
跑團活動區 => 網團活動區 => 繁星闪耀之梦 => 主题作者是: kirsi 于 2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:10

主题: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:10




主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:19

1. 行事准则 Rules of Engagement(2楼)
1.1. 探员法规 Agent's Code
1.2. 十个使你的任务成功的建议 Ten tips for successful Ops
2. 通讯联络 Communications(3楼)
2.1. 电子邮箱 Email
2.2. 电话 Phone
2.3. 蜗牛邮件 Snailmail
2.4. 电脑网络 Internet
2.5. DG专用笔记本 DELTA GREEN-Enabled Notebook Computer
3. 权利和影响力 CLOUT(4楼)
4. 资源 Resources(5楼)
5. 程序 Procedures(6楼)
5.1. 犯罪现场 The Crime Scene
5.2. 尸体(若确实存在) The Corpse (if indeed one exists)
5.3. 嫌疑人和证人 Suspects and Witnesses
6. DG暗语 Delta Green Slangs(7楼)

主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:24
1. 行事准则 / 交战规则 Rules of Engagement

1.1. 探员法规 Agent's Code


你要自称是一个“联邦探员”,独立记者,等... 仅仅不可说是 DG 探员。


The paranormal, no matter how cute and fuzzy it may seem, can not be allowed to exist. The only permanent secret is the dead kind...

Human beings must not be allowed to know the Truth, not because we don't want them to, but because they can't handle it. You will present yourself as a "Federal Agent," independent journalist, etc... anything but a DG Agent.

Your job is to protect the citizens of the United States from paranormal threats. Minimal loss of innocent life should be forefront in your mind at all times. We're the good guys...


Delta Green 的最大目的是除灭高层次的邪恶,以及绝对的秘密主义,

Disposing of Evil

The main concern of Delta Green teams is the disposal of high level evil and the mandatory secrecy they must maintain to keep the unbelieving public from the edge of insanity.

Delta Green 规章

每个 Delta Green 探员仅仅需要严格遵守以下六条基本规章:


Delta Green Regulations

Rules for the teams are simple and direct . There are no guidelines for methods of operation or books of procedure. Each Delta Green agent knows there are 6 basic rules to be followed at all times.

RULE 1: Deny everything.
RULE 2: Don't get caught.
RULE 3: Don't leave evidence.
RULE 4: Use violence only when necessary.
RULE 5: Cover your tracks.
RULE 6: Make them believe a rational explanation for the bizarre or fantastic.


Delta Green 不会冒着曝露自身存在的可能性对探员提供任何合法帮助。

If You're Caught
Delta Green will not legally aid the agents in any direct way that will jeopardize their secrecy or operations. Information is sent to agents on a limited basis.

1.2. 十个使你的任务成功的建议 Ten tips for successful Ops

1. 永远准备个安全的藏身处

2. 永远使用代名(codename)

3. 永远使用加密的通信管道
DG 给了你一个预付费手机,你倒是使用它啊。

4. 想个假身份。

5. 准备抗辩和托词

6. 准备计划

7. 老老实实实行那计划至少12小时

8. 检查当地的绿箱(Green Box),如果附近没有绿箱,请制作一个

9. 今日最佳魔法字眼是“租车”

10. 享受生活

Ten tips for successful Ops

1. Always have a safe house
No, staying at your mother's house during an Op is not safe.

2. Always use code names
Your real name leaves traces that some people with bad intentions might follow.

3. Always use coded communications
DG gave you that pre-pay cellphone, now use it.

4. Come up with a cover
Make sure the cover is verifiable for at least 36 hours under official inquiry.

5. Come up with an alibi
If you're going to say you are door-to-door salesmen, than get some appropriate identification from DG.

6. Come up with a plan
A bad plan is better than no plan.

7. Stick to that plan for at least 12 hours
It is not good to start improvising 10 minutes into the plan.

8. Check out the local Green Box or create one if there is none
Future agents will be very grateful.

9. The magic word of today is "rentacar"
If you need to be mobile than get a rental car. Do not use your own car (see rule #1 and #2)

10. Celebrate life
Celebrate life the night before the Op starts officially as it might be the
last time you can do it.
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:28
2. 通讯联络 Communications
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:33
3. 权利和影响力 CLOUT
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:37
4. 资源 Resources
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:41
5. 程序 Procedures

5.1. 犯罪现场 The Crime Scene






The Crime Scene

After you first pick up a case, the logical place to go is to the scene of the crime. Even if you have no idea what happened or whether any case exists at all, the scene of the crime may contain clues to get you thinking in the right direction.

The following is a list of observations you should try when in a jam:

Where is the crime scene? Is it a residence, business front, etc.? Is the location significant? Look for any patterns involving multiple crime scenes. Note any similarities between them. Are they all on a trolley line? Near a bank?
Take note of neighbors for further questioning.
Before you even enter, take note of any signs of forced entry.
Was there a struggle? If so, what weapons were involved?
Is anything (valuable or otherwise) missing? Does it seem that the crime scene was tossed while the perpetrator searched for something? Did he find it? What was left behind that normally would be stolen (a burglar that steals paperwork but doesn't even touch a victim's wallet must have some higher motive...)
Look for trace evidence. Note any attempts to cover up evidence by the perpetrator.
Does the crime seem well-planned, or was it sudden and disorganized?

5.2. 尸体(若确实存在) The Corpse (if indeed one exists)



The corpse (if indeed one exists)

It takes a strong will to examine a body, but it's a necessity to solving key components of a case such as manner of death, modus operandi, time of the crime, etc.

Was the corpse intact, mutilated, or missing?
Was the body moved or concealed in any way?
How did they die? Was the manner similar to that of other victims?
When did they die (this involves a fair degree of medical knowledge)?
Are you sure you can positively identify the victim?
Note the position of the body in a sketch, this will help you reconstruct the crime.

5.3. 嫌疑人和证人 Suspects and Witnesses







Suspects and Witnesses

These two groups of individuals are often one and the same or inevitably tied together. Consider the following when interviewing suspects and witnesses.

What is the person's relationship to the crime/victim? Are they a neighbor, coworker, or relative? Are they friendly or hostile to you and the victim?
Does this person have a reason to lie? Could they be involved even if they claim to be a witness?
Do they have a credible alibi?
What motives would they have for involvement? The most common motives are greed, vengeance, and to cover up another crime or fact...
What do the official police records tell you about the person?
Is this person emotionally involved with the crime? Sometimes we see things in black and white when we've undergone a traumatic experience, other times things are hazy for a few days. Sometimes we bend the truth to suit our preconceived ideas or suspects...
Re-question any witness/suspect you feel was holding out on you earlier. Sometimes people have bad memories that come back over time. Give them a way to contact you. Often, a suspect will get sloppy when you repeatedly hound them as they begin to think that you're on to them (such was the case with the intrepid Inspector Colombo).

When all else fails: canvass the town. Hangout in seedy areas. Pay a friendly visit to those with prior records (many crimes are by repeat felons). Hang signs, talk to street people, and so on. Sometimes witnesses are too nervous or lazy to come forward and say they saw something. They might talk if prodded along though.
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:45
6. DG暗语 Delta Green Slangs

23 - 与超自然/神秘/阴谋论有所关联的数字。
A细胞(A-Cell) - Delta Green网络的协调者,相当于组织的领导者。
字母汤(Alphabet Soup) - 美国各政府机构与部门的总称。
越境/跨越边境(Crossing the Border) - 任务期间使用超出限度的武力。犀牛的基本前提。
鸭子汤(Duck Soup) - 清理和善后性质的任务。duck soup 在民间俚语里带有“易如反掌”的意思。
EBE - Extraterrestrial Biological Entity的简写,也就是外星生物实体。
Five-O - 当地警方势力。
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond Repair的简写。形容一个人事物已经糟糕透顶至无力挽救的情况。
手套清理者(Glove Cleaner) - 将超自然的片段内容泄露给不知情的大众的人。
绿盒(Green Box) - 1) 设备的备用品仓库;2) DG特工会面的地点、安全屋
肉堆/肉山(Meatpile) - 用来形容一个瞬间压倒目击者至少一个感官的血腥无比的场面。
歌剧之夜(A Night at the Opera) - Delta Green 的任务/行动。
9mm退休计划(9mm. Pension Plan) - 刻意造成一个成为阻碍的DG特工或是协助者死亡的行为;口径因当事人喜欢的说法而异。
挪威式(Norwegian) - 形容一件事太过于公开而不利于自己。
扮演泽波(Playing Zeppo) - 细胞内比较被动的成员,做幕后工作的,或者作为替补/后备人员。
犀牛(Rhino) - 一个没有充分的理由而变得过度暴力又扭曲的形势。
纱布-打手枪(Shub-Wankalot) - 指任何常见的神话存在。shub是什么的总称不必多说。wankalot可以分割成wank a lot。wank是手yin的意思。
圣裘德(St. Jude) - Delta Green的守护圣人。参考天主教中某某圣人是什么人和地方的守护者,那种感觉。
书腐化(Tome Rot) - 过度研读神话相关卷册书籍而引起的疯狂。

23 - number with mystical/conspiratorial relevance
A Cell - the coordinating cell of the Delta Green network
Alphabet Soup - the US Govt. agencies and departments as a whole
Crossing the Border - exceding in the use of force in the course of an operation; the basic premise for a Rhino
Duck Soup - cleanup operation
EBE - Extraterrestrial Biological Entity
Five-O - the local police force
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond Repair
Glove Cleaner - person divulging snippets of Occults facts to the unaware
Green Box - 1) back-up equipment depot; 2) a place where DG operatives meet, safe-house
Meatpile (n. or adj.) - Used to describe a sight that is so gristly that it overwhelms at least one of the senses instantly.
A Night at the Opera - a Delta Green operation
9mm. Pension Plan - forced demise of a DG agent or friendly who's turning into a liability; calibre can vary due to personal tastes
Norwegian - as an adjective, anything too public for its own good
Playing Zeppo - the passive element in a cell, manning the mikes or acting as a backup
Rhino - A situation that turned violent and ugly for no discernible reason. Refers to a famous fax joke that circulated in LAPD/LASD circles soon after Darryl Gates authorized use of a military surplus armored vehicle as a battering ram. The first three highly publicized uses of the battering ram did not result in the capture of any narcotics, leading the anonymous jokester to propose using drug-addled rhinos in place of the armored vehicle
Shub-Wankalot - any generic Mythos deity
St. Jude - patron saint of Delta Green
Tome Rot - insanity induced by extensive perusal of Mythos tomes
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 09:13:50
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 10:05:00
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 10:05:05
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 10:05:09
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 10:05:20
主题: Re: 【Delta Green】调查员手册(简易版)
作者: kirsi2017-12-14, 周四 11:02:30