譯文資料區 > Shadowrun 6E


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Game Timing and Actions


劇透 -   : When the action picks up and the game moves into taking turns in initiative order, it’s good to know how much time is passing and what you can do in that time.

When you get to take a turn and describe what your character is doing, your actions are contained in a combat round. A combat round lasts for about three seconds of in-universe time. Everyone, player characters and non-player characters alike, take a single player turn within that round.

劇透 -   : Each combat round, you gain an action allotment that you use on your player turn. Actions come in two categories: Minor and Major. The basic action allotment for each character is 1 Minor Action and 1 Major Action per combat round. Players get 1 additional Minor Action for every Initiative Die they have. Players can trade Minor and Major Actions, using a Major Action to perform a Minor Action or using 4 Minor Actions to perform a Major Action (possibly providing an extra attack in a single player turn). Each action has a note next to it indicating when it can be performed; this is either Initiative (I) or Anytime (A). Initiative Actions can only be performed on the character’s player turn during an initiative round, while Anytime Actions can be used at any time. Note, though, that in order to perform an Anytime Action, you must have an Action left. If you spent them all on your turn, you can’t use one later. So sometimes it pays to save an action for later in the round if you act early. Note that actions cannot be carried from one round to another unless that is specifically allowed in a rule.
另外,具体的矩阵动作详见 p.179

劇透 -   : Along with these actions, enough words can be spoken or conversation can be shared to fill three seconds; if there is any doubt about the amount of words that can be said, time it!
Note that specialized Matrix actions are described on p. 179.

--- 引用 ---边栏:动作示例
Action Sample


劇透 -   : Yu, a covert-ops specialist, is sneaking into a corporate research facility to steal a bleeding-edge prototype. Some security guards are between him and the building he wants to get into, so he’ll have to figure out how to get by them without raising an alarm. He decides a stealth assault will work best, so the gamemaster puts Yu and the guards into Initiative.

劇透 -   : On Yu’s player turn, he decides to do a Move action to get closer to his destination. He gets near the corner of the building he wants to enter, so he uses the Take Cover action to provide a little protection. He didn’t have a weapon out, but thankfully he has an easy-to-draw blowgun, and he is able to ready it with a Quick Draw action. That’s three Minor Actions. He knows the blowdart works best when it hits exposed skin, so he chooses the Called Shot Minor Action to aim at a guard’s neck. He has now used all four of his Minor Actions. For his Major Action, he chooses to Attack.

劇透 -   : He used his Major Action last, but it didn’t have to be that way. He could have used Quick Draw to ready the weapon, then fired it, then used Move, Take Cover, Drop Prone, or even Dodge based on how well the attack went. The order of the actions is up to the player.
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--- 引用 ---边栏:动作表

劇透 -   : 次要动作主要动作激活/停用法器(I)协助(A)规避(A)星界投影(I)格挡(A)攻击(I)要害射击(I)放逐精魂(I)切换设备模式(A)施法(I)指挥无人机(I)清除星界印记(I)命令精魂(I)反制法术(A)遣散精魂(I)全防御(A)闪避(A)显形(I)丢下物体(A)仔细观察(I)趴下(I)捡起/放下物体(I)卧倒(A)拔出武器(I)截击(A)装填武器(I)移动(I)机师跳入(I)多重攻击(I)冲刺(I)快拔(I)召唤精魂(I)装填智能枪(I)使用简单设备(I)切换感知形式(I)使用技能(I)站起(I)瞄准(I)进入掩体(I)摔拌(I)

Activate/Deactivate Focus Assist
Avoid Incoming Astral Projection
Block Attack
Call a Shot Banish Spirit
Change Device Mode Cast Spell
Command Drone Cleanse
Command Spirit Counterspell
Dismiss Spirit Full Defense
Dodge Manifest
Drop Object Observe in Detail
Drop Prone Pick Up/Put Down Object
Hit the Dirt Ready Weapon
Intercept Reload Weapon
Move Rigger Jump In
Multiple Attacks Sprint
Quick Draw Summon Spirit
Reload Smartgun Use Simple Device
Shift Perception Use Skill
Stand Up
Take Aim
Take Cover
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Minor Actions


劇透 -   : These actions usually take only a small amount of focus or a quick and simple thought or movement. A key point among Minor Actions is that they generally do not require a test of any kind. That doesn’t mean in truly dire situations where the pressure is on that the gamemaster can’t ask for a test to be made——it just means that usually, as long as you have the action available, you can perform the task by simply declaring the use of it.

--- 引用 ---
--- 引用 ---激活/停用法器(I)
Activate (Deactivate) Focus (I)


劇透 -   : A character can activate or deactivate a bonded focus that they are carrying on their person with a Minor Action.
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--- 引用 ---规避
Avoid Incoming (A)

在角色的回合之外,角色可以使用这个动作来规避袭来的爆风或者毒气一类的攻击。角色需要做一个 反应+运动-规避惩罚 (规避惩罚见下付的规避惩罚表)检定。角色可以向着他所选择的方向移动{成功}米,但是角色在选择移动方向之前无从得知这次攻击的散布落点。如果角色通过这个动作移动了超过2米,他们会因此倒地,获得匍匐状态。若是角色在本战斗轮中已经使用过规避,移动或冲刺动作,那么这个动作就没法使用,使用这个动作也会使角色在战斗轮中接下来的时间内无法使用规避,移动或冲刺动作。

劇透 -   : A character can use this action when it is not their player turn to get away from an incoming Blast or Gas attack. With this action, a character makes a Reaction + Athletics – Dodge Penalty roll (see Dodge Penalty sidebar for these values). Hits on the test allow a character to move a number of meters equal to their hits in a direction of their choosing, but they shouldn’t know the results of the scatter until after they decide which way they’re headed. If they choose to move more than 2 meters, they dive to the ground at the end of their defense and gain the Prone status. This action cannot be used if the character has taken a previous Avoid Incoming, Move, or Sprint action this combat round and prevents the use of another Avoid Incoming, Move, or Sprint action for the remainder of the combat round.

--- 引用 ---边栏:规避惩罚表

劇透 -   : 距离调整值爆心-6至近-4近距-2
劇透 -   : dodge penalty
Ground Zero –6
Close –4
Near –2
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--- 引用 ---格挡(A)
Block (A)


劇透 -   : A character can add their Close Combat skill to a single Defense test in melee. The roll must happen in the same player turn in which the action is used.

--- 引用 ---边栏:格挡示例
Block Example



劇透 -   : Caboose and Whitney are taking on a couple of gang enforcers. They’re both built for speed, so they both go before the enforcers. Caboose decides to Move, Quick Draw a weapon, Take Aim, Call a Shot, and Attack, using up his full allotment of actions for this combat round. Whitney is a little more conservative—she Moves, Takes Aim, and Attacks, saving two Minor Actions. The gang enforcers go next. The first one to act Attacks Whitney, and Whitney decides to Block. Her Reaction is 4 and Intuition is 3, so her Defense test normally would be 7, but she has a Close Combat skill of 5, so she gets to roll 12 dice. She gets 5 hits on the Defense test versus the enforcer’s 4, so the Block worked.

If the enforcer decides to attack Caboose next, Caboose won’t be able to Block, since he has no Minor Actions left. If the enforcer attacks Whitney, Whitney can choose to Block—or not, if she wants to conserve that Minor Action for later. But since there are no more attackers, using it now is better than wasting it!
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--- 引用 ---要害攻击(I)
Call a Shot (I)


劇透 -   : Edge allows for some specific called shots without dice penalty or with reduced penalty, but you can increase the damage by 2 by taking a –4 dice pool penalty. This must be combined with the Attack action.
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--- 引用 ---切换设备模式(A)
Change Device Mode (A)


劇透 -   : A character may use a Minor Action to activate, deactivate, or switch the mode on any device that they are linked to by a direct neural interface, be it a wired or wireless link. This includes activating or deactivating cyberware, changing a smartgun’s firing settings, switching a commlink to hidden mode, turning a device’s wireless functionality off, and so on.
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--- 引用 ---指挥无人机(I)
Command Drone (I)


劇透 -   : A character may issue a command to a drone they control. If multiple drones are controlled through a rigger command console (RCC), the same command can be issued to every drone. If a different command is desired for each drone, it requires multiple Minor Actions.
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--- 引用 ---命令精魂(I)
Command Spirit (I)


劇透 -   : A character may issue a service command to a single spirit or group of spirits under their control, or dismiss them. The service must be the same. If multiple services are desired, multiple Minor Actions must be used.
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--- 引用 ---闪避(A)
Dodge (A)


劇透 -   : A character can add their Athletics skill to a single Defense test in combat. The roll must happen in the same player turn in which the action is used.
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--- 引用 ---丢下物体(A)
Drop Object (A)


劇透 -   : A character may drop an object they are holding in their hand or hands as a single Minor Action. The objects fall to the ground and may suffer damage or ill effects if the gamemaster so chooses, depending on the distance of the fall and the landing spot.
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--- 引用 ---趴下(I)
Drop Prone (I)


劇透 -   : A character may choose to drop themselves to the ground as a Minor Action. They gain the Prone status (p. 53) until they choose to use the Stand Up Action.
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--- 引用 ---卧倒(A)
Hit the Dirt (A)


劇透 -   : A character can quickly drop to the ground in a defensive manner, gaining +2 dice on the Defense test of an incoming attack. They gain the Prone status (p. 53) and also suffer a –2 dice pool penalty on any subsequent tests using active skills until they use the Stand Up action, due to the awkwardness of their fall.
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--- 引用 ---截击(A)
Intercept (A)


劇透 -   : If an opponent comes within Close attack range, you may go out of Initiative order and make an Attack action as long as you have both a Minor and a Major Action still available in this round (because you either are after the attacking player in Initiative order or you deferred some of your actions). This counts as your Attack Major Action for the player turn. If you’re already out of Major Actions this round, you’re drek out of luck. This cannot be used with ranged weapons.
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--- 引用 ---移动(I)
Move (I)


劇透 -   : A character can use this Minor Action for 10 meters of movement. Only one Move Action is allowed per player turn.
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--- 引用 ---多重攻击(I)
Multiple Attacks (I)


劇透 -   : A character can attack more than one opponent, assuming ammunition, reach, and enemy placement allow it. Split your dice pool evenly among all targets, or if you are using two different forms of attack, use half the dice pool for each, rounded down. This action must be used in conjunction with an Attack Major Action.
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--- 引用 ---快拔(I)
Quick Draw (I)


劇透 -   : A character may quick draw a pistol, pistol- sized weapon, or small throwing weapon and immediately attack with this Minor Action. The Attack action must be used in conjunction with this action. They must have the appropriate gear, augmentation, or quality to be allowed this action— if they don’t have something that allows this action, they can’t take it.
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--- 引用 ---装填智能枪(I)
Reload Smartgun (I)


劇透 -   : A character linked to a ready smartgun may use a mental command to eject the weapon’s clip while sliding a new one in with one deft motion, assuming that the new ammo is readily available.
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--- 引用 ---切换感知形式(I)
Shift Perception (I)


劇透 -   : A character capable of Astral Perception may shift perception to or from astral space as a Minor Action.
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--- 引用 ---站起(I)
Stand Up (I)


劇透 -   : Whether they chose to be prone or they got knocked down, a character uses this action to get back to their feet and remove the Prone status (p. 53).
--- 引用结尾 ---

--- 引用 ---瞄准(I)
Take Aim (I)



劇透 -   : A character gains a +1 dice pool bonus with the use of this action. The action can only be taken once per combat round, but if the bonus is not used, it carries over to the next combat round, allowing it to be combined with actions taken over the course of several combat round. If the character takes a player turn without taking the Take Aim or Attack actions, any carryover bonuses from previous rounds are lost. The maximum dice pool bonus from the use of this action is equal to the character’s Willpower. A character may take aim with a ready firearm, bow, or exotic ranged weapon.

If the character is using image magnification or a targeting scope, the Take Aim action must be used to line up the shot in order to receive any bonus from the item. In this case, the first action of Take Aim does not provide any additional bonus beyond enabling the function of the modification.
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--- 引用 ---进入掩体(I)
Take Cover (I)


劇透 -   : The character uses something in their area to provide protection, but they also must operate from the constraints created by the cover. Taking cover gives the player the Cover I, II, III, or IV status (see p. 52).
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--- 引用 ---摔拌(I)
Trip (I)


劇透 -   : This action focuses more on bringing the target to the ground than on doing damage. Can only be done with a melee weapon and must be combined with an Attack Major Action. Decrease the base damage of the attack by 2P; if it hits, target rolls Athletics + Agility with a threshold of the adjusted DV of the attack. If the target fails, they gain the Prone status.

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Major Actions


劇透 -   : These actions take a bit more concentration or time to complete. Several involve a test of some kind, but some simply occur as long as you have the Action available. Just like Minor Actions, if there is no test involved but the gamemaster feels the pressure is on and one should be required, they have final say in the matter.

--- 引用 ---
--- 引用 ---协助(A)
Assist (A)


劇透 -   : You can become a helper on a Teamwork test, working to help one of your teammates on some task (see Teamwork Tests, p. 36).
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--- 引用 ---星界投影(I)
Astral Projection (I)


劇透 -   : A character capable of Astral Projection (full magician or aspected magician) may shift their consciousness to or from the astral plane as a Major Action. The process is complete the moment the action is declared and therefore places them on the astral plane immediately, including for the remainder of the current combat round.
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--- 引用 ---攻击(I)
Attack (I)


劇透 -   : A character may perform one of a variety of forms of attack with this Major Action. See the Combat chapter (p. 104) for more details.
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--- 引用 ---放逐精魂(I)
Banish Spirit (I)


劇透 -   : Any character may attempt a Banishing on with a spirit as a Major Action (see Banishing, p. 147).
--- 引用结尾 ---

--- 引用 ---施法(I)
Cast Spell (I)


劇透 -   : A character may cast a spell as a Major Action. For details on how, see Spells (p. 130).
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--- 引用 ---清除星界印记(I)
Cleanse (I)


劇透 -   : Awakened characters use this action to erase traces of their magic activity (see p. 160).
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--- 引用 ---反制法术(A)
Counterspell (A)


劇透 -   : See p. 143 for details
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--- 引用 ---全防御(A)
Full Defense (A)


劇透 -   : A character can add their Willpower to all Defense tests until their next combat round.
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--- 引用 ---显形(I)
Manifest (I)


劇透 -   : Characters who are astrally projecting use this action to appear as a ghostly form (see p. 160).
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--- 引用 ---仔细观察(I)
Observe in Detail (I)


劇透 -   : A character may make a detailed observation by taking a Major Action. This action allows a Perception test (see Perception, p. 96) or Assensing test (p. 159). This action is intended for determining details that may be obscured due to the pace and rigors of combat. It is assumed that everyone engaged in a combat is aware of the presence of everyone else, barring the use of Stealth or obscuring magic, but not necessarily details of their gear or equipment, and in some particularly hectic or rushed circumstances, the identity of individuals. In the midst of a hectic gunfight/ brawl in the dark, the winner of the brawl, who is now sprinting toward your character, may not be identifiable without an Observe in Detail action.
--- 引用结尾 ---

--- 引用 ---捡起/放下物体(I)
Pick Up/Put Down Object (I)


劇透 -   : A character may pick up an object within reach or put down one that they were holding as a Major Action. This action means care is taken to put the object down or pick it up. If the picked-up object is a weapon, this counts as readying the weapon.

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--- 引用 ---拔出武器(I)
Ready Weapon (I)


劇透 -   : A character may ready a weapon by using this action. This includes drawing and readying a firearm; pulling a melee weapon from a sheath or pocket; taking out and readying a grenade or throwing knife; or any other kind of weapon preparation. Almost all weapons require this action before they are ready for use, though many times it occurs before combat even starts.
Small weapons such as throwing knives and shuriken can be readied in bunches, with a total number equal to the character’s Agility attribute pulled into the character’s off-hand with a single Ready Weapon action.
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--- 引用 ---装填武器(I)
Reload Weapon (I)


劇透 -   : Weapons without a smartlink, or weapons where the smartlink is currently disengaged, require a Major Action to reload. Reloading a weapon refills the weapon to its maximum capacity as long as the character has sufficient ammunition to do so.
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--- 引用 ---机师跳入(I)
Rigger Jump In (I)


劇透 -   : A character with a vehicle control rig (VCR) and rigger-adapted vehicle or drone or a rigger command console (RCC) may jump in to control the vehicle or operate the RCC with a Major Action.
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--- 引用 ---冲刺(I)
Sprint (I)


劇透 -   : A character may move at a Sprint with this Major Action. Movement starts at 15 meters and is increased by 1 meter per hit on an Athletics + Agility Test. Only one Sprint Action is allowed per player turn, and it cannot be performed in the same turn as a Move action or Avoid Incoming action.
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--- 引用 ---召唤精魂(I)
Summon Spirit (I)


劇透 -   : A character capable of summoning may use a Major Action to summon a spirit to assist them. A spirit that is already summoned is controlled using the Command Spirit Minor Action.
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--- 引用 ---使用简单设备(I)
Use Simple Device (I)


劇透 -   : A character can use any simple device with a Major Action. Simple devices are those that are activated with a simple movement like a thumb trigger, pressing a single key, or tapping a single icon.
It takes longer to interact with more complex devices, with required time being up to the gamemaster or listed with the description of specific gear.
Remember, a device connected via a DNI-enabled system uses the Minor Action.
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--- 引用 ---使用技能(I)
Use Skill (I)


劇透 -   : A character may use an appropriate skill by using a Major Action (see Skills, p. 92).

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Glitches and Critical Glitches


劇透 -   : If more than half of the dice that you roll on a test are 1s, you have rolled a glitch. If you rolled a glitch without a single hit on the test, you have rolled a critical glitch.

--- 引用 ---失误


劇透 -   : Rolling a glitch means something went wrong. It should be inconvenient rather than disastrous— dropping a weapon after swinging with it, or briefly forgetting your assumed name after someone is fooled by your disguise. If you rolled enough hits, a test with a glitch may also be a success. The glitch doesn’t cancel the success, but it causes a problem afterward that you need to recover from.

Critical Glitch


劇透 -   : A critical glitch is significantly worse than a glitch. It’s the errant gunshot that misses its target and ricochets back to hit one of your teammates, or the attempted Matrix hack that sends your name, photo, and location straight to the Grid Overwatch Division. It should be difficult and could have lasting ramifications, but it shouldn’t be fatal, and it shouldn’t penalize the character so much that they stop having fun. (Having a mage permanently lose several points off their Magic rating would be an example of a no-fun critical glitch). Use critical glitches to advance stories with an air of desperation without pummeling the players into hopelessness.
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