作者 主题: 【AG】银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)  (阅读 54348 次)

副标题: 反抗切利亚斯暴政的起义军

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  • 银渡鸦
  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1829
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  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
【AG】银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)
« 于: 2018-02-07, 周三 23:19:14 »

银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)

活动范围:地区(阿维斯坦西部(western Avistan))
目标:保卫金塔格和瑞瓦诺公国(archduchy of Ravounel)免受切利亚斯压迫,支援被专制与暴政压迫的地区,为他们提供援助和训练。
盟友:铃花会(Bellflower Network),凯登·凯连信徒(Caydenites),盗贼议会(Council of Thieves),鹰骑士(Eagle Knights),灰少女(绯红玫瑰)(Gray Maidens (Scarlet Rose)),莎伦莱信徒(Sarenites),莎琳信徒(Shelynites)
敌人:阿斯莫迪斯信徒(Asmodeans),魔鬼大公追随者(followers of archdevils),灰少女(欲魔会)(Gray Maidens (Erinyes Company)),地狱骑士(主要为刑柱骑士团)(Hellknights (primarily the Order of the Rack)),特鲁恩家族(House Thrune),诺格巴信徒(Norgorberites),贩奴者(slavers)

     十数年之前,银渡鸦于灰烬之中浴火重生,当渴求权力的巴基莱·特鲁恩(Barzillai Thrune)夺取了金塔格的控制权后,这座“银之城(Silver City)”在无政府的边缘摇摇欲坠。一群新的英雄站了出来对抗巴基莱·特鲁恩,在他们反抗其统治时,他们发现了银渡鸦留存下来的遗产。在复活了这个组织并将寒鸦从长达一个世纪的囚禁中解放出来后,新的银渡鸦推翻了巴基莱·特鲁恩,并且不仅仅是保证了金塔格的自由,还创立了作为一个独立国家的瑞瓦诺。
     随着在金塔格斗争的结束,现代的银渡鸦开始将他们的目光转向了切利亚斯。尽管金塔格处于表面上的和平,还和切利亚斯结成了同盟。但是银渡鸦之心一直渴望着自由与正义,不是仅仅为了他们自己,更是为了所有在暴政之下受苦的人民。该组织致力于推动其他切利亚斯公国的革命, 帮助他们东方和南方的邻居们,希望他们也能找到力量来摆脱并且铸造出没有地狱规矩束缚的命运。

寒鸦(Jackdaw)(混乱善良 女性 中年精灵 游荡剑客 11级)
雷克萨斯·维克多(Rexus Victocora)(中立善良 男性 人类 望族 2级/术士 9级)
珊森(Shensen)(混乱善良 女性 半精灵 诗人 8级/战士 4级)
劇透 -   :
Rebels Against an Oppressive Regime
Scope regional (Western Avistan)
Alignment CG
Headquarters Kintargo (Cheliax)
Values artistic integrity and creativity, equality between the races, free trade, freedom of religion and speech, small government
Goals defend Kintargo and the archduchy of Ravounel from Chelish oppression, support regions oppressed by despotism and tyranny by providing them with aid and training
Allies Bellflower Network, Caydenites, Council of Thieves, Eagle Knights, Gray Maidens (Scarlet Rose),Sarenites, Shelynites
Enemies Asmodeans, followers of archdevils, Gray Maidens (Erinyes Company), Hellknights (primarily the Order of the Rack), House Thrune, Norgorberites, slavers
Rivals none

Two noteworthy groups of freedom fighters have used the name Silver Ravens over the course of Chelish history. The first of these was a band of adventurers founded just over a century ago by the elven folk hero known only as “Jackdaw.” These five Kintargan patriots defended their city from natural disasters, the depredations of monsters, and the ravages of the Chelish Civil War in the years following the death of Aroden. Their actions swiftly elevated them to the status of beloved folk heroes, and they became icons of Kintargan popular culture during an era when the citizens desperately needed heroes as inspiration.

It was during this tumultuous time that two members of the Silver Ravens—a talented bard by the name of Kyda and a devout cleric named Amyreid—developed the Silver Ravens’ strongest weapon in their battle against evil: the “Song of Silver.” This magical performance allowed the Silver Ravens to fend off four separate attacks by House Thrune, though it was ultimately unable to save the city from the conquering tyrants. Several of the Silver Ravens were slain in the final battle for control of Kintargo, and as a result, the group’s leader, Jackdaw, surrendered herself into Thrune custody to spare the city further violence. In time, the Silver Ravens faded into obscurity, in no small part due to Thrune's aggressive redaction of historical documents. Within a few decades of Jackdaw’s imprisonment, almost all knowledge of the Silver Ravens and their onetime reputation as heroes of the people had been snuffed from history.

Decades passed before the Silver Ravens would rise anew from the ashes. When the power-hungry Barzillai Thrune seized control of Kintargo, the so-called Silver City teetered on the edge of anarchy. A new band of heroes stood frm against Barzillai Thrune, and as they opposed his regime,
they uncovered remnants of the Silver Ravens’ legacy. Resurrecting the group and rescuing Jackdaw from a century spent in prison, the new Silver Ravens overthrew Barzillai Thrune and not only secured Kintargo’s freedom but also established Ravounel as an independent state.

With the battle for Kintargo behind them, the modern Silver Ravens have turned their attention to Cheliax. Although Kintargo is ostensibly at peace and allied with Cheliax, the hearts of the Silver Ravens long for freedom and justice, not only for themselves, but for all those who suffer under tyrannical rule. The organization has dedicated itself to fostering rebellion among the other archduchies of Cheliax, aiding their neighbors to the east and south in the hopes that they too might fnd the strength to break away and forge destinies unencumbered by infernal rule.

This is not to say that the Silver Ravens count Cheliax as their sole enemy. All oppressors of the people are foes of the Silver Ravens, and agents from Kintargo now travel far and wide throughout the Inner Sea. In particular, they have turned their eyes to the city of Korvosa to the north and to Rahadoum to the south, where the oppression of minorities (be they Shoanti or those of faith) continues unabated.

Jackdaw formed the original Silver Ravens over a hundred years ago, recruiting fellow adventures by the names of Amyreid, Ba, Brakisi, and Kyda to defend Kintargo during the Chelish Civil War. Jackdaw is the only surviving member of this original group, having spent the last century locked in Kintargo Keep as a prisoner of House Thrune. Upon being rescued by agents of the new Silver Ravens, Jackdaw rejoined the organization and helped overthrow Barzillai Thrune. Although no longer in her prime, Jackdaw has more experience fghting House Thrune than any other member of the Silver Ravens, making her an extremely valuable asset to the organization.

One of the youngest leaders of the Silver Ravens, Rexus Victocora more than matches his elders in zeal for freedom of expression, artistic integrity, and being true to one’s inner nature. He was instrumental in organizing a new band of heroes to stand against Barzillai Thrune and in tracking down clues that led to the resurrection of the Silver Ravens as a group of freedom fghters. Today, in a post-Barzillai Kintargo, he continues to expand his personal strength as a sorcerer and is well on his way to becoming one of Kintargo’s most notable spellcasters. At the same time, he’s worked tirelessly to rebuild his family estate, which burned to the ground during Barzillai’s reign.

Shensen has long fought against the machinations of House Thrune and the church of Asmodeus on her own, but after heroes rescued her from the clutches of Barzillai Thrune during his occupation of Kintargo, she took on the mantle of leader of the newly resurrected Silver Ravens and joined a greater cause. Since then, she’s split her time and resources between organizing new rebellions throughout Cheliax and beyond, rebuilding and supporting the growth of the Sarenite faith in Kintargo, and working to bolster that city’s reputation as a stronghold of fine art and music. Yet her sense of adventure and mischievous personality have never left, and she often takes the time to strike out on short, sometimes scandalous, missions of her own design.
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-10, 周六 16:35:01 由 丞相 »

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  • 银渡鸦
  • Chivary
  • *****
  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-02-07, 周三 23:20:11 »
银之编剧(Argent Dramaturge)


生命骰(Hit Die):d6

专长:技能专攻(表演)(Skill Focus (Perform))
技能:知识(奥秘) 2级,知识(历史) 2级,表演(歌唱) 6级,法术辨识 6级

本职技能(Class Skills)



职业能力(Class Features)

银之演艺(Argent Performance):银之编剧可以用表演(歌唱)来制造出特殊的魔法效果来抵御异界生物(特别是那些受银影响的生物,如魔鬼),如同吟游诗人的吟游表演职业能力。该能力的每日轮数等同于她银之编剧等级的两倍,并且他还可以使用吟游诗人等级提供的吟游表演轮数来表演银之演艺,反之亦然。开始一次银之演艺是移动动作,不过在每一轮内进行维持时则为自由动作。
银之演艺无法被打断,但是会在银之编剧被杀死(killed)、麻痹(paralyzed)、震慑(stunned)、陷入昏迷(knocked unconscious)或者以其他方式导致不能每轮以自由动作进行维持时终止。在判断同一时间内银之编剧可以让多少个表演生效时,银之演艺被视同为吟游表演。银之演艺具有听觉成分(audible components),但是不具有视觉成分(visual components)。银之编剧的表演豁免DC等同于10 + 银之编剧职业等级 + 她的魅力调整值。

银之歌(Song of Silver)(Su):在银渡鸦们与切利亚斯暴君巴基莱•特鲁恩的斗争中,著名歌谣“银之歌“失落歌词和旋律的重现给了银渡鸦们难以估量的帮助。尽管真正的银之歌必须由一名技艺精湛的表演者在金塔格歌剧院中表演,但是银之编剧们创作了一种次级的“银之歌”,这种”“银之歌”在任何地方表演都可以产生效果。当银之编剧通过银之演艺来创造“银之歌”时,银之编剧半径30尺内所有的武器(无论是天武还是人造武器)在击破伤害减免时都被视为银质武器,并且等于银之编剧魅力调整值(最低为1)的目标将会免疫恐惧,并在对抗魅惑和胁迫效果的豁免上获得+4的神圣加值。

锚定咏叹调(Anchoring Aria)(Su):关魔法旋律的知识被编织进了银之歌中,自3级起,银之编剧可以利用她银之歌中的知识来封锁住邪魔的位面旅行。只要她维持着咏叹调,任何邪恶异界生物在银之编剧半径30尺内尝试使用传送子学派的法术或者类法术时,必须成功通过一个施法者等级检定(DC=11+银之编剧角色等级),否则该法术或类法术能力将会失效。一个邪恶异界生物在使用传送效果来进入该30尺半径区域或者被召唤进入这个区域时,它必须成功一次通过意志豁免,否则恍惚一轮。

正义和弦(Righteous Chord)(Sp):自第9级起,以一个标准动作,银之编剧可以花费2轮银之演艺或者吟游表演来对60尺内一名邪恶异界生物施加法术放逐术(Banishment)的效果,以她的角色等级作为施法者等级。以一个自由动作,银之编剧可以尝试一个DC=目标异界生物HD的表演检定。如果成功,在判断放逐术效果时,她将被视作已经向目标异界生物出示了至少一件目标憎恨或恐惧物体或物质。激活这个银之演艺不会终止一个正在生效的银之演艺或吟游表演。

戏剧奇艺(Dramaturgical flourish):在2级和之后每2级,银之编剧对于历史和故事结构的研究让他触及到了表演的奥秘,这允许他选择下列戏剧奇艺中的一个选项。除非特别说明,银之编剧不能多次选择同一个戏剧奇艺。

振奋之歌(Heartening Song):银之编剧的破咒曲可以影响那些依赖负面情绪(例如极度绝望,狂暴或者恐惧效果)的影响心灵效果,如同影响音波和依赖语言的效果。一名银之编剧必须拥有破咒曲吟游表演才能选择这项戏剧奇艺。

成名之作(Masterpiece):银之编剧获得一个吟游诗人名著(极限魔法 21页)并且不需要牺牲专长或者已知法术。她仍然需要符合名著的先决条件。银之编剧可以多次选择这项华饰,但是每次必须选择一个新的名著。

反射表演(Reactive Performance):银之编剧可以以一个直觉动作开启她的破咒曲或者清心。当她这么做时,必须消耗2轮而非1轮吟游表演。银之编剧必须拥有破咒曲和清心才能选择这项戏剧奇艺。

技艺涌现(Sudden Competence):银之编剧可以消耗2轮吟游表演来以一个直觉动作开启提振技能吟游表演。她甚至可以在队友技能检定失败后使用。如果这个检定因为提振技能的加值而成功,那么尝试检定角色就成功了。一名银之编剧必须拥有提振技能表演才能选择这项戏剧奇艺。

终极勇气(Ultimate Courage):所有受到银之编剧激发勇气吟游表演的影响的盟友,在对抗恐惧和魅惑效果的豁免上获得双倍士气加值。一名银之编剧必须用用激发勇气吟游表演才能选择这项戏剧奇艺。
劇透 -   :
The city of Kintargo has a long and proud association with the arts, particularly the theater and the opera. The fascination with operatic performances is well established throughout the nation of Cheliax, yet in Kintargo the lack of direct meddling from the government or the church of Asmodeus (a luxury afforded by the city’s relative distance from the Chelish heartland) allowed for performers in Kintargo to lace their works with anti-Thrune metaphors and themes of freedom and individuality that would have swiftly resulted in arrests or even executions had artists dared to perform them elsewhere in the nation.
It was from such traditions that Kintargan performers began to build powerful, magical performances, the most famous of which today is the “Song of Silver.” The potent magic of this song has inspired some Silver Ravens to delve into the secrets and lore of magical performances. These talented performers study not only the history of the songs and plays popular among bards, but also the underlying structures and themes from which these performances derive their magical potential. Using this knowledge, these argent dramaturges subtly alter their bardic performances to make them more effective against the forces of House Thrune
and Cheliax.
Hit Die: d6.

To qualify to become an argent dramaturge, a character must fulfll the following criteria.
Feat: Skill Focus (Perform).
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks, Knowledge (history) 2 ranks, Perform (sing) 6 ranks, Spellcraf 6 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast spells, including at least one 2nd-level spell with the language-dependent descriptor or the sonic descriptor.

Class Skills
The argent dramaturge’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (all) (Cha), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraf (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifer.

Class Features
The following are class features of the argent dramaturge prestige class.

Argent Performance: An argent dramaturge can use Perform (sing) to create special magical effects that hinder outsiders (particularly those affected by silver, such as devils) as per the bardic performance bard class feature. She can use this ability for 2 rounds per day for each argent dramaturge level she has, and can use rounds of bardic performance gained from bard levels to perform argent performances and vice-versa. Starting an argent performance is a move action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action.
An argent performance cannot be disrupted, but ends immediately if the argent dramaturge is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. An argent performance counts as a bardic performance when determining how many performances the argent dramaturge can have in effect at one time. An argent performance has audible components but not visual components. The save DC against an argent dramaturge’s performance is equal to 10 + the argent dramaturge’s level + her Charisma modifer.
At 13th level, an argent dramaturge can start an argent performance as a swif action if she chooses.
The performance abilities that an argent dramaturge gains are noted below.
Song of Silver (Su): The recovery of the lost lyrics and melody of the famed “Song of Silver” aided the Silver Ravens immeasurably in their fight against the Chelish tyrant Barzillai Thrune. While the true “Song of Silver” must be performed in the Kintargo Opera House by a skilled performer, argent dramaturges have learned to create a lesser version of the “Song of Silver” that can take effect when performed in any location. When the argent dramaturge uses her argent performance to create the “Song of Silver,” all weapons (both natural and manufactured) within a 30-foot radius of the argent dramaturge are treated as if they were silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, and a number of targets equal to the argent dramaturge’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1 target) become immune to fear effects and gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
At 5th level, once per day as an immediate action, an argent dramaturge can grant a single ally who is currently benefiting from the saving throw bonus from the “Song of Silver” the effects of a breath of life spell (CL = the argent dramaturge’s character level). Granting this effect immediately ends the “Song of Silver” performance, and the argent dramaturge must wait 3 rounds before activating a new “Song of Silver” (but she can activate other argent or bardic performances in the meantime).
At 5th level, the “Song of Silver” affects a 60-foot-radius area around the argent dramaturge.
Anchoring Aria (Su): At 3rd level, the argent dramaturge can use her knowledge of the magical melodies woven into the Song of Silver to block the dimensional travel of fiends. As long as she maintains the aria, any evil outsider that attempts to use spells or spell-like abilities of the teleportation subschool within a 30-foot radius of the argent dramaturge must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 11 + her character level) or else the spell or spelllike ability fails. An evil outsider that uses a teleportation effect to appear within this 30-foot-radius area or that is summoned into this area must succeed at a Will saving throw or it is staggered for 1 round.
At 5th level, this argent performance affects a 60-foot-radius area around the argent dramaturge.
Righteous Chord (Sp): At 9th level, as a standard action that costs 2 rounds of argent or bardic performance, the argent dramaturge can affect a single evil outsider within 60 feet as per the spell banishment, treating her character level as her caster level. As a free action, the argent dramaturge can attempt a Perform check with a DC equal to 10 + the HD of the targeted outsider. If successful, she is treated as having presented the targeted outsider with one object or substance the target fears or hates for the purpose of determining the effects of the banishment spell. Activating this argent performance does not end a currently active argent or bardic performance.
Dramaturgical flourish (Su): At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafer, an argent dramaturge’s studies into the history and structure of stories grant her access to secret performances, allowing her to select an option from the list of dramaturgical flourishes below. Unless otherwise noted, an argent dramaturge cannot select a dramaturgical flourish more than once.
Heartening Song: An argent dramaturge’s countersong functions against mind-affecting effects that rely on negative emotions (such as crushing despair, rage, or fear effects) as well as sonic and language-dependent effects. An argent dramaturge must have the countersong bardic performance to select this dramaturgical flourish.
Masterpiece: The argent dramaturge gains a bardic masterpiece (Pathfnder RPG Ultimate Magic 21) without needing to sacrifce a feat or spell known. She must still meet the prerequisites of the masterpiece. An argent dramaturge can take this flourish more than once, but must select a new bardic masterpiece each time she does so.
Reactive Performance: The argent dramaturge can activate her countersong or distraction bardic performance as an immediate action. When she does so, she must expend 2 rounds of bardic performance rather than 1. An argent dramaturge must have the countersong and distraction bardic performances to select this dramaturgical flourish.
Sudden Competence: An argent dramaturge can activate her inspire competence bardic performance as an immediate action by spending 2 rounds of bardic performance. She can even use this ability afer an ally has failed a skill check. If the check would have been successful with the inspire competence bonus, the character attempting the check instead succeeds at that check. An argent dramaturge must have the inspire competence bardic performance to select this dramaturgical flourish.
Ultimate Courage: Allies who are affected by the argent dramaturge’s inspire courage bardic performance gain double the normal morale bonuses on saving throws against fear and charm effects. An argent dramaturge must have the inspire courage bardic performance to select this dramaturgical flourish.

« 上次编辑: 2018-02-18, 周日 13:17:07 由 丞相 »

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  • 银渡鸦
  • Chivary
  • *****
  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-02-07, 周三 23:22:26 »
Argent Voice(Bard Archetype)


吟游表演(Bardic Performance):银之声获得了以下吟游表演,她必须使用表演(歌唱)来使用这些表演。
勾勒之短诗(Limning Verse,Su):自1级起,银之声可以唱出一首歌来使妖魔鬼怪散发出银色灵光。在银之歌10尺内的邪恶子类异界生物都会受到一个如同妖火术(faerie fire)的效果。在4级和之后每4级,这个能力的范围都会扩大10尺,最高在20级时到达60尺。任何能阻止侦测阵营或侦测邪恶的防御同样能阻止勾勒之短诗暴露该生物。
震烈之强音(Shattering Crescendo,Sp):自6级起,银之声学会了通过歌唱中的频率变化来震碎魔法效果。以一个整轮动作,银之声可以消耗两轮吟游表演尝试解除一个邪恶法术或者一个由邪恶生物释放的惑控法术。这个能力如同解除魔法,以诗人等级作为施法者等级。在18级时,这个能力可以用于破坏要使用破除结界(break enchantment)来解除的效果。
这个能力取代暗示(Suggestion)和群体暗示(Mass Suggestion)。
猎魔之副歌(Devilbane Refrain,Su):自8级起,银之声学会了如何用他的表演来模仿神奇的“银之歌”的各个方面,提高了其盟友在对抗魔鬼和其他邪魔时的能力。要受到其影响,生物必须能够听到银之声的声音并且在她30尺内。受到影响的盟友的天生武器和持有的人造武器都在击破伤害减免是都被视为银制武器。自14级起,盟友的天生武器和人造武器还能获得武器附魔破敌(邪恶异界)的效果。
该能力取代末日丧歌(Dirge of Doom)和恐惧魔音(Frightening Tune)。

心在一艺(Dedicated Performance,Ex):银之声可以专注于切利亚斯歌剧的训练来影响并审视她的敌人。在2级时,银之声必须选择表演(歌唱)作为她的多才多艺表演技能。在6级时,如果她拥有其他技能等级达到最高的表演技能,则这些表演可以为银之声在使用表演(歌唱)作为多才多艺检定时提供+1额外加值,在10级和之后每4级,每一个最大等级的表演技能使这个加值+1,在18级,除了表演(歌唱)以外其他每个满级表演技能可以提供最高+4加值。(即18级时,4个其他表演技能总共能提供+16的加值。)
这个能力调整了多才多艺(Versatile Performance)。

劇透 -  原文:
As much as the Silver Ravens are freedom fighters, they are also patrons of the arts. Perhaps owing to the strong ties between the organization’s leadership and the Kintargo Opera House, the Silver Ravens are particularly active in the theater community and count many of Cheliax’s fnest singers among their recruits. In part, this is mere shrewdness, as actors and performers are ofen invited into the halls of the wealthy and powerful, where a rebellion can do the most damage.
However, there is another reason for the Silver Ravens to recruit singers from the Chelish opera. The Silver Ravens rely on talented voices to deploy their most powerful weapon in the defense of Kintargo—the “Song of Silver.” While specially trained argent dramaturges can create lesser versions of this song, the true “Song of Silver” must be performed in Kintargo. Those among the Silver Ravens who dedicate themselves to the study of this magical performance are known as argent voices, and through practice and experience, these bards are able to modulate their own bardic performance abilities to reflect some measure of the power found in the “Song of Silver.”
For this reason, argent voices are among the most respected and treasured of the Silver Raven’s agents. While some argent voices travel the Inner Sea, fighting tyranny and oppression, many others remain in Kintargo, ready to activate the city’s defenses should the need arise.

Argent voices who wish to further explore the magic and power of the “Song of Silver” often further focus their training so that they can become argent dramaturges (see page 172).
Bardic Performance: An argent voice gains the following bardic performances. The argent voice must use Perform (sing) with these performances.
Limning Verse (Su): At 1st level, the argent voice can sing a song that causes fiends to glow with an aura of silvery light. Outsiders with the evil subtype within 10 feet of the argent voice are affected as per faerie fire. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the range of this ability increases by 10 feet, to a maximum of 60 feet at 20th level. Any defense that prevents the detection of alignment or evil also prevents limning verse from outlining a creature.

This replaces fascinate.
Shattering Crescendo (Sp): At 6th level, the argent voice learns to sing at frequencies capable of shattering magical effects. As a full-round action, an argent voice can use 2 rounds of bardic performance to attempt to dispel a single evil spell or enchantment spell cast by an evil creature. This functions as per dispel magic, using the bard’s level as his caster level. At 18th level, this ability can be used on effects that can be removed by the spell break enchantment.
This replaces suggestion and mass suggestion.
Devilbane Refrain (Su): At 8th level, the argent voice learns how to mimic aspects of the magical “Song of Silver” with his performance, enhancing his allies’ ability to combat devils and similar fends. To be affected, a creature must be able to hear the argent voice’s singing and be within 30 feet of him. Natural and manufactured weapons wielded by affected allies are treated as though they were silver for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. At 14th level, allies’ natural and manufactured weapons also gain the beneft of the evil outsider bane weapon special ability.
This replaces dirge of doom and frightening tune.

Raven Master(Ranger Archetype)



飞禽认同(Avian Empathy,Ex):渡鸦大师的野性认同能力只对鸟类生效。
该能力调整了野性认同(Wild Empathy)。

渡鸦伙伴(Raven Companion,Ex):在4级时,渡鸦大师获得了来自一只特别大,强壮而且聪明的渡鸦的信任和陪伴。这一能力的作用方式与德鲁伊的动物伙伴能力类似,除了渡鸦大师的德鲁伊等效等级相当于“游侠等级-3”。渡鸦大师必须选择一只鸟作为她的动物伙伴。渡鸦伙伴一开始拥有3点智力,并且可以说一种渡鸦大师知道的语言。除了随着渡鸦大师等级提升所能得到的正常的动物伙伴能力之外,渡鸦伙伴还会获得以下能力。
该能力调整了猎手羁绊(Hunter's Bond)并且取代下面列出的特定游侠能力。

银色象征(Silver Champion,Ex):自7级起,渡鸦伙伴呈现出银色,金属的外观。它将其所有的天生武器攻击在击破抗力时都是为魔法和银制武器。
该能力取代了穿林步(Woodland Stride)。

拟态雕像(Mimic Figurine,Su):自8级起,每天一次用一个标准动作,渡鸦大师可以将她的渡鸦伙伴变成一个类似于神奇雕像的指示物(Token)。任何渡鸦所穿戴的装备都会作为变化的一部分融进身体,但是它所持有的装备则不会。渡鸦可以无限期的保持这种状态,直到渡鸦大师如同使用神奇雕像一样花费一个标准动作来激活雕像。
该能力替换了快速追踪(Swift Tracker)。

欺骗死亡(Cheat Death,Sp):自12级起,每周一次,当渡鸦伙伴将要被攻击,法术或者效果杀死时,它可以用一个直觉动作变成一个神奇魔法雕像,就如同其拟态雕像能力一样。一旦使用了这种转变方式,渡鸦伙伴在渡鸦大师下一次准备法术之前无法变回来。

银之法术(Argent Magic):渡鸦大师和绝大部分游侠一样施法,但是他的法术列表则比通常的游侠可以选择的要宽广,由于她经常同银渡鸦中的吟游诗人或者其他才华横溢的表演者共事,使她可以将少量诗人法术加入他的法术列表之中。这些法术视为神术,并且需要像她的其他游侠法术一样施放和准备。
劇透 -   :
While the Silver Ravens adopted their name as a way to honor the group of adventurers who defended Kintargo during the Chelish Civil War, some Silver Ravens have gone even farther, breeding and training actual ravens to serve both as living symbols of the organization and as fearsome weapons against House Thrune and its diabolic servants. These rangers, known as raven masters, eschew a ranger’s usual connection to the natural world to form a mystic bond with their birds and to grant both animal and master a number of specialized abilities. Over time, the feathers of these raven companions take on a silvery sheen, causing them to resemble the birds produced by the figurines of wondrous power, which served as the original Silver Ravens'namesake.
Raven masters serve as messengers and spies for the Silver Ravens, using their ravens to scout the border between Ravounel and Cheliax and report any suspicious Thrune troop movements. Outside of Cheliax, raven companions alight on the rooftops and window ledges of palaces and keeps to eavesdrop on tyrants and dictators, feeding these precious secrets to the raven master so that she can more efficiently foment and organize rebellion.
Class Skills: A raven master adds Bluff, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand to her list of class skills. She does not gain Climb, Heal, Intimidate, Ride, or Swim as class skills.
This alters the ranger’s class skills.
Avian Empathy (Ex): A raven master’s wild empathy affects only birds.
This alters wild empathy.
Raven Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a raven master earns the trust and companionship of a particularly large, powerful, and intelligent raven. This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability, except that the raven master’s effective druid level is equal to her ranger level – 3. The raven master must select a bird as her animal companion. The raven companion starts with an Intelligence score of 3 and can speak one language known by the raven master. In addition to the normal abilities an animal companion gains as the raven master increases in level, the raven companion gains the following abilities.
This ability alters hunter’s bond and replaces specific ranger abilities as indicated below.
Silver Champion (Ex): At 7th level, the raven companion takes on a silvery, metallic appearance. It treats all of its natural attacks as though they were magic and silver for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.
This ability replaces woodland stride.
Mimic Figurine (Su): At 8th level, once per day as a standard action, the raven master can transform her raven companion into a token similar to a figurine of wondrous power. Any gear worn by the raven melds into its body as part of this transformation, but held items do not. The raven can remain in this form indefinitely, or until the raven master spends a standard action to activate the statuette as though it were a figurine of wondrous power.
This ability replaces swift tracker.
Cheat Death (Sp): At 12th level, once per week, when a raven companion would otherwise be slain by an attack, spell, or effect, it can turn into a figurine of wondrous power as per its mimic figurine ability as an immediate action. Once transformed this way, the raven companion cannot transform back into a raven until the raven master next prepares spells.
This ability replaces camouflage.
Argent Magic: A raven master casts spells as do most rangers, but her spell list is somewhat expanded from the normal options most rangers can choose from, for her association with the bards and other talented performers among the Silver Ravens allows her to add a limited number of bard spells to her spell list. These spells function as divine spells, and are cast and prepared in the same manner as her other ranger spells.
At 6th level, the raven master selects one 1st-level bard spell of her choice and adds it to her spell list as a 1st-level ranger spell. At 9th level she does the same but for a 2nd-level bard spell. She adds a 3rd-level bard spell at 12th level, and adds a 4th-level bard spell at 15th level.
This ability alters the ranger’s spellcasting.
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-18, 周日 13:19:13 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-02-07, 周三 23:24:36 »
与银渡鸦结盟(Affiliation with the Silver Ravens)



魔鬼感知 Devil Sense

高歌猛进 Diva Advance (战斗)舞出我人生
专长效果:当使用歌姬流时,你不会引发——已经成功对其虚招的目标——对你进行的借机攻击。 此外,你可以使用歌姬流对一个30尺内的生物进行虚招。

剧中奇袭 Diva Strike(战斗)

歌姬流 Diva Style(战斗,流派)


即刻肖像(Instant Portrait)
等級:诗人 1,牧师 1,审判者 1,催眠师 1,秘学士 1,异能者 1,术士/法师 1,召唤师 1,女巫 1
你触摸一个表面,产生一个你自己或者你曾经见过的生物的着色肖像,不需要进行工艺(绘画)检定。这个表面必须时相对平坦的,例如一张纸或者一面墙。图像可以使任何你选择的颜色,但是必须时单色的。虽然他的质量很差不足以拿去销售,但是它足够精确可以识别其主题或者作为意识投影(enter image)的目标。这个画像反映了你对该生物的认知,包括任何伪装。无论是魔法的还是世俗的,在绘画时这个主体都会穿着。这个绘画的耐用性和普通绘画一样,并且可以被世俗手段所抹除。

等級:诗人 5,牧师 6,审判者 5,术士/法师 6
若你在有生物的地方召出白银之墙,该处的生物所受伤害和穿越墙一样。每一个这类生物都可以试图躲开白银之墙 (由它选择停留在墙壁的哪一边),成功通过的反射豁免可以免受伤害。

魔法物品(Magic Items)
除了经典的银渡鸦神奇雕像(核心手册 513),银渡鸦运用以下特殊物品而闻名。

捕魔网(Devil Catcher)
这张+1捕网是有银制细绳而非普通绳索制成的。这张网可以防止外层位面旅行,如同次元锚(dimensional anchor)一般影响任何被其纠缠并保持纠缠的生物。此外,只要其被纠缠中,任何生效于该目标的隐形效果都会被压制。魔鬼将自己从捕魔网中施放时进行的力量检定或者逃脱检定需要承受-4罚值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器与防具、次元锚(dimensional anchor)、消除隐形(invisibility purge)

自主伪行饰品(Discretion Charm)
     一旦其被激活,穿戴者就可以用一个自由动作丢下这颗饰品,使自身隐形,如同渐隐术(Vanish)。与此同时,被丢下的饰品会在这个方格创造出一个使用者的幻术复,如同预置幻影(programmed image)。其图像重复进行使用者在饰品激活和丢弃之间进行的动作。与预置幻影(programmed image)不同,这个使用者的幻术复制可以对外界的刺激做出有限的反应。他会转向那些和他说话的人,并点头微笑回应。但是他不会说出任何在被丢弃前没有记录的话。如果饰品在激活了不到一分钟内就被丢下,任何与幻像进行互动的生物可以在不相信预置幻影(programmed image)效果的意志检定上获得+5的加值。
制造要求:制造奇物、预置幻影(programmed image)、渐隐术 (Vanish)


劇透 -   :
The Silver Ravens are wary of inviting strangers into their fold, for their enemies are quite skilled in the arts of trickery and subterfuge. Yet when the Silver Ravens do identify potential allies, they welcome them into their circle of trust readily, especially if the ally seeks aid and advice regarding fostering revolutions or freedom-fighting endeavors in far-flung lands suffering under cruel regimes.
Example Affiliation Encounter: In order to earn the trust of the Silver Ravens, a prospective affiliate must first arrange a meeting with an agent of the semisecret group. Doing so requires a successful DC 20 Bluff check to send a secret message in an area where the Silver Ravens are active; this Bluff check takes 1 hour to perform and must be done in a public area. On a successful check, the Silver Ravens send an agent to interview the prospective affiliate within 24 hours, and the would-be affiliate must agree to imbibe an elixir of truth during the meeting. The Silver Raven agent uses this opportunity to determine the affiliate’s actual interests in the group and reasons for seeking aid, and the agent also ensures that the prospect is not secretly an agent of an opposing group, such as House Thrune, the church of Asmodeus or Norgorber, or some other enemy faction. After such an interview, the Silver Ravens generally accept all who are not obviously enemies.

The Silver Ravens have developed the following feats to aid in the defense of their homes.
Devil SenSe
You instinctively sense the presence of fiends.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, ability to cast detect evil as a spell or spell-like ability.
Benefit: At the beginning of your turn each round, if you are within 60 feet of an outsider with the evil subtype, you instinctively sense that something unholy is near. You may experience this sense as an unpleasant smell or taste (such as sulfur), as gooseflesh on your arms or neck, or as an ineffable sense of dread. This sense does not alert you to the direction
of the outsider. Anything that can thwart or mislead detect evil can likewise block this sense.
Diva Advance (combat)
You stride forward with confidence, trusting your performance to protect you as much as your arms and armor.
Prerequisites: Cha 17, Combat Expertise Diva Strike, Diva Style, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +11 or bard level 11th.
Benefit: While using Diva Style, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from creatures you have successfully feinted against. Additionally, you can feint against a creature using Diva Style from up to 30 feet away.
Diva Strike (combat)
Those distracted by your performance leave themselves open to vicious attacks.
Prerequisites: Cha 15; Combat Expertise; Diva Style; Improved Feint; base attack bonus +7 or bard level 7th.
Benefit: While using Diva Style, the first time you hit with a melee weapon in a round, you deal an additional amount of damage equal to your Charisma modifier to a target that is denied
its Dexterity bonus to AC. This damage is precision-based, and is not multiplied on a critical hit.
Diva Style (combat, Style)
You employ song, dance, or some other method of performance to distract your enemies from the battle at hand.
Prerequisites: Cha 13; base attack bonus +1 or bard level 1st.
Benefit: While using this style, you can use any Perform skill in place of Bluff to feint in combat. You can attempt a Perform check to feint as a move action when you begin a bardic performance.

The following spells are often used by spellcasting agents of the Silver Ravens.
School conjuration (creation); Level bard 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Effect a monochromatic illustration up to 1 square foot in area
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You touch a surface and produce a painted portrait of either yourself or a creature you can see without needing to attempt a Craft (painting) check. The surface to be affected must be relatively flat, such as a piece of paper or a wall. The image can be any color of your choice, but is monochromatic. While it is of too poor a quality to sell, it is otherwise accurate enough to recognize the subject or to serve as a target for the enter image spell. The portrait reflects your perception of the creature depicted, including any disguises, magical or mundane, that the subject is wearing at the time of the painting’s creation. The portrait is only as durable as normal paint and can be removed by mundane means.
School abjuration [good]; Level bard 5, cleric 6, inquisitor 5,  sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect transparent wall 20 ft. high by up to 20 ft. long/level
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance yes
You create a wall of translucent silver energy that hums and vibrates at the slightest touch. Objects and nonevil creatures can pass through this wall without difficulty. However, spells and
effects with the evil descriptor treat this barrier as a wall of force, which blocks line of effect.
Evil creatures that pass through the wall take 3d6 points of damage + 1 point of damage per caster level (maximum 3d6+20) and are blinded for 1 round. Creatures of any alignment that are particularly vulnerable to silver (such as those with damage reduction bypassed by silver, like devils or lycanthropes) instead take 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6), are
staggered for 1 round, and are permanently blinded. A creature that succeeds at a Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the blinding and staggering effects.
If you create a wall of silver so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. Each such creature can avoid the wall (ending up on the side of its choice) and thus take no damage by succeeding at a Reflex save.

In addition to the classic silver raven figurine of wondrous power (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 513), the Silver Ravens are known to utilize the following specialized items.
30,320 GP
SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT 6 lbs.
AURA moderate abjuration and divination
This +1 net is made from fine silvery cords rather than simple rope. The net prevents extradimensional travel, affecting any creature entangled by it as per dimensional anchor for
as long as it remains entangled. Additionally, any invisibility effects targeting a creature entangled by the net are suppressed so long as it remains entangled. Devils take a –4 penalty on Strength checks and Escape Artist checks to free themselves from a devil catcher.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimensional anchor, invisibility purge
3,500 GP
SLOT none CL 10th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate illusion
These magical baubles were originally created to aid Chelish nobles in slipping away to engage in trysts with fellow partygoers, but the Silver Ravens have seized upon them as an excellent way to baffle foes in public areas without resorting to combat. A discretion charm usually comes in the form of a cuff link, an earring, or another small piece of jewelry. Pressing the face of the charm (a standard action) activates it, after which it remains active for up to 5 minutes.
Once it has been activated, the wearer can drop the charm as a free action to render herself invisible, as per vanish. Simultaneously, the dropped charm generates an illusory duplicate of the user in the square, as per programmed image. This image repeats whatever activities the user performed between the time the charm was activated and the time it was dropped. Unlike programmed image, the illusory duplicate of the user can react to external stimuli to a limited degree. It can turn to face those who speak to it and respond by nodding and smiling, but otherwise cannot say anything that it did not record before being dropped. If the charm was dropped less than 1 minute after being activated, anyone interacting with the illusion gains a +5 bonus on the Will save to disbelieve the programmed image effect.
This illusory duplicate lasts for 10 minutes, whereas the vanish effect on the user lasts only 5 rounds. Once the illusion effect ends, the discretion charm loses its powers and becomes a worthless, nonmagical piece of costume jewelry.
Craft Wondrous Item, programmed image, vanishAPG
1,500 GP
SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint transmutation
This coarse-grained salt is flecked with bands of silver running through each crystal. A spellcaster can include this salt as a material component when casting a spell, even if the spell does not normally require material components. Any bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage dealt by a spell enhanced by sterling salt is treated as good and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and suppressing regeneration, in addition to its normal type. If a creature that is adversely affected by silver (such as a devil or lycanthrope) is affected by a spell augmented by sterling salt, that creature takes a –1 penalty on its saving throw to resist or negate the effects of the spell (if a saving throw is allowed).
Craft Wondrous Item
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-23, 周四 13:55:59 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-02-07, 周三 23:25:22 »


« 上次编辑: 2018-03-03, 周六 12:57:42 由 丞相 »

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Re: 【AG】银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-02-08, 周四 11:00:32 »
赞美很可能要被剧透一脸还迎难而上的丞相 :em010


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Re: 【AG】银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 13:27:21 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【AG】银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 15:55:06 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

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Re: 【AG】银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-02-15, 周四 17:15:14 »

Silver Champion (Ex): At 7th level, the raven companion takes on a silvery, metallic appearance. It treats all of its natural attacks as though they were magic and silver for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.

Champion:a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else


« 上次编辑: 2018-02-15, 周四 17:25:38 由 牧语 »

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Re: 【AG】银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-02-17, 周六 16:56:35 »