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副标题: 积少成多 滴水成河

离线 灯泡powerbult

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« 回帖 #110 于: 2016-09-24, 周六 22:21:34 »

惧刺锁链(Barbed chains) 出自《恐怖冒险Horror Adventure》

劇透 -  原文:
BARBED CHAINS School conjuration (summoning) [emotionUM, fear, mindaffecting]; Level antipaladin 1, bloodrager 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, occultist 1, shaman 1, summoner 1 Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a length of chain doused with fresh blood) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Effect a chain sharpened at one end Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Will partial (see text); Spell Resistance no You summon a chain from another realm, causing it to burst out from the ground and strike a target within the spell’s range. You can have the chain either make a melee attack (dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage) or attempt a trip combat maneuver against the target. The chain uses your base attack bonus plus your key spellcasting ability score modifier as its attack bonus and combat maneuver bonus. On a successful hit or combat maneuver check, the target must attempt a Will save. If it fails its save, the creature is shaken for 1d4 rounds. You summon one additional chain every 3 levels after 1st, for a total of two chains at 4th level, three at 7th level, and a maximum of four at 10th level. Multiple chains can attack the same target but the shaken effect doesn’t stack.

离线 祝孤生

  • 宇宙之王
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« 回帖 #111 于: 2016-09-25, 周日 20:06:44 »
炼金奇才(地区背景) 出自People of the Sands

劇透 -   :
Alchemical Prodigy
Source People of the Sands pg. 23 (Amazon), Qadira, Gateway to the East pg. 25 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Thuvia
Early on in your life, you showed significant promise in the sciences and alchemical arts, and received extensive tutoring from those seeking to maximize your potential. If you have the alchemy class feature, your alchemist level is considered 1 higher when calculating the duration of your extracts.

盾卫训练(宗教背景) 出自内海诸神

劇透 -   :
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 222 (Amazon)
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Gorum
You were trained to use shields as weapons. Heavy and light shields are considered simple weapons rather than martial weapons for you. Heavy shields are considered light weapons for you.
« 上次编辑: 2016-09-27, 周二 22:13:21 由 祝孤生 »

离线 灯泡powerbult

  • 論壇模式
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  • 帖子数: 518
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« 回帖 #112 于: 2016-09-28, 周三 06:13:56 »
Herald Caller神使呼唤者
Source Monster Summoner's Handbook pg. 7 (Amazon)



专注召唤 Delicated Summoner 神使呼唤者依赖于召唤出盟友来打败敌人,这让她比起其他牧师而言专注面更窄,也更加不熟悉战斗方面的技艺。神使呼唤者只能从她的神祉的领域列表中选取1个领域而非两个,并且她也不会获得中甲或盾牌的擅长。这个能力调整了牧师的领域和护甲擅长。

呼唤神使 Call Heralds (Su): 神仆呼唤使能将事先准备好的法术转换为召唤法术,即使她事前并未准备该召唤法术也可。她能“失去”一个准备好的法术,换来一个同级或较低环级的召唤怪物summon monster法术。她在防御式施放一个怪物召唤术的时候在专注检定上获得+1加值。该加值在5级变成+2,并且在之后每5个牧师等级再增加1.

神圣神使 Divine Heralds (Su)神使呼唤者只能用召唤怪物法术召唤出和她信奉的神祉相性特别良好的生物。这包括阵营至少与神祉阵营其中一项相匹配的生物,拥有与神祉拥有的领域相匹配的元素亚种的生物(如果有的话),以及在召唤怪物选项中该神祉的祭司能召唤的列表中存在的生物(请见Monster`s Summoner handbook 30页的祭司召唤扩展表,该选项pfs不可用)。当召唤一个通常会带有天界或炼狱模板的生物时,信仰混乱阵营神祉的神使呼唤者可以改为增加熵化模板,而信仰秩序神祉的神使则可以改为增加绝对模板(这些简易模板详情请见B2)


伟力神使Mighty Heralds:4级时,神使呼唤者获得增强召唤作为奖励专长,并在选取以增强召唤作为先决条件的专长时(例如进化召唤生物Evolved Summoned Monster ACG)视为拥有法术专攻(咒法)专长。到了8级,她获得高等召唤Superior Summoning UM专长。
劇透 -   :
Unlike warpriests or paladins, who charge headlong into battle in the name of their patron deities, herald callers are adept at calling powerful outsiders to aid their brethren in battle.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. This alters the cleric’s class skills.
Dedicated Summoner: A herald caller depends on summoned allies to overcome her foes, which affords her little experience with the martial pursuits typical of other clerics and a narrower spiritual focus. A herald caller can choose only one domain from her deity’s list of domains, rather than the normal two domains, and she doesn’t gain proficiency with medium armor or shields. This ability alters the cleric’s domains and armor proficiencies.
Call Heralds (Su): A herald caller can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast any summon monster spell of the same level or lower. She gains a +1 bonus on concentration checks to cast a summon monster spell defensively. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and increases by 1 every 5 cleric levels thereafter.
Divine Heralds (Su): A herald caller can use summon monster spells only to summon creatures particularly appropriate to her deity. This includes all creatures listed as summon monster options for priests of her deity (see Expanded Summoning for Priests on page 30), creatures whose alignment matches at least one aspect of her deity’s alignment, and creatures of an elemental subtype that matches a domain granted by the deity (if any). When summoning a creature that is normally summoned with the celestial or fiendish template, a herald caller of a chaotic deity can instead summon it with the entropic template, and a herald caller of a lawful deity can instead summon it with the resolute template (see pages 292–293 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 for more information on these simple templates).
Because of these summoned monsters’ strong ties to the herald caller’s deity, the herald caller also gains specific benefits with creatures she summons with summon monster spells gained from her cleric spell list. The herald caller and her summoned monsters can understand each other’s spoken words as if they shared a common language (though this doesn’t give summoned monsters the ability to speak if they normally lack it). Whenever the herald caller uses channel energy to heal, she can include all of her summoned monsters, even if they are out of her normal channel energy radius or of a creature type that would not normally be affected. If she channels energy to deal damage, she can exclude any of her summoned monsters that would normally be affected.
Mighty Heralds: At 4th level, a herald caller receives Augment Summoning as a bonus feat, and is considered to have Spell Focus (conjuration) for the purposes of prerequisites for feats that have Augment Summoning as a prerequisite (such as Evolved Summoned Monster on page 146 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide). At 8th level, she gains Superior Summoning (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 157) as a bonus feat.

离线 剧毒术士

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« 回帖 #113 于: 2016-09-28, 周三 15:27:14 »
巨龙学者(4RP) 出自 leagcy of dragon
劇透 -  原文:
Dragon Scholar (4 RP):
Dragons have a long history of individual interactions with specific humans, and some humans seek to better understand this relationship.
Humans with this trait receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks to overcome a dragon’s spell resistance. In addition, they receive a +3 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks related to creatures of the dragon type.
This trait replaces humans’ bonus feat racial trait.

离线 梦子

  • 阿卡林
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« 回帖 #114 于: 2016-09-29, 周四 10:31:06 »
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-31, 周六 12:18:59 由 梦子 »
213605-2 Holistacia 【商凰】赫里斯塔夏.银松
213605-3 Star Flower 星之花
213605-4 Galanodel·YL 嘉兰诺德·银翎
213605-5 hui
213605-7 Hololo 火洛洛.斯卡雷特
213605-8 Age.Lannide 【封疆领主】艾歌·索杜亚·兰妮德
213605-9 blaker 黑猫
213605-10 Alm Nord.Chaldean 阿玛诺德.占星者
213605-11 Phosphophyllite 法斯法菲莱特
213605-12 Ronoa.San.Christine 【侠盗】罗诺亚.圣.克里斯丁
213605-13 CeleMei 告死鸦.凯莱玫
213605-14 Secondas.Alison 朔月.阿利森

离线 炼金术士卡莉

  • 某个自称为面包的人。
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宗教背景(Religion Traits)
« 回帖 #115 于: 2016-10-01, 周六 08:43:10 »
慈悲之刃(Blade of Mercy) 出自《烈焰遗产玩家手册》(Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
分类:宗教背景(Religion Traits)
劇透 -  原文:
Blade of Mercy
Source Legacy of Fire Player's Guide pg. 9
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Sarenrae
You know that within the heart of even the most hateful and cruel living creature exists a sliver of shame and hope for redemption. You have trained long on martial techniques to use bladed weapons not to kill, but to subdue. When striking to inflict nonlethal damage with any slashing weapon, you do not take the normal –4 penalty on your attack roll, and gain a +1 trait bonus to any nonlethal damage you inflict with a slashing weapon.

离线 mikun

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  • 你安心地睡吧,就算你将遗忘一切,我也会永远记得。我将为你而生、为你而死。
« 回帖 #116 于: 2016-10-01, 周六 09:17:00 »
查尔迪菈的教诲 (Lessons of Chaldira) 出自内海诸神(Inner Sea Gods)

劇透 -   :
Lessons of Chaldira(Inner Sea Gods)
Requirement(s) Chaldira Zuzaristan
Your studies of Chaldira Zuzaristan’s exploits have given you a knack for avoiding trouble. Once per day before the result of a saving throw is known, you can reroll that saving throw. You must take the second result even if it is worse.
« 上次编辑: 2016-12-21, 周三 17:43:57 由 mikun »

劇透 -  成就列表 21/21:
《魔鬼筋肉人》 1/1: 力量超过35
《汽车人,变形出发!》 1/1: 力量超过50
《老娘是最强的》 1/1:在DND团中到达⑨级
《I Am Legend》 15/20 :在DND团中到达20级
《力量与荣耀!!》 1/1:在仅剩5HP的情况下杀死战场上的所有敌人。
《女权主义者》 1/1 在PF团里成功诱拐小LOLI,并且在结局里带着她四处旅行。
《职业?我们是主唱,贝斯,副吉他,鼓手和伴舞》 1/1:在PF模组团中组成乐队。
《没有什么是一个全家桶解决不了的,如果有。。。》 1/1:在PF团中选择召唤师,并且通过两桶全家桶强行将幻灵画皮为女仆。
《主线?不存在的》 1/1: 硬生生的用交涉将悬疑PF团跑成galgame团
《我要圆润一点的那种直角》 1/1:使用各种颜色和音乐来装点自己的论坛团团贴
《感动中国2017:论坛回帖王》 1/1:顶着老板的监视在工作时间回复论坛帖
《初入PFS》 1/1:申请PFS账号并且成功完成一个模组。
《世界这么大,我要出去看看》 20/??:在PFS中参与不同的GM举办的游戏。(灰灰,星云,左手,莉莉,梦子,考喵,面包,海鸥,白魔,受,静姐,笨哈,空山,道是无常,阳光,马丁,TT,凯文,牧语,小尘)
《懒癌也要开团团》 1/??:在PFS中作为GM成功完成一次团团并且没有人退票
《最初的愿望》 1/1:在第一次参加的圣杯团中夺取圣杯,并让御主怀上自己的孩子
《粉红团小学生毕业证书》 1/1:参加粉红团,提高自己姿势水平
《新手运》 1/1:在首次COC团中完成TE并且全员存活
《iroll20s》 1/1:在失去关键线索的COC团中依靠骰运强行GE
《全回合快速多重集束射击》 1/1:双枪射杀TOC团的BOSS
《仔细想想,不充钱你能变强吗?》 1/1:入坑炉石一周后到达天梯5级
《真是一段又長,又奇妙的旅行》 3/∞:生命不息,跑团不止(2014.11.21)

离线 mikun

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  • 你安心地睡吧,就算你将遗忘一切,我也会永远记得。我将为你而生、为你而死。
« 回帖 #117 于: 2016-10-01, 周六 10:41:55 »
无私外交官(Altruistic Diplomat) 出自Dragon Empires Primer

劇透 -   :
Altruistic Diplomat(Dragon Empires Primer)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Hwanggot
Your upbringing in Hwanggot has influenced you to be both peaceful and wise, and your arguments are consistently sound. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. You must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Chaotic Good to take this trait.
« 上次编辑: 2016-10-09, 周日 15:07:59 由 mikun »

劇透 -  成就列表 21/21:
《魔鬼筋肉人》 1/1: 力量超过35
《汽车人,变形出发!》 1/1: 力量超过50
《老娘是最强的》 1/1:在DND团中到达⑨级
《I Am Legend》 15/20 :在DND团中到达20级
《力量与荣耀!!》 1/1:在仅剩5HP的情况下杀死战场上的所有敌人。
《女权主义者》 1/1 在PF团里成功诱拐小LOLI,并且在结局里带着她四处旅行。
《职业?我们是主唱,贝斯,副吉他,鼓手和伴舞》 1/1:在PF模组团中组成乐队。
《没有什么是一个全家桶解决不了的,如果有。。。》 1/1:在PF团中选择召唤师,并且通过两桶全家桶强行将幻灵画皮为女仆。
《主线?不存在的》 1/1: 硬生生的用交涉将悬疑PF团跑成galgame团
《我要圆润一点的那种直角》 1/1:使用各种颜色和音乐来装点自己的论坛团团贴
《感动中国2017:论坛回帖王》 1/1:顶着老板的监视在工作时间回复论坛帖
《初入PFS》 1/1:申请PFS账号并且成功完成一个模组。
《世界这么大,我要出去看看》 20/??:在PFS中参与不同的GM举办的游戏。(灰灰,星云,左手,莉莉,梦子,考喵,面包,海鸥,白魔,受,静姐,笨哈,空山,道是无常,阳光,马丁,TT,凯文,牧语,小尘)
《懒癌也要开团团》 1/??:在PFS中作为GM成功完成一次团团并且没有人退票
《最初的愿望》 1/1:在第一次参加的圣杯团中夺取圣杯,并让御主怀上自己的孩子
《粉红团小学生毕业证书》 1/1:参加粉红团,提高自己姿势水平
《新手运》 1/1:在首次COC团中完成TE并且全员存活
《iroll20s》 1/1:在失去关键线索的COC团中依靠骰运强行GE
《全回合快速多重集束射击》 1/1:双枪射杀TOC团的BOSS
《仔细想想,不充钱你能变强吗?》 1/1:入坑炉石一周后到达天梯5级
《真是一段又長,又奇妙的旅行》 3/∞:生命不息,跑团不止(2014.11.21)

离线 mikun

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  • 帖子数: 892
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  • 你安心地睡吧,就算你将遗忘一切,我也会永远记得。我将为你而生、为你而死。
« 回帖 #118 于: 2016-10-02, 周日 13:34:20 »
耀目客(Illuminator) 出自内海诸神(Inner Sea Gods)

劇透 -   :
Illuminator(Inner Sea God)
Requirement(s) Sarenrae
When you are filled with the light of Sarenrae, your speech takes on a fiery eloquence. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for you.
« 上次编辑: 2016-10-09, 周日 15:08:07 由 mikun »

劇透 -  成就列表 21/21:
《魔鬼筋肉人》 1/1: 力量超过35
《汽车人,变形出发!》 1/1: 力量超过50
《老娘是最强的》 1/1:在DND团中到达⑨级
《I Am Legend》 15/20 :在DND团中到达20级
《力量与荣耀!!》 1/1:在仅剩5HP的情况下杀死战场上的所有敌人。
《女权主义者》 1/1 在PF团里成功诱拐小LOLI,并且在结局里带着她四处旅行。
《职业?我们是主唱,贝斯,副吉他,鼓手和伴舞》 1/1:在PF模组团中组成乐队。
《没有什么是一个全家桶解决不了的,如果有。。。》 1/1:在PF团中选择召唤师,并且通过两桶全家桶强行将幻灵画皮为女仆。
《主线?不存在的》 1/1: 硬生生的用交涉将悬疑PF团跑成galgame团
《我要圆润一点的那种直角》 1/1:使用各种颜色和音乐来装点自己的论坛团团贴
《感动中国2017:论坛回帖王》 1/1:顶着老板的监视在工作时间回复论坛帖
《初入PFS》 1/1:申请PFS账号并且成功完成一个模组。
《世界这么大,我要出去看看》 20/??:在PFS中参与不同的GM举办的游戏。(灰灰,星云,左手,莉莉,梦子,考喵,面包,海鸥,白魔,受,静姐,笨哈,空山,道是无常,阳光,马丁,TT,凯文,牧语,小尘)
《懒癌也要开团团》 1/??:在PFS中作为GM成功完成一次团团并且没有人退票
《最初的愿望》 1/1:在第一次参加的圣杯团中夺取圣杯,并让御主怀上自己的孩子
《粉红团小学生毕业证书》 1/1:参加粉红团,提高自己姿势水平
《新手运》 1/1:在首次COC团中完成TE并且全员存活
《iroll20s》 1/1:在失去关键线索的COC团中依靠骰运强行GE
《全回合快速多重集束射击》 1/1:双枪射杀TOC团的BOSS
《仔细想想,不充钱你能变强吗?》 1/1:入坑炉石一周后到达天梯5级
《真是一段又長,又奇妙的旅行》 3/∞:生命不息,跑团不止(2014.11.21)


  • Guard
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  • 帖子数: 206
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« 回帖 #119 于: 2016-10-02, 周日 21:11:04 »
魔仆调查员 Bonded Investigator (调查员变体) 出自《内海诡计》(Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 38)


魔宠 (Ex):二级起,魔仆调查员得到一个魔宠作为助力。该魔宠类似法师的奥术联结职业能力,使用调查员职业等级来确定魔宠的特殊能力。魔宠的共享法术和传递接触法术等能力,把魔仆调查员的化合炼成视作法术。

灵感魔宠 (Ex):四级起,魔仆调查员的魔宠成为机敏的助手。魔宠能使用主人的灵感池来强化自己的行动,所耗费的灵感点数如常从主人的灵感池扣除。魔宠能使用灵感能力(并获得调查员天赋对灵感骰的增强效果),但不能以其他方式使用灵感点。

策士之击 (Ex):六级起,魔仆调查员获得策士之击 +1d6。在十级和其后每四级,策士之击伤害增加1d6。

进阶魔宠 (Ex):七级起,魔仆调查员得到“进阶魔宠”奖励专长,以调查员等级替代奥术施法者等级来确定适用魔宠。

调查员天赋:以下调查员天赋契合魔仆调查员变体:黄金精神 effortless aidACG,侦搜 perceptive trackingACG,执着灵感 tenacious inspirationACG和随心灵感 unconventional inspirationACG

劇透 -  原文:
Bonded Investigator (Investigator Archetype)
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 38
Bonded investigators use intelligent familiars to assist them in their investigations. They are common in the Inner Sea region’s bustling cities, where a rat, cat, raven, or another small animal can go largely unnoticed.
Familiar (Ex): At 2nd level, a bonded investigator gains a familiar to aid him. This familiar functions as the wizard arcane bond class feature, using the bonded investigator’s class level to determine the familiar’s special abilities. The bonded investigator’s extracts are considered spells for the purposes of familiar abilities like share spell and deliver touch spells.
This ability replaces poison lore, poison resistance, and poison immunity.
Inspired Familiar (Ex): At 4th level, a bonded investigator’s familiar becomes a cunning assistant to the investigator. The familiar can access the investigator’s inspiration pool to augment its own actions; the use of inspiration is deducted from the investigator’s number of daily uses as normal. The familiar can use the inspiration ability (and gains the increased benefts of investigator talents that affect the bonus dice used in this ability) but cannot expend uses of inspiration for other purposes.
This ability replaces the studied strike damage gained at 4th level.
Studied Strike (Ex): At 6th level, a bonded investigator gains studied strike +1d6. At 10th level and every 4 investigator levels thereafer, this damage increases by +1d6.
This ability alters studied strike.
Improved Familiar (Ex): At 7th level, a bonded investigator gains the Improved Familiar feat as a bonus feat, treating his investigator level as his arcane caster level for the purposes of determining what familiars are available to him.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 7th level.
Investigator Talents: The following investigator talents complement the bonded investigator archetype: effortless
aidACG, perceptive trackingACG, tenacious inspirationACG, and unconventional inspirationACG.
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