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【SL】公司安保风格和著名安保队伍 P99 ~ (更新中)

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Specific CorpSec Doctrine, Philosophy and Tactits


劇透 -   : Now that we’ve gotten the dry, boring stuff out of the way, let’s get to the real corpsec paydata.
As everyone has already guessed, corps and or their security providers often handle security in their own special way depending on the mandates and policies of their parent corp or their current client (who sometimes happen to be the same). And while each of them have studied various concepts and principles regarding security, including CSSI, everyone just has to do things their own damn way and each site will be different. This includes the way they’re staffed and equipped. Both usually depend on what or who they’resecuring. So while the basic principles of corpsec may be similar across different corps and security providers, never assume that they’re interpreting and implementing that data in the same way. Like I said, everyone usually does things their own way.
Now, I’ve done my best to provide as much paydata on each of the following as possible, but there’s only so much space available in this file, so consider these the high points. Also, many (but not all) of these entries cover basic corporate security and not necessarily specific subsidiaries. Some of those are discussed later.



劇透 -   : Of all the megacorporations, Ares has one of the most diverse security portfolios with—count them—three separate security service subsidiaries under their chromed, olive-drab-colored belt. But rather than try and bring them in-line with each other under some semblance of uniformity, the Ares board of directors has elected instead to allow each of these subsidiaries to retain their specific … identities.


劇透 -   : The biggest and most well-known of Ares’ security providers is Knight Errant Security. Considered a personal pet company of CEO Damien Knight himself, KE is considered one of the jewels in that corporation’s crown and for the most part is Ares’de-facto corpsec division. Because KE has been getting a lot of attention as a law enforcement contractor in recent years, many have forgotten that KE got their start by providing corporate security and still holds several such contracts worldwide, often banking on the law enforcement branch’s reputation to acquire choice contracts. Because Knight himself is intimately concerned with KE’s reputation and public perception, KE security officers tend to act and present themselves as extremely professional at all times. While this means that KE tends to enjoy a bit more public support than other security providers, it also means they must remain ever vigilant against negative appearances at all times, which can sometimes hamper their effectiveness when operating in public. Otherwise, KE’s corpsec division is pretty much what one would expect from a provider of their caliber: highly efficient, well equipped with the latest Ares products, and motivated to serve the corp.

> KE的官员(无论是执法部门还是企业安保部门),在大众眼里都是非常乐于助人的,官员因为在这方面失职而被处罚或突然调动到不那么理想的职位的事例并不罕见。
> Turbo Bunny
> 这只意味着他们在没有目击者的情况下会变本加厉地进行暴力和幕后交易,这也引起了KE内部的某些思维或风潮,是一种行业里“非此即彼”综合征的极端版本;甚至会导致他们对抗自己的指挥官或上级。他们觉得任何轻微的错误,无论多么微小都会导致他们被开除或落得更糟糕的下场,从而倾向于采取更极端的措施来保护自己和同僚的秘密。那些反对这种风潮并向上级报告的人会被贴上“蓝色猎鹰”的标签,并被迅速(通常是残酷地)被处理掉。
> 2XL
> 蓝色猎鹰?
> Treadle
> 一个古老的军事术语,意为“伤害友军者”。指有人故意削弱他们的战友或队友以使自己看起来更优秀。
> Picador

劇透 -   : > It’s not uncommon for KE officers, both law enforcement and corpsec, to be extra helpful when in the public’s eye or for officers who slip in this regard to face reprimands or sudden transfers to less than ideal postings.
> Turbo Bunny
> This just means they’ve gotten better at handing out the beatings and back dealings when no one is looking. It’s also given rise to a certain kind of mentality and movement within KE, an extreme version of the ‘usversus-them’ syndrome among the rank and file; even against their own command officers or supervisors. They feel like any minor mistake no matter how benign will get them fired, or worse, and are inclined to take more extreme measures to ensure their secrets and those of fellow officers. Those who go against this movement and report back to the higher-ups are labeled “Blue Falcons” and quickly, often brutally, dealt with.
> 2XL
> Blue Falcon?
> Treadle
> An old military term that means “buddy fucker.” It’s someone who purposely frags over their buddies or squad mates to make themselves look better.
> Picador


劇透 -   : The same can’t be said of Ares’ other two security providers, Hard Corps and Wolverine Security.
Both are currently listed as corporate security providers, and thus far no one has been willing (or crazy enough) to contract either as law enforcement service providers on a wide scale. Both have earned reputations for their extensive use of lethal force techniques when executing their duties. While most in the security business consider Hard Corps and Wolverine to be beyond excessive with their use of force, this has not stopped either company from finding contracts.

> 这是因为在铁血兵团和金刚狼拿到合同的地方,使用致命武力处理问题的倾向被认为是好处而非障碍。当然,这些合同中的大多数都是出于地球上最无法无天的地方或者最糟糕的地域。上次我查询的时候,发现铁血兵团的一只特遣队就驻扎在SOX辐射区外面。金刚狼最近拿到了合同去香港九龙城寨“维持和平”,我也不知道其中哪一个算是更糟糕。
> Red Anya

劇透 -   : > That’s because in the places where Hard Corps and Wolverine are contracted, their propensity for dealing with problems using lethal force is considered a benefit rather than a hindrance. Of course, most of these contracts are in some of the worst hell-holes on the planet or areas of extreme lawlessness. Last time I checked, Hard Corps had a contingent stationed outside the SOX Radiation Zone. Wolverine was recently contracted to ‘keep the peace’ at the Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong. Not sure which one of them got the worse deal.
> Red Anya


劇透 -   : While both providers have reputations for brutality and violence, both have earned those reputations in different ways. Hard Corps seems to revel in their reputation and often hires officers with a propensity for history of violence. Military officers who received dis-honorable discharges for assault and similar charges, KE officers who were demoted and transferred out of the company for excessive use of force, or those of similar persuasion who like to bust heads first and ask questions later all seem to have found their way into Hard Corps. When dealing with security issues, Hard Corps is very straightforward; they go at problems headon. What they can’t intimidate they will often beat into submission or worse. Then, when it’s all over, they might start asking questions.

> 说老实话,铁血兵团也并不都是那些睾丸激素分泌过度,肌肉发达,关节僵硬的家伙。一些指挥官相当聪明,但仍然都是可怕的家伙。人在那里必须融入其中才能做出领导。但是铁血兵团没有获得KE的男男女女们所获得的那种阿瑞斯的订单机遇和支持。所以他们只能使用自己的名声以(希望)在失控前结束对抗。我猜你会说他们的疯狂也是有条理的。
> Cayman
> 或者就只是疯狂而已。铁血兵团是那种会穿着全套战术装备帮助小孩过马路的家伙……然后他们还会用枪指着小孩的脸对他们大喊大叫来赶着他们赶快走。
> Netcat

劇透 -   : > In all fairness, Hard Corps isn’t completely full of testosterone-overloaded, musclebound, knuckledraggers. Some of the commanders are fairly intelligentwhile still being downright scary. One would have to be in order to lead in that outfit. But Hard Corps doesn’t get the choice contracts or support from Ares that the KE boys and gals enjoy. So they often have to use their reputation in order to (hopefully) end confrontations before they get out of hand. Guess you could say there’s a method to their madness.
> Cayman
> Or just madness. Hard Corps would wear full tac-gear to help kids cross the street … and then yell at them to hurry the frag up while pointing guns in their faces.
> Netcat


劇透 -   : Meanwhile, Wolverine Security seems to have mellowed slightly over the past few years. Their reputation for using excessive force is still intact, but instead of following the more in-your-face approach they shared with Hard Corps, company execs have instituted new policies that call for more of a customer-service-friendly approach—before they shoot someone in the face. Repeatedly. For many years before being bought out by Ares, Wolverine was one of the few companies in the security business that wasn’t afraid to use deadly force when most everyone else started leaning toward less-than-lethal options. They were so bad that, during his tenure as head of Lone Star, Clayton Wilson once called Wolverine “nothing more than a pack of wild animals waiting for someone to turn them loose.”

> 这是来自于前任孤星老大的评论,那就够了。但这仍然说明了一些问题。
> Sunshine

劇透 -   : > Coming from the former head Star himself, that’s rich. But it still says something.
> Sunshine


劇透 -   : Like their namesake, Wolverine is a relatively small company whose officers make up for their lack of numbers with sheer ferocity and willingness to go straight to lethal force. Despite their current mandates, Wolverine officers usually don’t bother with small things like talking to work something out. Cause a problem, Wolverine officers take action, sometimes without a single word being exchanged. If a subject doesn’t present a weapon,  they may simply get Stick-n-Shocks in their ass. If a subject has anything even resembling a weapon, they better have their wills on file somewhere.

> 就算在这个时代,我仍然对这两家公司依然存在感到惊讶。让这些小丑干活真是疯狂!
> Icarus
> 你要这么看,有他们做对比,让KE看起来好多了。此外,阿瑞斯还拥有一些最好的责任保险和公司律师。最重要的是,治外法权就是为了减少公司对其财产的责任。如果他们必须在他们的地盘对你干些什么,那是你的问题。
> Mr. Bonds
> 并且在你需要的时候养一些疯狗总是没啥问题。
> Kane

劇透 -   : > Even in this day and age, I’m still surprised either of these companies still exist. The liability these jokers incur is insane!
> Icarus
> Look at it this way: They make KE look that much better by comparison. And besides, Ares has some of the best liability insurance and corporate lawyers around. On top of that, extraterritoriality is built to reduce corporate liability on their property. If they had to do something to you on their land, it’s your fault.
> Mr. Bonds
> And it never hurts to have some attack dogs around for when you need them.
> Kane



劇透 -   : Of all the corporations that have embraced or at least adopted some aspects of the CSSI security model, Aztechnology seems to have taken the concept completely to heart. After assisting Aztlan with their victory over Amazonia in 2075, Aztechnology’s star has been on the ascendant with a massive corp-wide upgrade spree fueled by some of the best stock prices they’ve seen in the past three decades. Winning a war and helping take out a great dragon will do that. One of the many programs to benefit from this has been Aztechnology’s security forces. Their main security branch, Aztechnology Corporatate Security (ACS), previously held a reputation for unnecessary bloodshed on par with Hard Corps and Wolverine, further undermined by persistent reports of incompetence. They were a joke in corpsec circles, and had been for years.
With Aztlan’s and Aztechnology’s current PR ratings higher than ever, however, Aztechnology has recently begun rebuilding ACS’s overall reputation. One of the first changes made was to start implementing the CSSI model of security corporation-wide.

> 并不是说他们真的需要新策略,而是采取新的措施并促进新的令人振奋的变化是使阿兹特科这些日子受欢迎的举措的一部分。这只是另一种公关策略。
> Pyramid Watcher

劇透 -   : > Not that they really needed it, but taking new initiatives and promoting new and exciting change is part of what’s keeping Aztechnology popular these days. It’s just another PR strategy.
> Pyramid Watcher


劇透 -   : As part of this, Aztechnology has initiated an “all of the above” approach when it comes to onsite physical security. Even in the smallest Aztech facilities, all facets of security—including procedures and physical security systems—are receiving major upgrades and overhauls. As quickly as they can install it, new security technology and features are being implemented in Aztechnology sites. The core of these upgrades is starting in Aztlan, with plans to work through the rest of North and South America and then to facilities in Europe. Eventually, this means that all Aztechnology sites will eventually become mazes of redundant active and passive systems and the latest security technologies

> Hard Exit刚刚说的有些“陷阱”内容。
> Stone
> 好,我正觉得需要新的挑战呢。
> Mika
> 别犯蠢。但我还有个别的问题:阿兹特科的其他非ACS安保单位又如何?我之前曾经闯入过阿兹特兰的设施,我面对的渣滓除了训练不足之外啥都有。这是少数几次我真的担心自己会死的时候。还是说这一段又是“继续阅读,之后还有更多”的老把戏?
> Ma’Fan
> 嗨,就好像你读了我心一样。
> Hard Exit

劇透 -   : > What Hard Exit is describing has “trap” written all over it.
> Stone
> Good, I’ve felt the need for a new challenge.
> Mika
> Don’t be an idiot. But I do have a question: What about all of Aztechnology’s other non-ACS security units? I’ve broken into Aztlan facilities before, and the slags I’ve faced there were anything but undertrained. It was one of the few times I was actually fearful for my life. Or is this going to end up being another “keep reading, more on this later” drek?
> Ma’Fan
> Gee, it’s like you can read my mind.
> Hard Exit


劇透 -   : Unfortunately for ACS—but fortunately for professionals like us—Aztechnology seems more intent on physical security safeguards and new tech over training and procedures for their security officers. This has done little to increase ACS’s reputation within the security provider community. Without adequately trained personnel to take advantage of the upgraded technologies and systems, only time will tell how effective they’ll be. This new period of upgrading and integrating their CSSI systems may prove to be unfortunate for Aztechnology and leave them more vulnerable than originally anticipated.
> 我对此只能一半赞同一半反对。阿兹特科不会蠢到让自己陷入困境。虽然我不会质疑Hard Exit的数据,但大A如此一次性升级是个震撼到我的愚蠢举动。这简直像是他们求着人拿着斧头来砍自己一样。亮星和黑星是我首先会想到的。等下,有人知道任何波哥大的设施正在进行升级么?
> Marcos
> 事实上,是的。有两个设施正在进行升级,等这两个升级完成之后还有三个正在计划中。
> Pyramid Watcher
> 好。我要去打几个电话。
> Marcos

劇透 -   : > I call fifty-fifty odds on that. Aztechnology didn’t get to where they are by being stupid. And while I’m not questioning Hard Exit’s data, it strikes me as a rather idiotic move by the Azzies to do all of this upgrading at once. It’s like they’re almost begging to be hit by someone with an axe to grind. Bright Star and Black Star are some of the first to come to mind. Wait, does anyone know of any facilities in Bogotá that are undergoing this upgrade?
> Marcos
> As a matter of fact, yes. There are two of them currently being upgraded, with three more scheduled after the first two are complete.
> Pyramid Watcher
> Frag. I got some calls to make.
> Marcos


劇透 -   : Overall Aztechnology can be hit or miss, based on the officers’ capability levels at any given site. Every so often they seem to get a few firebrands looking to make a name for themselves, but eventually the reality of their situation wears them down. When they are motivated, ACS officers and security can be formidable, because they fear failure and what it may mean for them or their families. But fear isn’t a substitute for skill and training.
Until all of the planned upgrades are met, one  can pretty much expect the current status quo to continue, at least for the interim. When visiting anAztechnology site during normal business hours, the first impression that comes to mind in terms of security is “adequate, but not exceptional,” especially when dealing with ACS. The officers perform their duties adequately, but it’s not uncommon to see a definite lack of enthusiasm or motivation in them. Uniforms and equipment will often look functional, but a bit worn. If one had to apply the stereotype of lazy, uneducated security guard, ACS fits the bill.


> 我必须对本节做一些说明。由于公司的情况不断变化,我也不知道这一数据何时就没用了。但是,在本文发布之时,这是目前天演安保实践的当前情况。因此,无论接受它或对此保留意见都可以,因为本文是关于公司安保而非公司状况。
> Hard Exit

劇透 -   : > I have to put a bit of a caveat on this one. With the state of the corporation in flux, I have no idea of how much longer this paydata will be valuable. But, as it stands at the time of this file’s posting, this is the current state of Evo’s security practices. So take it or leave it, because this is about corpsec, not current corporate events.
> Hard Exit

就个人意见而言,对天演的设施进行狂奔比其他任何公司都危险。为什么呢?首先,看看他们的公司文化。 多年来他们干的是“帮助人们达到其极限”,或者除了这种概括性的叙事之外,还有一些营销手法。这意味着对于公司安保而言他们不会有任何技术手段(安保或其他)是他们不喜欢的。再加上“包罗万象”这种因素,因此你就会在狂奔时遇到难以预测,或者更糟的安保情况。虽然对天演进行安保也并非不可能。但是,和其他公司不同,在甚至需要尝试对天演的站点进行狂奔时最好多做点跑腿活,因为你有可能面对任何玩意。

劇透 -   : In my personal opinion, running against an Evo facility is even more of a crap-shoot than any other corp. Why? First, look at their corporate culture. For years they’ve been all about “helping people be the ultimate they can be” or some such marketing drek in addition to their pushing a narrative of all-inclusiveness. What this means for corpsec is that they’ve never met a piece of  tech (security or otherwise) that they didn’t like. Add in the “all-inclusive” factor and you’ve got security that’s difficult to predict and even worse to run against. Not impossible, though. Still, more than any other corp, one better do their legwork before even thinking about trying something against an Evo site because you can literally be facing anything.
While typically physical security tends to differ by location based on said location’s specific needs and environmental factors, Evo takes this one step further. It’s fairly  common for Evo security specialists to use their sites to field-test experimental technologies and systems in addition to standard physical security systems as backups.

> 天演的某些实验科技简直就像是从糟糕科幻跑出来的。去年我因为个人兴趣协助一只队伍在乌克兰进行狂奔。目标是一个生物基因研究设施,安保并不比其他设施严密。我轻松溜了进去。在确保有扇后门给队伍里其他人留着之后,我决定先出去透透气,但还连着图像链。我不太确定我看到的是啥,但是看起来像是他们刚刚进去的走廊活了过来,长出了一堆生物机械触手。一些人被无惨了,另一些被撕碎了,我也没留在那看他们的后续。
> Ma’Fan
> 这还不是最糟的。入侵者被允许进入特定区域只是为了测试某种特定安保系统的表现这种事并不罕见。
> Plan 9

劇透 -   : > And some of this experimental tech seems to come right out of bad science fiction. Last year, as a personal favor, I assisted a team running out of Ukraine. Our target was a biogenetics research facility, and security was no tighter than usual. I got in just fine. After making sure a back door would be unlocked for the rest of the team, I decided to make egress but still had access to the image-feed. I
don’t know what I saw, but it looked like the corridor they were traveling down became alive with some kind of biomechanical tentacles. Some of the team was subdued, others were ripped apart. I didn’t stick around to see what happened after that.
> Ma’Fan
> And that’s not the worst of it. It’s not uncommon for intruders to be allowed access to certain areas just so a specific security system’s performance can be evaluated.
> Plan 9


劇透 -   : It’s also not uncommon at certain Evo facilities for entire security protocols and procedures to be completely changed to accommodate certain members of a security staff. While this may seem counter-productive to every corpsec principle,  not to mention common sense, Evo considers these situations vital to the overall company image and culture. At least they also seem to have a method to their madness considering what some of their current staff are. In some of these areas, it’s not uncommon to have to deal with a few metasapients roaming around entire sections of the facility modified to make them more hospitable for their special employees. It’s also quite common for paracritters of various types or even free spirits loyal to the corp to be deployed at Evo facilities, especially those considered to be grey and black sites.

> 在东南亚的一个天演设施严重依赖娜迦来进行安保。很显然,设施内部包围主保险库的地区已经完全被模拟为娜迦的自然栖息地。这个区域看起来就像是有人在室内种了个热带雨林,并且湿度如此之高,以至于很快就会让你的镜头模糊不清。有个约翰逊先生花了大笔新元雇我和其他几个人袭击这里。在我们侦查并发现这一情况后,我退出了。我的声誉受到了一些打击,但我还能活下来继续狂奔。而其他人从此再没消息了
> Cayman
> 我很对单子在天演中占据了相当重要位置的传言很好奇。但是,如果Hard Exit要说什么“继续读下去”或者“我们稍后再说”,那我向鬼魂发誓,我会打烂她的牙。
> Ma’Fan
> 好吧,我不会这么说的。另外,随时欢迎你进行尝试,美人。
> Hard Exit

劇透 -   : > There’s one Evo facility in Southeast Asia that relies heavily on nagas for security. Apparently, the inner section of the facility that surrounds the main vault has been made up to emulate a naga’s natural habitat. The entire area looked like someone grew a jungle indoors, and the humidity was so thick it would fog your optics up right quick. Mr. Johnson offered me and several others a lot of ’yen to hit the place. After discovering this during our recon, I backed out. Rep took a bit of a hit, but I lived to run another day. Never found out what happened to the rest of the team.
> Cayman
> I’m wondering about the rumors that Monads have taken up a rather significant position within Evo. But if Hard Exit says anything close to “read on” or “we’ll get to that later,” then I swear to Ghost I’ll knock her teeth in.
> Ma’Fan
> Fine, I won’t say it. And you’re welcome to try anytime, cupcake.
> Hard Exit



劇透 -   : In terms of corpsec, Horizon has always been difficult to pin down. Compared to other members of the Big Ten, up until recently they’ve had relatively little classic industry in their portfolio and as such had little need for traditional security at their facilities. But with recent acquisitions, that’s changed a bit. At those  subsidiaries where such security is warranted, such as Horizon Transglobal that deals with space tech, or Singularity that handles Matrix tech, the typical security is no better or worse than anywhere else. Officers and supervisors are competent and tend to be loyal to the company because of the nice benefits packages they receive. Combined with Horizon’s extremely popular reputation for being an extremely progressive corporation, this makes it a bit more difficult (but not impossible) to turn an officer against the company. Physical security in these locations tends to be modern but unremarkable. You should always, though, count on security officers at any Horizon facility or subsidiary to greet people and tend to their duties with a smile.

> 别被这些话骗了——需要担心的课不是驻扎在警卫站或是步行巡逻的普通警卫。道金斯小组似乎总会有某些人员在监控着情况。他们通常会拥有“项目效率顾问”或“部门内部协调代表”之类的时髦职位,这些职位赋予他们各种权限,并可以访问地平线站点中的几乎任何地方。他们最近的工作似乎是确保没有不良元素污染集团的“共识系统”。有趣的事情是,是“共识系统”决定了谁是污染系统的不良元素。
> Sunshine
> 哦,那太棒了,那样就不会有什么事出错了!
> Cosmos
> 我还听说过道金斯小组从世界各地的安全和情报机构挖走各种审讯专家的传言。对这点你们可以保持态度,但我认为这些人按照“共识系统”的指令进行工作会带来非常让人不安的前景。
> Thorn
> 真有趣,因为我也听说过一样的事情,这可不是吓唬人,他们正在从各个大学招募大量的心理学家和社会学家。
> Elijah

劇透 -   : > Don’t let it fool you—it’s not the rank-and-file sec-guards manning the guard stations or walking patrols that one needs to worry about. The Dawkins Group always seems to have personnel of some kind around watching over things. They usually have buzz-word-laden job titles like “project efficiency advisor” or “intra-divisional coordinating representative” that grant them all sorts of authority and access to just about anywhere on a Horizon site. Their job of late seems to be to make sure that no bad elements contaminate the Consensus. Funny thing is, the Consensus determines what or who is a bad element.
> Sunshine
> Oh, that’s lovely. Nothing could go wrong there!
> Cosmo
> I’ve also been hearing chatter about the Dawkins Group headhunting various interrogation specialists from security and intelligence agencies worldwide. Take that for what you will, but I find the prospect of such individuals working on directives from the Consensus quite disturbing.
> Thorn
> Interesting, because I’ve also heard the same but instead of spooks, they’re recruiting a great many psychologists and sociologists from various universities.
> Elijah


劇透 -   : While their classic, CSSI-type security is unremarkable, the one area where Horizon security operatives excel is with their executive protection and security details. With most of Horizon’s holdings being media-based in some form, it’s  unsurprising that ensuring the protection of their stable of sim and trid stars, producers, and directors is high on the corps’ list of priorities for protection.
When it comes to protecting these assets, Horizon protection details (unofficially called “Protectors” in company parlance) tend to take a layered approach by employing both obvious and undercover agents. At official sites, such as studios, production companies, or location shoots, uniformed studio security is common (especially at the former), but most of the time they’re there just for show (no pun intended). Horizon’s true security is provided by the people you don’t see.
Horizon Protectors are chosen not only for their martial skills and ability to protect their principal but also for their ability to blend in into the background. Those who are actual corporate employees or have long-term contracts tend to take on roles such as members of the principal’s staff or entourage. In cases where their primary function is to protect a location and not an individual, they sometimes take on the guise of receptionists, office staff, or maintenance.
In short, at a Horizon facility, never assume who is and who isn’t corpsec.

> 简单来说,在去年他退休之前,一个黄白种混血的浪荡子康纳斯一直在杜鲁门发行公司的总部担任他们现场保护者的负责人。不过事实上,公司里的所有人都认为他只是个邋遢的门卫。他们不知道的是,他圆润又颤巍巍的躯体里装满了Delta级的植装,并且是个以能轻易用棍棒或徒手将巨魔活拆的武术大师。曾经有记录说他在不到三秒的时间内用一个破拖把解决了一个粉丝或追踪狂。有传言说他亲自挑选并培训了他的继任者们(是的,们),但除了最高层管理以外,没人知道他们是谁。
> Bull
> 地平线的保护者本身并不完全是个公司内部职位;想法,他们是一个或多个受雇于特定时间或为长期任务提供安全保障的专家。使得,地平线的约翰逊们为一些临时工作聘请值得信任的狂奔者做安保的情况并不少见,尤其是对于短期工作来说。
> 0rkCE0
> 更常见的情况是,地平线(或者其他公司,在那种情况下),会雇佣狂奔者作为先遣侦查员,而不是实际的安保人员。那些负责实际保护事务的人往往在除了名义以外的其他地方都和公司人员没什么区别。
> Kia
> 保护者们还有使用各种奇特和常规武器种类的许可。虽然他们倾向于尽可能使用非致命方法,但保护者在简单地让问题消失这一方面也不会有任何顾虑。公司安保是地平线和其他超企一样无情的领域之一。
> Red Anya

劇透 -   : > Speaking of short, before he retired last year, a halfer slag named Connors worked at Truman Distribution’s main office as head of their on-site Protectors. Thing was, everyone thought he was just the scruffy janitor. Little did they know that his waddling, rotund frame packed deltagrade ‘ware, and he was known for taking trolls apart with clubs or bare hands. There’s even footage floating around of him taking out a fan/stalker with a fragging mop in less than three seconds. Rumor has it he personally handpicked and trained his successors (yes, plural), but no one except top execs knows who they are.
> Bull
> Horizon Protectors aren’t exactly a corporate unit per se; rather, they’re individual or multiple specialists hired to provide security either for a specific amount of time or on long-term assignments. And yes, it’s not uncommon for Horizon Johnsons to hire trusted ‘runners for some of the temp jobs, especially when the job is short notice.
> 0rkCE0
> More often than not, Horizon (and other corps, for that matter) will hire runners to act as advance scouts of an area rather than the actual protection detail. Those who are tapped for protection details tend to be company people in all but name.
> Kia
> Protectors also have access to a variety of exotic and regular weapon types. While they tend to use less-thanlethal approaches as much as possible, Protectors have zero issue with making problems simply disappear. Corpsec is one of the areas where Horizon can be just as ruthless as the rest.
> Red Anya


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