
跑團活動區 => 千界树中庭 => 網團活動區 => 无尽回廊 => 主题作者是: 白药君 于 2017-03-12, 周日 11:23:01

主题: 【BotB】通灵者变体-人柱力(Fiend keeper)
作者: 白药君2017-03-12, 周日 11:23:01
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

通灵者变体-人柱力(Fiend keeper)

『 喂,妖怪狐狸,现在可不是默不作声的时候,拿出你的毅力来! 』



邪灵(Evil Spirit,Su):人柱力把自身作为封印强大邪灵的容器,而邪灵为了挣脱桎梏会无休止地挣扎或者讨价还价以获得身体主导权。人柱力所有能通灵的职阶都是这个邪灵的一个法相。而自愿进行一次邪恶行为的话会让邪灵对人柱力造成1点共鸣。当人柱力处于防护邪恶(Protection from evil)法术效果时,其所有获得的英灵好处都会被暂时压制。当邪灵对人柱力造成至少3点共鸣时,除了受到每个职阶描述里面的惩罚外,人柱力获得邪恶灵光,且将其职业等级视作有效牧师等级,同时在面对诸如邪影击 (Unholy Blight)或圣武士的制裁邪恶这类法术及特殊能力的对抗或者易伤判断时,视其阵营为邪恶阵营。这项能力调整了英灵。

黑暗交流(Dark Communion,Su):3级时,人柱力能以一个整轮动作怂恿邪灵把其知识以及力量借给自己,他每天能使用该能力的次数等同于其职业等级。

如果人柱力索求知识,则该能力如同异界探知(contact other plane)一般运作,并将其职业等级视作施法者等级,但如果他在智力或者魅力检定上失败的话(异界探知只能进行智力检定,这里怀疑大麻),人柱力并不会受到属性点减少,而是会受到1点共鸣。使用此能力时视作邪灵是来自星界位面的存在,其知晓的信息在5级的时候等同于半神(demigod),7级时等同于弱等神力(lesser deity),13级时等同于中等神力(intermediate deity)。


黑暗之力(Dark Power):人柱力在AC,攻击和伤害上各获得+1亵渎加值。13级时,该加值提升到+2

炼狱形态(Fiendish Form):人柱力获得60尺黑暗视觉。7级时,他长出了炼狱邪魔般的翅膀,并获得等同于其基础速度的飞行速度,机动性一般。13级时,其飞行速度等同于基础速度的两倍,机动性良好。

天武攻击(Natural Attack):人柱力获得2爪抓和1噬咬攻击,均视作主要天武并各造成1d4点伤害,(如果人柱力是中体型则造成1d6伤害)。13级时,伤害增加到1d6(如果是中体型则增加到1d8)。

邪灵之力(Spirit Power):人柱力从英灵同调处获得的加值额外+1,。13级时,英灵同调的额外加值上升+2

不洁抗力(Unholy Resilience):人柱力对以下能量种类中的两种获得5点抗力:强酸,寒冷,电击,火焰,音波。该抗力在7级的时候上升到10,在13级的时候上升到20。


前人柱力(Ex-Fiend Keepers):一旦人柱力阵营成为了永久邪恶阵营,他会在1d4+1天后失去对体内邪灵的控制,并成为由GM完全操控的NPC。在此之前通过赎罪术(atonement)可以将其阵营转变回来。而有限愿望,奇迹术和许愿术同样能达到该效果。

Fiend keeper(Medium Archetype)
Among the most sacred roles a grippli can play is that of fiend keeper, a vessel to contain one of the world’s evil spirits so that it cannot inflict further harm. As the host performs goodly acts, he slowly cleanses the spirit, continuing this process over many generations, until the entity’s vileness is no more. In turn, the spirit tempts the fiend keeper with blasphemous power that a cautious medium can direct toward righteous ends. Many tribes boast a resident fiend keeper who bears this local burden and trains replacements who might take over when their mentor dies.

Alignment: A fiend keeper must choose a nonevil alignment.

Evil Spirit (Su): A fiend keeper serves as the vessel for a powerful evil spirit that fights and bargains for dominance. The legends a fiend keeper channels are all aspects of this evil presence. Willingly performing an evil act automatically grants the evil spirit 1 point of influence over him. Protection from evil temporarily suppresses all the spirit’s benefits while the fiend keeper is under the spell’s effects. When the spirit gains at least 3 points of influence over the fiend keeper, in addition to the penalties associated with each legend, he gains an evil aura as per a cleric of his level and treats his alignment as evil for the purposes of resisting or being vulnerable to spells and abilities (such as unholy blight or a paladin’s smite evil class ability). This ability modifies spirit.

Dark Communion (Su): At 3rd level, a fiend keeper can entice the evil spirit to lend him its knowledge or its power as a full-round action a number of times per day equal to his class level. If the fiend keeper seeks knowledge, this behaves as contact other plane using his medium level as his caster level, but if he fails the Intelligence or Charisma check, his spirit gains 1 point of influence over him instead of reducing his ability scores. Treat the spirit as an entity from the Astral Plane for this ability. Its knowledge is equivalent to that of a demigod at 5th level, a lesser deity at 7th level, and an intermediate deity at 13th level.

If the fiend keeper requests power, he must instead succeed at an Intelligence or Charisma check (DC 10 at 3rd level, DC 12 at 7th level, or DC 14 at 13th level or higher), or his spirit gains 1 point of influence over him. Regardless of the outcome, he gains one of the following powers for 1 minute. At 5th level, he also gains a number of temporary hit points equal to his medium level for 1 minute. At 7th level, he selects two powers.

Dark Power: The fiend keeper gains a +1 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a +1 profane bonus to AC. At 13th level, these bonuses increase to +2. Fiendish Form: The fiend keeper gains darkvision 60 feet. At 7th level, he grows fiendish wings and gains a fly speed equal to his base speed (average maneuverability). At 13th level, his fly speed instead equals double his base speed (good maneuverability).

Natural Attacks: The fiend keeper gains two claw attacks and a bite attack. These are primary attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if the fiend keeper is Medium). At 13th level, the damage increases to 1d6 (1d8 if Medium).

Spirit Power: The fiend keeper’s spirit bonus increases by 1. At 13th level, the spirit bonus instead increases by 2.

Unholy Resilience: The fiend keeper gains resistance 5 to two of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The resistance increases to 10 at 7th level and 20 at 13th level.

This ability replaces haunt channeler, location channel, connection channel, and ask the spirits.

Ex-Fiend Keepers: A fiend keeper who becomes permanently evil loses control of the spirit after 1d4+1 days, at which point he becomes an NPC under the GM’s full control. Seeking an atonement spell before then can change the medium’s alignment. This effect also can be undone with a limited wish, miracle, or wish spell.