
跑團活動區 => 千界树中庭 => 網團活動區 => 无尽回廊 => 主题作者是: 白药君 于 2017-03-12, 周日 01:37:01

主题: 【BotB】战士变体-巧技斗士(Opportunist)
作者: 白药君2017-03-12, 周日 01:37:01
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》


『 且子独不闻夫寿陵余子之学行于邯郸与?未得国能,又失其故行矣,直匍匐而归耳 』

巧技斗士深信在战斗中头脑远比肌肉重要,负责保护过峡 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=56524.msg525372#msg525372)臭名昭著的深市的鼠人执法者们则更是将此理念奉为经典,他们的军事技艺配合炼金武器在战斗中构成了一道让人恍然失神的风景。


阴险卑劣(Underhanded,Ex):巧技斗士获得精通阴招(Improved Dirty Trick,APG)专长作为奖励专长,即使不满足先决条件也是如此。这项能力替代1级时获得的奖励专长。

狡黠诡技(Cunning Edge,Ex):4级时,巧技斗士能选择下列一项诡技。并且在之后每4级都可以额外再选一个诡技。并且在20级的时候获得最多5个诡技。

炼金混合(Alchemical Admixture,Ex):巧技斗士可以通过一个会招致借机攻击的整轮动作,把两件炼金武器混合在一起。当把混合物当做溅射武器投掷时,该武器拥有2个材料所有效果,而目标则视作同时被该两件炼金武器攻击一般。这种混合物在1小时后会变钝化而无效。而融合相同的炼金武器则毫无效果。巧技斗士每天可使用该能力的次数等同于1/4职业等级。

炼金提纯(Alchemical Refinement,Ex):巧技斗士每拥有3个职业等级,其用手艺制作的任何炼金物品的豁免DC增加1。同时DC每获得1点加值,其制造原料花费额外增加10gp。该加值仅有在巧技斗士本人使用自己造出来的炼金物品时才生效,在其他人手中则和普通的炼金物品一样。


烟雾遁形(Clouded Shift,Ex):巧技斗士能以一个标准动作点燃一根烟雾棒或打碎一个烟玉(UE,105页),同时进行5尺快步,即使本回合已经移动过了也是如此。他只能在本回合内尚未进行5尺快步时使用该能力,而且其炼金物品的烟雾必须将他的初始位置覆盖隐藏起来才行。

用毒(Poison Use,Ex):巧技斗士不会在为武器淬毒时失误毒害自己。

盗贼天赋(Rogue Talent,Ex):巧技斗士可以在满足先决条件的情况下选择下列盗贼天赋,将其职业等级视作盗贼等级。灵巧之腕(deft palm,UC),指若惊弦(Fast Fingers,APG),快速潜行(Fast Stealth),甜言蜜语(Honeyed Words,APG),毒性持续(Lasting Poison,APG),次级魔法(Minor Magic),快速陷阱制作(Quick Trapsmith,APG)。巧技斗士可以多次选择该诡技。


炼金轰炸(Alchemical Onslaught,Ex):5级时,巧技斗士使用炼金武器和炼金炸弹的攻击上获得+1加值,同时将其智力修正加到溅射武器的伤害之中。每轮一次,他能以一个自由动作拿出一件炼金武器。这项能力替代武器训练1

Opportunists(Fighter Archetype)
Opportunists believe every battle is one of wits rather than arms. The ratfolk enforcers who protect Goka’s infamous Deepmarket embrace this philosophy, unleashing a disorienting mix of martial skill and alchemical weaponry.

Duplicitous (Ex): An opportunist adds Bluff, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth to his list of class skills. He gains 2 bonus skill ranks at each level, which must be allocated among these skills. This ability replaces bravery and alters the fighter’s class skills.

Underhanded (Ex): An opportunist gains Improved Dirty Trick APG as a bonus feat at 1st level even if he does not meet the prerequisites. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level.

Cunning Edge (Ex): At 4th level, an opportunist can select an edge from those listed below. Every 4 levels beyond 4th, he can select one additional edge, to a maximum of five at level 20. This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th levels.

Alchemical Admixture (Ex): As a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the opportunist can combine two alchemical weapons into a single vial. When thrown as a splash weapon, the mixture has the effects of both component substances and targets are affected as if hit by both. The mixture becomes inert after 1 hour. Combining identical alchemical weapons has no effect. The opportunist can use this ability once per day for every 4 fighter levels he has.

Alchemical Refinement (Ex): The opportunist increases the save DC of any alchemical item he crafts by 1 for every 3 fighter levels he has. Doing so increases the raw material cost to craft that item by 10 gp for every +1 increase. This bonus applies only when the opportunist uses the crafted alchemical item himself; it functions as a normal item of its type for all other users.

Bombs (Ex): The opportunist can make a number of bombs per day equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). These bombs act as alchemist’s bombs and deal 1d6 points of fire damage, plus an additional 1d6 points for every 3 fighter levels the opportunist has.

Clouded Shift (Ex): As part of the standard action to ignite a smokestick or smoke pellet (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 105), the opportunist can take a 5-foot step, even if he has already moved this round. He can use this ability only if he has not already taken a 5-foot step this round, and only if the smoke from his alchemical tool conceals his starting location.

Poison Use (Ex): The opportunist no longer risks poisoning himself when applying poison to a weapon.

Rogue Talent (Ex): The opportunist can select one of the following rogue talents for which he qualifies, treating his fighter level as his rogue level: deft palm UC , fast fingers APG , fast stealth, honeyed words APG , lasting poison APG , minor magic, or quick trapsmith APG . The opportunist can select this edge multiple times.

Alchemical Onslaught (Ex): At 5th level, an opportunist gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with alchemical weapons and bombs and can add his Intelligence modifier to damage rolls for splash weapons. He can draw an alchemical weapon as a free action once per round. This ability replaces weapon training 1.
主题: Re: 【BotB】战士变体-巧技斗士(Opportunist)
作者: lichzeta2017-03-13, 周一 20:43:21
主题: Re: 【BotB】战士变体-巧技斗士(Opportunist)
作者: 白药君2017-03-13, 周一 22:27:37

当时就想到了邯郸学步梗....一时忘了偷鸡梗 :em021