譯文資料區 > Shadowrun 5E

【SL】近战武器 P18~24

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劇透 -   : With the Stun Lance paving the way, Old Man Krime decided to look into other ancient weapons and hokey military concepts, and he found out about pikemen. After a trip to the hardware store for more ideas, he presented a design that he drew up at the bar on a cocktail napkin. This may seem rather haphazard, but that’s how the Krime Cannon came to be, and look at how well that sells!  This collapsible-bill polearm combines a telescoping staff with a brush-axe that has been all-around sharpened, allowing it to be used as a limb-clearing axe while in its short form, and a limb-removing polearm in its extended form. Krime only encourages the removal of tree limbs with this tool; all combat uses of this tool are done only by expressly ignoring the instruction manual and safety manual, which are currently out-of-print but I’m sure will be available again soon. Usage of this tool to arm an army and lay waste to your enemies is encouraged.

--- 引用 --->我看见过一群复古型(译注:Society for Creative Anachronisms,古文化重现协会,现实中一个旨在研究和再现17世纪以前的欧洲中世纪文化及其历史的国际性历史组织,其成员自称他们为一群致力于“中世纪理应如何的人”,“选择性地重建文化,重建文化中吸引人的那部分”。)的家伙在不知道用什么方式关闭了墙上的炮台之后之后,试图去袭击一个门禁社区。在无人机出现之前,他们甚至已经布置了三个攻城梯,上面站满了愤怒的巨魔。事实上,当弓箭手们干掉空中无人机之后,他们还真冲了很远一段路。但他们很快便被狠狠地提醒了一番——在到处都是自动武器的情况下,大规模冲锋并不是那么有效。我虽然很想接着看下去,但我还有货要送。
 > RRW

> Borderline

> Clockwork

劇透 -   : > I saw some Society for Creative Anachronisms-types trying to raid a gated community after somehow disabling the turrets on the wall. They got three ladders full of angry trolls on it before the air drones showed up. They got pretty far, actually, as archers took out the air drones, but they got a firm reminder that mass rushes don’t exactly work in a world with fully-automatic weapons. I would’ve stayed to watch more, but I had a delivery to make.
 > RRW

> Well, if you can train gangers to fight in a mass against opponents that don’t have copious amounts of automatic weapons, or even ammo …
> Borderline

> Train gangers, riiiiiiiiiiight, pull the other one.
 > Clockwork
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劇透 -   : After much research and development with some of the finest mercenaries in the world, Krime has finally revolutionized the classic entrenching tool. It’s larger, heavier, more effective than a shovel, as well as working as a prybar, pick, hatchet, hammer, and saw. In addition, it can be used in three different combat roles: axe, armor-piercing pick, or club thanks to Krime’s patented Krime Knob. Note: The Reaver is only available in troll sizes.

--- 引用 --->我没办法想象这么一个人怎么用这个,但我部队里的巨魔都很信赖这玩意。我们的军需官没办法给他们找来这么多这玩意。
> Picador

> 这在一定程度上是因为克莱姆的产品很容易坏,他们需要购置替代品。
> Thorn
劇透 -   : > I can’t imagine using one of these solo, but the trolls in my unit swear by them. Our quartermasters can’t get enough of them.
> That’s partly because Krime stuff is prone to breaking, and they need to buy replacements.
 > Thorn
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劇透 -   : A while back, some crazy old trog walked into the offices of Krime and started ranting and raving on just about everything, especially about how useless the sizes of most multitools are, with their fiddly little blades and all that. It took a while for Old Man Krime to empty his bottle of synthscotch so that he could shatter it and scare the guy off, but it did get Krime engineers thinking. Maybe captain crazypants had a point. So they worked on that very problem, and this is their response—the Shiv Multitool Machete. Holding a variety of useful tools in the handle, especially a steel toothpick, the blade of the machete is also made from some of the finest Krupp steel. Krime hosts monthly contests for users to post the most imaginative uses of the tool, and those videos are not safe for family viewing.

--- 引用 ---> 显然,克莱姆有些非常精确的,显示他们为那些钢铁付了全额资金的收据。很可惜的是,理应贩卖了这些批次的炼钢厂甚至找不到他们生产过这些钢铁的证据。因为他们本应拿来生产钢铁的地方,现在只剩下一个大洞。
> Plan 9

> 唔,是的,关于这点。从技术上讲,你这只是在吹牛而已。
> Plan 10

> 哦,这不会让任何人觉得困惑,也不会让任何人觉得有问题。不会的,不会的,不会的。
> Snopes (奸商)

劇透 -   : > Krime apparently has some wonderfully exact receipts showing that they paid in full for that steel. Pity the steel mill that supposedly sold the allotment doesn’t have any evidence that they ever made it in the first place, just a hole where it should have been making that amount of steel.
> Plan 9
> Um, yeah, about that. Technically, you’re bragging at this point.
> Plan 10
> Oh, this isn’t going to be confusing or a problem at all. Nope nope nope.
> Snopes
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劇透 -   : A traditional Aztec weapon, the macuahuitl is a meter-long wooden sword embedded with razor-sharp obsidian blades. Occasionally used by ceremonial guard, authentic macuahuitls are most often carried by the wealthy and status-conscious in Aztlan. While it looks odd to the modern eye, causing many opponents to underestimate it, a macuahuitl is capable of decapitating a horse with a single blow. Cheaper densiplast knock-offs have begun to appear on the streets as well, replacing obsidian blades with low-quality steel

--- 引用 --->我在哥伦比亚见过几个使用这玩意的豹卫兵。他们做了一场秀,狠狠地惩罚了下被几个发现带着这玩意的仿制品的朋克仔。
> Hard Exit

> 这可能更多的是在展示他们的力量,而不是在保护传统。
 > 0rkCE0

> 这对朋克仔来说,可没有什么区别。
> Hard Exit

> Fianchetto

劇透 -   : > I saw a few Leopard Guards using these down in Columbia. They made a show of punishing some punk they found carrying one of the imitations.
> Hard Exit
> That probably had more to do with making a show of force than it did something to do with protecting traditions.
 > 0rkCE0
> The difference was lost on the punk.
 > Hard Exit
> As with any expensive, rare commodity, there’s an entire subculture of collectors for these. It has its own vernacular, pecking order, and value system. More than a few Aztechnology higher-ups are avid collectors.
> Fianchetto
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劇透 -   : Nodachi are massive, two-handed swords, often reaching lengths of nearly two meters. Originally designed as an anti-cavalry weapon, nodachi are popular weapons in the shadows among both the highly trained and the overly enthusiastic

--- 引用 ---> 这东西一点也不隐匿。武士的对刀具有着象征意义,而野太刀则是一种战争武器,并被人如此看待之。在某些地方携带野太刀——最好的情况下被看作是严重违反礼仪,最坏的情况下则被视为宣战。
> Kia

> 在没有受过训练的人看来,野太刀看起来就像是把放大的打刀,那些自称武士,并通过佩戴打刀以创造真实感的家伙们,大都会对这种东西一见钟情。接着,他们就会因为自己而卡在墙上了。
> Mihoshi Oni

> 如果和带着一米长刀片的家伙打架已经让你觉得厌倦了,你会很高兴地了解到耶鹿岛已经给一些人装备上了这个。双倍刀片,双倍乐趣。(译注:耶鹿岛科技,日本的一家AA级企业)
> Mika

> Ma’fan

劇透 -   : > There is nothing subtle about these. While a samurai’s daisho has symbolic meaning, the nodachi is a weapon of war and viewed as such. Carrying one in certain places is—at best—considered a grave breach of etiquette, and at worst seen as a declaration of war.
> Kia
> To the untrained eye, a nodachi looks like a giant katana. So-called samurai who carry a katana to lend themselves an air of authenticity fall in love with these as soon as they see one. Then they get them stuck in a wall.
 > Mihoshi Oni
> If fighting people with meter-long razorblades has gotten dull, you’ll be happy to learn that Yakashima has been outfitting some of its people with these. Double the blade for double the fun.
> Mika
> That’s not how that works.
> Ma’fan
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