譯文資料區 > Shadowrun 6E

【SWC】特质历程 Quality Paths,p. 138-142

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当你的热度到达15或更高时,你可以选择踏上该特质历程。你必须选择获得悬赏对象(p. 136)或者2级的狩猎对象(p. 137)。你不会因为获得这些特质而马上获得奖励业力。
劇透 -   : When your Heat level reaches 15 or higher, you may begin this quality path. You must either take Bounty (p. 136) or 2 levels of Hunted (p. 137). You do not initially gain any Karma in return for these qualities.
After the first time you suffer the consequences for Bounty or Hunted, choose one of the following options:
宿怨:躲风头 Vendetta: Lie Low
劇透 -   : Will you lie low and hope the special attention blows over? If so, your way out is to reduce your personal Heat to zero using whatever methods are available to you. You will suffer the effects of the Bounty or Hunted quality every session until your Heat reaches zero. Once your Heat reaches zero, the Bounty or Hunted quality goes away.You may then purchase one positive quality at its regular Karma cost (instead of double, per usual character advancement costs). The path ends here.
宿怨:终结Vendetta: Shut It Down
劇透 -   : Do you track down who’s got your number? Finding out who is after you will require the help of your contacts, with a bribe of at least 1,000 nuyen. Once you know who is after you, you must decide whether to try to make a deal, or make them back down. This would likely require the focus of a session or two, rather than the usual shadowrun. If you are attempting to appease your pursuer, you must perform a run for them (for free), or pay them 1,000 nuyen for every point of Heat you have. If you force your pursuer to back down, you must perform a run to gain leverage over them, intimidate them, or take them down. If the run fails, you gain either Bounty or 2 levels of Hunted (whichever you didn’t already have). If you already have both qualities, increase the Hunted quality to level 3. If the run succeeds, your Bounty or Hunted quality goes away, and the personal Heat of every runner involved in the run is reduced by 5. The path ends here.
宿怨:也没什么问题? Vendetta: This Is Fine?
劇透 -   : Do you accept this situation as just part of your new normal? If so, the quality becomes permanent unless you buy it off later for 20 Karma. However, you gain 10 points of Karma that you may use to purchase a single positive quality or buy off one of your negative qualities at its unmodified Karma cost (instead of double). Any Karma not spent on a quality is lost. The path ends here.

特质历程:罪人之路Quality Path: SINner’s path
劇透 -   : Unfortunately for you, some evidence of your crimes is being collected to create a profile in a criminal database.罪人之路:档案记录SINner’s Path: Records on File
劇透 -   : Game Effect: Whenever you attempt to use a fake SIN or license, treat the rating as if it were one lower. Whenever you gain Heat, you gain one extra (max +1 heat per session). If your heat ever reaches 17, the authorities have gathered enough information to identify you with your crimes. Your SINner quality becomes a Criminal SIN.
Gain 5 Karma, which you may save or spend as you wish.
罪人之路:犯罪SIN  SINner’s Path: Criminal SIN
游戏效果:当你尝试使用假SIN或执照时,它更有可能根据你的犯罪 SIN 进行识别并销毁。你所有的假ID效果如同他们只有一半的等级(向上取整),并且你不可以获得或使用极限来影响查SIN。狂奔结束时的热度检定并没有带来任何热度,你依然获得1点个人热度。此时档案记录并不会生效。
劇透 -   : Either your original SIN has been flagged for your criminal acts, or you were issued one after being charged with a crime.
•    Game Effect: Whenever you use a fake SIN or license, it is much more likely to be identified against your criminal SIN and burned. All of your fake IDs function at half their rating (rounded up), and you may not gain or spend Edge to influence a SIN check. If the Heat roll at the end of a run results in no Heat gained, you gain 1 personal Heat anyway. Records on File does not apply in this instance.罪人之路:遁入暗影 SINner’s Path: Into the Shadows
劇透 -   : Your SIN weighs heavily on you, and so you’re going to need to find a way to disappear into the shadows. This part of the path is initiated by the gamemaster, but it should be in response to the player wanting to finally do something about the mounting pressure.
•    Game Effect: A fixer or ID manufacturer contact will require 10,000 nuyen plus 1,000 nuyen for every point of personal Heat to arrange for your original identity to be carefully purged from the Matrix. Reduce your personal Heat by half. You may buy off your SINner or Criminal SIN quality for 8 Karma. At any point after this, you may buy off Records on File for 10 Karma. The path ends here.


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