
譯文資料區 => Dungeons & Dragons => 上古规则(2E或更早) => 主题作者是: Victor 于 2018-11-11, 周日 18:05:00

主题: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-11, 周日 18:05:00

前情提要:本文最初发布于上古规则(2E或更早) » 密斯塔拉 子版块下,本来想通过日更来吸引新人,但果园不在首页上显示子版块新贴,于是有了本贴······
欢迎大家也来参与,我 先 冲 了!


主题: 密斯塔拉战役设定集 -“格兰特里--魔法之国度”
副标题: 魔法即地位,魔法即强权,魔法即一切!



主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-11, 周日 18:05:21



盒封艺术设计: 保罗·贾奎斯
页面设计: 迪伊·巴尼特
边缘绘制: 兰迪·阿斯普伦德-费思
彩色字母: 罗宾·伍德
地图绘制: 丹尼斯·考特
格兰特里城市海报地图: 大卫·C·萨瑟兰三世

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简介                     4
格兰特里的奥秘               5
密斯塔拉战役设定            6

第一章:格兰特里概览         8
地理特征               12
气候                        12
国度今日               16

Chapter II: The Principalities         22
The Character Descriptions         23
Principality of Aalban               25
Principality of Belcadiz            30
Principality of Bergdhoven         34
Principality of Blackhill            37
Principality of Boldavia            37
Principality of Bramyra            40
Principality of Caurenze            42
Principality of Erewan               43
Principality of Fenswick            47
Principality of Klantyre            49
Principality of Krondahar            53
Principality of Morlay-Malinbois      55
Principality of New Kolland         58
Principality of
Nouvelle Averoigne               62
Principality of Sablestone            66

Chapter III: Waterways and Wizards   68
City Districts                     69
The Great School of Magic         73
The Authorities                  76
Other Groups of Import            77

Chapter Ⅳ: Magic               82
Wizard Spells                  82
Magical Items and Artifacts         94
The Seven Secret Crafts            98
The Secret of the Radiance         116

Chapter V: Glantrian Characters      122
Race and Social Class               122
The Progeny                     122
Character Kits                  124
Nonweapon Proficiencies            126

The Known World               10-11
Glantnan Coats of Arms            50
The Great Crater                  60
Glantri City Districts I               69
Glantri City Districts II               70
Glantri City Districts III            72
The Great School of Magic         75

Glantrian Time Line               12-15
Nobility and Voting               23-31
Foreign Relations                  32-33
Rapiers and Sabres               38
Glantrian Art                     41
The Grand Army                  62-64
Months and Holidays               73-76
The Laws of Glantri               79-80
Glantrian Spell Names            84-85
Common Magic Uses               95-96

Index                        128

Coats of Arms                  (back cover)
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-11, 周日 18:05:45



主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-11, 周日 18:06:14

“格兰特里™--魔法之国度”是一个位于被称为“密斯塔拉”的世界里的奇幻国度。 你可以用这片土地来作为使用“高级龙与地下城®  导入游戏”(曾经也被称作“第一任务™游戏”)或“高级龙与地下城®  游戏”本体规则的冒险的战役设定。格兰特里位于布伦大陆的北部和卡拉梅卡斯的西部(详见密斯塔拉™世界下的“卡拉梅卡斯™:冒险之国度”战役设定)。


没有人能否认或忽视不朽者的这一行为:它们向破碎之地上发射了一颗流星(该地区将格兰特里从狄卢金共和国南部当中分离开来),在摧毁该地区的同时制造出了“大星陨坑”(Great Crater)——也被称为“狄卢金大星陨坑”(Great Darokin Crater)。在这场战争灾难结束不超过十年之后,类人怪物开始在这个地区定居,利用由此产生的混乱来掩盖他们对南方公国、甚至是破碎之地上的类人团体的大规模袭击。现在,在一个狗头人施法者的控制下,大星陨坑已经成为了它的公国。然而,小心了,人类。狗头人国王并不想透露它那广袤领地的秘密。

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-11, 周日 18:06:32


而长达32页的冒险书《黑暗试炼》,是在“高级龙与地下城®  导入游戏”或真正的高级龙与地下城®游戏中都可以使用的基础脚本。这本冒险书和《Dar Inberlon旅行日志》(讲义7A到7D)记载了进行冒险所需的一切。与《格林莫勒》一样,只有DM才能阅读《黑暗试炼》。

CD, 卡片, 以及讲义
盒子中还装有八张卡片,上面记有八个适合在格兰特里进行冒险的玩家角色。(“高级龙与地下城®  导入游戏”和“卡拉梅卡斯”盒子中的角色也不错。)《黑暗试炼》的简介部分会说明如何使用这些角色卡。
除了卡片之外,盒子里还有16页看起来像羊皮纸的松散书页。有些是《黑暗试炼》的玩家讲义,有些被用来做指示。四张名为《Dar Inberlon旅行日志》的表格(讲义7A到7D),其中介绍了格兰特里的土地。在本设定进行冒险之前,DM应该阅读这些表格,然后将之交给玩家。这篇描述格兰特里的简短日记将告诉玩家他们的玩家角色(PC)对这片土地的了解。最后六张表格,全都标注有“迷你冒险”,它们为AD&D玩家团队提供了格兰特里的冒险点子。


*“高级龙与地下城®  导入游戏”在开始时是作为“第一任务游戏”发行的。这两种版本都是格兰特里和密斯塔拉世界的完美跳板,但玩家团队在使用玩家手册和地下城主指南中的AD&D游戏规则时会得到最好的体验。在玩家团队使用“高级龙与地下城®  导入游戏”规则完成《黑暗试炼》之后,他们可能会决定他们想要将自己的游戏【地点】设置在格兰特里。这时你,DM,就应该通读整本《格林莫勒》了。
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-11, 周日 18:06:47

—赫勒·鸠多尔, 格兰特里诸公国的官方历史学家。



参考格兰特里的海报地图。【格兰特里】北及温德尔里安山脉——一座被元素所磨平的古老山脉(range of mountains)。山谷和山口在它的山峰间频繁出现,使之相对容易穿越。

在山上通行并非易事;陌生人会发现自己很容易在其中迷路。这里的小径极少, 而杂乱无章的陡峭高山也使得直线行进非常困难。有数位法师已经发现连绵起伏的群山是建造塔楼的理想之地。如果不知道确切位置,那么找到这些塔楼的位置便是近乎无望之事。

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-11, 周日 18:07:08



主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-12, 周一 11:56:14


【*此“诸星团(Fellowship of stars)”非彼“诸星团(モロボシ·ダン)”(但玩梗是事实:P)。另,奥特曼中的“诸星团(モロボシ·ダン)”本为“诸星弹”,大陆翻译时出了偏差——百度百科。】
❖   数位来自艾维雯的精灵在阿尔费舍被捕,据称是因为烧毁了神殿。
❖   某个党派的部分格兰特里贵族在一次魔法攻击中被暗杀,这激怒了亲王议会,同时(在某些不朽者的影响下)使得强大的南方帝国泰亚提斯站到了格兰特里一方。
❖   被囚禁在阿尔费舍的格兰特里信使和精灵逃脱了,但在逃亡的过程中,它们燃起了一场大火,这场大火使得一座城市以及大量阿尔费舍飞空艇舰队毁于一旦。
❖ 在1005年的春天,阿尔费舍向格兰特里宣战;泰亚提斯选择与格兰特里并肩作战。所有人都知道,这场涉及了世界上最强大的两大帝国的战争绝不会在短时间内结束。

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-13, 周二 12:53:30







主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-14, 周三 16:48:18

The 13 principalities in this realm of magic differ from each other as much as Glantri itself differs from its neighbors. In this chapter you can read detailed descriptions of the principalities, presented in alphabetical order, starting on page 25. Each one is ruled by a noble house, created when the Council of Princes grants a noble princely status. Most (but not all) noble houses have existed for some time, entrenched in the intrigues and politics that inevitably come with rulership. Each noble house maintains a castle, keep, or hold—referred to here as a siege —where the family members live and base their government.
Each noble house embraces a number of important personalities, the ruling family's significant nonplayer characters (NPCs). Each of these people is oudined briefly within the principality's description (along with the characters' statistics and relation to the prince). Extremely influential family members (such as princes) have separate write ups at the end of the appropriate section.
Politics being complex and variable in Glantri, alliances often seem convoluted and quick to change, while hatreds run deep. So, the names of each principality's allies and foes appear in the appropriate sections, usually with an explanation in the text that follows. Most allies are minor nobles who have linked themselves with the powerful houses, and these allies rarely change—no house will accept a minor noble who has demonstrated shallow loyalties by leaving a previous alliance (and a minor noble with no house ties is practically powerless). Some noble houses have allied with each other, but these unions shift often—and quickly.
Each principality has voting power in the Council of Princes and the Parliament. The amount of voting power depends on a number of factors. (See “Nobility and Voting," the sidebar starting on page 23.) Lastly, a principality’s description mentions the area's population (including towns) plus the populations of individual towns or villages.

As mentioned above, a principality’s listing includes descriptions and game statistics for some of the important people who live there. (Usually the character’s name appears in italics on a section’s first text reference to him or her.) These brief NPC lines—containing the character’s alignment, race, sex. class, and level—are presented in parentheses. The following abbreviations help save space:
职业                  角色职业
CG   混乱善良            E   勇士
NG   中立善良            F(P)   圣武士
LG   守序善良            F(R)   游侠
CN   混乱中立            W   法师
N   绝对中立            P   祭司(罕见)
LN   守序中立            c   牧师(罕见)
CE   混乱邪恶            T   盗贼
NE   中立邪恶            B   吟游诗人
LE   守序邪恶      

种族                  性别
h   人类               m   男性
e      精灵            f   女性
A number indicating experience level comes after the character class abbreviation; thus W3 means “3rd-level wizard.” Occasionally, a wizard specializes in one school of magic. In such cases, the abbreviation for the school (in parentheses) follows the W. These abbreviations are:
A 防护
C 咒唤
D 预言
E 附魔/魅惑
Il 幻术
In 祈唤/塑能
N 死灵
T 变形(转化)
Some NPCs belong to one of the Seven Secret Crafts of Magic. (Sec Chapter IV: Magic.) If so, the brief character description includes the wizard's craft affiliation and rank.
For example, here is the character line for Lady Sinaria Verlien from the Principality of Bergdhoven:
(NE hf W16(E) Fire Elementalist of the Fourth Circle四之环的火元素学者)

This brief description identifies Lady Sinaria as a 16th-level human female Enchanter specialist wizard of neutral evil alignment. In addition, it tells us that she has gained the fourth circle in the Secret Craft of Elemental (Fire) Magic.
More detailed writeups for major characters follow the description of each principality. These writeups contain a complete set of game statistics for the nonplayer character, as well as details about the character's origin and personality. The text also includes a quote typifying the sort of thing the person has been heard to say (very revealing about the character's nature), a statement another character has made about this person (which shows how others regard the character), and ways to handle the NPC in play, including in combat situations.
The following abbreviations appear in game statistics:
THACO      To Hit Armor Class 0 (Strength, Dexterity, magic, and other modifiers do not figure into this number.)零级命中值(力量、敏捷、魔法以及其他调整不会被计算在内。)
#AT         Number of attacks the character can make in a round (with the character's preferred weapon in parentheses)该角色在一轮中可以攻击的次数(同时在括号中写出该角色偏好的武器)
Dmg      The damage the character normally inflicts该角色通常可以造成的伤害
SA         特殊 attacks (where applicable)(恰当情况下可以作出的)特殊攻击
SD         特殊 defenses (where applicable)(恰当情况下可以作出的)特殊防御
AC         Armor Class   防御等级
HD         Hit Dice (for monsters only)生命骰(只适用于怪物)
Hp         Hit points生命值
MV         Movement rate移动速度
ML         Morale士气
AL         Alignment (See page 23 for abbreviations.)阵营(缩写见23页)
XP         Experience points (included only for those nonplayer characters a party might fight)经验点数(只有玩家队伍有可能与之战斗的NPC才会拥有)
Str   Strength力量   Int   Intelligence智力
Dex   Dexterity敏捷   Wis   Wisdom灵知
Con   Constitution体质   Cha   Charisma魅力
Additionally, some (but not necessarily all) of a character’s favored spells, languages, proficiencies, and equipment (including magical items) appear in the NPC description. All wizards presented here use the Glantrian Wizard kit, unless otherwise noted. (See Chapter V: Glantrian Characters for more on character kits.)
The names of new spells detailed in this book are written in bold italics. An asterisk (*) marks a spell that, in Glantri, bears a name slightly altered from that in the Player's Handbook. Spell names differ when the wizards to whom the Player's Handbook attributes these spells are not known in Glantri. In the list below, the name in parentheses before a spell reflects the Player's Handbook spell name. (So, the spell called grasping hand in this Grimoire is listed in the Player's Handbook as Bigby's grasping hand.) Spells below are alphabetized by Glantrian name.
本书中所记录的新法术以粗斜体来表示。标记着一颗星号 (*)的法术则表示该法术在格兰特里有着与《玩家手册》中稍微不同的名字。玩家手册中为法术命名的那些法师在格兰特里并不为人所知,所以名字就发生了变更。在下表中,一个法术前列出的缩写表示该法术在《玩家手册》中的名字。(所以,一个在格林莫勒名为攫握之手的法术在《玩家手册》中名为毕格比的攫握之手。)以下法术都依照格兰特里名来排列。
(Melf‘s) acid arrow (马友夫的)强酸箭
(Evard's) black tentacles (伊瓦尔德的)黑触手
(Bigby's) clenched hand (毕格比的)紧握之拳
(Bigby's) crushing hand (毕格比的)粉碎之手
(Mordenkainen's) faithful hound (魔邓肯的)忠犬
(Bigby's) forceful hand (毕格比的)强力之手
(Otiluke's) freezing sphere (欧提路克的)冰封法球
(Bigby's) grasping hand (毕格比的)攫握之手
(Drawmij's) instant summons(卓姆吉的)瞬间召唤
(Bigby's) interposing hand (毕格比的)介入之手
(Otto's) irresistible dance (奥托的)迷舞
(Mordenkainen's) magic mansion
(Melf‘s) minute meteors (魔邓肯的)豪宅术
(Otiluke's) resilient sphere (欧提路克的)弹力法球
(Leomund's) secure shelter (李欧蒙的)庇护所
(Serten's) spell immunity (瑟坦的)法术免疫术
(Mordenkainen's) sword (魔邓肯之)剑
(Otiluke's) telekinetic sphere(欧提路克的)灵动法球

Thieving abilities use the following abbreviations:

PP   Pick pockets盗窃   HS   Hide in shadows阴影躲藏
OL   Open locks开锁   DN   Detect noise辨声
F/RT   Find/remove traps寻找/解除陷阱   CW   Climb walls爬墙
MS   Move silendy潜行   RL   Read languages解读文书

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-15, 周四 11:13:15
阿尔本公国Principality of Aalban
Aalban, in northern Glantri, is the domain of the family Drachenfels. This house finds itself routinely disrupted by interfamily violence, for opposing factions joined in marriage long ago. The two arms of the clan—one Thyatian and one Alphatian—oppose one another on numerous issues.
House: Ritterburg.
Ruler: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels.
Siege: Ritterburg.
House Personalities: Frau Hildegarde, mother; Fraulein Helgar, sister; Herr Sigmund, son; Herr Roderick, son.
Allies: Herr Franz Lowenroth, Baron of Adlerturm; Herr Rolf von Graustein, Viscount of Blofeld; Lady Mariana Terlagand, Marchioness of Berrym; Houses of Hillsbury and Kol.
Foes: Houses of Singhabad and Sylaire.
Voting Power: 17 at the council, 33 at Parliament.
Population: 34,230.
Leenz: 4,200.
Graez: 1,100.

Frau Hildegarde (N hf W20 Earth Elementalist of the Fifth Circle) claims Thyatian descent. Since the demise of Gertrud, the wife of Prince Jaggar (and chief supporter of the Alphatian side of the family), Hildegarde has managed to give priority to the Thyatian faction's concerns and beliefs. Jaggar has been too preoccupied with other matters— particularly his paramour, Princess Dolores Hillsbury (page 48), and her agenda—to pay attention to family politics.
希尔德加德夫人 (N hf W20 五之环的土元素学者)声称泰亚提斯应背负责任。自从格特鲁德去世以来,身为贾加尔亲王的妻子(同时她也是家族内阿尔费舍一方的主要支持者),希尔德加德已经开始优先考虑泰亚提斯派系的隐患与信仰。而贾加尔本人则醉心于其他事务——尤其是其情妇,德洛丽丝·希尔斯伯里女王(第48页),以及她的议程——而无心关注家族政治。
Fraulein Helgar (N hf W8 Dracologist of the Second Circle) considers Princess Dolores responsible for the death of Gertrud. But, as Helgar has neither the magical nor political power to prove her claim, it has fallen on deaf ears. Current public opinion places blame for the death (incorrectly) on Hildegarde. Ilerr Sigmund (N hm W8), the prince's older son, is an eccentric inventor who often creates fantastic machines that go haywire in Ritterburg. The prince's other son, Roderick (CN hm T5) shares none of his family's magical abilities (something Hildegarde blamed Gertrud for). No one has seen him for months; unbeknownst to the rest of the family, he has become a thief-for-hire in Glantri City under the assumed name of Tirrek Horth.
海尔格女士(N hf W8 二之环的龙学者)则认为德洛丽丝女王才应该为格特鲁德的死负责。但因为海尔格没有足以证明其主张的魔法力量或政治权力,所以这便被置若罔闻了。目前的公众舆论将【格特鲁德的】死亡(错误地)归咎于希尔德加德。亲王的长子,西格蒙德阁下,则是一位古怪的发明家,他经常会在骑士堡造出发疯的怪异机器。而亲王的另一位儿子,罗德里克(CN hm T5),则丝毫没有继承其家族的魔法能力(有时希尔德加德会将此事怪罪到格特鲁德身上)。最近几个月来没人见过他;而他在其他家庭成员不知情的情况下,已经成为了格兰特里城中的一名受雇盗贼,化名为蒂雷克·霍斯。
Herr Franz Lowenroth (N hm W12 Cryptomancer of the Third Circle) is one of Jaggar’s main allies. Locals also know Franz as “The Lion Master," as he spends his time researching spells dealing with large cats (enlarging them, controlling them, summoning them, etc.). While not a true lycan thrope, he has gained all the abilities of a weretiger through his magic. Lady Mariana Terlagand, also a close ally of House Ritterburg, died more than 40 years ago without an heir. No one knows of her death, however; the Guildmaster of Spokesmen (see Chapter III: Waterways and Wizards) has continued to represent her interests through his assistant, Narda Shelyn (NT hf W8). Narda has proven capable at convincing people she is Mariana—and at eliminating those who see through her deception.
弗兰茨·洛文罗思阁下(N hm W12 三之环的密言学者)是贾加尔的主要盟友之一。当地人将他称为“雄狮之主“,因为他将时间花在研究针对大型猫科动物的法术上(将它们变大、控制它们、召唤它们等)。虽然他不是一位兽化人,但他已经通过自己的魔法获得了一位虎人所有的能力。瑞特博格家族的另一位亲密盟友,玛丽安娜·特拉加德女士,则在40多年前去世,且没有继承人。然而,没有人得知她的死讯;Guildmaster of Spokesmen(详见第三章:水路和法师)继续通过她的助理娜尔达·雪琳(NT hf W8)来代表她的利益。Narda已经证明了她有能力说服人们她就是玛丽安娜——并消灭那些识破她的骗局的人。
The Drachenfels family originally gained fame and popularity by slaying dragons in the Wendarian Ranges north of the realm. Even today, dragon hunting occupies various family members. This dangerous vocation not only endears the populace to them, but it provides a supply of draconic magical components to sell in Glantri City.
Aalban is a militaristic principality. Conscription claims most of the young males not bound for the Great School of Magic; the draftees must perform two years of military service. Ritterburg claims numerous students from the School of Magic for military service with the 1st Banner (the magical unit of any Glantrian army) under Jaggar von Drachenfels. Such postings offer solid pay, good benefits, and fine treatment—an enviable combination.
The people of Aalban, while not mistreated, are keenly aware of the rigid, uncompromising structure of their society. Locals feel the government's presence everywhere; large security forces remain garrisoned in both major towns. The law deals swiftly and harshly with criminals— Drachenfels justice shows little mercy. The military holds authority over all situations and any common citizen.Troops watch even innocent public gatherings closely for signs of insurrection, and locals enjoy few rights or freedoms. Soldiers maintain these precautions with little urgency, however, as the people have adapted to their ruler and seem content, in a way.
Pastures and plains make up most of Aalban, so many citizens farm or herd. Cabbage, potatoes, and various grains grow here; much of the grain goes to the famous Aalbanese breweries. Swine herds, a common sight in the area, provide the locals with leather, pork, and related products.
The smiths of Aalbanese towns are famous for their intricate machines, including hand-driven devices to wash clothes, grind flour, churn butter, and even keep track of time. All these.machines use delicate gears, created solely in Aalban. Workers and artisans in this principality also produce carriages, furnaces, siege engines, tools'of all types, weapons, armor, and similar items.
House Ritterburg has long considered itself a foe of House Singhabad of the Principality of Krondahar. For years, the Drachenfelses have longed for war with Ethen- gar, a desire that Jherek Virayana, Prince of Krondahar (page 54), finds foolish. The Drachenfelses think Jherek's sentiments spring from sympathy with the Ethengarian Great Khan, but, actually, Jherek knows the great military strength of Ethengar would spell disaster for Glantrian forces.
It is public knowledge that Jaggar has been engaging in an affair with Dolores Hillsbury, ruler of the new Principality of Fenswick. Dolores's influence in recent years has made Jaggar sympathetic to the plight of the humanoids in their desire to have New Kolland declared a principality. Jaggar (and most everyone else) does not realize that Dolores is really a night dragon, Syrtn, who aims only to spread chaos throughout Glantri. Synn had Jaggar’s wife, Gertrud, killed in order to seduce the prince more effectively (and publicly). To accomplish her plans, Dolores has forged the alliance of Aalban, New Kolland, and her own principality. Under the rule of the evil Prince Henri d'Ambreville (page 63), House Sylaire had belonged to this alliance, but the allegiance of his principality, Nouvelle Averoigne, shifted with his death.
Leenz, a town of fair size (especially by Glantrian standards), serves as home to many Drachenfels relatives. The town has a substantial garrison of troops (Jaggar’s entire 3rd Banner) and seems very defensible, though it has never fallen under attack. Graez, a much smaller village, remains known for its breweries.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-16, 周五 12:08:06
贾加尔·冯·龙福斯亲王Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels
Prince of Aalban, Warden of the Marches, Count of Ritterbttrg, Viceroy of Nordling, High Master of Dracology

Jaggar was born and bred to be a prince of Glantri. The Drachenfels clan traces its ancestry back to the royalty of ancient Blackmoor, a renowned land that once lay to the north of Glantn's present-day location. Family members believe these noble ties make them inherently superior to all other humans. Jaggar's parents gave him the best tutors and training in the realm, so his upbringing would match his familial background. He did not attend the Great School, but learned magic from his father, whose skills Jaggar still has yet to match, despite his respected power and ability.
Born in the year 945, Jaggar became a prince in 983 with the passing of his father, Morgaithe. Six years later, he married Gertrud, his cousin, in order to more firmly unite the factions of the family. Their children, Sigmund and Roderick, were born soon after the marriage, but he and Gertrud never grew close. Jaggar feels stronger ties to his sister, Helgar, naming her his best friend aside from Rolf von Graustein.
Desiring to improve his skills as a wizard, he rummaged through his father's effects and discovered notes regarding the magical abilities of dragons. Morgaithe, like the other Drachenfelses, had been a famous dragonslayer, but his skill, Jaggar learned, came from understanding the magic of the beasts. The prince took this knowledge, passed down through the Drachenfels family for centuries, and challenged the Secret Craft of Dracology at the School of Magic. When the disciples of the craft discovered Jaggar already knew far more than they did, they quickly appointed him High Master, deposing the wizard holding the title at the time. Despite his position, Jaggar rarely graces the school with his presence. Dracologist business must come to him in Ritterburg.
In the year 994, several victories against ores from the Broken Lands earned him the tide Warden of the Marches. In times of war, Jaggar commands the Grand Army of Glantri. During the Wrath of the Immortals, he used his skills to defend Glantri City against the invading forces of humanoids from the south and was instrumental in curtailing the forces of the sorcerer-assassins from Alphatia.
When his wife died in 1010, Jaggar shed no tears. In fact, by then he had already taken up with Dolores Hillsbury. He has no idea his lover is a creature of evil influencing him to help her destabilize Glantri. Already, he has aligned with the humanoids of New Kolland and turned his back on the Erewan elves—actions he never would have taken before.
He served as Chamberlain of the Land until the Chancellor recently awarded the title to Princess Isidore, claiming the charge interfered with Jag- gar's military duties.
Personality: Jaggar's refined sophistication hides only a cold, uncaring soul. Order and discipline are extremely important to him, and he finds beings of chaos abhorrent creatures that must be destroyed (probably one of the reasons Synn chose him to use as a tool—no one would suspect him of aiding the cause of disorder in Glantri).
As the ruler of Aalban, Jaggar directs the principality as his father before him (and his father before him). He rules calmly, calculating each move, yet firmly and without mercy for either its citizens or outsiders.He feels very proud of his troops, treating them (especially the military mages) with greater respect than anyone else. He always lobbies in the Council of Princes for a Glantri strong in military might, and secredy longs for a war (probably with Ethengar) to display his newest strategies and tactics.
What He Says: The key to success is discipline. The man who truly controls himself can control the world.
What Others Say: There is nothing one can say to cast aspersion upon Jaggar’s character—but that doesn’t mean that anyone likes him. (Prince Urmahid Krinagar)
Appearance: The handsome Jaggar always looks trim and impeccably groomed. He often wears high cavalry boots and a white uniform covered with his medals and stripes (many of which are actually magical items). He keeps a monocle always in his left eye.
Using Jaggar: Jaggar is one of the more powerful and influential princes of Glantri. As such, he is more likely to have occasion to interact with player characters than many other princes. Far too busy to go “monster hunting” in the Wendarian Ranges anymore, he remains always on the lookout for capable adventurers to take care of the task for him. He may be interested in using the PCs to spy on his enemies and rivals, although they should realize that he will have no compassion for them if they get caught.
使用贾加尔: 贾加尔是格兰特里最有权势和影响力的亲王之一。因此,他比其他亲王更有可能与玩家角色互动。他现在太忙了,不能再去温德尔里安山脉“狩猎怪物”了,所以他一直在寻找有能力的冒险家来为他完成这个任务。他可能对利用玩家角色来监视他的敌人和竞争对手很感兴趣,但他们(玩家们)应该意识到,如果他们被抓到,他是不会同情他们的。
Combat: Unless the characters go up against the Grand Army in war, they are unlikely to fight Prince Jaggar. Very powerful in combat, he couples his extensive spell selection with his Dracologist abilities. To encounter the prince in his home, PCs first must overcome a veritable army of golems and magical constructs, built by Herr Rolf, in addition to more traditional guards. Jaggar, an Invoker specialty wizard (giving him an additional invocation spell of each level on his memorized spell list below), uses the Military Wizard kit. The folk of Aalban, so used to seeing him astride one of the two pegasi in his private stables, have not seen this sight of late.
贾加尔·冯·龙福斯, 24级人类祈唤师: THAC0 13; #AI 1 (短剑+4); Dmg 1d6 (+5; +1 力量奖励, +4 魔法剑);SA 法术, 龙学者力量; SD 魔法物品; AC 1; hp 64; MV 12; ML 16; AL LE;XP 21,000.
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 15.
1级—魔法警报, 侦测魔法, 羽落术, 魔法飞弹(x3).
2级—朦胧术, 恒久之光, 敲击术, 漂浮术, 力量术, 蛛网术.
3级—驱散魔法, 火球术(x2), 飞行术, 加速术, 防护箭矢.
4级—侦测探知, 次元门, eluding the death blow, 冰风暴, 石肤术, 火墙术.
5级—杀戮之云, 冰锥术, 介入之手*, 短讯术, 心灵遥控, 力场墙.
6级—连环闪电,死雾术,解离术, 强力之手*, transformation*, 死亡法咒.
7级—攫握之手*, 相位门, 反重力, sword*, 无误传送术, 启示.
8级—紧握之拳*, grasp the magic since used, 焚云术, 心灵屏障, 沉没术, 灵动法球*.
9级—粉碎之手*, 禁锢术, 流星爆, 时光停滞, 时间停止.
语言: 泰亚提斯通用语.
已知熟练: Ancient history, etiquette, heraldry, local history (Glantri), monster lore,reading/writing, riding (land-based), riding (airborne), spellcraft, spellflash.
装备: 短剑 +4, scarab of protection, brooch of shielding amulet of proof against detection and location, medallion of protection AC 2 (as bracers), ring of protection +/, Blackmoorian lightning rod (L-shaped device of blue metal that fires 12d6 lightning bolts-, 42 charges left). Rumors say he carries one of the orbs of dragonkind. (详见神器之书。)

罗尔夫·冯·格劳斯坦先生Herr Rolf von Graustein
Viscount of Blofeld, Alchemist of the Fourth Circle

At the age of 70, Rolf remains extremely active—if for no other reason than he has never had time to notice his years. He is Jaggar's best friend, and has been ever since he first showed his creations to the very young heir apparent. Rolf spends a great deal of time away from his tower, preferring to conduct experiments and animate creations at Ritterburg. While there, people usually call him “Herr Doktor."
Herr Doktor's experiments have filled Ritterburg with golems and mechanical constructs. At last count, Jaggar's keep housed 83 golems, 16 mechanical magens, 14 manikins, and 10 living statues. They work in the royal home, although human servants have dudes there as well.
多克托先生的实验已经将整个瑞特博格用魔像和魔法构装体填满了。据最新统计,贾加尔的城堡里有83个魔像、16个mechanical magens、14个manikins,以及10个活体雕像。它们服侍皇室家庭,但那里也有人类侍从。
Personality: Rolf's experiments and creations consume his attendon. He rarely socializes, preferring work over all else. It is not uncommon for him to talk to himself—often ranting about some difficulty with a new experiment.
What He Says: Once again, my friend, you see the superiority of my creations over mortal flesh.
What Others Say: Rolf who? Oh, Herr Doktor. He’s a litde cracked, but harmless—right? (Franz Lowenroch)
Appearance: Herr Doktor possesses thinning black hair and hawkish facial features. He usually wears nondescript black or gray clothing, sometimes with a long, white coat.
Using Rolf: Adventurers normally encounter Rolf at Ritterburg rather than at his own home. He might easily become an adversary of a group of good PCs wishing to stop him from creacing so many powerful monsters.
Combat: Rarely armed, Rolf allows a bodyguard (a construct) to do his fighting for him. Though adept at defensive magic, he knows only a few offensive spells.
罗尔夫·冯·格劳斯坦, 15级人类法师:
THACO 16; #AT 1 {匕首+1); Dmg ld4 (+1 魔法匕首) ;SA 法术, 炼金学者力量; AC 9; hp 45; MV 12; ML steady (12); AL NE, XP 12,000.
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 8.
1st level—armor, draw forth the truth, sorcerous transcription, spirit of servitude, swiftly devour the written word.
2nd level—dee.ppocke.ts, detect invisibility, ESP, mirror image, wizard lock.
3rd level—dispel magic, item, lightning bolt, tongues, wraithform. 4th level—fear, fumble, landscape of spell lore, minor creation, wall of ice.
5th level—animate dead, fabricate, major creation, pluck a petal of spetlflower, teleport.
6th level—enchant an item, legend lore.
7th level—consume the wealth of wisdom.
语言: 泰亚提斯通用语.
已知熟练: Alchemy, ancient history, ancient languages, blacksmirhing, engineering, healing, herbalism, reading/writing.
装备: Cloak of protection +•/, dagger \1, figurine of wondrous power (serpentine owl).
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-19, 周一 10:48:11
比尔卡迪兹公国Principality of Belcadiz
The Belcadiz elves, who make up a third,of Glantri’s elven population, seem unique among elves—few have ties to other elves in the land or elsewhere. Non-Belcadiz elves call the clan so “humanized" that members are all half-elves— whether they actually have any human blood or not.
House: Clan of Alhambra.
Ruler: Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias.
Siege: Alhambra.
House Personalities: Leontina, mother; Dona Carmina, fiancee of the late Hippolito; Dona Blanca, Carmina's twin sister; Don Alejandro, Blanca's husband; Victoria, Leontina's aunt and mother of Carmina and Blanca; Don Diego,brother; Don Ricardo, brother; Don Miguelito, son; Don Sancho, son; Dona Maria, daughter; Don Carlo, Maria's husband; Don Fernando de Casanegra, uncle; Dona Yolanda, Leontina’s sister, wife of Fernando.
Allies: Dona Isabella de Montebello, Baronesa del Egom.
Foes: Clan of Ellerovyn, Houses of Sylaire and Kol.
Voting Power: 18 at the council, 29 at Parliament.
Population: 12,458.
New Alvar: 5,000.

Princess Carnelia came to power years ago, when her father passed away and her mother, Leotttina (LG ef W6), retired to a convent. Carnelia's sons, Miguelito (NG cm W7, Dracologist of the Second Circle) and Sancho (Nt em W4/T4) both study at the Great School of Magic. Miguelito was cursed by a failed spell to remain at a height of 4 feet permanently. Sancho, having renounced his heritage, calls himself Etheriam and keeps company with Erewan elves. Dona Maria (LG ef F1/W1) married Don Carlo (LN em F6/W6), the constable of New Alvar.
   卡妮莉亚公主是多年前掌权的,当时她的父亲去世了,她的母亲莱昂蒂娜(LG ef W6)则退隐到了一间修道院。卡妮莉亚的儿子米格利托(NG cm W7,二之环的龙学家)和桑丘(Nt em W4/T4)都在至高魔法学院学习。米格利托被一个失败的法术诅咒,导致自己的身高永远只有4英尺。桑丘则放弃了他的传统,称自己为以太瑞姆,并与艾维雯精灵为伍。玛丽亚小姐(LG ef F1/W1)嫁给了卡洛阁下(LN em F6/W6),新阿尔瓦的治安官。
Hippolilo, Carnelia's brother, died a few years ago in a skirmish with Prince Henri d'Ambrcville over the affections of an elven seductress named Carmina, to whom Hippolito was engaged. During Hippolito's “rescue mission" to Glantri City to bring Carmina back to New Alvar, he accidentally revealed in public his intention to oust Carnelia and take control of the clan. His sister later discovered he’d been embezzling clan funds, extorting heavy taxes on merchants crossing the Vesubia River into Erewan, and instigating other illegal activities. In light of these crimes, Carnelia never ordered retribution for his death.
Carmina remains in Glantri City. She is visited more and more frequently by her twin sister, Blanca (CN ef F4/W4), who seeks to imitate her wild sibling—and escape her boring husband, Alejandro (CG em W9). Alcjandro, the clan’s sage, immerses himself in his studies and could not care less about the activities of his wife and her immoral sister. Their mother, Victoria (LN ef W10 Wokani of the Third Circle), is the oldest member of the clan as well as Leontina’s aunt.
卡米娜仍然住在格兰特里城。她的双胞胎姐妹布兰卡(CN ef F4/W4)越来越频繁地来探望她,试图模仿她的狂野姐妹——并逃离她那无趣的丈夫亚历杭德罗(Alejandro) (CG em W9)。家族的巫师亚历杭德罗则沉浸在他的研究中,不关心他的妻子和她那不道德的姐姐的活动。他们的母亲维多利亚(LN ef W10 三之环的巫术学者)是这个家族中年龄最大的成员,也是莱昂蒂娜的姑姑。
Carnelia’s brothers, Diego (CG em W9/F9) and Ricardo (N em W7/F7) both have acquired some fame in Glantri as swashbuckling heroes, although Diego adventures to support the cause of good, while the younger Ricardo does it to gain fame and wealth. Diego used to operate in southern Glantri as a masked hero known as Manuel, but gave up such activities when Carnelia discovered Manuel’s identity and chided him for acting below his station.
卡妮莉亚的兄弟迭戈(CG em W9/F9)和里卡多(N em W7/F7)都在格兰特里获得了一些名声,他们都是徒有其名的英雄,尽管迭戈的冒险是为了支持美好的事业,但年轻的里卡多则是为了获得名誉和财富。迭戈过去在南格兰特里以蒙面英雄曼纽尔的身份行事,但当卡妮莉亚发现曼纽尔的真面目并指责他行事有失身份后,他就放弃了这类活动。
Yolanda (CN ef W5 Wokani of the First Circle) is the princess’s aunt and Leontina's sister. She lives with her husband, Don Fernando de Casanegra (LG em W11), the Marques de Satolas, in the Tower of Satolas. Fernando, a member of the Brotherhood of the Radiance (see Chapter III: Waterways and Wizards), supports Carnelia completely.
尤兰达(CN ef W5 一之环的巫术学者)是亲王的姑姑和莱昂蒂娜的妹妹。她和她的丈夫、萨托拉斯的侯爵费尔南多·德·卡萨尼格拉阁下(LG em W11),住在萨托拉斯之塔上。身为辐射兄弟会的一员(见第三章:水路与法师)的费尔南多完全支持卡妮莉亚。
Dona Isabella de Montebello (NG ef W10) is another strong supporter of Carnelia—or so she appears. Since her rise to the rank of baroness a few years ago, she has desired to qualify for an act of enfeoffment to set up a new elven principality in the west. Although she gained popularity early in her efforts, the enfeoffment of Sablestone in the exact territory she had coveted destroyed any realistic expectations of success. Still hopeful, she and her small elven community have grown isolated from the elves of Belcadiz (and secretly resentful of them).
伊莎贝拉·德·蒙特贝罗夫人(NG ef W10)是卡妮莉亚的另一位坚定支持者——至少她看起来是这样的。自从几年前她升为女男爵以来,她一直希望有资格获赐封地,以便在西方建立一个新的精灵公国。尽管她在早期的努力中获得了声望,但由于她梦寐以求的黑貂岩被分封了出去,她对成功的任何现实期望就都被摧毁了。仍然充满希望的是,她和她的精灵小社群已经从比尔卡迪兹的精灵中独立了出去(并在暗中憎恨他们)。
Belcadiz is a realm of rolling hills, making conventional agriculture difficult. For this reason, the elves cultivate mainly grapes (for winemaking) and various fruit-bearing trees. Renowned for its metalcraft, Belcadiz produces the finest swords and lightweight armors in Glantri. Many desire the elven metal for its ability to hold enchantment, also.
In the southern Colossus Mounts, the elves maintain several gold mines, which bring the clan substantial amounts of revenue. Belcadiz also is known for producing fine black lace, made mostly in small crafthouses in New Alvar.
New Alvar is a town of about 5,000 residents, primarily elves. A heavily wooded area surrounds the entire community—by the elves' design. Miners from the hills and mountains bring their ores here for refining and crafting. The woods around New Alvar reputedly are plagued by giant insects, but no one knows their origin as yet.
As mentioned, the elves of this clan do not get along with Erewan elves. The two groups have come to launching small, covert attacks against each other, always without official sanction by either side. The story from the princess blames “radical, criminal elements” for such missions.
Unlike the elves of Erewan, the Belcadiz elves mix freely with humans; they feel more strongly tied to other Glantrians than to their distant elven cousins. This racial blending makes half-elves common among the Belcadiz. Half-breeds usually take after their elf parent in looks and lifestyle, but are accepted by both human and Belcadiz elf society.
Belcadiz elves often use rapiers (not found in the Player's Handbook—see sidebar on page 38) with daggers or small shields. They wear lightweight armor, or none at all.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-21, 周三 17:00:04
卡妮莉亚·德·比尔卡迪兹·Y·费多里亚斯亲王Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias
Princess of Belcadiz, Marquesa del Alhambra, Vice-Queen of Monteleone, High Mistress of Wokanism

Born in the year 812, Carnelia is young by elf standards. Despite this youth, she has accomplished much. Carnelia took the throne in Belcadiz when her father passed on; her mother wanted nothing of ruling, and Carnelia’s husband never returned from an expedition to a hidden ruin in the Colossus Mounts. Carnelia gladly accepted the mantle of leadership, and her people's lives have only improved. A capable leader, the elf woman is loved by most, if not all.
Personality: Though stern, Carnelia possesses a merciful side to which one can appeal in certain situations. Usually, however, she makes decisions based on the consequences to her people, rather than on any other concerns.
What She Says: Belcadiz has needs, sir. In comparison, your needs— even my needs—arc inconsequential.
What Others Say: Don’t let her actions fool you—she's just as cutthroat and ruthless as the rest of [the princes] when she needs to be. (Thendain Erewan)
Appearance: Small of stature, Carnelia possesses a dark beauty rare even for an elf. She usually wears lace-covered gowns that accentuate her dark complexion, hair, and eyes. When readying herself for combat, she dons dark brown pants, tall black boots, and a white blouse, strapping her rapier and wands to her side with a red sash.
外表: 卡妮莉亚身材矮小,拥有一种即使对于精灵来说也很罕见的深色美。她通常穿着蕾丝边的长袍,以突出她的肤色、头发和眼睛。在准备战斗时,她会穿上深棕色的裤子,黑色的高筒靴,白色的上衣,用一条红色腰带把她的细剑和魔杖绑在一边。
Using Carnelia: This ruler numbers among the few honorable princes of Glantri—and the few that are not evil. Consequently, player characters may consider her someone to turn to in times of need, particularly when they find themselves up against one of the other princes. However, she only helps others when doing so helps her people.
Note: The character Carnelia was created using the optional rule for “Exceeding Level Limits" in Chapter 2: Player Character Races in the Dungeon MASTER®Guide. This rule is highly recommended for this setting; Carnelia benefitted from the ability to gain higher levels than normally allowed elves. Treat her as an exception in this regard, as she is an exceptional woman.
注意:创建角色卡妮莉亚所使用的可选规则“超过等级限制”在《地下城主®指南》第二章:玩家角色种族当中。此规则强烈推荐用于此设定; 卡妮莉亚从获得比精灵通常能够达到的等级更高等级的能力中获益。在这方面把她看作一个例外,因为她是一个不同寻常的女人。
Combat: Despite her physical combat skill, Carnelia always avoids direct violent confrontation, preferring to strike magically from afar, either with spells or her Wokani abilities.

卡妮莉亚·德·比尔卡迪兹·Y·费多里亚斯夫人, 18级精灵法师/12级精灵战士: THACO 9; #AT 3/2 (细剑+2); Dmg 1 d6+l (+2 魔法细剑)] SA 法术, 巫术学者能力; SD 魔法物品; AC 4; hp 65; MV 12; ML 勇士(16); AL LN.
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 14.
1st level—charm person, filth's bane, shield, shocking grasp, unseen sen'ant. 2nd level—bind, invisibility, rope trick, spectral hand, whispering wind.
3rd level—clairaudience, hold person, minute meteors*, slow, wraith form.
4th level emotion, ice storm, magic mirror, polymorph other, stoneskin.
5 th level—chaos, demi-shadow monsters, domination, feeblemind, shadow door. 6th level—disintegrate, geas, globe of invulnerability.
7th level—guardian mantle, instant summons*, phase door.
8th level—mind blank, speltdoor.
9th level—prismatic sphere.
语言: Elvish (Belcadiz dialect), Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Disguise, etiquette, local history (Glantri/Bclcadiz). riding (land-based), spellcraft, spellflash.
装备: Rapier +2, ring of protection +4 (+2 to saves), wand of frost (32 charges), wand of illusion (27 charges).

卡米娜·德·比尔卡迪兹Carmina de Belcadiz
Wokani of the Second Circle

Cousin to Leontina and once promised to a prominent member of the Clan of Alhambra, Carmina has been stirring up politics in Glantri since before the days of principalities. Despite this fact, however, she still appears a young, vivacious woman—one who has stolen innumerable hearts.
She has seduced many of the powerful within Glantri, including Prince Henri of House Sylaire and Don Hippolito of her own noble family. That both are now dead doubtless goes beyond mere coincidence. Other minor nobles have fallen under the spell of her feminine wiles—many of them still remain under her influence today.
Carmina now resides in Glantri City and has become known for the decadent parties she throws for the nobles there. While Henri was alive, she spent a great deal of time at Sylaire in Nouvelle Averoigne, for she actually seemed almost as smitten with him as he was with her.
Personality: The elf woman has always used her charm and beauty to seduce the powerful men around her. At first, she did this to achieve her own goals and improve her position. After all these years, however, she has decided that the game itself is more entertaining than actually winning. Now she seduces the rich and powerful for the sheer pleasure of it. Carmina enjoys seeing the mighty brought low and often betrays lovers merely to sec them fall.
What She Says: Come now. What could it possibly hurt?
What Others Say: Just look ehe other way, lad. They were thinking of her when they came up with the saying “playing with fire.’ (Duncan McGregor)
Appearance: As beautiful as she is dangerous, Carmina wears revealing, elaborate red dresses with red or black veils. She has become an expert at looking innocent and helpless. If she carries a weapon or magical item with her, she keeps it hidden or disguised as a piece of jewelry.
Using Carmina: Carmina most likely will ignore the PCs unless one or more of them is a noble. She might attempt at some time to seduce a noble male player character, then toy with his affections. One of her many potential suitors, insane with unrequited love, can provide the focus of an adventure.
Combat: “Hell hath no fury …“doesn't even begin to cover it. If angered, Carmina either uses her influence with powerful men to punish the offender or her Wokani abilities or spells to strike from afar. Occasionally, she delays her attack for some time, to catch the victim off guard. Rarely, she eliminates her foes with poison. She flees direct combat situations; seldom does she find herself in such a situation without a gallant suitor to come to her aid.
【* Hell hath no fury:古语说“地狱里的烈火抵不上受到愚弄的女人的怒火”。 这个短语意思:“千万别得罪女人”。】
卡米娜·德·比尔卡迪兹夫人, 7级精灵法师:
THACO 18; #AT 1 (dagger of venom); Dmg ld4 (+1 魔法匕首); SA 法术, 巫术学者能力; AC 7; hp 28; MV 12; ML 狂热(17); AL CN.
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 9, Ch 18.
1st level—charm person, filth's bane, phantasmal force, shield. 2nd level—alter self, ESP, invisibility.
3rd level—delude, suggestion.
4th level—confusion.
语言: Elvish (Belcadiz dialect), Flaemish, Sylaire, Thyadan common.
已知熟练: Appraising, cooking, dancing, dis guise, euquette, forgery, reading/wriring.
装备: Dagger of venom, wand of polymorphing, numerous potions of human control and philters of love.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-22, 周四 15:45:23
波洛赫温公国Principality of Bergdhoven
The Vlaardoens of the Principality of Bergdhoven are the oldest Plaemish family in Glantri. They display the traditional traits of bronze-colored skin, reddish hair, and great magical power. However, they have been “reduced” to intermarriage with normal humans, and their claim of racial superiority is beginning to ring of hypocrisy. They maintain that, as Flaems settled the region first, only they may rightfully rule Glantri. The previous Prince of Bergdhoven did not even officially recognize the other princes as equals. (But then, many other princes have the same problem.)
House: Linden.
Ruler: Princess Juliana Vlaardoen.
Siege: Linden.
House Personalities: Sir Anton, uncle; Feldian, suitor.
Allies: Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron of Oxhill; Lord Mirn Krollnar, Viscount of Bergen; Lady Sinaria Verlien, Countess of High Sonden.
Foes: House Singhabad and the Clans of Ellerovyn and Alhambra.
Voting Power: 15 at the council, 30 at Parliament.
Population: 34,350.
Kopstar: 4,400.
Altendorf: 2,750.
家族成员:安东阁下,叔叔; 费尔迪安,追求者
敌人: 辛格哈巴家族,埃乐瑞雯和阿尔罕布拉家族。
Juliana assumed the title of princess when her parents died of the plague during the war with Alphatia. Her father, Prince Vanserie, denied foreign clerics' assistance for himself and his wife on principle alone, and instructed in his will that no priestly magic should ever raise or resurrect them. Consequently, Juliana reincarnated him—but Vanserie returned to life in the body of a dwarf. In his shock and loathing at his new race, he immediately killed himself. Juliana, unwilling to let the world know her father died of either the plague or suicide, buried her father's original body and released the story that her parents had been killed in battle with an Alphatian summoned monster.
Juliana’s supposed uncle Anton is actually a venerable gold dragon named Raknaar. The real Anton long ago tried to slay Raknaar, but the dragon killed him instead, then used a magic jar spell to enter his body (which the beast healed of damage). When offered the princeship, “Anton" declined in favor of Juliana. Infatuated with the princess, Raknaar seeks to protect and help her.
As soon as she took her father’s position, a number of Glantri’s single (minor) noblemen attempted to gain Juliana’s favor. The suitor that seems to have captured her heart, however, is neither a noble nor a spellcaster. Feldian (NG hm F7) has no Flaemish blood either, which everyone knows Juliana’s father would not have tolerated. Raknaar hates Feldian (as he would any suitor); he awaits the proper opportunity to persuade the princess to send him away.
当她接过父亲的职位时,格兰特里的一些单身(小)贵族立即试图获得朱莉安娜的好感。然而,似乎那位俘获了她芳心的追求者既不是贵族,也不是施法者。更不用说费尔迪安(NG hm F7)甚至没有弗雷姆血统,而大家都知道朱莉安娜的父亲不会容忍这个的。拉克纳尔恨费尔迪安(就像他恨任何【朱莉安娜的】追求者一样);他等待着合适的机会去说服公主把他送走。
Lord Pieter Vandehaar (CE hm W11 Fire Elementalist of the Third Circle) rules Oxhill, near Sablestone. At one time, he hired bandits to raid the area. To restore peace, he thought, the Council of Princes would transfer control of the area to him through an act of enfeoffment. The act passed, but the council chose not to make Pieter the ruler of the new principality. Since then, he has become very bitter and promises to make trouble for Prince Harald of Sablestone.
彼得·范德哈尔大人(CE hm W11三之环的火元素学者)统治着黑貂岩附近的公牛山。有一次,他雇了强盗来袭击这个地区。为了恢复和平,他想,亲王议会会通过分封行为将该地区的控制权移交给他的。结果法案的确通过了,但议会并没有决定让彼得成为新公国的统治者。从那以后,他就变得非常刻薄,并发誓要给黑貂岩的哈拉尔德亲王制造麻烦。
Lady Sinaria Verlien (NE hf W16(E) Fire Elementalist of the Fourth Circle), Countess of High Sonden,disappeared recently, imprisoned in the palace of Prince Jherek in the Demiplane of Nightmares as retribution for kidnaping his son. Mirn Krollnar (NG hm W4) recently replaced his mother Rowena as master of the Viscounty of Bergen, after a missummoned fiend slew her.
高桑顿女伯爵希娜莉亚·维林夫人(NE hf W16(E) 四之环的火元素学者)最近失踪了,她被囚禁在杰瑞克亲王那位于梦魇半位面的宫殿里,作为绑架他儿子的报复。莫恩·克罗尔纳(NG hm W4)最近取代他的母亲罗威娜成为了卑尔根子爵领的主人,因为一个被错误地召唤出来的恶魔杀害了她。
In the fertile Bergdhoven, farmers raise everything from flowers to grains. People remember this principality for its colorful flowers, which are sold throughout Glantri and made into perfumes, oils, and alchemical ingredients. Ground flour, cheese, fish, and cut gems also number among the varied exports of this principality.
The pleasant, polite folk of Bergdhoven make visitors to this principality feel comfortable and safe. A strong armed force, supplemented by wizards, patrols the principality and strikes against both brigands and wandering monsters. The towns of Kopstar and Altendorf seem largely clean and safe. Unknown to most, however, a number of Alphatian- created golems (stone, flesh, silver, and a few iron gargoyles) lie waiting in a series of tunnels under Kopstar. The Alphatians intended to use them in a military strike against Glantri, but never got the chance. If disturbed, they will attack everything they encounter in town until destroyed.
Bergdhoven has the highest population of Flaemish descendants among all the principalities. This otherworldly blood carries an affinity for spellcasting, producing a great number of wizards and potential wizards—even by Glantrian standards. So many Bergdhovese attend the Great School of Magic that school officials attempt to discourage students from organizing extracurricular groups based on principality of origin or cultural background.
Because of their ties to the Flaems of old, House Linden is a long-time enemy of the Alphatian-descended House Silverston. Folks held celebrations in Linden and throughout Bergdhoven when the meteor that created the Great Crater destroyed the Principality of Blackhill (and House Silverston along with it). They also still hold a grudge against both elf clans in Glantri, as Flaems always blamed elves for the wars that stole away Flaemish control of the region.
House Linden also carries an animosity for the people of Krondahar, as Ethengarians are another ancestral enemy of the flaems. Prince Vanserie petitioned numerous times to have House Singhabad banished to Ethengar and its holdings given to one of the remaining Flaemish families (preferably his). Many wonder if Juliana will continue these hatreds.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-23, 周五 13:49:06
朱莉安娜·弗拉尔多恩亲王Princess Juliana Vlaardoen
Princess of Bergdhoven, Viscountess of Linden, fire Elementalist of the Second Circle

Until her parents died, Juliana never gave rulership a moment's attention. The carefree girl studied magic only as a lark—since it came so easy to her, studying never seemed hard work. And wasn’t Prince Vanserie the most powerful wizard in all Glantri? Certainly he would rule for decades.
Juliana’s flirtations caused many scandals within Linden, and finally the prince passed a law prohibiting any unmarried male from speaking to or touching her, upon penalty of death. Although never enforced, it demonstrated how her parents felt about her frivolous approach to life.
The appointment to the throne caught her by surprise, but she has decided to become the best ruler that she can. She now focuses more attention on her magical studies.
Personality: Juliana has dedicated herself to becoming a great wizard and ruler like her father. She hasn’t yet really faced any challenges as either—nothing to test her mettle.
What She Says: Bergdhoven shall continue as it always has. (This was her entire speech upon becoming princess.)
What Others Say: She keeps what memories she wants of her father and conveniently forgets the rest. A smart move probably, considering how everyone at the council hated him*. (Malachie du Marais)
Appearance: Juliana has the coppery skin common to chose of Flaemish decent, a contrast to her mass of silver curls. Her eyes are large and green, her lips Full and sensual. She wears long, flowing robes with intricate embroidery. Juliana also seems fond of jewelry.
Using Juliana: Inexperienced in the ways of Clantrian intrigue, Juliana may find herself caught up in plots or traps set up by other nobles. In such a situation, she might need help from the player characters, although she docs have Raknaar to support and protect her.
Combat: Although inexperienced in combat, she remains a powerful spellcaster. The magical items she inherited when her parents died help make her a formidable foe.

朱莉安娜·弗拉尔多恩, 14级人类(弗雷姆裔)法师:
THACO 16; #AT 1(rod of smiting); Dmg ld8 (+3 magical rod); SA 法师, 火元素学者能力; SD 魔法物品; AC 0; hp 30; MV 12; ML 坚定(11); AL LG.
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 13.
1st level (doubled by ring of wizardry)—affect normal fires; burning hands (x2), color spray, dancing lights, detect magic, feather fall, hold portal, read magic, sfdrit of servitude.
2nd level—discern the heart of the beast, flaming sphere, forget, invisibility, misdirection.
3rd level—fireball (x2), fame arrow, phantom steed, spout of scalding wrath.
4th level—dimension door, fire charm, fire shield, fire trap.
5th level—extension 11, false vision, hold monster, wall of iron. 6th level—anti-magic shell, seek the traveler, transmute water to dust.
7th level—delayed blast fireball, duo-dimension, prismatic spray.
语言: Flaemish, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Fire building, meditation, read- ing/writing, spellcraft.
装备: Rod of smiling (19 charges), bracers AC 0, ring of wizardry (doubles lst-level spells), wand of fire (24 charges).
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-24, 周六 22:05:24
黑山公国Principality of Blackhill
The meteor that struck southern Glantri during the Wrath of the Immortals destroyed the Principality of Blackhill. Its people, of Alphatian descent, were known as cruel and decadent, even by Glantrian standards.
House: None (formerly Silverston).
Ruler: None (formerly Prince Volospin Aedyr).
Siege: None (formerly Silverston).
House Personalities: None.
Allies: None.
Foes: None.
Voting Power: None.
Population: 0.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-25, 周日 17:52:42
博尔达维亚公国Principality of Boldavia
In grim Boldavia, the mountains still the winds, and the land remains in the shadow of foreboding clouds. Fog shrouds the principality more often than not, and from within the fog, one can hear chilling sounds of terror and anguish. The nobles dwell in elegant homes while the rest of the populace cowers in hovels, afraid of both the known and the unknown.
House: Igorov.
Ruler: Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany.
Siege: lgorov.
House Personalities: Sir Boris, brother; Lady Tatyana, sister; Sir Mikhail, brother.
Allies: Lady Natacha Datchenka, Baroness of Pavlova; Lord Yuri Ivanov, Baron of Palatinsk; Lady Szasza Markovitch, Baroness of Vladimirov.
Foes: Lord Sergei Wutyla, Baron of Mariksen; Houses of Crownguard and Sylaire.
Voting Power: 15 at the council, 31 at Parliament.
Population: 15,120.
Rymskigrad: 6,600.
统治者: 墨菲尔·格拉维奇-沃斯拉尼亲王。
大本营: 埃格洛夫。

Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany, a vampire, rules this principality. Morphail has taken great pains to inflict his condition upon all minor nobles with holdings to the north and east, making them lesser vampires subservient to him. At one time, he hoped to continue this process and eventually control all of northern Glantri. Current conditions, however, have forced him to concentrate simply on keeping control of the lands and minions he has now.
When Lord Laszlo Wutyla, a noble under Morphail’s control, was killed by a group of Ethengarian vampire hunters, Morphail quickly turned Laszlo’s successor into a vampire as well. This heir, Sergei, knew full well his older brother’s undead nature and had prepared a defense against vampirism with the help of an Ethengarian cleric named Erega (CG hf C11). The defense, an amulet, did not work entirely as planned. Sergei did become a vampire, but one not under Morphail's control. In addition, he has kept his chaotic good alignment. Now Sergei wages a silent war with Morphail and his vampires, with the help of Ethengarian vampire hunters and clerics he smuggles into Boldavia from his remote keep of Mariksen.
当被墨菲尔控制的贵族拉斯洛·乌提拉大人被一群阿芬格吸血鬼猎人杀害时,墨菲尔很快将拉斯洛的继任者也变成了吸血鬼。这位名叫谢尔盖的继承人非常了解哥哥的亡灵本质,在一位名为埃雷加(CG hf C11)的阿芬格牧师的帮助下,他准备了一道对抗吸血鬼本质的防御手段。这个防御手段——一个护身符——并没有完全按照计划生效。谢尔盖确实地变成了吸血鬼,但他却并不处于墨菲尔的控制之下。此外,他保持了混乱善良阵营。现在谢尔盖在阿芬格吸血鬼猎人和神职人员的帮助下从他远离马里克森的堡垒偷渡到了博尔达维亚,与墨菲尔和他的吸血鬼进行着一场无声的战争。
When the prince began his campaign to control his nobles through the ties of vampirism, he developed a code stating that vampires under his control could not spread the curse themselves, nor could they kill when they fed. This way, Morphail could control them more easily without drawing undue attention toward Boldavia. But, this vampire law seems less solid than the prince thought. In the last few years, vampires have begun to appear throughout Glantri; the curse obviously has been spreading from the northern regions southward. Although all the nobles under him deny it, Morphail can only assume that the vampire responsible is one of his own. Fortunately for the Boldavians, Glantri has been overrun by so many monsters since the war, no one pays special attention to the vampires. However, such clear insurrection has led to upheaval in Morphail’s reign.
当亲王开始了他的战役来通过吸血鬼之间的关系控制他属下的贵族时,他发布了一道法典,规定了在他控制下的吸血鬼不能传播自己的诅咒,在进食时也不能将食物杀死。这样, 墨菲尔可以在没有引起博尔达维亚不必要的关注的情况下更容易地控制它们。但是,吸血鬼的法律似乎没有亲王想象的那么可靠。在过去的几年里,吸血鬼开始遍布整个格兰特里;很明显,【吸血鬼的】诅咒已经从北部地区向南扩散。虽然他手下所有的贵族都否认这一点,但墨菲尔只能认为,自己属下必然有一只吸血鬼要为此负责。对博尔达维亚人来说幸运的是,自从战争以来,格兰特里已经被许多怪物占领,所以并没有人特别关注吸血鬼。然而,如此明显的背叛导致了墨菲尔统治的剧变。
The nobles in lgorov fare little better than the principality they control. Boris (CE hm W14 vampire Necromancer of the Third Circle) and Mikhail long ago were turned into vampires by their older brother, Morphail. Mikhail, originally a cruel and vicious vampire, eventually came to hate his undead existence and killed himself on a wooden stake. Outraged at this turn of events, Morphail used his Necromancy powers to bring back his brother as a spectre, which now haunts the Tower of Igorov in undead agony. Boris serves his brother faithfully (and fearfully). He likes to throw nocturnal parties for the young nobles of the area, often preying upon them or gaining their favor through the power of his charm. These degenerate parties are famous throughout Glantri. Tatyana (CN hf W8 vampire), Morphail’s sister and also a vampire of his creation, despises her unlife as Mikhail did. Years ago, she fell in love with Claude d'Ambreville (LG hm F(fallen P)10 vampire) after turning him into a vampire. He lived at Igorov in shame for many years before Mofphail commanded him to return to Sylaire as a spy. Tatyana now broods alone within the tower and thwarts her brothers’ evil when she can.
在埃格洛夫的贵族的情况比他们控制的公国好不了多少。鲍里斯(CE hm W14三之环的吸血鬼死灵学者)和米哈伊尔很早以前就被他们的哥哥墨菲尔变成了吸血鬼。米哈伊尔,最初是一个残忍和邪恶的吸血鬼,最终他厌恶自己的不死之身,并在木桩上自杀。墨菲尔对事态的发展感到愤怒,他利用自己的死灵学者能力将自己的兄弟复活成了幽灵,现在他的兄弟在亡灵的痛苦中于埃格洛夫之塔游荡。鲍里斯忠实地(而且是可怕地)为他的兄弟服务。他喜欢在夜间为当地的年轻贵族举行聚会,并且经常利用他的魅惑能力掠食他们或获得他们的青睐。这种堕落的聚会闻名于格兰特里各地。塔季扬娜(CN hf W8 吸血鬼),——墨菲尔的妹妹,也是墨菲尔所创造的吸血鬼之一——和米哈伊尔一样鄙视自己的非人。多年前,她在把克劳德·德·安布雷维尔(LG hm F(堕落的P)10吸血鬼)变成吸血鬼后爱上了他。他羞愧地在埃格洛夫住了很多年,直到墨菲尔命令他以间谍的身份回到苏莱尔。塔季扬娜现在独自在高塔中忧思,并尽可能地阻止她兄弟们的恶行。
Lady Natacha Datchcnka (CE hf W7 vampire Air Elementalist of the Second Circle) is the least of Morphail's pawns. He despises the ugly, red- haired woman and would like to replace her as baroness of Vladimirov. Lord Yuri Ivanov (CE hm W9 vampire), a known vampire hunter before he met the Prince of Boldavia, now uses his skills to serve Morphail: He eliminates many of the rogue vampires that roam Glantri, although he seems less effective than in his mortal days, since now he cannot use holy symbols. mirrors, or garlic. The beautiful, sensual Lady Szasza Markovitch (CE hf W13 vampire Wokani of the Third Circle) delights in attempting to charm and feed off handsome nobles. The most powerful and favored of Morphail's pawns, she hopes to become his wife one day.
纳塔查·达钦卡女士(CE hf W7吸血鬼 二之环的气元素学者)是墨菲尔的仆役中最卑微的一个。他鄙视那个丑陋的红发女人,并想让她取代现在的符拉迪米洛夫的女男爵。尤里·伊万诺夫大人(CE hm W9吸血鬼)在遇见博尔达维亚亲王之前,他是一位著名的吸血鬼猎人,现在他则使用自己的技能服务于墨菲尔:他可以消灭掉许多游荡在格兰特里的只身吸血鬼,不过因为他现在不能使用圣徽、镜子或大蒜,效率远不如肉体凡躯时了。美丽而饥渴的萨莎·马科维奇女士 (CE hf W13吸血鬼 三之环的巫术学者)喜欢试图魅惑和捕食英俊的贵族。作为墨菲尔最强大和最受欢迎的仆役,她希望有一天能成为他的妻子。
The Boldavian people, a mix of Traladaran (Karameikan) descendants and a number of Flaemish outcasts, are largely impoverished—or actually slaves, sent to work in the land’s infamous salt mines. Boldavia's main crops include potatoes, which folks make into a local drink, and garlic, often used for decoration as well as cooking. Many in the area become adept at freshwater fishing, making indigenous giant salmon (and their eggs) a valuable commodity. Some Boldavian mages use a special spell to transport ice as far south as Glantri City for long-term food storage. This ice trade operates even in midsummer.
Rymskigrad seems fairly large by Glantrian standards, but its good qualities end with its size. This dirty, dangerous town teems with downtrodden, fearful peasants. Cutthroats, thieves, and other villains also call it home. Evil mages often use Rymskigrad as a base, occasionally sending their fiendish, inhuman servants to gather helpless citizens for sorcerous experimentation. Press gangs roam the back streets, gathering slaves for the mines. The town mayor, Dravic (CE hm F8 vampire), is a vampire Morphail controls.
以格兰特里亚人的标准来看,朗姆斯吉格拉德相当大,但它的优良品质也因其庞大而告终。这个肮脏、危险的城镇挤满了受压迫的、恐惧的农民。杀手、小偷和其他恶棍也称它为家。邪恶的法师们经常以朗姆斯吉格拉德为基地,偶尔派遣他们的恶魔般的、非人的仆人去捕捉无助的公民进行巫术实验。强征团伙在后街游荡,为矿井收集奴隶。镇长德拉维奇(CE hm F8吸血鬼)是受墨菲尔控制的吸血鬼。
Boldavia is the only principality in Glantri to continue to prohibit clerics and their spells. Morphail, for obvious reasons, has a special hatred for priests and takes particular delight in overseeing their public execution when his minions capture them. In private, many princes have told him they wish they could do likewise, but their people now rely too heavily on priestly magic for them to return to the old ways.
Relations with Nouvelle Averoigne have never been good. The d'Ambrevilles, particularly Etienne, have long known of and despised Morphail's vampirism and use of Necromancy. Richard and Isidore carry on their predecessor’s feelings for the dark prince. House Crownguard opposes Morphail, too. Prince Brannart has learned of Morphail‘s nature; in turn, the Prince of Boldavia knows Brannart has become a lich (inadvertently). The lich wants only one undead prince within Glantri, but waits to make his move against Morphail. In the meantime, House Crownguard opposes House Igorov at the council at every turn. Morphail hopes to charm or infect one of the McGregors, to have an agent in his enemy’s ranks.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-27, 周二 10:40:39
墨菲尔·格拉维奇-沃斯拉尼亲王Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany
Prince of Boldavia, Baron of Igorov, Viceroy of Tchernovodsk, High Master of Necromancy

Despite the fact that public opinion regarding “monsters" and undead such as vampires has improved much of late, Morphail keeps his vampirism a secret. Given the curse in the year 720 (through the power of the evil Immortal, Alphaks), he has ruled for almost 300 years. The aura of mystery hangs so thick around Morphail, however, that most people believe he has lengthened his life span with spells or potions. Some actually think the original Morphail died long ago,and that his descendants use his name and reputation—a fallacy the vampire encouraged for a while.
Since vampires have become “fashionable" for the moment in Glantri, most people simply see Morphail as a trendsetter rather than as an actual undead. In Glantri, a wizard who likes to wear dark clothing, comes out only at night, and maintains a pale complexion seems not out of the ordinary in any way. A number of the prince's peers, such as Jaggar von Drachenfels and Jherek Virayana, know or suspect his true nature, but simply don’t care. They certainly are not without secrets of their own, and, in any case, revealing Morphail's true nature would change little in the way the public perceives him.
Personality: For most of his unlife, Morphail has been the calm, calculatingly evil lord one might expect as a vampire prince, displaying his chaotic nature only when the blood hunger came upon him. Of late, however, conditions in Boldavia have gone beyond his control, and power over his own temperament likewise is slipping from his grasp. Rumors circulate throughout Glantri that Morphail is losing his mind. As a ruler, he remains cold, uncaring, and cruel. Not only does he hold no concern for the plight of his people, he has come to relish their suffering.
What He Says: Boldavia? There would be no Boldavia without Morphail! At every turn, I am opposed—by Wutyla and his clerics, by McGregor, by all these uncontrolled peasant vampires.... But I will prevail.
What Others Say: Sure, he's a little odd. That’s certainly no crime in Glantri. But a vampire? Everyone claims a relation to some magical monster nowadays. It's probably a rumor he started himself to impress Boldavian ladies. I find it difficult to believe an undead monster could control a principality. (Diego de Belcadiz)
Appearance: Due to his undead nature, Morphail has maintained his captivating good looks for the last 300 years. He usually combs his long, jet black hair straight back; his dark eyes, with odd red flecks, peer from beneath the uncovered brow. He favors dark clothing, usually impeccably tailored and well kept, although lately he has paid less attention to his grooming. He never carries a weapon.
Using Morphail: An entire campaign could be run with Morphail as the main antagonist. He could serve only as an enemy for the player characters—he has no-allies except those that serve him in undeath. Revealing his vampirism to the rest of Glantri actually would mean very little, but destroying him would serve as a boon to the forces of good.
使用墨菲尔: 可以以墨菲尔为整个战役的主要对手。他只能成为玩家角色的敌人——他没有盟友,只有以亡灵姿态服侍它的奴仆。向格兰特里的其他地方透露他的吸血鬼主义其实并不意味着什么,但毁灭他将成为一种对正义力量的恩惠。
Combat: Morphail is extremely strong, with a number of powers at his command. (See details below.)
战斗: 墨菲尔是非常强大的,有许多势力处于他的指挥之下。(详情见下)。

墨菲尔·格拉维奇-沃斯拉尼, 19级人类(吸血鬼) 死灵学者:
THAC0 11; #AT 1 (爪); Dmg 1d6+4; SA 能量吸取, 魅惑凝视 (豁免检定-2), 法术, 死灵学者能力; SD对睡眠 、 魅惑 、 定身 、 麻痹和毒素免疫,寒冷和闪电伤害减半, 只受+1或更好武器的伤害; AG 1; hp 55; MV 12 (变身蝙蝠时为18); ML 勇士(15); AL CE; XP 22,000.
Str 18/76, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 16.
Note: Sunlight, running water, and wooden stakes through the heart kill vampires. Mirrors, holy symbols, and garlic keep them at bay.
1st level—chill touch, detect magic, magic missile, protection from good, spook, wandbane
2nd level—alter self, darkness 1$' radius, detect invisibility, spectral hand, stinking cloud, summon swarm.
3rd level—blink, fly, hold undead, lightning bolt, nondetection, vampiric touch.
4th level—contagion, dimension door, enervation, minor globe of invulnerability, solid fog, wizard eye.
5th level—animate dead, cone of cold, magic jar, Morphail's uttltoly blessing, summon shadow, wall of force.
6th level—control weather, death fog death spell, project image.
7 th level—control undead, finger of death, forcecage, teleport without error.
8th level—mind blank, sink, trap the soul.
9th level—energy drain, time stop.
语言: Ethengarian, Flacmish, Thyatian common, Traladaran.
已知熟练: Appraising, monster lore, read* ing/writing, riding (land-based), spellcraft.
装备: Ring of invisibility, six beads of force, wand of conjuration.

谢尔盖·乌提拉领主Lord Sergei Wutyla
Baron of Mariksen

Sergei hated his vampiric brother Laszlo and the horrific realm he lived in. When he met Erega, an Ethengarian priestess, he not only fell in love, buc he realized that forces outside Glantri could help combat the evils in Boldavia. Erega fashioned a magical item to protect Sergei from vampiric attacks. After the death of Sergei's brother at the hands of vampire hunters, Morphail attempted to make Sergei a vampire as well—and the charm didn't work. It did, however, make him immune to the controlling influences of Morphail, so Sergei can use his powers and Ethengarian allies to rebel against the evil prince.
Sergei doesn't care that he remains the only noble in Glantri without an allegiance to a house. His only goal is the destruction of Morphail.
Personality: Despite his vampiric state, Sergei has managed to keep his noble, courageous demeanor. He is a likable man, though one driven by his passions (defeating Morphail and restoring freedom to Boldavia). He feeds only on animals, refusing to drink the blood or absorb the life force of a human or other sentient creature.
What He Says: Boldavia must be freed from the shackles of evil and oppression that have held it for the last 300 years! We must be freed from bloodsucking Prince Morphail!
What Others Say: He is a noble, good, loving man whose courage and convictions are second to no one. He is, however, still a creature of the night, and I worry that his nature may one day claim him. (Erega of Ethengar)
Appearance: This dark-featured Boldavian does not appear as handsome as the prince he struggles against. He favors attire of blue or white—usually loose-fitting, lightweight garments. He keeps at his side a sword that has been in the Wutyla family for generations, despite the fact that, as a wizard, he never trained with such a weapon.
Using Sergei: A heroic figure in a dark realm, Sergei willingly and gratefully accepts help from player characters who also want to sec Morphail destroyed. He even will offer the use of Mariksen as a base of operations for strikes against the prince.
Combat: Sergei is quick to fight, particularly against evil foes serving Morphail. He never uses the sword he carries, although occasionally he will draw it, as it gives him confidence. He prefers applying his magical abilities (or items) rather than his vampiric ones, but he will use whatever it takes to accomplish his goals. He will never, however, drain the life force of sentient beings.

谢尔盖·乌提拉, 9级人类(吸血鬼) 法师:
THACO 11; #AT 1 (claw); Dmg ld6+4; SA energy drain,charm gaze (-2 to saving throw), spells; SD immune to sleep, hold, charm, paralysis, and poison, half damage from lightning and cold, +1 or better weapon to hit; AC -1; hp 49; MV 12 (18 as bat); MI. champion (15); AL CG.
Str 18/76, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14.
Note: Sunlight, running water, and wooden stakes through the heart kill vampires. Mirrors, holy symbols, and garlic keep them at bay.
1 st level—banting hands, detect magic, magic missile, protection from evil.
2nd level—blur,, continual light, levitate.
3rd level—fireball, hold undead, lightning bolt.
4th level—improved invisibility, wall of fire.
5th level—lapis bonds.
语言: Ethengarian, Thyatian common, Traladaran.
已知熟练: Religion, riding (land-based).
装备: Long sword +2, ring of protection +2, wand of negation, amulet of vampire protection (makes the wearer immune to a vampire’s control if turned into a vampire).
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-29, 周四 22:29:51
布莱拉公国Principality of Bramyra
Princes Vanserie Vlaardoen and Jaggar von Drachenfels felt outraged at the creation of the Principality of Bramyra in 1003. Although the rest of the council granted the act of enfeoffment to buffer against the armies of the east, the two princes said putting more power in the hands of "Ethengarian traitors” was a grievous mistake. Obviously, they found themselves outvoted.
House: Krinagar (Singhabad).
Ruler: Prince Urmahid Krinagar.
Siege: Skullhorn.
House Personalities: Rinnath, wife; Terrigis, daughter; Lan-Syn, sister; Prince Jherek Virayana of Krondahar, Lan-Syn’s husband.
Allies: House Singhabad.
Foes: Houses of Linden and Ritterburg.
Voting Power: 22 at the council, 22 at Parliament.
Population: 7,450.
Bramyra: 2,300.
家族: 克雷纳加(辛格哈巴)。
家庭名人:林纳斯,妻子; 特里吉丝,女儿;兰-辛,姐妹;奎丹得赫的亲王杰瑞克·维拉亚纳,兰-辛的丈夫。
盟友: 辛格哈巴家族。

Because of the familial relationship, House Krinagar can be considered a part of the long-standing House Singhabad, but, for political reasons, both houses try to play down their relationship.
At one time, Prince Urmahid Krinagar worked as a Glantrian spy in Ethengar. He reported directly to the Council of Princes, providing them with a great deal of valuable information. These acts of espionage gained him favor among the powers within Glantri (though staunch anti-Ethengarians still did not trust him) and put a price on his head in the khanates—a bounty that remains to this day. His activities won him the position of Count of Skullhorn Pass; when the council decided Glantri needed a new principality in the east, he became the obvious choice for princedom.
One of Urmahid’s main concerns is chat he has no heir. His daughter, Terrigis, while still young, shows no aptitude for spellcasting. His wife, Rinnath (N hf F2), likewise has no magical talents. The couple has been trying to have another child the last two years, but to no avail.
乌尔玛希德最关心的问题之一就是他没有继承人。他的女儿特里吉丝还很年轻,而且还没有展现出施法的天赋。他的妻子林纳斯(N hf F2)同样没有魔法天赋。这对夫妇过去两年一直想再要一个孩子,但没有成功。
Despite antagonistic feelings on both sides, Bramyra trades heavily with Ethengar, dealing primarily in horses. The principality also produces potatoes, turnips, and a few other crops. Shepherds tend small herds that graze throughout the region.
Little distinguishes Bramyra (or Bramyra City, as it is often called now) from other small “frontier” towns. The rough, rugged folk in and outside town work hard to earn their livings. They play hard too; most Glantrians have heard of Bramyra City's wild holiday celebrations. For the most part, Bramyrans seem a generous, friendly people, although cautious upon first meeting a stranger.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-11-30, 周五 22:38:53
乌尔玛希德·克雷纳加亲王Prince Urmahid Krinagar
Prince of Bramyra, Chancellor of Princes, Count of Skullhorn Pass, Dream Master of the Fourth Circle

Urmahid has been a spy as well as a ruler. He and the Great Khan of Ethengar remain personal enemies, each wishing mightily to see the other dead.
The prince is the brother-in-law and lifelong friend of Prince Jherek of Krondahar. Jherek personally taught him the Secret Craft of Dream Magic, knowing Urmahid would never challenge his position as High Master. Jherek is correct. In fact, Urmahid has little concern for the secret craft. He always has seen spellcraft as simply a tool and actually considers magic use a wrongful criterion for Glantrian nobility. The prince calls personal accomplishment a greater measure of a man than his ability to cast spells.
Occasionally, Urmahid travels into Ethengar in disguise. The minor nobles in the region murmur that he has a mistress there from his days as a spy.
Personality: Urmahid is arrogant. Proud of his accomplishments, he can think of little he could not handle. As a ruler, he seems distracted when dealing with minor issues. He enjoys coping with monumental threats, but lets his aides tend to smaller concerns.
个性: 乌尔玛希德很傲慢。他为自己的成就感到骄傲,几乎想不到自己无法应付的事情。作为一个统治者,他似乎很容易在处理小问题时分心。他喜欢应对巨大的威胁,而让他的助手们关注较小的问题。
What He Says: I scoff at these wizard-princes, who would rather study in the school than really live their lives.
What Others Say: Yes, I'll admit, Krinagar has served the council in the past (in his own, cretinous way). But how do we know what he plans now! (Jaggar von Drachenfels)
别人说:是的,我承认,克雷纳加过去曾以他自己那愚蠢的方式为议会服务过。但是我们怎么知道他现在的计划是什么呢!( 贾加尔·冯·龙福斯)
Appearance: With dark hair, mustache, and complexion, Urmahid looks like a traditional Ethengarian lord, except he prefers to dress in a Glantrian manner: a grey tunic with gold trim, loose-fitting black pants, and a dark gray cloak with a hood. He is fond of gold jewelry.
外表: 乌尔玛希德有一头乌黑的头发、一副同样乌黑的八字胡和深沉的肤色,看起来像一位传统的阿芬格贵族,只是他更喜欢穿一套格兰特里风格的衣服:一件镶着金饰边的灰色束腰外衣,宽松的黑色长裤,和一件带兜帽的深灰色斗篷。他喜欢金质珠宝。
Using Urmahid: In Glantrian/Ethengarian relations, Urmahid remains key—he is the one man that knows the most about both sides. Any political adventures dealing with these two realms almost certainly will involve him.
Combat: Urmahid seems as quick to use his magical dagger in melee as he is to cast spells. He favors illusions, though he is not an Illusionist specialist wizard.

乌尔玛希德·克雷纳加, 14级人类法师(前4级盗贼):
 THACO 16; #AT 1 (匕首+3); Dmg ld4 (+3 魔法匕首);SA 法术, 盗贼能力, 梦境尊主能力; SD 魔法物品; AC 4; hp 38; MV 12; ML 勇士(16); AL LN.
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Ch 16.
1st level—charm person, color spray, dancing lights, phantasmal force, shield.
2nd level—alter self, forget, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, web. 3rd level—dispel magic, flame arrow, hold person, item, spectral force.
4th level—confusion, hallucinator)> terrain, illusionary wall, rainbow pattern.
5th level—avoidance, cone of cold, passwall, seeming.
6th level—mass suggestion, transformation*.
7th level—phase door.
语言: Ethengarian, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Animal handling, disguise, etiquette, forgery, meditation, reading/writing, riding (land-based). 装备: Amulet of proof against detection and location, dagger +3 of returning (returns to wieldcr on command after thrown), boots of elvenkind, Joule of elvenkind, medallion of ESP 90' range, ring of protection +3.
盗贼能力: PP 30%; OL 40%; F/RT 45%; MS 50%; HS 60%; DN 15%; CW 70%; RL 10%.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-12-01, 周六 20:53:50
柯伦泽公国Principality of Caurenze
Like Blackhill, the Principality of Caurenze was devastated when the meteor struck southern Glantri during the Wrath of the Immortals. Its people, of Thyatian descent, were considered amazingly paranoid and fond of poisons. Sirecchia still stands, but as an abandoned ruin, home only to the last survivor in the principality. The meteor also reduced the town of Lizzieni to ruins and obliterated another major town, Oreggiano.
House: None (formerly Sirecchia).
Ruler: None (formerly Prince Innocenti di Malapietra).
Siege: None (formerly Sirecchia).
House Personalities: None.
Allies: None.
Foes: None.
Voting Power: None.
Population: 1.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-12-03, 周一 12:51:25
因诺森蒂·迪·马拉皮特拉Innocenti di Malapietra
Viscount of Sirecchia, Prince of Caurenze (former), Viceroy of Ylourgne (former), High Master of Earth Elementalism (former).

Innocenti was always insane. In fact, the Malapietra family had a propensity for insanity, particularly paranoia. Clan members practically prided themselves on it. Paranoia, they claimed, protected them from the evils of a world that strove against them. The most paranoid Malapietra, they thought, always would remain the safest and most powerful. What they should have feared more, however, was each other Malapietras constantly assassinated and betrayed others in the family.
Innocenti’s mother raised him to be afraid of everything and everyone. She taught him magic herself,to avoid the risks presented by the Great School. She also taught him the Secret Craft of Earth Elcmcntalism. By adulthood, he’d become a powerful wizard and an expert on poisons—a skill he used when he killed his mother and took over the noble house and principality.
Eventually, Innocenti did go to the Great School, but only to challenge and kill the High Master of Earth Elementalism so he could gain the position—and the power that went with it. The prince always felt that the only way to gain power was to kill for it.
He enjoyed the gladiatorial games once held in Lizzieni. These spectacles pitted slaves, humanoids, and monsters against each other in bloody combat. The people of Caurenze seemed almost as corrupt and bloodthirsty as their ruling family.
When the war with Alphatia started. Innocenti turned over all the troops in his command to Prince Jaggar and holed up in Sirecchia with numerous protective spells. His paranoia once again saved his life, for when the meteor struck his principality, he alone survived the blast. He remained secluded in the ruined keep, hesitant to reveal the fact that he'd survived.
Thinking Innocenti had died, the Council of Princes officially did away with his council seat and no longer considered ruined Caurenze a principality. Innocenti remained oblivious to his disenfranchisement, however, as he found himself confronted with a number of his deceased family members—now vengeful wraiths. He managed to destroy the undead creatures, but not before they drained him of much of his life force (and his经验等级).
Soon afterward, he was contacted by Dolores Hillsbury, who had discovered him through a divination spell. She subtly manipulated his insanity and added a few well- placed suggestions to convince him to follow her. Dolores promised to make him a prince again, and he believed her. She used him to kill Gertrud von Drachenfels, so she could more easily seduce Gertrud’s husband, Jaggar.
Although no one ever suspected Innocenti of the murder, his existence at Sirecchia did not remain a secret long. In his fevered mind, the former prince now threatens anyone approaching his tower with immediate destruction. His paranoia has grown to the point where he desires to keep other people at least 100 yards away from him at all times.
Personality: In his questionable state of mind, the former prince used to subject his vassals to his strange poetry and songs. Preoccupied with death, he delighted in blood and pain. But Innocenti’s insanity soon will consume him completely, and until that time, this madman remembers just enough magic to make him deadly dangerous.
What He Says: I know your evil plots—you can’t fool me! If you wish to continue your pitiful existence, you will flee from here before I destroy you!
What Others Say: He got exactly what he deserved.He always was a madman— it's just more obvious now.(Prince Harald)
Appearance: Innocenti, a fat, greasy man, has wild and unkempt brown hair and a face covered in stubble. The tattered rags he wears were once his regal garments.
Using Innocenti: The twisted former prince lives in his ruined keep all alone.Approaching visitors hear a warning that Innocenti will disintegrate them if they enter.
Combat: Although he prefers to cast spells from a distance, if forced into melee, Innocenti will come at his foes with a wild-eyed scream, brandishing a poisoned knife in both hands (although he can make only one attack per round this way). Before his encounter with the wraiths, he was a 19th-Ievel wizard. He apparently has forgotten all his Earth Elementalist powers, in his maddened state.

因诺森蒂·迪·马拉皮特拉, 13级人类法师:
THACO 16; #AT 1 (匕首+ 1); Dmg ld4 (+1 魔法匕首); SA 法术; SD 魔法物品; AC 10; hp 44; MV 12; ML 不坚定(7); AL CE; XP 10,000.
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 12.
Note: Innocenti’s condition imposes a -1 penalty on saving throws vs. charm or suggestion.
1st level—alarm, detect magic, magic missile (x2), shield.
2nd level—acid arrow\ Balliard's rejuvenating touch, detect evil, fog cloud, invisibility.
3rd level—feign death, fireball, infravision, protection from normal missiles, spout of scalding wrath.
4th level—detect scrying enervation, fire trap, phantasmal killer. 5th level—cloudkill, distance distortion, pluck a petal of spell- flower, wall of stone.
6th level—disintegrate (x2).
语言: Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Artistic ability (poetry), astrology, herbalism, rcading/writing, singing, spellflash.
装备: Two daggers +1, ring of regeneration, multiple potions of poison in interestingly disguised dispensers, ring of spell turning, wand of enemy detection (24 charges).
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-12-04, 周二 18:20:24
艾维雯公国Principality of Erewan
Erewan was once a bright, shining spot against the dark, corrupt landscape of Glantri. In the year 884, the Clan of Ellerovyn broke off from the Belcadiz elves, who were straying more and more from their Alfheim heritage (the traditions that come from the land of elves to the east) toward human attitudes. This clan attempted to form a principality that would keep elven ways alive yet remain loyal to Glantri. In the opinion of the other Glantrian nobles, they failed, although Erewan elves felt sincere in their loyalty then. Now Princess Carlotina would like nothing better than to take her people out of Glantri. Unfortunately, since the shadow elves conquered Alfheim (now called Aengmor), they really have nowhere to go.
House: Clan of Ellerovyn.
Ruler: Princess Carlotina Erewan.
Siege: Ellerovyn.
House Personalities: Lady Eleesea, mother; Lady Norelia, Eleesea's sister; Lady Bethys, Eleesea's sister; Sire Qenildor, son;Sire Thendain, son; Lady Esmeralda, Thendain's wife; Sire Unedyrin, Thendain's son.
Allies: None.
Foes: Clan of Alhambra; Houses of Linden,Kol, and Hillsbury.
Voting Power: 17 at the council, 17 at Parliament.
Population: 20,840.
Erendyl: 3,500.
家族: 埃乐瑞雯家族。
大本营: 埃乐瑞雯。
家族成员:艾丽西亚夫人,母亲; 诺罗丽亚夫人,艾丽西亚的姐妹; 贝蒂斯夫人,艾丽西亚的姐妹;奇尼尔多阁下,儿子;瑟登阁下,儿子;埃斯梅拉达夫人,瑟登的妻子;安尼德林阁下,瑟登的儿子。
敌人:阿尔罕布拉家族; 柯尔、希尔斯伯里和林登家族。

Erewan’s clan of elves has begun heading down the path to annihilation. The war with Alphatia took a heavy toll on this principality, in particular the raids by humanoids from the Broken Lands. The manipulations of Dolores Hillsbury have turned a majority of council members against the clan to such a degree that the princes continually refuse pleas for monetary and military aid against the humanoid raids, which continue even long after the war's end. Dolores wants the Erewan elves expunged from Glantri, and she may live to see her wish come true.
Elven tradition dictates that members of the noble family never fight openly among themselves. Lady Eleesea (N ef W10) was once the Treekeeper of the clan, concerning herself mainly with the planting of trees along the Red River. Now, however, she suffers from a horrible wasting disease brought on by the touch of a heucuva summoned to the realm by Alphatian wizards during the war. Certain spells have slowed the disease's progress, but nevertheless, it is killing her slowly. Her sisters, Norelia (N ef W9(D)) and Bethys (N ef W11(D)), serve as the clan’s oracles. All three women are Cryptomancers of the Third Circle. In better times, they charged non-elves for their services as seers: the planting of 10 trees where no trees had grown before. Now they simply don’t offer their abilities to outsiders.
精灵的传统规定,贵族家庭成员之间决不能公开对抗。艾丽西亚夫人(N ef W10) 曾经是这个家族的树农,主要负责在红河沿岸植树。然而现在,她却患上了一种可怕的消耗性疾病,这种疾病是由战争期间被阿尔费舍法师召唤到国度当中的一种名叫heucuva的生物引起的。某些法术延缓了疾病的加重,但它仍然在缓慢地杀死她。她的妹妹诺罗丽亚(N ef W9(D))和贝蒂斯(N ef W11(D))都身担家族的预言者职责。这三个女人都是三之环的密言学者。在时势较好时,她们会以在以前没有树的地方种植10棵树的代价来为非精灵预言。而现在,她们不再把自己的能力提供给外人了。
Sire Thendain (LN em W6/F7) and his wife Esmeralda (CN ef W10/T6 Wokani of the Third Circle) live at the Great School of Magic. Their disparate outlooks on life lead to numerous arguments, but they manage to get along somehow. Esmeralda keeps her craft affiliation a secret even from her husband and often pretends to be a wizard of much less skill. Their son, Unedyrin (NG em F5), shares none of their magical talent and lives in Ellerovyn. Carlotina’s other son, Qenildor, operates as a resistance fighter in New Kolland, leading a group of elves against the humanoids that have managed to gain acceptance from the rest of Glantri.
瑟登阁下(LN em W6/F7)和他的妻子埃斯梅拉达(CN ef W10/T6,三之环的巫术学者)居住在至高魔法学院。尽管他们彼此对生活的不同看法导致了无数的争论,但他们还是设法相敬如宾。埃斯梅拉达甚至没有让她的丈夫得知自己知晓的技艺,经常假装自己是一名不那么高明的法师。他们的儿子安尼德林(NG em F5)没有继承到他们的魔法天赋,现在住在埃乐瑞雯。卡洛蒂娜的另一个儿子,奇尼尔多,作为一名反抗军战士,在新柯尔领带领一群精灵对抗类人种族,并且已经设法获得了格兰特里其余地方的认可。
Two minor nobles had allied themselves with the clan of Erewan elves: Lord Ezechiel Naramis of Nathrat and Lady Aliana Nyraviel of Soth-Kabree. However, both died when their holdings fell to the meteor’s devastation.
The elves of Erewan produce a number of wood products, including bows, paper, and hand-carved furniture. Production remains somewhat limited, of course, since the principality has only a finite number of trees available for lumber. Erewan ships various herbs, as well as beeswax and honey, to market in Glantri City. Traditionally, Glantri’s finest and fastest horses have come from this principality, and most respect elven training and handling techniques.
Lastly, art and literature are important areas of interest in Erewan. Poetry, sculpting, painting, and music all remain popular hobbies as well as professions. As the elven government has always provided as much special funding for the arts as possible, many full-time poets, musicians, and artists operate within the realm. Not surprisingly, the principality has the highest literacy rate in Glantri—an impressive claim, in a land of wizards. Other principalities rely on Erewan scribes and translators for their talents.
These elves find themselves beleaguered by continual attacks from the humanoids. Although Prince Kol (page 60) has brought an end to the largest and most devastating raids, he covertly allows smaller skirmishes with Erewan settlements and travelers. Most elves remain hopeful that outside aid will help them against these enemies, but this hope is slowly dying. The elves realize that not only are their enemies now accepted members of Glantrian society, but they seem to stand in greater favor than Erewan itself.
The town of Erendyl has been attacked so many times in the last few years that its people always act as though under siege, even in times of relative peace. Many distrust strangers, but most will not act hostile to visitors. The majority of Erewan elves no longer think of themselves as true Glantrians but as members of a solitary realm abandoned by the motherland. Therefore they treat all outsiders (except humanoids) the same, no matter where they come from.
These fair elves have always kept humanity at a distance. Like the elves of Alfheim, they seem kind, forgiving, and generous to human neighbors and visitors, but they never desired to live alongside them or share with them their secrets. Intermarriage with humans is almost unknown. These traditions have led Glantrians to question their loyalty to the realm. These otherwise good-natured people now must pay the price for their desire to maintain their old way of life.
During the Wrath of the Immortals, many elves of Alfheim fled that land for Erewan. These refugees make up approximately 5% of the principality's population, but they seem virtually indistinguishable from natives of Erewan, to an outsider's eyes. The elves of Erewan still number more than the Belcadiz, but at the rate the humanoid raids claim lives, this fact may not hold true for long.
Much of this grim music is being orchestrated by Princess Dolores of Fenswick, also the chaotic evil dragon Synn. She wants to discredit and destroy the elves of Erewan, hating them for representing everything she opposes in Glantri. She has come very close to making Glantri a dark and chaotic land filled with monsters and evil wizards— such a realm has no place for fair and noble elves. Prince Kol, Dolores's ally, shares this belief. Despite what he tells the Council of Princes, he supports the raids his humanoids inflict upon Erewan.
Tensions have endured between the Belcadiz elves and those of Erewan ever since the two clans split. The fairer elves look upon their dark-haired cousins as tainted by the society and customs of the humans, often referring to all of them as "half-elves.”
House Linden, with its strong ties to the old Flaems, has traditionally hated all elves. This race resents the elves for coming to Glantri and displacing their people, who they claim arrived first. This outlook may change under the rule of their new princess, Juliana, but such a change must come slowly, as the bad blood runs deep.
Erewan elves dress in silky, loose-fitting garb. They enjoy hooded cloaks and flowing robes, usually pale in color. Avoiding gold, they adorn themselves in silver jewelry and enhance their tools and weapons with silver inlay. They prefer armor of light chain mail and fight with sabres as their weapon of choice. (See "Rapiers and Sabres,” page 38.)
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2018-12-05, 周三 15:02:27
卡洛蒂娜·艾维雯女亲王Princess Carlotina Erewan
Princess of Erewan, Marchioness of Ellerovyn, High Mistress of Cryptomancy

Carlotina became the leader of her clan and the Princess of the Erewan when her husband died at the hands of orcish raiders then operating out of the Broken Lands.
The Council of Princes didn’t waste much time in awarding her the title Chamberlain of the Land, making her overseer of all Glantrians’ welfare. Carlotina instituted programs to aid the poor in all principalities, concerned particularly with the oppressed in Boldavia. She attempted also to use the Chamberlain position to aid her own people’s effort to plant trees along the banks of the Red River. When it became clear to the Council of Princes that her goals were no longer Glantri’s, they revoked her tide.
Carlotina now admits that the best thing for her people would be for them to leave Erewan and establish a new realm elsewhere. However, as humanoid attacks reduce their numbers and antagonism from the rest of Glantri weakens their spirits, she can see no clear destination.
Personality: Although sincerely a caring soul, Carlotina has seen too much suffering in her life to have survived unscathed. She now appears a sullen, withdrawn elf woman. Only her mother, Eleesea, has her ear; she has sent all other advisors away. Her time and energies are consumed in thoughts of saving her people somehow from the fate apparently before them.
What She Says: Glantri has become a realm unfriendly toward elves, yet monsters run free—idolized and adored. That such a thing could come to pass seems unfathomable to me, yet it is truth.
What Others Say: She’s a cold fish, that one. She couldn't care less what happens to any of us lowly humans, but threaten one of her elves—or any of her bloody trees—and she'll see you dead. (Helgar von Drachenfcls)
别人怎么说: 那个人冷漠而无情。她不在乎我们这些卑微的人类会发生什么,但只要她的一个精灵——或者她那些该死的树——受到威胁,她就会看着你死去。(海尔格·冯·龙福斯)
Appearance: Although beautiful, Carlotina cannot mask the sadness in her misty blue eyes. Like all her people, she is fair of skin and hair, the latter flowing in silky tresses that almost reach her waist. She normally wraps herself in thin cloaks of white or ivory and she favors delicate silver jewelry.
Using Carlotina: The princess is a tragic figure enshrouded in sadness and regret. Characters who help the plight of her people will win her eternal gratitude and possibly a chance to convince her to aid their own cause.
Combat: Carlotina will fight only in self-defense or for the lives of her loved ones. She uses her Cryptomancer powers primarily, falling back on her formidable Spell repertoire and magical items. At almost all times, one should assume she has armor and stoneskin spells active. She kills only when absolutely necessary, attempting todispatch her enemies as quickly and painlessly as possible. If the means presents itself to end a combat quickly, she always takes it. Carlotina is not beyond self-sacrifice for a worthy cause.
Note: The character Carlotina was created using the optional rule for "Exceeding Level Limits” in Chapter 2: Player Character Races of the DUNGEON Master Guide. This rule is highly recommended for this setting; it enabled Carlotina to reach 18th level because of her high Intelligence score.
注意: 卡洛蒂娜是使用《地下城主指南》第二章“玩家角色种族”中 “超过等级限制”的可选规则来创建的。强烈推荐在此设定中使用该规则;它使卡洛蒂娜达到了18级,因为她有着极高的智力点数。

卡洛蒂娜·艾维雯, 18级精灵法师:
THACO 15; #AT由法术决定; Dmg由法术决定; SA 法术, 密言学者能力; SD 魔法物品; AC 9; hp 36; MV 12; ML 精英(14); AL LG.
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 17.
1st level—charm person, draw forth the truth, filth's bane, remove the instrument of death, sleep.
2nd level—blur, continual light, detect evil, hypnotic pattern, ray of enfeeblement.
3rd level—clairvoyance, dispel magic, gust of wind, hold person, lightning bolt.
4th level—eluding the death blow, emotion, fear, ftre shield, stoneskin.
5th level—advanced illusion, feeblemind, interposing hand*, monster summoning 111, teleport.
6th level—chain lightning, cleave the magical union, geos.
7th level—guardian mantle, limited wish, vision.
8th level—demand, spell immunity*.
9th level -temporal stasis.
语言: Elvish (Erewan/Alfheim and Belcadiz dialects), Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Etiquette, local history (elvish regions), meditation, reading/writing, riding (land-based), spelicraft, spcllflash, weaving.
装备: Ring of mind shielding, wand of frost (68 charges), cube of force.

奇尼尔多·艾维雯阁下Sire Qenildor Erewan
Qenildor, Carlotina’s elder son, served as captain of Camp Huledain before it was destroyed by the meteor during the Wrath of the Immortals. Later, he led the effort to keep the humanoids from the Broken Lands at bay.
奇尼尔多, 卡洛蒂娜的长子。在休雷丹恩营地在不朽者之怒中被陨石摧毁之前,他曾是那里的队长。后来,他带领着人们,持续地将类人种族从破碎之地中驱逐出去。
Ever since he narrowly escaped the destruction of his command (he was visiting Ellerovyn when the meteor struck), he has remained a staunch military foe of the humanoids. Currently, he leads a band of elf terrorists in New Kolland, striking against them in a vain attempt to force them out of Glantri.
Personality: Driven by his hatred for orcs, ogres, kobolds, and their ilk, Qenildor leads his troops with a wildeyed intensity. His hatred has grown since the death of his father, and each new atrocity inflicted upon his people enflames this passion still more.
What He Says: I shall not rest until every last orc, goblin, hobgoblin, and the rest are slain. I know that sounds foolhardy, but my father and my people must be avenged.
What Others Say: That elf is a criminal, an outlaw, and a murderer of good, peace-loving folk. (Prince Kol)
Appearance: These days, people normally see Qenildor dressed in the ragged tatters of his white military uniform.His skin is pale, and his hair golden, although now it usually looks dirty and matted. He wears his sabre at his side and carries a shield emblazoned with the arms of Erewan.
Using Qenildor: Characters may encounter Qenildor anywhere in New Kolland. If they intend to strike at the humanoids, Qenildor offers any aid he can muster. Even if the PCs are there for another purpose, he may end up dragging them into a situation that forces them to choose a side in his war.
Combat: A fierce combatant, Qenildor gladly will give his life for his mission.

奇尼尔多·艾维雯, 9级精灵战士/8级精灵法师:
THAC0 12; ML 3/2 (军刀+3); Dmg 1d6+1 (+1 力量, +3 魔法军刀); SA 法术; SD 魔法物品; AC 4; hp 45; MV 12; ML 狂热(17); AL CG.
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 12.
1st level—burning hands, draw forth the truth, magic missile, mount.
2nd level—flaming sphere, forget, web.
3rd level—fireball, invisibility 10’ radius, spout of scalding wrath.
4th level—black tentacles\ secure shelter*.
语言: Elvish (Erewarv'Alfheim dialect), goblm, orcish, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Blind-fighting, navigation, reading/writing, riding (land-based).
装备: Sabre +2, elven chain mail, longbow +1, boots of elvenhind, potion of extra- healing.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2019-01-14, 周一 06:03:15
芬斯威克公国Principality of Fenswick
A newer principality, Fenswick remains quite small. In fact, it cannot even boast a town or village of enough size to place on the map. For now, this realm consists of extremely small communities of shepherds and goat herders. Princess Dolores Hills- bury claims she desires a large, populous principality someday, but actually she has no care for personal power. Dolores really Synn, a night dragon—maneuvered her enfeoffment to get a seat on the Council of Princes. In this way, she can further her true goal: spreading chaos and darkness throughout Glantri.
House: Hillsbury.
Ruler: Princess Dolores Hillsbury.
Siege: Fenswick.
House Personalities: None.
Allies: Innocenti di Malapietra, only survivor of House Sirecchia; Houses of Ritterburg and Kol.
Foes: Houses of Marais and Sylaire; Clan of Ellerovyn.
Voting Power: 12 at the council, 12 at Parliament.
Population: 5,890.

The people of Fenswick seem relatively ignorant of their ruler's identity or disposition. In fact, Dolores spends so little time on her own principality's administration, the peasants only barely realize she exists. The late Lady Margaret Hillsbury, whom Dolores falsely claims as her mother, was an iron-fisted ruler, so the people of Fenswick actually appreciate being ignored for now. After all, nothing changed for them when their tiny duchy became a principality, so why should they care chat they've never heard of the woman now their princess?
The people of Fenswick work either as herders or river fishermen, although a few grow potatoes and various other tubers. Folks here appear slightly wealthier than many in other principalities, if for no other reason than their close proximity to the capital and the ease with which they can ship goods to market there.
For being the ruler of such a small and insignificant region, Dolores wields a great deal of political power. She has seduced Jaggarvon Drachettfels, placing House Ritterburg firmly in her grasp. The charmed and mentally unstable Innoccnti di Malapietra serves her as well. Kol XIV knows Dolores for what she really is, but realizes that his own power increases if she succeeds in her plans. In fact, he owes his appointment to princedom to her manipulations of the council.
Prince Malachie du Marais (page 56) has recently learned, through a spy, of Dolores’s draconic nature. A werewolf himself, he knows that exposing her would not do enough to foil whatever evil plans she harbors. For now, Malachie waits to discover more, opposing Dolores whenever he can.
Malachie’s ally, House Sylaire, became an enemy of House Hillsbury when the princess's supporter Henri d'Ambreville was killed by Isidore, his sister-in-law. Isidore, current ruler of Nouvelle Averoigne, and her husband, Richard, realize the wisdom of opposing anyone once closely aligned with the evil Henri. Their close friend Malachie has revealed enough to confirm their suspicions.
Princess Carlotina and the elves of Rrewan blame Dolores, correctly, for their current position of disfavor with the rest of the Council of Princes. Dolores hates the fair elves and wishes them destroyed or driven out of Glantri.

德洛丽丝·希尔斯伯里女亲王Princess Dolores Hillsbury
Princess of Fenswick, Treasurer of the Council of Princes

The lords of the Sphere of Entropy (Immortals dedicated to spreading chaos and darkness) saw in Glantri the potential of establishing a firm foothold in the Known World. They decided that Glantri, already teetering on the brink of chaos, could be manipulated into complete disorder. For this purpose, they summoned one of their faithful servants, queen of the creatures called night dragons. Her name was Synn.
熵领域之王们(致力于传播混乱和黑暗的不朽者们) 看到了在格兰特里建立已知世界中的稳固立足点的潜力。他们认为,已经在混乱边缘摇摇欲坠的格兰特里可以在操纵之下陷入完全的混乱当中。为了达到这个目的,他们召来了一位忠实的仆人,那就是被称为“夜龙”的生物们的女王。她的名字是“辛”。
An incredibly powerful creature, Synn can change her shape into that of a human at will. For her, infiltrating Glantrian nobility proved simple. She claimed to be the illegitimate daughter of Prince Volospin of Blackhill (who died when the meteor obliterated his principality) and Lady Margaret Hillsbury. Many nobles knew of their actual affair, and when Synn killed Margaret, no one alive could dispute her story.
Calling herself Dolores Hillsbury, Synn proclaimed (truthfully) that a dragon killed Margaret. Before the realm ceased its mourning, “Dolores” marched into Glantri City with a number of retainers and a dead dragon, claiming to have avenged her mother's death. Her tale accepted, she quickly was granted princess status and her supposed father’s seat on the council.
Even today, Synn continues her masquerade as Dolores to manipulate the council. Her actions are rendering Glantri a dark, monster-ridden realm of chaos. The next step of her plan involves eliminating her enemies: Prince Malachie, Princess Isidore, and Princess Carlotina.
直到今天,辛还在通过继续伪装成德洛丽丝来操纵议会。她的行为让格兰特里变成了一个黑暗、怪物横行的混乱国度。她计划的下一步是消灭她的敌人: 马拉奇亲王、伊西多尔女亲王和卡洛蒂娜女亲王。
It is interesting to note that Dolores has not yet uncovered the secret of the Radiance, even though her supposed mother knew its secrets quite well. (Ironically, much of her information on the Radiance lies hidden within Fenswick Keep. Dolores has never bothered to search the place, as she spends so little time there). Should she uncover its powers, she will become even more dangerous.
Personality: Synn is a completely evil creature of chaos who will let nothing stand in the way of her plans.
What She Says: My fellow council members, I know that I am just fortunate to hold this chair. I also know that I should leave the important decisions to those of you that have been ruling well for so long. But if I could just bend your ear for a moment...
What Others Say: Dolores has breathed new life into Glantri. Her wisdom and charm are bringing the principalities into a brighter and more glorious future. (Prince Jaggar)
别人说: 德洛丽丝给格兰特里注入了新的生命。她的智慧和魅力正在把诸公国引向一个更明亮而辉煌的未来。(贾加尔亲王)
Appearance: Dolores has long, straight black hair. Her dark eyes contrast with her pale skin. The tall and slender woman dresses in long, black gotons when possible, substituting stylish hunting garments when traveling.
With scales of deepest black, Synn's night dragon body measures 90 feet in length and sports a tail of at least 110 feet more.
Using Dolores: Consider Synn one of the primary forces of evil in Glantri, a greater threat even than Morphail or Brannart. Uncovering her nature and plots could become a major focus of a Glantrian campaign. In such a situation, Prince Malachie and Princess Isidore would ally with the PCs, but the princess could manipulate Jaggar, Kol, and others into opposing them.
Combat: Although she normally pretends to be much less powerful than she is, a true threat will cause Dolores (or Synn) to unleash all her magical might. Rather than die, she will reveal her draconic form, but she almost always has a number of defensive spells, such as counterspell immunity and armor, cast for protection.

德洛丽丝·希尔斯伯里, 20级人类 (巨龙) 法师:
THACO 14; #AT 1 (匕首+2); Dmg ld4 (+2 魔法匕首); SA 法术; AC 10; hp 70 (在hp降至10或以下时变回巨龙形态); MV 12; ML 勇士(15); AL CE;XP 24,000.
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 9, Cha 17.
1st level—armor, color spray, draw forth the truth, friends, spirit of servitude.
2nd level—BSP, forget, invisibility, levitate, pyrotechnics. •
3rd level—Brannart's acidic grip, fireball, suggestion,, torrent of death, wraithform.
4th level—counterspell immunity, ice storm, magic mirror, minor creation, minor globe of invulnerability.
5th level—chaos, cloudkill, domination, magic jar, shadow door.
6th level -breach the beast's defenses, mass suggestion, project image, seek the traveler.
7th level—control undead, monster summoning V, power word stun.
8th level—incendiary cloud, telekinetic sphere*, trap the soul.
9th level—crystalbrittle, pierce any shield.
语言: Night dragon, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Etiquette, hunting, navigation, meditation, monster lore, reading/writing, spellcraft, spell-flash.
装备: Dagger +2, ring of human influence.

辛, 极老夜龙*: Int 超凡(18); AL CE; AC -8; MV 12; HD 20; hp 70; THACO 5; #AT 3 (爪击/爪击/啮咬); Dmg 1 d 10/1 d10/3d10 (由于年龄,全部+9);
SA 喷吐武器 (伤害18d10+9), 法术; SD 恐惧灵光,
50%魔法抗力; SZ G (200 英尺长, 包括尾巴);
ML 勇士(15); XP 24,000.
*Note: Essentially, treat the night dragon as a red dragon with the ability to take human form at will and a breath weapon of heat- draining darkness.
偏好法术: 和上文所述的德洛丽丝相同。
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2019-01-15, 周二 16:39:56
克兰太尔公国Principality of Klantyre
The McGregor family, and some of the others who live in the Principality of Klantyre, are descended from a group of mages who fled to this land through a magical gate to escape persecution. They came from not just another land, but another world entirely—the same world the d'Ambreville family also fled from long ago. These powerful wizards quickly attained positions of influence within Glantri and have maintained their status ever since.
House: Crownguard
Ruler: Prince Brannart McGregor.
Siege: Crownguard.
House Personalities: Sir Duncan, son; Lady Barbara, daughter; Sir Quentin, son; Lady Mary, Quentin's wife; Sir Bruce, Mary's brother; Count Alasdair McAllister, Barbara's husband; Sir Angus, Quentin's son; Sir Sean McAllister, Barbara's son.
Allies: Lady Myra McDuff, Baroness of Uigmuir; Lord Eachainn McDougall, Marquis of Dunvegan.
Foes: Houses of Sylaire and Igorov.
Voting Power: 15 at the council, 32 at Parliament.
Population: 27,750.
Glenmoorloch: 3,300.
Tavish: 1,500.
家族成员:邓肯阁下,长子;芭芭拉女士,女儿;昆汀阁下,次子;玛丽女士,昆汀的妻子;布鲁斯阁下,玛丽的哥哥; 阿拉斯代尔·麦卡利斯特伯爵,芭芭拉的丈夫;安格斯阁下,昆汀的儿子;肖恩·麦卡利斯特阁下,芭芭拉的儿子。
盟友:迈拉·麦克达夫女士,尤格缪尔女男爵; 伊尔钦·麦克杜格尔大人,邓韦根侯爵。

Most in House Crownguard, as well as servants and retainers, have been driven to the brink of insanity by the seemingly cursed Tower of Crownguard. All in Klantyre know that the ancestors who have died there since the passage to Mystara haunt the tower. Many family members have shunned the keep to get away from the hauntings.
Lady Barbara (LN hm F4) luckily left the place early in her life to marry the Count of Glenargyll, Alasdair McAllister (CN hm W13). A member of the Brotherhood of the Radiance (see Chapter IV: Magic), Alasdair unfortunately bears the mark of his affiliation: The magical force has painfully disfigured his face, chest, and right arm. Nevertheless, the wizard continues his spell experiments, seemingly as obsessed with Immortality as his father-in-law, Prince Brannart. Barbara and Alasdair’s son, Sean (CN hm W10 Water Elementalist of the Third Circle), is a rebellious prodigy at the Great School of Magic.
芭芭拉女士(LN hm F4)幸运地在她很小的时候离开了这个地方,嫁给了格伦盖尔伯爵,阿拉斯代尔·麦卡利斯特(CN hm W13)。阿拉斯代尔是辐射兄弟会的一员(见第四章:魔法),不幸的是,他身上带有他所属组织的标记:魔法力量痛苦地毁容了他的脸、胸部和右臂。尽管如此,这位法师还是继续着他的魔法实验,似乎像他的岳父布莱纳特亲王一样痴迷于不朽。芭芭拉和阿拉斯代尔的儿子肖恩(CN hm W10 三之环的水元素学者)是至高魔法学院的一位叛逆的天才。
Sir Quentin (CN hm W9 Water Elementalist of the Third Circle) is the prince's schizophrenic younger son. (The elder is Sir Duncan.) Quentin once served as Castellan of Fort Sablestone but, upon the enfeoffment of Sablestone as a principality, he reluctantly returned to Crownguard. Brannart has since taken complete magical control of Quentin and forced his wife, Mary (NG hf F12), to flee. Their son, Angus (CE hm W15), was another prodigy, joining the Brotherhood of the Radiance at the age of 10. For reasons unknown even to him, Angus ceased to age physically once he delved into studying the Radiance. Now, many years later, he still appears a young boy. Angus, the only family member who knows Brannart is a lich, feels confident that the same fate will not befall him. In fact, he plans to use the Radiance to overthrow his grandfather soon. Anyone inclined to treat this thoroughly evil figure as a child generally falls subject to a contagion, feeblemind, or even finger of death spell.
患有精神分裂的昆汀阁下(CN hm W9 三之环的水元素学者)是亲王的次子。(长子是邓肯阁下。) 昆汀曾在黑貂岩堡担任城主,但在黑貂岩被封为公国后,他不情愿地回到了皇冠守卫。此后,布莱纳特用魔法完全地控制了昆汀,并迫使他的妻子玛丽(NG hf F12)逃跑。他们的儿子安格斯(CE hm W15)也是一位天才,在10岁时就加入了辐射兄弟会。由于连安格斯自己也不知道的原因,在他开始研究辐射之后,他的身体就不再衰老了。现在,许多年过去了,他还是个小男孩的样子。安格斯是家里唯一一个知道布莱纳特是一位巫妖的人,而他相信自己不会重蹈祖父的覆辙。事实上,他打算在不久后用辐射来推翻他的祖父。任何试图把这位彻头彻尾的大魔头当作孩子对待的人,往往会沦为contagion、feeblemind,甚至是finger of death spell的目标。
Sir Bruce (CG hm C18), Mary's brother, used to serve as Castellan of Crownguard. But, when Brannart found out that he was secretly a cleric, he had him imprisoned in the keep's dungeons, where he remains to this day. Mary continually seeks an ally to help her breach the haunted keep to rescue her imprisoned brother and ensorcelled husband, as well as help turn Angus away from the path of evil.
布鲁斯阁下(CG hm C18),玛丽的哥哥,曾担任皇冠守卫的城主。但是,当布莱纳特发现他其实是一位隐藏身份的牧师时,他把他关进了城堡的地牢,直到今天。玛丽不断地寻找一个盟友来帮助她攻破这座闹鬼的城堡,以拯救她被监禁的哥哥和陷入困境的丈夫,同时帮助安格斯远离邪恶的道路。
An ally of House Crownguard, Lord Eachainn McDougall (LN hm W11 Dracologist of the Third Circle) bears the task of holding the western end of Skullhorn Pass. A wonderful strategist, he is a good friend of Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels. Long ago, another Crownguard friend, Lady Myra McDuff, became a prisoner of a band of orcs, who eventually slew her. Her ghost still resides in her tower at Uigmuir, but no one realizes her undead state. Her spirit must remain trapped in the world of mortals until someone avenges her death.
伊尔钦·麦克杜格尔大人(LN hm W11三之环的龙学者)是皇家守卫家族的盟友之一,肩负着驻守头骨号角关西部的任务。他是一位出色的战略家,也是贾加尔·冯·龙福斯亲王的好朋友。很久以前,另一位皇冠守卫的盟友迈拉·麦克达夫夫人成为了一群兽人的俘虏,并最终被兽人所杀。她的鬼魂仍逗留在她位于尤格缪尔的城堡里,但没人意识到她变成了亡灵。直到有人为她报仇为止,她的灵魂都无法离开凡世。
Somehow, the Principality of Klantyre succeeds in spite of itself. Brannart cares nothing for his family, let alone his people, and thus pays no heed to problems the principality faces. Shrewd local rulers, such as the Grand Mayor of Glenmoorloch, Gerth MacEndal (LN hm F6), keep Klantyre running smoothly.
不知何故,尽管自身问题重重,但克兰太尔公国还是成功地存续到了今天。布莱纳特不关心他的家庭,更不关心他的人民,因而也对公国所面临的问题不屑一顾。克兰太尔之所以能够保持平稳地运作,都归功于精明的地方统治者,如格伦穆莫雷的大市长,格斯·麦肯德尔(LN hm F6)。
The moneychangers of Glenmoorloch, the banking and financial center of Glantri, handle currency in an efficient and sophisticated manner second only to the Republic of Darokin to the south. Certain bankers will handle confidential accounts—and ask no questions.
With lumbering as one of the area's major industries, Glenmoorloch also serves as home to many lumberjacks, woodcrafters, and carpenters. Only sheep herding outranks lumbering as a source of revenue for Klantyre. Local farmers grow potatoes and various grains. The village of Tavish is known for its breweries and its unique whiskey.
The people of Klantyre are a suspicious and prejudiced lot. They normally keep to themselves, and, when left alone with their “own kind," they generally appear happy and good natured. Strangers are not welcome in the local pubs (Glenmoorloch has inns and taverns specifically for outsiders), and just barely in other business establishments. Tavish seems even less welcoming than Glenmoorloch.
As mentioned in the section on Boldavia (page 37), Brannart despises Prince Morphail and plots his destruction. The vampire, in turn, seeks to undermine the lich's control by making those who serve him into vampires.
The Houses of Crownguard and Sylaire have long feuded, the d'Ambrevilles angry that the McGregors used their magical gateway to reach Glantri. Crownguard’s passage prevented some d'Ambreville retainers from making it through before the portal closed.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2019-01-17, 周四 09:27:27
布莱纳特·麦格雷戈亲王Prince Brannart McGregor
Prince of Klantyre, Viscount of Crownguard

After killing his father and taking his place as Prince of Klantyre (as well as his staff of the magi), Brannart discovered the secrets of the Radiance. In his lust for Immortality, he overused the Radiance's magic, and his body quickly deteriorated until he was consumed and transformed by the mysterious force. Although old records of Radiance use remain sketchy, Brannart's seems the only known case of lichdom due to the overuse of the secret power.
Since his transformation, he has hidden within Crownguard, never leaving the keep. He conducts his business by proxy, sending servants (often magical creatures he summons) to deliver messages, vote for him at the council, and so on. He used to permit certain visitors to Crownguard to see him, his appearance shrouded in illusions. Now he accepts very few such visits.
Brannart continues his research into the Radiance, still hoping to become an Immortal one day. He has no idea of all the activities of his grandson, Angus; if he ever learns of the younger wizard's plan to usurp him, Brannart will coldly eliminate the upstart.
Note that, unlike most liches, Brannart did not have a preoccupation with death and unlife before assuming his perverse new nature. He was not a Necromancer and actually had no idea that dabbling with the Radiance would change him like it did. He still has no regrets, however, and has accepted his new nature and abilities.
Personality: Brannart is as ruthless and evil as one can imagine. Not surprising for a lich, but this prince was a fiend long before he became undead. He will stop at nothing to gain Immortality, and he cares for no one.
What He Says: Disturb me not, insignificant gnats!
他说: 不要打扰我,你们这些无足轻重的蚊蚋!
What Others Say: I have heard that Brannart does not accept visitors. That is fine with me—I don’t need to be told twice not to deal with that ruthless devil in his ghost ridden tower. (Carnelia de Belcadiz y Ecdorias)
Appearance: Brannart’s skeletonlike face at first glance appears to lack all flesh. The tight sheet of skin covering his skull leaves no question as to his undead status. He wears an elegant, full kilt and a red beret. He keeps his magical staff with him at all times.
Using Brannart: A powerful foe, Brannart can become a match for high-level PCs— especially ones his daughter- in-law Mary recruits to rescue her husband and brother.If you, the DM, wish to start a small conflict in Giantri, pit Prince Morphail against Prince Brannart in an undead struggle involving not only human troops but also monsters, magical beings, and devastating spells.
Combat: It appears difficult to actually get to Brannart, as he stays within his well-guarded tower at all times and generally does not permit visitors. If attacked, however, Brannart enjoys (much to the surprise of his foes) entering into melee. His lich abilities, his spells, and his ring of protection give him excellent defenses, and his chilling touch coupled with one of his many deadly touch spells (including one he developed himself) make him dangerous in combat. He can easily remain ever near his Radiance receptacle and has 3d 10 Radiance points stored via the spell retain power at any given time. (See Chapter IV: Magic for details on this and other Radiance spells.)
战斗:要真正地接近布莱纳特似乎是一件困难的事情,因为他一直呆在他那戒备森严的塔内,一般都不会接受拜访。然而,如果受到攻击,布莱纳特(非常出乎其敌人预料地)喜欢进行近身战。他的巫妖能力,他的法术,和他的防护戒指都给予了他极好的防御能力,他的寒冷触碰加上他的许多致命接触法术(包括他自己发明的一个法术)使他在战斗中十分危险。他可以很容易地停留在他的辐射容器附近,并且通过利用法术储存的3d 10个辐射点随时补充力量。(有关于此和其他辐射法术的细节详见第四章:魔法。)

布莱纳特·麦格雷戈, 20级人类(巫妖) 法师:
THACO 9; #AT 1 (接触); Dmg 1d 10 + 麻痹; SA 法术, 麻痹; SD免疫睡眠、衰弱、变形、寒冷、电击、精神失常、死亡和魅惑法术, 只会被+1或更好的武器所伤害; AC -2; hp 65; MV 12; ML 勇士(16); AL CE; XP 15,000.
Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 7.
1st level—chill touch, dance macabre, grease, hypnotism, shocking grasp.
2nd level—blindness, blur, improved phantasmal force, spectral hand, web.
3rd level- Brattnart's acidic grip, hold person, nondetection, torrent of death, vampiric touch.
4th level—extension I, fear, improved invisibility, polymorph other, resilient sphere\
5th level—call upon Radiance, feeblemind, hold monster, monster summoning III, telekinesis. 6ch level— breach the beast's defenses, death spell, invisible stalker, globe of invulnerability. 7th level—du$--dimension, power word stun, sword*.
8th level—discharge, grasp the magic since used, irresistible dance*.
9th level—a summons one dares not deny, sever the tie
语言: KJantyre, Thya- tian common.
已知熟练: Alchemy, ancient history, ancient languages, reading/writing, spellcraft.
装备: Staff of the magi, boots of levitation, crystal ball (with ESP), ring of protection +2.

邓肯·麦格雷戈阁下Sir Duncan McGregor
头骨号角关营地指挥官Captain of the Skullhorn Pass Camp

The oldest son of Prince Brannart, Duncan has become an embittered and hateful man. He despises wizards, calling the magocracy of Giantri a travesty that must be overthrown. He formed the Followers of the Claymore to accomplish just that (page 79), but the rebel group has fallen apart, in particular due to the disappearance of one of the most powerful members, Sir Bruce. Now captain of the military camp located in the middle of the Skullhorn Pass, Duncan broods, scheming a way to strike at the wizards of Giantri.
What He Says: Ah, to have seen my people's homeland—a place unlike this misbegotten realm of magic. That'd be a boon, I'll tell ye.
What Others Say: I've little to say of Brannart's whelp. He hasn't his family's talent, so he's nothing. (Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen)
Appearance: Tall, ruddy Duncan has reddish hair and a drooping red mustache. He wears his armor virtually at all times.
Using Duncan: If the PCs are of a mind to attempt opposing the wizards of Glantri en masse, Duncan could prove their greatest ally. He still knows various fighters and thieves throughout the realm who support his position.
Combat: In combat, Duncan fights in a straightforward manner, dealing vicious blows with his magical claymore (a two-handed sword). He is brave but not foolhardy. He knows when to run, and remains ever aware of the power of magic in a fight.

邓肯·麦格雷戈, 16级人类战士:
THAC0 5; #AT 2 (双手剑+2); Dmg Id 10 (+5; +2 魔法剑, +3 力量);SD魔法物品; AC 0; hp 72; MV 9; ML 勇士(15);AL LG.
Str 18/24, Dex 12, Con 15,Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 17.
语言: Klantyre, Thya- tian common.
已知熟练: Direction sense, endurance, hunting, riding (land-based), tracking.
装备: Plate mail + 1, shield +1, two-handed sword +2.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2019-01-20, 周日 09:24:33
奎丹得赫公国Principality of Krondahar
The Principality of Krondahar comprises primarily immigrants and refugees fleeing Ethengar. In fact, the khanates' strict regulation of wizardry drove the ruling Virayanas and other nobles into Glantri, where their abilities could flourish. Despite the feelings of Glantrians like Prince Jaggar, House Singhabad remains extremely loyal to the magocracy.
House: Singhabad.
Ruler: Prince Jherek Virayana IV.
Siege: Singhabad.
House Personalities: Lady Lan-Syn, wife; Lady Aleah, wife; Lady Waira, wife, Sir Ralindi, son; Sir Rejladan, son; Prince Urmahid Krinagar, Lan-Syn’s brother.
Allies: Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Duke of Hightower; House Krinagar.
Foes: Houses of Ritterburg and Linden.
Voting Power: 25 at the council, 33 at Parliament.
Population: 24,860.
Braastar: 6,900.
统治者: 亲王杰瑞克·维拉亚纳四世。
大本营: 辛格哈巴。
家族成员: 兰-辛女士,夫人;阿莉娅女士,夫人;瓦拉女士,夫人;拉林迪阁下,儿子;瑞拉迪安阁下,儿子;乌尔马希德·克雷纳加亲王,兰-辛的哥哥。

The Virayanas, a quiet family, stand united behind their ruler, Jherek. The prince has three wives, Lqn-Syn (CN hf W(I)16 Dream Master of the Fourth Circle), Aleah (CE hf T12), and Waira (N hf F8). In the Ethengarian tradition, he has a great number of concubines as well. The wives each strive to become Jherek's favorite and, understandably, resent and dislike one another. When Jherek passes on one day, succession might prove a problem. As a wizard, Lan-Syn is the legal heir to the principality. However, she has given her husband no sons—lines of succession being drawn through male descendants—and the other two wives both have.
维拉亚纳是一个安守本分的家族,团结在他们的统治者杰瑞克的身后。这位亲王有三个妻子,兰-辛(CN hf W(I)16 四之环的梦境尊主),阿莉娅(CE hf T12)和瓦拉(N hf F8)。他还依照阿芬格人的传统找了很多情妇。他的每个妻子都努力让自己成为杰瑞克的最爱,所以不难理解为什么她们彼此之间都怨恨交加。如果有一天杰瑞克去世了,继承权就可能成为一个问题。作为一位法师,兰-辛是公国的法定继承人。然而,她并没有给她的丈夫产下任何子嗣——继承权是通过男性后代来交接的——而其他两个妻子都产下了自己的子嗣。
Ralindi (N hm W10 Dream Master of the Third Circle), the elder son, has moved to the Great School to learn more about the Radiance, a power he and his relatives have heard of only recently. His mother is Aleah.
拉林迪(N hm W10 三之环的梦境尊主),长子,已经前往至高学院去研究辐射——一种他和他的家人们直到最近才听说的力量。他的妈妈是阿莉娅。
Imprisoned in a strange pocket dimension for literally years, the younger Rejladan (LN hm W8 Dream Master of the First Circle) was freed recently by his father and brother. His jailer, Lady Sinaria Verlien, took him captive to obtain an ancient book he had discovered regarding the Radiance. Even though Sinaria found the tome not nearly as valuable a source of information as she had hoped, her hatred of House Singhabad made her continue holding Rejladan. She is now a prisoner herself, held in Jherek's fortress in the Demiplane of Nightmares.
Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft (NE hm W13), Duke of Hightower, finds himself an ally of sorts to House Singhabad, by virtue of the fact that it remains the one house he has never offended. This thin, sickly weasel of a man generally acts crass and offensive. John hates nonhumans, as well as most humans somehow different from him (including, in fact, those of Ethengarian descent).
高塔公爵约翰·波玛利斯-摩尔克罗夫特领主(NE hm W13)发现自己在某种程度上成为了辛格哈巴的盟友,因为这是仅有的从未被他冒犯过的家族。这个瘦弱而多病、黄鼠狼一般的男人往往都显得粗鲁无礼。约翰讨厌非人类,也讨厌大多数在某种程度上与他不同的人类(事实上,这包括了那些带有阿芬格血统的人)。
Krondahar seems a fairly wealthy principality. Its people produce a magically enhanced variety of silks; local wizards use spells to speed up the production, too. Ranchers raise cattle, both for meat and dairy products. Yoghurt is a local specialty. The cattle industry also provides Krondaharans with the raw materials to make various leather products. The principality exports gloves, coats, boots, saddles, and other items to the rest of Glantri via the capital. A rare breed of very small horses also originates in Krondahar, but these creatures amount to mere oddities—mounts for the children of Glantrian nobles.
Jherek has proved a capable ruler, and his people feel fairly content. They have learned, unlike their Ethengarian cousins and their Glantrian neighbors, to overcome cultural and racial differences to form a stronger union. (They do not realize how much stronger they could be if they could overcome gender-based thinking as well!) They tolerate strangers with ways unlike their own, although they take great offense at others disparaging their own culture.
The streets in the bustling mercantile town of Braastar buzz with the sounds of bartering, smell of spices, animals,and people. Braastar may be the most racially and culturally mixed town in Glantri (except for Glantri City itself, of course).
熙熙攘攘的贸易之城布拉斯塔尔的大街上到处是议价的话语,香料、动物还有人的气味。布拉斯塔尔可能是格兰特里中种族和文化融合得最为彻底的城市 (当然了,除格兰特里城之外)。
Both foes of House Singhabad oppose the family because of racial intolerance. House Ritterburg (especially Prince Jaggar) has long wanted to wage war against Ethengar and wrongly assumes that the people of Krondahar would join Glantri 's enemy in battle. House Linden, made up primarily of Flaems, continues to maintain an ancient hatred of anyone and anything Ethengarian. This sentiment may change with the new ruler, Princess Juliana.
The relatively new Principality of Bramyra falls under the control of Prince Urmahid, Lan-Syn's brother, bringing two principalities under the rule of the same noble house. To discourage suspicion that House Singhabad has gained too much power, Urmahid formed his own house. In actuality, however, the two princes remain as closely allied as ever.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-09, 周二 17:53:09
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-09, 周二 17:54:27
杰瑞克·维拉亚纳四世亲王Prince Jherek Virayana IV
Prince of Krondahar, Khan of Singhabad, Supreme Judge of the Council, High Master of Dream Magic

The house of Prince Jherek, fourth ruler of Krondahar, lacks much of the hatred, betrayal, and intrigue so prevalent in many of Glantri's other noble families. The prince studied at the Great School of Magic, where he discovered the wonders of Dream Magic. Since then, he has encouraged his wife Lan-Syn (his current favorite) and his sons to learn the secrets of the craft also.
Jherek believes himself a very civilized man, never once seeing the hypocrisy in his culture’s treatment of women. He has gained fame for the sumptuous banquets he holds for visiting nobles. He also enjoys organizing "monster hunts" into the Colossus Mounts. Mountain tigers are the usual prey, although sometimes parties hunt convicts and enemies of Krondahar instead. "Prey" that manages to survive an entire day receives clemency.
Personality: Jherek is not a difficult man to understand. He wants the best for his people and realm, he wants the best for Glantri, and he wants the best for his sons, whom he loves more than anything—including himself. He takes whatever action proves necessary to help that which he loves and seems not overly concerned with personal honor or prestige. Jherek feels disturbed by the darkness that seems to have grown within Glantri the last few years, but will deal with such matters only when they prove an actual threat to Krondahar or a clear danger to the magocracy.
个性: 杰瑞克不是一个难以理解的人。他想把最好的给他的人民和国家,他想把最好的给格兰特里,他还想把最好的给他的儿子们——他爱他们胜过一切——包括他自己。他会采取一切必要的行动来帮助他所爱的事物,而且看起来并不太在意个人的荣誉和威望。杰瑞克对过去几年在格兰特里发生的黑暗感到不安,但是只有当这些事情对奎丹得赫造成实际的威胁或者让法权社会产生明显的危险时,他才会开始处理这些事情。
What He Says: Patience and careful interaction with others are the secrets to remember, my son. Vengeance and betrayal bring you little but heartaches and enemies.
What Others Say: He must be up to something. (Count Alasdair McAllister)
Appearance: Jherek dresses like an Ethengarian lord, in long ornate robes and headgear—perhaps unknowingly fostering the link many perceive between him and the khanates. He keeps his black mustache long and thin, his skin tanned, and his build lean and muscular.
外表: 杰瑞克那身披华丽的长袍和头饰的穿着像极了一位阿芬格贵族——这也许在潜移默化中促使许多人认为他和汗国之间有着联系。他的黑胡子又长又细,皮肤晒黑,身材瘦削,肌肉发达。
Using Jherek: The one truly neutral force in Glantri, Jherek concerns himself mostly with the affairs of Krondahar. Player characters approaching him will find the prince generally open-minded and fair—less so toward women. But if they cross him, his vengeance is quick. (Despite what he says, he can act vengeful.)
使用杰瑞克: 作为格兰特里中唯一一股真正中立的势力,杰瑞克主要关心的是奎丹得赫的事务。接近他的玩家角色会发现这位亲王总得来说开放而公正——但对女性稍逊。但他们如果与他作对,他的报复会转瞬即至。(无论他嘴上怎么说,他的报复心都是很强的。)
Combat: Jherek does not mind entering combat if the situation arises, using a deadly combination of spells and melee attacks. Although an 18th-level wizard, he has not mastered 9th-level spells, due to his Intelligence score of 17 (9th-level spells require an 18). However, no one knows the limits of his spellpower. Jherek uses the Military Wizard kit. (See Chapter V: Glantrian Characters for details on kits.)

杰瑞克·维拉亚纳, 18级人类幻术师:
THACO 15; #AT 1 (打击法杖); Dmg ld6 (+3 魔法法杖): SA 法术, 梦境尊主能力; AC 9; hp 40; MV 12; ML 精英(14); AL N.
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 16.
1st level—audible glamer, burning hands, color spray, phantasmal force, soothe the beast; unseen servant.
2nd level—deafness, finery and freshness, hypnotic pattern, improved phantasmal force, knock, scare.
3rd level—blink, fly, gust of wind, phantom steed, spectral force, suggestion.
4th level—confusion, dimension door, fear, fumble, hallucinatory terrain, shadow monsters.
5th level—advanced illusion (x2), faithful hound* hold monster, shadow door, transmute rock to mud.
6th level—eyebite, freezing sphere% programmed illusion, project image.
7th level—magnificent mansion* prismatic spray, reverse gravity, shadow walk.
8th level—polymorph any object, screen, sink. „
语言: Ethcngarian, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Astrology, herbalism, meditation, reading/wriring, riding (land-based), spellflash.
装备: Staff of striking (fully charged), carpet of flying.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-11, 周四 01:05:29
莫尔雷-马伦波公国Principality of Morlay-Malinbois
Also known as the Valley of the Wolves, Morlay-Malinbois is a principality closely allied with Nouvelle Averoigne and populated heavily with lycanthropes. Some sources claim that werebeasts constitute as much as 30% of the local populace.
House: Marais.
Ruler: Prince Malachie du Marais.
Siege: Morlay.
House Personalities: Dame Diane de Moriamis, wife; Dame Suzanne, "sister"; Sire Nousoir, brother.
Allies: Vincienzo di Randazzi, Baron of Ylourgne; House Sylaire.
Foes: House Hillsbury.
Voting Power: 14 at the council, 18 at Parliament.
Population: 5,390.
Loupmont: 1,100.
家族: 马雷。
统治者: 马拉奇·杜·马雷亲王。
大本营: 莫尔雷。
家庭名人: 戴安娜·德·莫里亚米斯夫人,妻子;苏珊娜夫人,“妹妹”;努赛尔阁下,兄弟。
盟友: 文森佐·迪·兰达齐, 伊劳俄尼男爵;苏莱尔家族。
敌人: 希尔斯伯里家族。

The Principality of Morlay-Malinbois was born when Prince Malachie married Dame Diane (N hf W10(T) Alchemist of the Third Circle), the Vicomtesse de Malinbois, then received an act of enfeoffment. Originally, the Council of Princes passed this act to provide a safe home for lycanthropes. Since then, however, the council has overturned Glantri’s laws against Iycanthropy.
莫尔雷-马伦波公国是在马拉奇亲王与马伦波女子爵戴安娜夫人(N hf W10(T) 三之环的炼金学者)结婚后被授予了封地而诞生的。最初,亲王议会通过这项法案是为了给兽化人们提供一个安全的家。然而,从那以后,议会就推翻了格兰特里中对兽化人不利的法律。
House Marais is one filled with secrets and strife. The unattractive Diane, much older than the prince, has a list of charms that starts with "self-centered” and "obnoxious,” and goes downhill from there. (Malachie married her only to forge a political alliance.) Exceptionally unhappy with her unloving marriage, Diane has determined to exact revenge.
The prince's true love, Suzanne (NG hf F5), lives with the couple at Chateau Morlay. (He tells people she is his long- lost sister.) His brother, Nousoir (Nh hm T7), spends most of his time in Glantri City, but manages to extort a small stipend from the prince each month to keep his secrets of love and lycanthropy. (Malachie is a huge, white werewolf)
亲王的真爱苏珊娜(NG hf F5)和亲王夫妇一起住在莫尔雷城堡。(他告诉人们她是他失散多年的妹妹。)他的哥哥努赛尔(Nh hm T7)大部分时间都住在格兰特里城,但他每月都能从亲王那里索取一小笔津贴,以保住他的爱情和兽化症的秘密。(马拉奇是一位巨大的白色狼人)
Even before the enfeoffment, Malachie secretly called lycanthropes from all over Glantri and the Known World to this valley, making it a secret haven for them years before the princes decided Glantri needed one. More than half those living in Loupmont are lycanthropes, but to the casual observer it seems an average village.
These days, with Glantrians revering monsters more and more, visitors flock to Morlay-Malinbois to meet and "be seen with" the werecreatures. (Blinded by fashion, many Glantrians have come to grief in forgetting the brutal, predatory nature of werebeasts.) Though most lycanthropes resent this fashion, it does bring in a substantial amount of gold. Other than '“tourism,” the principality generates revenue through the export of fine wines. Artisans produce woolen and leather goods in the towns, and miners work obsidian and silver in the surrounding hills.
Vincienzo di Randazzi (NG hm W9) came to Ylourgne when all believed Innocenti di Alalapietra dead. Though Innocenti had been viceroy of the Forteresse d’Ylourgne, the area is now a barony instead, with Ylourgne as its siege.
当所有人都认为因诺森蒂·迪·马拉皮特拉已经死了的时候,文森佐·迪·兰达齐(NG hm W9)来到了伊洛涅。虽然因诺森蒂曾经是伊洛涅要塞的总督,但现在这个地区变成了男爵领,而伊洛涅则是其城堡。
As in the relationship between Bramyra and Krondahar, Prince Malachie still considers himself part of House Sylaire. Now that his close friend Princess Isidore rules there, the two principalities seem united in almost everything. This has sparked a few misgivings among the council members, but House Sylaire has so many opponents, the balance of power remains intact.
Malachie considers Dolores Hillsbury his greatest enemy (with the possible exception of Dame Genevieve de Sephora, the werewolf hunter who has stalked him for decades). Discovering the woman's draconic nature has made him suspect she is a creature of chaos with ill plans for Glantri. He does not know of her link with Prince Kol, however—actually Malachie was one of the first princes to seriously consider an act of enfeoffment to create New Kolland.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-12, 周五 02:32:15
马拉奇·杜·马雷亲王Prince Malachie du Marais
Prince of Morlay-Malinbois, Baron de Morlay, Alchemist of the Third Circle

Malachie came to Nouvelle Averoigne from the d'Ambrevilles' planet of origin in the year 979 thanks to the family's magic. Dame Genevieve de Scphora followed hot on his trail. It didn't take him long to establish a bit of power in Glantri, earning him a barony. Although closely allied with Nouvelle Averoigne, he had his own agenda in gaining power. At the time, a law made lycanthropy illegal in Glantri, thanks to an old Flaemish statute intended to restrict the werebears and wereboars of that race. Malachie wished to create a haven for lycanthropes like himself.
In his identity as the White Wolf, he began gathering werebeasts together and leading them to his barony. Most Glantrians assumed that the tales of a huge, all-white werewolf were merely legend. Most still make that assumption, and Malachie actually promotes the idea that the White Wolf does not exist.
In 1005, Malachie proposed marriage to Diane, a woman he knew he would have to deal with sooner or later, as she controlled werebeast-filled territory (although she remained ignorant of their existence) he hoped to claim. The council, hoping lycanthropes would aid in the Wrath of the Immortals, gave Malachie what he wanted—his own principality.
Last year, at the prompting of Malachie and Isidore, the princes abolished the laws against lycanthropy. Only a few principalities still enforce local laws against werebeasts. Now that he need not worry about the security of his fellows, Malachie (along with Isidore and Richard d'Ambreville) has concerned himself with the veil of shadow creeping across Glantri. Only in this land of magic and monsters could the foremost opponents of evil be werewolves themselves.
Personality: Malachie, though always chaotic, used to act more neutral than good. But since establishing Morlay- Malinbois, he has found his actions leaning more and more toward altruism and self-sacrifice. He finds he likes making the world a better place, and he plans to continue his fight against evil and intolerance.
What He Says: Lycanthropy is a way of life. You don't have to be a monster. You can control it.
Wltat Others Say: He thinks that no one knows he's a werewolf? How absurd. We’ve all known that for ages. (Angus McGregor)
Appearance: Malachie is an albino—the only one in all of Glantri. His were-form likewise appears completely white. To shade his eyes from the sun, the prince wears glasses magically made of extremely thin obsidian. Malachie usually sports light clothing and carries almost no equipment, allowing him to change into his wolf form with little fuss.
Using Malachie: Though a werewolf, Malachie actually has become a force of good within Glantri and may aid PCs who also fight against evil princes.
Combat: Since he still wishes to keep his lycanthropy a secret, Malachie will attempt to use his spells if attacked. As the aggressor, however, he will have changed into the White Wolf long before attacking.

马拉奇·杜·马雷, 11级人类(狼人)法师:
THACO 17; #AT 1 {匕首+ 1); Dmg ld4 (+2; +1 魔法匕首, +1 力量); SA 法术, 炼金学者能力, 狼人形态; AC 7; hp 43; MV 12; ML 勇士(16); AL CC.
Str 16, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 9, Cha 13.
Note: Exposure to sunlight without eye protection subtracts 2 points from all the albino's attack rolls and ability checks.
注: 在没有眼睛防护的情况下直面阳光会令白化病人的攻击和属性检定受到2点惩罚。
1 st level—feather fall, magic missile, shield, sleep.
2nd level—Balliard's rejuvenating touch, discern the heart of the beast, forget, know alignment.
3rd level—cloak against all peril, dispel magic, fireball, fly, lightning bolt, nondetection, suggestion, torrent of death.
4th level—dimension door, resilient sphere', wall of ice.
5th level—avoidance, stone shape.
语言: Sylaire, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Animal handling, animal training, etiquette, hunting, reading/writing, tracking.
装备: dagger +1, ring of wizardry (doubles all 3rd-level spells, expanding and contracting as wearer changes shape).

狼人形态: Int 杰出(16); AL CG; AC 5; MV 15; hp 43; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4 (+2 for 超凡力量); SA 法术; SD 只能被银制或魔法武器所伤害; SZ M (6英尺高); ML 勇士(16).
Note: Retains spcllcasting ability and sunlight sensitivity.
Favored Spells: As for Prince Malachie, above.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-12, 周五 23:57:54
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-16, 周二 10:50:25
新柯尔领公国Principality of New Kolland
New Kolland is the newest principality in Glantri, as well as the largest and most populous. With few exceptions, the entire citizenry comprises (in order of prominence) kobolds, orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, gnolls, and trolls.
House: Kol.
Ruler: Kol XIV.
Siege: Blackstone (formerly Redstone).
House Personalities: Teurac, mate; Gulb, son.
Allies: Houses of Hillsbury and Ritterburg,
Foes: House Sylaire.
Voting Power: 15 at the council, 15 at Parliament.
Population: 29,560.
盟友: 希尔斯伯里和瑞特博格家族,

Although an official principality, New Kolland still elicits mixed reactions among Glantrians. The majority of people willingly accept the humanoids into Glantri, but some— especially warriors like Prince Jaggar, who has fought against them numerous times—refuse to admit that New Kolland's existence makes humanoids actual members of Glantri's society. (Jaggar never would have voted for the act of enfeoffment to create the principality in the first place, if not for Dolores Hillsbury’s influence).
Prince Kol has erected a tower he calls Blackstone where once stood Redstone, the former seat of power for Viscountess Arbana jerbat before the meteor strike. There he lives with his family, his advisors, and a host of bodyguards. His staff of “advisors”—mostly humanoid shamans and witch doctors—includes two humans. The wizard Thurstol (N hm W8), a native of Glantri City, met Kol soon after the prince's first council meeting. Thurstol gives Kol advice on dealing with the wizards in Glantri, believing he can maneuver himself into a position of nobility by working with the kobold. The other human is the infamous Baron Ludwig von Hendricks (CE hm F13), who once ruled the Black Eagle Barony in Karameikos. He has dwelt among humanoids at various times in his life, using them as servants and troops, and so has found acceptance with them since his self-imposed exile. At this point, Hendricks will take whatever position of power he can, and advisor to a prince of Glantri seems better than nothing. He advises Kol on relations with humans and may even try convincing him to provoke hostilities with Darokin or Karameikos.
柯尔亲王建立了一座被他称为“黑石”的塔楼,这里曾是“红石”的所在地,在陨石坠落之前,红石曾是阿尔巴纳•泽巴特女子爵的权力中心。他和他的家人,他的顾问和一群保镖住在那里。他的“顾问”——大部分是类人萨满和巫医——包括两个人类。法师瑟斯托尔(N hm W8)是格兰特里城的本地人,在柯尔亲王第一次参与议会后不久就遇到了它。瑟斯托尔在柯尔与格兰特里法师打交道时提供建议,他相信,通过与这个狗头人合作,他就可以设法跻身贵族阶级。另一个人类则是臭名昭著的路德维格·冯·亨德里克斯男爵(CE hm F13),他曾经统治过卡拉梅卡斯的黑鹰领。在他的一生中,他曾多次与类人生物居住在一起,利用他们作为仆人和军队,而自他自我放逐以来,他也渐渐接受了它们。在此时此刻,亨德里克斯会尽其所能地获得权力,而格兰特里的一位亲王的顾问似乎总比没有好。他对柯尔与人类的关系作出建议,甚至可能会试图通过说服来挑起他对狄卢金或卡拉梅卡斯的敌意。
Kol currently has no heir with spellcasting abilities, but he continues trying to produce one. If Teurac "fails him” in that capacity, he will get a new mate, although he cares enough to keep Teurac in a position of honor and power.
It recently has come to light that the meteor that created the crater brought with it strange elements and energies from the heavens. While Kol uses his magic to attempt to ascertain the nature of these particles and forces, his troops keep out curious mages from other principalities hoping to do likewise. Already, locals have discovered a substance named urthellis—or more commonly, "craterdust"—in the area. This mineral appears quite valuable in facilitating the creation of magical items, as it forms a magical "conduit” between casters and objects they are attempting to enchant; using 1 oz. of urthellis decreases reaction time by 25%. The rare powder costs at least 5,000 gp per ounce. Another newly discovered crater material, a gemstone named bluestar, has certain magical properties also, but mages currently dispute the nature of its actual effects.
最近人们才意识到,制造了大星陨坑的那颗陨石从天上带来了奇怪的元素和能量。当柯尔试图使用他的魔法来确定这些微粒和力量的性质时,他的军队将其他想要这么做的公国派来的好奇法师挡在了境外。当地居民已经在这一地区发现了一种叫做“乌瑟利斯”——更多地被称为“陨坑尘”——的物质。这种矿物质在促进魔法物品的创造方面似乎很有价值,因为它在施法者和他们试图附魔的物品之间形成了一条魔法“管道”; 使用1盎司的urthellis可以减少25%的反应时间。这种稀有粉末的价格至少为每盎司5000 gp。另一种新发现的陨坑材料是一种名为“蓝星”的宝石,也具有某些神奇的魔法特性,但法师们目前对其实际效果的性质存在争议。
Kol wishes desperately to utilize these magical materials and sell them to the rest of the realm, for New Kolland has little to export—except mercenaries, of course. Attempting to teach his people farming and animal herding, the prince has encountered numerous difficulties—not surprising, as war and raiding seems built into humanoid society. At the behest of Princess Dolores, however, the council will lend economic aid to New Kolland to help the principality "get on its feet.”
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-16, 周二 11:10:38
牛年说牛!图为石化牛,是能够通过吐息将猎物石化后嚼碎吞下去的凶狠捕食者;其金属般的皮能够制成优秀的盔甲。另,其英语原名Gorgon即是神话中常见的蛇发女妖,不知为何在DND中变为了一头牛 :em012
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-20, 周六 17:07:29
柯尔十四亲王Prince Kol XIV
Prince of New Kolland, Lord of Blackstone, Viceroy of the Great Crater

Prince Kol is not actually a kobold (a fact that even he does not know) but a horribly deformed shadow elf. When such deformities occur among those elves, they spirit the child away to the humanoids. Only Kol's large size and spellcasting abilities might suggest he is anything other than an extremely ugly kobold, unless one discovers the truth through divination or from one of the humanoids that cared for him as a youth. Revealing Kol’s background would cause intense turmoil among the barely-controlled humanoid tribes.
Consider Kol a permanent ally of Dolores Hillsbury, as he owes his princely position to her. However, uncovering her evil schemes—even defeating her—will not change Kol’s status as a prince of Glantri.
Personality: Kol has far greater intelligence than most think possible. The shrewd creature seems quite capable as both a ruler and a military leader. He exhibits compassion toward his small family and toward the people of his new principality—another trait that most would never believe he possessed.
Wlhat He Says: New Kolland is only the beginning. Soon we will infiltrate the human cities throughout the Known World. We will be the masters. We will live in the palaces, and they can live in caves!
What Others Say: New Kolland exists for two reasons: to keep the humanoids from attacking the rest of Glantri and to give us soldiers if we go to war with Ethengar. You don’t think we really consider that creature [Kol] an equal, do you? (Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels)
Appearance: Ugly, misshapen Kol, his skin scaly and hairless, stands about 4.5 feet tall. He wears a black tunic and a golden crown and often carries a scepter of gold. In the past, he has worn a fake hairpiece and mustache to make him look more like the other, human, princes. (He has since stopped.)
Using Kol: Kol can become a villain for the PCs to contend with, particularly as they struggle against the plans of Dolores Hillsbury. Optionally, however, a party of heroes can see Kol as a protagonist who truly wants to make life better for his people and teach them peaceful ways. He has many foes that would like to usurp his newfound power, though, and even Dolores does not want him to “tame" the humanoids—she wants them to remain raiders and warriors to wreak havoc upon the realm.
使用柯尔: 柯尔可能会成为PC们要对付的反派,特别是当他们与德洛丽丝·希尔斯伯里的计划作斗争时。然而,英雄们也可以选择把柯尔看作是一个真正想让他的人民生活得更好,并教导他们和平生活的领导者。他有许多想要篡夺他刚获得的权力的敌人,甚至连德洛丽丝也不希望他“驯服”类人——她希望他们仍然是能够对国家造成破坏的掠袭者和战士。
Combat: Kol prefers to allow his underlings to fight for him. If forced into combat, he uses magic primarily. In the many battles it took him to rise to power, he has always fought with spells, which he learned on his own from stolen spellbooks while growing up among kobolds.

柯尔, 10级/7级狗头人(影精灵) 法师/牧师:
TKACO 16; #AT 1 (木棒/节杖); Dmg ld6; SA 法术; SD 魔法物品; AC 7; hp 48; MV 6; ML 平均(10); AL N.
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13.
1st level—armor, burning hands, enlarge, spook.
2nd level—darkness 15’ radius, fog cloud, irritation, strength.
3rd level—clairaudience, gust of wind, lightning bolt.
4th level—ice storm, polymorph selE
5th level—cone of cold, hold monster.
1st level—bless, command, cure light wounds (x2), entangle.
2nd level—barkskin, enthrall, hold person.
3rd level—dispel magic, pyrotechnics.
4th level—neutralize poison.
语言: Goblin, kobold, orcish, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Animal handling.
装备: Cloak of protection +1, ring of chameleon pow
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-20, 周六 17:07:52
图链疯狂挂 :em032看不到的去签名里的微博或b站看吧
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-22, 周一 03:54:04
诺维尔·亚威俄尼公国Principality of Nouvelle Averoigne
The d’Ambreville family, some of their friends, and their retainers came through a magical gateway to Mystara long ago, fleeing their previous home world to escape persecution of wizards. They settled in Glantri, as the land of the Flaems offered them an attitude far more conducive to wizardry than the land they'd left. However, the clan has never told outsiders details of their mysterious home.
House: Sylaire.
Ruler: Princess Isidore d'Ambreville.
Siege: Sylaire.
House Personalities: Sire Richard, husband; Dame Monique, daughter; Georges, son; Dame Camille, Richard's mother; Etienne, Richard's brother (missing); Catherine, Etienne’s estranged wife; Sire Jean-Louis, Etienne’s son; Sire Claude, Etienne's son; Dame Tatiana, Jean-Louis’s wife; Sire Andre-David, brother; Dame Magdalene, Richard's sister; Sire Charles, Richard’s brother; Dame Isabelle, Charles's wife; Pere Simon, Richard’s brother; Sire Gaston, Richard's cousin; Sire Guillaume, Richard’s cousin; Dame Janette, Guillaume's wife; Sire Michel, Guillaume's son; Dame Marie-Helene, Camille's sister and Gaston and Guillaume's mother.
Allies: Sire Gilles Grenier, Vicomte de Fausseflammes; Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtesse de Touraine; House Marais.
Foes: Houses of Kol, Hillsbury, Igorov, and Crownguard; Clan of Alhambra.
Voting Power: 19 at the council, 30 at Parliament.
Population: 28,650.
Vyonnes: 5,000.
Perigon: 1,100.
Ximes: 2,300.
家庭名人:理查德阁下,丈夫; 莫妮克夫人,女儿;乔治斯,儿子;卡米尔夫人,理查德的母亲;艾迪安,理查德的兄弟(失踪);凯瑟琳,艾迪安的分居妻子; 让-路易斯阁下,艾迪安的儿子;克劳德,艾迪安的儿子;塔蒂亚娜夫人,让-路易斯的妻子; 安德烈-大卫阁下,兄弟;玛格达莱妮夫人,理查德的妹妹;查尔斯,理查德的哥哥;伊莎贝尔夫人,查尔斯的妻子;佩尔·西蒙,理查德的兄弟; 加斯顿阁下,理查德的表亲;吉拉姆,理查德的表亲;珍妮特夫人,吉拉姆的妻子; 米歇尔阁下,吉拉姆的儿子; 玛丽-海琳夫人,卡米尔的姐妹,加斯顿和吉拉姆的母亲。

Etienne d'Ambreville, a powerful wizard, played a major role in early Glantrian politics and aided in the negotiations that established the principalities. He also initiated the creation of the Great School of Magic and became the first to truly delve into the study of the Radiance. Well over 100 years ago, however, Etienne, all of the family, servants, and the Chateau d'Ambreville itself (the previous siege of the house) disappeared. The d’Ambrevilles reappeared more than 80 years later with a new siege, the tower of Sylaire. They immediately resumed control of Nouvelle Averoigne. Etienne eventually disappeared during the war with Alphatia. Richard and Isidore vied with Etienne’s and Richard's now deceased brother, Henri, for control of the house; Isidore eventually disintegrated Henri in a magical duel.
Camille (CN hf W15), the senile matron of the family, often miscasts her spells (80% chance), producing unpredictable results. Her sister, Marie- Helene (CN hEF15), secretly plots to overthrow the family and put her son, Guillaume (CG hm W10) in charge. He and his wife Janette (CN hf W(I)9) once served as "cultural censors," charged with ridding the realm of clerics. Their son Michel (NG hm B5), a popular entertainer, lives in Vyonnes. Marie-Helene's other son, Gaston (NG hm W9), is an artist and a dreamer.
卡米尔(CN hf W15)是这个家族的老祖母,她经常在施法时失误(80%的几率),并造成不可预知的结果。她的姐妹,玛丽-海琳(CN hEF 15)密谋推翻自己的家族,并让自己的儿子吉拉姆(CG hm W10)掌权。他和妻子珍妮特(CN hf W(I)9)曾是“文化审查者”,负责清除神职人员所在的地区。他们的儿子米歇尔(NG hm B5)是一名广受欢迎的艺人,住在维耶恩斯。玛丽-海琳的另一个儿子加斯顿(NG hm W9)则是一位艺术家和梦想家。
Etienne's wife, Catherine (N hf W13), once acted as Glantri’s ambassador to Thyatis, but recently returned. Her son Jean-Louis (CC hm M2) and his wife, Tatiana (CG ef F6/C6), now treasonously plot to form an underground clerical society. Catherine's second son, Claude, is a vampire who used to live in Boldavia; now he spies on his family for his master, Morphail.
艾迪安的妻子凯瑟琳(N hf W13)曾担任格兰特里驻泰亚提斯大使,但已于近期回国。她的儿子让-路易斯 (CC hm M2)和他的妻子塔蒂亚娜(CG ef F6/C6),现正一起密谋建立一个地下牧师社团。凯瑟琳的第二个儿子,克劳德,是一个曾经住在博尔达维亚的吸血鬼;现在他正在为他的主人墨菲尔监视着他的家族。
Charles (CN hm W9) and Isabelle (CN hf W12) live in Glantri City and handle the princess's paperwork and minor duties. As a priest, Simon (NG hm C20) had long been exiled from the realm but now has a license to practice his magic in Glantri. Magdalene (CC hf Ml) one of the family’s werewolves—is engaged to Isidore's brother, Andre-David (CG hm F(R)12). Isidore’s daughter, Monique (NG hf W5), studies at the Great School. The ruler's son, Georges (NE hm 0), flunked out of the school and has no skills, friends, or redeeming qualities.
查尔斯(CN hm W9)和伊莎贝尔(CN hf W12)住在格兰特里城,负责为女亲王处理文书和杂务。作为一名祭司,西蒙(NG hm C20)被长期逐出本国度,但他现在获得了在格兰特里练习魔法的许可。玛格达莱妮(CC hf Ml)是这个家族里的狼人之一,她已与伊西多尔的哥哥安德烈-大卫(CG hm F(R)12)订婚。伊西多尔的女儿莫妮克(NG hf W5)在至高学院就读。而这位统治者的儿子乔治斯(NE hm 0)则已经被学校开除,没有技能,没有朋友,甚至没有任何可取之处。
Sire Gilles Grenier (N hm W9), Vicomte de Fausseflammes and long-time ally of House Sylaire, even disappeared with them a hundred years ago. Dame Genevieve de Scphora (N hf W18), Comtesse de Touraine, originally owned Tower Sylaire (in their mysterious world of origin), but offered it to Etienne after Chateau d’Ambreville’s destruction, in exchange for passage to Mystara.
吉勒斯·格雷尼尔阁下(N hm W9)身为福瑟勒姆子爵和苏莱尔家族的长期盟友,早在一百年前就和他们一起消失了。图雷因女伯爵吉纳维芙·德·丝芙兰夫人 (N hf W18)原来(在他们那神秘的起源世界中)是苏莱尔之塔的拥有者,但在达·安博维尔城堡被摧毁后,她把它卖给了艾迪安,以换取通往密斯塔拉的通道。
Nouvelle Averoigne is a large, well-populated principality. The people there seem generally educated and see themselves as quite cultured. Entertainment in the form of plays, musical shows, and fairs of all kinds take place all the time. Like their noble family, however, the locals often prove self-serving, arrogant, and somewhat aloof toward outsiders. Citizens of Nouvelle Averoigne appear even more magically inclined than the Glantrian standard (but not more than the Flaems); while large numbers of them attend the Great School, many have local tutors. A “wizard's convent” called L'derrith (named for the great wizard who started the place) serves as a home for aged spellcasters, catering particularly to the needs of the senile but still magically adept. This home opens its doors to any wizard of Glantri and has a wonderful reputation as a safe, relaxing place—free from the stressful competition and strife of the Glantrian wizard’s life.
All of Glantri knows Nouvelle Averoigne for its food and wine. A wide variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products is available to local chefs. As good as the food is, the principality produces wine and sparkling beverages as its main industry. Vineyards crop up throughout the domain. Additionally, locals remain aedve in the fur trade; their fur coats, hats, and other garments fetch high prices, pardcularly in Glantri City.
Vyonnes, the largest city in the area, boasts a fine entertainment district with theaters of all sorts. Many shops design and sell expensive clothing, particularly women's gowns. Perigon and Ximes are quaint farming communities.
Relations with the other houses of Glantri have always felt strained, mostly because of Etienne's behavior and attitudes. He hated the members of House Crownguard for using one of the d'Ambreville gateways to Mystara. Etienne knew of House Igorov's vampiric nature and occasionally threatened to expose Morphail. Prince Henri's scandalous affair with Carmina of Belcadiz created a rift between the d'AmbrevilleS and those elves. Henri did ally with Dolores Hillsbury, however, and when Isidore eliminated him, she earned Dolores's enmity—and that of all her allies. Dolores has not yet convinced her lover, Prince Jaggar, to share her contempt for the d’Ambrevilles—he has always cherished a fondness for the family and their amusingly odd ways (such as disappearing for 80 years— with their castle!).
Now that Richard and Isidore rule, Nouvelle Averoigne probably will recede from the spotlight, Isidore's position as Chamberlain allowing her principality to quietly gain power.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-22, 周一 03:58:04
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 子虚子2021-02-22, 周一 10:00:10
说起科尔十四老哥,他在狗头人内部的头衔——the High Doge——让你翻的话你打算怎么翻(
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-02-24, 周三 01:17:16
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-03-02, 周二 10:19:53
伊西多尔·达·安博维尔女亲王Princess Isidore d'Ambreville
Princess of Nouvelle Averoigne, Chamberlain of the Land, Viscountess of Sylaire

Born on the d'Ambreville home world, Isidore de Floret met and marned Richard. When they traveled to Mystara, she felt just as disappointed as he that the Light of Rad decision precluded Richard from ever becoming head of the family.
Shortly after arriving in Glantri, Isidore and Richard became infected with lycanthropy. Seizing upon this new “lifestyle," they maneuvered their way into the position of Executioners of Werewolves, for the family initially harbored a great fear of lycanthropes. They then used their affiliation to find allies also infected with the curse. After years of such activity, they became two of the most prominent members of Glantri's secret lycanthropic society.
The pair took control of Nouvelle Averoigne after Etienne's disappearance and, after a violent conflict with Henri, formalized their position with Isidore as ruler and Richard—in effect—operating as “co-ruler." Recently, Isidore has begun to fear that Henri might return from the dead (not such a difficult thing for wizards!) to challenge their rule.
Personality: Isidore the master plotter succeeds in convincing others of her interest in their plans, all the while advancing her own agenda. Her affected manner annoys many, as does her habit of embracing people in greeting, regardless of how little they like it or how little she knows them. Yet, she always listens intendy, even when her own knowledge on the subject at hand eclipses the speaker's.
What She Says: How interesting. Do go on.
What Others Say: And then she hugged you? Did you check to see if your spine was still in one piece afterward? (Marie-Helene d'Ambreville)
Appearance: Small, delicate Isidore's elegant, sophisticated features mask a predatory smile. Her brown eyes complement her brown hair streaked with gray. She prefers elaborate robes in silver, blue, white, and gray.
Using Isidore: Isidore may present herself as an ally to player characters, but she actually will attempt to use them to further the power of her principality.
使用伊西多尔: 伊西多尔可能会表现得像是玩家角色的盟友,但实际上她会试图利用他们来进一步壮大自己公国的势力。
Combat: If faced with combat, Isidore initially feigns weakness, then uses surprise to cast a devastating spell. She usually teleports away from impending, serious danger.

伊西多尔·达·安博维尔, 11级人类(狼人) 法师:
THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (匕首); SA 法术, 狼人形态, 魔法物品; AC 10; hp 26; MV 12; ML 狂热(17); AL CN.
Str 10, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 15.
1st level—charm person, detect magic, read magic, sleep.
2nd level—detect invisibility, ESP, strength, wizard loch.
3rd level—dispel magic, fly, infravision, lightning bolt.
4th level—charm monster, hallucinatory' terrain, plant growth.
5 th level—cloud kill, feeblemind, hold monster.
语言: Elvish, Plaemish, Sylaire, Thyacian common.
已知熟练: Dancing, etiquette, reading/writing, religion, spellflash.
装备: Wand of paralyzation, wand of polymorphing, medallion of ESP 90’ range, potion of animal control, ring of human influence.

狼人形态: Int 平均(10); AL CN; AC. 5; MV 15; hp 26; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SD 只会被银制及魔法武器所伤; SZ M (5 英尺又6 英寸高); ML 狂热(18).

理查德·达·安博维尔阁下Sire Richard d'Ambreville
Denied his rightful place as head of the d'Ambreville family due to his inability to cast spells, Richard feels like a second-class citizen in Glantri. Resentful of this injustice, as well as of his younger brother, Etienne, Richard hates most wizards and most Glantrians. He and his wife rule Nouvelle Averoigne and, while he makes many decisions for the realm, he gains no recognition from the Council of Princes. In fact, he finds himself the target of many rude jokes.
Personality: Richard is short-tempered and confrontational—a typical d'Ambreville. He admires skill with arms and political savvy and seems quick to curry favor with people of power. However, this is no toady. He will never endure humiliation to ingratiate himself.
What He Says: Sacrificing one's ideals for any goal, no matter how noble, negates the value of that goal.
What Others Say: If he were a true prince of Glantri, he would be a power to be feared. As it is, he is his wife’s lackey. (Dolores Hillsbury)
Appearance: Richard is not a physically threatening man. Yet, his black hair, mustache, and beard, his striking blue eyes, and his brooding expression make him quite imposing. He wears cured leather clothing and bears many battle scars. For war he dons gold and amber plate mail.
Using Richard: Though a noble ally, Richard seems difficult to win over. Player characters who oppose House Sylaire will find him a cunning and ruthless adversary.
Combat: Richard is a specialist with a lance; if challenged to a duel, he always will choose jousting. This honorable combatant exhibits skill with a variety of other weapons, too.

理查德·达·安博维尔, 12级人类 (狼人) 战士:
 THACO 9; #AT 3/2 (or 使枪时为2 ); Dmg ld8+3 (中型骑枪) or ld8+2 (+2 魔法剑); SA 狼人形态; SD 魔法物品; AC 10 (or 使用板甲和盾牌时为2); hp 61; MV 12; ML 狂热(18); AL N.
Str 14, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12.
语言: Flaemish, Sylaire, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Blind-fighting, hunting, set snares, survival, tracking.
装备: long sword +2, shield +3, plate mail.

狼人形态: Int 平均(10); AL CN; AC 5; MV 15; hp 61; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SD 只会被银制及魔法武器所伤; SZ M (6 feet tall); ML 狂热(18).
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-03-10, 周三 20:08:30
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-03-10, 周三 20:10:15
黑貂岩公国Principality of Sablestone
One of the newer principalities, Sablestone has risen quickly to prominence within Glantri. Not long ago, this realm was a savage wilderness. Then, the council passed an act of enfeoffment, hoping a new prince would restore order to the wild frontier along Glantri's border with the land-hungry realm of Hule to the west. Now locals devote all their time and energy to taming their dominion.
House: Haaskinz.
Ruler: Prince Harald Haaskinz.
Siege: Sablestone.
House Personalities: Asadel, wife; Dominick, son; Tereis, sister; Saghir, uncle.
Allies: Gerrid Rientha, Duke of Westheath; Griseo Fulvina, Viscount of Verazzano; Antonio di Tarento, Viscount of Castelbianco.
Foes: House Crownguard.
Voting Power: 24 at the council, 42 at Parliament.
Population: 16,340.
Kern: 1,500.
统治者: 哈拉尔德·哈斯金茨亲王。
家族成员:阿莎德珥,妻子;多明尼克,儿子;特蕾丝,妹妹; 萨吉尔,叔叔。
House Haaskinz is fairly small. Prince Harald‘s wife, Asadel (NG hf F4), does not share his love for knowledge and magic. She distances herself from him on a personal level, joining him only for parties and formal events. Their son, Dominick (NG hm W9 Water Elementalist of the Third Circle) follows in his father's footsteps, though Asadel does all she can to keep him from dabbling in the dangerous Radiance. Tereis (N hf W15 Air Elementalist of the Fourth Circle), Harald's sister, wants to become High Master of her element so she and her brother can unite their crafts. Harald, however, has no desire to do such a thing. Their insane uncle, Saghir (CE hm W14), remains locked in Sablestone's dungeons—a secret the family hopes to keep hidden.
哈斯金茨家族的规模并不大。哈拉尔德亲王的妻子阿莎德珥(NG hf F4)并不像他一样热爱知识和魔法。她在私下与他保持距离,仅与他一起参加聚会和正式活动。他们的儿子多明尼克(NG hm W9 三之环的水元素学者)紧跟他父亲的脚步,但阿莎德珥竭尽所能地阻止他涉足到危险的辐射当中去。哈拉尔德的妹妹特蕾丝(N hf W15 四之环的气元素学者)想成为自己所属元素的高阶尊主,这样她就可以配合自己哥哥的技艺了。然而哈拉尔德并不希望她这样做。至于他们那精神失常了的叔叔萨吉尔(CE hm W14),则仍被关在黑貂岩的地牢里——他是整个家族都希望隐瞒的秘密。
Gerrid Rientha (CG hm W16 Water Elementalist of the Third Circle), Duke of Westheath, is the prince’s best friend. Harald gave him the duchy of Westheath when he received Sablestone as his principality. Griseo Fulvina (N hm W16), Viscount of Verazzano and a master at disguise and shapechanging magic, had allied with House Sirecchia before its fall. Another former ally of Prince Innocenti who has attached himself to Harald is the Viscount of Castelbianco, Antonio di Tarento (CE hm W12 Alchemist of the Third Circle). This expert assassin brews particularly virulent poisons and heads the assassins' guild called the Unseen Hand.
韦瑟斯公爵格里德·莱安提纳(CG hm W16 三之环的水元素学者)是哈拉尔德亲王最好的朋友。当他得到黑貂岩作为自己的公国时,他将韦瑟斯作为公爵领送给了他。维兰萨诺子爵格里西奥·富尔维纳(N hm W16)是一位伪装和变形魔法的大师,早在瑟瑞旗亚家族倒台之前就与之结盟; 因诺森蒂亲王的另一位前盟友是卡斯泰尔比亚恩科子爵安东尼奥·迪·塔兰托(CE hm W12 三之环的炼金学者)。这位专业刺客懂得如何酿造尤其致命的毒药,并且领导者刺客行会“隐形之手”。
Sablestone’s main industry is mining: The Kurish Massif to the south offers a wealth of gold ore and rich stone, including marble. Unfortunately, it also serves as home to plenty of monsters and other dangerous creatures, so miners always seek to hire protection. Sablestone's farmers grow olives, grapes, tomatoes, and various other fruits.
The small but quickly growing village of Kern has become a destination and a point of departure for caravans carrying gold and quarried stone to other principalities. It hasn't taken long for word to spread through Glantri that this westernmost principality offers a great deal of freedom to its people. Sablestone's growing populace seems among the most content anywhere, though this frontier area can provide few luxuries. Monster attacks frequently endanger locals, as do bandits hoping to raid a shipment of gold ore.
The other princes distrust House Haaskinz because it has gained such political power so quickly. Despite their suspicions, though, each house would like Prince Harald as an ally. As he has given them no reason to feel wary and has not allied with any faction, nobles court Harald as none before. Prince Brannart hates this new house, whose formation robbed him of his Viceroy of Sablestone.
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-03-22, 周一 12:45:52
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-03-22, 周一 12:45:57
哈斯金茨的哈拉尔德亲王Prince Harald of Haaskinz
Prince of Sablestone, Grand Master of the Great School of Magic, Baron of Kern, High Master of Water Elementalism

Harald of Haaskinz, always a slave to knowledge, held one of the most impressive records of scholarship in his days as a student in the Great School. He quickly rose through the ranks of Elementalism, one of the Seven Secret Crafts of Magic. When he learned of the Radiance, he experimented and researched tirelessly. His quest was not without its setbacks, however: his overuse of the Radiance resulted in the horrible disfigurement of his left arm.
When he received Sablestone as a principality, he accepted it only reluctantly; he'd always been more of a scholar than a politician. The new prince adopted Haaskinz as his surname, dropping the “of". After the death (or disappearance) of Etienne d'Ambreville the princes named Harald to the position of Grand Master of the Great School of Magic—after all, he seemed harmless, and everyone at the school liked him. He enjoys the academic position much more than his duties as a prince. Only later did the council members realize how much political power they had suddenly given this newcomer.
Harald gave his friend Gerrid his own former dominion of Westheath and arbitrarily created Kern as a barony under him. No one at the council opposed these decisions, which actually lessened the prince's power (but gave him another ally in Parliament). Harald merely wanted to give up some political responsibility. As he dislikes politics, he is not much of a leader, leaving many duties and decisions to his vassals.
Personality: Harald seems a kind man, sympathetic and generous to those seeking knowledge. His disfigurement occasionally causes him great pain; at such times he usually shuts himself up in his room at the Great School. (He actually spends very little time at Sablestone.)
What He Says: Knowledge is not as important as the desire for knowledge.
What Others Say: The prince that controls Haaskinz is the prince with all the power. Thank Rad that no one controls him yet. (Jherek Virayana)
Appearance: With the exception of his withered left arm, Harald appears fit and healthy for a man in his early 70s.
Using Harald: This prince can serve as a benefactor for player characters seeking knowledge. He refuses to get mixed up in politics, ironic as that may seem: As head of the Great School and the Baron of Kem, he possesses more voting power than any other prince.
Combat: If forced into battle, Harald unleashes his potent magical powers—spells, Water Elementalism abilities, and Radiance powers. Assume he has contingency, counterspell immunity, control destiny, or stoneskin cast before conflict as appropriate, and that he has 22 Radiance points stored via retain power. (See Chapter IV: Magic for more on the Radiance and Radiance spells.) He never carries or uses a weapon.
战斗:如果被迫进入战斗,哈拉尔德会释放他那强大的魔法力量——法师、水元素学者能力,还有辐射之力。请假定他会在冲突发生前视乎情况来施展意外术、counterspell immunity, control destiny,或石肤术,并且通过retain power储存了22辐射点。(辐射和辐射法术详见第四章:魔法。)他从不携带或使用武器。

哈拉尔德·哈斯金茨, 22级人类法师:
THACO: 14; #AT by 法术; Dmg by 法术; SA 法术, 水元素学者能力; SD 魔法物品; AC 3; hp 43; MV 12; ML 坚定(11); ALLG.
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 11.
1st level—burning hands, draw forth the truth, magic missile, read magic, swiftly devour the written word.
2nd level—continual light, deep- pockets, detect invisibility, misdirection, web.
3rd level—clairvoyance, landscape of spell lore, lightning bolt; spout of scalding wrath,
4th level—everpresent record,
foiled strike, ice storm, improved invisibility, wall of fire.
5th level—call upon Radiance. cone of cold, fabricate, monster summoning III, pluck a petal of spellflower.
6th level—anti-magic shell, cleave the magical union, disintegrate, legend lore, summon Radiance.
7th level—amplify mystical endeavors, consume the wealth of wisdom, finger of death, phase door.
8th level—demand, discharge, mind blank, symbol.
9th level—prismatic sphere, Sathrath's ingenious method..., sever the tie.
语言: Elvish, Flaemish, Thyatian common.
已知熟练: Alchemy, ancient history, ancient languages, astrology, engineering, reading/writing, spell- craft.
装备: Buckle of protection, AC 3 (as bracers), ring of elemental command (water).
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-03-22, 周一 12:48:21
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 子虚子2021-03-22, 周一 14:17:11
公主方舟书,公主方舟书(敲碗) :em009
那些地理志我实在是不想翻译 :em021(泥垢
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-03-23, 周二 18:52:33
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 黑行星2021-05-25, 周二 09:04:57
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 璀璨星炬2021-05-25, 周二 10:57:54
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-07, 周一 12:52:33
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-07, 周一 12:52:59
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-07, 周一 12:53:54
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 黑行星2021-06-08, 周二 21:52:09
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-09, 周三 15:35:48
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 子虚子2021-06-10, 周四 15:30:36
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#


魔影 Shadow-wight (Chaos Spawn)

AC 4;MV 12,飞行 24(B);HD 5;hp 25;THAC0 15;Dmg 无;特殊能力 抹消存在;特殊防御 魔法或神明祝福的武器方可命中,免疫精神影响法术与毒素;体形 M(6英尺高);士气 狂热(18);智力 平均(10);阵营 混乱邪恶;XP 4000

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Ghost-10082021-06-10, 周四 18:33:12
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#


魔影 Shadow-wight (Chaos Spawn)

AC 4;MV 12,飞行 24(B);HD 5;hp 25;THAC0 15;Dmg 无;特殊能力 抹消存在;特殊防御 魔法或神明祝福的武器方可命中,免疫精神影响法术与毒素;体形 M(6英尺高);士气 狂热(18);智力 平均(10);阵营 混乱邪恶;XP 4000


主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-11, 周五 12:40:26
魔法船之最初翻译者,赤死潜藏之传教士,密斯塔拉之开拓者,吾之心之挚友,万千lore之主——Fruit of fantasy,堂堂回归!
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 璀璨星炬2021-06-11, 周五 13:26:32
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#


魔影 Shadow-wight (Chaos Spawn)

AC 4;MV 12,飞行 24(B);HD 5;hp 25;THAC0 15;Dmg 无;特殊能力 抹消存在;特殊防御 魔法或神明祝福的武器方可命中,免疫精神影响法术与毒素;体形 M(6英尺高);士气 狂热(18);智力 平均(10);阵营 混乱邪恶;XP 4000

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: 子虚子2021-06-11, 周五 20:06:25
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#


魔影 Shadow-wight (Chaos Spawn)

AC 4;MV 12,飞行 24(B);HD 5;hp 25;THAC0 15;Dmg 无;特殊能力 抹消存在;特殊防御 魔法或神明祝福的武器方可命中,免疫精神影响法术与毒素;体形 M(6英尺高);士气 狂热(18);智力 平均(10);阵营 混乱邪恶;XP 4000


主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-12, 周六 22:52:10
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-16, 周三 13:30:26
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-20, 周日 23:57:12
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-22, 周二 06:12:26
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-25, 周五 22:34:42
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-06-28, 周一 03:06:37
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-02, 周五 15:35:20
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
Wife of Ilmarinen伊尔马利宁之妻
XP Value:— GP Value: —

老梗,但是历久弥新 :em021

主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-06, 周二 09:19:45
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-09, 周五 23:15:25
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
由此可知,________ ​​​​
https://weibo.com/5814027021/Kj5NqgbrV (https://weibo.com/5814027021/Kj5NqgbrV)
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Ghost-10082021-07-10, 周六 09:22:49
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
由此可知,________ ​​​​
https://wx1.sinaimg.cn/large/006lt41ngy1gr8o8l1898j30ub0u0kim.jpg (https://wx1.sinaimg.cn/large/006lt41ngy1gr8o8l1898j30ub0u0kim.jpg)
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-10, 周六 23:32:03
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-13, 周二 01:16:49
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-13, 周二 23:00:51
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-20, 周二 03:59:09
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-21, 周三 03:48:59
#TRPG# #冷笑话#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-22, 周四 02:26:33
终于把PF看完了。此刻我的心情,和被困在仓库里吃了一个月沙丁鱼罐头的唐老鸭一模一样 :em006······不过还是感谢诸多译者的翻译和整理
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-23, 周五 21:41:49
#TRPG# #剑世界#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-24, 周六 19:52:13
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-29, 周四 03:43:53
#DND# #奇幻# #每日一lore#
原来把恐龙人叫成蜥蜴人不是GW一家的专利 :em021
主题: Re: 2E译区每日关注
作者: Victor2021-07-31, 周六 03:56:30
#TRPG# #冷笑话#
某外国的东方武侠TRPG中江湖的原文是“River and Lake”。