of Gozreh to remain celibate, though others see depriving themselves of their natural reproductive cycle to be against Gozreh’s will. Gozreh’s priests almost always live off the land, seeing shame in the detachment of many professions from the land itself, and tend to prefer bartering for goods over paying with minted bits of metal.

劇透 -   :
You utterly revile the destructive followers of Gorum and Rovagug, for they seek nothing more than to turn the world into a charnel house. The unnatural spawn of Urgathoa fill you with equal rage, and you have only the most tenuous of truces with Abadarans and their unthinking drive toward “civilizing” the natural world. Desnans are kindred spirits—albeit somewhat misguided in where they send their prayers—and you are friendly with the followers of Erastil, for they understand the proper stewardship of the land. The latter view you less warmly in turn, for you are outside their community, but you do not need their approval. You are largely on the fence about the other religions; as long as they do not impinge on you or your goddess’s domain, you are willing to leave them to their own devices.

劇透 -   :
You are forbidden to pollute the sky or despoil the natural world, unless the end result is a net gain for nature (such as the sacking of farmland so that it may be reclaimed by the forest). When such damage is unavoidable, you must clean it as soon as possible. Your failure to do so may result in your own water being fouled or your breath coming short in your lungs until you have made your error right or cleansed pollution left by another. You’re unlikely to build with brick or forge metals, and in general attempt to keep your tools as close as possible to their natural state, opting for materials like beautiful wood, ivory, pearls, or seashells for decoration.

自然之子(Child of Nature,Gozreh):你置身荒野时如同在家中般舒适惬意。你在所有的生存技能上获得+1背景加值,同时将生存加入你的本职技能列表之中。

游泳健儿(Strong Swimmer,Gozreh):你对哥兹莱的信仰使你泅水时无所畏惧。你在所有游泳技能上获得+2背景加值,同时你能在水下额外多闭气2轮时间。
劇透 -   :
Child of Nature: The wild places are your home, and provide everything you need to be happy. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Survival checks, and it becomes a class skill for you.

Strong Swimmer: Your faith in Gozreh’s grace gives you the confidence to swim without fear. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Swim checks, and can hold your breath for an extra 2 rounds when underwater.


劇透 -   :
Gozreh’s church is small but pervasive, with worshipers everywhere. The church hierarchy is informal, with scattered temples defining their own rituals and ranks. Her worship spans cultures, being most popular in the extreme wilderness, along coastlines, and at the edges of civilization. Temples are always open to the sky and contain a pool or pond at their heart. His shrines may be ice sculptures in lands where snow never melts, or circles of standing stones to help mark the turning of the year. None are obliged to travel to these shrines, however, for Gozreh hears words uttered into the winds and shouted over the crash of breakers on the shore.

The holy text of the church of Gozreh is the Hymns to the Wind and the Wave, which contains prayers, songs, and guidelines for interaction with the natural world. Local temples vary these rules and stories, often carving them into their walls.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #11 于: 2017-04-05, 周三 23:00:08 »










  基层研究者(Underlying Principals):你在魔法物品上花费了大量时间,理解了它们之中许多的相似之处。你在使用魔法物品上获得+1背景加值,且这成为你的本职技能。

  奥术钻研(Arcane  Depth):你学习了辨识法术的大师,而你的知识是特异的。你获得法术辩识+1背景加值或者知识(奥术)+2背景加值。当你选择背景元素时决定选择哪个并且不可改变。

  内希斯的教会是分散的,并无超越独立的教会之上的权力机构。在魔法强盛地区的教会最广为人知,例如耐克斯(Nex) 、盖布(Geb)、艾巴萨罗姆(Absalom)、奇奧尼(Kyonin)、苏维亚(Thuvia)和奧斯利昂(Osirion)。这些地区的主要城市是施法者汇聚的地点,他们在那里展示他们的技艺与知识。由于内希斯据信有着奧斯利昂血统,在那里他的信仰最为兴盛。许多内希斯的狂热信徒为了找寻他们的神凭他所见超凡升神之处而迷失于沙漠之中。然而一般来说,内希斯的信仰随处可见。

  在每间教会中,职权由知识和力量单独决定。内希斯的圣典是魔法之书(The  Book  of  Magic),一本学习与支配魔法的全面指南,也包括了关于魔法的使用的论述。对于有关内希斯的任何内容,书中直接地强烈反对某些论点,但在之后不远就与自身矛盾。若你读魔法之书来学习道德,你的世界观将变得破碎而疯狂。它的附录与暗喻支持了不同方面的变化。许多内希斯的教会接受了最便于满足他们某些需要的那些方面。
劇透 -  原文:
the all-seeing eye
Ancient  Osirian  legends  speak  of  the  god-king  Nethys,  a  man  whose  monomaniacal pursuit of magic opened the fabric of reality to his probing vision, revealing to him the secrets of creation in this world and in the Great Beyond. The sight catapulted him to godhood and tore apart his mind, creating two minds in one body: a destroyer who seeks to cleanse the world through its destruction, and a guardian who seeks to heal the world of its ills.
Nethys is a god of two warring personalities, prone to sudden  and  unexpected  mood  swings.  He  teaches  that the use of magic for its own sake is the highest calling of mortals, for it is only when working with magic that one can  change  reality  itself,  and  he  embraces  all  who  take up the study of magic. He does not care about the type of magic involved or the ends to which people turn it, only that they honor it and exult in its gifts. His alignment is neutral,  his  favored  weapon  is  the  quarterstaff,  and  his domains are Destruction, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, and Rune.
Anyone  with  a  passion  for  magic  is  welcome  to  worship Nethys. Though he is believed to have once been human, his worship is strong among all races that employ magic. Nethys teaches you how to manipulate reality, and to enter his church is to join with your fellow practitioners—if not in an alliance, than at least in a shared goal. Your god does not care what you do with your magic. He cares only that you  seek  out  this  power  with  the  intent  to  use  it.  Small
wonder, then, that many power-hungry adventurers would turn to his calling.
Nethys’s worshipers have no built-in moral compass of any sort. You might worship the All-Seeing Eye so that you can  dominate  your  village  or  raze  a  city  with  a  word,  or you might worship him so that you can save your friends’ souls from torment at the hands of demons in the Abyss. You  might  simply  desire  knowledge,  the  more  esoteric the better. Nethys cares about your deeds and motivations as  little  as  he  cares  about  your  soul,  and  many  followers of  Nethys  take  pride  in  the  fact  that  their  god  generally ignores  them,  for  it  means  the  power  they  achieve  is fundamentally their own.
If you are a wizard or a sorcerer, Nethys is among your top choices  for  a  god  to  worship,  yet  his  congregation  is  not limited to these classes. Any who are capable of channeling arcane  or  divine  power  are  welcome  to  join  his  faith: alchemists,  bards,  clerics,  druids,  inquisitors,  oracles, rangers, summoners, and witches all find a welcome home in  the  faith.  Indeed,  Nethys  values  magic  so  highly  that any  one  of  these  might  choose  to  become  a  priest  in  the church,  with  all  the  rights  and  duties  such  a  position entails—clerics  are  certainly  encouraged,  but  they  have no special prerogative within the faith, especially if they cannot  defend  their  positions  with  magical  knowledge or  power.  Those  without  spellcasting  abilities  may  work for  the  church,  but  are  destined  for  roles  as  second-class  citizens  at  best,  and  as  expendable  guardians  or experimental subjects at worst.
You wish to look deeper into the world, to explore reality, and to move beyond the spaces of everyday life. You love magic, and while you may use it to seek knowledge or power, your  greatest  desire  is  to  increase  your  understanding of  that  art.  When  you  adventure,  you  seek  spellbooks, artifacts,  magical  items,  and  anything  that  will  improve your grasp of the structures of magic. You look for gold not as  wealth,  but  as  a  means  of  acquiring  more  magic.  You may  be  willing  to  trade  your  understanding  with  other spellcasters, or you may wish to hoard your knowledge, but you always feel that the next epiphany is close to hand. You experiment with your knowledge, brandish it, and likely show  off  your  mastery  more  than  necessary.  Afte r all, Nethys teaches that magic itself is a limitless resource, and its use is a sign of refinement.
Individual temples have great latitude in how they behave, dress, and promote their religion. Some choose to focus on the healing arts. Others focus on the purely destructive, or proclaim  the  supremacy  of  illusion.  Their  methods  and aims are as diverse as the many schools and traditions of magic,  and  without  the  presence  of  Nethys’s  black-and-white mask symbol it can sometimes be hard for laypeople to distinguish between a true believer and an unaffiliated spellcaster.  If  you  are  partaking  in  a  formal  ceremony at a temple of Nethys, however, you are expected to wear a  robe  and  hood  in  the  colors  of  your  temple.  You  are adept at seeing both sides of issues, and have no problem articulating   or   even   ardently   supporting   conflicting beliefs—a practice that, combined with your expectation that those without magic should obey those who possess it, may vex your allies.
You have great latitude in your devotion to Nethys. You can choose to invoke his name merely as an oath, to live every  day  in  emulation  of  him  or  one  of  his  aspects, or  to  fall  somewhere  in  between.  The  faith  judges  you only  upon  your  magical  knowledge  and  power  (with the  former  being  more  important  in  good-leaning temples,  and  the  latter  in  evil  ones).  You  are  welcome to participate in temple ceremonies as an unannounced visitor, and you can choose to take a more active role in evangelizing for the faith as the mood strikes you. Just as Nethys can be fickle and unpredictable, so can you. As long  as  the  direction  you  choose  in  life  points  toward the pursuit of greater magical knowledge and skill, you can worship as you please.
Other Faiths
Your  dealings  with  members  of  other  faiths  is  on  an individual basis. If they practice magic, they have earned at least a small measure of respect in your eyes; they are a part of the magical community. If they do not practice magic, they must at least be friendly and respectful toward its  practice.  If  they  are  not,  you  have  nothing  but  scorn for  them,  for  they  are  not  only  benighted  but  willfully choose  to  turn  away  from  one  of  the  most  fascinating aspects  of  life.  They  have  chosen  ignorance,  and  as  you revere  knowledge,  you  cannot  help  but  despise  them.  In return, many other faiths see you as a valuable resource, but  may  be  wary  of  your  god’s  mercurial  nature  and  see your justifiable pride as arrogance.
The faithful of Nethys have few taboos, but chief among them is showing the uninitiated what magical ability feels like. As those people have not studied for or been blessed with  magical  power,  opening  that  world  to  them  is  a terrible sin. Any spell that temporarily grants spellcasting ability to another or item that confers actual spellcasting abilities by channeling power through the user must not be shared with the magicless populace (items that create magical  effects  themselves  are  exempt).  Breaking  this taboo  is  a  sure  way  to  incur  the  disfavor  of  Nethys  and your peers. If the uninitiated wish to possess spellcasting abilities, the correct routes are apprenticeship, prayer, and other forms of personal achievement.
Underlying Principals: You’ve spent a large amount of time around  magical  items,  and  understand  the  similarities between many of them. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and it becomes a class skill for you.
Arcane  Depth:  You  have  studied  the  great  masters  of spellcraft, and your knowledge is exceptional. You gain a bonus of either +1 on Spellcraft checks or +2 on Knowledge (arcana) checks. Which bonus you receive is chosen when you take the trait and may not be changed.
The Church
The church of Nethys is decentralized, with no governing body  beyond  the  power  structure  within  a  given  temple. The  best-known  temples  are  those  in  places  of  strong magic,  such  as  Nex,  Geb,  Absalom,  Kyonin,  Thuvia,  and Osirion, for the major cities in these regions are sites where the most powerful of spellcasters converge to demonstrate their skills or display their knowledge. As Nethys himself is  believed  to  be  of  Osirian  stock,  his  worship  is  most prominent  there,  and  many  of  his  most  ardent  believers have been lost to the sands as they sought the place where their god lost his mortality to the vision that transformed him into a god. In general, however, worshipers of Nethys can be found anywhere.
Within  each  church,  authority  is  determined  solely by  knowledge  and  power.  The  holy  book  of  Nethys is  The  Book  of  Magic,  a  comprehensive  guide  for learning  and  harnessing  magic,  as  well  as  a treatise  on  its  use.  As  with  anything  related  to Nethys,  it  comes  down  squarely  on certain  issues,  only  to  contradict itself  shortly  thereafter.  If  you were  to  learn  about  morality from  The  Book  of  Magic,  your worldview would be fractured and   insane.   Its   codicils and   metaphors   support a    variety    of    different positions,    and    many temples of Nethys adopt the set of positions they find most convenient given their particular needs.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #12 于: 2017-04-05, 周三 23:21:31 »








  法莱斯玛的祭司大多数是牧师,精通预言术的施法者与“白死灵师”——研究生命与死亡奥秘,但不尝试制造和驱役不死生物的死灵学法师。在平民百姓中,墓土女士因为自己的神职而成为了许多职业的主保人:助产士,堪舆先生,送葬人——这些信徒也是冒险者经常会接触的对象,许多冒险者也在处于道德困境中时寻找女神对自己命运的指点;修习战技的武人向墓土女士祈祷 - 希望能在战场上捡一条命回家,或是多少赎轻一下自己的杀业;法术的研究者因为法莱斯玛所掌管的超越凡人所知的学识而尊敬女士,先知普遍敬拜她的预言者神相。最后,所有的冒险者通常都会至少在口头上给法莱斯玛两分面子——即使活着的时候墓土女士并不会直接插手他们的命运,在他们死后还是会被法莱斯玛清算。














  狩尸人(Corpse Hunter):你献身于清除世上一切污秽亡灵的正义,在所有对抗不死生物的攻击检定上获得+1背景加值。

  安灵师(Spirit Guide):你学习过世界各地的丧葬风俗与各个信仰所执行的送离祭仪。你在知识(宗教)技能检定上获得+2背景加值,并将知识(宗教)视为你对本职技能。





离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 帖子数: 3338
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« 回帖 #13 于: 2017-04-05, 周三 23:30:54 »



劇透 -   :
Not every person bows to a specific deity. Some revere the breath of life, the warmth of the sun, and the kiss of the rain, communing with nature to show their respect for these gifts. True, Gozreh and Erastil represent these things for many people, but if you follow the Green Faith, you believe that putting a face and a name to the wholly ineffable forces of nature devalues the natural world and makes a mockery of its strength and majesty. The power of the natural world is all around you, and its constant presence is a reminder that you are a part of it, just as it is a part of you.

The Green Faith is more a philosophy than an outright religion, though many druids and some other spellcasters adopt it as their guiding light. The Green Faith has no domains or favored weapons, nor any particular shade of neutrality as its alignment. The Green Faith does not have opinions or tenets except for those created by its practitioners. It is not an entity—it is a way of viewing the world.

劇透 -   :
If you identify primarily as an adherent of the Green Faith, then your motivation for adventuring is likely the preservation and protection of nature and the wild places from those who would despoil them. You might seek out and heal places where the land has seen scars of battle or rampant expansion, or you might endeavor to rid the land of pollutants—whether alchemists dumping their sludge in local water supplies, unnatural beasts establishing new predation patterns, or loggers clear-cutting vibrant forests. You can be of any race or nationality to venerate the Green Faith. Though some druids choose to self-organize and impose additional strictures, all that is truly required of you is devotion to the world’s natural cycles.

劇透 -   :
The most obvious class choice for the Green Faith is the druid, followed closely by the ranger and the oracle whose powers come from the mysteries of the natural world. Barbarians living far from urban society, especially those whose tribes take totems from nature or practice various forms of animism, take easily to the Green Faith, for they have a more honest understanding of nature’s power and uncaring spirit. Wizards, rogues, bards, and other classes who require civilization and its trappings in order to practice their craft are rarely true members of the Green Faith, though some (especially bards) may rhapsodize about the purity of nature. Clerics are never members of the Green Faith, as their magic requires a personal connection with a deity that answers prayers, rather than a druid’s harnessing of the magic of nature. Clerics interested in the philosophy of the Green Faith invariably find themselves drawn toward Gozreh or Erastil instead.

劇透 -   :
As a devotee of the faith, you have a sincere and abiding appreciation for the natural world and its preservation, and need only act to reinforce that belief. You might want to limit the spread of civilization’s outposts to protect certain sensitive habitats, or you might love the creatures of the woods and seek to emulate them. You may have seen the devastating effects of civilization’s encroachment on the wilderness and seek to curtail its excesses, or you might want to turn back the clock to before a settlement was founded. Conversely, you may be less interested in protecting nature than in embracing and understanding it, traveling far from civilization’s depredations and focusing only on your own hermitic communion with the elements.

劇透 -   :
If you are a peasant or farmer who holds to “the old ways,” you may bind fresh herbs above your door to signify your allegiance, and your garments tend toward the simple, durable, and functional. You strive to work with the elements rather than against them, and while you may not be against cultivating foodstuffs on small farms, you abhor urban sprawl. The more closely people hold to the Green Faith, the easier they are to spot, as the desire to remain creatures of the natural world tends to make them ignorant of or unconcerned with social customs, especially frivolous ones that serve no practical purpose.


劇透 -   :
It is easy to have a casual regard for the Green Faith. Small efforts to support the natural world and to encourage its growth—or at least to decrease your impact on the world around you—are the least you can do. In rural and poor communities, this is sometimes easy, as you have little choice but to use and reuse everything to its maximum capacity. In cities and wealthier communities, however, it is easy to discard your refuse and harder to find an excuse to reuse it. Followers of the Green Faith see the impact these actions have on the world around them, and abhor waste.

As the Green Faith is not a conscious entity, however, most people see little reason to give it any attention in a world where real deities offer actual rewards for piety. Thus, those who bother to follow the faith at all tend to be extremists, believing with their whole heart and soul, and devoting their lives to the elements and the wild places.

劇透 -   :
While you likely have little interest in gods that act like puffed-up versions of humanoids, that also means that you don’t have strong prejudices based on religious views—as far as you’re concerned, everyone who worships a deity is missing the point. You may try to convert those who seem redeemable, and Gozreh’s beliefs line up with yours on almost all issues, making his followers natural allies. Erastil’s faithful are a bit too focused on community, but otherwise a good enough sort, and you may seek them out when it comes time to trade with civilization. While you have little interest in history, Irori’s focus on enlightenment isn’t so different from your own attempt to find meaning in nature. You are opposed to faiths with no place in the natural world, such as those of Urgathoa or the various demon lords, yet you rankle most at the preachings of Abadar, for their focus on expanding civilization’s destructive grip at all costs is antithetical to your own faith.

劇透 -   :
Your only taboos are against destroying or disrupting the natural order. How greatly this impacts your behavior depends on your level of devotion to the faith, and what you may consider perfectly natural and acceptable may be nearly unforgivable to those more or less extreme in their views. Nature will not punish you directly for your actions, but your fellows might cast you out or, depending on their mood, educate you in more painful ways.

荒野之眼(Eyes of the Wild,The Green Faith):你久居荒野,乃至于与自然之道融为一体。你在自然环境下的察觉检定获得+2背景加值。

原野学识(Know the Land,The Green Faith):你对各种环境下的植被和动物都非常熟悉,因此你在知识(自然)以及生存检定上获得+1背景加值,并从中选择其一以作为你的本职技能。
劇透 -   :
Eyes of the Wild: You spend enough time in the wilderness that you are attuned to its ways. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks in natural settings.

Know the Land: Your familiarity with the plants and animals of a variety of environments gives you a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks, and one of these skills becomes a class skill for you.


劇透 -   :
The Green Faith is not organized in any large-scale way. Instead, whenever its practitioners do decide to gather—and the majority do not—they create their own congregations afresh, generally led by druids. In places without established druid circles, practitioners of the Green Faith tend to live in isolated communion with the land or as shamans and wise ones in small villages. Groups and individuals may ally with one another to achieve temporary goals, but they are by nature fractious and go their own way sooner or later, peaceably or not. The structure of these cells depends on the organizations themselves, and what they aim to achieve. Some are democratic, some autocratic, some anarchic. Whatever its form, the practice of the Green Faith can be found anywhere where nature still holds sway and has not yet succumbed completely to the ravages of civilization, whether it be deep forests, ocean coasts, searing deserts, or arctic tundra.

No official holy texts for the faith exist, though some lovers of nature have certainly attempted to make their mark on the world by outlining and prescribing specific activities for the faithful. One of the most common stories in the faith tells of the original codification and naming of the belief system by several groups of druids who all worshiped different elements and aspects of nature and attempted to do battle for supremacy, only to have the land itself rebel against them and teach them that they were all part of the same greater tradition.

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« 回帖 #14 于: 2017-04-05, 周三 23:35:51 »




















  神圣诈术师(Holy Schemer):你精通误导、密谋和诡计的艺术,更知道怎么辨认出那些想这么对付你的人。你在察言观色上得到+1背景加值,并且它成为你的本职技能。





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« 回帖 #15 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 01:07:43 »






  - 你弃绝文明社会所谓“软弱”的部分,让斗争的荣耀伴随你踏进坟墓;

  - 相对于一成不变的过去,你更关注眼下的世界;

  - 坚持不懈的增强你的腕力与意志,让其他人归服与你的指挥之下;

  - 虽然有些人会认为你的行为乃是“邪恶”之举——即使他们是对的。你唾弃这些啰哩吧嗦的废话,他们甚至不配让你为之拔出剑来;

  - 但是,你绝非毫无意义的杀人犯,你要靠自己的力量去拼命赢取你渴望的一切。宰杀降敌和俘虏绝非勇力所为。


















铁石握(Iron Grap):在它被握于掌中时,你和你的武器可谓浑然一体。如果有任何生物试图缴械你,它在此次攻击检定上承受-2减值。

不败心(Strong Heart):即使面对最为骇人的对手,你也能沉着应战。你在所有对抗恐惧效果的豁免检定上获得+1背景加值。任何试图通过威吓技能降低你生气的技能检定DC+2。



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« 回帖 #16 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 10:05:55 »









劇透 -   :

If you worship Asmodeus, you worship power and its utility
in creating order; likewise, you are quick to capitalize on
a rival’s overextension. If you’re of the fighting classes,
you’re likely a soldier or former soldier, or at least operate
in a regimented manner. If you pursue magic, you do
so to increase your knowledge and mastery. If you are a
rogue or a bard, you’re likely to use your abilities to help
those in power while increasing your own, and focus
on manipulation and loopholes rather than breaking
contracts or laws. Even if you’re a thief, you’re likely to act
as an agent of a higher power, and when you steal, you take
from the weak and from the enemies of your employers. (As
Asmodean rogues often say, a worshiper of Asmodeus never
steals, but rather exacts rightful tribute from her lessers.)
Though Asmodeus is lawful, his evil prevents paladins
from worshiping him, and barbarians are rare, for their
chaotic nature is inherently at odds with the church.
As a member of the faithful, you are probably arrogant
and intolerant of those lesser than you, and respectful
to those above. You believe in authority and its calming
effect on society. If you are a cleric, you do not believe in
hiding your true calling unless openness would hinder
your schemes; even then, you dream of the day when you
can reveal yourself and be recognized for your superiority.



劇透 -   :

When you worship Asmodeus, you worship your innate
potential. You seek knowledge, wealth, treasures, respect,
and above all, power. Doing so echoes the core tenet of
the Asmodean church, which is that power does as it will,
and the most powerful are those who exercise their will
the most effectively. You push for discipline, order, and
control over yourself. How you demonstrate your mastery
is your choice, but your life is an unending quest for power.



劇透 -   :

The colors of your congregation are red and black. Your
clothes are as rich as you can afford, for you believe that
wealth attracts wealth, and showing yourself to be poor
gives others a valid reason to oppress you. Your symbol is
the five-pointed star, and many of your fellows wear a ruby
pendant or red metals worked into this symbol.



劇透 -   :

Levels of worship vary greatly. In Cheliax, the entire
populace is expected to offer token service to Asmodeus,
but only a small percentage offer themselves body and soul
to the cause. This is considered an acceptable attitude, so
long as those not actively worshiping the Archfiend still
pay proper respect. In places where the church does not
function as an arm of the government, devotion becomes
much stronger, as only those who truly believe are willing
to deal with the social consequences of such faith.
Most good- or neutral-aligned countries have an uneasy
relationship with the church. The fact that Asmodeans
almost never break laws makes it difficult for local
governments to justify ousting them, and their magical
abilities and facility with contracts make them useful in
much the same way as the faithful of Abadar. Naturally
cunning, most priests of Asmodeus follow the model of
their god, dealing politely with everyone and making
themselves indispensable, even to their enemies.



劇透 -   :
Other Faiths

For the most part, you regard other religions
with amusement: They worship young gods
who possess a fraction of the power of Hell’s
master, deities who will eventually fall into
line with Asmodeus’s will. Their faithful
can be vexing, but your confident assertion of
your power keeps you traveling your wicked path.
You are naturally inclined toward the followers
of lawful deities, for they understand the need
for order, while the congregants of chaos earn
nothing but scorn.



劇透 -   :

If you are a true worshiper of
Asmodeus, your word is your bond,
and while you pride yourself on
your ability to make clever deals
and leave yourself escape clauses,
breaking a contract is a sin of
the highest order. Similarly, despite
your manipulations, maneuverings, and
political infighting skills, you know
better than to disobey a direct order
from someone higher in Asmodeus’s
good graces—either mortal or fiend.
In punishing transgressors, you have no
mercy unless it serves your interests, nor
do you expect any for yourself.


    契约大师(Contract Master):你对对契约和法条之精通,让你既擅长理解冗长繁琐的规范,以及以此牟利。你在语言学检定上得到加一背景加值,并且此项技能成为你的职业技能。

    炼狱自信(Fiendish Confidence):你认为每人都必须服从于你的意愿,而并非如此的反例极为少见。你在威吓检定上获得加一背景加值,并且威吓成为你的职业技能。

劇透 -   :

Contract Master (Asmodeus): Your facility with
contracts makes you good at understanding
dense text and obfuscating your intent.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Linguistics
checks, and it becomes a class skill for you.
Fiendish Confidence (Asmodeus): You expect to be
obeyed, and are rarely proven wrong. You gain a +1 trait
bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate becomes a
class skill for you.



劇透 -   :
The Church

The center of power for the Church of Asmodeus is of
course Hell, but its embassy on Golarion is the nation of
Cheliax, where it is the state religion and one of the primary
powers of the government. Other countries with a strong
church presence include Nidal and Isger in particular.
Otherwise, the church is strongest in cosmopolitan
areas, where law and order rein supreme. The church’s
hierarchy is carefully delineated, with precise gradations
of power. Priests from different churches quickly figure
out their exact relation to one another, and establish a
carefully respected pecking order. Though lesser parties
may move up in the ranks through maneuvering, such
coups must be quick and decisive (proving that the
victor deserved to be on top all
along) or the perpetrators
risk punishment for
Though Hell itself is
too dangerous a pilgrimage
for most, many Asmodeans
in the Inner Sea region
attempt to travel to Cheliax
(particularly Thrune Square in
Egorian) at least once in their lives
so that they may walk in a land where
devils move freely and the church is fully
acknowledged as the rightful authority.
The more fervent Asmodean warriors
may also journey to the Worldwound,
working alongside the faithful of
Iomedae to help seal the rents
to the Abyss and contain the
flood of demonkind.
The most sacred text of
the church is the Asmodean
Monograph, a huge collection
of densely worded and intricate
parables, lessons, and orders
that represent the doctrine
of the Prince of Darkness.
Its earthly supplemental
texts number in the
hundreds, and Hell is said
to contain vast libraries
that expand on the Monograph in
endless, excruciating detail.

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #17 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 10:19:14 »


劇透 -   :
The Midnight Lord
Many ages in the past, Zon-Kuthon was
a different deity: the god Dou-Bral, halfbrother
to Shelyn. Envious of his sister’s
talents, he fled to wander the spaces beyond
the cosmos, where he encountered an alien
entity who twisted and warped him. Now
his only joy is pain, and his only happiness
is tragedy. Where once lay a creator and
lover now lies a god whose music is screams and agony.
His worship is torture, yet distinguished from that of
many other evil gods in that his masochistic followers
focus more on torturing themselves than innocents. He
promises nothing more for the world than a chance to
see its inhabitants flayed alive, writhing in an eternity of
torment. Zon-Kuthon is lawful evil, and his portfolio is
darkness, envy, loss, and pain. His domains are Darkness,
Death, Destruction, Evil, and Law, and his favored weapon
is the spiked chain.


劇透 -   :
Some people have been scarred by the things they have
seen, or by the things that have been done to them. They
lose the ability to feel, or they feel too deeply, and find
release through physical affliction of their flesh. Others
are simply sociopaths and madmen, full of hatred for
the world as they see it, or else decadent monsters with
a penchant for cruel fetishes. Whatever their motivation,
those who choose Zon-Kuthon as their deity are empty of
pity and empathy; they are utterly amoral and merciless.
The followers of Zon-Kuthon are called Kuthites, and
outside the faith the word is usually followed by spat
curses, or spoken in frightened whispers. For the followers
of the Midnight Lord, pleasure and pain are two sides of
the same glorious coin, and they seek to enrich themselves
and others by granting both freely.



劇透 -   :
Those who call Zon-Kuthon master hail from all walks of
life, as no two people come to the faith in the same fashion.
Those who have witnessed horror and those born to create
it both flock to this god, learning the insane pleasures to be
found in his temples of pain. Barbarians and fighters who
scar themselves and inflict pain to release their hottest
rage and battle lust might please the Midnight Lord, as
might wizards, alchemists, and other scholars who study
existence through the slice of a scalpel, laying bare the
flesh and muscle. Bards may craft stunning and grotesque
performances, and monastic ascetics use pain to focus
their meditations. Yet often, a Kuthite’s profession has
little to do with her faith—Zon-Kuthon’s worship is not
one of convenience, but one of horrible, intense necessity,
and thus those who practice it can find a way to twist any
lifestyle into a reflection of the Midnight Lord.
Because of Kuthites’ fervor, however, the vast majority of
Zon-Kuthon’s priests (and even worshipers) are clerics and
other devoted divine casters. While Kuthites are frequently
shunned by those outside the faith, their surgeon's facility
with both magic and conventional medicine—which they
employ to take victims to the greatest heights of pain—
makes them a wonder on the battlefield, where they can
“work” on the wounded in the guise of saving their lives,
and an unscrupulous commander might highly value
their unique healing abilities (even if his soldiers don’t).


劇透 -   :
As a Kuthite, you want only to increase the suffering in
the world, starting with yourself. Your sense of honor is
atrophied and alien, though you protect your toys from
others, and will extract revenge if anyone harms those you
consider yours. You work to establish new outposts in taste
and feeling, drawing others into your circle and slowly
revealing the truth that’s found in pain. When a society
represses the freedom to practice one’s natural proclivities,
especially sexual ones, you see opportunity—you lurk
in the hidden establishments where their practitioners
can indulge such tastes and tempt them ever further. If
their natural states are forbidden by law, but are clearly no
danger, why shouldn’t they explore more extreme realms
of sensation? You can blackmail your victims, sacrifice
them, or welcome them to your congregation—perhaps
all three, if you plan carefully. Where possible, you create
great works of suffering, both for their own sake and to
inspire others to copy you.


劇透 -   :
Worship in this church must remain largely hidden in most
societies. Few indeed are the places where your banner can
fly freely, and you must gauge each person you come across
as a potential ally. Perhaps their clothing is restrictive
or pulls strangely, as if they had fastened it to their flesh
with needles. Perhaps they have a wound that never quite
seems to fully heal. Their clothes may be black or rustyred,
the better to hide old bloodstains, and run toward
black leather with many straps and hooks of inscrutable
function. They might also have tattoos of the god’s spikedchain-
and-skull symbol, hidden scars, or an unusual
interest in the macabre. The most common identifiers,
however, are piercings and other body modifications, and
many Kuthites are careful to display slightly more of these
than are standard for the society they find themselves in,
while supplementing them with extensive modifications
in areas hidden by clothing.



劇透 -   :
Some people are dabblers or run-of-the-mill fetishists—
they take on the trappings of this faith to shock or disturb
others or justify their own base urges, but still fear pain or
have essentially caring natures. They wear the mask, it is
said, but their hearts still bleed. The next level consists of
those who participate in pain and torture, but who do not
make a lifestyle of it. They do it enough that their choices
seem exotic, and if they occasionally step too far over the
line, who is to judge them? This group is a prime target
for further indoctrination into the faith. These are the
faithful who carry needles to prick themselves or
scalpels to carve others, and many of them are mad.
Lastly come the true faithful. These are the ones to
whom a wound is an opportunity, whose clothing
may be irremovably woven through their skin,
who pierce and scar themselves and keep
themselves bleeding throughout the day.
They invent tortures to wile away their time,
create devices to cause pain, and wear the skin
of others as masks. They are the leering,
capering madmen who have made pain
the centerpieces of their lives. Zon-
Kuthon asks nothing more than this,
that members of his congregation
continually push the boundaries of
their minds and flesh, and perhaps
educate others with whip and blade.


劇透 -   :
Other Faiths
Those who follow the other gods are
insects, and you scoff at their pitiful
attempts to prove their lives have
meaning and noble purpose. Only
the power of Asmodeus compels your
respect, and this is still an arrangement
of convenience. Lamashtu’s people may
negotiate with you for slaves, yet their
bestial madness is nothing compared
to your enlightened one. You know that
this life is a vale of pain, and that the next
one is worse. Though your god may offer
some amnesty to his sad sister Shelyn,
you need not extend that courtesy to
her worshipers—you may especially
enjoy creating a canvas with their
stretched skins.


劇透 -   :
You thrive on those actions others view as taboo, and thus
the idea has little significance to you. To turn from your
god in thought and action is to invite his displeasure. To
follow his precepts is sweet agony. Any further distinctions
are unnecessary. You punish those who get in your way,
and expect nothing different for yourself.


    战地医者(Battlefield Surgeon):医疗成为你的职业技能,并且对每个生物,你可以每天多使用一次治疗重创医疗技能.

    宗·库山施法者(Kuthite Caster):你在施展带有黑暗、痛苦和阴影要素的法术时的专注检定得到+4背景加值
劇透 -   :
Battlefield Surgeon (Zon-Kuthon): Heal becomes a class
skill for you, and you can use the treat deadly wounds
aspect of the skill 1 additional time per creature per day.
Kuthite Caster (Zon-Kuthon): You gain a +4 trait bonus
on Concentration checks when casting spells with the
darkness, pain, or shadow descriptors.



劇透 -   :
The Church
The undeniable center of the faith is shadow-haunted
Nidal, where the Midnight Lord’s priests hold
power over the Umbral Court in Pangolais.
Cheliax allows the practice of the Kuthite
religion, as long as its victims are taken in
accordance with Chelish law. The lawless
wilds of Belkzen are a place of atrocities,
and the faithful take pleasure in
commemorating the scenes of
grisly horror common to war.
In other nations, especially
Varisia, Irrisen, and Geb,
Kuthites operate far more
subtly, but they make their
presence known in terrifying
displays of creative cruelty.
The church has no central
hierarchy or ranking system.
Each cell selects its leaders
based on power, endurance,
the ability to withstand and
deliver pain, and so forth.
Temples’ needs vary, and each
values certain aspects of the
faith most highly.
The god’s holy text is Umbral
Leaves, written by a mad prophet.
Each of these volumes is bound in
human skin, sometimes removed
in a single piece from a victim’s
head so that the face is on the
front cover. In some copies, each
page is itself a rustling sheet
of dried skin, and the text is
written in human blood.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #18 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 10:37:02 »



劇透 -   :
One of the Ascended, Norgorber was a
mortal who triumphed in the Test of the
Starstone and took the mantle of the god
of killers and spies. He wears a mask and
has wiped his past from history, becoming
an enigma even to other gods. He is subtle,
devious, and cunning, a cold killer who hides in
shadows and trades on his power and information. He is
a master of secrets, a true gamesman, and he welcomes
all into his church—eventually, everyone has a secret for
which they would kill. He is the god of greed, secrets,
poison, and murder. His domains are Charm, Death,
Evil, Knowledge, and Trickery. His alignment is neutral
evil, and his favored weapon is the short sword.




劇透 -   :
Four types of people follow Norgorber, each for a
specialized reason, yet all willing to work together to shape
the world to Norgorber’s desires. Those who worship him
as the Reaper of Reputation see him as the god of secrets,
and are often spies and politicians. Thieves and burglars
call him the Gray Master, and see in his skills the epitome
of their profession. Alchemists, herbalists, and assassins
know him as Blackfingers, the god of poison. And most
terrifying of all are the insane murderers who revere him
as Father Skinsaw, believing that with each life cut short,
they help shape the future to Norgorber’s unknown ends.
When you choose Norgorber as your god, you step into
a world of lies, deceit, and mortal danger. You wear a mask
to conceal your identity even among the other faithful, and
work constantly to protect your identity. You trust no one
outside of the mask, but know that when the faithful gather,
you are a force that can create history. You may disdain
those in authority for their pettiness, or may simply have
no need for the constricting bonds of law. Likewise, you
don’t particularly care about chaos and the reign of the
individual. You seek the power of secrets, the strength that
lies in terror and misdirection, the might of uncertainty
and betrayal. You likely live a double life, always on your
guard, and take steps to protect your identity from others.
Which aspect of the god you worship also informs your
personality. Though the faith accepts all kinds, those
who worship the Reaper tend to be secretive, while the
acolytes of Blackfingers are bookish, students of the Gray
Master are greedy and covetous, and followers of Father
Skinsaw are antisocial or sociopathic.


劇透 -   :
Of the adventuring classes, rogues, assassins, alchemists,
and shadowdancers are the primary followers of Norgorber,
though clerics and bards are quite common as well. His is
not a faith of straight brawling, and while his congregants
can hold their own in a fight, they prefer to strike from
hiding so that they can continue to carry out his works.
If you are a spellcaster, you lean toward illusion spells to
misdirect your foes, divination spells to discover their
secrets, enchantments to twist their minds, or painful and
destructive evocations to destroy them utterly. Your faith
casts a broad net across the classes, and while paladins
actively battle against the church, examples of most other
classes can be found somewhere among the faithful.


劇透 -   :
Your ideal world is a place of shadows, where the smart
survive with their knowledge, their cool, and their skill.
You seek to be alert and knowledgeable about others’
actions and behaviors, and believe those who reject your
beliefs deserve to be preyed upon. Depending on which
aspect of Norgorber you worship, your ultimate goal may be
the accumulation of wealth through theft and subterfuge,
political power and influence via the collection of powerful
secrets, mastery of herbs and poisons, the sheer and
simple thrill of killing in the god’s name, or something
else entirely. Your faith cares less about motivation than
methods, and how you conduct yourself is more important
than why. And indeed, given the church’s secrecy, who
needs to know your motivations at all?


  你和你的教友都戴着面具,并且倾向仅与信仰相同位格之教会有直接关系-他们与你分享相似的兴趣、个性、以及目标。你多半会以不起眼之灰黑衣物来避人耳目,而之中的诸多口袋放满小刀、毒药、以及其他有趣的「小玩具」。其他的教会成员并不会因为你的身分就与你交好(特别在你的身分尚未得到显露之时),而你也了解,如果不恰当地揭露你之身分,你将会成为教友之牺牲品。在都市中的成员(直得一提的,你的教会几乎都在都市中运作,因为尔等的力量必须依附在人群和社会中才有用武之地,必须以那些愚蠢的「羔羊」作为目标)几乎都会发展出一套辨别用的隐密手段或者特征,因就算在那些少见地允许教会存在的都市-例如艾巴萨罗姆 -公开表示自己是诺格巴信徒也是自杀行为。在少见的聚会中,教会成员会以简单面具来隐藏自身身分,进一步地以其余的诸多假面来向对方传达意见、表示情绪。
劇透 -   :
You and the other faithful wear masks, and you tend
to associate primarily with those who follow your
chosen aspect of Norgorber—the members of your sect
share similar interests, attitudes, and behaviors, after
all, whether through their harboring of secrets, their
obsessive bookishness, their insatiable greed, or their
cold contempt for life and morality. You generally wear
the colors of black and brown cut to the latest fashions
to avoid standing out, with plenty of hidden pockets
for poisons, weapons, and other surprises. The other
members of your faith do not have an infallible alliance
with you (especially if they do not know your identity),
and you know that you too can be a casual victim if you do
not properly identify yourself. Many of those in your city
(your faith is almost always in a city, for your god requires
an ample supply of nonbeliever victims) develop specific
identifiers. Even in metropolises like Absalom, where the
faith is marginally allowed, it’s dangerous to wear masks
and other identifiers in public, and so most hide their
affiliation. In some situations, members wear simple
base masks to protect their identity, and have a variety
of secondary masks that they can hold up or attach to
indicate discrete messages.


劇透 -   :
A faith in Norgorber is necessarily a private one. Because
you protect your identity, you do not show off your faith.
Instead, you prove it by living it. There are none who can
compel you to your prayers, and while your sect leader might
be able to drive you to actions you might otherwise disdain,
you can absent yourself and withdraw from the sect quickly
and smoothly. You choose your level of involvement—at
least until the point where there is no turning back, and
then you run the risk of violating the fundamental tenets of
the faith should you try to return to an ordinary life.


  就像诺格巴一样,在有利可图时你和任何宗教成员皆合作愉快。然而你觉得对方的信念要不是太过天真,宛如幼儿般愚蠢,就是偏激极端,执着于毫无价值之事物中无法自拔。最为厌恶你信仰的其他宗教为阿巴达尔、埃拉斯蒂尔、凯登·凯连 、艾奥梅黛、托拉格、以及莎伦莱教会。但诺格巴追随者了解,就连这些人也有不得不求助于你之时。虽然你的宗教并不被他人所欢迎甚至接受,但凭借对诡道之精通,你很快地就能够与他人交好(或者至少,成为具有共同利益的合作伙伴)。一旦如此,剩下就只是时间问题。最终,对方将惨痛地发现,为何不能信任尔等之理由。
劇透 -   :
Other Faiths
Like Norgorber himself, you make a point of working
well with members of other faiths—especially if they
want to employ you for your unique skills—though
you generally feel that the positions they hold are too
extreme or naive. Among the churches that
despise you are those of Abadar, Cayden
Cailean, Erastil, Iomedae, Sarenrae,
and Torag, though Norgorber’s chosen
know that even members of these faiths
may come to you in
times of grief or need.
Though your faith is
not welcome or even
tolerated in many places,
the secretive power you
carry allows you to make
inroads of friendship (or at
least alliances of convenience)
with others, and once you have
entered the first circle, the
rest of their defenses can
quickly fall. In the end,
you will likely show
them why you cannot
be trusted.


劇透 -   :
The greatest taboo
in the Reaper’s faith is
the revealing of secrets,
specifically the secrets
of the faith. Escalating
punishments include lashings,
being administered a painful but
not fatal poison, having your civilian identity
suffer debilitating setbacks, and murder. Along the
same lines, revealing the identity of another member to
someone outside the faith—especially to someone in law
enforcement—might also earn you a visit from the Skinsaw
Men, as most members prefer to handle any internecine
conflicts within the secret shrouds of their society.


    精于乔妆(Practiced Deception):你在易容检定上得到加一背景加值,并且易容和解除易容的时间减半。

    秘密知识(Secret Knowledge):当你选择这项背景元素时,刚开始没有任何影响。而在之后的任何一次检定之前,你可以挑选一项知识技能成为此元素的影响对象。你在这项技能上得到加二加值,并且成为你的职业技能。一旦选定,就不能再做更改。
劇透 -   :
Practiced Deception (Norgorber): You gain a +1 trait
bonus on Disguise checks, and you can apply and remove
a disguise in half the normal time.
Secret Knowledge (Norgorber): When you initially take
this trait, it has no effect. At any point thereafter, before
making a check, you may choose one Knowledge skill.
You gain a permanent +2 trait bonus on checks for that
skill, and it becomes a class skill for you. Once this skill is
chosen, it cannot be changed.


  你的教会主要位于文明之地,毕竟,没有人群,你要怎么猎食?最为兴盛的地区为艾巴萨罗姆、奈克斯、奈多、伽尔特 、以及塔尔多,虽然教会无时无刻地不断尝试侵蚀和入侵那些秘密尚未得到掌握之处。几乎每个地区都由一位大师来负责协调沟通各旁支教会,以及统协和决定教派在此地的目的。有些机构同时统驭信仰四个位格的分支教派,但有些机构仅由一或二种分支所组成。教会运作多半类似盗贼公会。诺格巴教会圣徽为闪亮之黑色面具,圣兽为各式各样的有毒动物。教会经典由至少十七本小手册所组成-它们的标题、外观和形状随着拥有者和时间不断变迁,用以方便隐藏和否决与教会之间之关连。经典之中所传授的是针对组织团体、维持社群、寻找适合作案地点、威胁利诱、以及敲开受害者心房之诀窍和秘诀。当然,这多半会以密码和寓言的方式呈现。
劇透 -   :
The Church
Your faith is confined primarily to civilized
regions, as your skills are useless without
prey to practice them upon. Norgorber’s
faith is strongest in nations like
Absalom, Galt, Nex, Nidal, and
Taldor, though the church makes
every effort to extend into those
regions whose secrets it is not yet
privy to. Each local congregation
usually has a central master who
coordinates with nearby sects and
directs cult activities. Some of
these churches contain all four
of the god’s focuses, and others
only one or two. Churches are
usually organized much like a
thieves’ guild, with underbosses
controlling their own teams. The
symbol of Norgorber is a polished
black mask. Venomous animals
are holy to his church.
At least 17 slim tomes pass for
Norgorber’s holy books—their
titles and shapes change from
owner to owner, so that they
can be more easily concealed
and denied. Within these
books lie precepts for
organizing groups, maintaining
secrecy, finding suitable places for your
work, blackmail and extortion, and
worming your way into victims’ confidence.
Most are written in code and parable.

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 帖子数: 3338
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« 回帖 #19 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 10:48:52 »


劇透 -   :
Said to have once been a mortal with a tremendous appetite for life, Urgathoa rebelled against the notion of being judged by Pharasma and losing the joys of living, and so fled back to Golarion, drawing with her disease and the curse of undeath. She is a selfish, uncaring goddess whose only concerns are her own power and urges—when she discovered that her senses had paled in death, she struggled to find a way to make her experiences more intense, more excessive, and more horrific. Like Desna, she strives for experience and a full appreciation of the world—but her appreciation means devouring that which pleases. Her alignment is neutral evil. Her portfolio includes disease, gluttony, and undeath, and her domains are Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, and War. Her favored weapon is the scythe.


劇透 -   :
Those who worship death, those who worship disease, and those insatiable gluttons who demand experience without repercussion are the primary followers of Urgathoa. If you choose Urgathoa, you believe the world is your playground, and that your wants and appetites come first. You understand pain, and even appreciate it in certain instances, but your desire is broader than that. You want experience without limits, and if something so pedestrian as death stands in your way, you overcome it—as did the Pallid Princess—and return to your pleasures. You may offer your services to powerful undead in exchange for their aid, and you associate with the unliving in a concentrated effort to eventually join their ranks.


劇透 -   :
Clerics and necromancers are naturally the most common of those who follow the Princess, for she is fundamentally tied to the mysteries of life and death (and how they can be corrupted to an individual’s ends). Those who follow her have a tremendous lust for sensation and experience, but are often civilized enough to know that such appetites require education. Bards might also seek out her worship, and certain warriors relish the idea that they could command respect even from beyond the grave. Barbarians, who are naturally prone to tremendous appetites and excesses, also make good choices for her worship. Few rangers or druids partake of her philosophy, however, as the path of the undead is one that rejects the natural world. In general, the appeal of immortality through undeath and the idea of viewing one’s natural inclinations as a divine right rather than something shameful draws people from
all different lifestyles, for as many different reasons.


劇透 -   :
As a worshiper, your goal is not to spread Urgathoa’s faith, but rather to increase your pleasure in her name. You wish to extend your life beyond its natural span, defying the will of Pharasma, and to become undead in due course. Whether you eventually approach an intelligent undead creature to make this transformation, request it of an Urgathoan clergy member, or pursue this goal through the academic avenues of lichdom, you do not want to see the gates of the Boneyard opening before you. You may start in her worship at one of the gateway churches, a place devoted to pure sensation, in which your life is an orgy of feasts and flesh, drugs and stimulants, but you invariably discover that ordinary delights begin to pall. You realize that your boundaries have been naive, and you push further into the realms of experience, while simultaneously seeking to ensure that the satisfaction will never end. You spend your life chasing moments of euphoria. All you want is everything, and the more forbidden something is, the greater your enjoyment.


劇透 -   :
Your holy symbol is a death’s head moth, and you might breed them or paint their outlines on walls to let others of your kind know that they are not alone. The colors of your church are simple: ceremonial vestments consist of gray, floor-length tunics with bone white or dark gray shoulder capes clasped at the front. Such clothes are traditionally shredded at the bottom or festooned with tassels and strips of cloth to echo the deterioration of Urgathoa’s own lower body. As a lay worshiper or in places where your faith is hunted, you might reveal your faith through pants or skirts that are ripped and torn more than would be normal for your station. A small necklace of bones or a clasp in the shape of a death’s head moth are also common identifiers, but the easiest way to meet others of your faith is to frequent graveyards, plague-ridden sick wards, and exotic pleasure houses where folk with similar dark urges congregate.


劇透 -   :
As a worshiper of Urgathoa, you are a creature of passions and vices, always striving for the next hedonistic sensation. Your vices become stranger and more demanding as you advance in the faith, and you seek places where you will not be judged for your desires. Even those who start out solely venerating her gluttony aspect often find themselves drifting into more horrific pursuits, and the goddess’s willingness to help her adherents achieve immortality through undeath speaks to the most basic desires of mortals. Your individual devotion to the faith is up to you.
Urgathoa and her priests rarely make demands, instead tempting and teaching, allowing selfish desires to drive you to depravity. It is not what Urgathoa demands of you that makes you what you are—it’s what you demand for yourself.


劇透 -   :
Urgathoa’s church has little desire to crusade against other faiths, even those like Pharasma’s and Sarenrae’s who actively hunt their members. She appreciates Abadar’s cities (as they foster plague) and sometimes operates side by side with Calistria, as the lust goddess’s portfolio is similar without overlapping (for Urgathoa no longer has sexual desires of her own and is happy to leave such pleasures to the elven goddess). She often allies with the Horsemen, and daemons are popular servants and allies in her church. As a worshiper of Urgathoa, you generally ignore other faiths and their adherents, though if they play some part in satisfying your urges, you can become charming and friendly. As shared love increases all pleasures, Urgathoa is in favor of marriages and other long-term romantic relationships, especially those that continue (or begin) after death. Outside of such relationships, however, people are usually mere meat to you, objects to be used and discarded.


劇透 -   :
In theory, Urgathoa’s faith is about breaking and surpassing taboos, and thus nothing is ever forbidden. In practice, however, turning your back on the church, renouncing the path of undeath, and exercising asceticism and altruism when you should be expressing your gluttony are sure ways to draw the ire of your goddess. Divorce is not welcomed among the faithful, though ending a marriage through murder is entirely acceptable, especially if the murdered partner is reanimated as an undead servant of the other.




劇透 -   :
Deathspeaker (Urgathoa): Your experience in dealing with undead gives you a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with undead, as well as a +2 trait bonus on Charisma checks made to influence undead (for example, as part of the command undead spell).
Inoculated (Urgathoa): Your regular exposure to plagues grants you a +2 trait bonus on saves against disease effects.


劇透 -   :
The Church
The most popular place for the church of Urgathoa is undeniably the nation of Geb, and a grand temple to her stands in the capital of Mechitar. Called the Cathedral of Epiphenomena, it is the largest single church to the Pallid Princess on all of Golarion. Standard churches are usually built like feasthalls, with a large central and numerous chairs around it. Most are built on or near a crypt, and ghouls are common (as they embody all three of the goddess’s aspects). Urgathoa’s church is a cell-based matriarchy, with little interaction between congregations. When different groups come together, it must be in secret, for the orgy of sensation and cannibalism is grandly horrifying; if the gathering is truly blessed, a monstrous Daughter of Urgathoa may be in attendance. Priests who can create undead, either through magic or through the passing of their own undead taint, are called Necro-Lords, an deceive extra privileges without additional responsibilities. In most groups, the congregation is divided into two castes: the members of privilege and in good standing known as ghula, and those initiates called the famished, who serve the
ghula until they prove themselves worthy of recognition. Crafted by her first antipaladin, Dason, Urgathoa’s holy book is Serving Your Hunger, an extended meditation on the greatness to be found by sacrificing all for sensation. It is a cookbook, a manual for dressing and preparing various humanoid races, and a primer on how to set one’s mind for a conciliatory approach to the undead. It contains riddles that jar the mind and shake it loose from convention.