作者 主题: 【AA】动物变体(Animal Archetypes)  (阅读 16883 次)

副标题: 继玩家之后,动物们也有变体了

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【AA】动物变体(Animal Archetypes)
« 于: 2013-05-27, 周一 22:22:10 »
动物变体(Animal Archetypes)

Bodyguard (Companion Archetype)

动物专长(Animal Feats):除了标准的动物伙伴专长之外,护卫兽还可以选择保镖APG(Bodyguard),战斗戒备APG(Combat Patrol),英勇气魄APG(Heroic Defiance),英勇自愈APG(Heroic Recovery)以及肉盾APG(In Harm's Way)。

警惕性共有(Shared Vigilance)(Ex):只要护卫兽与它的主人相邻,那么它们都会获得警觉(Alertness)作为奖励专长。该能力取代法术共享(share spells)。

顽强护卫(Tenacious Guardian)(Ex):3级起,护卫兽总是能够在突袭轮行动(尽管直到其行动前仍然为措手不及)。只要它的主人与其相邻,护卫兽就能够在生命值低于0时保持意识清醒(虽然它会变得恍惚[staggered])。当生命值低于0时,护卫兽每轮会失去1点生命值,但是攻击检定、豁免检定以及技能检定获得+2士气加值,并且只会在负生命值总和等同于它的体质属性 + 主人的职业等级时才会死亡。该能力取代反射闪避(evasion)。

直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)(Ex):9级起,护卫兽获得直觉闪避(uncanny dodge),就如同盗贼的同名职业能力一般。该能力取代多重攻击(Multiattack)。

不屈护卫(Greater Tenacity)(Ex):15级起,护卫兽在生命值低于0时,攻击检定、豁免检定以及技能检定获得+4士气加值;免疫恐惧效果;并且获得等同于它主人职业等级的暂时生命值(最高20)。它会在负生命值总值等同于两倍其体质属性 + 它的主人的职业等级时死亡。该能力取代精通反射闪避(improved evasion)。

劇透 -   :
Animal Archetypes
This section introduces animal archetypes, which modify animal companions' and familiars' standard abilities, similar to how class archetypes modify player characters' class features. These archetypes function by swapping out certain abilities that are common to standard companions or familiars and replacing them with new abilities tailored to a particular theme. Where levels are referenced in archetype descriptions, they refer to the class level of the PC master in whichever class grants the companion or familiar as a class feature.

Bodyguard (Companion Archetype)
Some companions live lives of faithful devotion and steady vigilance, standing watch through long hours and always ready to leap into action to protect their master.

Animal Feats: In addition to the standard animal companion feats, a bodyguard may select BodyguardAPG, Combat PatrolAPG, Heroic DefianceAPG, Heroic RecoveryAPG, and In Harm's WayAPG.

Shared Vigilance (Ex): A bodyguard and its master both gain Alertness as a bonus feat whenever they are adjacent. This ability replaces share spells.

Tenacious Guardian (Ex): At 3rd level, a bodyguard can always act in a surprise round (though it remains flat-footed until it acts). As long as its master is adjacent, a bodyguard remains conscious (though it becomes staggered) when its hit points fall below o. While below o hit points, the bodyguard loses i hit point per round but gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, dying only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to its Constitution score plus its master's class level. This ability replaces evasion.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 9th level, a bodyguard gains uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature of the same name. This ability replaces Multiattack.

Greater Tenacity (Ex): At i5th level, a bodyguard with fewer than o hit points gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks; immunity to fear effects; and temporary hit points equal to its master's class level (maximum 20 ). It dies only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to twice its Constitution score + its master's class level. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Charger (Companion Archetype)

动物专长(Animal Feats):除了标准的动物伙伴专长之外,骑兽还可以选择闯越冲锋APG(Charge Through),高等闯越(Greater Overrun),精通强韧加强(Improved Great Fortitude)以及精通钢铁意志(Improved Iron Will)。

动物技能(Animal Skills):骑兽视威吓为本职技能。

坐骑挑战(Mounted Challenge)(Ex):若骑手为骑士(cavalier),骑兽获得由骑士挑战职业能力产生的一半加值与减值。该能力取代法术共享(share spells)。

坐骑盔甲训练(Barding Training)(Ex):3级起,骑兽穿戴坐骑盔甲(barding)与中度负载(medium load)带来的防具检定减值降低1点,负载以及护甲的最大敏捷加值增加1点。在3级之后的每6级,防具检定减值与中度负载带来的减值再减少1点;3级之后的每6级,骑兽的护甲的最大敏捷加值再增加1点。此外,骑兽的速度不会在穿戴中型护甲或者中度负载时减少。9级起,骑兽能够在穿戴重甲与重度负载(heavy load)时以正常速度移动。该能力取代反射闪避(evasion)以及多重攻击(Multiattack)。


强健坐骑(Stalwart Steed)(Ex):15级起,骑兽获得承受极强的压力与惩罚的能力。每当骑兽成功进行强韧或意志豁免,而通常成功豁免后的结果会被减少或部分生效的话,那么骑兽就不受影响。该能力取代精通反射闪避(improved evasion)。

劇透 -   :
Charger (Companion Archetype)
The mighty charger is a boon to heavily armored and armed champions, bearing them and their ironmongery into battle without hesitation.

Animal Feats: In addition to the standard animal companion feats, a charger may select Charge ThroughAPG, Greater Overrun, Improved Great Fortitude, and Improved Iron Will.

Animal Skills: Chargers treat Intimidate as a class skill.

Mounted Challenge (Ex): When ridden by a cavalier, chargers gain half of the bonuses and penalties granted by the cavalier's challenge class feature. This ability replaces share spells.

Barding Training (Ex): At 3rd level, a charger's armor check penalty for wearing barding or for carrying a medium load is reduced by 1 and the maximum Dexterity bonus for its armor and load increases by i. Reduce the armor check and medium load penalties by an additional i for every 6 levels after 3rd; increase the maximum Dexterity bonus for the charger's armor by an additional i for every 6 levels after 3rd. In addition, the charger's speed does not decrease when wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load. At 9th level, a charger can move at normal speed in heavy armor or while carrying a heavy load. This ability replaces evasion and Multiattack.

Indefatigable (Ex): At 6th level, a charger becomes immune to fatigue. This ability replaces devotion.

Stalwart Steed (Ex): At i5th level, the charger gains the ability to withstand great punishment and stress. Whenever the charger succeeds at a Fortitude or Will save that would normally result in a reduced or partial effect, the charger is unaffected. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Infiltrator (Familiar Archetype)

本职技能(Class Skills):渗透魔宠将唬骗与易容视为本职技能。


法术共享(Share Spells):渗透魔宠只可能分享目标为“自己(You)”,且属于预言系(divination spells)的法术。

直觉潜入(Uncanny Stealth)(Ex):渗透魔宠获得直觉闪避(uncanny dodge)以及精通直觉闪避(improved uncanny dodge),将它的主人等级作为有效盗贼等级。该能力取代精通反射闪避(improved evasion)。

探知魔宠(Scry on Familiar)(Sp):渗透魔宠在7级获得该能力,并且它的主人能够以1分钟为增量分配探知(scrying)的持续时间,最高为每日每等级1分钟。该能力取代与同类动物交谈(speak with animals of its kind)。

心灵连线(Telepathic Bond)(Sp):9级起,渗透魔宠获得永久性的与其主人的心灵连线(Telepathic Bond)。

法术抗力(Spell Resistance)(Su):渗透魔宠的法术抗力只适用于对抗预言系(divinations)以及影响心灵效果(mind-affecting effects)。

劇透 -   :
Infiltrator (Familiar Archetype)
Familiars can serve as excellent spies, and infiltrators are the very best of their kind at this subtle art.

Class Skills: Bluff and Disguise become class skills for an infiltrator.

Alertness: An infiltrator gains Alertness as a bonus feat, rather than providing it to its master.

Share Spells: An infiltrator may only share divination spells that have a target of "You" with this ability.

Uncanny Stealth (Ex): An infiltrator gains uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge, treating its master's level as its effective rogue level. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Scry on Familiar (Sp): An infiltrator gains this ability at 7th level, and its master may divide the duration of scrying into i-minute increments, up to i minute per level per day. This ability replaces speak with animals of its kind.

Telepathic Bond (Sp): At 9th level, an infiltrator gains a permanent telepathic bond with its master.

Spell Resistance (Su): An infiltrator's spell resistance applies only against divinations and mind-affecting effects.

Pilferer (Familiar Archetype)

本职技能(Class Skills):窃物魔宠将解除装置、脱逃以及巧手视为本职技能。

精通盗取(Improved Steal):窃物魔宠获得精通盗取APG(Improved Steal)作为奖励专长。该能力取代警觉(Alertness)。

回避侦测(Nondetection)(Sp):窃物魔宠处于恒定的回避侦测(nondetection)影响之下,施法者等级等同于它的主人的职业等级。穿透回避侦测效果的施法者等级检定的DC等同于15 + 主人的施法者等级。该能力取代精通反射闪避(improved evasion)。

偷偷摸摸(Sneak):3级起,窃物魔宠的巧手与潜行检定获得表现加值,数值等同于1/2它的主人的职业等级。该能力取代传递接触法术(deliver touch spells)。

高等盗取(Greater Steal):9级起,窃物魔宠高等盗取APG(Greater Steal)作为奖励专长。该能力取代与同类动物交谈(speak with animals of its kind)。

劇透 -   :
Pilferer (Familiar Archetype)
Some familiars are stealthy pilferers who perform tricks of thievery or simple spying on their master's behalf

Class Skills: A pilferer treats Disable Device, Escape Artist, and Sleight of Hand as class skills.

Improved Steal: A pilferer gains Improved StealAPG as a bonus feat. This ability replaces Alertness.

Nondetection (Sp): A pilferer is under the constant effect of nondetection with a caster level equal to its master's class level. The DC of the caster level check to penetrate the nondetection effect is equal to is + the master's caster level. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Sneak: At 3rd level, a pilferer gains a competence bonus equal to i/2 its master's class level on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks. This ability replaces deliver touch spells.

Greater Steal: At 9th level, a pilferer gains Greater Steal Arc as a bonus feat. This ability replaces speak with animals of its kind.

Racer (Companion Archetype)

动物专长(Animal Feats):除了标准的动物伙伴专长之外,竞速兽还可以选择神行步(Acrobatic Steps),闯越冲锋APG(Charge Through),精通闪电反射(Improved Lightning Reflexes),闪电步(Lightning Stance),灵狐步(Nimble Moves)以及疾风步(Wind Stance)。

高速移动(Fast Movement)(Ex):竞速兽在不穿甲并且处于轻度负载(light load)时,速度比它的同类高10尺。该能力取代法术共享(share spells)。

冲刺(Sprint)(Ex):6级起,每小时1次,竞速兽能够在它进行冲锋(charge)或者使用奔跑动作(run action)时,以其10倍的正常速度移动。该能力取代忠诚(devotion)。

劇透 -   :
Racer (Companion Archetype)
Some companions have uncanny speed, providing their masters with swift transport.

Animal Feats: In addition to the standard animal companion feats, a racer may select Acrobatic Steps, Charge ThroughArc, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Lightning Stance, Nimble Moves, and Wind Stance.

Fast Movement (Ex): A racer's speed is 10 feet greater than typical animals of its kind when wearing no armor and carrying a light load. This ability replaces share spells.

Sprint (Ex): At 6th level, once per hour a racer can move at 10 times its normal speed when it makes a charge or uses the run action. This ability replaces devotion.

Totem Guide (Companion Archetype)

精神指引(Spiritual Guidance)(Sp):3级起,图腾灵兽能够随意以类法术能力,通过整轮动作(full-round action)并以自身或其主人为目标使用神导术(guidance)。此外,图腾灵兽的主人能够在与其相邻时,通过牺牲同等级或更高等级的法术位,自发施放后述法术:1级-侦测动植物(detect animals or plants),2级-占卜术(augury),3级-引导之手(helping hand),4级-预言术(divination),5级-问道自然(commune with nature),6级-寻找捷径(find the path)。对这些法术来说,图腾灵兽被作为法器(divine focus),但是仍需要提供昂贵的材料成分。该能力取代反射闪避(evasion)。

野兽之语(Beast Speech)(Ex):6级起,图腾灵兽能够与它的主人对话,就如同两者共享了通用语(common language)一般,并且它能够与同物种的其他动物交谈(或者由DM判断的,其他类似类型的生物)。该能力取代忠诚(devotion)。

奥秘之爪(Eldritch Claws):9级起,图腾灵兽获得奥秘之爪APG(Eldritch Claws)作为奖励专长。该能力取代多重攻击(Multiattack)。

灵魂指引者(Ghost Guardian)(Ex):15级起,图腾灵兽的天生武器对虚体生物造成完整伤害,并且它的天生护甲加值在对抗虚体接触攻击时也适用。图腾灵兽永远无法被复生或活化为不死生物。该能力取代精通反射闪避(improved evasion)。

劇透 -   :
Totem Guide (Companion Archetype)
Totem guides embody the wisdom and spirituality of the natural world, providing guidance as well as aid in combat. Once a totem guide is chosen, a character may replace the companion if it is slain but may not choose a different kind of totem guide.

Spiritual Guidance (Sp): At 3rd level, a totem guide can use guidance as a spell-like ability at will as a full-round action, targeting itself or its master. In addition, a totem guide's master can spontaneously cast the following spells while adjacent to the totem guide by sacrificing a spell slot of equal or higher level: detect animals or plants (1st), augury (2nd), helping hand (3rd), divination (4th), commune with nature (5th), and find the path (6th). The totem guide serves as a divine focus for these spells, but costly material components must still be provided. This ability replaces evasion.

Beast Speech (Ex): At 6th level, a totem guide can speak with its master as though the two shared a common language, and it can speak with other animals of its species (or, at the GM's discretion, other creatures with similar types). This ability replaces devotion.

Eldritch Claws: At 9th level, a totem guide gains Eldritch ClawsAPG as a bonus feat. This ability replaces Multiattack.

Ghost Guardian (Ex): At 15th level, a totem guide's natural weapons deal full damage to incorporeal creatures and its natural armor bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks. A totem guide can never be raised or animated as an undead creature. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Valet (Familiar Archetype)

本职技能(Class Skills):伺服魔宠将工艺、表演以及专业视为本职技能。

得力助手(Able Assistant)(Ex):伺服魔宠的主人视伺服魔宠拥有工艺协作APG(Cooperative Crafting)专长,并且与其分享他所拥有的全部工艺技能(Craft skills)以及制造物品(item creation)专长。该能力取代警觉(Alertness)。



传递接触法术(Deliver Touch Spells)(Su):3级起,当伺服魔宠对自愿的生物传递无害接触法术时,它能够在传递法术之前和之后进行移动,只要它的总移动距离不超过它的速度即可。该能力修改了传递接触法术(deliver touch spells)。

提供援助(Deliver Aid)(Ex):7级起,伺服魔宠能够在使用援助他人(aid another)动作之前和之后进行移动,只要它的总移动距离不超过它的速度即可。该能力取代与同类动物交谈(speak with animals of its kind)。

多重援助(Aide to All)(Ex):13级起,伺服魔宠可以选择以整轮动作(full-round action)使用援助他人动作,以此动作对至多3个相邻的生物提供加值。每个加值可以提供给相同的动作或检定,也能提供给不同的动作与检定。该能力取代探知魔宠(scry on familiar)。

劇透 -   :
Valet (Familiar Archetype)
A valet is a consummate personal servant, able to fetch, deliver, and perform for its master's every need.

Class Skills: A valet treats Craft, Perform, and Profession as class skills.

Able Assistant (Ex): A valet's master treats the valet as if it possessed the Cooperative CraftingAPG feat and shared all Craft skills and item creation feats he possesses. This ability replaces Alertness.

Prestidigitation (Sp): A valet can use prestidigitation once per hour.

Teammate (Ex): A valet is considered to have all the teamwork feats its master has.

Deliver Touch Spells (Su): At 3rd level, when delivering a harmless touch spell to a willing creature, a valet can move before and after delivering the spell, as long as its total movement does not exceed its speed. This ability modifies deliver touch spells.

Deliver Aid (Ex): At 7th level, a valet can move before and after using the aid another action, as long as its total movement does not exceed its speed. This ability replaces speak with animals of its kind.

Aide to All (Ex): At 13th level, a valet can choose to use the aid another action as a full-round action, granting up to three adjacent creatures bonuses from this action. Each bonus may be either for the same action or check or for different actions or checks. This ability replaces scry on familiar.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 04:50:22 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【Animal Archive】动物变体(Animal Archetypes)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-05-27, 周一 23:18:02 »
可惜我是坚定的物品链接派,不然伺服魔宠很合口味啊 :em020

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Re: 【Animal Archive】动物变体(Animal Archetypes)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2015-02-02, 周一 15:55:23 »


官网有人问起这个情况,Jason Nelson(该变体的作者)表示自己漏掉了骑将职业能力的细节……他认为可以把骑兽变体中“取代法术共享能力”这一句去掉。


劇透 -   :
HP 9/9,心智点3/3,法师之手3/3,人类变巨 2/2,

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Re: 【Animal Archive】动物变体(Animal Archetypes)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2015-02-02, 周一 19:21:02 »