作者 主题: [P.028]霍尔Hoar  (阅读 3729 次)


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« 于: 2017-07-09, 周日 22:27:15 »


  (厄运使者[The Doombringer],三雷之主[Lord of Three Thunders],公正的诗人[the Poet of Justice],雷霆投掷者[Hurler of Thunders])

  机械境半神力(从前弱等神力)[Demipower(formerly Lesser Power) of Mechanus],

  神职PORTFOLIO:复仇[Revenge],报应[retribution],诗性正义[poetic justice]
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:机械境/判决之庭[Mechanus/Doomcourt]
  徽记SYMBOL:一只戴着黑色手套的右手,持有着一枚双面之头花纹的铸币 或 三道闪电束 或 三道深击的滚雷[A black-gloved right hand holding a coin with a two-faced head or three lightning bolts or three deep rolls of thunder]
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE
【右图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】
[译注:poetic justice——Poetic justice is a literary device in which ultimately virtue is rewarded and viciousness is punished. In modern literature[citation needed] it is often accompanied by an ironic twist of fate related to the character's own action.]

  “厄运使者[the Doombringer]”霍尔[Hoar](读作HORE)并未经常得到在固定礼拜上的热忱崇拜,但那些寻求复仇者呼唤着他的名字。当某个犯罪团伙落入命运的追捕(譬如当一场谋杀刚刚案发,杀人犯就死于了意外,尤其是假如这场意外——例如跌倒致死——由杀人犯本身引起),霍尔之手将得到赞扬。在北地[the North],霍尔有一种更温和的面相,在那里他更少被视为复仇之神,而更多被视为诗性正义之神。许多赏金猎人以及一些刺客会在在狩猎开始前讨好厄运使者,而他们中的真正信徒,会尝试以一种具有讽刺意味的恰当风格来捕获他们的猎物。
Hoar(HORE) the Doombringer is not often actively worshiped in set services,but his name is invoked by those seeking vengeance.When a guilty party falls prey to fate(such as when a murderer is killed accidentally just after the murder is committed,particularly if the accident—for example,slipping to his death—was initiated by the murderer himself),the hand of Hoar is given credit. Hoar has a more benign aspect in the North,where he is seen less as a god of vengeance and more as a god of poetic justice. Many bounty hunters and some assassins propitiate the Doombringer before commencing a hunt,the truly faithful among them seeking to capture their quarry in a suitably ironic style.

  实际上,霍尔是位古老的恩瑟人[Untheric]神祇,在内海地区[the Inner Sea Lands]作为阿斯兰[Assuran],三雷之主[Lord of Three Thunders]被崇拜。自他、以及他的信仰系统被拉曼[Ramman]从这个地区驱逐已经过去了多个世纪,大约在同一时期,霍尔与失落的恩瑟的战争、雷电、雨与风暴之神发生了剧烈的冲突。
Hoar is actually an ancient Untheric deity worshiped in the Inner Sea Lands as Assuran,Lord of Three Thunders.He and his worship were driven from that land in centuries past by priests of Ramman around the same time that Hoar battled and lost to that Untheric god of war,thunder,rains,and storms in a tumultuous conflict.

  虽然三雷之主的信仰在恩瑟[Unther](必须指出,在那之后拉曼在该地区被作为恩瑟神系[the Untheric pantheon]一部分的时间也没能延续很长)迅速衰亡,厄运使者的教派仍在阙森塔人[Chessentan]、尤其是在阿肯纳克斯[Akanax]和莫克塔[Mourktar]这两座城市中兴盛了许多个年头。在这过去的一个世纪里,当阙森坦雇佣兵从穆尔霍兰德[Mulhorand]带着他们的安荷[Anhur]信仰返回,阿斯兰的信仰再一次突然地大规模衰落。虽然文官留了下来继续效忠于阿斯兰,但许多士兵转而皈依了这位穆尔霍兰德战争之神的信仰。
Although worship of the Lord of Three Thunders dropped off rapidly in Unther(to the point where Assuran was no longer considered part of the Untheric pantheon) ,the cult of the Doombringer remained strong in Chessenta for many years,particularly in the cities of Akanax and Mourktar.In the past century,Assuran's worship again declined precipitously in size when Chessentan mercenaries returning from Mulhorand brought with them the faith of Anhur. Although the officers remained loyal to Assuran,many soldiers converted to the faith of the Mulhorandi god of war.

  在动荡之年期间,霍尔/阿斯兰将阿肯纳克斯城的国王海帕特斯[King Hippartes]作为他凡人化身的肉身。在旅行前往塞尔[Thay]以获取一件他藏匿塞尔高原[Thaymounts]的隐藏武器(并勉强地避开了一位被称为覆面之人[the Masked One]的红袍法师[Red Wizard]的阴谋)之后,霍尔命令阿肯纳克斯城的军队和几支受雇的佣兵队为古时的侮辱,投入到针对临近城市辛巴[Cimbar]、索瑞纳[Soorenar]、鲁斯奇夸[Luthcheq]的复仇战争中。厄运使者同样煽动着那些城市之间几个酝酿已久冲突,使阙森塔的大部分都陷入了战争。在对阿肯纳克斯城与他本人的古老敌人的一系列胜利后,他在阙森塔易怒的城市之间缔造了一个联盟。就在那时,他令阿肯纳克斯城军队掉头攻击恩瑟[Unther]帝国、尤其是拉曼的教会。拉曼的化身与他敌对敌、面对面,而在这诗性正义的一幕中,在这位恩瑟人的风暴之神的第三次电闪雷鸣般攻击后,拉曼编织了一道强大的法术,通过将闪电反弹、从而杀死了拉曼。然而,阿斯兰再一次输了,在他得以夺取拉曼的神职前,这位恩瑟人的战争之主将它度让给了穆尔霍兰德人的战神安荷,而永久性地离开了诸国度[the Realms]。获得新生的穆尔霍兰德战争之神率领他的军队前往恩瑟守御、并击溃了阙森坦佣兵团们,它们中的许多人叛离到了他的那边。在战败后,厄运使者再次从恩瑟被赶出。(而在众神之战[the Godswar]之后,就像大部分阙森塔间的同盟看上去会发生的那样,这个城市同盟迅速瓦解了。)
During the Time of Troubles,Hoar/Assuran took as his mortal avatar the body of King Hippartes of Akanax. After traveling to Thay to obtain a cache of weapons he had hidden in the Thaymounts(and narrowly evading the plots of a Red Wizard known as the Masked One),Hoar commanded the army of Akanax and several hired mercenary companies into wars against the neighboring cities of Cimbar,Soorenar,and Luthcheq in revenge for ancient insults. The Doombringer incited several long-simmering conflicts between those cities as well,plunging most of Chessenta into war. After a string of victories against ancient foes of Akanax and himself,he forged an alliance between Chessenta's fractious cities. He then turned Akanax's armies against Unther and against the church of Ramman in particular. Ramman's avatar met him face-to-face and toe-to-toe,and in an act of poetic justice,the Doombringer wove a powerful spell that slew Ramman by causing a bolt of lightning to rebound after the Untheric storm god's third thunderous lightning attack. However,once again Assuran lost out when,before he could seize Ramman's portfolio,the Untheric lord of war passed it on to Anhur,war god of Mulhorand,and left the Realms permanently. The revitalized Mulhorandi god of war led his troops to Unther's defense and routed the Chessentan mercenaries,many of whom defected to his side. The Doombringer was once again driven from Unther in defeat.(After the Godswar,the alliance of city-states quickly disintegrated,as most such alliances in Chessenta seem to do.)

  虽然在动荡之年之前,他的崇拜已经慢慢扩散到了整个央土[the Heartlands],但自动荡之年以来,已不能明显感知到霍尔在诸国度有何直接行动,而他的标记(三道深击的滚雷)在内海地区也已不闻十年。虽然某些猜测认为他已于动荡之年期间陨落,但真相是他令自身隐退、并中断了一些常规活动,来计划对安荷的复仇。加上在残破的阙森塔从他的信仰中叛逃的巨量信徒,三雷之主发现在众神之战的余波中,自己在整个诸国度已沦落到半神力的地位。
Although his worship had been spreading slowly throughout the Heartlands prior to the Time of Troubles,Hoar's direct action in the Realms has not been felt since the Time of Troubles,and his sign(three deep rolls of thunder) has not been heard in the Inner Sea lands for a decade. Although some speculate that he died during the Time of Troubles,the truth is that he has retreated into himself and cut off many of his routine activities to plot his revenge against Anhun. Combined with the massive defection of worshipers from his faith in battered Chessenta,the Lord of Three Thun-ders has found himself reduced to demipower status throughout the Realms in the aftermath of the Godswar.

  霍尔是位喜怒无常的神力,他有暴力倾向并嗜好激烈而令人不快的幽默。他一会为自己的宿命而诅咒泰摩拉[Tymora],一会又因企图获得更好的运气而假惺惺地唬骗她,在这会把她当作敌人,在那会又将她视为朋友。他会为摆脱坏运气而试图为厄运少女[the Maiden of Misfortune]提供援助。他有着干裂、空洞的暗笑、满面愁容的外貌、以及对宿命困境中凡人的病态魔力。据说,提尔[Tyr]与莎尔[Shar]在争夺霍尔受折磨的灵魂。莎尔试图将厄运使者扭曲为盲目复仇与苦怨的仆人,与此同时,提尔试图解开他苦乐参半的幽默、将他的神职向讽刺和诗性正义转移,但直至今日,除了自己、他不侍奉任何人。
Hoar is a moody power,prone to violence and with a penchant toward bitter humor. He alternately curses Tymora for his fate and attempts to unctuously wheedle her for better luck,treating her at times as an enemy and at others as a friend. He seeks to aid the Maiden of Misfortune in unleashing bad luck on the deserving. He has a dry,hollow chuckle,a haunted appearance,and a morbid fascination in the plight of doomed mortals. It is said that both Tyr and Shar contest for Hoar's tormented soul. Shar seeks to twist the Doombringer into a servant of blind vengeance and bitterness,while Tyr seeks to unlock his bittersweet humor and shift his portfolio towards irony and poetic justice,but to this date he serves no one's interests but his own.

霍尔的化身Hoar's Avatar
  (盗贼Thief 23,战士Fighter 20,牧师Cleric 18,巫师Mage 18)

Hoar appears as a tall,dark,gaunt man with dark,long,ringleted hair and a pointed goatee. His eyes are jet black,and he wears the garments of a noble or rich merchant,most often of Unthei,but sometimes of Chessenta or western Faerûn. He usually appears tired and battered,sporting several poorly healed,serious cuts attributed to Ramman or Anhur,depending upon the time period. Hoar wields a massive broad sword,but wears no armor save for a pair of golden bracers. He carries a quiver of javelins on his back. The Doombringer can cast spells from any sphere or school,but fa-vors those from the weather and charm spheres and the illusion/phantasm school,as careful application of such spells facilitates the implementation of a suitably ironic fate on his victims.

  防御等级 -2;移动 15;生命值 190;零级命中值 1;#攻击 5次/2轮 或 7次/2轮
  伤害 1d6+29(+3阔剑,+9力量,+2阔剑专精) 或  1d6+29(闪电标枪[javelin of lightning],+9力量,+20电击伤害)
  魔抗 55%;体型 中型M(6.5英尺) 或 大型L(10英尺)
  力量 21,敏捷 19,体质 21,智力 23,感知 18,魅力 16:
  法术 牧师P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 4;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 5
  AC -2;MV 15;HP 190;THAC0 1;#AT 5/2 or 7/2
  Dmg 2d4+14(brood sword +3,+9 Str,+2 spec. in broad sword) or
ld6+29(javelin of lightning,+9 Str,+20 electrical damage)
  MR 55%;SZ M(6½ feet) or L(10 feet)
  Str 21,Dex 19,Con 21,Int 23,Wis 18,Cha 16
  Spells P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2,W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
  Saves PPDM 3,RSW 4,PP 4,BW 4,Sp 5

  特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:霍尔通常用右手挥舞他的魔法阔剑——报应之手[Hand of Retribution]——进行攻击。面对易受电击伤害的敌人时,除了以他的剑攻击,每轮1次,他还能用左手猛掷一柄来自他看似无穷无竭的箭囊(它以魔法重新装填自身,使其保持有半打左右的标枪)的闪电标枪。失手的标枪将消失在一道无害的闪电中。
Special Att/Def:Hoar normally attacks with his magical broad sword,Hand of Retribution,wielded in his right hand. Against opponents susceptible to electrical damage,in addition to his attacks with his sword,he hurls with his left hand one javelin of lightning per round from his seemingly inexhaustible quiver(it magically replenishes itself and seems to always hold a half dozen or so javelins). Javelins that miss dissipate in a harmless bolt of lightning.

  霍尔偏好施展毕格比之手[Bigby's hand]系列法术或相关法术如卡历加德利爪术[Caligarde's claw]戈登的擒拿之攫[Geirdom's Grappling Grasp]。他能同时维持3道这样的法术,在期间继续施展法术或近身战斗。随意使用,每轮1次,厄运使者也能施展任何电性质的法师法术(譬如闪电束[lightning bolt]),且每轮1次,即使已经超过了他的正常法术数量(上文给出)后依然可以继续施展此类法术。
Hoar prefers to cast the Bigby's hand spells or related spells like Caligarde's claw or Geirdom's grappling grasp. He can maintain up to three such spells at a time while continuing to cast spells and fight in melee. The Doombringer can also cast any wizard spell of an electrical nature(such as lightning bolt) at will,once per round,and can continue to cast such spells once a round even after he runs out of his normal number of spells(given above).

  如果厄运使者双手齐拍或在固体表面跺脚,将生成响亮、雷鸣的隆隆声,效果如同巨吼术[great shout](如同出自《巫师之页Pages from the Mages》的8级法师法术)。每轮1次,作为他所有的正常攻击的附加,霍尔可以创造创造一阵这样的雷声。如果三雷之主创造了三阵这样的雷声,且连续的三轮均指向相同的敌人,该生物将为其曾犯下、仍逍遥法外的最大不义之行,立即遭受适度的惩罚,由DM裁决。
If the Doombringer claps his hands together or stomps his foot on a solid surface,it generates a sonorous,thundering boom equal in effect to a great shout(as the 8th-tevel wizard spell from Pages from the Mages). Hoar can create up to one such thunderclap per round in addition to all his normal attacks. If the Lord of Three Thunders creates three such thunderclaps,one in each of in three consecutive rounds all directed at the same opponent,that being immediately suffers a fitting punishment for the greatest as-yet-unpunished injustice it has ever committed,as adjudicated by the DM.
【图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

其它显现Other Manifestation

Hoar's commonly manifests as three deep rolls of thunder when a guilty party falls prey to a suitable,often ironic,fate. Occasionally the Doombringer manifests as a ghostly hand seen only by the one being punished(and possibly that one's victim's loved ones). Such manifestations are only seen in the process of delivering an appropriate punishment. For example,the spouse of a murdered man might see the hand of Hoar push her husband's murderer—who is afraid of heights—off a cliff.

  霍尔的偏爱偶尔借由发现绯红之泪[red tearshaped gems]的展示;而他的不悦由蕾拉之泪[Laeral's tear]宝石粉末表明。厄运使者借助气灵侍者[aerial servant]、受诅者[curst]、惊怖魔[feyr]、哈拉控情鬼[harrla]、地缚灵[haunt]、隐形潜伏怪[invisible stalker]、正义具现[justice incarnate]、基尔[kere]、活钢[living steel]、还魂尸[revenant]、莱娜精[lhiannan shee]、以及猎杀者[marut]行事。
Hoar's favor is seen occasionally through the discovery of red tearshaped gems;his displeasure is indicated by the discovery of a powdered Laeral's tear gem. The Doombringer works through aerial servants,cursts,feyrs,harrlas,haunts,invisible stalkers,justice incarnates,keres,living steels,revenants,lhiannan shee,and marut.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师[Clerics],专属祭司[specialty priests],十字军[crusaders]
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:C:Yes,SP:No,Cru:No
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:C:No,SP:Yes,如下所述[as described below],Cru:No

All clerics,specialty priests,and crusaders of Hoar receive religion(Faerûnian) and religion(Untheric) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies.

Hoar is propitiated more than he is worshiped. Inhabitants of the Realms commonly attribute fitting acts of justice to the Lord of Three Thunders,and some beings(particularly the helpless and the weak) go so far as to entreat the Doombringer to deliver their vengeance,but few actually worship him on a regular basis in set services held in shrines or temples.

  分散矗立于诸国度各地的少量霍尔神殿是些朴素甚至严峻的石质建筑。它们大部分被建立在隐蔽的高处,在那里,它们的居民能秘密地繁衍、谋划对所有曾轻蔑过他们者的复仇。霍尔神职人员大约有40%是牧师、30%是十字军、30%是专属祭司(厄运使者[doombringers])。正如预期,霍尔的神职人员随着世纪漫长的憎恨和不断变化的联盟分裂为了大量彼此背后中伤的派系。他们常用的头衔根据派系的变化而变化,不过在央土[the Heartlands],霍尔的祭司被称作(以升序):讽刺之眼[Eye of Irony]、厄运之手[Hand of Doom]、复仇之拳[Fist of Vengeance]、报复之爪[Claw of Revenge]、讽刺的宿命之眼[Fateful Eye of Irony]、厄运的宿命之手[Fateful Hand of Doom]、复仇的宿命之拳[Fateful Fist of Vengeance]、以及报复的宿命之爪[Fateful Claw of Revenge]。最资深的祭司被称为雷鸣的复仇之主[Lords of Thunderous Vengeance]。
The few temples of Hoar found scattered throughout the Realms are plain,even severe,stone edifices. Most are built in high,hidden places where their inhabitants can secretly brood and plot vengeance against all who have slighted them. Approximately 40% of the clergy of Hoar are clerics,30% are crusaders,and 30% are specialty priests(doombringers). As could be expected,the clergy is splintered into a multitude of backstabbing factions with centuries-old hatreds and constantly shifting alliances. Commonly used titles vary from faction to faction,but in the Heartlands,priests of Hoar are known as(in ascending order):Eye of Irony,Hand of Doom,Fist of Vengeance,Claw of Revenge,Fateful Eye of Irony,Fateful Hand of Doom,Fateful Fist of Vengeance,and Fateful Claw of Revenge. Senior priests are known as Lords of Thunderous Vengeance.

Dogma:Hoar charges his clergy to uphold true and fitting justice and to maintain the spirit of the law,not the letter of the law. Fitting recompense will always accrue for one's actions. Violence will meet violence and evil pay back evil,but good will also come to those who do good. One must be careful to walk the line of Hoar's teachings,to seek retribution,but to fall not into pursuing evil acts for evil's sake,for that way is seductive and leads only to one's downfall. Vengeance must be sought for all injustices,and all punishments must fit the crime. Revenge is sweetest when it is sharpened with irony. All attacks must be avenged. Those who do not respond to attacks against their person or that which they hold dear only invite future attacks.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Day-to-Day Activities:There are few actual temples of Hoar in the western Realms. Instead the Doombringer's priesthood is composed primarily of itinerant wanderers who travel from town to town agreeing to pray for Hoar's intercession on behalf of one who seeks or fears vengeance for some attack in exchange for a small fee. Charlatans masquerading as members of Hoar's clergy or priests who neglect the prayers they have promised to make receive a fitting punishment by Hoar's hand.

In addition,Hoa's clergy seek out victims of injustice,hear their stories,evaluate the veracity of their accounts,and track down the perpetrators in order to inflict a fitting form of punishment or “essential justice” as they like to think of it. No injustice is too large or too small for revenge to be sought and a fitting punishment meted out. Actions of this type have caused most town watches and Tyrists to brand priests of the Doombringer as vigilantes and raised the stature of the priesthood to that of champion of the downtrodden and underdogs in the eyes of the common folk.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:The clergy of the Doombringer celebrate few major holy days. Instead,each priest is encouraged to celebrate the anniversaries of his most fitting and sweetest acts of revenge. Each priest is also expected to mark the anniversary of each injury,insult,or slight as yet not avenged with quiet contemplation(many persons not of the faith would call it brooding) upon strategies for appropriately enacting that revenge. However,true members of Hoar's clergy are also to remember those who have helped them unselfishly,protected them from harm,or otherwise provided them aid and contemplate ways to reward them personally and lastingly,rather than with meaningless titles,shallow items of wealth,or faint and passing praise. Silent or thunderous praises(as appropriate) must be given to Hoar each and every time some form of vengeance is exacted by a priest of the Doombringer.

  在衰败之月[Eleint]的第11天庆祝的倒数第二道雷霆[The Penultimate Thunder],伴随着游戏、面包、水果以及蜂蜜酒的宏大盛宴。它是被三雷之主期待已久的、对拉曼的胜利的纪念。在落叶之月[Marpenoth]的第11天庆祝的劫数将临[The Impending Doom],伴随着终日隆隆的鼓声、激情的宣誓以及令人疲惫不堪的净化行为的仪式。它歌颂了尚未被处理的正义、尚未被进行的复仇、通告司仪神父去记住的善行。
The Penultimate Thunder is celebrated on the 11th of Eleint with great feasts of game,bread,fruits,and mead. It marks the long-anticipated victory over Ramman by the Lord of Three Thunders. The Impending Doom is observed on the 11th of Marpenoth with daylong ceremonies of rumbling drums,vigorous oaths,and exhausting acts of purification. It celebrates justices yet to be meted out,revenges yet to be carried through with,and good deeds that call to the celebrants to be remembered.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
  在南方[the South],两座三雷之主的神殿竞逐着信仰的领导权。复仇的雷霆之手位于阿肯纳克斯[Akanax]城,并完全效忠于这座城市的国王,而它的祭司以铁拳运行着这座城市的监管和法庭。正如他们被众所周知的,雷霆之手[the Thunder Hand]的祭司占据了阿肯纳克斯城陆军高阶军官很大的比例。
Major Centers of Worship:In the South,two temples of the Lord of Three Thunders contest for leadership of the faith. The Thunderous Hand of Vengeance in Akanax is strictly loyal to the king of that city,and its priests run the city watch and the city courts with an iron fist. Priests of the Thunder Hand,as they are commonly known,make up a large percentage of the high-ranking officers in Akanax's armies.

  第一道雷霆之竞技场[The Amphitheater of the First Thunder]位于城市莫克塔[Mourktar],那是一座巨大、开放圆形运动场,与在诸国度其他地方更常见的法院审判不同,在那里举行了众多原告和被告之间的角斗。霍尔被认为干预了每一场比赛,确保被演出地总是公允的正义。真正的神殿坐落于竞技场的内部。由于动荡之年,以及该信仰最重要的成员国王席瑞斯[Theris]的逝世,这座神庙的影响力在整个色雷斯凯[Threskel]和阙森塔邻近地区迅速衰退。厄运使者的祭司的大部分权位被黑色君主的斗篷[the Black Lord's Cloak](在《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》里的班恩[Bane]部分被阐述)的班恩教派[Banite]神职人员分走了。
The Amphitheater of the First Thunder in the independent city of Mourktar is a large,open arena where numerous gladiatorial combats take place between accusers and the accused instead of the more common court trials found elsewhere in the Realms. It is believed that Hoar intervenes directly in each bout,ensuring that fitting justice always enacted. The actual temple is located in the bowels of the arena. Since the Time of Troubles and the death of King Theris,the most prominent member of the faith,the influence of this temple has rapidly shrunk throughout the nearby regions of Threskel and Chessenta. Priests of the Doombringer have been shunted from most positions of power by the Banite clergy of the Black Lord's Cloak(discussed in the Bane entry in Faiths & Avatars).

  随着阿斯兰在阙森塔影响力的衰弱,位于弓弧林[the Arch Wood]深处的隐藏的宿命之手[the Hidden Hand of Fate]神殿在北地声望有所提升。阿肯谷[Archendale]的居民一直因他们的急性子、好妒、自负和对阴谋的爱好而闻名。在这样的环境里,霍尔的崇拜开始扎根,不少阿肯谷的居民暗地里崇拜厄运使者。隐藏的宿命之手的祭司资助了若干活跃于央土各地的吟游诗人、赏金猎人以及刺客,并协调着一张松散的义警网络,在谷地[the Dales]的那些狂热的年代里、执行着粗暴的正义。
With Assuran's declining influence in Chessenta,the Hidden Hand of Fate temple in the depths of the Arch Wood has risen to some prominence in the North. The inhabitants of Archendale have always been known for their short tempers,grudges,arrogance,and love of intrigue. In this environment,Hoar's worship has begun to take hold,and quite a few of Archendale inhabitants clandestinely worship the Doombringer. The priests of the Hidden Hand of Fate sponsor a number of bards,bounty hunters,and assassins active throughout the Heartlands and coordinate a loose network of vigilantes dealing rough justice throughout the wilder stretches of the Dales.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:
  复仇猎人[The Hunters of Vengeance]是一支活跃于央土与北地各处非正式的赏金猎人和义警组织。少数情况下,在他们采取了行动后人们会在很长一段时间内敬仰且畏惧地谈论他们的行为。
Affiliated Orders:The Hunters of Vengeance are an informal order of bounty hunters and vigilantes active throughout the Heartlands and the North. Few in number,their actions are spoken of with admiration and dread long after they have moved on.

  诗性正义的团契[The Fellowship of Poetic Justices]是一支在动荡之年成立的吟游诗人和十字军组织。同时献身于霍尔和提尔,并得到了两种信仰的神职人员支持,这个团契的成员寻求在整个诸国度传播具有讽刺意味的正义传奇,并期望借由言辞和行为达成暴力往往无法达到的目的。
The Fellowship of Poetic Justices is an order of bards and crusaders founded in the aftermath of the Time of Troubles. Dedicated to both Hoar and Tyr and supported by clergy from both faiths,members of the fellowship seek to spread tales of ironic justice throughout the Realms and achieve through words and deeds what violence often fails to accomplish.

祭司祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priestly Vestments:The clergy of Hoar wear their ceremonial garb whenever possible except when they wish to conceal their identity while stalking a perpetrator of some injustice. Their ceremonial raiment always includes a black tunic over a long gray robe,soft,black leather gloves,and a surreal mask that covers their faces when they are officially on a “hunt” for vengeance. Priests typically keep small tokens of their successes on silver-bordered,dark red sashes slung from their waists. They carry curved daggers,and sport the symbol of Hoar worked into piece of jewelry as a holy symbol.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring Garb:When adventuring,priests of the Doombringer wear whatever garb is best suited for the mission. Typically they garb themselves in leather armor when stealth is required,and the heaviest armor available when a frontal attack is anticipated. While they can wield any weapon,Hoarite priests must carry at least one blunt,one piercing,and one slashing weapon at all times. When injured(or anticipating injury) by an opponent,Hoarite priests are expected to use a weapon of the same type or at least the same damage type in response,as such attacks are more fitting in their impact. Those who deserve death should be finished off with their own weapons.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(厄运使者Doombringers

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:敏捷[Dexterity] 10,感知[Wisdom] 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:敏捷[Dexterity],感知[Wisdom]
  武器WEAPONS:任意(如果合适,以之前所描述)[Any(if fitting,as described above)]
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],魅惑[charm],战斗[combat],守序[law],守卫[guardian],死灵[necromantic],召唤[summoning],旅者[travelers],气候[weather]
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:创造[Creation],预言[divination],治疗[healing],保护[protection],时间
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:至少一件钝击、一件穿刺以及一件挥砍武器,尽快[At least one blunt,one piercing,and one slashing weapon as soon as possible],狩猎[hunting]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:盲斗[Blind-fighting],追踪[tracking],现代语言(选择二:矮人语,精灵语,侏儒语,半身人语,兽人语,恩瑟语)[modem languages(pick two:dwarvish,elvish,gnome,halfling,ore,Untheric)

  ·每日1次,厄运使者能在自己身上激起一种专注的狂暴。这种狂暴允许他们在攻击某个或一群特定目标(即试图对其处以复仇式制裁的目标时),在攻击和伤害上获得+2加值,此外,在所有豁免上获得+2加值。激发这狂暴将花费1整轮,然后持续1回合、或因所有可以辨识的敌人死去或失去意识而提前停止。在处于专注的狂暴期间,承受着不能从与他或她的敌人那里逃跑。狂暴的目标必须是具体的,譬如“瑟瑞安·黑胡子[Therian Blackbeard]”、“之前被我认出是谋杀一个无辜孩子的凶手的那个男人”或“此处的烈焰之剑[the Flaming Sword]团伙不法分子”。而不能应用于某种类的所有生物,譬如“所有兽人”或“所有游荡者”,厄运使者必须将狂暴集中于一项他正在进行的复仇性制裁任务的目标群体或个体。
  ·Doombringers can incite a focused rage once a day in themselves. This rage allows them a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against a specific being or group of beings they are seeking to bring satisfactory justice against and a +2 bonus to all saving throws. It takes one full round to incite a this rage,which then lasts a turn or ceases earlier if all foes of the identified type are dead or unconscious. While in a focused rage,the recipient cannot flee from a fight against his or her targets. The target of the rage must be specific,such as “Therian Blackbeard",“this man before me identified as the murderer of an innocent child”,or “the outlaws here of the Flaming Sword band.” This cannot be applied to all creatures of a type,such as “all orcs” or “all thieves,* and the group or individual the rage is focused on much be the target of a mission of righteous justice the doombringer is engaged in completing.

  ·Doombringers cannot turn undead,but if they make a successful attempt to command undead,they can order unliving creatures to seek out and attack their creators regardless of any commands(magical or otherwise) to the contrary,assuming the monsters did not seek undeath prior to their transformation. If an undead creature is nonintelligent,it ceases to seek vengeance as soon as it is no longer under the control of the doombringer. Intelligent undead do not cease their quest for vengeance until they are permanently destroyed or their creator dies or is destroyed. When the creator is killed,his undead creations immediately collapse into dust,their vengeance spent.

  ·如果一位垂死之人在临终前,对出席的厄运使者祈求向杀死他或她的凶手(们)复仇,这位祭司可以对着不幸受术者的死亡,念出一段特殊的怨灵祷文[Prayer of Revenance]。如果这位受术者的体质为18,感知或智力为17或更高,这位逝者被唤起为一只还魂尸[revenant]的概率被提升到25%。如果他或她的属性值未满足一只还魂尸的一般要求,霍尔的怨灵祷文的受术者被唤起为还魂尸的概率为5%。
  ·If a dying being begs for revenge against his or her killer or killers on his or her deathbed with a doombringer in attendance,the priest can say a special Prayer of Revenance upon the death of the luckless recipient. This increases the chance to 25% that,if the recipient's Constitution is 18 and Wisdom or Intelligence is 17 or greater,the deceased will rise as a revenant. The chance of a recipient of Hoar's Prayer of Revenance rising as a revenant if his or her ability scores do not meet the normal criteria for a revenant is 5%.

  ·If killed unjustly(as adjudicated by the DM) and not raised from the dead(or able to be raised),a doombringer always rises as a revenant. The weakness of this revenant is not always to fire,as is normal for a naturally-occurring revenant,and should be determined by the DM. For example,some such revenants have had to be immersed in fresh water for one turn or only been vulnerable to nonregeneratable damage after a particular item associated with them in life is destroyed in a particular way.

  ·在第3级,每日1次,厄运使者能施展电爪[shocking grasp](如同1级法师法术)。
  ·At 3rd level,doombringers can cast shocking grasp(as the lst-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ·在第5级,每日1次,厄运使者能施展闪电束[lightning bolt](如同3级法师法术)。
  ·At 5th level,doombringers can cast lightning bolt(as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day,

  ·在第7级,每日1次,厄运使者能施展霍尔之手[hand of Hoar](如同4级祭司法术)。
  ·At 7 th level,doombringers can cast hand of Hoar(as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ·在第10级,每日1次,厄运使者能施展雷霆权杖[thunder staff](如同4级法师法术)。
  ·At 10th level,doombringers can cast thunder staff(as the 4th-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ·在第13级,厄运使者得到恒定的防护箭矢[protection from normal missiles]法术的增益。
  ·At 13th level,doombringers receive the benefits of a permanent protection from normal missiles spell.

霍尔的法术Hoarite Spells

2nd Level
复仇之息Scent of Vengeance
  (祭司Pr 2;改变[Alteration])

  施法时间Casting Time:1轮[round]
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者[The spellcaster]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

This spell imbues the spellcaster with the ability to unerringly track any living creature who has directly caused insult or injury to a designated being(including the caster). This spell does not allow the tracking of undead creatures,and the name of the being who committed the action must be known for the spell to be effective. This spell can only be cast at the site of the offending insult or injury. The priest can follow the trail across any terrain by following the scent of his foe,even underwater or through the air if she or he can swim or fly.

The only way for the quarry to throw the pursuit from the trail is to teleport,employ a gate,shift to another plane or employ some other,similar form of magical transportation. Even if the quarry employs such forms of magical transportation,the tracking priest can continue to follow the trail until the point of magical departure,at which point the spell ends.

The material components of this spell are a small token once possessed by the quarry and the priest's holy symbol. Neither is consumed in the casting.

4th Level
霍尔之手Hand of Hoar

  (祭司Pr 4;改变[Alteration])

  施法时间Casting Time:7
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个智能生物[One intelligent creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效[Neg.]

  这道法术(也被称为神圣的正义[divine justice])因某个单一生命体某次残忍的行为,将公允的惩罚强加在其身上,这道法术的智慧受术者不能以驱散魔法[dispel magic]或其他魔法效果终结法术。它将持续直至霍尔之手击中受术者或受术者死亡。
This spell(also known as divine justice) inflicts a fitting punishment for an act of cruelty upon a single living and intelligent recipient of the spell that cannot be ended by dispel magic or other magical effects. It lasts until the hand of Hoar has struck the spell's recipient or the recipient is dead.

Upon casting the spell,the priest of Hoar must touch the spell's recipient and then verbally accuse the creature of some particular injustice committed that caused harm(DM's discretion) to some other creature or to the spellcaster. If the target fails a saving throw vs.spell,is actually guilty of committing the named injustice,and can understand the priest's accusation,then the spell takes effect. Note that the priest has no way of knowing if the spell has actually taken effect except to hypothesize if a fitting response occurs following the casting of the spell.

The vengeance of the hand of Hoar is swift and harsh. For example,if an assassin kills the wrong target and is then subject to the effects of Hoar's divine justice,it is likely the assassin will die while unintentionally foiling a rival assassin's attack on the original target. If a mage imprisons an innocent rival and is then subjected to the effects of the hand of Hoar,it is likely that mage's next spellcasting attempt will take effect within the radius of a spon-taneously-appearing wild magic region. The resulting miscast spell might result in the mage being imprisoned The effects of the hand of Hoar vary on a case-by-case basis,and must be adjudicated by the DM,but should be suitably ironic—a punishment to fit the crime.

The material components of this spell are a small token once possessed by the one who committed the act of cruelty and the priest's holy symbol Neither is consumed in the casting.

6th Level
  (祭司Pr 6;死灵[Necromancy])

  施法时间Casting Time:1轮[round]
  影响区域Area of Effect:一具尸体[One corpse]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

  当任何有智慧的生物被另一个有智慧的生物所杀,无论这是意外还是蓄意的杀害,这道法术将唤起尸体成为还魂尸并立即找出杀害他的凶手,详述见《怪物图鉴Monstrous Manual》。如果杀害他的凶手已经死去,则这道法术无效,它将会无害的消散。无论该角色有没有自然成为还魂尸的资格,一具完整的尸体(至少能够被施加法术唤起死尸[animate dead]转变成骷髅[skeleton]或僵尸[zombie])都是这道法术所必需的。创造它的祭司无法控制该亡灵,甚至可能因为干涉其复仇而被攻击。还魂尸会一直追踪凶手直到他复仇成功、或者度过了3~6个月,此时他的身体将会解体而他的灵魂将会得到安息。
When cast on the corpse of any sentient being killed by another sentient being,whether the death was accidental or deliberate,this spell causes the corpse to rise as a revenant,as detailed in the Monstrous Manual tome,and to immediately seek out its killer. If the corpse's killer is already dead,this spell is has no effect and is wasted. There are no ability score require-ments for the dead character as there are for naturally-occurring revenants,but a salvageable corpse(at least in good enough shape to transform into a skeleton or zombie if an animate dead spell were used) must exist for this spell to be cast on. The priest has no control over the revenant and may even be attacked by the undead creature if she or he interferes in its quest for revenge. The revenant tracks its killer until it destroys the killer or until 3-6 months pass,at which time its body disintegrates and its spirit rests in peace.

The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol and some token that was important to the deceased being(such as a favored scarf,locket,etc.).
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-03, 周四 01:35:29 由 席文塔姆 »

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Re: [P.028]霍尔Hoar
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-04-17, 周三 16:54:42 »
提瑞斯特斯[Tyrists] 是提尔信徒的意思,因为我翻译到了一个地方,提尔信徒被秘密屠杀

Watcher’s Knoll is famous for Joadath’s Massacre, where an outlawed congregation of Tyrists gathered in secret and were massacred in the Year of the Singing Skull (1297 DR).

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Re: [P.028]霍尔Hoar
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-03-19, 周五 01:06:16 »