作者 主题: 【IST】塞恩蕾的魔法(Sarenite Magic)  (阅读 9161 次)

副标题: 出自Inner Sea Temples

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【IST】塞恩蕾的魔法(Sarenite Magic)
« 于: 2022-11-16, 周三 10:59:55 »
赛恩蕾的魔法(Sarenite Magic)
以下小节所列的是黎明救赎之家(House of Dawn’s Redemption)的祭祀和苦修士所偏好的魔法物品和神秘仪式。

塞恩蕾的魔法物品(Sarenite Magic Items)
黎明救赎之家(House of Dawn’s Redemption)已积累了一批令人印象深刻的,包括原欧帕拉(Oppara)神庙的魔法神坛在内的,塞恩蕾风格的藏品。在需要的时候,晨母(Dawnmother)会将以下一种或多种魔法物品借给那些以塞恩蕾之名执行服务型事务的高尚冒险者。

晨花神坛(Altar of the Dawnflower)
栏位:无;价格:10,000 GP;重量:250磅

出土于欧帕拉(Oppara)的前莎莱伦神庙废墟,经过修复以及为晨花神坛(Altar of the Dawnflower)再次举行奉从典礼,并座落于黎明救赎之家(House of Dawn’s Redemption)这处它两百多年前的位置。作为迎送莎莱伦信仰回到塔尔多的赐礼,这个被回收的宝物象征着欧帕拉的传统主义者,和那些渴望医疗圣炎之光的人们之间和平共存的希望。

这座神坛由一个镶有瓷砖的蓝色盒子组成,盒子上镶嵌着飞翔鸽子的图案。神坛顶部有一个弯刀架。在重要的礼拜仪式期间,迷失之吻的剑鞘(scabbard of the Lost Kiss)(见下文)通常放在神坛的弯刀架上。在此神坛前祈祷可以在救赎一个邪恶生物或改变一个反对莎莱伦信仰的生物态度的交涉检定中获得+3加值。在神坛60尺范围内进行休息或长期护理(伴随医疗技能)的生物每天也会获得每等级1点额外生命值。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),治疗轻伤(cure light wounds),鹰之威仪(eagle’s splendor),反邪恶法阵(magic circle against evil),制造者必须信仰莎莱伦(creator must worship Sarenrae)
制造成本:5,000 GP

狂舞圆顶帽(Dervish Sikke)|本条翻译致谢 沉沦
栏位:头部;价格:10,000 GP;重量:1磅



制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),狐之狡诈(fox’s cunning),适时启言(timely inspiration,APG)
制造成本:5,000 GP

栏位:无;价格:3,000 GP;重量:15磅

以撰写出原典的莎莱伦武僧纳希纳·阿杰·萨利哈尔为名,这本厚重的巨著包含了鼓舞人心的寓言,简易治疗泛见疾病和受伤的民间疗法,以及对常见怪物的有用提示。其书页用发光墨水和金箔巧饰的古朴华美,描绘了天使与各种怪物战斗的场景。当拥有这本书时,其所有者在医疗检定以及识别怪物的能力和弱点时的知识技能检定上,获得+2神圣加值(sacred bonus)。

如果莎莱伦(Sarenrae)是穿戴者信主,其拥有者可以选择在这些技能检定中,获得等同于她感知或魅力修正的神圣加值(sacred bonus),而不是正常的+2加值。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),知己知彼(know the enemy,UM),枭之睿智(owl’s wisdom)
制造成本:1,500 GP

迷失之吻的剑鞘(Scabbard of the Lost Kiss)
栏位:无;价格:8,600 GP;重量:1磅

这把有些年月的陈旧的鞘被认为曾经盛有那一打传说中的弯刀遗物之一,那把被称为晨花之吻(Dawnflower’s Kiss)的弯刀。由于长期接近这样一把神圣的利刃,该鞘获得了自己独特的魔法能力。每天2次以命令字,穿戴者可以从鞘中抽出一束炫目的红热火焰光束并可以像弯刀那样被挥舞,如同一道火焰刀(flame blade)。

如果莎莱伦(Sarenrae)是穿戴者信主,火焰刀(flame blade)的一半伤害是火焰伤害,但是另一半是直接源自神力,因此没有目标可以通过抗力而减少对该火焰的伤害。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),火焰刀(flame blade),焰击术(flame strike)
制造成本:4,300 GP

阳光领主的羽毛(Sunlord's Feather)
栏位:无;价格:1,100 GP;重量:-磅

以莎莱伦(Sarenrae)的神使阳光领主塔拉柯斯(Sunlord Thalachos)为名,这种+1炽焰神圣箭(+1 flaming holy arrow)有着白金箭头和明亮的白斑。当箭成功击中一名邪恶阵营的生物时,它在一阵阵金色火花中爆炸,召唤出一群天界鸽(视为拥有天界模板的蝙蝠集群;怪物图鉴294页),它们会继续攻击其箭矢的目标10轮或直到被摧毁或解消。如果目标在持续时间到期前被杀死的话,剩下的鸽子就会飞向那地平线。

制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),焰击术(flame strike),圣光击(holy smite),飞虫走兽(summon swarm),制造者必须是善良阵营(creator must be good)
制造成本:550 GP
« 上次编辑: 2024-04-02, 周二 09:14:54 由 沉淪 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】赛伦尼特魔法(Sarenite Magic)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-11-16, 周三 11:02:55 »
赛伦尼特神秘仪式(Sarenite Occult Ritual)
著名的晨花狂舞者们会对那些目睹了他们优雅、仪式性的旋舞和旋风般战斗状态的人,激起敬畏和恐惧。经过多年的练习,这些神圣的战士们可以进入一种出神状态,并可执行以下神秘仪式,以这种神秘的方式增强他们已经很强大的战斗能力。更多相关神秘仪式的信息可见异能冒险(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures.)208页。

晨花狂舞者的舞蹈(Dance of the Dawnflower Dervish)
学派 变化系;等级 8
施放时间 80分钟
成分 语言(V),材料(M,一瓶价值100GP的被祝福的葵花籽油/每位施法者,和一瓶猫之优雅药水),器材 (F,一柄价值5000GP由玫瑰金制造的精制弯刀),次要施法者 (SC,至少1人,可多达主施法者的魅力调整值的数)
技能检定 特技DC30,3次成功;知识(宗教)DC30,2次成功;表演(舞蹈)DC30,3次成功;
距离 接触
目标 主要和次要施法者们
持续时间 1日(可解消)
豁免 意志,通过则无效(无害)
法术抗力 可(无害)
反冲 主要施法者受到2d6点伤害且所有施法者力竭。
失败 所有施法者都不能成为咒法系(医疗)学派的任何有益法术(比如治疗轻伤)的目标且在1年内不能接触弯刀(这是一个诅咒效果,可以被移除诅咒或类似的效果所移除)。

该仪式必须在物质位面黎明时分的开阔天空下进行。该仪式必须在一处已连续举办的礼拜活动至少52周的赛伦尼特(Sarenite)信仰之地(比如一个莎莱伦的修院、圣祠、或神庙),执行。主要施法者高举玫瑰金弯刀,而次要施法者们则环绕着主要施法者站立,并开始原地旋转。主要施法者吟诵起莎莱伦(Sarenrae)的圣书光明与真实之初(The Birth of Light and Truth)中23节经文,在每节的间隙则喝一口猫之优雅药水(potion of cat’s grace)。在最后一节完成后,次要施法者们围绕着主要施法者旋转,每名施法者用被祝福的葵花籽油涂抹玫瑰金弯刀。仪式成功完成后,所有施法者都被注入了狂舞者英雄们的精神,会变得更敏捷、更强壮、更坚强、更具战斗技巧。每位施法者在力量、敏捷、和体质上获得+4增强加值(enhancement bonus);在AC上获得+2闪避加值(dodge bonus);在所有豁免骰上获得+2神圣加值(sacred bonus)。施法者们的基础攻击加值等同于其「角色等级」(这可能会给予该施法者多次攻击)。如果该施法着的基础攻击加值已经等同于其角色等级的话,那么他在进行一次全力攻击动作时,他可以获得以其最高基础攻击加值进行的一次额外攻击。此外,施法者所使用的任何弯刀都被视为具备锐锋(keen)武器特殊能力。作为交换,除了来自咒法(医疗)学派的法术以外,每位施法者都会暂时失去的其施法能力。

最后,在仪式持续期间,每位施法者都可以在战场上以标准动作激活旋舞。当起舞时,该施法者获得移位术(displacement)法术的效果,并可以使用跳跃攻击(Spring Attack)和旋风攻击(Whirlwind Attack)专长,如同他不满足这些专长的先决条件却拥有了它们。该舞蹈是一种超自然(supernatural)效果,且持续的轮数等同于主要施法者的「角色等级」。


离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】赛伦尼特魔法(Sarenite Magic)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-11-16, 周三 11:03:31 »
劇透 -   :
Sarenite Magic

The following section details magic items and a ritual favored by the priests and dervishes of the House of Dawn’s Redemption.

Sarenite Magic Items
The House of Dawn’s Redemption has amassed an impressive collection of Sarenite relics, including the magical altar of the original Opparan temple. In times of need, the Dawnmother might loan one or more of the following magic items to noble adventurers who perform services in the name of Sarenrae.

  Altar of the Dawnflower
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 52
Aura moderate conjuration and enchantment [good, healing] CL 10th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 250 lbs.
Unearthed from the ashes of Oppara’s former temple of Sarenrae, the restored and rededicated altar of the Dawnflower sits inside the House of Dawn’s Redemption at the exact location it resided nearly 200 years ago. As a gift to welcome Sarenrae’s faith back into Taldor, this reclaimed treasure symbolizes the hope for a peaceful existence between the traditionalists of Oppara and those longing for the light of the Healing Flame.

This altar consists of a tiled blue box detailed with mosaics of doves in flight. A stand for a scimitar is built on top of the altar. During important worship services, the scabbard of the Lost Kiss (see below) is often placed atop the altar’s scimitar stand. Praying at the altar grants a +3 bonus on Diplomacy checks to redeem an evil creature or change the attitude of a creature opposed to the Sarenite faith. Creatures who rest or receive long-term care (with the Heal skill) within 60 feet of the altar also regain 1 additional hit point per level each day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, eagle’s splendor, magic circle against evil, creator must worship Sarenrae; Cost 5,000 gp

Dervish Sikke
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 52
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot head; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This cylindrical felt hat, favored by Dawnflower dervishes, grants its wearer a +2 competence bonus on one Knowledge or Perform skill, chosen when the dervish sikke is created. Most dervish sikkes grant bonuses on Knowledge (religion) or Perform (dance) checks.

If the wearer is a bard, he is considered 5 class levels higher for purposes of determining the effects of his bardic knowledge class feature. In addition, the bonuses granted by a bard’s inspire courage and inspire competence class features are increased by 1. Finally, a bard wearing a dervish sikke can take 10 on any Perform skill check he has ranks in.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fox’s cunning, timely inspirationAPG; Cost 5,000 gp

Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 52
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
Named for Nashina aj-Salihar, the Sarenite monk who penned the original work, this hefty tome contains inspiring parables, simple folk remedies for widespread illnesses and injuries, and helpful hints for dealing with common monsters. Its pages are expertly illuminated with brilliant inks and metallic foil, depicting scenes of angels battling various monstrosities. While in possession of this book, the owner gains a +2 sacred bonus on Heal checks and Knowledge skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of monsters.

If Sarenrae is the owner’s patron, the owner may instead choose to gain a sacred bonus equal to her Wisdom or Charisma modifier on these skill checks instead of the normal +2 bonus.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, know the enemyUM, owl’s wisdom; Cost 1,500 gp

  Scabbard of the Lost Kiss
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 52
Aura faint evocation; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 8,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This aged and worn scabbard is believed to have once held one of a dozen legendary scimitar relics named Dawnflower’s Kiss. From its prolonged proximity to such a divine blade, the scabbard has acquired its own unique magical abilities. Twice per day on command, the wearer can draw forth a blazing beam of red-hot fire from the scabbard that can be wielded as if it were a scimitar, as per flame blade.

If Sarenrae is the wearer’s patron, half of the flame blade’s damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, flame blade, flame strike; Cost 4,300 gp

  Sunlord's Feather
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 52
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 1,100 gp; Weight —
Named after Sarenrae’s herald, Sunlord Thalachos, this +1 flaming holy arrow has a platinum arrowhead and brilliant white fletching. When the arrow successfully strikes an evil-aligned creature, it explodes in a shower of golden sparks that summons a swarm of celestial doves (treat as a celestial bat swarm; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 294, 30) that continues to attack the arrow’s target for 10 rounds or until destroyed or dismissed. If the target is slain before the duration expires, the remaining doves fly off into the horizon.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flame strike, holy smite, summon swarm, creator must be good; Cost 550 gp

Sarenite Occult Ritual

The famous Dawnflower dervishes inspire both awe and fear in those who witness their elegant, ritualistic spinning dance and whirling fighting style. With years of practice, these holy warriors can enter a trance and perform the following occult ritual that mystically bolsters their already formidable fighting prowess. More information about occult rituals can be found on page 208 of Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures.

Dance of the Dawnflower Dervish
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 53
School transmutation; Level 8
Casting Time 80 minutes
Components V, M (a flask of blessed sunflower seed oil worth 100 gp for each caster and a potion of cat’s grace), F (a masterwork scimitar made from rose gold worth 5,000 gp), SC (at least 1, up to the Charisma modifier of the primary caster)
Skill Checks Acrobatics DC 30, 3 successes; Knowledge (religion) DC 30, 2 successes; Perform (dance) DC 30, 3 successes
Range touch
Target primary and secondary casters
Duration 1 day (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
Backlash The primary caster takes 2d6 points of damage and all casters are exhausted.
Failure All casters cannot be targeted by any beneficial spells from the conjuration (healing) school (such as cure light wounds) and cannot touch a scimitar for 1 year (this is a curse effect, and can be removed with remove curse or similar effects).
This ritual must be cast at dawn beneath the open sky on the Material Plane. The ritual must be performed at a site of Sarenite worship (such as a dervish house, shrine, or temple of Sarenrae) that has hosted active worship services for at least 52 consecutive weeks. The primary caster holds aloft the rose-gold scimitar, and the secondary casters stand around him and begin spinning in place. The primary caster recites 23 verses from Sarenrae’s holy text, The Birth of Light and Truth, taking a sip from the potion of cat’s grace between each stanza. After the last verse is completed, the secondary casters whirl around the primary caster, each anointing the rose-gold scimitar with blessed sunflower seed oil. Upon the successful completion of the ritual, all the casters are filled with the spirits of dervish heroes, becoming faster, stronger, tougher, and more skilled in combat. Each caster gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution; a +2 dodge bonus to AC; and a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws. The caster’s base attack bonus is equal his character level (which may give the caster multiple attacks). If the caster’s base attack bonus is already equal to his character level, he gains one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus when making a full-attack action. In addition, any scimitar wielded by a caster is treated as if it has the keen weapon special ability. In exchange, each caster temporarily loses his ability to cast spells, save for those from the conjuration (healing) school.

Finally, once during the duration of the ritual, each caster can activate a whirling dance on the battlefield as a standard action. While dancing, the caster gains the effects of a displacement spell and can use the Spring Attack and Whirlwind Attack feats as if he possessed them without meeting their prerequisites. This dance is a supernatural effect and lasts a number of rounds equal to the primary caster’s character level.

Each caster of the ritual can individually choose to dismiss the ritual’s effects for himself.

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】赛伦尼特魔法(Sarenite Magic)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-11-16, 周三 11:05:12 »


1、晨花神坛(Altar of the Dawnflower)、迷失之吻的剑鞘(Scabbard of the Lost Kiss):已被萌新自己早期作为神坛资源补完时翻译。萌新白嫖了自己的劳动成果并重新修订。

2、(Dervish Sikke):(Dervish)由于有狂舞(Dervish Dance)的存在,暂译为狂。(Sikke),Sikke,是苦行僧的传统头饰,尤其是在托钵僧舞蹈(Mevlevi)修道会的苦行僧中。考虑到该物品是一个头部奇物,还是很符合现实的。如果音译为锡克那么总是想到三哥。但是意译目前中文互联网还没有翻译。【剧透】:托钵僧舞蹈 (Mevlevi)是苏菲派的苦行修士会,于1273年在康尼亚创立,并从那里传遍奥特曼帝国。今天,全世界许多土耳其社区仍有苏菲派苦行修士,其中最为活跃和著名的地方仍是康尼亚和伊斯坦布尔。



3、(rededicated):为…再次举行奉献典礼。该典礼详见【Occult Realms】的神秘仪式-神坛再祝圣(Reconsecrate Altar),该仪式萌新已经翻译。
4、医疗圣炎(Healing Flame):4环神术。
5、萨力哈尔福音(Saliharion):本来想音译的,但是发现MAXATK大佬在翻译的没药、乳香和钢铁:Kurald Galain的魔战士指南中,被译为萨力哈尔福音(Saliharion)。这里和大佬的翻译保持一致,但是装备名称一致,但装备效果大佬没有翻译,这里致谢大佬的辛苦工作,然后取用大佬的翻译。
6、阳光领主的羽毛(Sunlord's Feather):阳光领主塔拉柯斯(Sunlord Thalachos)是莎莱伦(Sarenrae)的神使,傻豆大佬翻译的【内海诸神】神之侍者(Servitors)内有其数据。
7、光明与真实之初(The Birth of Light and Truth):详见Sigel大佬的塞恩蕾一贴。

2、阳光领主的羽毛(Sunlord's Feather)难道是复制吴宇森电影桥段的道具吗?
3、仪式是非满BAB的角色,在贪婪之徽、转变术等方式以外,另一个获得满BAB的方法。材料是300GP猫之优雅药水+ 100GP/人,获得持续1天的buff。而且如果获得额外攻击的话,不知道能不能和加速术叠加(应该是不能的吧)。
4、IST的魔法物品、法术等,只剩最后一节卡莉斯翠安魔法(Calistrian Magic)了,争取下周翻译出来。

离线 咕咕没有劲儿

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Re: 【IST】赛伦尼特魔法(Sarenite Magic)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-11-21, 周一 09:38:12 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】赛伦尼特魔法(Sarenite Magic)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-11-21, 周一 11:46:16 »

离线 咕咕没有劲儿

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Re: 【IST】赛伦尼特魔法(Sarenite Magic)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2023-03-13, 周一 21:04:11 »
:em028 感恩滴心~感谢有您 :em028