作者 主题: 【ISM】原能魔法(Primal Magic)  (阅读 15704 次)

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【ISM】原能魔法(Primal Magic)
« 于: 2013-12-31, 周二 23:48:01 »
原能魔法(Primal Magic)
在某些领域里,特别在伟大彼岸(Great Beyond)的大漩涡(Maelstrom)与无底深渊(Abyss)之中,魔法在此处肆意放纵,以自身所愿化身为原初的混乱——在这里,原能魔法总是被称为“野魔法(wild magic)”。在主物质位面(Material Plane)中,世界与原能魔法产生联系的时候通常是现实规律自身遭受损害的那一刻,而法力废墟(Mana Wastes)就是一个鲜活的例子,它位于奈克斯(Nex)与盖布(Geb)之间。在这里,魔法顺着不可预知的流向翻搅着。在某一时刻,法力废墟所处的地带可能能够如常使用魔法,而到了下一刻,魔法就变得毫无用处。不过在通常情况下,原能魔法会占据主导地位。
自然产生的原能魔法可能会经常出现在法力废墟这样的地区,它极少会按照你的意愿发生,但是作为通用规则,每次遭遇最多只能设法产生一次有限的效果。绝大多数情况下,在类似法力废墟的地区启动魔法物品、使用类法术能力或者施放法术才能产生原能魔法效果(单纯携带魔法物品或者从持久生效的物品与魔法获益还不够——实际上是施法和启动物品触发了原能魔法)。当有生物在充满了原能魔法的地区启动魔法物品、施放法术或使用类法术能力时,这些法术效果有50%概率被原能魔法效果所替代。施放法术、使用类法术能力、启动法术完成型或法术触发型魔法物品的施法者能够尝试一次专注检定(DC = 15 + 法术等级的2倍)维持魔法并且避免触发原能魔法效果。启动其他种类魔法物品的生物无法选择进行法术辨识检定来避免触发原能魔法效果。(译注:怀疑最后一句写错了,应该是专注检定)
原能魔法事件通常会持续几分钟、数个小时、甚至数日。这些效果能够被解除魔法(dispel magic)或类似的效果驱散。在这种情况下,将事件的CR视为施法者等级。
在范例原能魔法事件表格中,“CR”这个简写用于表示一些数据;使用原能魔法的CR来设置这些数字。例如:CR 11的原能魔法事件在‘持续CR分钟,影响区域的半径为CR x 5尺’里就是‘持续11分钟,影响区域的半径为55尺’。

原能魔法的爆发(Unleashing Primal Magic)

范例原能魔法事件(Sample Primal Magic Events)
1 - 6在半径为5 x CR范围内的生物与物体均会在CR分钟内失去色彩。处于这片区域内的侏儒必须进行DC为15的意志豁免,用于避免在失去色彩的这段时间内变得战栗(shaken)。这是影响心灵的恐惧效果。
7 - 10一些颜色怪异的蜈蚣(巨蜈蚣蜈蚣群巨鞭尾蜈蚣泰坦蜈蚣)出现在这片区域——这些蜈蚣会无视非施法者,并且仅攻击具有施法或使用类法术能力的生物。这次遭遇中所混杂的蜈蚣应当与原能魔法事件的CR相同。任何被杀死的蜈蚣都会不断的抽搐,直到它们的头部指向哥姆兹之穴(Pit of Gormuz)的方位为止。
11 - 14在CR分钟内,奇妙的音乐回荡在空气中。可能的选项如下所述(投掷1d4):乌尔芬的战斗圣歌(Ulfen battle chants)、切利亚斯的歌剧咏叹调(Chelish opera arias)、黛丝娜的祷词(Desnan prayers)或者乌笃剌的寺院咏唱(Vudrani monastic chants)。这些音乐会让听者产生强烈的冲动去顺着调子唱歌跳舞。在音乐的持续时间内,这么做的生物会在攻击检定和豁免检定中获得+2士气加值。
15 - 18在CR小时内,亮度相当于烛光的古怪淡紫色光芒和厄运会充满CR x 5尺半径的区域。所有在这片区域内做出的d20检定都必须投掷2次,并取较低的结果。
19 - 22一名生物的身体和所有随身物品都反转为自身镜中倒影的样子。他所拥有的书籍都颠倒反转,不过文本仍旧正常清晰。该效果虽然不同寻常但是并不具有任何游戏效果。你可以通过破除结界(break enchantment)、有限祈愿术(limited wish)、神迹术(miracle)、变形万物(polymorph any object)或祈愿术(wish)扭转该效果。
23 - 26在随机目标的脚下张开圆形的深坑。这个坑是在地表创造出的异次元空间,而不是真正挖掘出的坑洞。这个坑的深度为每CR10尺,除此之外的其他功能都与造坑术(create pit,APG法术)相同。
27 - 32由小型物体组成的雨从天而降(从鲜花到烂水果的任何物体都有可能),降雨区域的半径为5 x CR,持续CR轮。这种怪异的降雨是无害的,不过在这段时间内,所有处于区域范围内的生物均会获得隐蔽(concealment),而且必须进行专注检定(DC 15 + 法术等级)才能施法。
33 - 38正能量影响总数不超过CR个生物。这些生物受到医疗术(heal)的影响(施法者等级 = CR)。
39 - 44负能量影响总数不超过CR个生物。这些生物受到重伤术(harm)的影响(施法者等级 = CR)。
45 - 48半径为CR x 10尺的区域彻底变得黑暗,就如同受到深幽黑暗术(deeper darkness)影响一般。
49 - 54环境本身突然变得仿佛具有生命一般,并且开始攻击所有周边区域的非元素生物。将该事件视为由符合周边环境的各种元素生物组成的遭遇,将其调整成与原能魔法事件CR相同的遭遇。
55 - 62怪异多变的颜色所组成的帘幕显现在天空上,它类似于北极光,不过只有处于半径为CR x 10尺的范围内才能看到它。每名区域内的生物必须进行一次意志豁免(DC 10 + CR),失败则会由于快速变换的颜色而晕眩(dazed)1轮。这股色彩持续时间为CR轮。这些生物必须每轮进行一次新的检定来避免晕眩。这是个影响心灵的心灵幻觉(pattern)效果。
63 - 68数量不超过事件CR个随机生物进行意志豁免(DC = 10 + CR),失败则会困惑(confused)。对于每个生物来说,这个效果都会持续至生物的困惑效果投掷结果为“如常行动”时,对于该名生物来说效果才能结束。这是个影响心灵的效果。
69 - 74能量风暴(强酸、寒冷、闪电或火焰出现的概率相同)席卷了半径为CR x 5尺的扩散区域。每一轮,风暴造成的伤害为2点伤害/CR;成功的反射豁免(DC 10 + CR)能够使伤害减半。风暴持续CR轮。
75 - 78怪异的心灵传动力量贯穿这片区域,对半径为CR x 10尺范围内的所有生物进行摔绊。该事件会进行摔绊战技检定对抗所有可能的目标,CMB为10 + CR。任何被事件摔绊的生物所携带的装备会由于恶作剧的心灵传动搅得乱七八糟。生物需要花费1分钟整理财务,并且需要整轮动作才能重新收好它们。
79 - 88从区域内选取两名随机生物,然后从中随机选取一名为‘持用者’,另一名为‘目标’。按照惊异权杖(rod of wonder)的表格进行检定,来确定这两个生物之间产生何种奇怪的效果。
89 - 94发生传送暴风。区域内的所有生物必须进行意志豁免检定(DC = 10 + CR)。豁免失败者会被传送,就如同使用了任意门(dimension door)一般,由此他们会被随机转换位置。若一名区域内的生物被传送的空间太小了以至于无法容纳他,那么他会被传送至能够容纳他的最邻近的空间。若只有一个生物受影响,那么他会向着一个随机方向被传送CR x 5尺。
95 - 98类似魔魂壶的效果影响两个生物。通过意志豁免(DC = 10 + CR)能够免受该效果。若其中一个生物豁免失败,而另一个成功,那么豁免失败的生物仅会被震慑(stunned)1d4轮。若两者均豁免失败,那么他们的精神会切换到对方的身体中,持续的轮数等同于事件的CR。
99 - 100      按照表格投掷2次,忽略99 - 100的结果。这些检定产生的两个事件会同时发生。

劇透 -   :
Primal Magic
Magic is the lifeblood of Golarion. Yet in its raw form, magic is not an ordered force—it is the all-encompassing chaos of possibility. The same energies that can be shaped to create explosive fireballs, raise the dead, divine the future, heal the sick, and summon demons can do that and more without the direction of skilled spellcasters. Normally, this unfocused magical potential does not exist in reality; it lies beyond reality, where it waits to be tapped. Where exactly magic comes from remains a lively debate today, but when magic is unleashed without any attempt to focus it—when it leaks into the world in its raw form—the result is known as primal magic.
In some realms, particularly in planes like the Maelstrom or the Abyss in the Great Beyond, magic is left to indulge in its raw chaos as it wishes—here, primal magic is often called “wild magic.” On the Material Plane, the world feels the touch of primal magic when the laws of reality themselves have been damaged, as in the case of the Mana Wastes, which lie between the nations of Nex and Geb. Here, magic flows in unpredictable tides and currents. At one moment, a region in the Mana Wastes might function normally while at another, magic won’t function at all. Usually, though, primal magic holds sway.
Manifestations of primal magic tend to build up potential before they explode into existence. Just as a thunderstorm doesn’t constantly lance the ground below with a constant beam of lightning, these bolts manifest periodically and almost randomly. And just as lightning can be called with lightning rods, primal magic can be purposefully or accidentally drawn out by utilizing magic in areas where such energies are building.
When primal magic manifests, roll on the Sample Primal Magic Events table on page 13 to determine what occurs. As the primal magic exerts its power, consider crossing off the effect that occurs and designing replacement events and effects. If you want primal magic to play a big role in your campaign, you should try to ensure that no two effects are ever quite the same. One easy way to achieve this is to simply substitute random spell effects with unusual descriptions in place of normal ones, such as a black fireball that smells of roses and deals acid damage.
Spontaneous primal magic effects can occur in a region like the Mana Wastes as often or as infrequently as you wish, but as a general rule, try to limit the effects to one per combat encounter at most. The majority of primal magic effects should instead occur when creatures activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or cast spells in such an area (simply carrying a magic item or gaining the benefits of a constant-use item or spell effect isn’t enough—it’s the actual act of activation or casting that triggers primal magic). When a creature activates a magic item, casts a spell, or uses a spell-like ability in an area infused with primal magic, there’s a 50% chance that the spell effect is replaced by a primal magic effect. A spellcaster casting a spell, using a spell-like ability, or activating a spell completion or spell trigger magic item can make a concentration check (DC = 15 + twice the spell’s level) to focus the magic and avoid triggering a primal magic effect. Creatures activating other kinds of magic items do not have the option of making a Spellcraft check to avoid triggering a primal magic effect.
When a primal magic effect occurs naturally, it targets a random creature or location in the vicinity around the PCs or whatever region you wish to inflict the event upon. When the effect occurs, you need to determine the CR of the event. If the event is triggered by a spellcaster or a magic item, the event’s CR is equal to the spellcaster’s or item’s caster level. When an event occurs naturally, you can roll 1d20 to determine the CR. Of course, you should strongly consider lowering primal magic event CRs to match or at least closely approximate the average party level of your PCs. Not all primal magic events are harmful, but it’s neither fun nor fair for players to frequently be hit with an effect that’s too far beyond their ability to deal with.
Primal magic events often linger for minutes, hours, or even days. These effects can be dispelled via dispel magic and similar spells. Treat the event’s CR as its caster level in this case.
In the Sample Primal Magic Events table on page 13, the abbreviation “CR” is used to indicate a mathematical value; use the primal magic’s CR to set this number. For example, a CR 11 primal magic event that lasts for “CR minutes and affects an area with a radius of CR × 5 feet” lasts for 11 minutes and affects an area with a radius of 55 feet.

Unleashing Primal Magic
Areas affected by primal magic are like scars upon the rugged f lesh of the world, invisibly and intangibly overlaid on the fabric of reality. Generally, areas of primal magic form in places aff licted by forces beyond mortal control—areas scoured by godly wrath, breaches between the planes, sites where powerful artifacts were destroyed. In most of these instances, the primal magic subsides as reality repairs itself, though it might take a matter of weeks, years, or even centuries. In the cases of extreme abuse, an area’s magical cohesiveness might never recover, resulting in areas of permanent primal magic. In general, the location of existing areas of primal magic and the creation of new areas is left up to the GM, but should always be the result of magic of extraordinary force or of an arcane catastrophe of epic proportions. Such should be encountered only rarely, allowing such sites to retain their sense of danger and calamitous history.

Sample Primal Magic Events
d% Effect
1–6 Creatures and objects within a radius equal to 5 × CR are drained of color for CR minutes. A gnome in this area must make a DC 15 Will save to avoid being shaken by this effect for the duration of the loss of color. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
7–10 A number of strangely colored centipedes (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 43, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 53) appear in the area—these centipedes ignore non-spellcasters and attack only creatures capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities. This encounter should be a mix of centipedes that equals the CR of the primal magic event. The corpses of any slain centipedes pivot until their heads point in the direction of the Pit of Gormuz.
11–14 Strange music fills the air for CR minutes. Possible choices include the following (roll 1d4): Ulfen battle chants, Chelish opera arias, Desnan prayers, or Vudrani monastic chants. The music instills in those who hear it a strong urge to sing or dance along. A creature who does so gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and saving throws for the duration of the music.
15–18 A zone of unluck and a strange pale violet radiance equivalent to candlelight fills a CR × 5 foot radius for CR hours. All d20 rolls made in this area must be rolled twice, taking the lower of the two rolls.
19–22 One creature’s body and all its possessions reverse into a mirror image of themselves. The binding of any book in its possession is reversed, though the text within remains normal and legible. This effect is unusual but has no actual game effect. Reversing this effect is possible via break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, polymorph any object, or wish.
23–26 A circular pit opens under the feet of a random target. The pit creates an extradimensional space in the ground, not an actual pit. The pit is 10 feet deep per CR, but otherwise functions as create pit (Advanced Player’s Guide 213).
27–32 A rain of small objects (anything from flowers to rotten fruit) pelts an area with a radius equal to 5 × CR for CR rounds. This strange hail is not harmful, but during this time all creatures in the area gain concealment and must make concentration checks (DC 15 + the spell’s level) to cast spells.
33–38 Positive energy affects a number of creatures not to exceed CR in total. These creatures are affected by a heal spell (caster level = CR).
39–44 Negative energy affects a number of creatures not to exceed CR in total. These creatures are affected by a harm spell (caster level = CR).
45–48 An area with a radius of CR × 10 feet becomes utterly dark, as if from a deeper darkness spell.
49–54 The environment itself suddenly springs to life and attacks all non-elemental creatures in the immediate area. Treat this event as an encounter with various elementals drawn from the immediate surroundings as appropriate, tailored to be an encounter of a CR equal to that of the primal magic event.
55–62 Strange, shifting curtains of color, akin to an aurora borealis, manifest in the sky but are visible only to those in an area equal to CR × 10 feet in radius. Every creature in this area must make a Will save (DC 10 + CR) or be dazed by the shifting colors for 1 round. The colors persist for 1 round per CR. Creatures must make a new save each round to avoid becoming dazed. This is a mind-affecting pattern effect.
63–68 A random number of creatures not to exceed the event’s CR become confused unless they succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + CR). For each affected creature, this effect persists until that creature’s confusion effect results in “act normally,” at which point the effect ends for the creature. This is a mind-affecting effect.
69–74 A storm of energy (with an equal chances of being acid, cold, electricity, or fire) sweeps through the area in a CR × 5-footradius spread. Each round, the storm inflicts 2 hit points of damage per CR; a Reflex save (DC 10 + CR) halves the damage done. The storm persists for CR rounds.
75–78 Strange telekinetic forces rip through the area, attempting to trip all creatures in a CR × 10 foot radius. The event makes a trip combat maneuver check against all available targets, using a CMB of 10 + CR. Any creature tripped by the event has its equipment reorganized and tangled by the mischievous telekinesis. Until a creature takes a minute to reorganize its belongings, retrieving a stowed item is a full-round action.
79–88 Choose two random creatures in the area, then randomly pick one to be the “wielder” and one to be the “target.” Roll on the rod of wonder table (Core Rulebook 489) to determine what sort of strange effect occurs between these two creatures.
89–94 A teleportation storm occurs. All creatures in the area must make a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + CR). Those who fail are teleported, as if via dimension door, so that they randomly shift places. If this places a creature in an area too small to accept its space, it instead appears in the closest adjacent space that can contain it. If only one creature is affected, it teleports a number of feet equal to CR × 5 in a random direction.
95–98 A magic jar-like effect affects two creatures. A Will save (DC = 10 + CR) negates the effect. If one creature fails this save but the other succeeds, the creature that fails the save is merely stunned for 1d4 rounds. If both creatures fail the save, their minds are switched into each other’s bodies for a number of rounds equal to the event’s CR.
99–100 Roll twice, discounting results of 99–100. Both events generated by these rolls occur simultaneously.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 16:20:34 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】原能魔法(Primal Magic)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2014-01-01, 周三 04:28:37 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】原能魔法(Primal Magic)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2014-01-01, 周三 09:50:19 »


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Re: 【内海魔法】原能魔法(Primal Magic)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2014-01-05, 周日 20:56:58 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】原能魔法(Primal Magic)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2014-01-07, 周二 10:32:26 »