譯文資料區 > Pathfinder RPG 2nd


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引言:进入宝库 Introduction: Into the Vault 占坑:Snowy

护甲和武备 Armor and Armaments 6
护甲Armor ......................................................8占坑:Garrise
护甲性能符文 Armor Property Runes .....................12占坑:Garrise
特殊魔法护甲 Specific Magic Armor........................14占坑:Garrise
盾牌 Shields................................................占坑:Garrise
特殊魔法盾牌 Specific Magic Shields .................占坑:Garrise
武器 Weapons............................................占坑:Garrise
武器符文 Weapon Runes...............................占坑:Garrise
特殊魔法武器 Specific Magic Weapons ............占坑:Garrise
炼金术大放送 Alchemy Unleashed 40
炼金弹药 Alchemical Ammunition..................42占坑:原子能青蛙
炼金炸弹 Alchemical Bombs ............................44占坑:原子能青蛙
炼金食物 Alchemical Foods ..........................占坑:帕露西
炼金工具 Alchemical Tools................................52占坑:原子能青蛙
瓶装怪物 Bottled Monstrosities ......................56占坑:原子能青蛙
灵药 Elixirs...............................................占坑:mestery
永久炼金物品 Permanent Alchemical Items.........占坑:原子能青蛙
毒药 Poisons................................................占坑:mestery

即时魔法 Momentary Magic 72
触媒 Catalysts...................................占坑:原子能青蛙
符箓 Fulus........................................占坑:奈奈
魔法弹药 Magical Ammunition..................占坑:腊味煲仔饭
信函 Missives .............................................占坑:原子能青蛙
油 Oils ...............................................占坑:Snowy
药水 Potions .................................................占坑:奈奈
护符 Talismans.............................................占坑:奈奈
惊奇消耗品 Wondrous Consumables .............占坑:原子能青蛙

力量的象征 Trappings of Power 100
巅峰物品 Apex Items............占坑:Horace
辅助物品 Assistive Items .........占坑:奈奈
魔典Grimoires ........................占坑:原子能青蛙
手持物品 Held Items...................... .占坑:mestery
魔法刺青 Magical Tattoos...........占坑:奈奈
咒心 Spellhearts .....................占坑:原子能青蛙
法杖 Staves............................占坑:里予
魔杖 Wands ..........................占坑:里予
穿戴物品 Worn Items ...................占坑:Horace

造物之秘 Secrets of Crafting 156
造物替代规则 Crafting Alt. Rules ........占坑:安慧
自然造物 Nature Crafting.............164
剧情造物 Story-Based Crafting...170

主持人的宝库 Gamemaster’s Trove 176
神器 Artifacts..........................占坑:Snowy
变体神器 Archetype Artifacts.... 占坑:Snowy
枯萎恩惠 Blighted Boons...........占坑:Horace
诅咒和智能物品 Cursed & Intelligent Items......................占坑:香蕉
圣物 Relics .............................. 占坑:原子能青蛙

宝藏列表 Treasure Tables 206

术语和索引 Glossary & Index 216


Adjusted: The equipment comes with an adjustment described in its entry. This adjustment is built into the equipment permanently, meaning the equipment can’t have another adjustment added, nor can it be swapped out for a different adjustment. If the adjustment alters the item’s base statistics, such as adding the noisy trait, that’s reflected in the equipment’s table entry. Armor adjustments can be found starting on page 11.

Aquadynamic: This armor is designed for use underwater, with streamlined design and buoyant materials used in strategic places. You don’t apply the armor’s check penalty to Acrobatics or Athletics checks in water or similar liquids.

Entrench: You can position yourself in the armor or reposition its articulated pieces to better protect against some attacks. If you’re trained in this armor, while wearing it you can spend a single action to gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC against a certain type of attack until the start of your next turn. The entrench trait lists the type of attack this bonus applies against, typically entrench melee or entrench ranged.

Hindering: This armor is so heavy and bulky it slows you down no matter what. You take a –5 penalty to all your Speeds (to a minimum of a 5-foot Speed). This is separate from and in addition to the armor’s Speed penalty, and affects you even if your Strength or an ability lets you reduce or ignore the armor’s Speed penalty.

Inscribed: The armor has been treated so it can be inscribed with magical symbols using the same method as Crafting a scroll. Inscribed attire can hold one scroll inscribed on it. You need a free hand to Activate the scroll, but you don’t need to Interact to draw it. You can also Activate the magic to erase the scroll the armor currently contains. You can’t inscribe a new scroll onto the armor if a scroll is currently inscribed on it or if the armor is broken.

Laminar: The armor is made up of layered sections, so when it breaks, it isn’t as much of a problem. The status penalty to AC if this armor is broken is –1 for broken medium armor, –2 for broken heavy armor, or no penalty for broken light armor.

Ponderous: The armor has moving parts or other complications that lengthen the wearer’s initial reaction time. While wearing the armor, you take a –1 penalty to initiative checks. If you don’t meet the armor’s required Strength score, this penalty increases to be equal to the armor’s check penalty if it’s worse.

改修(Adjustment):带有此特征的物品一般由现有物品改进而来:通常是盔甲、盾牌和武器。每个物品都标注了它能由什么类型的物品改修而来。护甲改修不能应用于冒险者服装。一件物品通常只能改修一次。除非另有说明,添加或移除改修需要花费10分钟时间和维修工具包(repair kit)。(该特征描述和LOKL一致)

Deflecting: This shield is designed to block or divert certain types of attacks or weapons. Increase the shield’s Hardness against the listed type of attack by 2.

折叠盾牌必须附着在铁手套上才能保持平衡。只要通过10分钟的工作并且通过DC 10手艺检定,它就能被安装在铁手套上;这包括从铁手套上移除之前的盾牌所需的时间,如果有此必要的话。如果铁手套被摧毁,折叠护盾通常可以被回收。可折叠的特性导致这种盾牌无法附加武器。
foldaway: This shield can collapse into a smaller form attached to a gauntlet for stability and easy travel. You can use an Interact action to deploy or stow the shield. While it’s deployed, you can Raise the Shield as long as you have that hand free or are holding an object of light Bulk that’s not a weapon in that hand. The shield impedes the use of your hand while it’s deployed. Though you can still hold items in that hand, you can’t wield weapons in that hand, operate anything that takes two hands, or attack with the gauntlet.
A foldaway shield must be attached to a gauntlet for stability. It can be affixed to an item with 10 minutes of work and a successful DC 10 Crafting check; this includes the time needed to remove the shield from a previous gauntlet, if necessary. If the gauntlet is destroyed, the foldaway shield can usually be salvaged. The collapsible nature of the shield makes it impossible to affix an attached weapon to it. 20

Harnessed: This shield features a special brace or opening designed to hold lances or other jousting weapons. Jousters often use these shields as a backup in narrow passages and other places where they’re unable to ride a mount. You can Interact to lock a weapon with the jousting trait in place in the shield, enabling you to use two hands to wield the shield and weapon simultaneously. If you’re not wielding the combined unit with both hands, you can use neither the weapon nor the shield.
While you have the shield raised, you can gain the jousting benefit of a weapon as if you were mounted. Because a significant portion of the weapon needs to be braced behind the shield, the weapon’s reach is reduced by 5 feet if it is greater than 5 feet. 20

Hefty: A hefty shield is so heavy that raising it takes more effort. Raising a Shield with the hefty trait is a 2-action activity unless your Strength score equals or exceeds the number with the trait.


集成(Integrated):该盾牌集成了一个内置武器,它像附加武器那样工作,但无法从盾牌上移除。这也导致附加武器无法被安装到该盾牌上。集成武器的伤害列在特征后方,例如“集成d6 S”,包括附带的其他特征。除非盾牌描述中另有说明,集成武器是属于盾牌武器组的军用武器,需要一只手进行攻击。集成武器可以像其他武器一样蚀刻符文。如果盾牌破损,你可以继续使用集成武器进行攻击,但如果盾牌被摧毁,则集成武器也会被摧毁。
Integrated: This shield has been created to include a weapon in its construction, which works like an attached weapon but can’t be removed from the shield. This also prevents other attached weapons from being added to the shield. The integrated weapon’s damage is listed alongside the trait, such as “integrated d6 S,” with any traits in parentheses. Unless otherwise noted in the shield’s description, an integrated weapon is a martial weapon in the shield weapon group and requires one hand to attack with. The attached weapon can have runes etched onto it like other attached weapons. You can continue fighting normally with the integrated weapon if the shield is broken, but if the shield is destroyed, so is the weapon. 20

Launching: A mechanism within this shield can shoot projectiles, causing the shield to also function as a ranged weapon. The trait lists the type of weapon, such as “launching dart.” Striking with the launcher requires the same number of hands as normal, except that the hand holding the shield counts toward this total, so a one-handed ranged weapon would require only one hand. Reloading takes the normal number of Interact actions, to a minimum of 1 action, and you can’t use the hand holding your shield to reload. 20

掷盾(shield throw):具有此特征的盾牌被设计成可以作为远程武器投掷。当被投掷时,盾牌被视为军用投掷远程武器。它的伤害骰和类型和它的盾击攻击相同,但如果盾牌有附加武器和集成武器,你可以选择用它来进行攻击,而不是投掷。伤害会加上你的力量调整值,就如同通常的投掷武器那样。该特征后面通常还会注明射程增量。
Shield Throw: A shield with this trait is designed to be thrown as a ranged attack. When thrown, the shield is a martial thrown ranged weapon. Its damage dice and type are the same as its shield bash attack, but if the shield includes an attached weapon or integrated weapon, you can choose to attack with it instead when you throw the shield. You add your Strength modifier to damage, as typical of a thrown weapon. The trait also includes the range increment. 20

Brace: A brace weapon is effective at damaging moving opponents. When you Ready to Strike an opponent that moves within your reach, until the start of your next turn Strikes with the brace weapon deal an additional 2 precision damage for each weapon damage die it has.


Lozenge: You Activate an alchemical lozenge by putting it in your mouth. It stays there, slowly dissolving and releasing its ingredients over time. You can bite a lozenge for a secondary effect. The action this takes is noted in the item under the Secondary Effect heading. As soon as this secondary effect is over, the lozenge is used up and its benefits for you end. You can drink elixirs, potions, and beverages with a lozenge in your mouth, but you can’t benefit from more than one lozenge at a time. If you have two lozenges in your mouth at the same time, both become inert. You can also spit out a lozenge as a single action to end its effect and make it inert. A lozenge dissolves due to its alchemical ingredients, so it typically still works even if you don’t have saliva.

加工(Processed):带有加工特征的炼金消耗品可以通过高速炼金(Quick Alchemy)来创造,但它过于复杂,所以不能仅通过一个单动作来制造。使用高速炼金来创造加工物品需要花费1分钟时间。如果该物品需要超过3个动作来启动,那么该物品自你创造它之后保持效力的时间等同于它的启动时间。举例来说,一个需要10分钟时间启动的加工物品,在你用告诉炼金创造它之后,它的活性能保持10分钟时间,而不是像原来那样活性只能持续到你的下个回合开始。该特征不会改变高速炼金的其他细节。比如说,你可以使用双份制剂(double brew)能力在1分钟内创造两份相同的加工物品。
Processed: An alchemical consumable with the processed trait can be created with Quick Alchemy but is too complex to create in a single action. Using Quick Alchemy to create a processed item takes 1 minute. If the item would take more than 3 actions to Activate, the time the item remains potent after you create it is equal to its activation time. For instance, a processed item that takes 10 minutes to Activate would remain potent for 10 minutes when created with Quick Alchemy instead of remaining potent only until the start of your next turn. This trait doesn’t change other specifics of Quick Alchemy. You could, for example, use double brew to create two of the same processed item over the course of 1 minute.

barding (特征) You can purchase special armor for animals, called barding. All animals have a trained proficiency rank in light barding, and combat-trained animals are trained in heavy barding. Barding uses the same rules as armor except for the following. The Price and Bulk of barding depend on the animal’s size. Unlike for a suit of armor, barding’s Strength entry is listed as a modifier, not a score. Barding can’t be etched with magic runes, though special magical barding might be available.

missive (特征) A missive is a piece of magical stationery that must be crafted and composed before it can be activated. All missives have the missive and consumable traits. Missives are often constructed of paper, parchment, or vellum, but any other thin, portable material that can hold writing or embossing upon it can be crafted into missives. After being crafted, the missive is a blank sheet until a message is composed upon it, completing its magic. 84

spellgun (特征) The spellgun trait appears on items that can generate a magical effect that flies out like a bullet. You can make either a spell attack roll with a spellgun or a ranged attack roll using your proficiency with simple firearms. Spellguns have a range increment, which applies regardless of which type of attack roll you make. Though you can use your 221
modifier for simple firearms, a spellgun isn’t actually a firearm. You don’t get the damage of a firearm Strike, nor other benefits like critical specialization. Similarly, you can’t load or reload a spellgun, affix talismans to one, make a spellgun Strike as part of an action that lets you make a firearm Strike, and so on. 96

training (武器特征) A training weapon is designed to be used when training an animal to participate in combat by identifying the target for the animal to attack. Striking a creature with a training weapon gives your animal companion or your bonded animal a +1 circumstance bonus to its next attack roll against that target. 26


--- 引用 ---护甲调整来源ARMOR LATCHESPathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse武器潜能符文PACIFYINGPathfinder #157: Devil at the Dreaming Palace灵药ADDICTION SUPPRESSANTPathfinder Lost Omens: LegendsENERGY MUTAGENPathfinder Adventure: The Fall of PlaguestoneSTONE BODY MUTAGENPathfinder Adventure: The Fall of PlaguestoneVACCINEPathfinder Lost Omens: Legends毒药BLUE DRAGONFLY POISONPathfinder BestiaryDEATH KNELL POWDERPathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge SevenGORGON’S BREATHPathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet TriadHUNGER OILPathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge SevenLIAR’S DEMISEPathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge SevenLOOTER’S LETHARGYPathfinder #157: Devil at the Dreaming PalaceNIGHTMARE SALTPathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet TriadSIGHT-THEFT GRITPathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge SevenSPEAR FROG POISONPathfinder Bestiary 2STUPOR POISONPathfinder #165: Eyes of Empty DeathVIOLET VENOMPathfinder Bestiary 2护符GRINNING PUGWAMPIPathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad背包EVERYNEED PACKPathfinder Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society GuideVAULTBREAKER’S HARNESSPathfinder #158: Sixty Feet Under服装BELLFLOWER TOOLBELTPathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must BurnCLOCKWORK CLOAK无翻译 Pathfinder #161: Belly of the Black WhaleSURE-STEP CRAMPONSPathfinder #176: Lost Mammoth Valley专攻物品DRAGON RUNE BRACELET无翻译 Pathfinder #171: Hurricane's Howl头盔CANDLECAPPathfinder #175: Broken Tusk MoonCROWN OF THE COMPANIONPathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song WindHEADBANDS OF TRANSLOCATIONPathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!珠宝CORPSEWARD PENDANTPathfinder #157: Devil at the Dreaming PalaceETHERSIGHT RINGPathfinder #158: Sixty Feet UnderHUNTER’S ARROWHEADPathfinder #145: Hellknight HillPACTMASTER’S GRACEPathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet TriadRING OF DISCRETIONPathfinder #157: Devil at the Dreaming PalaceSPIRITSIGHT RINGPathfinder #176: Lost Mammoth ValleySWARMEATER’S CLASPPathfinder #158: Sixty Feet Under面具GOZ MASKPathfinder #169: Kindled MagicHERD MASKPathfinder #169: Kindled MagicMASK OF MERCYPathfinder #169: Kindled MagicMASK OF THE CURSED EYEPathfinder #169: Kindled MagicRHINOCEROS MASKPathfinder #169: Kindled MagicSHAPESPEAK MASKPathfinder #169: Kindled MagicSKINSAW MASKPathfinder #158: Sixty Feet UnderSKITTERING MASKPathfinder #169: Kindled MagicTLIL MASKPathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
--- 引用结尾 ---

Aquadynamic 直接翻译成 “适水” 如何

造物替代规则 Crafting Alt. Rules ........158


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