作者 主题: 【Blood Of The Beast】《野兽血脉》全变体翻译整理  (阅读 20095 次)

副标题: 这是我最后的翻译了!JOJO!(FLAG高高立起)

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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这本书看着挺有意思但是我觉得还不至于让我有动力翻译 :em021

然而还是手贱把变体私下翻了一大半 :em006,结果发现和@折剑者绯月撞车了,征得同意后继续把《野兽血脉》的变体翻译放出来 :em031

继续求大佬们帮忙捉虫校对润色 :em023 :em023



原职业          变体          关联种族          备注
术士          九尾裔          狐妖
骑将          主母之牙          娜迦裔
游侠          寻运行者          灵猴族
游荡剑客          疾行快剑          天狗

女巫          噬厄巫觋          天狗
歌者          红舌          天狗

审判者          狩魔猎手          猫族

血脉狂怒者          绝境巡行者          猫族
萨满          机缘萨满          猫族
德鲁伊          孽生腐主          鼠族

战士          巧技斗士          鼠族

调查员          拾荒技师          鼠族

通灵者          人柱力          树蛙人
游侠          剧毒射手          树蛙人

歌者          战绘师          树蛙人

2,注明【PFS种族限定】的变体职业则是在Pathfinder Society的可用资源里面标明只能用于对应种族
3,注明【PFS不可用】的变体职业不能用在Pathfinder Society的游戏中。


离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》


术士变体- 九尾妖狐 八云蓝 九尾裔(Nine-tailed heir)

                                     ——玉藻の前,《Fate Grand Order》


魔性之尾(Magical Tail):在3级和之后的每4级,九尾裔能得到魔性之尾(ARG)作为奖励专长。如果九尾裔已经有了九条尾巴,那么每次选择该专长时,术士当下最低等级的魔性之尾能力每日使用次数额外增加1次,且该效果不能用在同一魔性之尾能力上。这项能力取代血统法术职业特性。

劇透 -  原文:
Nine-tailed heir(Sorcerer Archetype)
Tian stories often tell of kitsune with multiple tails, but not many realize that fewer than one kitsune in every thousand has this potential, and those that do usually have a magical quirk in their blood or have been blessed by their race’s deific matron, Daikitsu. As a result, most that harness the mystic powers of their newfound tails often gain sorcerous powers, becoming nine-tailed heirs. This archetype is available only to kitsune characters.

Magical Tail: At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a nine- tailed heir gains Magical Tail ARG as a bonus feat. If the nine-tailed heir already has nine tails, each additional time the feat  is  taken,  the sorcerer  gains  one additional daily use of the lowest level Magical Tail ability not already affected by this effect. This ability replaces the bloodline spell class feature.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 17:19:42 »
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

骑将变体-主母之牙(First mother’s fang)

                                     ——盘牙女王法斯琪,《World of Warcraft》


本职技能(Class Skills):主母之牙把所有的知识加到本职技能列表中。这调整了骑将的本职技能。

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):主母之牙擅长使用所有的简单和军用武器。此外,主母之牙还可以选择擅长某一异种近战武器和某一异种远程武器。这调整了骑将的武器擅长。

巨蟒坐骑(Serpent Mount,Ex):和普通骑将的一般选择有所不同,主母之牙的坐骑必须是巨蟒大蛇。此坐骑的数据如同德鲁伊的蟒蛇(Snake, Constrictor)动物伙伴,然而其可以作为合适坐骑,以及在1级时其体型变成大型,但其能力和属性不会因为该体型变化而得到调整。在考虑其负载能力时,巨蟒坐骑视作四足型生物。其基础陆地速度是40尺,而其他速度不变。4级时,巨蟒坐骑不会在体型上得到增加,但如常获得4级时的其他好处。这调整了骑将的坐骑。

荣誉战士(Honored Warrior,Ex):主母之牙应当在战时成为军事领袖引领胜利,而在平时则化身统治者处理政务。因此,其必须精通战争之艺和政治之巧。1级时,他获得寓守于攻(Combat Expertise)作为奖励专长。同时如果主母之牙的智力属性低于13,那在满足需要先决条件包含寓守于攻的战斗专长时,视作其智力属性已经达到13。

在2级,8级,和15级时,主母之牙获得一项侠客的社交天赋和奖励战斗专长。主母之牙可选的侠客社交天赋包括熟人价(celebrity discount),众人敬仰(celebrity perk),声誉(renown),高级声誉(great renown),超卓声誉(incredible renown),如鱼入水 (Instant Recognition),忠诚助手(loyal aid),社会人之优雅(social grace)和英雄归来(triumphant return),并在决定其是否满足这些天赋的先决条件以及计算效果时,将其职业等级视作有效侠客等级。主母之牙可以同时获得声誉(renown)带来的态度上升和威吓加值,如同他同时处于社交和侠客身份一般。在选择社会人之优雅(social grace)的技能时,主母之牙必须从以下技能中选择:估价,唬骗,交涉,威吓,知识(地理、历史、本地、贵族),表演,专业(士兵),察言观色。在判断社会人之优雅(social grace)时主母之牙永远视作处于社交身份,尽管其同时也能获得声誉(renown)中两个身份带来的好处。当主母之牙选择奖励战斗专长时,他只能选择那些以寓守于攻作为先决条件的战斗专长。


劇透 -  原文:
First mother’s fang( Cavalier Archetype)
Nagajor legend states that when  Nalinivati  created the first nagaji, she chose a paragon of their kind to instruct in the use of exotic weapons, lore, and words so the creature could best serve her as a bodyguard and emissary: the original first mother’s fang. Whether or not these paragons descend from a single nagaji, first mother’s fangs of Nagajor have expanded their numbers over the generations, and they no longer speak with the full authority of the First Mother. In modern times, a first mother’s fang acts as a servant of his nation, a skilled general and tactician in times of war and a noble governor during times of peace.

Class Skills: A first mother’s fang adds all Knowledge skills to his list of class skills. This alters the cavalier’s class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A first mother’s fang is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Additionally, a first mother’s fang is proficient in one exotic melee weapon of his choice and one exotic ranged weapon of his choice. This alters the cavalier’s weapon proficiencies.

Serpent Mount (Ex): Instead of the usual choices for a cavalier’s mount, first mother’s fangs ride on giant riding constrictors. These use the statistics of the constrictor snake druid animal companion, except that they are suitable mounts and begin as size Large at 1st level with no other adjustments to their abilities or statistics based on this size change. A serpent mount is considered to be a quadruped for the purpose of determining its carrying capacity, and its base land speed is 40 feet (other speeds are unaffected). At 4th level, a giant riding constrictor doesn’t increase in size again, but it does receive all the other usual 4th-level benefits. This alters mount.

Honored Warrior (Ex): A first mother’s fang is expected to act as a military leader in wartime and a governor in peace time, and as a result, he must be versed both in the martial and political arts. At 1st level, he gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, and if his Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the sole purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats that require Combat Expertise as a prerequisite. At 2nd, 8th, and 15th levels, the first mother’s fang gains a vigilante social talent and a bonus combat feat. When selecting his vigilante social talent, a first mother’s fang can select celebrity discount, celebrity perks, great renown, incredible renown, instant recognition, loyal aid, renown, social grace, or triumphant return. He treats his cavalier level as his effective vigilante  level  when  determining whether he meets a talent’s prerequisites, as well as its effects. He gains the improved attitude and Intimidate bonuses from renown as if he were in both social and vigilante identities. When selecting skills with social grace, he must choose from the following list: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (geography, history, local, or nobility), Perform, Profession (soldier), or Sense Motive. He is always considered to be in his social identity for the purpose of social grace (though he continues to receive the benefits for both identities from renown). When selecting his bonus combat feat, he can choose from only combat feats that list Combat Expertise as a prerequisite.This ability replaces order.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 17:20:28 »
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》





弹性学习(Adaptable Study,Ex):4级时,寻运行者能让自己适应全新的环境和敌人。当位于非偏好地形上时,寻运行者在先攻,知识(地理),察觉,隐匿和生存检定上获得+1加值。并且在这些地形上旅行时不会留下任何痕迹并且无法被追踪,但是他也可以刻意留下痕迹。除此之外,寻运行者能通过一个移动动作研究单一可见目标。然后在针对该目标的唬骗,知识,察觉,察言观色和生存的检定上获得加值,同时在针对该目标的攻击和伤害上也能获得同样加值。该加值等同于寻运行者加值最高宿敌加值的一半。寻运行者无法对其弹性学习的研究对象进行未受训的知识检定。从弹性学习能力获得的加值不和宿敌能力加值叠加。寻运行者一次只能研究单一生物。这项能力替代猎手羁绊。


速学(Fast Study,Ex):11级起,寻运行者能以迅捷动作或移动动作使用弹性学习研究单一对手,同时保持上一个研究对手的弹性学习加值。19级的时候,他能以即时动作,迅捷动作或移动动作使用弹性学习能力,并且同时保持对至多三个研究对手的弹性学习加值。这项能力替代狩猎目标和高等狩猎目标。

大冒险家(Master Explorer,Ex):20级的寻运行者成为了一位大冒险家。他能以全速穿过任何限制行动的地形,即使这个地形是出于阻碍行动的目的被魔法操纵或影响的也是如此。以一个整轮动作,寻运行者可以对一个已经用弹性学习研究过的可见目标再进行一次研究,并把弹性学习得到的加值提升到等同于宿敌的全额加值。这项能力替代狩猎大师。

劇透 -  原文:
Fortune-finder(Ranger Archetype)
Vanaras often leave home to seek fortune and sate their curiosity regarding the mysterious lands that lie beyond their native territories. The most skilled of these thrill- seekers are called ba-sadhaks, or fortune-finders. So successful have these canny explorers been at exploring Golarion at large that the secrets of their success are closely guarded, resulting in only extremely rare non- vanaran fortune-finders.

Hinterlander (Ex): A fortune-finder adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) on all Climb and Swim checks. This replaces track.

Adaptable Study (Ex): At 4th level, a fortune-finder can adapt and orient himself to new environments and new enemies. He gains a +1 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks whenever he is in a terrain he hasn’t selected as one of his favored terrains. He leaves no trail and can’t be tracked in any such terrain (though he can leave a trail if he so chooses). In addition to this, the fortune-finder can study an opponent he can see as a move action. He then gains a bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, as well as on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The bonus is equal to half the fortune-seeker’s highest favored enemy bonus. A fortune-finder can’t attempt Knowledge checks untrained to identify an opponent he has studied with adaptable study. Bonuses from adaptable study don’t stack with those from the favored enemy ability. The ranger can study only a single target at a time. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.

Trailblazer (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a fortune- finder can move through any sort of difficult terrain at his normal speed. Terrain that is enchanted or magically manipulated to impede movement, however, still affects the fortune-finder. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Fast Study (Ex): Beginning at 11th level, a fortune-finder can study an opponent using adaptable study as a swift or move action.  In  addition to  this,  he  can maintain bonuses from  adaptable study  against one additional opponent. At 19th level, he can study an opponent using adaptable study as an immediate, swift, or move action and can maintain the bonuses from adaptable study against a total of three opponents. This ability replaces quarry and improved quarry.

Master Explorer (Ex): A fortune-finder of 20th level becomes a master explorer. He can move through any sort of terrain that impedes movement at his full speed, even if it is enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion. As a full-round action, he can study one opponent he can see and has already studied with adaptable study, increasing the benefits he gains from that ability to equal his full favored enemy bonus. This ability replaces master hunter.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》


                                     ——疾风剑豪亚索,《League of Legends》


灵活身法(Swift Target,Ex):1级时,疾行快剑获得闪避(Dodge)作为奖励专长,即使他不满足其先决条件也是如此。同时只要疾行快剑至少还有1点时髦,而且身无披甲或者只穿轻甲,他的基础速度增加5尺。这项能力替代炫技适时格挡反击(opportune parry and riposte)。

机敏趾尖(Nimble Toes,Ex):3级时,疾行快剑只要在他的回合内移动了至少20尺,从机敏职业特性中获得的AC加值额外增加1,然而如果其在自己的回合内移动不足10尺,其机敏特性获得的AC加值减少1。该效果持续到疾行快剑下一轮开始前为止。这项能力调整了机敏。

炫目身法(Confounding Target,Ex):4级时,疾行快剑获得跳跃攻击(Spring Attack)作为奖励专长,即使他不满足其先决条件也是如此。同时只要疾行快剑至少还有1点时髦,而且身无披甲或者只穿轻甲,他的基础速度增加10尺而不是5尺。这项能力替代4级时获得的奖励专长。


飞檐走壁(Wall Run,Ex):3级时,疾行快剑能消耗1点时髦,以在该回合内得以在垂直表面上水平移动。他只有在身无披甲或者只穿轻甲的情况下才能使用该炫技,而且回合内移动结束时的位置必须处于坚实地面,否则就会失足坠落。疾行快剑也能通过该炫技在垂直表面上向上移动,但需要花费移动10尺的速度才能移动5尺距离。此炫技替代威胁剑舞(Menacing Swordplay)炫技。

身轻如燕(Impossible Leap,Ex):7级时,只要疾行快剑至少还有1点时髦,而且身无披甲或者只穿轻甲,他在所有跳跃的特技检定上获得等同于其职业等级的加值。同时其能以直觉动作消耗1点时髦往任意选定方向跳跃10尺。该炫技对于其他增加额外跳跃动作或在跳跃中改变方向的能力同样适用。如果将该炫技用于应对攻击,其如同闪避派头(dodging panache)炫技一般运作,但此时疾行快剑可以移动10尺距离。此炫技替代迅捷佯攻(superior feint)炫技

快剑无踪(Swift Strikes,Ex):11级时,疾行快剑能在使用跳跃攻击(Spring Attack)专长时消耗1点时髦以同时针对两个目标发动攻击。他投一次攻击骰,并把结果和两个目标各自的防御等级单独比较。包括重击或者武器属性等所带来的额外伤害仅对第一个目标生效。而未成为该次攻击的其他目标仍然可以针对疾行快剑的移动进行借机攻击。此炫技替代伤口出血(bleeding wound)炫技。

劇透 -  原文:
Courser (Swashbuckler Archetype )
Many tengus still hold some bitterness at their lack of wings, and while a small number cultivate enough magic in themselves to recall the gift of flight, those tengu denizens of Golarion’s greatest cities have refined their own way to fly. Coursers move with grace and ease, racing across rooftops, dashing up walls, and clearing vast gaps between buildings. These daredevils clash for territory and rob vastly superior enemies, trusting in their incredible speed and mobility to keep them safe rather than resorting to swordplay.

Swift Target (Ex): At 1st level, the courser gains Dodge as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites. As long as she has at least 1 panache point and is wearing light armor or no armor, her base speed increases by 5 feet. This ability replaces the swashbuckler’s opportune parry and riposte deeds.

Nimble Toes (Ex): At 3rd level, the AC bonus gained from the nimble class feature increases by 1 as long as the courser moves at least 20 feet during her turn, though it is reduced by 1 if she does not move at least 10 feet on her turn. These modifiers last until the beginning of the courser’s next turn. This ability modifies nimble.

Confounding Target (Ex): At 4th level, the courser gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites. As long as she has at least 1 panache point and is wearing light armor or no armor, her base speed increases by 10 feet rather than 5 feet. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 4th level. Deeds: A courser gains the following deeds, each of which replaces an existing deed.

Wall Run (Ex): At 3rd level, the courser can run horizontally across vertical surfaces for 1 round by spending 1 panache point. She can perform this deed only while wearing light armor or no armor, and she must end her movement for the round on solid ground or else fall prone. The courser can use this deed to run straight up vertical surfaces as well, but every 5 feet up counts as 10 feet of movement. This deed replaces menacing swordplay.

Impossible Leap (Ex): At 7th level, as long as the courser has at least 1 panache point and is wearing light armor or no armor, she adds her swashbuckler level on all Acrobatics checks to jump. She can spend 1 panache point as an immediate action to jump 10 feet in the direction of her choice. This ability can be used to extend another jump or change direction mid-jump. If used in response to an attack, this deed functions as the dodging panache deed, but it allows the courser to move 10 feet. This deed replaces the superior feint deed.

Swift Strikes (Ex): At 11th level, the courser can spend 1 panache point to target two separate creatures when she uses the Spring Attack feat. She rolls the attack once and compares the result to each target’s Armor Class separately. Additional damage—such as from a critical hit or weapon property—applies to only the first target struck. Her movement still provokes attacks of opportunity normally from any creature she doesn’t attack. This deed replaces the bleeding wound deed

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 17:22:17 »
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

女巫变体-噬厄巫觋(Jinx witch)




咒法觉知(Spell Awareness,Ex):噬厄巫觋精于分辨加诸己身的敌性法术及效果。他在进行针对以自己为目标的法术进行法术辨识时能获得等同于1/2职业等级的加值。




建议巫术:凶兽(Beast of Ill-Omen, UM),邪眼(Evil Eye),祈福(Fortune),降祸(Misfortune)。
建议强力巫术:鬼眼(Hag's Eye),报偿(Retribution),蜡像(Waxen Image)
建议高等巫术:死咒(Death Curse),凶兆(Dire Prophecy),天灾(Natural Disaster)。

劇透 -  原文:
Jinx Witch (Witch Archetype )
The common perception of tengus as good luck charms has its roots in the first great empire to unify Tian Xia 7,000 years ago, when tengus were superstitious and skittish folk inhabiting the continent’s central mountain ranges. Jinx witches specialize in calling down subtle misfortunes and deceiving enemies and allies alike. While they lack any ability to truly eliminate bad luck, they are uniquely gifted at making others believe otherwise. Many of these ancient traditions have been forgotten as tengus spread across the world and assimilated into other cultures, but a rare few tengus still practice this curious art of misdirection and dealing in ill fortune. A jinx witch’s patron is normally Deception, Shadow, or Trickery.

Class Skills: A jinx witch adds Bluff, Disguise, and Sense Motive to her list of class skills. This alters the witch’s class skills.

Spell Awareness (Ex): A jinx witch is skilled at identifying hostile spells and effects that target her. She adds 1/2 her witch level to Spellcraft checks to identify spells being cast if she is targeted by the spell.

Jinx-Eating (Su): At 2nd level, a jinx witch learns to absorb (or “eat”) antagonistic magical effects targeting her. If a jinx witch succeeds at a Will or Fortitude saving throw that negates a hostile spell effect, she can consume the spell energy as an immediate action. The witch treats her caster level as 1 higher when casting the next prepared spell she casts after eating a jinx in this manner. If the spell cast is of the same school as the eaten spell, the witch instead treats her caster level as 2 higher. A jinx witch can store only one eaten spell at a time, and can use this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. If the jinx witch uses this ability to eat a spell that targets more than one creature or that creates an area of effect, it uses 2 of her daily uses of the ability and all other targets or creatures in the area of effect receive a +2 bonus on their respective saving throws. If the jinx witch does not use the bonus provided by an eaten spell within 1 hour, the stored energy dissipates harmlessly. This ability replaces the witch’s hex normally gained at 2nd level.

Jinx-Gorging (Su): At 6th level, when the jinx witch applies a bonus from a spell consumed with her jinx-eating ability to a spell of the same school as the eaten spell, and of the same or lower spell level, she does not expend the prepared spell slot. She cannot affect the spell with metamagic or other effects that would change its effective spell level. This ability replaces the hex normally gained at 6th level.

Jinx-Feast (Su): At 10th level, when the jinx witch uses her jinx-eating ability, she also gains the ability to cast the eaten spell as a spell-like ability, using her witch level as her caster level and her Intelligence modifier to determine the spell-like ability’s saving throw DC. If the eaten spell is not on her spell list or is of a spell level higher than the witch is capable of casting herself, she must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + the spell’s level) in order to cast it; failing this check results in the loss of the spell-like ability with no effect. This ability replaces the major hex gained at 10th level.

Hexes: The following witch hexes complement the jinx witch archetype: beast of ill omen UM , evil eye, fortune, and misfortune.

Major Hexes: The following major hexes complement the jinx witch archetype: hag’s eye, retribution, and waxen image.

Grand Hexes: The following grand hexes complement the jinx witch archetype: death curse, dire prophecy, and natural disaster.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 17:23:01 »
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

歌者变体-红舌(Red tongue)



大演讲家(Great Orator):红舌只能通过表演(演讲)来启动其战怒之歌的表演能力。同时在2级时,红舌在选择多才多艺表演技能时必须选表演(演讲)。这调整了战怒之歌和多才多艺能力。

播种纷争(Seed of Discord,Su):红舌那激进的愿景激发了本能深处的知识,并将奥术力量注入到自己的声明和谴责里。红舌在达到对应等级时能获得以下奖励法术:1级,丧志术(doom)(原文是”doom,APG”,怀疑大麻);2级,严加斥责(Castigate,APG);3级,魅惑怪物(charm monster);4级,谴责(denounce,APG);5级,高等命令术(greater command);6级,群体鹰之威仪(mass eagle’s splendor)。

激怒(Rile,Ex):红舌非常擅长激怒对方以让其采取行动,即使对其一无所知也是如此。他在进行欺骗或出于隐藏自身动机的唬骗检定以及通过威吓让生物改善态度的检定上获得等同于1/2的职业等级加值。这项能力替代逸闻知识(bardic knowledge)。

盗贼天赋(Rogue Talents,Ex):7级时,红舌可以选择一项盗贼天赋,并将其职业等级视作盗贼等级。他无法选择那些先决条件里包含红舌所不具有的职业特性的盗贼天赋,或是那些对其不具有的职业特性造成修改的盗贼天赋,比如偷袭等。同时他必须满足所选天赋的全部先决条件。在7级之后的每5级,红舌可以获得一项新的盗贼天赋。这项能力替代其能在7级,12级,和17级获得的多才多艺。

狡诈辞令(Duplicitous Rhetoric,Su):7级时,当红舌启动战怒之歌时,他能选择单一已知的盗贼天赋,并将其赋予所有处于其激发狂暴效果影响下的生物。如果该盗贼天赋有每天使用次数限制,那每一个被赋予该盗贼天赋的生物只能使用1次该天赋并且在24小时内无法再从战怒之歌里面获得额外使用次数,即使红舌停止演奏然后重新启动战怒之歌也不行。

劇透 -  原文:
Red tongue (Skald Archetype )
In the young tengu nation of Kwanlai, politicos argue endlessly over how best to rule and guide a people who have been parasites and vassals to other nations for millennia. The tengu tendency toward dramatic flourishes and rhetoric only complicates this debate, creating an environment in which political clubs led by hot-blooded firebrands—referred to as red tongues in polite company—dominate the political scene by swaying emotions in the moment and wielding magic in the shadows. Many political debates in Hisuikarasu end in violent brawls or daring duels.

Great Orator: A red tongue can activate his raging song performances only by using the Perform (oratory) skill. He must select Perform (oratory) as his versatile performance choice at 2nd level. This ability modifies the raging song and versatile performance abilities.

Seed  of  Discord  (Su):  The  fiery outlook  of  the  red  tongue imparts instinctual knowledge to  invest  arcane  energy into  his  proclamations and denouncements. The red tongue gains the following bonus spells known as he reaches the appropriate level to cast each spell: doom APG (1st), castigate APG (2nd),  charm  monster (3rd), denounce APG (4th), greater command (5th), mass eagle’s splendor (6th).

Rile (Ex): The red tongue is particularly skilled at provoking others to action, even when ignorant on a subject. He adds 1/2 his skald level on Bluff checks to deceive or conceal his motives and on Intimidate checks to improve a creature’s attitude. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

Rogue Talents (Ex): At 7th level, the red tongue learns a rogue talent of his choice, treating his skald level as his rogue level. He cannot select a talent that requires or modifies a class feature he does not have (such as sneak attack), and he must meet all other prerequisites. For every 5 skald levels beyond 7th, he gains a new rogue talent. This ability replaces the versatile performance selections normally gained at 7th, 12th, and 17th levels.

Duplicitous Rhetoric (Su): At 7th level, when a red tongue begins a raging song, he can select a single rogue talent he knows and grant it to all creatures under the influence of his inspired rage. If a rogue talent is limited to a certain number of uses per day, each creature affected is limited to a single use and cannot gain additional uses from a raging song for 24 hours, even if the red tongue ends his raging song and starts again.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 17:23:41 »
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

审判者变体-狩魔猎手(Ravener hunter)

『 Warriors of the night, assemble! 』



自然伟力(Charged by Nature):狩魔猎手得到的并非来自某一特定神祇的庇佑,而是来自莽吉的精魂的加护,以把显现的邪恶完全根除。1级时,狩魔猎手从下列的秘示域中选择一个:先祖(ancestor UM),战斗(battle APG),烈焰(Flame APG),苍天(Heavens APG),生命(Life APG),月亮(Lunar,月之血脉28页),自然(Nature APG),太阳(Solar,Harrow Handbook 26页),岩石(Stone APG),时间(Time UM),火山(volcano,Anvil of Fire 72页),波涛(Waves APG),流风(Wind APG),林木(Wood APG),并且从所选的秘示域里面获得一个启示。狩魔猎手必须满足启示的先决条件,并将其职业等级视作有效先知等级以决定启示的效果。同时狩魔猎手永远也没法满足额外启示(Extra Revelation APG)专长的先决条件。他在第8级的时候从所选秘示域获得第二个启示。这项能力替代领域。

神圣魔法(Holy Magic):狩魔猎手将牧师法术列表里面所有具有善良描述符的6环及更低的法术加入到其法术列表内,同时环级不变。如果某一法术同时出现在牧师法术列表和审判者法术列表内,以其中环位最低的为准。他无法施放带有混乱,邪恶,或者守序描述符的法术,即使是通过法术触发型或者法术完成型物品也不行。这项能力调整了审判者的施法。

恶魔猎人(Demon Hunter):3级时,狩魔猎手得到恶魔猎手(Demon Hunter,内海世界指南286页)作为奖励专长,并忽略其先决条件。他同时在辨识任何具有恶魔子领域的神祇信徒的知识(宗教)检定上获得+2加值。如果狩魔猎手成功辨识出这类神祇的信徒,则在对他们的攻击和克服法术抗力的施法者等级检定上获得+2士气加值。这项能力替代3级时获得的团队专长。

独行战术(Solo Tactics,Ex):狩魔猎手在6级而不是3级才能获得这项能力。

劇透 -  原文:
Ravener hunter (inquisitor Archetype )
Throughout the Mwangi Expanse, cults of Angazhan pollute the pristine jungle with demonic influence and wanton bloodshed. For generations, the catfolk of Murraseth have viewed such faiths with loathing and hatred, and they believe it is their sacred duty to hunt down the followers of the Ravener King and expel them from the Material Plane.

Alignment: Any nonevil.

Charged by Nature: Rather than having a deity patron, a ravener hunter is charged by the spirits of the Mwangi to eradicate evil wherever it appears. At 1st level, a ravener hunter chooses an oracle mystery from the following list: ancestor UM , battle APG , flame APG , heavens APG , life APG , lunar (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon 28), nature APG , solar (Pathfinder Player Companion: Harrow Handbook 26), stone APG , time UM , volcano (Pathfinder Adventure Path #95: Anvil of Fire 72), waves APG , wind APG , or wood UM . She gains one revelation from her chosen mystery. She must meet the revelation’s prerequisites, using her inquisitor level as her effective oracle level to determine the revelation’s effects, and she never qualifies for the Extra Revelation APG feat. The ravener hunter gains a second revelation from her chosen mystery at 8th level. This ability replaces domain.

Holy Magic: A ravener hunter adds all spells of 6th-level and lower on the cleric spell list with the good descriptor to her inquisitor spell list as inquisitor spells of the same level. If a spell appears on both the cleric and inquisitor spell lists, the ravener hunter uses the lower of the two spell levels listed for the spell. She cannot cast 2 with the chaotic, evil, or lawful descriptors, even from spell trigger or spell completion items. This ability alters the inquisitor’s spells.

Demon Hunter: At 3rd level, a ravener hunter gains Demon Hunter (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 286) as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. She also gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks to recognize the worshipers of any deity with the Demon APG subdomain, as well as a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and caster level checks to overcome spell resistance of creatures that she recognizes as followers of such a deity. This ability replaces the teamwork feat gained at 3rd level.

Solo Tactics (Ex): A ravener hunter gains this ability at 6th level instead of 3rd level.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

血脉狂怒者变体-绝境巡行者(Prowler at world’s end)

『 感受自然的愤怒! 』






狂血之力(Bloodline Powers):4级时,绝境巡行者才能获得本来1级能获得的狂血之力。9级时,他才能获得到本来4级能获得的狂血之力。12级时,他才能获得到本来8级能获得的狂血之力。15级时,他才能获得到本来12级能获得的狂血之力。20级时,他才能获得本来16级能获得的狂血之力。这项能力调整了4级,16级和20级的狂血之力,同时替代了9级,15级的血脉专长。

精魂之选(Chosen of the Spirits,Su):11级起,只要绝境巡行者进入血怒,他可以选择获得野兽形态 IV的效果以取代通常大血怒中获得的血脉狂怒者法术效果。他必须变化成和附身英灵对应的大猫形象:猎豹,美洲豹,狮子和猛虎。该效果持续时间等同于绝境巡行者血怒的持续时间,而不是通常的持续时间,同时并不会消耗当日法术位。这项能力调整了大血怒和强力血怒。

化形施法(Shapeshifted Spellcasting,Su):12级时,绝境巡行者能在精魂之选的形态下施放法术。这项能力如同自然施法(Natural Spell)专长一样运作,除了绝境巡行者是可以处于精魂之选的状态下施法而不是自然形态。这项能力替代12级的血脉专长。

劇透 -  原文:
Prowler at world’s end (Bloodrager Archetype )
Ancient catfolk legends claim their kind was created to protect the world from the sinister forces that exist at the world’s fringes. Many catfolk bloodragers capable of communing with the ancient spirits of creation take on the burden of this ancient tradition.

Bloodline: A prowler at world’s end must choose the destined bloodline as his bloodline.

Spirit: At 1st level, a prowler at world’s end gains the ability to channel the spirits of creation, granting him the medium’s spirit and spirit surge abilities (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 30–31). A prowler channels the cheetah (which acts as the trickster), the leopard (which acts as the guardian), the lion (which acts as the marshal), and the tiger (which acts as the champion). The prowler does not have access to the archmage or hierophant legends. The favored locations for these spirits are altars, churches,  sacred groves, and shrines, and their taboo requires the prowler to strongly revere nature and attempt to either destroy or incapacitate evil wherever he encounters it. A prowler at world’s end gains his spirit’s lesser power at 1st level, its intermediate power at 8th level, and its greater power at 16th level. A prowler’s spirit surge bonus never advances beyond 1d6. This ability replaces the 1st-, 8th-, and 16th-level bloodline powers.

Bloodline Powers: At 4th level, a prowler at world’s end gains the bloodline power normally granted by his bloodline at 1st level. At 9th level, he gains the bloodline power normally granted by his bloodline at 4th level. At 12th level, he gains the bloodline power normally granted by his bloodline at 8th level. At 15th level, he gains the bloodline power normally granted by his bloodline at 12th level. At 20th level, he gains the bloodline power normally granted by his bloodline at 16th level. This ability alters the 4th-, 16th-, and 20th-level bloodline powers and replaces the 9th-level and 15th-level bloodline feats.

Chosen of the Spirits (Su): At 11th level, whenever a prowler at world’s end enters a bloodrage, he can apply the effects of beast shape IV to himself instead of using greater bloodrage or mighty bloodrage to apply the effects of a bloodrager spell to himself. He must assume the form of a great cat of the same kind as a channeled spirit (cheetah, leopard, lion, or tiger). This effect lasts for as long as the prowler continues bloodraging, regardless of its normal duration, and using it does not consume a spell slot. This ability alters the bloodrager’s greater bloodrage and mighty bloodrage.

Shapeshifted Spellcasting (Su): At 12th level, the prowler at world’s end can cast spells while under the effects of chosen of the spirits. This ability functions as Natural Spell, except the prowler uses the ability to cast while under the effects of chosen of the spirits instead of wild shape. This ability replaces the 12th-level bloodline feat.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 17:25:14 »
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

萨满变体-机缘萨满(Serendipity shaman)

『 “运”带来了“命”,所以叫命运! 』


限定感召(Limited Calling):仅具有“幸运”(luck)种族特性的角色才能选择机缘萨满变体,比如猫之幸运(cat’s luck)或者半身人幸运(halfling luck)等。而拥有挑战机运(Defiant Luck,ARG)专长的角色同样可以选择该变体。

幸运法门(Luck Magic):机缘萨满把牧师幸运领域的所有领域法术加到其魂术法术列表中,取代其从魂域中获得的魂术法术。这调整了魂域。

幸运巫术(Luck Hexes):机缘萨满除了普通以及魂域赋予的巫术外,还能选择下列巫术。另外在他获得飘渺魂域职业特性时,机缘萨满也能选择下列巫术替代一个飘渺巫术。

引导幸运(Channel Luck,Su):机缘萨满获得引导幸运的能力,效果如同牧师同名引导能量变体一般(极限魔法UM,30页)。并使用其职业等级作为有效牧师等级以决定引导能量的效果。而机缘萨满在满足一些专长或进阶职业先决条件时并不视作具有引导能量能力,唯一例外是选择导能(Selective Channeling)专长。机缘萨满必须达到8级才能选择该巫术。



魂运合一(Spirit Magic):机缘萨满同时把魂域赋予的魂术和牧师幸运领域的法术加到魂术法术列表之中。该巫术无法通过飘渺巫术取得。

扭转乾坤(Tweak the Odds,Su):当机缘萨满或30尺内盟友进行能力检定,攻击检定,豁免检定,或技能检定时,萨满能以直觉动作把结果按照自己的喜好进行改变,使骰出来的结果增加1。这能使普通的攻击形成重击威胁,但无法使该攻击自动命中。该加值不会和增加武器重击范围的效果叠加,比如精通重击(Improved Critical)专长和锐锋术(keen edge)等。萨满每天能使用该能力的次数等同于其职业等级。在4级和之后每4级,萨满能额外花费1次使用次数以使骰出来的结果额外再+1。例如,12级的萨满能在使用该能力时花费总共3次使用次数以使单一盟友的骰子结果+3.

劇透 -  原文:
Serendipity shaman(Shaman Archetype)
Although some catfolk venerate elven and human deities, the traditional worship of the so-called “spirits of creation” is by far the most prevalent religion among their kind, especially in the catfolk nation of Murraseth. The serendipitous, shamanistic rites associated with this faith focus upon attracting good fortune and banishing ill fortune in the name of these spirits. Although the ancient practices of the serendipity shaman were once exclusive to the mysterious catfolk nation, the catfolk’s curiosity and willingness to travel have spread them across Golarion, where today many with a tendency toward good fortune embrace the faith.

Limited Calling: A shaman must have a racial trait with “luck” in its name to select this archetype, such as cat’s luck or halfling luck. A character with the Defiant Luck ARG feat also qualifies for this archetype.

Luck Magic: A serendipity shaman adds the domain spells from the Luck cleric domain to the list of spells she can cast with the spirit magic ability instead of her spirit’s spirit magic spells. This ability alters spirit.

Luck Hexes: A serendipity shaman can select from any of the following hexes, in addition to general shaman hexes and the hexes granted by her spirit. When she gains the wandering spirit class feature, she can select one of these hexes in place of a wandering hex.

Channel Luck (Su): A serendipity shaman gains the ability to channel luck, as the cleric variant channeling ability of the same name (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 30), using her shaman level to determine her effective cleric level for the purpose of her channel energy ability. She does not count as having the channel energy ability for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites or prestige class requirements with the exception of Selective Channeling, which the shaman can take as normal. A shaman must be at least 8th level before selecting this hex.

Fortune (Ex): This hex functions as the dual-cursed oracle revelation of the same name (Ultimate Magic 58), using the shaman’s class level as her effective oracle level.

Misfortune (Ex): As a standard action, a serendipity shaman can afflict one target within 30 feet with misfortune, causing it to take a –2 penalty on all saving throws against the shaman’s spells. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until the target hits the shaman with an attack.

Spirit Magic: A serendipity shaman adds both her spirit’s spirit magic spells and the domain spells from the Luck cleric domain to the list of spells she can cast with the spirit magic ability. This hex cannot be taken as a wandering hex.

Tweak the Odds (Su): Whenever the serendipity shaman or one of her allies within 30 feet rolls an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, the shaman can use this ability as an immediate action to tweak the odds in her favor, increasing the result of the die roll or check by 1. This can turn a normal hit into a critical threat, but it cannot make an attack roll an automatic hit (this bonus does not stack with effects that increase a weapon’s critical threat range, such as Improved Critical or keen edge). The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her shaman level. At 4th level and every 4 shaman levels thereafter,  she can spend an additional use of this ability to further increase the die result of the target’s roll by an additional 1. For example, a 12th-level shaman can spend up to three uses of this ability to increase an ally’s roll by 1 per use expended.