譯文資料區 > Earthdawn









Elves of noble birth in the Western Kingdoms are afforded certain permissions as determined by the local king. Any elf related to a ranelle is considered nobility. Most ranelles are minor and only rule a single gerryth. A few minor ranelles are powerful enough to have their own vassals or rule over another gerryth, but this is uncommon.
Three ranelles have significantly higher status and influence than the rest. These are the “Founding Ranelles.” Each of these families lead multiple influential gerryth and have a seat among the consortis of Sereatha. Each Founding Ranelle is led by a Patriarch or Matriarch and this leader selects one from their ranelle to serve as consortis. If one of these families do not directly rule a gerryth, they have influence there through oath or investment.





劇透 -   : The Escalanas Ranelle
The Escalanas are closely associated with all things mystical. This reputation was earned over centuries of research and dedication to the magical arts. With a branch of the family renowned in Blood Wood as the creators of the Ritual of Thorns, the Escalanas of the west are eager to establish their own identity and prove their power.
Dathule, the legendary first Matriarch of the Escalanas, accompanied her family across the Bwydvir in search of enlightenment. When they made landfall on the future site of Sereatha, she chose to continue inland. She tasked her sister, Naesala, with gathering the elves of the west and make for them a haven on the gentle shores.
After the Scourge, when contact was established with Blood Wood, the two distant branches of the Escalanas ranelle worked in an uneasy alliance. Iolyn’s recent rise to power has fractured that peace and the Escalanas loyal to the Gwydenro eagerly returned home.
In recent years, the western Escalanas have spearheaded many expeditions into the deep wilds and have a particular interest in the Wastes. The family is focused on uncovering lost gerryth wherever they might be found and expends considerable resources seeking out these lost cities. The family often views the Learners’ Guild (p. 194) as allies of convenience, though this relationship is sometimes one way; the Escalanas are not always interested in sharing their discoveries.
Out of the three Founding Ranelles, the Escalanas oversee the fewest gerryth, but those few they hold tend to be fiercely loyal.
家主阿尔琳德拉·埃斯卡兰纳(Alyndra Escalanas)
阿尔琳德拉大部分时间都待在瑟瑞萨。由于更喜欢在奠基之塔(the Foundation Spire)执行职责,她少有拜访自己的领地和臣国。每个月,她都会去伊默里特森林(Imerit Wood)的一处私人庄园呆上几天,还留了一艘小型私人空艇供往来之用。瑟瑞萨恢复以来,阿尔琳德拉就拒绝踏入基城(Foundation)的地下隔间。宫廷中有传言表明,她害怕回到自己童年的家。

劇透 -   : Matriarch Alyndra Escalanas
Despite her seniority, Alyndra continues to walk the path of Scholars. She was only beginning her Journey down that path when she became Matriarch. The previous Matriarch was Alyndra’s older sister who went mad during Sereatha’s final years underground. Pronouncing the death a direct result of Alachia’s failed leadership, Alyndra has always been a vocal proponent of the Gwydenro elves standing apart from Blood Wood.
Alyndra spends most of her time in Sereatha. Visits to her holdings and vassals are infrequent, as she prefers to perform her duties in the Foundation Spire (p. 176). She travels to a private estate in the Imerit Wood for a few days every month and she keeps a small personal airship on retainer for these journeys. Alyndra has refused to set foot in the underground chambers of the Foundation since Sereatha emerged. Rumors among the court suggest she is afraid to return to her childhood home.





劇透 -   : The Fensalor Ranelle
The Fensalor are best known for their prowess in battle. Their early recorded history traces back to Caelshara (p. 188), where their first Patriarch, Gaelin, ruled with an iron fist. He built the locals into a fearsome fighting force and used his influence to build the immense stone fort that stands to this day.
The Fensalor unified with the other Founding Ranelles grudgingly and have always been staunch defenders of their own rights and gerryth, focusing on their own needs before that of the Gwydenro as a whole. Perhaps due to this inward focus, the Fensalor lost the least during the Scourge and today have more sworn gerryth than any other ranelle.
After reclaiming their lands, the Fensalor have focused on rebuilding their infrastructure. While they respect the power of the consortis of Sereatha, the Fensalor prefer to keep their most promising members away from the capital. As such, Leja (p. 183) has comparatively little sway in Fensalor lands and her opinion is held in the same regard as any one of the Patriarch’s vassals.
The Fensalor military and the Knights of the Crimson Spire (p. 193) often have common cause and many ambitious young Fensalor join the organization to gain a reputation. Upon transitioning out of the Path of Warriors, many Fensalor leave the Knights to undertake their next challenge. While the Knights protect the Gwydenro from external threats or natural disaster, Fensalor forces spend most of their time enforcing peace between loyal gerryth and building public works. The Fensalor have formed a profitable trade alliance with Thera and do a brisk business from their seat, Caelshara. Thera’s cultural influence can be seen in the dress and behavior of many of the family’s younger nobles, a trend that has not gone unnoticed in Sereatha’s court.
家主伊萨姆·芬萨罗(Itham Fensalor)

劇透 -   : Patriarch Itham Fensalor
Itham grew into adulthood while Caelshara was going into isolation. Itham’s brother fell to Horror taint during those chaotic times, galvanizing the young soldier’s determination to defend the Gwydenro by any means necessary. Itham acted as an honorable commander while ensuring the safety of his people and proved himself a capable politician during the Scourge. Already elderly when his father passed on he took his position as head of the ranelle a few decades before their emergence.
A follower of the Path of Lords, Itham is primarily renowned for his skill as a Warrior and a Troubadour. Even his allies concede that he was never particularly talented with Elementalism or the deeper mysteries of the arcane arts. Due to his extreme age, Itham delegates most of his duties and rarely travels from his home in the fortress of Caelrasha.



最高理事伊奥林和特里斯洛拉的领导者之间已经没有感情了,近年来,雷涅尔在尖塔之城的存在也有所减少。许多雷涅尔的亲族正返回自己的故乡盖里斯寻找新的机会。虽然伊奥林已经禁止与索萨拉的精灵做生意,但家族继续与自由连队(Free Companies)注打交道,声称非精灵天生不受任何分裂法令的约束。特里斯洛拉还与艾奥珀斯达成了许多有利可图的交易。然而,德奈拉斯塔斯似乎并不关心这种关系,因为他们最近违反了与特里斯洛拉的合同,拒绝在控制下的杰里斯船厂建造承诺的商船。

劇透 -   : The Trisrora Ranelle
The Trisrora grew from little more than a few carts and their talent for spotting a good deal. Originally operating as several nomadic camps, the Trisrora caravan established its first permanent settlement in the Gwydenro’s northeastern region. While that kingdom, Wersedd, still exists, the Trisrora have shifted their focus from their ancient home.
The family’s first Matriarch, Shyonia, had amassed great wealth during her travels. Wishing to extend her trade network further, she made her way to the sea and encountered Naesala Escalanas and Gaelin Fensalor. According to the legend, she brokered peace between the two and personally set the first flagstone for the city of Sereatha.
Today, the Trisrora command many gerryth on the eastern fringes of the Gwydenro. Jastra leads the family from Sereatha and works closely with her family’s consortis. While she advises her people to look for opportunities throughout the Western Kingdoms and the Wastes, she also sets her sights beyond their borders. She worked hard with former High Steward Maldwyn to establish ties with Shosara and was doing profitable business with them until Iolyn declared the region once again Separated.
There is no love lost between High Steward Iolyn and the Trisrora leadership, and the ranelle’s presence in the City of Spires has decreased over recent years. Many of their kin are returning to their home gerryth to look for new opportunities. While Iolyn has outlawed business with the elves of Shosara, the family continues to deal with the Free Companies (p. 240), claiming non-elves are, by nature, exempt from any decree of Separation. The Trisrora have also made many profitable deals with the people of Iopos. The Denairastas seem to care little for this relationship, however, as they recently broke a contract with the Trisrora, refusing to build the promised merchant ships in their Jerris shipyards.
家主贾斯特拉·特里斯洛拉(Jastera Trisrora)

劇透 -   : Matriarch Jastra Trisrora
The current Matriarch of the Trisrora is young, and one of the wealthiest Namegivers in the Gwydenro. She is not shy about showing off her wealth, adorning herself in the finest garments and jewelry the City of Spires has to offer. She is charitable, giving frequent donations to questors and holding an annual feast for the downtrodden in the lower kingdom of Dion (p. 172). These actions serve to protect her image and that of her family, and Jastra cares little for the details of how her money is used to help others. Her primary focus is working to expand her family’s trade portfolio and she spends much of her time in the Spire of Ambition (p. 179).
She frequently invests in up-and-coming tradesmen and often clashes with High Steward Iolyn over what constitutes an ‘acceptable’ business partner. She is currently on the Path of Travelers, and a moderately accomplished Troubadour.



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