作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】人脉CONTACTS 386-392  (阅读 15269 次)

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离线 马非鱼

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人如其识(You are who you know)。在第六纪元的暗影之中,这句话可能比你想象的更加正确。人脉就是为暗影狂奔者带来各种资源的NPC。他们能提供诸如信息、货物以及服务和帮助等资源,以让暗影狂奔者们能安然无恙地活下去*。一般来说,除了人脉以外,狂奔者们很难从其他渠道得知自己目前处境的真相。这一节会让你了解大部分有关这些极其重要的NPC们的事情。
劇透 -   :
You are who you know. In the shadows of the Sixth World, this is truer than you might want to believe. Contacts are NPCs who serve as sources of the information, goods, and services that keep shadowrunners alive and well. Often, they can’t get chip-truth about what they’ve gotten themselves into from anyone else. This section will help you get the most out of these
all-important NPCs.

暗影狂奔者与他们的人脉之间的故事无穷无尽。如同精英狂奔者(见P.385 prime runner相关规则)一般,人脉也应该用优先级系统进行构建。总的来说,他们的能力应该等同于或弱于PC。首先应当假定他们拥有基础装备以及与日常工作对应的生活方式。例如,一个属于游侠公司(Knight Errant)的侦探应该拥有一把手枪,手铐和轻型护甲;而约翰逊先生经常会拿着一个高档通讯链,全身行头更是价格不菲。
劇透 -   :
Shadowrunners and their contacts are going to see an awful lot of each other. Like other prime runners, they should be built with the Priority System. Generally, they should be considered Inferior or Equal to the PCs. Assume that they’re going to have the basic gear and lifestyle they need to do their day job. A Knight Errant detective is going to have a pistol, handcuffs, and light body armor, for instance, while Mr. Johnson is going to have a fancy commlink and high-nuyen suit.

劇透 -   :
Contacts are different from other prime runners because they’re useful to the PCs. There are two Ratings that measure just how useful they are: Connection and Loyalty.

劇透 -   :
Connection: This measures the contact’s influence, if any, measured on a scale of 1 to 12. The higher the connection Rating, the more juice the contact has. he Connection Rating Table describes each level and shows how they should be portrayed. A character can’t start the game with any contact with a Connection Rating higher than 6.

劇透 -   :
Loyalty: This shows you how much you can trust the contact. This is measured on a scale of 1 to 6. The higher the Loyalty Rating, the more the contact is willing to do for the PC. The Loyalty Rating Table gives details on each level and how it should be handled.

劇透 -   :
The Loyalty Rating is applied as bonus dice whenever a PC negotiates with the contact (or vice-versa). The gamemaster should also use it as a modifier or a threshold (as appropriate) when someone else tries to put the squeeze on a contact about the runners.

等级  描述
1     完全没有社会影响力;他/她们能派上用场的只有知识技能而已
2     有很小的社会影响力,或者有一两个拥有知识技能的朋友
3     有一些朋友,但社会影响力并不大
4     认识某个社区里的一部分人;自治区区长或是帮派领袖
5     有一些人脉,社会影响力处于中等水平;城市议员或中等规模公司的低层管理人员
6     在他/她所在的国家闻名遐迩;城市的市长或执政者;有名的中介人,或者中等规模公司的中层管理人员
7     在大范围的地域内人脉广泛,拥有可观的社会影响力;一般在国立公司中担任领导职位。
8     在一个多区划的地区内声名远扬;州政府或国立公司的高层人员
9     在他/她所在的大陆上广为人知,并且有很可观的影响力;小国政府或AA级别巨头公司的中层管理人员
10     闻名于世界,并且拥有巨大的社会影响力;小国政府或AA级别巨头公司的高层管理人员
11     世界上无人不知,并且拥有巨大的影响力;世界大国或AAA级别巨头公司的中层管理人员
12     世界权力的角逐者,拥有极大的社会影响力;执掌大国政府或AAA级别跨国公司之权柄

等级   描述
1   商务关系。这种关系仅仅是基于金钱的雇佣关系。牵涉其中的人们甚至可能互相厌恶,他们也不会向对方提供任何优待或者特殊待遇。
2   常客。这种关系依然是纯商务性的,但双方都对对方抱有一点尊重。
3   熟人。这样的人很友善,不过还没到能称作朋友的程度。人脉乐意为了帮助角色而承受一点点的不便,但不愿意为了他/她的事情而遭受损失
4   好朋友。人脉与角色是真正的朋友,至少也是非常尊重彼此的程度。如果角色需要的话,人脉愿意为了他/她损失自己的利益。
5   鼎力相助。人脉与角色一直互相理解、互相信任。即使是在危险的情况下,人脉也会支持角色。
6   一生至交。如果对方需要的话,人脉和角色都能为彼此付出一切。

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】人脉CONTACTS 386-392
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 14:11:09 »
劇透 -   :
Contacts are, by definition, prime runners. They have names, lives, and personalities, too, and these should all be kept in mind as they are being developed. The biggest difference between contacts and most other prime runners is their ongoing relationship with the PCs. To some extent, contacts are always going to be allies to the PCs, if not outright friends. With that in mind, the players and the gamemaster should collaborate, to a point, on the contact’s background and relationship to the PC.

劇透 -   :
Contacts have lives of their own, and they don’t spend their every waking moment waiting for the PCs to call them for help. So what do they do for a living? Do they have families? Are they in over their heads with a Mafia loan shark? Is his daughter a chip-head? Once you have the answers to these types of questions, you’re on your way from a collection of numbers on a sheet of paper to a unique individual living alongside the PCs.

劇透 -   :
Being a shadowrunner’s contact is a two-way street, though. They don’t just sit around waiting for the PCs to call them asking for stuff. Sometimes, they pick up their commlink and call the shadowrunners, asking them for stuff. They have lives off-stage; find ways to remind the players of this fact.

周五晚上的社交聚会或是当地酒吧的一杯生啤都是令人快活的事情,但人脉的真正价值在于他们可以为你做到的事情。他们能做的事情主要分为以下四种:搜集情报、网罗关系、暗中交易,以及人情恩惠。这些事情都很有帮助,但大部分时间都不是免费的。(见 Favor for a Friend,389页)
劇透 -   :
Friday night socials and a beer at the local bar are all well and good, but the real value of a contact is what they can do for you. There are four major things they can do: legwork, networking, swag, and favors. While these things are helpful, they rarely come for free (Favor for a Friend, p. 389).

劇透 -   :
Before a character can get help from his contacts, though, he has to get hold of them. Since they live their own lives when they’re not helping the PCs, this isn’t always as easy as it might sound. For the most part, there isn’t a set process or test to determine a contact’s availability; that is entirely up to the gamemaster. It depends on the needs of his story. If getting hold of a particular contact would give the PCs information that the gamemaster isn’t ready for them to have, then that contact is caught in a meeting and can’t take the PC’s call. If the PCs don’t call a particular contact, though, and that contact has vital information that the PCs are missing, then he might call the PCs for reasons of his own. This can serve the dual purpose of helping the players out and setting up another run later on down the road.

劇透 -   :
If the gamemaster doesn’t care one way or another about a particular contact getting involved in the story, he should roll 2D6; the contact is available if the roll equals or exceeds the contact’s Connection rating. The more influential the contact, after all, the busier they tend to be. Other factors might also be in play, such as how the character treated the contact the last time they dealt with each other, or who owes whom a favor.

劇透 -   :
Legwork: This is the primary function of most contacts in a Shadowrun game. Typically, legwork means discovering or following up on clues, and contacts provide one of the best ways for shadowrunners to get the information they need. Most published adventures have a Legwork section that lists pertinent information that a character can get from a particular source.

劇透 -   :
When a character asks a contact for information, there is a chance that the contact may already know the answer. Make a skill test using any of the contact’s appropriate Knowledge skills + linked attribute to determine if the contact knows something and exactly what he knows. The contact’s Social limit applies to this test.

如果检定成功,人脉已经了解到相关情报,GM需要决定人脉是否乐意分享信息。如果事件对于人脉自身而言无关紧要,那么他们总是乐于告知。但如果人脉被要求对该项信息保密,或者消息泄漏会让他/她陷入不利局面,人脉会符合常情地拒绝告知。在这种情况下,交涉检定可以让人脉说出他/她所了解的信息;你还可以把人脉的忠诚等级作为额外的骰数加到骰池上。PC的街头信誉(Street Cred)会影响应用于这次检定之上的社交上限(见Street Cred,372页)。你也可以向人脉提供一些新元,这会让他们更乐意帮助你那么一点儿。具体的尺度可以由GM确定,但通常来说你每递出{100×(7-忠诚等级)}新元,就能在上述的交涉检定上获得1个额外的骰子(这是你真正地花钱买骰数的机会之一)。
(译注:取定值规则的英文是buying hits,此处“买骰数buying dices”可能是拿这个开玩笑)
劇透 -   :
If the test is successful and the contact knows something, the gamemaster determines if the contact is willing to share that information. If it’s inconsequential to them, contacts will generally share the info. If it’s info the contact was asked to keep confidential, or it could hurt him if the wrong people learned he knew it, he will be understandably reluctant to share it. In this case, a
Negotiation Test will be necessary to get the contact to divulge what he knows; apply the contact’s Loyalty rating as extra dice to your roll. A PC’s Street Cred can affect the Social limit for this test (see Street Cred, p. 372). You can lay out some nuyen to get the contact to be a little more willing to share; the gamemaster can set the exact parameters, but generally for each 100 x
(7—Loyalty) nuyen you shell out, you get an extra die on your Negotiation Test (one of the few times you get to actually buy dice).

如果知识检定失败,人脉完全不了解任何相关信息的话,他/她依然可以四处打听到想要的答案。人脉进行一个长期检定,关系+魅力【社交】(GM决定阀值,1小时),阀值可对照〖延续检定阈值表〗(p. 48)查阅得出。GM可以用适当的知识技能等级替代魅力属性,也可以按照自己的想法应用调整值,尤其是在当所需信息不属于人脉平时能接触到的范围内时。
劇透 -   :
If the test fails and the contact doesn’t know anything, he can still ask around to learn the answer. The contact makes an Extended Connection + Charisma [Social] Test, where the interval is 1 hour and the threshold is based on the gamemaster-determined difficulty of the question/information sought, as noted on the Extended Test Thresholds table (p. 48). The gamemaster can substitute an appropriate Knowledge skill for Charisma. He can also apply any modifiers he feels are appropriate, especially if the information sought isn’t something the contact would normally have access to.

劇透 -   :
Thunder has found a vial of a reddish-brown liquid, and she has no idea whatsoever what it might be. She knows a chemist but can’t reach him at the moment. She takes it by a street doc she knows, however. It looks like blood to the street doc, so he makes a Biology Test. It has blood in it, all right, but it’s got some components he doesn’t recognize. Thunder asks him if he can figure anything else out. The gamemaster makes an Extended Test using the doc’s Charisma 3 + Connection 2. This isn’t easy, so he sets the threshold at 18. Ten rolls (taking ten hours) later, the street doc calls Thunder back. He’d played a hunch and had an alchemist he knew take a look at it. Thunder found a vial of Renfield, a drug used by vampires to make willing slaves out of potential meals. She owes both the street doc and the alchemist a favor to be named later … if she survives her current job, that is.

劇透 -   :
Networking: Sometimes runners have to talk to someone they just don’t know. Perhaps they’re trying to convince a megacorp to stop hunting them, or they need help from a gang leader to deal with another gang. If the characters don’t know, or can’t approach, the right people, they’re going to have to go to their contacts and ask them to be their go-betweens.

劇透 -   :
If a contact is approached to network on behalf of a shadowrunner, determine if there is any risk to the contact in making the needed inquiries. Dragons, for instance, might take a dim view of a request for a meeting if it’s handled poorly; this qualifies as a high risk. If there is risk, you might have to convince your contact first (through Negotiation, Con, blackmail, or good role-playing). If the contact agrees to help out, the contact makes an Etiquette + Charisma [Social] Test with a threshold equal to the target NPC’s Connection Rating. Apply any appropriate social modifiers, based on the relationship between the PCs and the target NPC and a dice pool bonus equal to the contact’s Connection rating.

劇透 -   :
If the test succeeds, the contact has successfully arranged a meeting with the desired person, either in person or via the Matrix. Timing might be an issue; the gamemaster should use his best judgment. If the players push, tell them 4D6 hours. Once the meeting is set up, impressing the NPC, either positively or negatively, is up to the player characters. This generally ends the contact’s role in networking. If the meeting goes really well or really badly, however, it can affect the contact’s rep accordingly.

劇透 -   :
The contact might not be able to arrange a direct meeting with the desired individual, but he might be able to arrange a meeting with someone close to that person. This person, in turn, can then be negotiated with to arrange the meeting with the NPC in question. These meetings are easier for the contact to arrange, and generally entail less risk to his life, limbs, and reputation.

暗中交易Swag:这与网罗关系类似,只是你的目标是买到或卖出什么东西。人脉可以用自己的人脉帮你找到潜在的客户或者卖家。人脉寻找交易者依然需要像PC一样进行可获得性和黑市检定(Availability and Fencing Tests,见418页),使用人脉的魅力属性和交涉技能等级取代你自己的,并将人脉的关系等级会作为调整值加到社交上限上去。如果你想让交易对象尝到一点甜头,记得要提前告知人脉——他们很棒,但他们不是读心者。
劇透 -   :
Swag: This is like networking, except you’re specifically trying to buy or sell something. A contact can use her connections to find potential buyers or sellers. Contacts looking for traders follow the same procedures for Availability and Fencing Tests (p. 418) that PCs do, using their own Charisma and Negotiation skill instead of yours, along with their Connection rating as a modifier to their Social limit. If you’re willing to sweeten the deal for the potential trading partner, let your contact know in advance— they’re good, but they’re not psychic.

劇透 -   :
Favors: This covers just about anything else that a contact can do for a character, from patching up a shotup vehicle to patching up a shot-up shadowrunner, and almost everything in between. Any kind of direct aid rendered by a contact usually counts as a favor.

人情恩惠分为两种,商业服务与个人援助。商业援助是你可以从任何人、任何地点获得的帮助,比如医疗照顾或者修理装备之类的事情。但从一个完完全全的陌生人那里获取这种帮助的问题是,很多这种陌生人都会留下记录,而这对于狂奔者来说往往不是什么好事。人脉依然会收取提供服务所需的市场价格,但他/她也会私下进行这一切。如果你想砍价的话,进行一个对抗检定,交涉+魅力+人脉的忠诚【社交】v. 人脉的骰池。如果合适的话,某一方获得的每个净成功都会相应的抬高或者降低10%的价格。(译注:即砍价者(通常是玩家)获得净成功会降低价格,而服务者(人脉)获得净成功会抬高价格…偷鸡不成蚀把米吗)
劇透 -   :
There are two types of favors: business services and personal assistance. Business services are those that you could obtain anywhere, from anybody, such as medical treatment or equipment repair. The problem with getting it from a complete stranger is the fact that a lot of those strangers keep records, and that’s not always a good thing for a shadowrunner. A contact will still charge what the market will bear for services rendered, but he’ll also do it all under the table. If you want to haggle for a lower price, you can try a Negotiation + Charisma [Social] Opposed Test, adding your contact’s Loyalty Rating to your dice pool. Net hits on either side raise or lower the fee by ten percent, as appropriate.

劇透 -   :
Personal assistance is a little harder to define. It covers many kinds of aid that aren’t paid for with cash. Whether or not a contact is willing to render personal assistance is up to player and gamemaster judgment. Occasionally there might be a need for more formal guidance.

显然,某些人情恩惠比其他的要更加有分量些。GM可以查阅表:人情等级来得知你所要求的帮助属于何种程度。人情等级的范围是1到6级,等级越高,你的要求使人脉承担的责任就越大。通常来说,人脉会同意在人情等级不超过忠诚等级的事情上施以援手。如果人情等级超过了人脉的忠诚等级,你必须进行一个对抗检定,交涉+魅力【社交】v. 人脉的骰池。胜出才能说服人脉为你而动。
劇透 -   :
Some favors, obviously, are bigger than others. The gamemaster will look on the Favor Rating Table to see how big a personal favor you might be asking for. Favor Ratings range from 1 to 6; the bigger the number, the more you’re asking their contact to take on. Contacts will normally agree to personal assistance with a Favor Rating equal to or less than their Loyalty Rating. If the Favor Rating exceeds the contact’s Loyalty Rating, you’ll need to convince the contact with a Negotiation + Charisma [Social] Opposed Test.

劇透 -   :
Of course, you’ll owe your contact at least one favor to be named later. How the favor is repaid depends on the gamemaster, but it should be at least equal in Favor Rating. Of course, a gamemaster can use a favor owed as a plot hook for a new adventure (Favor for a Friend, at right).

等级   描述
1   小事一桩。给某人传递信息、提供进入低度安全限制区域的通行证(机场登机区,警察局)。
2   低风险。借用特殊装备(价值不超过5,000新元)、需要一线主管签名的企业行动。
3   普通事务。提供进入中度安全限制区域的通行证(正规规模的企业研究实验室)
4   中度风险。借用特殊装备(价值不超过50,000新元)、需要中层经理签名的企业物资征用行为。
5   重大事务。提供进入高度安全限制区域的通行证(FBI办公室、AA级超级企业总部、AAA企业地区总部)。
6   高危风险。借用特殊装备(价值不超过500,000新元)、需要高层经理或下级执行官签名的企业物资征用行为。

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】人脉CONTACTS 386-392
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-04-11, 周二 15:38:26 »
劇透 -   :
When dealing with contacts, glitches can happen on both sides. When they do, the gamemaster has a number of options depending on what the contact was doing for the character. If it was legwork, for instance, he might get some facts wrong and steer the PC in the wrong direction. If he was acquiring swag, the item might be used, or have some unfortunate bugs. Otherwise, a glitch probably means that a third party has learned about what the PC is up to. The gamemaster determines if and when the runners learn about the information leak, and whether they can do something about it or if they find out about it the hard way.

劇透 -   :
A critical glitch, of course, tells you that things have gone completely pear-shaped. A contact provides information that is flat-out untrue. Someone in the supply chain decides to double-cross the PCs. One of the NPCs involved has taken offense at something that was said. Worse yet, word about what the PCs are doing has reached the absolute worst person it could. A character could find their arch-nemesis or a devoted officer of the law pursuing them with less-than-savory intentions.

劇透 -   :
Contacts do things for you—but not for nothing. Everything has a price, remember? They’ll expect some kind of quid pro quo, usually something along the line of their Connection Rating x 100 nuyen for information or expertise, up to around their Connection Rating x 1,000¥ for goods or services rendered; they’ll probably lop off up to their Loyalty x ten percent if you’ve been nice to them. This doesn’t have to be a straight-up monetary donation—you could take them out for a nice dinner, or buy them a new commlink, put in some work at their favorite charity, get their apartment painted, or something else they’d like—but very few people are allergic to cash.

劇透 -   :
Of course, you can always owe them one. Which means that sometimes you find yourself doing something for a contact. Sometimes, a favor for a friend will turn into a full-fledged job, one that goes beyond the typical work-for-nuyen shadowrun. This lets the gamemaster get creative and work in plot twists, new conflicts, and other drama into their campaign.

这样的偿还人情的方式给了你自主选择工作的机会,而不是苦等着来自邻居家那个好心的中间人的呼叫。这也让你可以安心地追求个人利益、直面敌手,而不必害怕被某个卑鄙的Mr. Johnson背后捅刀——虽然随着工作的进展,这种事经常发生(说到底,你又能在第六纪元里信任谁呢?)。
劇透 -   :
Doing a favor like this gives you the chance to choose your own jobs instead of waiting for a call from your friendly neighborhood fixer. It also allows you to pursue personal interests and take on opponents without worrying about being stabbed in the back by a sneaky Mr. Johnson— though that can always happen as the job progresses (who can you really trust in the Sixth World, anyway?).

劇透 -   :
As the game progresses, contacts are going to become more valuable. When that happens, they’re also more likely to ask you to repay previous assistance with a favor. As the contact becomes more useful, of course, the favors become more harrowing. And isn’t that as it should be, omae?

劇透 -   :
Anybody, of any archetype, can be a contact, but there are several that are more common than others. The following sample contacts are the most likely to be dealing with shadowrunners of all levels of experience. For each contact, there’s a brief description, as well as a list of uses served by the contact, typical meeting places, similar contacts, and game statistics. Due to the flexible nature of a contact’s equipment, the Armor Rating is not included in their stat block.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
3   4   3   3   4   3   3   4   2   6
主动性   6+1D6
C M     10
上限   物理4,精神5,社交6
技能   礼仪(街头)6(+2),威吓5,长管枪械(霰弹枪)4(+2),
知识技能   酒类知识6,媒体明星5,运动知识6,街头流言6,琐事知识6

劇透 -   :
Uses: Information, additional contacts, back rooms
for private meets
Places to Meet: Any bar/nightclub
Similar Contacts: Bar/nightclub owner, bouncer, waitress, stripper
Bartenders serve drinks. They also serve as counselor and crying shoulder to nearly everyone who comes into their joint. They see and hear just about everything, which is why it’s so very important to make his acquaintance and make his tip jar a little heavier.
Bartenders know everyone, so they’ll be able to let you know who hasn’t been in for a while, whose kid has run away from home this time, whose wife is screwing some other guy—just about anything you might need to know. He can also connect you to the local rumor mill, and he might have something juicy that one of his clients let slip in a haze of gin and tonic. He can guide newbies to suppliers of a variety of goods and services. It’ll all cost you, of course—sometimes straight-up cred, sometimes a round for the house to keep the good will flowing. He’s known for his discretion, however. He won’t just spill to anyone without a really good reason. Like we said, it’ll cost you … but it’s usually worth it to keep him (and sometimes his other customers) happy.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
4   4   4   3   4   3   4   3   3   6
主动性   8+1D6
C M   10
上限   物理5,精神5,社交5
技能   自动枪械4,棍棒5,礼仪(街头)6(+2),威吓5,领导力4,
知识技能   犯罪组织7,违禁物品6,执法知识6,当地帮派6,警察程序8,街头流言6

有些片警迈着双腿在街上巡逻,其他的开车,或者骑摩托。在NAN(译注:Native America Nation,美利坚本土国)的某些城市里,甚至还有片警喜欢骑马巡逻。他们之中的某些人刚正不阿,而另一些人则是十足的混蛋,出价足够的话连他老妈都能卖掉。如果你想与片警打交道,记住关键是弄清什么能让他们动心。找出他们想要的,然后帮他们拿到;他们就会用足够值钱的信息回报给你,或者在你想要的时候安排与其他人的会面。
劇透 -   :
Uses: Information, additional contacts, gear
Places to Meet: The streets of his beat, coffee shops
Similar Contacts: Detective, snitch, undercover cop, rent-a-cop
They’ve walked the cold streets of their beat for more years than they care to remember, and they’ve seen everything that happens there. Newcomers and old-timers, BTL dens and gang turf—he’s got the skinny on all of it, and what he doesn’t know now, he will soon enough. His network of snitches will make sure of that. If you’re good to him, he might even share. Some beat cops patrol on foot, some in cars or on motorcycles. Some of them, especially in some towns in the NAN, even patrol on horseback. Some are straight shooters, and some of them would sell their own mothers if the price was right. The key to working with the beat cop is to know what makes him tick. Find out what he wants and help him get it. He’ll repay you with a wealth of information, or arrange meetings with people when you need it.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
3   3   3   3   4   3   5   5   3   6
主动性   8+1D6
C M   10
上限   物理4,精神5,社交7
技能   计算机7.数据搜索8,礼仪(街道)8(+2),交涉9,侦察6,手枪5
知识技能   企业流言8,赃物交易7,装备价值9,狂奔者小队8

劇透 -   :
Uses: Jobs and cred, information, gear, additional contacts
Places to Meet: Local bars or clubs, coffee shops, street corners where surveillance is next to impossible
Similar Contacts: Fence, loan shark, Mr. Johnson
If you know nobody else, make the acquaintance of a fixer. They are the center of the shadowrunning universe, and they know everyone you might need to know. Find one, get on his good side, and you’ll have a shot at prospering in the shadows. He can get you anything you need
… for a price. After all, nothing’s free in the shadows. Fixers are only as good as their connections, which they go to great lengths to cultivate. They’re a one-man combination of employment agency, procurement firm, and fence. They make their living on whom and what they know, and by how well they can make deals between interested parties looking to buy or sell goods and services. A shadowrunner has something hot that he needs to unload pronto? The fixer’s the man he needs to see. Mr. Johnson needs a team to extract someone from a competitor’s compound? The fixer’s the man who sets up the meeting. A team needs a specialist to pull off a tricky run? You guessed it; the fixer knows who to call.
These kinds of services don’t come cheap, however. A fixer takes a percentage from every transaction, and the better he is, the bigger that cut is going to be. Once you’ve found a quality fixer, stay on his good side. You might get a discount if he likes you, and even better, you might get another job without having to relocate to another city and start all over again.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
3   3   3   3   4   4   4   5   3   6
主动性   7+1D6
C M   10
上限   物理4,精神6,社交7
技能   计算机5,礼仪(帮派)7(+2),指导6,领导力7,交涉6,侦察6,手枪3
知识技能   商业知识6,法律知识7,地方政治6,帮派政治9,警察程序5,心理学7

劇透 -   :
Uses: Information, additional contacts
Places to Meet: Restaurants, casinos, bars
Similar Contacts: Yakuza wakagashira, Triad Incense Master
There are occasions in the shadows when one must ask a favor of the local Mafia don. Of course, one does not simply walk into the don’s office, at least not intact. To see the man on the throne, you speak to the power behind the throne, the don’s consiglieri, or counselor. He is not actually a member of the family, but he has access to their secrets by dint of being the don’s most trusted advisor.This confidence gives him information and insight on the family’s business, their plans, and their mindset.
He’s also not a fool. These confidences aren’t given up lightly, since his life would be worthless if the family got wind of their secrets being told out of school. You’ll have to offer him something of value to the family to get that information. Help him deal with a problem that the family shouldn’t touch on its own, or paydata on its enemies, and he’ll be happy to reward you appropriately.Betray his trust, and he’ll likewise be happy to rewardyou appropriately.
The consiglieri typically holds a traditional job outside the family business. Many of them are, perhaps not surprisingly, lawyers.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
4   3   3   4   3   4   4   3   3   6
主动性   7+1D6
C M   10
上限   物理5,精神5,社交5
技能   航空机械6,汽修8,计算机4,炮术3,硬件6,工业技工4,陆用驾驶6
知识技能   汽车销赃点8,暴力摩托7,载具知识8
(译注:暴力摩托即Combat Biking,SR中一种骑在摩托上玩的马球,p.41)

劇透 -   :
Uses: Repair services, used wheels, and other vehicles
Places to Meet: Local garage, gas station, automobile chop shop, used car lot, aircraft hangar
Similar Contacts: Tech wizard
Sometimes, the only thing between a shadowruuner and disaster is a vehicle that moves like a scalded cat. To keep your vehicles in that category, it’s good to know a mechanic. A good mechanic can fix what’s broken and improve what’s not. Given sufficient time and cash, he can make the worst junkyard refugee into a serviceable vehicle. The more miraculous the work, of course, the more it’s going to cost you. As often as not, “hopeless case” can simply be read as “very expensive.”
He also doubles as a car salesman, or at least an agent for one. If you need a quick, cheap set of wheels, a new drone, or that sweet new motorcycle you’ve been lusting over, he knows someone who can get it for you.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
3   3   3   3   4   4   5   5   3   6
主动性   8+1D6
C M   10
上限   物理4,精神6,社交7
技能   计算机6,礼仪(企业)7(+2),威吓4,交涉8,侦察5,手枪5
知识技能   企业金融5,企业流言8,心理学5,精尖科技6

劇透 -   :
Uses: Shadowruns, job-related information, additional contacts
Places to Meet: Just about anywhere he wants Similar Contacts: Company man, fixer, government agent
For someone who doesn’t officially exist, Mr. Johnson sure gets around. And that’s just as well, since without him, all shadowrunners would be out of a job. He’s the man between the shadows and the corps, and he’s the one who gets the whole thing started. He’s the one who gets his hands dirty so the corps and the governments don’t have to. He helps put the “deniable” into deniable assets.
Mr. Johnson runs the meeting, hires the talent, and pays for results. He gives you the information you need to do the job he’s hiring you for, or at least the information he believes you’re going to need. He can also get you some of the specialty items you might need to
complete the job. He has deep connections and a long memory. While he has a reputation for double-crossing his assets, a lot of that is urban legend. Treat him well, and he’ll generally return the favor. Screw him, though, and you might find yourself the target of one of his shadowruns somewhere down the line.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
3   5   3   3   3   5   4   3   3   6
主动性   7+1D6
C M   10
上限   物理4,精神6,社交5
技能   赛博科技7,急救6,医学8,交涉4,侦察6
知识技能   生物学7,医学发展5,器官贩子4,心理学4,走私者3

会面场所:当地诊所、医院(译注:body shop原意是汽车车身修理厂或风俗业场所,但译者认为均不符合医生,故意译为部件商店)
劇透 -   :
Uses: Medical care, information, additional contacts,
gear (drugs)
Places to Meet: Local clinic, body shop
Similar Contacts: EMT, ambulance driver, street mage/shaman
Traditional medical treatment, for a shadowrunner, is not always a convenient choice. There’s a great deal of paperwork, after all. It’s times like this when knowing a street doc can be the difference between breathing for another day and becoming ghoul chow.
Street docs operate out of local clinics and body-mod shops, and they don’t ask a lot of questions. They have comparatively reasonable rates. They might not have an actual medical degree. Street docs are, often as not, med-school dropouts, nurses, or former combat medics. Beggars can’t be choosers in the shadows, though, and if you’re bleeding profusely and legitimate medical care is out of the question, your choice is pretty clear.
Not only will they put you back together, but many street docs will also rebuild you. Many of them have cyberware installation as one of their income streams. It’s often used ware, salvaged from runners who didn’t make it, but it’s usually a pretty good deal in terms of price.
Keep your street doc happy. He’ll cut you a better deal, you’ll get treated better, and he’ll be a lot less likely to kill you on the table and sell your parts to organleggers and other shadowrunners.

体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
3   3   3   3   5   4   5   4   3   6
主动性   8+1D6
C M   11
上限   物理4,精神6,社交7
技能   奥秘学5,手艺5,灵视6,炼术技能组6,礼仪(魔法)5(+2),交涉6,侦察3
知识技能   魔法背景5,魔法货物5,金属加工6,木制品加工6

劇透 -   :
Uses: Magical items, magic-related information, additional contacts
Places to Meet: Talismonger’s shop, occult library, coffee shop
Similar Contacts: Fixer, street mage/shaman, corporate wagemage
The Awakened are exceedingly rare, but they’re still like other consumers. They have their special needs: magical foci, fetishes, ritual supplies and components. Fortunately, there are people out there equipped to meet those needs.
Talismongers see just about everyone in the area with any sort of magical talent pass through their shops sooner or later. This makes them a great source of not just magical equipment, but vital information about what’s going on in the local Awakened community. It also means they’re the ones to go to if you need the services of a good street mage.
Many talismongers are also enchanters, enabling them to provide shadowrunners with custom magical gear. They can also be good to have around when you need to know if that talisman you lifted on your last job is real or a mass-produced geegaw from a sweatshop in
Hong Kong.
One word of advice, though: Don’t piss them off. They’re great people to have on your side, but you make them mad and you might just find your last purchase has run out of mojo right when you really need it.

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】人脉CONTACTS 386-392
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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】人脉CONTACTS 386-392
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