作者 主题: 【Asian Archetypes - Magical】萨满变体:巫女  (阅读 7074 次)


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【Asian Archetypes - Magical】萨满变体:巫女
« 于: 2021-11-01, 周一 22:29:00 »

职业技能(Class Skill):巫女将估价加入到职业技能列表。这调整了职业技能。

巫女的法术无法通过解除魔法dispel magic)或高等解除魔法greater dispel magic)来解除,但是移除或摧毁相应的符来立刻结束其持续时间。

神言(Kami Speech, Su):2级起,巫女在与精类或社神交互时,唬骗、交涉、威吓和察言观色检定上获得等于1/2萨满等级的洞察加值。此外,她甚至能问询任何物体或动植物身上休眠或未成形体的社神。这分别如同法术动物交谈speak with animals),植物交谈speak with plants)或读取物体object readingOA)。巫女只能以同一物体为目标每天使用一次这样的能力,对动植物则每天至多对同一个体交谈一分钟。10级起,巫女也能以此方式使用石言术stone tell),和每颗石头同样只能聊至多一分钟。

召神(Conjure Kami, Ex):8级起,巫女的魂兽使用式神(shikigami kamiB3)作为基础生物而非一只动物,如同拥有进阶魔宠(Improved Familiar)专长(尽管巫女可能不符合通常的要求)。该式神将巫女视作凭代(ward),能使用变化形体(change shape)能力变为先前的动物形态(如同野兽形态IIIbeast shape III)。
此外,巫女能将下列社神加入到召唤自然盟友summon nature’s ally)法术的可召唤生物列表中:式神B3(3级)、木灵神B3(5级)、随神B3(7级)。她也可以获得以异界盟友planar ally)系列法术召唤出社神的能力。代替呼唤或召唤现存的社神,她可以选择让新生的社神临时与一个潜在的无主凭代联结,使其寄宿其中,再通过新的凭代将其唤出(将其作为法术的法器成分)。

祈祷(Kito, Su):12级起,每天一次,巫女能进行一个公开的仪式来祝福一个群体或一个社群以平安或丰收。如果选择平安仪式,则该仪式使每施法者1000英尺内的目标群体在对抗诅咒、预言及影响心灵效果的豁免上获得+4神圣加值。该加值也加到察觉陷阱、灾难和敌人的察言观色和察觉检定上。
如果选择丰收仪式,则该仪式如同植物滋长的“丰沃”版本(plant growth, enrichment)及控制天气control weather)的结合版本,不过范围是每施法者等级1000英尺。如果使用王国建设规则(kingdom-building rulesUCamp),一个区块的产值为原先两倍。如果使用休整期规则(downtime systemUCamp),则该区域所有建筑在一天内的收入检定获得+4神圣加值。

劇透 -   :
Miko (Shaman Archetype) Miko learn to bargain with kami and other spirits of nature. Class Skills: A miko adds Appraise to her list of class skills. This alters class skills. Ofuda: A miko uses ofudas—psychically charged prayer scrolls—to focus his spells. Each of her spells gains an ofuda as an additional inexpensive material component, and the ofuda replaces his divine focus component. Unless the spell involves a touch attack or ranged touch attack, the kami medium doesn’t need to attempt an attack roll to place an ofuda on an unwilling target; the ofuda simply appears on affected targets. For instantaneous spells, the ofuda is consumed during the casting, but for spells with any other duration, the ofuda remains on the target or targets throughout the duration and then disintegrates when the duration expires. A miko’s spells can’t be dispelled by dispel magic or greater dispel magic, but removing or destroying the ofuda ends the duration immediately. An ofuda must be displayed prominently and can’t be hidden (though a creature bearing an ofuda can hide normally). A successful steal or grapple combat maneuver check to remove an item is sufficient to remove an ofuda from an unwilling target, and a standard action automatically 16 removes it from a willing target. An ofuda counts as an object made of paper with 5 hit points per shaman level of the caster. The target of the spell can’t see, harm, or remove the ofuda attached to her, though her allies can do so. If the spell is harmless, the target can see her ofuda. This alters spellcasting. Kami Speech (Su): At 2nd level, a miko gains an insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks to interact with fey and kami equal to 1/2 her shaman level. In addition, she can interrogate even dormant or nascent kami within any object, animal, or plant. This functions as the spells speak with animals, speak with plants, or object readingOA, as appropriate. A miko can target each object only once per day and can speak with each animal or plant once per day for up to 1 minute each. At 10th level, a miko can also use stone tell in this manner, targeting each stone once per day for up to 1 minute. This ability replaces the hex gained at 2nd level. Conjure Kami (Ex): At 8th level, a miko’s spirit animal uses a shikigami kamiB3 as its base creature instead of an animal, as if with the Improved Familiar feat (even if the miko doesn’t qualify for a shikigami familiar). It treats the miko as its ward and can assume its former animal form with change shape (beast shape III). In addition, the miko adds the following kami to the lists of creatures she can summon with summon nature’s ally spells: shikigamiB3 (3rd), kodamaB3 (5th), zuishinB3 (7th). She also gains the ability to call forth kami with planar ally spells (lesser, greater, or standard). Instead of calling or summoning an existing kami, she can opt to cause a nascent kami to temporarily bond with a potential ward that lacks a kami, essentially drawing the kami forth from its new ward (which serves as a focus component for the spell). This ability replaces the hex gained at 8th level. Kito (Su): At 12th level, a miko can perform a public ritual to bless a group or community with safety or bounty once per day. If she chooses safety, the ritual grants all creatures in the group within 1,000 feet per caster level a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against curses, divinations, and mind-affecting effects. The bonus also applies on Sense Motive checks and on Perception checks to notice traps, hazards, and enemies. If she chooses bounty, the ritual functions as a combination of plant growth (enrichment) and control weather affecting a radius of 1,000 feet per caster level. With the kingdom-building rulesUCamp, one tile in the area produces twice the usual amount. With the downtime systemUCamp, all buildings in the area gain a +4 sacred bonus on its income check for 1 day. This ability replaces the hex gained at 12th level.