譯文資料區 > 《極限荒野》

【UW】【第七章】炼金工具(Alchemical Tools)



物品 价格 重量 工艺DC胶带 5 gp 1/2磅 15炼金信息素(侵略) 150 gp — 20炼金信息素(唤醒) 300 gp — 20炼金信息素(简易) 1 gp — 15炼金信息素(感性) 300 gp — 20炼金树脂 100 gp — 12搽剂 15 gp — 15红焰火把 20 gp 1/2磅 20
胶带 Adhesive Strip
价格:5 GP

炼金信息素 Alchemical Pheromones
价格:侵略 150 GP,唤醒 300 GP,简易 1 GP,感性 300 GP
炼金信息素是五颜六色的液体,通常被储存于玻璃瓶内。这些信息素将某种动物(如狼)、类人生物(如人类)、魔法兽(如独角兽)或虫类生物(如蜈蚣)的天然气味与化学试剂相结合,以增强和提炼这种气味,使调和物强到足以改变某个生物的行为。一剂炼金信息素必须为动物、魔法兽、某种虫类生物(vermin type)或某个类人生物亚种(a single subtype of humanoid)。炼金信息素的效果由种类决定,如第246页所述。当它被涂抹于某个表面或作为溅射武器被投掷,炼金信息素的气味将充斥于半径5尺的范围内。气味的活性可持续1分钟。作为目标种类或亚种的生物进入该区域需要成功通过一个DC14的意志检定,否则将承受信息素的效果,持续1轮。如果该生物停留在受影响的区域内,只要信息素还持续生效,它必须每轮进行1次新的豁免检定。所有的炼金信息素都是影响心灵(mind-affecting)效果,但集群以及其他任何表现得如同单个生物的生物集合(as well as any other collection of creatures that acts as a single creature)对此并不免疫,不需要呼吸的生物免疫炼金信息素,而拥有灵敏嗅觉能力的生物在对抗其效果的豁免骰上承受-4减值。
侵略 Aggression:受影响的生物将陷入无意识的狂乱,如其同时受到了困惑术(Confusion)和狂暴术(Rage)的影响。
唤醒 Arousal:受影响的生物将变得亢奋与烦心,导致其失去AC上的敏捷加值。
简易 Simple:受影响的生物将恍惚1轮。无论目标在豁免检定中成功或失败,其将对炼金信息素(简易)免疫24小时。
感性 Susceptibility:受影响的生物将被迫服从一个特定且简单的命令,如同其受到了命令术(Command)的影响。该指令需在制作信息素的时候选择,且必须是简单的命令,例如来、掉、倒、停、逃(由命令术所定义)。

炼金树脂 Alchemical Resin
价格:100 GP

搽剂 Liniment(原名“擦剂”,感谢德拉卡的翻译)
价格:15 GP
这款乳液由会舒缓肌肤的草药和精油制成。 当涂在你的皮肤上时,搽剂能缓释疼痛,让你忽略由你所患的单一疾病造成的2点属性伤害效果。 搽剂的效果持续30分钟,它不能治愈、预防或以其他方式保护你免受疾病的影响。搽剂的效果每24小时只能生效1次。

红焰火把 Red Flame Torch
价格:20 GP

劇透 -  原文: Alchemical Tools
Alchemical tools can prove extremely useful in a variety of adventuring situations, including in battles, in wilderness exploration, or when crafting other alchemical items. All of these alchemical tools can be made with the Craft (alchemy) skill; the DC to craft each item is listed on Table 7–2: Alchemical Tools.

Table 7–2: Alchemical Tools
Item Price Weight Craft DCAdhesive strip 5 gp 1/2 lb. 15Alchemical pheromones (aggression) 150 gp — 20Alchemical pheromones (arousal) 300 gp — 20Alchemical pheromones (simple) 1 gp — 15Alchemical pheromones (susceptibility) 300 gp — 20Alchemical resin 100 gp — 12Liniment 15 gp — 15Red flame torch 20 gp 1/2 lb. 20
WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
This 3-foot-long strip of extremely thin hide can be cut into different lengths. When moistened and applied across surfaces or between objects, it creates a bond requiring a DC 15 Strength check to pull apart. Once applied, an adhesive strip takes 1 minute to set. If applied to an item with the broken condition, it suppresses the effects of that broken condition for as long as the item remains repaired by the strip—though the item does not regain hit points and is still broken. The uses for an adhesive strip are many; it can be used to bind prisoners, mend clothing, patch holes, and so on.

PRICE Aggression 150 GP, Arousal 300 GP, Simple 1 GP, Susceptibility 300 GP
Alchemical pheromones are variously colored liquids typically stored in glass vials. These pheromones combine the natural scent of an animal (such as a wolf), humanoid (such as a human), magical beast (such as a unicorn), or vermin (such as a centipede) with alchemical reagents that enhance and refine that scent, making the concoction potent enough to modify the behavior of a creature. A dose of alchemical pheromones must be created for the animal, magical beast, or vermin type or for a single subtype of humanoid; it typically affects only creatures of that type or subtype. The effects of the alchemical pheromone depend on the type, as described on page 246. When it is smeared onto a surface or it is thrown as a splash weapon, the alchemical pheromone fills a 5-foot-radius area with its scent. The scent then remains active for 1 minute. A creature of the targeted type or subtype that enters that area must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be subject to the effects of the pheromone for 1 round. If the creature remains in the affected area, it must attempt a new saving throw each round as long as the pheromone remains active. All alchemical pheromones are mind-affecting effects, but swarms (as well as any other collection of creatures that acts as a single creature) are not immune to them. Creatures that don’t need to breathe are immune to alchemical pheromones, while creatures with the scent ability take a –4 penalty on saving throws against them.
Aggression: Affected creatures are driven into a mindless frenzy, as if affected by simultaneous confusion and rage spells.
Arousal: Affected creatures are aroused and distracted, causing them to lose their Dexterity bonus to AC.
Simple: An affected creature is staggered for 1 round. Whether the target succeeds at or fails the saving throw, it becomes immune to simple alchemical pheromones for 24 hours.
Susceptibility: Affected creatures are forced to obey one specific, simple command, as if affected by a command spell. The command is chosen when the pheromone is created, and must be a something simple, such as approach, drop, fall, flee, or halt (as defined by the command spell).

When applied to your hands, this clear, sticky substance made from alchemically prepared pine sap provides a +2 alchemical bonus to your CMD against disarm attempts, on combat maneuver checks to grapple, and on Climb checks; it also functions underwater. Applying the resin is a standard action, and it wears off 1 hour after being applied.

This lotion is made from soothing herbs and oils. When rubbed on your skin, liniment relieves pain, allowing you to ignore the effects of 2 points of ability damage caused by a single disease you have. The benefits of the liniment last for 30 minutes, and it does not cure, prevent, or otherwise protect you from the effects of diseases. You cannot benefit from the effects of liniment more than once in a 24-hour period.

WEIGHT 1 lb.
This otherwise normal-looking torch is encrusted with lithium salts and burns with a dark red flame. It sheds only dim light in a 10-foot radius, and the light it casts is undetectable outside this radius by normal vision, darkvision, or lowlight vision. This torch burns for 1 hour.


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