作者 主题: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)  (阅读 46097 次)


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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #10 于: 2019-03-30, 周六 17:53:52 »
游泳 位移
Action: Free • Range: Personal Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1 point per rank
动作: 自由 • 距离: 自身 持续: 维持 • CPR1

You can swim fast. You have a water speed equal to your Swimming rank –2, subject to the usual rules for swimming (see the Athletics skill description for details). You can make Athletics checks to swim as routine checks. This power does not allow you to breathe underwater (for that see Immunity, page 113).

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #11 于: 2019-03-30, 周六 19:05:24 »
转换 操控
Action: Standard • Range: Close Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2-5 points per rank
动作: 标准  距离: 近身 持续: 维持   CPR2-5

劇透 -   :

You can change objects into other objects, altering their shape or material composition in the process. You must touch the chosen object, which requires a close attack check if the object is held or worn by another character.


What you can transform affects cost per rank:

2 points: Transform one thing or substance into one other thing or substance, such as metal into wood, iron into glass, or broken objects into repaired ones.

2点: 将一个物体或材质转换为其他物体或材质。例如金属转换为木头,铁转换为玻璃,或将破碎的物体转化为经过修复的物体。

3 points: Transform a broad group of things into a single result (any metal into gold, for example) or a single target into any of a broad group (one type of metal, such as lead, into any other metal, water into other liquids, and so forth).


4 points: Transform a broad group of targets into one of a broad group of results (solids into other solids, for example).


5 points: Transform any material into anything else.



Transform is a powerful effect, particularly in the hands of a cunning player. To a degree, Transform can duplicate certain other effects, such as trapping a target by transforming air into a solid material or turning oxygen into a suffocating gas (both Afflictions). This is perfectly allowable; use the rules for other effects as guidelines on how to handle these situations, using Transform rank to determine resistance DCs.


Keep in mind, however, that Transform has a sustained duration, which may affect how such “tricks” work (e.g.,   the trap disappears if the character is stunned, the suffocating gas dissipates unless the character concentrates each round to continue transforming it, etc.). As always, the GM should use common sense and good judgment.


 You may wish to require characters using Transform to acquire money (gold, precious gems, etc.) or other permanent material goods to spend power points on ranks of the Benefit advantage to reflect this newfound wealth; otherwise, the goods fade or remain impermanent in some way. (Assuming things like wealth matter in your series in some way.)



It is possible for Transform to effectively destroy objects: turning a steel door into water, air, or even rust certainly removes it as a barrier. However, keep in mind that Transform is normally sustained; the target isn’t truly destroyed unless the effect is continuous, and therefore irreversible. Even then, the destruction of targets tends to be all-or-nothing. For an effect capable of wearingdown and eventually destroying objects, use Weaken Toughness instead.



Transforming living or otherwise animate beings as opposed to inanimate matter requires an effect other than Transform. To alter a target’s outward appearance only, go with a Morph Attack (see the Morph effect). For a harmful effect that does something like turn the target to stone or into a mind-controlled zombie, see Affliction. When dealing with non-living creatures (those absent Stamina) capable of resistance checks (possessing Will) the GM may permit Transform to function like an Affliction against them.


Inanimate objects do not make resistance checks and transform automatically, so long as you can affect their total mass. You can transform (Transform rank –6) rank mass, so Transform 1 can affect up to 1.5 lbs (mass rank –5), then 3 lbs. at rank 2, and so forth, on up to rank 20, which affects 400 tons at once.

无生命的物体将被自动的转换并不会传送抵抗检定,只要你可以影响其整体。你所能转换物体质量等级=转换等级 - 6。也就是说,1级转换可以影响最多1.5磅的物体(质量等级-5);2级转换可以影响3磅的物体,以此类推,最高20级(一次可以影响到400吨的物体)

The transformation lasts as a sustained effect. When you stop maintaining it, the target reverts to normal. Continuous Transform is irreversible except by using another Transform effect to turn the target back into its previous form.


Transforming someone’s devices or equipment requires targeting them first: characters can make Dodge resistance checks for their held or worn items, with a +5 circumstance bonus for hand-held and similar sized objects. So transforming a hand-held weapon like a gun requires an attack check and permits the wielder a Dodge resistance check with a +5 bonus (for a hand-held item). Targeting a worn suit of armor requires an attack check and allows the wearer a Dodge resistance check (with no modifier for a large item).


Transform is generally just another way of “removing” a device or equipment, considered a part of their discount in cost, although transformed items should eventually be restored or replaced.


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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #12 于: 2019-03-31, 周日 02:43:41 »

保护 防御

Action: None • Range: Personal Duration: Permanent • Cost: 1 point per rank
动作: 无  距离: 自身 持续: 永久   CPR1

劇透 -   :

Protection shields you against damage, giving you +1 to your Toughness defense per rank. So Protection 4 gives you +4 Toughness.

防护盾为你抵抗伤害,每一升级会+1点韧性防御。 即4级的保护会给你+4点韧性


Sustained: Your Protection is a sustained effect, rather than permanent. The effect can be turned on and off and can be improved using extra effort, including using it to perform stunts (see Extra Effort). Sustained Protection might be a power like a personal force field, or the ability to consciously harden your skin and turn it into armor. +0   cost   per   rank.

维持:你的保护变为一个维持的效应,而非永久。这个效应将变得可以打开或关闭,并且可以通过极限突破来提升效果, 这里包括用该效应来实施Stunts(详见极限突破)。维持的保护可能会是一种类似个人护盾一样的能力或者可以主动石化你的肌肤为装甲的能力。CPR0

« 上次编辑: 2019-03-31, 周日 19:21:59 由 云仙 »

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #13 于: 2019-03-31, 周日 19:49:39 »
额外肢体EXTRA LIMBS                                                综合GENERAL
动作:无 距离:自身 持续时间:永续 CPR1
Action: None • Range: Personal Duration: Permanent • Cost: 1 point per rank
劇透 -   :
You have extra manipulative limbs, such as arms, tentacles, or even prehensile hair or a tail. Each rank in this effect grants you an extra limb. Extra Limbs do not   allow you to take additional actions in a round, although they do provide the benefits of the Improved Grab advantage—grabbing with some of your limbs and leaving others free. All additional limbs except your dominant limb are considered your “off-hand.” If you have the Benefit (Ambidexterity) advantage, you have no off-hand penalties with any of your limbs. If you apply all of your limbs to a grab attempt (rather than taking the option to leave some of them free), you gain a
+1 circumstance bonus per rank in Extra Limbs to a maximum of +5, much like a team check (see page 16).
In general, modifiers affecting attack effects (e.g. Affects Corporeal, Area, Penetrating, etc.) should apply to the Strength of a character with Extra Limbs rather than to the Extra Limbs effect itself. Such modifiers applied to Strength affect all of the character’s limbs.
常驻:常驻的额外肢体是一个你可以随意开关的超能效应,即便你处于stunned 或 incapacitated状态,在你关闭它之前它仍旧会生效。+1CPR

Continuous: Continuous Extra Limbs are a power effect you can turn on and off at will, but that remain until you choose to deactivate them, even if you are stunned or incapacitated . +1   cost   per   rank.
Projection: Your Extra Limbs are merely a projection of your power rather than an extension of your body. Therefore, any harm directed specifically against your Extra Limb(s) has no effect. So, for example, one of your additional limbs could reach into a container of acid or a blast furnace to pull out an object without any harm to you. The GM may require Extra Limbs with this extra to modify their duration to continuous or sustained, but this is not essential. It’s likely Extra Limbs with this extra are not eligible for the Innate modifier. +1   cost   per   rank.
Sustained: Sustained Extra Limbs can be turned on or off (growing or forming the additional limbs and then making them disappear just as easily), but the limbs disappear or stop working if you are unable to continue the effect. +0   cost   per   rank.
Distracting: Coordinating the actions of your multiple limbs is difficult, so you are vulnerable while applying any extra limbs to an action. This flaw should generally not apply to any creature with Innate Extra Limbs, especially if they are part of its natural physiology. -1   cost   per   rank.
巨大化GROWTH                                                    综合GENERAL
动作:自由 距离:自身 持续时间:维持 CPR2
Action: Free • Range: Personal Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank
劇透 -   :
你可以以暂时增大你的体型的方式来获得力量和精力,但代价就是你会成为一个更大、更重、更不灵活的目标,无法在狭小的空间中进行机动。巨大化带来的修正受到能级限制。每增加一级,你的力量和精力就会增加一级(如果是缺失精力的构装体就增加1级的力量和韧性),你的质量等级也会增加1级。每两等级巨大化会增加一个+1的 Intimidation加值。每8级巨大化会增加1级你的速度等级。每级的GROWTH都会让你的潜行检定-1。每2级(四舍五入)会让你的Dodge 和 Parry 防御中-1。每4级巨大化,你的体型就会增加1级(普通人的体型从-2级开始,3到6英尺高)。所以在巨大化8级的时候,你拥有+8的力量和精力,+4的 Intimidation,+1的速度,但是有着-8的潜行,-4的Dodge 和 Parry ,你的体型等级是0(大约30英尺高)。增加你的力量和精力也会提高与之相关的特质,比如你的力量伤害,体质和韧性。
You can temporarily increase your size, gaining Strength and Stamina at the cost of becoming a bigger, heavier, less agile target, unable to maneuver through small spaces. Growth modifiers are restricted by power level limits. Each rank of Growth adds 1 rank to your Strength and Stamina (constructs add 1 rank to Strength and Toughness if they lack Stamina) and adds 1 rank to your mass. Every two ranks adds a +1 bonus to Intimidation. Every 8 ranks adds 1 to your Speed. Every rank of Growth subtracts 1 from your Stealth checks. Every 2 ranks (rounded up) subtracts 1 from your Dodge and Parry defenses. Every 4 ranks of Growth increases your size rank by 1 (ordinary humans start out at size rank –2, between 3 and 6 feet tall). So at Growth 8, you have +8 Strength and Stamina, +4 to Intimidation, +1 Speed, but -8 to Stealth, –4 Dodge and Parry, and you are size rank 0 (around 30 feet tall). Increases to your Strength and Stamina also improve related traits like your Strength Damage, Fortitude, and Toughness.
永续:永久性的巨大化,通常是天生的,适合那些巨型的角色和固定的巨大尺寸的生物。 Growth,+0cpr
Permanent: Permanent Growth, typically with Innate, suits giant-sized characters and creatures that are a fixed larger size. +0   cost   per   rank.

急速工作QUICKNESS                                                   综合 GENERAL
动作:自由 距离:自身 持续时间:维持 CPR1
Action: Free • Range: Personal Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1 point per rank
劇透 -   :
您可以用极快的速度来执行通常任务(任何可以用通常检定(请参阅基础章节中的通常检定)来执行的任务)。从执行任务的正常时间等级中减去效应等级,以此来你确定需要多长时间完成。所以,举个例子,如果你的Quickness是7,一项通常任务通常需要一个小时(时间等级9),而你只需要30秒(9 - 7 =时间等级2)就能将其完成。非通常检定不受Quickness的影响,也不受你移动速度的影响。如果你能在不到一秒的时间内完成一项任务(时间等级-2),GM可能会选择将该任务视为你的自由动作(并且GM仍然可以像往常一样限制你一轮中可以做出的自由行动的数量)。
You can perform routine tasks—anything that can be done as a routine check (see Routine Checks in The Basics chapter)—fast, perhaps very fast. Subtract your effect rank from the normal time rank to perform a task to determine how long it takes you. So, for example, if you have Quickness 7, a routine task normally taking an hour (time rank 9) takes you (9 – 7 = time rank 2) 30 seconds. Non-routine checks are not affected by Quickness, nor is movement speed. If you can perform a task in less than a second (time rank –2), the GM may choose to treat that task as a free action for you (although the GM can still limit the number of free actions you can accomplish in a turn as usual).

仅限单种:你的Quickness 只适用于物理上或心理上的任务,而非两者皆可。-1CPR
仅限一个:你的Quickness 只适用于一个特定的任务,例如阅读,数学计算等等。-2CPR
Limited to One Type: Your Quickness applies to only physical or mental tasks, not both. –1   cost   per   rank.
 Limited to One Task: Your Quickness applies to only one particular task, such as reading, mathematical calculations, and so forth. –2   cost   per   rank.

缩小SHRINKING                                                     综合 GENERAL
动作:自由 距离:自身 持续时间:维持 CPR2
Action: Free • Range: Personal Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank
劇透 -   :
你可以暂时缩小你的体型,你会变得更小,更难被看见,也更难被击中,但代价就是你会失去力量和速度。每缩小4级,你的体型等级就会减少1(正常人类的默认体型等级是-2),体型每缩小1级,你的力量就会减少1,体型每缩小2级,你的地面速度等级就会减少1。将你缩小的等级的一半(四舍五入)添加到你的主动防御中。将你缩小的等级添加为潜行检定的加值,因为你更难被发现了,但是将你的等级的一半(四舍五入)添加为 Intimidation检定的罚值(当你体型很小的时候很难让人害怕)。缩小带来的修正受到能级的限制。
You can temporarily decrease your size, becoming smaller, harder to see — and hit — at the cost of losing Strength and speed. Every 4 ranks of Shrinking reduces your size rank by 1 (normal humans are size rank –2 by default) and each reduction in size rank subtracts 1 from your Strength and every two reductions in size rank subtract 1 from your ground speed rank. Add half your Shrinking rank (rounded down) to your active defenses. Add your Shrinking rank as a bonus to Stealth checks, since you are harder to spot, but apply half your rank (rounded down) as a penalty to Intimidation checks (hard to be imposing when you’re tiny). Shrinking modifiers are restricted by power level limits.
So at Shrinking 12, you are size rank –5 (about 6 inches tall), and have a +6 bonus to active defenses and +12 Stealth bonus, but –3 Strength, –1 speed, and –6 Intimidation penalties. 优化EXTRAS
正常力量:在缩小期间中,你会保有你全部的力量,速度与Intimidation 。CPR+1
Atomic: At Shrinking 20 (and size rank–7), you can shrink down to the molecular or even atomic level, allowing you to pass through solid objects by slipping between their atoms. It takes at least a full turn to do so, possibly longer for larger objects. You’re effectively immune to damage and many effects at this scale, since you are essentially shifted out of the ordinary universe. The GM decides if a particular effect can reach you at the atomic level. If you have this extra, you might also acquire a Dimensional Travel effect allowing you to shift into a sub-atomic “universe” or similar realm. Flat   +1   point.
Normal Strength: You retain your full Strength, Speed, and Intimidation while shrunk. +1   cost   per   rank.
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-19, 周五 18:01:18 由 云仙 »

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #14 于: 2019-04-02, 周二 20:57:02 »
召唤 操控
Action: Standard • Range: Close Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank
劇透 -   :
You can call upon another creature—a minion—to aid you. This creature is created as an independent character with (effect rank x 15) power points. A summoned minion is limited to a Power Level equal to the rank of the Summon effect used to create it, is subject to the normal power level limits, and cannot have minions of its own, either from this effect or the Minions advantage.
You can summon your minion automatically as a standard action; it appears in the nearest open space beside you. Minions have their own initiative (see Initiative in the Action & Adventure chapter) and act starting on the round after you summon them. Summoned minions are dazed, taking only a standard action each round. Directing a minion to do something is a move action for you, but minions generally do as they are told until a task is completed.
You always have the same minion unless you apply the Variable Type modifier, allowing you to summon different minions. Your minion automatically has a helpful attitude and does its best to aid you and obey your commands.
Incapacitated minions disappear. They recover normally and you cannot summon an incapacitated minion until it has completely recovered. Your summoned minions also vanish if your effect is not maintained, or is countered or nullified. For more information and rules regarding Minions, see page 193.

Active: Your minions are particularly independent and do not have the dazed condition, having a full set of actions each round. +1 cost per rank.
Controlled: Your minions all have the controlled condition (see Controlled in The Basics chapter). They have no free will of their own and are completely under your direction. +1 cost per rank.
Heroic: The creatures you summon are not subject to the minion rules, but treated like normal non-player characters. Additionally, they do not have the dazed condition and take a full set of actions each round. Do not apply the Active modifier to Heroic minions, as this modifier already includes it. Gamemasters should be particularly cautious about allowing this extra for Summon effects used by player characters, especially ones summoning more than one minion. +2 cost per rank.
Horde: If you have Multiple Minions (see following) you may take a standard action to summon any number of minions up to your maximum amount. You are vulnerable (see the Distracting flaw) until the start of your next turn when summoning a horde. +1 cost per rank.
Mental Link: You have a mental link with your minions, allowing you to communicate with them and issue orders telepathically like the Communication Link effect (see the Senses effects in this chapter). Flat +1 point.
精神链接:你和你的仆从拥有一个精神链接,允许你们通过心灵感应交流并发出命令,就像Communication Link效应(参见这一章的感官效应)一样。固定•1点
Multiple Minions: You can summon more than one minion. Each application of this extra doubles your total number of minions. So, for example, with Summon 6, you summon a single 90-point minion. With Multiple Minions 1, you can summon two 90-point minions, with Multiple Minions 2, four minions, and so forth. It requires a standard action to summon each minion unless you also have the Horde extra (see previous). +2 cost per rank.
Sacrifice: When you are hit with an effect requiring a resistance check, you can spend a hero point to shift it to one of your minions instead. The minion must be within range of the effect and a viable target. Needless to say, this is not a particularly heroic ability. In fact, the GM may wish to restrict it to villains or non-player characters (in which case a hero earns a hero point when a villain uses this extra to avoid an effect by sacrificing a minion). Flat +1 point.
Variable Type: Minions are normally identical in terms of traits, although they may differ cosmetically. With this modifier you can summon different minions of a general type (like elementals, birds, fish, etc.), or even a broad type (like animals, demons, humanoids, etc.). General Type: +1 cost per rank. Broad Type: +2 cost per rank.

Attitude: Your summoned minions are less than cooperative: indifferent or even unfriendly. You can use interaction skills and other effects to get your summoned minions to cooperate, but success is by no means assured! Indifferent: –1 cost per rank. Unfriendly: –2 cost per rank
Resistible: Your minions get an appropriate resistance check (typically Will) against (DC 10 + Summon rank) to avoid being summoned. If they successfully resist, you cannot attempt to summon them again in that scene without using extra effort. –1 cost per rank.

Some effects might seem to be Summon, calling up minions to do things for the character, but are actually better treated as descriptors of other effects. Take for example a shaman able to “summon” various spirits to perform magical tasks. By calling on particular spirits of the winds, he can attack a foe with an Affliction that “steals” their breath. Is the “wind spirit” a minion? Technically, no, it’s just a personified effect, since it cannot be attacked, interacted with, or do anything other than create the Affliction effect. It can be Nullified, but so can any effect. The same is true of a character summoning a “minion” that acts as a shield, providing the Deflect or Protection effect, but doing nothing else.
Consider carefully whether or not the particular effect a player wants really needs Summon, or if the “minion” in question is just a descriptor for another effect, no different than “heat ray” is a descriptor for a Damage effect or “sticky webbing” is a descriptor for a hindering Affliction; in neither case does the character need Summon Heat Ray or Summon Webbing to create the desired powers!
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-09, 周三 14:08:23 由 云仙 »

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #15 于: 2019-04-08, 周一 20:59:15 »
变形 综合
Action: Free • Range: Personal Duration: Sustained • Cost: 5 points per rank
劇透 -   :
You can alter your appearance. Your traits do not change; your new form is merely a cosmetic change. You gain a +20 bonus to Deception checks to disguise yourself as the form you assume (see the Disguise guidelines for Deception).
Your Morph rank determines what form(s) you can assume: At rank 1 you can assume a single other appearance. At rank 2 you can assume any of a narrow group of forms, such as people of roughly your size and gender, a type of animal like birds or reptiles, and so forth. At rank 3 you can assume any of a broad group of forms like humanoids, animals, machines, and so forth. At rank 4 you can assume any form of the same mass as your own. For the ability to change size as well as appearance see the Growth and Shrinking effects. To take on the other traits of forms you assume, see the Metamorph extra, following, or the Variable effect, later in this chapter.

Attack: A Morph Attack imposes a different appearance on the target creature. Unlike an Affliction that imposes the transformed condition, a Morph Attack is entirely cosmetic: you can’t change the target’s traits other than appearance. +0 cost per rank.
Metamorph: Morph only changes your appearance; you still have all the traits of your normal form. This modifier allows you to have an alternate set of traits, essentially a complete alternate character you change into, one set of traits per rank in Metamorph. You can switch between sets of traits at will, once per round, as a free action. Your other form(s) must have the same point total as you and are subject to the same power level limits. They must also have traits suitable to your Morph effect. For example, if you can only Morph into humanoid forms, then your alternate forms all have to be humanoid. All of your forms must have your full Morph effect as well; those power points cannot be reallocated. The GM may require certain additional common traits for all of your forms, particularly mental abilities and skills, if you retain them. Metamorph is best suited to characters with defined sets of alternate traits. For a character able to transform into a virtually unlimited number of forms with various traits, see the Variable effect later in this chapter. Flat +1 point per rank of Metamorph.
Metamorph:Morph只能改变你的外表,你仍拥有你正常形态的所有特质。这个修正允许你拥有一套替换的特质,你会完完全全的变化为另外一个角色,你在Metamorph的每一级允许你拥有一套特质。你可以通过想法任意切换这些设置好的特质,自由动作每轮一次。你的其他形态必须拥有与你正常形态相同的超能点,而且受到同样的能级限制。他们也必须拥有和你的Morph效应相适应的特质。例如你只能变形成类人生物,那么你的替换形态也必须是类人生物。你的所有形态都必须拥有你完整的Morph效应。这些能力点无法被挪用。GM可能会要求你的所有形态都有一些额外的固定共有特质,特别是精神属性和技能,如果你把它们记在心里的话。Metamorph is best suited to characters with defined sets of alternate traits.对于一个能够转换成具有各种特征的几乎无限数量形式的角色,参见这一章节后面的Variable效应。固定•每级Metamorph+1点

Resistible: A Morph effect Resistible by Will is most likely a mental illusion of some sort. Observers who succeed on the Will resistance check see you as you truly are rather than in your Morph guise. This is in addition to the usual Perception check to penetrate your disguise. If you have the Metamorph extra, then targets that resist your effect treat you as if you had your normal traits, and not those granted by your Metamorph form. –1 cost per rank.

« 上次编辑: 2019-04-12, 周五 20:17:26 由 云仙 »

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #16 于: 2019-04-20, 周六 23:31:11 »
Movement Movement
移动方式 位移
Action: Free • Range: Personal Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank
劇透 -   :
You have a special form of movement. For each rank in this effect, choose one of the following options:

Dimension Travel
You can move instantly from one dimension to another as a move action. For 1 rank, you can move between your home dimension and one other. For 2 ranks you can move between any of a related group of dimensions (mystical dimensions, alien dimensions, etc). For 3 ranks you can travel to any dimension. You can carry up to 50 lbs. (mass rank 0) of additional material with you when you move. If you apply the Increased Mass modifier, you can carry additional mass up to your modifier rank.

Environmental Adaptation
You’re adapted to a particular environment, such as underwater, zero gravity, and so forth (see Environmental Hazards, pages 185-187, for details). You suffer none of the normal unfavorable circumstance or movement penalties associated with that environment, moving and acting normally. You are still affected by environmental hazards like suffocation, exposure, and so forth. You need the Immunity effect to ignore such things.

You can pass through solid objects as if they weren’t there. For 1 rank, you can move at speed rank –2 through any physical object. For 2 ranks, you can move at speed rank –1 and for 3 ranks, you move at your normal speed through any obstacles. You cannot breathe while completely inside a solid object, so you either need Immunity to Suffocation or have to hold your breath. You may also need Penetrates Concealment Senses to know where you’re going, since you cannot see inside solid objects, either.
Permeate is often Limited to a particular substance like earth, ice, or metal, for example. Permeate provides no protection against attacks, although you do gain cover while inside an object (see Cover, page 244). For the ability to allow things (including attacks) to pass through you, see the Insubstantial effect.

Safe Fall
So long as you are capable of action, you can fall any distance without harm. You can also stop your fall at any point along a distance so long as there is a handhold or projection for you to grab (such as a ledge, flagpole, branch, etc.). If you have the Wall-crawling power (later in Movement), any surface you can climb provides you with a handhold.
Safe Fall may be Limited to only when you are near a surface (such as the side of a building); you’re assumed to be using the surface to help slow your fall.

You can move while prone at your normal ground speed. You suffer no circumstance penalty for making attacks while prone.

Space Travel
You can travel faster than the speed of light through the vacuum of space (but not in a planetary atmosphere). At rank 1 you can travel to other planets in a solar system. At rank 2, you can travel to other star systems, while at rank 3, you can visit distant star systems, perhaps even other galaxies! This effect does not provide protection from the rigors of outer space (for that, see the Immunity effect in this chapter).

You’re better able to deal with obstacles and obstructions to movement. Reduce the speed penalty for moving through or around such obstacles by 1 for each rank of this effect. If you reduce the speed penalty to 0 or less, you are unaffected by that obstacle and move at full normal speed.

You can swing through the air at your normal ground speed rank, using a swing-line you provide or available lines and projections (tree limbs, flagpoles, vines, telephone- and power-lines, etc.).

Time Travel
You can move through time! For 1 rank, you can move between the present and another fixed point in time (such as 100 years into the past, or 1,000 years into the future). For 2 ranks you can move to any point in the past or any point in the future (but not both). For 3 ranks, you can travel to any point in time. Reaching alternate timelines or parallel worlds requires at least 2 ranks of Dimension-Travel. You can carry up to 50 lbs. (mass rank 0) of additional material with you when you time-travel. If you apply the Increased Mass modifier, you can carry additional mass up to your modifier rank.

You leave no trail and cannot be tracked using visual senses (although you can still be tracked using scent or other means). You can walk across the surface of soft sand or snow without leaving tracks and you have total concealment from tremorsense (see Concealment, page 244). Each additional rank renders you trackless to another sense type.

You can climb walls and ceilings at your ground speed rank –1 with no chance of falling and no need for an Athletics check. You are still vulnerable while climbing, however. An additional rank of this effect means you climb at your full speed rank and are not vulnerable while climbing.

You can stand or move at your normal ground speed on the surface of water, quicksand, and other liquids without sinking. If you fall prone for any reason, you sink into the liquid normally. With 2 ranks of this effect, you can also lie prone on a liquid surface without sinking; you only sink if you choose to.

劇透 -   :
The Time, Space, and Dimension Travel effects of Movement are comparatively cheap considering what they do, primarily because such special movement capabilities are highly dependent on the plot and nature of the setting, and subject to a lot of Gamemaster oversight. Thus, they largely amount to supped-up Features, mainly allowing heroes to visit exotic locales.

Temporal mechanics and the effects of time travel are left entirely up to the GM, who may choose to make Time Travel Limited, Uncontrolled, or Unreliable for player characters, or disallow it altogether, treating it solely as a plot-device in the setting.

Space travel in the comic books rarely involves the laws of physics and tends to occur “at the speed of plot”. Characters and vehicles (such as alien starships) able to traverse the void of space do so primarily to facilitate adventures out among the stars. Exactly how fast characters travel through the void of space does not really matter; it is how long it takes them to get where they’re going that matters. So Space Travel is largely defined in terms of “how far can you go between scenes?” The same is true of the mechanism of travel, whether hyperspace, jump drive, faster-than-light “warp speed,” or what have you.

The Gamemaster likewise decides on the existence and nature of other dimensions in the setting, what they are like, and who can reach them. Like Time Travel, the GM may require Dimension Travel be Limited, Uncontrolled, or Unreliable for player characters, or treat it solely as a plot-device rather than a defined effect.
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-21, 周日 14:07:32 由 云仙 »

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #17 于: 2019-04-21, 周日 15:17:43 »
无效化 攻击
Action: Standard • Range: Ranged Duration: Instant • Cost: 1 point per rank

劇透 -   :
Nullify can counter particular effects of a particular descriptor, such as fire effects, magical effects, mental effects, and so forth (see Countering Effects, at the start of this chapter). You can counter one effect of your chosen descriptor per use of Nullify. You can’t nullify innate effects (see the Innate modifier description).

Make a ranged attack check to hit the target. Then make an opposed check of your Nullify rank and the targeted effect’s rank or the target’s Will defense, whichever is higher. If you are targeting the subject of an effect rather than the effect’s user, make an opposed check of Nullify rank vs. effect rank. If you win, the targeted effect turns off, although the user can re-activate it normally. If you lose the opposed check, you do not Nullify the effect. With two or more degrees of failure, trying again against the same subject in the same scene requires extra effort.


Affects Insubstantial: Nullify does not require this modifier to affect insubstantial targets, or the Insubstantial effect itself. You can attempt to nullify the effects of insubstantial targets normally

Alternate Resistance: Nullify may require a Fortitude rather than a Will check to represent an effect resisted by health and stamina rather than strength of will. +0 cost per rank.

Area: An Area Nullify effect works on all targets in the area. Make a single power check and compare the result against the opposed checks of the targets. Targets lacking effects you can nullify are, naturally, unaffected. If your Area Nullify has a duration longer than instant, choose whether or not the effect remains in the chosen area (affecting anyone entering or leaving it) or moves with the targets hit with the initial effect. There is no difference in cost, but to be able to do both, take one Area Nullify as an Alternate Effect of the other. +1 cost per rank.

Broad: Broad Nullify can counter effects of a particularly broad descriptor like magical, mutant, or technological effects. This modifier is available only with the Gamemaster’s permission and may depend on the effects available in the series. +1 cost per rank.

Concentration: Any countered effect is suppressed and cannot be re-activated while you concentrate. The user of the countered effect may use extra effort to gain another opposed Nullify check. If successful, the effect can be reactivated. +1 cost per rank.

Simultaneous: Simultaneous Nullify can counter all effects of a particular descriptor (such as fire or magic) at once. +1 cost per rank.

Effortless: Trying again after two or more degrees of failure does not require extra effort for you. You can retry a Nullify attempt an unlimited number of times. +1 cost per rank.

Precise: If you can Nullify multiple effects, this modifier allows you to choose which are nullified and which are not. Flat +1 point.

Randomize: Rather than being countered, the effect(s) targeted by your Nullify acquire the Uncontrolled flaw and go out of control (as dictated by the GM). +0 cost per rank.

Selective: If you have an Area Nullify effect, this extra allows you to choose who in the area is affected, nullifying some targets and not others. +1 cost per rank.

Sustained: If this modifier is applied to Concentration Nullify, keeping the countered effect(s) suppressed is only a free action for you each turn. +1 cost per rank.

Side Effect: If you fail to nullify an effect, you might suffer some kind of “backlash” or similar side effect. –1 cost per rank.
« 上次编辑: 2019-07-22, 周一 18:52:34 由 云仙 »

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #18 于: 2019-04-21, 周日 22:10:49 »
创造CREATE                                                      控制 CONTROL
动作:标准 距离:远程 持续时间:维持 cpr2
Action: Standard • Range: Ranged Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank
劇透 -   :
You can form solid objects essentially out of nowhere. They may be made of solidified energy, “hardened” water or air, transmuted bulk matter, ice, stone, or some other medium, depending on the effect’s descriptors. You can form any simple geometric shape or common object (such as a cube, sphere, dome, hammer, lens, disk, etc.). The GM has final say on whether or not a particular object is too complex for this effect. Generally, your objects can’t have any moving parts more complex than a hinge. They can be solid or hollow, opaque or transparent, as you choose when you use the effect, limited by your descriptors and the Gamemaster’s judgment. You can create an object with a maximum volume rank equal to your effect rank and Toughness equal to your effect rank. Created objects can be damaged or broken like ordinary objects. They also vanish if you stop maintaining them. You can repair any damage to a created object at will by using your effect again (essentially “re-creating” the object). Your created objects are stationary once you have created them, although other effects can move them. Assume a created object has a mass rank equal to its volume rank.





A created object can provide cover or concealment (if the object is opaque) just like a normal object. Cover provided by a created object can block incoming attacks, but blocks outgoing attacks as well. Attacks hitting the covering object damage it normally (see Damaging Objects, page 189). Indirect effects can bypass the cover a created object provides just like any other cover (see the Indirect modifier). The Selective modifier allows you to vary the cover and concealment your objects provide.
You can trap a target inside a large enough hollow object (a cage or bubble, for example). This requires both an attack check against the target’s Dodge and a Dodge resistance check against the effect’s rank.
A trapped character can break out of the object normally. Imposing conditions on the target other than just trapping them requires a separate effect, such as Affliction (see Affliction in this chapter), which you may wish to acquire as an Alternate Effect of Create (see Alternate Effect in this chapter).
Simply dropping a created object on a target is treated like an Area Effect attack based on the object’s size (see the Area extra in the Powers chapter). The object inflicts damage equal to its Toughness, and targets get a Dodge check to evade the falling object. A successful check results in no damage (rather than the usual half damage). While a created object can potentially be wielded as an improvised weapon, the effect cannot otherwise create attacks or other effects; you must acquire these effects separately (perhaps as Alternate Effects).
If a created object needs to support weight—created as a bridge or to support a weakened structure, for example—it has an effective Strength equal to its rank. You can “shore up” a created object by taking a standard action and concentrating, increasing its Strength by 1 until the start of your next round. You can also use extra effort to increase a created object’s Strength for one round, and these modifiers are cumulative.

英雄幕后: 创造v召唤
Create and Summon are similar effects: both “create” things out of nowhere. So when should a character have one and not the other? Generally, Create makes inanimate objects, while Summon conjures creatures of some sort, capable of independent action (albeit limited in the case of mindless creatures like robots or zombies). So a character able to create “sculptures” of ice, for example: walls, slides, columns, and so forth, should have Create. A character able to call up animated snowmen, on the other hand, should have Summon, while a powerful “ice elemental” may very well have both effects!


Continuous: Continuous Create makes objects that remain until they are destroyed, nullified, or you choose to dismiss them. +1   cost   per   rank.

 Impervious: Applied to Create, this extra makes the objects’ Toughness Impervious. +1   cost   per   rank.

天然:常驻或永久的创造附加这个修正会使物体不能被无效,无论从哪个方面来说,他们本质上都是“真实的”物体(尽管使用者可以通过意愿“消除”他们,除非效果也是永久的)。固定+ 1点。
 Innate: Continuous or Permanent Create with this modifier makes objects that cannot be nullified, they’re essentially “real” objects for all intents and purposes (although the user can “unmake” them at will unless the effect is also permanent). Flat   +1   point.

Movable: You can move your created objects around with a Move Object effect at your Create rank (see Move Object in this chapter for details). +1   cost   per   rank.

精准:您可以创建更精密和详尽的物体。精确创造的精确程度由GM决定,但是一般来说,您可以创造具有活动部件和大量细节的物体。固定+ 1
Precise: You can create more precise and detailed objects. The exact parameters of Precise Create are up to the GM, but generally, you can create objects with moving parts, and considerable detail. Flat   +1   point.

Selective: You can make your created objects selectively “transparent” to attacks, blocking some while allowing others (yours and your allies’, for example) to pass through them. You can also selectively make your objects solid to some creatures and incorporeal to others, such as allowing one person to walk through a created wall, while blocking another. It takes a free action to change the selective nature of an object; permanent created objects cannot have their selectivity changed once they are created. +1   cost   per   rank.

 Stationary:Your created objects can hang immobile in the air. They resist being moved with a Strength rank equal to the modifier rank. Unless you have the Tether extra or the Movable extra, you cannot move a stationary created object once it’s placed any more than anyone else can.  +0 cost   per   rank.

 Subtle: This modifier either makes created objects not noticeable as constructs for 1 rank (they look just like real objects) or not noticeable at all for 2 ranks (such as objects composed of invisible force). Flat   +1or   2   points.

Tether: You have a connection to your created objects, allowing you to exert your own Strength to move them (provided you are strong enough to do so). Flat1point.

Feedback: You may suffer damage when your created objects are damaged (see the Feedback flaw description for details). -1   cost   per   rank.

Permanent: Permanent created objects last until destroyed or nullified. Unlike Continuous Create, you cannot choose to dismiss such objects; they are truly permanent. You cannot repair permanent created objects or otherwise alter them once they’re created. +0   cost   per   rank   (for a Sustained effect).

Proportional: Your created objects have a total volume rank plus Toughness rank equal to your Create rank, rather than both volume and Toughness up to your rank. So you can create an object with volume rank 0 and Toughness equal to your Create rank, vice versa, or anywhere in between, so long as the sum of the two ranks does not exceed your Create rank. –1   cost   per   rank.
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-27, 周六 18:06:47 由 云仙 »

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Re: 【核心书】超能效应(初译)
« 回帖 #19 于: 2019-05-17, 周五 14:56:25 »
弹跳LEAPING                                                     移动MOVEMENT
Action: Free • Range: Personal Duration: Instant • Cost: 1 point per rank
动作:自由 距离:自身 持续时间:瞬时 CPR1
劇透 -   :
你拥有着惊人的弹跳能力,甚至远超过一个熟练的运动员。你的弹跳效应等级- 2,就是你在一次立定跳远中所跳出的距离等级了:1级效应15跳远英尺,2级效应可以跳远30英尺,20级效应可以跳远1000英里!你不会因为跳跃后落地而受到任何伤害,只要它在你的最大跳跃距离之内。
你跳跃的速度等级最大为7(大约250英里每小时),所以跳出超过距离等级7的距离所需要的时间等于距离等级- 7。例如,跳出500英里这么远的距离(距离等级17)需要时间等级10(17 - 7,或两个小时)的滞空时间!因此,为了更好地控制方向,“跳跃者”可能会选择缩短几英里的“跳跃距离”,只让他们在空中停留一分钟左右的时间。
劇透 -   :
You can make prodigious leaps, far more than even a skilled athlete. Your Leaping rank, minus 2, is the distance rank you cover in a single standing jump: so 15 feet at rank 1, 30 feet at rank 2, up to 1,000 miles at rank 20! You do not suffer any damage from landing after a jump, so long as it is within your maximum distance.
 The speed rank of your leap maxes out at 7 (around 250 miles per hour), so leaps of greater than distance rank 7 take time equal to the distance rank minus 7. For example, a massive leap of 500 miles (distance rank 17) takes time rank 10 (17 – 7, or two hours) of time in the air! Because of this, leapers may choose to make shorter “hops” of just a couple miles, leaving them airborne for only a minute or so, to better control their direction.
杂技检定需求:为了使用弹跳,你必须做一个杂技技能检定(DC 10)。你的检定结果每超出DC一点,你就可以多使用1级的弹跳效应,直到到达你拥有的总弹跳等级。CPR-1
劇透 -   :
Affects Others: You can give someone you are touching the ability to leap like you do while the effect lasts. You do not need this extra to simply carry someone while you leap; you can carry what your Strength normally allows.
+0   or   +1   cost   per   rank.
Acrobatics Check Required: In order to use Leaping, you must make an Acrobatics skill check (DC 10). Each point your check total exceeds the DC allows you to use 1 rank of Leaping, up to your total rank. –1   cost   per   rank.
Full Power: With this flaw, you can only leap your maximum distance; you can make shorter leaps only by not using your Leaping effect at all, just the normal jumping distance for your Strength. This may suit uncontrollable “leaping” effects like rocket boosters and the like. Flat   –1   point.