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Planar Handbook Chapter 1: Races节译


The races presented in the Player’s handbook are perfectly suitable to a planar campaign. Humans, elves, dwarves, and the other races all travel between the planes, and some even choose to make their home there.
   Players and DMs wishing for a more multiplanar feel to the campaign might choose to incorporate characters from one or more of the planar-oriented races in this chapter. Some of these races hail form specific planes, while others simply show the signs of planar ancestry, but all of them have a distinctly planar flavor. The neraphim originate in Limbo, but some have found their way to the great planar metropolises, including Sigil and Union. The wilden travel the wild places between planes, enjoying their capacity to seek and explore, while the Acheron-born spikers seek to prove themselves in combat wherever they go.


Native to the rolling hills and woods of Ysgard, the centaur-like bariaurs wander the lands in search of evil. When a vile foe is located, the bariaurs charge into glorious battle.


Personality: To those unfamiliar with them, bariaurs appear carefree or even irresponsible, but this behavior is merely the outward sign of their wanderlust. They rarely remain in one place for long, preferring a life of travel to sedentary existence. When evil rears its ugly head, this carefree demeanor disappears, replaced by single-minded pursuit of that which endangers good folk of the area.


Physical description: Standing roughly half a foot taller than a human, a bariaur resembles a centaur. Its lower body is that of a ram, with sleek brown or golden fur and cloven hooves. Its upper body is humanlike, powerfully muscled and sporting a pair of ramlike horns atop its head. The skin of a bariaur ranges in color from pale to deep nut-brown. The typical male weights nearly 300 pounds, with female about 40 pounds lighter. The average bariaur reaches adulthood at about the same age as half-elf, and the eldest members of the race live to well over 200 years of age.


Relation: Bariaurs are social and outgoing, though not foolishly trusting. They get along well with elves, gnomes, halflings, and wilden, as well as aasimars who aren’t too strict in their outlook. They grudgingly accept dwarves as allies against evil. Halfbreeds, such as half-elves and half-orcs, are objects of curiosity to bariaurs. They are moderately suspicious of races with heritages tied to planes of evil or shadow, including tiefings and shadowswyfts, but they prefer to take a positive outlook about individuals until proven wrong.


Alignment: As creatures who value freedom, most bariaurs are chaotic good in alignment. Some settled bariaurs tend toward neutrality in their approach to good, while few stray from pure good to neutrality. Evil bariaurs are extremely rare and always shunned from the flock.


Religion: Bauiaurs revere Ehlonna, diety of the woodlands, more than most of other deities. Some venerate Kord, god of strength, or Pelor, god of the sun.


Language: Bariaurs have no racial language, using Celestial for most conversations. They also speak Common to allow them to converse with other races.


Name: A bariaur’s name is given to him by his parents. It is usually a simple, one- or two-syllable name (the easier to be shouted across the hills of Ysgard). Within the flock, he denotes his parentage by adding “buck of” his father’s name (or “doe of” the mother’s name, if female); outside the flock, he relies instead on a flock name to indicate the extended family to which he belongs. Flock name typically describe the environments favored by the flock, and can change over time.
   Male Names: Bex, Hul, Jek, Menok, Ril, Wyk.
   Female Names: Daeth, Hysh, Saph, Tyth, Vash.
   Flock Names: Cloverfield, Dalewatcher, Hillwalker, Woodstrider.


Adventure: The bariaur’s wanderlust makes them an ideal adventurer. Though leaving the flock can be a difficult decision, a young bariaur who seeks to take the fight to the evil creatures of the multiverse fits in well with most adventuring groups. Bariaurs frequently follow the path of the ranger, though bariaur fighters and barbarians are also common.




A neraph (plural neraphim) is sometimes mistaken for a salad at a distance, due to the two races’ similarity in appearance. However, neraphim and slaadi are distinct kinds of creatures, at least so far as any race can be considered distinct in the roiling chaos of the plane of Limbo.
Neraphim are a nomadic people who hunt through the maelstrom of Limbo, tracking their elusive and ever-moving prey. Neraphim have developed special hunting and techniques, giving them exceptional skill in bringing down the game they seek above all else: the chaos beast, one of which provides a neraph tribe with a week’s worth of nutrition and raw materials for clothing. They are proficient leapers, able to jump from mote to mote of stable earth in the otherwise ever-changing environment of Limbo.
For social and economic purpose, the neraphim organize themselves in houses. Each house lays claim to certain hunting grounds, giving its members access to resources within that territory. The various houses congregate once every seven years to conduct a great racial celebration known as the Festival of Spawning. During that festival, the houses negotiate with one another, exchanging resources and influence as each house seeks to better its position within the neraphim hierarchy.


Personality: Neraphim cannot afford to be as inconsistent as the plane they inhibit and the game they hunt – only stern discipline within each neraph house keeps its members from succumbing to poverty and starvation. Each house consists of a bonded group of neraphim made up of several related families and one matriarch. In the time between their Festivals of Spawning, the various neraphim houses meet only rarely, and then often in conflict over disputed hunting grounds. Alliances between houses are not common, if a particular threat warrants.
Within each house, the rule of the matriarch is law, and her rule can be harsh. The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house. Exiled neraphim can be encountered, though most are slain by other houses, slaadi, githzerai hunting parties, and roaming chaos beats. Some exiles have open personalities and strike up friendships with travelers from other planes, hoping to accompany them home and leave the dangerous realm of Limbo behind.


Physical Description: Neraphim are roughly humanoid in shape, with coarse red hide. Though bipedal like other humanoids, a neraph has a massive, toadlike head shaped like that of a red salad. The range in height and weight found among neraphim is the same as found among humans. Chitinlike encrustations on a neraph’s skin provides it some natural protection; however, neraph also prefer to wear colorful bone-spiked leather (made of stabilized and cured chaos beast hide).
Neraphim take longer to mature than humans do, not reaching adulthood until age 40, but they can live to be more than 400 years old.


Relations: Neraphim encountered while still associated with a house are generally unfriendly toward strangers, even those of the same race. However, exiles are more open-minded and may team up with others (whether neraphim, githzerai, or some other-planar race) in order to survive. On the other hand, because neraphim remind some individuals of smaller, skinner red slaadi, other races are usually a bit standoffish at first.


Alignment: Even though they hold themselves above the general churn of Limbo, neraphim can’t help having one chaotic component in their alignment. They try not to give in to their chaotic nature, and generally are successful in this practice.


Religion: Giving some credence to the theory that the neraphim are a subspecies of salad, a few neraphim houses worship less bloodthirsty and less insane aspects of the entities Ssendam and Ygorl (who are normally considered to be, if not slaadi deities, at least very powerful slaadi worthy of respect).


Language: Neraphim speak their own language and Slaad. Some learn Common, which allows them to better communicate with creatures of other planes, and some learn Abyssal and Celestial.


Names: Neraphim have given names and house names. Those exiled from a house are usually ceremonially stripped of their house names, though some continue to refer to themselves as such, while others take appellations similar to “the Exile,” “the Stricken,” or “the Houseless.”
Male Names: Anh, Cado, Hao, Sam, Tam, Teo, Thanh, Thuan, Van, Xuan.
Female Names: Chi, Hyunh, Lan, Mai, Nam, Tham, Trinh, Yen.
House Names: Spent River, Hanging Cliff, Invisible Sea, Lost Mountain, Burning Water, Living Stone.

Adventures: With little to no prospect of returning to his or her house, and with even less prospect of joining another house, an exiled neraph makes a perfect adventurer. Exiles who embrace this path soon learn to excel, for the skills that allow them to hunt in the changing seas of Limbo are useful elsewhere. Against all odds, some exiles adventure in order to complete a great quest or meet some other condition imposed by a house matriarch that might allow them back into a house. However, once a neraph discovers the greater cosmos, he or she seldom wishes to return to a primitive and nomadic lifestyle.


•涅拉蟾掩饰(Neraph Camouflage,Ex):当冲锋一名对手或者使用投掷武器时,涅拉蟾可以运用被称为移动掩饰的技巧(其他种族称为涅拉蟾掩饰),就像肉食性昆虫在接近猎物的过程中迷惑猎物的招数。目标生物会认为冲锋的涅拉蟾或者涅拉蟾投掷的武器并没有靠近,或者是靠近的很慢。


There might have been a time when the buommans were merely human visitors to the Astral Plane. But now, perhaps hundreds of millennia later, the buommans are neither merely visitors, nor merely human. Known to some astral denizens as the “moaning monks”, buommans dwell in temples and shrines formed by astral debris, which they believe to be the mortal form of sleeping deities, long forgotten. Whether the buommans inhabit these structures in the hope of awakening these deities, or in an effort to ensure that they stay asleep, is known only to buommans.
Personality: Buommans are quiet, withdrawn, and deferential. Though they appear capable of understanding languages, they “speak” no tongue other than their low, booming songs in a dialect called Buommi, which appear to be more music than actual language.
Physical Description: Buommans appear more or less like humans, though with long, sagging faces and elongated hands and feet (a feature most prominent in the fingers and toes). On average, buommans are slightly shorter and slightly heavier than humans. A male buomman has long hair and bushy brows; a female buomman has no apparent body hair. Buommans reach adulthood at about the same age as humans, and the eldest members of the race can live to be 120 years old.
Relations: Buommans often spend their entire lives in ascetic contemplation within the confines of the shrine or temple in which they were born. From time to time, though, a buomman (particularly a buomman monk) departs his or her home to explore Astral Plane, or other planes, out of curiosity about the outside worlds. Sometimes these individuals gravitate to service with wandering githzerai, and occasionally venture back to Limbo with them. Buommans avoid confrontations with evil outsiders, more out of caution than from fear or dislike. If buommans have any enemies, they most likely found on the planes of Pandemonium and the Abyss. Buommans get along quite well with creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth or the Elemental Plane of Water.
Alignment: Te average buommans is lawful, tending toward lawful neutral or lawful good. A few buommans are lawful evil or simply neutral.
Religion: Buommans eschew traditional religions, seeming, as they do, to worship their temple homes in the Astral Plane. A few who travel extensively develop an affinity for Fharlanghn, the god of roads. But few buommans become clerics of any deity, because their vow against speaking (described below) makes spellcasting difficult. Those who wish to learn to cast spells with verbal components must acquire the Non-verbal Spell feat (described on page 40).
Whether a buomman believes that the astral bodies that his race dwells upon are dead deities, sleeping deities to be awakened, or sleeping deities that must never rise is up to the individual buomman. Neutral buommans usually believe in the dead deities theory, while lawful good buommans believe that the deities are sleeping and will someday awake to spread their majesty again. Lawful evil buommans fear the return of these deities, and sing their songs to prevent them from awakening.
Language: Buommans communicate with one another by means of their low, throaty songs, but the concepts they convey appear to be more abstract than informational. Contrary to rumor, a buomman does not constantly sing, but instead sings as part of rituals that mark his daily life. The buommans have a song for arriving, a song for leaving, a song for waking, a song for sleeping, a song for eating, and countless other songs for far less concrete concepts. Except for these songs, buommans choose not to speak any recognizable language, though they are capable of learning any language they choose. The average buomman, for example, understands Common; he simply never speaks it.
Names: For a race that has collectively taken a vow against speaking, buommans have a wide variety of names – all of which are based on musical notes. For example, a buomman female might express her name as a short melody in the key of D sharp, and a different buomman female might express her name as the same melody, but in B sharp. The name of the race reflect this tradition, being based on the deep, sustained note that every buomman learns to vocalize before he or she can walk: “buomm.”
For the convenience of other races, buommans do not mind accepting nicknames, but they prefer those that have no harsh consonants. “Jak,” for example, would be an uncomfortable appellation, while “Moony” would suit a buomman just fine.
Adventurers: Most buommans who feel the urge to explore are younger members of the race. They usually set out with the goal of gathering information for the temple (which usually means seeing the multiverse), with the intent of returning to the ascetic life when they become tired or homesick. Some few actually do return, late in life, to introduce new concepts into their insular societies.

Buommans have the following racial abilities and characteristics.
•+2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Buommans have great insight and willpower, but their reserved nature leads to poor interpersonal skills.
•Humanoid (Extraplanar): Buommans are humanoid native to the Astral Plane. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not on the Astral Plane.
•A buomman’s base land speed is 30 feet.
•Low-Light Vision: A buomman can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
•Skills: +2 racial bonus on Listen and Perform (sing) checks. All buommans have uncanny hearing and an innate sense of tone and pitch.
•Buommans take a vow against speech at an extremely early age, after which they simply refuse to engage in traditional forms of communication. A buomman who breaks this vow takes 1 point of Wisdom damage and takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks for 24 hours afterward. (If the buomman breaks the vow again before 24 hours have passed, he takes an additional point of Wisdom damage, and his penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks persists for another 24 hours.) A buomman spellcaster who wishes to cast spells with a verbal component must use the Silent Spell metamagic feat or else have the Nonverbal Spell feat (see page 40).
•Automatic languages: Buommans speaks Buommi and understand Common. Bonus language: Aquan, Githzerai, Terran.
•Favored class: Monk.
•Level adjustment +0


类法术能力:1次/日—冻寒之触chill touch和隐雾术obscuring mist。施法等级相当于冰矮人等级+2的法师(最低3)

类法术能力:1次/日—灼热金属heat metal和燃火术produce flame,施法者等级等于火侏儒等级+2(包括了上面的加值)


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