
跑團活動區 => 網團活動區 => 探索者协会 => 主题作者是: 空山鳴 于 2016-04-04, 周一 19:14:16

主题: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-04, 周一 19:14:16





精类魔法(核心种族) (
影语者(剪影人) (
顽强(半兽人) (
贱民(半兽人) (
龙脉血系(人类) (
巨龙学者(人类) (


耀炎骑士团(骑将) (
悔罪骑士团(骑将) (
无力预言(先知诅咒) (
秘密裁决域 (
阴影祝福 (
泰坦战士(战士) (
律法子域 (
阴影(先知秘示域) (
鳞爪僧 (
苍翠行者(审判变体) (
剑缚者(法师变体) (
龙血化学家(炼金术师变体) (
神使呼唤者(牧师变体) (
魔仆调查员(调查员变体) (
古卷学者(法师变体) (
圣物收集者(秘学士变体) (
操影师(催眠变体) (
祈求者(女巫变体) (
深邃注视(催眠) (
魔武者(魔战变体) (
源数血脉(术士血脉) (
亘古奥秘寻者 (


协会蛮人(战斗) (              慈悲之刃(宗教) (
协会守卫者(战斗) (查尔迪菈的教诲(宗教) (
报复心(战斗) (无私外交官(地区) (
神选之人(信念) (耀目客(宗教) (
外空龙血脉(魔法) (解放奴(地区) (
太阳赐福(魔法) (观星者(宇宙) (
印象深刻(社会) (瓦瑞西亚浪客(地区) (
家传武器(装备) (锐齿森林外交官(地区) (
执盾卫(种族) (均衡的教育(地区) (
天眷冠军(种族) (四平八稳(种族) (
兽人穿刺者(地区) (盾牌训练(宗教) (
剪影魔猎(地区) (狮子的勇气(地区) (
萨迦瓦卫士(地区) (勇敢的志愿者(种族) (
地狱骑士之志(地区) (纹身专心(种族) (
冻枯城来客(地区) (黑荆棘牧场主(地区) (
太阳力量(宗教) (新婚(宇宙) (
律法爱好者(宗教) (冰雪裔(种族) (
神射手(宗教) (壮臂柔腕(战斗) (
速饮者(战斗) (
铁甲如衣(战斗) (
海盗斗剑师(地区) (
骑士精神(地区) (
角斗表演家(社会) (
双方后裔(种族) (
协会的肌肉训练(战斗) (
纵火狂(战斗) (
凋变躯(地区) (
哲学徒(社会) (
剪影魔猎(地区) (
乐观心(信念) (
协会颂教者(信念) (
协会大师(魔法) (
百地乡音(种族) (
炼金奇才(地区) (
《格拉里昂的矮人》的矮人背景(种族和地区) (
《格拉里昂的矮人》的矮人背景(魔法和宗教) (


奔鹿式(流派) (
剪影人预言者(一般) (
通才(一般) (
密集阻击(战斗,团队) (
上下合围(战斗,团队) (
靴子技法(装备技法,战斗) (
效死输忠(团队) (
谨慎躲藏(种族) (
虚假专注 (
远程虚招 (
友军换位 (
德鲁伊语破译者 (


探索者编年史(冒险装备) (
护佑生命之戒(戒指) (
舒适(盔甲附魔) (
破魂锥(炼金物品) (
干冰油(炼金物品) (
焦油炸弹(炼金物品) (
清心迷雾(炼金物品) (
亮银(特殊材料) (
凶猛药水(炼金物品) (
弹簧腕鞘(冒险装备) (
注射矛(武器) (
地狱骑士甲(防具) (
快抓镣铐(冒险装备) (
战斗火球(武器) (
兴奋剂(炼金物品) (
沸血片(炼金物品) (
次元袋,次级(无位置奇物) (
旋转焰火(炼金物品) (
医生面具(冒险装备) (
灵巧(武器附魔) (
特殊箭矢 (
盾钮 (
幸运马蹄铁(无位置奇物) (
四叶苜蓿(无位置奇物) (
透风甲(冒险装备) (
狼袍(狐妖)(躯体奇物) (
鬼灵盐(炼金物品) (
静默沙尘(炼金物品) (
远古诸王旗帜(无位置奇物) (
五芒星护符(颈部奇物) (
影射(武器附魔) (
附魔箭矢 (


幸运数字 (
增强交涉 (
压制魅惑与胁迫 (
携带伙伴 (
利刃风暴 (
训诫射线 (
冲击爆破 (
凛冬之触 (
奥罗登的咒法剑 (
黑鸦天翔 (
寒冬魔法(雪球风暴、冰矛术、伊利森镜视术、雪球术) (
闪耀之刃 (
守护盔甲 (
惧刺锁链 (
聚焦低鸣 (
临时移植 (
紧急力场屏障 (
代笔者的复诵 (
后继者神击术 (
黑暗护盾 (


灵界特性(规则设定) (
民那塔(地区) (
精灵神祗和精灵背景 (

咒术精华(无位置奇物) (
日光瓶(炼金物品) (
哥兹面具(头部奇物) (
撕扯护手(手部奇物) (
骇人战争涂料(炼金工具) (
呼吸水晶(炼金药品) (
护身符(颈部奇物) (
空耳(黑市物品) (
单身鼻烟(黑市物品)  (
一夜茶(黑市物品) (
热能石(冒险装备) (
心智点(防具附魔) (
围巾刃(异种武器) (
龙枪(异种武器) (
落跑便鞋(脚部奇物) (
狩猎指南(冒险装备) (
盗贼吊带(冒险装备) (
磨牙骨(动物装备) (
闪烁妖焰(炼金武器) (
巨魔止血散(炼金药剂) (
醉蜂赐(炼金物品) (
猴爪挂坠(颈部奇物) (
不屈宝石(颈部奇物) (
超魔宝石(无位置奇物) (
迷惑(武器附魔) (
探索者腰包(无位置奇物) (
佩什(黑市物品) (
腐肉诱饵(炼金) (
三生护符(无位置奇物) (
三生权杖(无位置奇物) (
三端飘带(头部奇物) (
门扉卡组(无位置奇物) (
发条响尾蛇(冒险工具) (
发条徘徊者(炼金工具) (
高级发条徘徊者(炼金工具) (
汉化膏与娘化酊(炼金药) (
隐光提灯(无位置奇物) (
显隐之雾烟斗(无位置奇物) (
少女的承诺(颈部奇物) (
神圣之火披风(肩部奇物) (
解放者之钥(无位置奇物) (
虚华饰物(无位置奇物) (
灰色少女铠甲(冒险装备) (
伤痕油膏(冒险装备) (
少女战盔(头部奇物) (
猩红玫瑰战旗(无位置奇物) (
欲魔会斗篷(肩部奇物) (
尖牙皇冠头盔(头部奇物) (
少女的守护(盾牌) (
少女的盛装(盔甲) (
蔷薇骑士之刃(无位置奇物) (

耐心沉着(信念) (
桥下居民(地区) (
哈罗命定(地区) (
长獠牙(种族) (
烈阳之眼(种族) (
闪避巨人(地区) (
都市辅祭(宗教) (
瓦瑞西亚刺青(种族) (
感召(信念) (
穿刺法术(魔法) (
诈死(宗教) (
自由斗士(地区) (
名门望族(宗教) (
屈服力(信仰) (
斯多葛派的尊严(种族) (
岩石的孤独者(种族) (
安稳触碰(宗教) (
神官福佑(信念) (
休盎提骏马(种族) (
三寸不烂之舌(种族) (
流亡贵族(地区) (
休盎提纹身(种族) (
休盎提的灵魂歌姬(种族) (
有前途的和事佬(种族) (
艾鲁塔基的读天者(世界之冠) (
兽之子(社会) (
破坏者(战斗) (
英灵向导(魔法) (
兽言者(社会) (
自然之血(魔法) (
天眼(魔法) (
漫游者(社会) (
水裔忠诚(种族) (
魔法威能(宗教) (
精明劝诱/独到见解(信念) (
信仰危机(信念) (
拒信者(信念) (
自然礼拜者(信念) (
自我实现(信念) (
图腾师(信念) (

延缓诅咒 (
羞耻盛装 (
暴风步 (
天界治疗 (
诱骗人类 (
准则符文 (
燃烧流沙 (
奥多里迅捷咒 (
魔法隔离术 (
塞伦迅捷着甲术 (
力场锚 (
火焰之弧 (

武装姐妹(骑士变体) (
元素纯净者((操念变体) (
超自然论者(德鲁伊变体) (
假面少女(侠客职业变体) (
统御之刃(武士变体) (
魔武者(魔战士变体) (
科莱什先知(先知变体) (
巫龙女巫(女巫变体) (
圣遗物使(通灵者变体) (
哈罗协会学者(奥能师变体) (
骑士雇从(战士变体) (
贪婪(先知诅咒) (
暗夜疾行(催眠师诡计) (
共享感官(催眠师诡计) (
解放(催眠师诡计) (
鳞兽祝福(战争祭祀祝福) (
火山秘示域(先知秘示域) (
妩媚交集花(进阶职业) (
圣油(炼金术士) (
夺舍(先知诅咒) (
染血天使(进阶职业) (

守卫之肤(半兽人种族特性替换) (
强烈自信(半兽人种族特性替换) (
精怪之心(人类种族特性替换) (
昏暗瞄准(种族替换规则) (
保守交涉(矮人种族替换能力) (
勤劳的城市人(矮人种族替换能力) (
足下闪避者(半身人种族替换能力) (
城市学徒(侏儒种族替换特性) (
仙灵龙魔法(侏儒种族替换特性) (
龙类领事(精灵种族替换特性) (

反射施法者(专长) (
灵巧少女(战斗专长) (
尖牙王冠的屠戮(专长) (
灰色少女新兵(专长) (
猩红玫瑰的奉献(专长) (
姊妹情深流(战斗,流派专长) (
姊妹情深城墙(战斗专长) (
姊妹情深奉献(战斗专长) (
坚不可摧(战斗专长) (
精通包抄(战斗,团队专长) (
精类仪典(专长) (
终焉之墙方针(团队专长) (
心灵羁绊(团队专长) (
神圣战技(战斗专长) (
雕像伙伴(专长) (
鲁莽瞄准(战斗专长) (
魂刃(战斗专长) (
捕鼠者(战斗专长) (
灵魂打击(战斗专长) (
虚幻杀手(战斗专长) (
传奇影响(专长) (
紧急退避(专长) (

强化人造人 (
尖钉的信条 (
植入艾恩石 (
潜行与察觉(初稿 待润色) (
易容 (
这东西整理比我想象中还费时间 :em006,大致整理了一下,但是没时间校对了。有错的地方可以留个言,我先挂了,没想到都这么晚了
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-04, 周一 19:25:46
破魂锥(spiritbane spike) 出自《亡灵杀手手册Undead Slayer's Handbook》
类型:炼金工具 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:300gp 重量:1磅

When you slash this alchemically treated iron spike against your flesh—a move action that deals 1d6 points of damage— the spike extends and becomes a short sword with the ghost touch weapon special ability. The spike reverts to its old form after 10 minutes, corroded and useless. Should a spiritbane spike rematerialize within a corporeal body, it is shunted to the nearest empty space without effect. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
主题: 盔甲附魔
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-04, 周一 19:30:21
舒适(Comfort) 出自《探索者协会战地指南Pathfinder Society Field Guide》

Armor of comfort sheds dirt and sweat as they accumulate, and remains as comfortable as weather-appropriate clothing regardless of environmental conditions. A suit of armor with this enhancement always looks immaculately clean, can be slept in as though it were light armor, and does not cause a penalty to the wearer’s saving throws to resist the effects of extreme heat. In cold weather, it counts as cold-weather clothing. In addition, the armor’s armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
主题: 专长
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-04, 周一 19:33:50
奔鹿式(Charging Stag Style)  出自《荒野英雄》(Heros of the Wild)

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility.

Benefit: When using this style and not mounted, you can charge through difficult terrain and spaces containing allies. You can also make a single turn of up to 90 degrees during your charge. You must see your target at the beginning of your charge, and can make only a single attack at the end, even if you would normally be able to make multiple attacks (such as with the pounce ability).

Normal: You can’t charge through allies’ spaces or difficult terrain.
主题: 法术
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-04, 周一 19:38:25
幸运数字(Lucky Number)出自《秘学之谜》(Occult Mysteries)

School transmutation; Level arcanist 1, bard 1, cleric/oracle 1, druid 1, hunter 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1, red mantis assassin 1, skald 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, summoner (unchained) 1, warpriest 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one willing creature
Duration 24 hours or until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You are able to tweak tiny variables affecting a creature’s immediate future in order to grant the target a bit of luck at the right time. Roll a d20; once during the duration of lucky number, when the target creature rolls that result (regardless of what type of dice the target rolls), the creature has the option to either reroll the result or add a +2 luck bonus to the result. The creature must decide to use this ability before the success or failure of the original roll is known. A creature can have only one lucky number at a time. If lucky number is cast on a creature already affected by that spell, the new number replaces the previous one.
主题: 背景特性
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-04, 周一 19:44:03
地狱骑士之志(Aspiring Hellknight) 出自《初探内海Inner Sea Primer》
分类 地区
需求 来自切利亚斯
效果 你的家族在相当长的历史中都有服役于地狱骑士的先例,而对你的严格教育和训练使得你拥有一种强有力的指挥气场。你在威吓技能检定上获得+1背景加值,威吓总是视为你的本職技能。

Your family has a long tradition of service in the Hellknights, and your strict upbringing and training have given you a forceful aura of command. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

印象深刻(Memorable) 出自《任务与战役Quests and Campaigns》
分类 社会
效果 因为在一大群孩子中长大,你学会了如何快速的引起他人的注意并保持下去。当你使用交涉或威吓技能改变态度时,持续的时间会是平常的1.5倍。每当你制造一个提供加值/减值的恐惧或影响心灵的效果,如果持续时间至少有2轮,那么会在正常结束之前,增加一轮持续时间。举例而言,如果你使用威吓检定挫败士气大于等于DC5点,目标会战栗3轮而不是通常的2轮。

Growing up amid a large number of children, you learned quickly how to get others’ attention and keep it. When you modify a character’s attitude with the Diplomacy or Intimidate skill, the attitude change lasts 1-1/2 times longer than it otherwise would. Whenever you create a fear or mind-affecting effect that imposes a penalty or bonus with a duration of at least 2 rounds, it lasts 1 additional round after it would normally end. For example, if you demoralize a foe with an Intimidate check and beat the DC by 5, the victim is shaken for 3 rounds instead of the usual 2 rounds.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-05, 周二 22:54:39
执盾卫(Shield Bearer) 出自《格拉里昂的人类Humans of Golarion》


You have survived many battles thanks to your skill with your shield. When performing a shield bash, you deal 1 additional point of damage. Also, once per day on your turn as a free action, you may provide one adjacent ally a +2 trait bonus to his Armor Class. This bonus lasts for 1 round, so long as you and the target remain adjacent to one another. You can only use this ability if you are using a shield. You retain your shield bonus to your armor class when using this ability.
主题: 种族替换能力
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-05, 周二 23:32:03
剪影人种族替换能力 出自《阴影血脉Blood of Shadow》


Shadow Speaker (Su): Countless whispers of powerful beings from the Shadow Plane—long since dead or deeply dreaming—echo in the minds of wayangs with strong spiritual connections to the darkness. These faint voices hint at revelations of things to come and suggest actions for receptive listeners to undertake. Three times per day as a free action, but no more than once per turn, a wayang with this racial trait can heed these uncanny whispers to gain a +2 insight bonus on an ability check, attack roll, caster level check, concentration check, saving throw, or skill check. The wayang must choose to use this ability before making the appropriate die roll. This racial trait replaces shadow magic.
主题: 专长
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-05, 周二 23:55:26
剪影人预言者(Wayang Soothsayer)  出自《阴影血脉》(Blood of Shadow)

Wayang Soothsayer

You embody the ideals of wayang society and culture.

Prerequisite : Wayang.
Benefit : You gain the shadow speaker racial trait (see page 10). If you already have the shadow speaker racial trait, you can increase the number of times per day that you can use shadow speaker by 1, and increase the insight bonus granted from each type of use by 1.
Special : This feat can be taken once at 1st level, and again at 11th level.
主题: Re: 背景
作者: 金闪Shiradan2016-04-06, 周三 00:01:54
神选之人(Chosen One/Chosen of Iomedae) 出自《玩家伴侣:纯善勇士》(Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Purity)

在你出生之时,你的父母将你的灵魂奉献给艾奥梅黛,并以此为模制成一把光明之剑。女神祝福了你,赋予你光的礼物来照亮你前行的黑暗之路,以及一把精良的长剑来传播女神的意志。你可以每天一次将光亮术作为类法术能力来施放(CL 1),并且游戏一开始就可以获得一把精制品长剑。另外,当光亮术被施放于这把长剑时,光亮术的范围和持续时间加倍。

At your birth, your parents dedicated your soul to Iomedae to mold into a sword of her light. The goddess blessed you, granting you a gift of light to brighten your path through darkness and a fine sword with which to spread her will. You may cast light once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level 1st), and you begin play with a masterwork longsword. In addition, whenever light is cast upon this sword, the radius of light and its duration is doubled.
主题: Re: 背景
作者: 金闪Shiradan2016-04-06, 周三 00:15:02
外空龙血脉(Outer Dragon Blood) 出自《玩家伴侣:繁星子民》(Pathfinder Player Companion: People pf Stars)

龙种       能量类型       吐息类型
月龙       寒冷            60尺线型
日龙       火               60尺线型
时间龙    电               30尺锥形
空间龙    寒冷            30尺锥形
漩涡龙    火               30尺锥形

The blood of outer dragons courses through your veins, and you’ve inherited a portion of their magic. You gain Draconic as a bonus language. In addition, if you are a sorcerer with the draconic bloodline, you can select one of the outer dragon types for your bloodline powers; this affects your resistances and the type of energy damage dealt by a number of your abilities.

Dragon Type   Energy Type   Breath Shape
Lunar           Cold                   60-foot line
Solar                   Fire                   60-foot line
Time                   Electricity           30-foot cone
Void                   Cold                   30-foot cone
Vortex           Fire                   30-foot cone
主题: Re: 背景
作者: 金闪Shiradan2016-04-06, 周三 02:46:46
律法爱好者(Lover of the Law)出自《内海诸神》(Inner Sea Gods)


You have a strong belief in the righteousness of law and justice. You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects, and may attempt a new saving throw with an additional +1 bonus (for a total of +2) if you are directed to break the law.
主题: 特殊材料
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-10, 周日 02:12:22
亮银(Silversheen) 出自《卡蒂亚,通往东方之门 Qadira, Gateway to the East》
价格:武器 +750gp

Blades made of this special metal count as alchemical silver weapons and are immune to rust, including that of rust monsters, the rusting grasp spell, and so on. They are always masterwork weapons—most often scimitars or longswords; the listed price includes the cost of the masterwork bonus.
主题: Re: 专长
作者: 金闪Shiradan2016-04-10, 周日 19:31:36
钻洞?缩骨?(Narrow Frame)  出自《玩家伴侣:动物档案》(Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive)
先决条件:逃脱 1级,动物或者魔法兽

Narrow Frame
Your excellent coordination allows you to maneuver better in close quarters.

Prerequisites: Escape Artist 1 rank, animal or magical beast.

Benefit: You do not take penalties on your attack rolls or to your AC for squeezing through a narrow space that is at least half as wide as your normal space, though each move into or through a narrow space still counts as if it were 2 squares.

Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to AC while squeezing.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 一颗柠檬2016-04-11, 周一 15:01:16
萨迦瓦卫士(Sargavan Guard)  出自《内海指南》(Inner Sea Primer)

Sargavan Guard
Source: Inner Sea Primer pg. 19
Category Region
Requirement(s) Sargava
You served in the Sargavan Guard, either as a colonial sub-praetor or as a native Mwangi regular, and have grown accustomed to marching in hot temperatures while wearing armor. When you wear armor of any sort, reduce the armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum penalty of 0.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 一颗柠檬2016-04-11, 周一 15:08:02
增强交涉(Enhanced Diplomacy)  出自《塔尔多,荣耀之回声》(Taldor, Echoes of Glory)

PFS Legal 3.5 Material Enhanced Diplomacy
Source Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. 24 (Amazon)
School divination; Level cleric/oracle 0, druid 0, hunter 0, warpriest 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 minute or until discharged
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You imbue the subject with divine diplomacy skills. The creature gets a +2 competence bonus on a single Diplomacy or Intimidate check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 道是无常2016-04-11, 周一 21:11:25
干冰油(Cardice Oil) 出自《地城冒险家手册》(Dungeoneer's Handbook)
价格:50gp 重量:1磅
类型:炼金工具 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25

Cardice Oil
Source Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 26
Price 50 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Tools
This bottle of viscous blue oil sublimates slightly when exposed to air. When poured over water, the oil pools on the surface and takes 1 round to spread out from the point of origin in a 20-foot radius. At the end of this round, the cardice oil flash-freezes the surface of the water, creating an ice sheet over the affected area (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 430). Any 5-foot square of this ice can support up to 200 pounds of weight. Weight in excess of this amount causes the entire sheet to crack and quickly break up. This ice sheet becomes unstable and breaks up on its own after 1 hour, or 20 minutes in a hot climate. Any creature whose bare skin comes in contact with cardice oil takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage each round because of the chemical’s volatile nature, but the oil is ineffective as a splash weapon.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
主题: 专长
作者: 道是无常2016-04-11, 周一 21:28:30
通才(Dilettante)  出自《秘密追寻者》(Seekers of Secrets)

Source Seekers of Secrets pg. 17
What some would call dabbling you call a wide range of interests. Your breadth of knowledge offers unexpected insights in many situations.

Prerequisites: 2 ranks each in 5 different Knowledge skills.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks if you have 1–5 ranks in that skill. This bonus does not stack with Skill Focus. You can make untrained Knowledge checks with DCs up to 15.

Normal: You may only make untrained Knowledge checks for common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).
主题: 背景
作者: 道是无常2016-04-12, 周二 21:22:22
太阳力量(Strength of the Sun) 出自《烈焰遗产玩家手册》(Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)

Strength of the Sun
Source Legacy of Fire Player's Guide pg. 9
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Sarenrae
You take solace in the purifying light of the sun. During the day, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all Charisma-based checks.
主题: 冒险装备
作者: 道是无常2016-04-12, 周二 21:34:39
探索者编年史(Pathfinder Chronicle) 出自《内海世界指南》(Inner Sea World Guide)
价格:50gp 重量:1磅

Pathfinder Chronicle
Source Inner Sea World Guide pg. 293
Price 50 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Adventuring Gear
Numerous volumes and editions of the Pathfinder Chronicles exist. When used as a reference (an action that typically takes 1d4 full rounds of searching the text), a Pathfinder Chronicle grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a specific Knowledge check. Each Pathfinder Chronicle grants this bonus to a different type of Knowledge, but regardless of which type that particular chronicle is focused on, the overall cost of the book remains the same.
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 道是无常2016-04-12, 周二 21:58:02
清新迷雾(Vapors Of Easy Breath) 出自《炼金手册》(Alchemy Manual)
价格:75gp 重量:3磅

Vapors of Easy Breath
Source Alchemy Manual pg. 25
Price 75 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Category Alchemical Remedies
This waxy ball of resin and herbs is stored in a large glass jar or other airtight container. When the jar is opened, it instantly evaporates into a soothing vapor that renders the lungs of any adjacent creatures resistant to inhaled poisons, diseases, and irritants such as choking smoke. Each creature within 5 feet of the jar when it is opened gains a +5 alchemical bonus on saving throws against such effects for the next 10 minutes. If already affected by an airborne affliction, an affected creature can immediately attempt another saving throw against the effect (with the +5 bonus); a creature can attempt only one such additional saving throw in a 24-hour period.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (60 myrrh + 50 salt + 60 ginger extract)/congelation; Craft 25
Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab; Type alchemical remedy
主题: 背景
作者: 道是无常2016-04-12, 周二 22:04:58
兽人穿刺者(Orc Impaler) 出自《内海骑士》(Knights of the Inner Sea)
需求:终焉之墙 - 奥泽姆骑士团

Orc Impaler
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 10
Category Region
Requirement(s) Lastwall - Knight of Ozem
You gain a +2 trait bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits made as part of a charge. This bonus increases to +3 if the critical hit is made against a creature with the orc subtype.
主题: 戒指
作者: 靜海聆2016-04-17, 周日 18:01:26
护佑生命之戒( Ring of Protected Life) 出自《亡灵杀手手册Undead Slayer's Handbook》
灵光:中等咒法系 CL:7
位置:戒指价格:9000gp 重量:1磅

This silver ring features arboreal motifs, and is set with a small but brilliant sapphire. If the wearer has the channel energy class feature, the radius of his channeled energy increases by 5 feet. Additionally, when the wearer channels energy, he may choose to exempt one creature from the effects of his channeling. If the wearer has the Selective Channeling feat, the ring of protected life increases the number of creatures he may normally exempt by one. Finally, once per day the wearer may channel energy as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; doing so renders the ring of protected life inert for 24 hours, during which time it does not confer any benefits.
谢谢伊安安帮我翻 :em001
主题: 种族替换能力
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-17, 周日 19:32:09
种族替换能力 出自《荒野英雄(Heroes of the Wild)》

精类魔法(Fey Magic):此人物可以从游侠的偏好地形中选择一个地形,他与此地形有着神秘的联结。他可以选择三个0环和一个1环德鲁伊法术。如果人物的魅力属性达到11或更高,那么位于所选地形时,可以将选择的法术做为类法术能力每天使用一次。法术效果的施法者等级使用其人物等级。类法术能力的DC等于10+法术环数+魅力调整值。这些法术视为精类释放的法术,所以会被德鲁伊的抗自然诱惑或其他类似的能力影响。


The character has a mystic connection to one terrain type, selected from the ranger’s favored terrain list. The character selects three 0-level druid spells and one 1st-level druid spell. If the character has a Charisma score of 11 or higher, when in the selected terrain, she gains these spells as spell-like abilities that can be cast once per day. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user’s character level. The DC for the spelllike abilities is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the user’s Charisma modifier. These spells are treated as being from a fey source for the purposes of the druid’s resist nature’s lure class feature and similar abilities.

A dwarf can take this trait in place of greed and stonecunning. An elf, half-elf, or half ling can take this trait in place of keen senses. A gnome can take this trait in place of obsessive. A half-orc can take it in place of orc ferocity. A human can take it in place of skilled. A human who replaces skilled with fey magic also gains fey thoughts and low-light vision.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-19, 周二 03:37:46
防御战略家(Defensive Strategist) 出自《内海诸神Inner Sea Gods》
分类 宗教
需求 信仰拖拉格
效果 你对矮人历史的研究使你擅长防御战术。你不会在无法行动的突袭轮或者战斗开始未轮到你行动之前陷入措手不及状态。

Your study of dwarven history has trained you in defensive strategy. You aren’t flat-footed during a surprise round that you don’t get to act in or before you get to act at the start of a battle.

冻枯城来客(Chillblight Emissary) 出自《北地居民(People of the North)》
分类 地区
需求 来自伊利森
效果 你在冻枯城度过了一段相当漫长的日子,但是最终逃离了这个诡异的精怪聚居地。你获得1/寒铁的伤害减免,但是被寒铁武器击中会变得恶心一轮。

You have spent considerable time at Chillblight, but have escaped this unearthly fey outpost. You gain DR 1/cold iron but become sickened for 1 round if damaged by a cold iron weapon.
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-19, 周二 04:17:07
焦油炸弹(Tar Bomb) 出自《内海海盗》(Pirates of the Inner Sea)
价格:15gp 重量:2磅
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25


A tar bomb is an easy weapon to make, and devastating in use. A head-sized lump of tar is wrapped around a rope and set on fire. You use the rope to lob the burning tar onto an enemy’s deck, where it sticks and sets the ship alight. In many ways, a tar bomb functions as a less potent version of alchemist’s fire, as it deals less damage and lacks the splash damage of the more expensive substance. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. Lighting a tar bomb is a move action.

A hit with a tar bomb deals 1d4 points of fire damage and has the potential to set the struck object or creature on fire, causing an additional 1d6 points of fire damage each round unless the target or an adjacent creature makes a DC 15 Reflex save to extinguish the flames as a full-round action. Knocking the tar bomb or the burning creature or object into a body of water or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.
主题: 背景
作者: 愚 者2016-04-21, 周四 18:24:19
家传武器(Heirloom Weapon) 出自《冒险家的武器库》(Adventurer’s Armory)

Heirloom Weapon
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 30
Category Equipment
You carry a non-masterwork simple or martial weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation in your family (pay the standard gp cost for the weapon). When you select this trait, choose one of the following benefits: proficiency with that specific weapon, a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity with that specific weapon, or a +2 trait bonus on one kind of combat maneuver when using that specific weapon.
主题: 背景
作者: 愚 者2016-04-22, 周五 16:35:29
协会狂暴者(Berserker of the Society) 出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Berserker of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Barbarian, Pathfinder Society
Your time spent as a Pathfinder has taught you new truths about the origins of the your rage ability. You may use your rage ability for 3 additional rounds per day.
主题: 背景
作者: 愚 者2016-04-22, 周五 16:45:29
协会守卫者(Defender of the Society) 出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)
你在探索者协会伟大的战士们学习,这段时间教会了你穿戴护甲时新的防御技巧。穿戴中甲或重甲时你的AC(Armor Class)获得+1背景加值。

Defender of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Fighter, Pathfinder Society
Your time spent studying the greatest warriors of the Society taught you new defensive skills while wearing armor. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Armor Class when wearing medium or heavy armor.
主题: 法术
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-23, 周六 14:08:38
压制魅惑与胁迫(Suppress Charms and Compulsions)  出自《塔尔多,荣耀之回声》(Taldor, Echoes of Glory)


School abjuration; Level arcanist 2, bard 2, cleric/oracle 2, paladin 2, skald 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, warpriest 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature plus one additional creature per 4 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 10 minutes; see text
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

As remove fear, except the targets gain a +4 morale bonus on saves against charm and compulsion effects, and charms and compulsions in effect on the targets are suppressed for the duration of the spell.
主题: 背景
作者: 愚 者2016-04-24, 周日 17:06:39
神射手(Deadeye Bowman) 出自《内海诸神》(Inner Sea Gods)

Deadeye Bowman
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 219
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Erastil
When you are using a longbow, if only a single creature is providing soft cover to your target, your target does not receive the +4 bonus to AC .
主题: Re: 背景
作者: 靜海聆2016-04-24, 周日 19:05:21
灵界特性 出自???


A lack of gravity is not the same as flight. Movement is difficult, and creatures without something to push off from often find themselves f loating helplessly. When a creature does manage to find something to propel itself off of, it can move in any direction, but at half speed. Double-moves and charges are still possible, but running is not. If provided with sufficient handholds, a creature with a climb speed can move along a wall at full speed, as can any PC who makes a DC 20 Climb check (adding in her Dexterity bonus). Note as well that a creature that moves in a given direction continues to move in that direction at the same speed each round (without the cost of a move action) unless it is able to change its motion by latching on to an object or creature, pushing off in a new direction, or creating thrust of some kind (all of which are considered move actions). Creatures that fly using physical means, such as wings or jet propulsion, are affected by these same rules while in vacuum—in atmosphere, they may recover and get their bearings within 2d6 rounds, after which they can fly normally. Magical flight is not affected. A character in a weightless environment can lift and carry 10 times her normal amount. Projectile weapons have their range categories multiplied by 10. In addition, ranged weapons no longer have a maximum number of range increments—their wielders simply continue to accrue penalties the farther away the target is.
主题: 骑士团(斜杠后为武士道风格翻译,个人爱好)
作者: 愚 者2016-04-24, 周日 22:23:31
耀炎骑士团/离火道(Order of the Flame) 出自《元素之血》(Blood of the Elements)


挑战:一个耀炎骑士团的骑将随着他的光荣胜利变得越来越有恃无恐。将他的挑战目标生命值降到0点或更低后,以一个直觉动作,骑将可以选择一个15尺内的敌人,发动荣耀挑战(Glorious Challenge)。

荣耀挑战/乙连斩(Glorious Challenge):一个荣耀挑战不计入骑将挑战的每日可用次数,但是其他方面如同骑将的挑战职业能力一般运作。当他发动一个荣耀挑战时,骑将在荣耀挑战期间AC承受-2减值(这个减值与正常的骑将挑战对抗挑战目标以外敌人所承受的-2AC减值相叠加)。骑将对荣耀挑战目标的近战伤害获得目前为止连续发动的荣耀挑战次数2倍的士气加值。只要他持续不断地击败他荣耀挑战的目标并且有其他的敌人在范围内,骑将就可以持续无限地发动荣耀挑战,AC的减值和伤害的加值也随着后来的敌人增加。举例而言,一个5级的骑将刚刚发动了他击败最初挑战(Challenge)目标后的第三次荣耀挑战(Glorious Challenge),他的AC承受-6减值(对荣耀挑战目标外承受-8减值)并且近战伤害获得11点加值(来源于他基础的挑战能力的一个+5加值,加上来源于连续三个荣耀挑战的+6士气加值)


鲁莽冲锋/屡错然(Foolhardy Rush):2级时,骑将可以在注意到敌人的瞬间穿越战场。无论什么时候骑将进行先攻检定,只要他的骰子投出11或更高,他可以以一个直觉动作移动至多他基础速度的距离,并且他不被视为措手不及。如果骑将下一回合采取动作移动,他要从他的总移动距离中减去他在先攻检定中移动的距离。
惊人成功/戚嗟若(Daunting Success):8级时,无论什么时候骑将用近战武器确认了一个重击,以一个直觉动作,他可以进行一个威吓检定,来挫败15尺内所有能看见他的敌人的士气。这个能力每场战斗只能使用一次。
荣耀之炎/王出征(Blaze of Glory):15级时,他可以以一个标准动作发动一个荣耀之炎(Blaze of Glory)。等同于他魅力调整值的轮数,骑将可以增加10尺基本速度,冲锋时可以忽略困难地形,并且攻击检定获得+4加值(取代+2)。骑将每次战斗只能使用一次这个能力。

Order of the Flame
Source Blood of the Elements pg. 7
A cavalier of the order of the flame devotes his life to the pursuit of personal glory. Even if such pursuit puts his own life on the line, the cavalier pursues legendary status and the fame and glory associated with such renown.

Edicts: The cavalier must pursue glory for himself and those with whom he associates. He must strive to heap glory upon his name, no matter the costs. He must challenge and defeat an ever-increasing host of rivals to further cement his illustrious reputation.

Challenge: A cavalier of the order of the flame becomes ever more emboldened with each glorious victory. As an immediate action after reducing the target of his challenge to 0 hit points or fewer, the cavalier can elect to issue a glorious challenge to an opponent within 15 feet.

Glorious Challenge: A glorious challenge does not count against the cavalier’s number of challenges per day, but otherwise acts like a cavalier’s challenge class feature. When he issues a glorious challenge, the cavalier takes a –2 penalty to AC for the duration of the glorious challenge (this penalty stacks with the usual –2 AC penalty against opponents other than the target of the cavalier’s challenge). The cavalier gains a morale bonus on melee damage rolls against the target of his glorious challenge equal to 2 × the number of consecutive glorious challenges he has issued thus far. As long as he continues to defeat targets of his glorious challenges and there are more opponents in range, the cavalier can continue to issue glorious challenges indefinitely, with the penalty to AC and the bonus on damage rolls increasing with each subsequent foe. For example, a 5th-level cavalier that has just issued his third glorious challenge after defeating the original target of his challenge takes a –6 penalty to AC (–8 against creatures other than the target of his glorious challenge) and gains a +11 bonus on melee damage rolls (a +5 bonus from his base challenge ability plus a +6 morale bonus for three consecutive glorious challenges).

Skills: A cavalier of the order of the flame adds Knowledge (local) and Survival to his class skills. Whenever the cavalier’s current hit point total matches or exceeds his maximum hit point total, he gains a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

Order Abilities: A cavalier of the order of the flame gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Foolhardy Rush: At 2nd level, the cavalier can charge across the battlefield at a moment’s notice. Whenever the cavalier attempts an initiative check, as long as he rolls an 11 or higher on the die, he can move up to his base speed as an immediate action and he is not considered flat-footed. If the cavalier takes an action to move during his next turn, he subtracts the number of feet moved during the initiative check from his total movement.

Daunting Success: At 8th level, whenever the cavalier confirms a critical hit with a melee weapon, as an immediate action he can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 15 feet who can see him. This ability can be used only once per combat.

Blaze of Glory: At 15th level, the cavalier can declare a blaze of glory as a standard action. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, the cavalier increases his base speed by 10 feet, can ignore difficult terrain while charging, and gains a +4 bonus on his attack rolls (instead of +2). A cavalier can use this ability only once per combat.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 梦子2016-04-25, 周一 09:30:21
协会守护者(Defender of the Society):你花时间向协会的伟大战士学习新的着甲防御技能。在你穿中型或重型盔甲时,你得到+ 1AC加值。Your time spent studying the greatest warriors of the Society taught you new defensive skills while wearing armor. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Armor Class when wearing medium or heavy armor. 战斗背景
主题: 背景
作者: 愚 者2016-04-25, 周一 21:22:07
天眷冠军(Favored Champion) 出自《内海种族》(Inner Sea Races)

Favored Champion
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 195
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Shoanti
Omens from the spirits indicated you would be a great champion against your tribe’s enemies. Once per day as an immediate action when you fail a combat maneuver check, you can reroll it. You must take the second result even if it is worse.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-29, 周五 01:31:57
报复心(Vengeful) 出自《任务与战役Quests and Campaigns》
分类 战斗
效果 在你幼年时代,一些你无力抵抗的家伙时不时的会虐待你。现在当有机会反击那些曾经伤害过你的人,你便会兴奋不已。当攻击24小时之内最后一个伤害你的生物时,伤害骰获得+1背景加值。

During your childhood, you suffered occasional or frequent abuse from those too powerful for you to resist. Now you thrill at the chance to get back at those who wronged you. Whenever you strike the last creature that damaged you in the past 24 hours, you gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against that creature.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2016-04-29, 周五 01:50:49
太阳赐福(Sun-Blessed) 出自《外星居民(People of the Stars)》
分类 魔法
效果 你出生时太阳的位置恰好显露出吉祥的预兆。结果就是你天生就与光明和生命力有着紧密的联系。不论何时你所受到的治疗超出了你的最大生命值,那么超过的部分会转化为临时生命值。你每天通过此方式获得的临时生命值数最高等同于你的生命骰数。这些临时生命值持续1分钟时间。

Your birth came at a time when the sun was auspiciously aligned with your birth sign. As a result, you have a natural affinity for light and life. Whenever you’re affected by a healing effect that would heal more hit points than your maximum hit point total, you gain the excess healing as temporary hit points. You can gain up to a number of temporary hit points per day equal to your character level in this way. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

主题: 炼金物品
作者: 道是无常2016-05-04, 周三 10:33:08
凶猛药水(Fervor Juice) 出自《怪物志》(Monster Codex)
价格:50gp 重量:-
类型:炼金工具 制造DC:工艺(炼金) 20
效果:这种散发着难闻气味的炼金混合物能赋予喝下它的生物短暂时间的凶猛 (Ferocity, Ex)特性。这和同名的通用怪物规则作用相同,并从喝下之后起持续1小时。制造这个物品需要需要成功通过DC20的工艺(炼金)检定。
【速查】凶猛 (Ferocity, Ex): 拥有凶猛能力的生物即使在HP达到0以下,也可以保持清醒并且继续战斗。该生物还是会在HP低于0时进入恍惚状态,并且每轮失去1点HP。拥有凶猛能力的生物在HP降到体质属性负值时还是会死亡。

Fervor Juice
Source Monster Codex pg. 117
Price 50 gp; Weight
Category Alchemical Tools
This foul-tasting alchemical concoction grants those that imbibe it ferocity for a short period of time. This functions as the universal monster rule of the same name, and lasts for 1 hour from the time you ingest the solution. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20
主题: 冒险装备
作者: 道是无常2016-05-04, 周三 10:54:51
弹簧腕鞘(Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded) 出自《冒险家的武器库》(Adventurer's Armory)
价格:5gp 重量:1磅

Wrist Sheath (Spring Loaded)
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 5 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Adventuring Gear
This item works like a standard wrist sheath, but releasing an item from it is a swift action. Preparing the sheath for this use requires cranking the sheath’s tiny gears and springs into place (a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity).
主题: 军用武器-双手武器
作者: 愚 者2016-05-07, 周六 09:14:42
注射矛(Syringe spear) 出自《冒险家的武器库》(Adventurer's Armory)


价格:100gp   重量:6磅



Syringe spear
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 5 ,Classic Horrors Revisited pg. 8

Cost 100 gp Weight 6 lbs.
Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium); Critical x3; Range 20 ft.; Type P; Specialbrace, see text

The blade of this weapon, which is also called an injection spear, contains a thin tube or bore that connects to a hollow container just beneath the crosspiece. A successful hit with the spear injects the liquid contents of the container (typically poison or a potion) into the target. Refilling a syringe spear takes 1 minute.
主题: 骑士团
作者: 愚 者2016-05-07, 周六 10:09:03
悔罪骑士团(Order of the Penitent)出自《内海骑士》(Knights of the Inner Sea)





擒拿大师Expert Captor(Ex):2级时,只要他有绳子,骑将可以捆绑一个被擒抱的对手,即便那个对手并没有被压制、以其他方式束缚住或陷入无助,而且他不用在尝试这样做的战技检定中承担通常的-10减值。当判断被骑将捆绑的逃脱DC时,骑将的CMB增加等于骑将职业等级的1/2的加值。

老练缴械Adept Disarmer(Ex):8级时,骑将获得精通卸武作为奖励专长。额外的,当他成功做了一个卸武检定时,只要他有至少一只手空着并且被卸武的物品可以被一只手拿着,被卸武物品可以自动落到他空着的手中。

手下留情Saving Grace(Ex):15级时,当他成功以近程攻击击中一个生物,如果这个造成致命伤并且会使得那个生物生命值降到0以下,骑将可以以一个自由动作,将伤害类型改变为非致命伤害。骑将可以每轮使用一次该能力。

Order of the Penitent
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 24
Not all knights begin their careers as nobles’ children or as squires. Some start out as thieves, murderers, or cheats, and only after they see the suffering caused by their crimes do they dedicate themselves to honorable service. Cavaliers who follow this order seek to make up for the crimes they’ve committed in the past, and do whatever they can to restore their tainted honor.

Edicts: The cavalier must be merciful to wrongdoers and show unfettered fairness whenever he passes judgment. He must assume that only the most heinous monsters are irrevocably evil, and must deliver all foes capable of fair trial to the appropriate local law enforcers.

Challenge: Whenever an order of the penitent cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus to his CMD against combat maneuvers made by the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

Skills: An order of the penitent cavalier adds Escape Artist (Dex) and Sense Motive (Wis) to his list of class skills. Whenever he makes an Escape Artist check, the cavalier may add his Strength bonus to the check in addition to his Dexterity modifier.

Order Abilities: An order of the penitent cavalier gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Expert Captor (Ex): At 2nd level, as long as he has rope, the cavalier can tie up a grappled opponent, even if the opponent is not pinned, otherwise restrained, or unconscious, and he does not take the usual –10 penalty on his combat maneuver check to do so. When determining the DC to escape bonds secured by the cavalier, the cavalier’s Combat Maneuver Bonus increases by 1/2 his cavalier level.

Adept Disarmer (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier gains Improved Disarm as a bonus feat. In addition, whenever he makes a successful disarm check, as long as he has at least one hand free and the dropped item can be held in one hand, he can automatically pick up the dropped item in his free hand.

Saving Grace (Ex): At 15th level, whenever he would strike a creature with a melee attack that deals lethal damage and would bring the creature’s hit points below 0, the cavalier can, as a free action, change the type of damage dealt to nonlethal damage. The cavalier can use this ability once per round.
主题: 普通防具:重甲
作者: snowknight2016-05-07, 周六 14:09:20
地狱骑士甲(Hellknight plate) 出自《内海世界指南 Inner Sea World Guide》
分类 装备
需求 同精制全身甲
效果 Cost 2,000 gp Weight 50 lbs.
Armor Bonus +9; Max Dex Bonus +1; Armor Check Penalty -5
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 35%; Speed 20 ft./15 ft。此外,这种全身套甲是一种特殊的精制全身甲,当一个有地狱骑士等级的人物装备时会有相应的特殊效果。

Hellknight plate
Source Inner Sea World Guide pg. 291 (Amazon)
Cost 2,000 gp Weight 50 lbs.
Armor Bonus +9; Max Dex Bonus +1; Armor Check Penalty -5
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 35%; Speed 20 ft./15 ft.
These distinctive suits of armor are a special type of masterwork full plate that, when worn by a character with levels in the Hellknight prestige class, grants additional effects.
主题: 背景
作者: 愚 者2016-05-11, 周三 21:46:28
速饮者(Accelerated Drinker) 出自《Cheliax, Empire of Devils》
分类 基础(战斗)
效果 你知道如何有效饮用一瓶药水,比如不使用你的手,把药瓶扔到空中然后用你的嘴接住,或者用你的牙齿打开瓶子。只要在你回合开始的时候你手中拿着药水,你就可以用一个移动动作而非标准动作饮用这瓶药水。

Accelerated DrinkerSource Cheliax, Empire of Devils pg. 18
Category Basic (Combat)
You know how to drink a potion efficiently, such as by not using your hands, tossing it in the air and catching it in your mouth, or opening it with your teeth. You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard as long as you start your turn with the potion in your hand.
主题: 专长(战斗,团队)
作者: 愚 者2016-05-11, 周三 22:33:14
密集阻击(Barrage of Styles,Combat, Teamwork ) 出自《内海种族( Inner Sea Races)》
先决条件 基本攻击加值+1,人类
专长效果 每有一个拥有此专长的人类盟友,如果威胁同一个敌人,并且和你以及其他威胁该敌人的盟友不是同一个民族,你的战技检定获得+1士气加值(最大+4)

Barrage of Styles (Combat, Teamwork)
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 201
The diverse martial traditions of you and your allies’ backgrounds blend into a unique combination.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, human.
Benefit: You gain a cumulative +1 morale bonus (maximum +4) on combat maneuver checks for each human ally who also has this feat, is threatening the same foe, and does not share an ethnicity with you or any other ally threatening that foe.   
主题: 冒险装备
作者: 愚 者2016-05-12, 周四 10:21:24
快抓镣铐(Manacles (quickcatch)) 出自《近战战术工具匣》(Melee Tactics Toolbox)
价格: 180GP重量:3磅

类型       价格       重量
普通       15 GP       2磅
精制       50 GP       2磅
秘银       1000 GP     2磅
  镣铐可以铐住一个中等体型的生物。被铐住的生物可以使用脱逃进行挣脱(DC30,精制镣铐则为35)。打破镣铐需要一个力量检定(DC 26,精制镣铐则为28)。镣铐硬度为10,并有10点的生命值。
秘银镣铐 :这种镣铐比标准手铐更难破坏,并且对兽化人特别有效。它们有30点生命值,硬度15,击破DC为30。其他方面都视为精制品镣铐。

Manacles (quickcatch)
Source Melee Tactics Toolbox pg. 20
Price180GP ; Weight 3lb
Category Adventuring Gear
These masterwork manacles are designed to swiftly secure a restrained creature. The price includes a quick-release mechanism that, when attached to a belt or pack, allows you to retrieve the quickcatch manacles with one hand as a swift action. Quickcatch manacles include a good lock that locks automatically when the manacles are applied. When you take the tie up action in a grapple, you can lock your opponent in quickcatch manacles instead of using rope. The quickcatch manacles must be sized appropriately for your opponent. Quickcatch manacles can be constructed for creatures of different sizes using the same multipliers as ordinary manacles.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 梦子2016-05-13, 周五 22:04:41
Boon Companion
动物专长 http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=74417.0
动物变体 http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=58976.0
魔宠手札 http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=75641.0

PFS Legal Boon Companion
Source Animal Archive pg. 18 (Amazon), Seekers of Secrets pg. 16 (Amazon)
Your bond with your animal companion or familiar is unusually close.

Prerequisites: Animal companion or familiar class feature.

Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were 4 levels higher, to a maximum effective druid level equal to your character level. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one to receive this benefit. If you lose or dismiss an animal companion or familiar that has received this benefit, you may apply this feat to the replacement creature.

Special: You may select this feat more than once. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different animal companion or familiar.

主题: 背景
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-05-13, 周五 23:04:43
铁甲如衣(Steel Skin) 出自《内海骑士 Knights of the Inner Sea》
分类 战斗
效果 你在穿脱重型盔甲时只需要花费正常时间的一半。此外,你在游戏开始时获得一顶有着家族徽记的巨盔(该头盔不会提供防御性增益)。当同时穿戴这顶头盔和一套重甲时,你在威吓检定上获得+2背景加值。

You gain the ability to don or remove heavy armor in half the normal time. Additionally, you begin play with a great helm bearing the iconography of your family (this helm grants no special defensive benefits). While wearing this helm with a suit of heavy armor, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks.
主题: 背景
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-05-13, 周五 23:15:00
海盗斗剑师(Pirate Duelist) 出自《内海海盗 Pirates of the Inner Sea》
分类 地区
需求 来自梅迪奥高提(红螳螂岛)
效果 你混迹于伊利兹马高提(红螳螂岛唯一城市,又称恶潮城Scum Tide City)的酒馆,在三教九流的各式海盗中摸爬滚打,并且成功让其中一些向你展示了他们的剑技。你在使用匕首、短剑、水手弯刀、细剑、弯刀和铁钩进行的借机攻击中获得+1背景加值。

You’ve rubbed elbows with pirates of all stripes in Ilizmagorti’s taverns and convinced a few to show off their swordfighting skills. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity made with daggers, short swords, cutlasses, rapiers, scimitars, or hook hands.
主题: 异种武器-轻型近战武器(已从errata确认,最新版本为轻型)
作者: 愚 者2016-05-16, 周一 21:28:10
战斗火球(Battle poi) 出自《冒险家的武器库》(Adventurer's Armory)


价格:5gp   重量:2磅


这对手臂长的链子一端是手柄,另一端是大量燃油浸泡过的火把。火球的重量不足以造成物理伤害,但是燃烧的燃油造成火焰伤害。如果你擅长战斗火球,你在使用火球攻击时可以视为拥有“双武器格斗(Two-Weapon Fighting)”专长。火球可以通过花费整轮动作把它们闷在沙子里或淹没在水里来熄灭。

Battle poi
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 2 , Legacy of Fire Player's Guide pg. 22

Cost 5 gp Weight 2 lbs.
Damage1d3fire (small),1d4fire (medium); Critical x2; Range—; Type fire; Special

This pair of arm-length chains has handles at one end and heavy fuel-soaked torch heads at the other. The weight of the poi is insufficient to deal physical damage, but the burning fuel deals fire damage. If you are proficient in battle poi, you are treated as if you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the purposes of making poi attacks. Poi can be extinguished by spending a full round action smothering them in sand or submerging them in water.
主题: 黑市物品
作者: 愚 者2016-05-16, 周一 21:44:27
兴奋剂(Allnight) 出自《冒险家的武器库》(Adventurer's Armory)
价格:75gp 重量:—

Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 75 gp; Weight
Category Black Market
This treated wafer dissolves into a chalky paste when placed under the tongue and then gives the imbiber a jolt of restless energy. It eliminates the effects of fatigue for the next 8 hours; when the drug’s effect ends, the user is exhausted. Allnight makes its users jittery and unable to focus; they suffer a –2 penalty on all skill checks until its effects wear off.
主题: 炼金药
作者: 愚 者2016-05-16, 周一 22:02:34
沸血片(Blood-boiling pill) 出自《炼金术手册》(Alchemy Manual)
价格:75gp 重量:—
效果:吞下这片深黑色混合着红色、茶色的药片会使得你的血液升温,8小时内,你的先攻检定和所有对抗寒冷的效果的豁免检定获得+2炼金加值。但是,任何流血效果对你造成的伤害增加为1.5倍(向上取整)。在沸血片效果期间吞下寒血片(blood-chilling pill)会抵消两种药的效果
配方(30份姜汁+8份黄金+15份艾蒿汁)/ ceration;工艺 25
时间 10分钟;工具 坩埚;类型 炼金药

Blood-boiling pill
Source Alchemy Manual pg. 24
Price 75 gp; Weight
Category Alchemical Remedies
Swallowing this dark black-red tea pill causes your blood to heat up, granting you a +2 alchemical bonus on initiative checks and on saving throws against cold effects for 8 hours. However, any damage you take from bleed effects during this time is multiplied by 1-1/2 (rounded up). Swallowing a blood-chilling pill while under the effects of a blood-boiling pill negates the effects of both pills.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (30 ginger extract + 8 gold + 15 mugwort extract)/ceration; Craft 25
Time 10 minutes; Tools crucible; Type alchemical remedy
主题: 无位置奇物
作者: LYF2016-05-17, 周二 16:32:08
次元袋,次级(Bag of Holding, Minor) 出自《经典宝物出现》( Classic Treasures Revisited)
灵光:中等咒法系  CL:9
位置:无 价格:1000gp 重量:3磅

This more economical version of the bag of holding functions in the same manner, but its internal measurements are smaller than those of a regular bag of holding. It measures 2 feet by 4 feet and can carry up to 50 pounds or 6 cubic feet of material.

制造需求:制造奇物,迷藏箱(secret chest) 花费成本:500gp
主题: 先知诅咒
作者: 愚 者2016-05-18, 周三 15:06:15
无力预言(Powerless Prophecy )出自《内海怪物手册》(Inner Sea Monster Codex):
你能预先警示到危险,但是你不能预防它。你获得直觉闪避(uncanny dodge),如同盗贼的职业能力。但是,你在突袭轮不能使用任何动作,包括自由动作,除了洞察闪现(Flash of Insight)能力(见下面的启示,译注,洞察闪现是独眼巨人先知变体的独有启示,这个变体PFS不可用)。如果没有突袭轮,你在战斗的整个第一轮中陷入恍惚(staggered)状态。5级时,你的先攻检定获得+4洞察加值;10级时,你获得如果盗贼一样的精通直觉闪避(improved uncanny dodge),用你的先知等级作为你的盗贼等级来决定此能力。15级时,当你在突袭轮或其他情况没有意识到被攻击时,你所有的豁免检定和你的AC获得+4洞察加值。

Flash of Insight (Su) Once per day as an immediate action, a cyclops can peer into an occluded visual spectrum of possible futures, gaining insight that allows it to select the exact result of one die roll before the roll is made. This effect can alter an action taken by the cyclops only, and cannot be applied to the rolls of others.

Powerless Prophecy (Inner Sea Monster Codex pg. 17 ): You are forewarned of danger but can’t act to prevent it. You gain uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature. However, you can’t take any actions in a surprise round, including free actions, except for flash of insight (see Revelations below). In the absence of a surprise round, you are staggered for the entire first round of combat. At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on initiative checks. At 10th level, you gain improved uncanny dodge as the rogue ability, using your oracle level as your rogue level. At 15th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on all your saving throws and to your AC during surprise rounds and when you are otherwise unaware of an attack.
主题: 炼金武器
作者: 愚 者2016-05-21, 周六 13:21:28
旋转焰火Firework (jumping jenny) 出自《炼金手册》(Alchemy Manual)
价格:15gp 重量:—

Firework (jumping jenny)
Source Alchemy Manual pg. 25
Price 15 gp; Weight—.
Category Alchemical Weapons
This small, round paper packet is filled with a sparkling propellant and pierced with several irregular holes, which causes it to dance and spin as the firework burns. One round after you light a jumping jenny, it fills its square with sparks, dealing 1 point of fire damage to creatures in that square and dazzling them for 1d2 rounds (Reflex DC 12 negates). Each round for 1d4 rounds after detonation, the jumping jenny moves into a random adjacent square.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (1 black powder + 5 magnesium + 1 saltpeter)/calcination;Craft 16
Time 10 minutes; Tools crucible; Type alchemical weapon
主题: 背景
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-05-30, 周一 08:08:38
骑士精神(Chivalrous) 出自《初探内海 Inner Sea Primer》
分类 地区(塔尔多)
效果 你听着那些塔尔多黄金年代的英勇骑士和无私法师的传奇故事长大,并且也想同他们一般成就一番壮举。你在交涉和知识(历史)检定上获得+1背景加值。

You were raised on tales of heroic knights and benevolent wizards from Taldor’s Golden Age, and try to emulate their great deeds. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (history) checks.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2016-06-16, 周四 15:55:48
角斗表演家(Mock Gladiator) 出自《街道英雄 Hero of Streets》

You have learned how to work a crowd in Magnimar’s mock-gladiator fights. Choose one weapon. You take no penalty on attack rolls when dealing nonlethal damage with that weapon, and once per day if you score a critical hit with the weapon, you can immediately attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize your target.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-06-18, 周六 19:38:48
秘密裁决域(Clandestine Inquisition) 出自 内海诡道 inner sea intrigue
神祗 Achaekek, Desna, Iomedae, Milani, Nethys, Norgorber, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Sivanah
神授力量 在你所信奉神祗的信徒被追捕的地区,守秘是你信仰中的一部分。将巧手加入你的本职技能。

Clandestine Inquisition Deities: Achaekek, Desna, Iomedae, Milani, Nethys, Norgorber, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Sivanah. Granted Powers: Secrecy is required of the faithful in lands where your deity’s worshipers are hunted. Sleight of Hand is a class skill for you. Disappear (Sp): You can become invisible as per the spell as a standard action. The invisibility lasts for 1 round per inquisitor level or until you attack. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Blessed Secrecy (Su): At 4th level, when you attempt a Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth skill check, you can roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus. Delayed Spells (Su): At 8th level, you can delay the effects of a spell you cast by up to 1 round per inquisitor level. You choose the duration of the delay when you cast the spell and can cause the spell to take effect immediately during the period of delay by concentrating as a standard action. You can use this ability once per day plus an additional time per day for every 4 inquisitor levels you have beyond 8th.
主题: 工具
作者: 愚 者2016-06-25, 周六 22:15:00
医生面具Doctor's mask 出自《冒险家的武器库(Adventurer’s Armory)》
价格:50gp 重量:2磅

Doctor's mask
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19 , Pathfinder #8: Seven Days to the Grave pg. 61 , Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide pg. 12
Price 50 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Tools
This protective mask gives you a +1 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves made against airborne toxins and scent-based effects. In Korvosa, it is a minor crime to wear a doctor’s mask in public if you are not a healer or physician.
主题: 武器附魔
作者: 愚 者2016-06-25, 周六 22:38:42
灵巧Agile 出自《银色之歌(A Song of Silver》《探索者协会外勤指南(Pathfinder Society Field Guide)》
灵光:中等变化系 施法者等级:7

Source Pathfinder #100: A Song of Silver pg. 21, Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg. 50
Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat's grace; Price —
主题: 导能圣器(通用规则:消耗一次引导能量能力激活)
作者: 愚 者2016-06-25, 周六 23:00:43
冥想水晶Meditation crystal 出自《冒险家的武器库(Adventurer's Armory》
价格:100gp; 重量:1磅

Meditation crystal
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 25
Price 100 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Channel Foci
Deity Any
Though this focus is usually a hand-sized crystal, the exact form (such as a wooden idol, an iron disk, and so on) may vary for some religions. A monk or paladin of the cleric’s faith may concentrate upon an activated meditation crystal, taking no actions for 1 minute, and regain 1 ki point or one use of lay on hands. Once activated, the crystal retains its energy until a monk or paladin uses it for this purpose or 24 hours pass.
主题: 阴影祝福
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-07-02, 周六 00:59:25
阴影祝福Shadow Blessing(战斗祭祀祝福)  出自《阴影血脉blood of shadow》
挥舞阴影Flicker of Shadows(次级祝福):1级时,你能触碰一个武器,并让它在攻击前几秒扭曲而失去实体。该武器每轮所作的第一次攻击忽视任何AC上的盾牌加值,以及来源于掩蔽的任何AC加值。全掩蔽仍然正常为生物提供全部效果。该效果持续1分钟。
迅捷之影Swift as Shadow(高等祝福):10级时,你能以一个迅捷动作让你自己和30尺内所有盟友在地面上如同阴影一般迅捷地移动。受影响的对象陆地移动速度提高10尺,并且不会因在黑暗,困难地形或光滑表面上移动而受到移动力惩罚。生物能安全的在冰面乃至被油腻术影响的地方移动。当被该能力影响的生物冲锋命中时,那次攻击额外造成等同于你等级的寒冷伤害。

Shadow Blessing (Warpriest Blessing) Deities: Nocticula, Norgorber, Zon-Kuthon. Flicker of Shadows (minor): At 1st level, you can cause a weapon you touch to warp and become insubstantial for a split second before an attack. The first attack made with this weapon each round ignores any shield bonus to Armor Class, as well as bonuses from cover. Total cover still provides a creature its full benefit. This effect lasts for 1 minute. Swift as Shadow (major): At 10th level, you can spend a swift action to empower yourself or an ally within 30 feet to move over the ground as easily as its shadow. The subject’s land speed increases by 10 feet and it takes no movement penalties for darkness, difficult terrain, or slickness. The creature can safely move over areas of ice and even those affected by a grease spell. When a creature affected by this ability hits with a charge attack, that attack deals an amount of additional cold damage equal to your level.
主题: 装备_PFS可用箭矢
作者: Junior_DD2016-07-02, 周六 20:37:33
鉴于之前 longman123 的箭矢大全 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=50327.0)中只是粗略地翻译了一遍,所以就来自用自翻资源里再详细翻译一遍吧感觉比较好。

出血箭(Bleeding arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:160gp 重量:—

This sharpened hollow tube looks like the narrow proboscis of some giant insect, but it actually comes from a carnivorous plant. A bleeding arrow deals normal damage when it hits a creature and deals 1 point of bleed damage. A critical hit does not multiply the bleed damage.
出血箭(Bleeding arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:360gp 重量:—
效果:这尖锐中空的箭矢看起来像某些巨大昆虫的锐利口器,但实际上它是来自于一种奇特的肉食性植物。在击中生物时出血箭会造成正常伤害,之后每轮,该生物会受到1点出血伤害,直到被DC10的医疗检定或者治疗法术所治愈。免疫重击的生物(如植物和构装体) 也同样免疫该箭矢造成的出血伤害。

This sharpened hollow tube looks like it was originally a narrow proboscis of some giant insect, but it actually comes from a carnivorous plant. A bleeding arrow deals normal damage when it hits a creature. Each round thereafter, the creature bleeds for 1 point of damage until the bleeding is stopped by a DC10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing magic. A critical hit does not multiply the bleed damage. Creatures immune to critical hits (such as plants and constructs) are immune to the bleed damage dealt by this weapon.

耐用箭(Durable arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:1gp 重量:—

These arrows are tightly wrapped in strands of alchemical glue. Durable arrows don’t break due to normal use, whether or not they hit their target; unless the arrow goes missing, an archer can retrieve and reuse it again and again. Durable arrows can be broken in other ways (such as deliberate snapping, hitting a fire elemental, and so on). A magical durable arrow with an enhancement bonus or magic weapon special ability applies these magical effects only the first time it is used—afterward, the durable arrow becomes nonmagical, and it can be reused or imbued with magic again.
耐用箭(Durable arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:1gp 重量:—

These arrows are tightly wrapped in strands of alchemical glue. Durable arrows don’t break due to normal use, whether or not they hit their target; unless the arrow goes missing, an archer can retrieve and reuse it again and again. Durable arrows can be broken in other ways (such as deliberate snapping, hitting a fire elemental, and so on). If crafted with magic (such as bane), the magic only lasts for one use of the arrow, but the nonmagical arrow can still be reused or imbued with magic again.

染料箭(Arrow_Dye) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)15
价格:1gp 重量:—

This arrow ends in a crystalline bubble filled with a viscous alchemical dyeing agent. Firing a dye arrow is a ranged touch attack; a creature struck by a dye arrow takes no damage but is splashed with enough black, blue, green, or red marker dye (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 104) to coat about 1 square foot. The stain caused by marker dye cannot be washed off except with magic for the first 72 hours, but fades completely after 2 weeks.

磁力箭(Arrow_Loadstone) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:10gp 重量:—

This heavy iron arrowhead is sealed with an alchemical resin. Pulling a small string (a move action) breaks the seal and triggers a reaction in the arrowhead, greatly increasing its magnetic properties. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls when firing a lodestone arrow at a target wearing metal armor or a target made of metal, but the magnetized arrow deals only half damage on a successful hit. The increased magnetism fades 1 round after you activate a lodestone arrow, after which it becomes a normal arrow.
磁力箭(Arrow_Loadstone) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:10gp 重量:—

This heavy iron arrowhead is sealed with an alchemical resin. Pulling a small string (a move action) breaks the seal and triggers a reaction in the arrowhead, greatly increasing its magnetic properties. You gain a +4 bonus on
attack rolls when firing a lodestone arrow at a target wearing a significant amount of metal armor (at least chain mail or a metal shield) or made of metal, but the magnetized arrow only deals half damage. In areas with a lot of magnetic metal, the attack bonus may drop to 0 or even become a penalty as competing sources steer the arrow away from your intended target. The increased magnetism fades 1 round after you activate it, after which time it is a normal arrow.

信息素箭(Pheromone arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:15gp 重量:—

The arrowhead of this arrow is coated with potent substances that react to blood and sweat, releasing a strong aroma that most predators recognize as the scent of tasty injured prey and other creatures perceive as merely unpleasant. Any creature with the scent ability gains a +2 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls against a target marked with a pheromone arrow. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until the target spends 1 minute washing it off.

圣水箭(Raining arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:30gp 重量:—

This thick-shafted arrow contains a reservoir of holy water and is designed to burst upon impact. A raining arrow damages the target as normal, and also treats the target as though it had been struck by a direct hit from a thrown vial of holy water; adjacent creatures take splash damage from this effect. A raining arrow imparts a –2 penalty on attack rolls because of its weight. A raining arrow costs 30 gp, and can be crafted with a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.

慢燃箭(Slow Burn arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:100gp 重量:—

Behind the head of this arrow is a small receptacle of alchemical material that heats up when exposed to air and eventually combusts; barbs on the arrowhead pierce the pouch when it hits a target. IF you hit a target with a slow burn arrow, it deals damage as normal, but at the beginning of your next turn, the arrow bursts into flames and deals 1d6 points of fire damage to the target.

碎骨箭(Splintercloud arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:25gp 重量:—

The shaft of this arrow is formed from numerous small bone fragments that have been painstakingly glued together. On a successful hit, a splintercloud arrow deals normal damage as it tears itself apart, creating a burst of razorsharp bone shards centered on the target. These shards deal 1d3 points of piercing damage to the target and any creatures adjacent to the target (Reflex DC 18 negates).

绊足箭(Tangleshot arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:20gp 重量:—

This arrow is tipped with a tiny vial of tanglefoot goo. Firing a tangleshot arrow is a ranged touch attack; the arrow deals no damage when it hits, but the target is splashed with the alchemical adhesive. This effect is similar to that of a tanglefoot bag, but with the following adjustments: Reflex DC 10, Strength DC 12 to break, 10 points of slashing damage to cut through, concentration DC 10 to cast spells. A tangleshot arrow imposes a –1 penalty on attack rolls because of its weight.

绊摔箭(Trip arrow) 出自《格拉里昂的精灵 Elves of Golarion》
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金)25
价格:40gp 重量:—

This squat arrow has a large, bulbous metal tip that expands and flattens in flight. If you hit a creature with a trip arrow, the arrow deals no damage but performs a trip combat maneuver against the target with a Combat Maneuver Bonus of +5. For the purpose of determining Combat Maneuver Bonuses or penalties based on size, the arrow is treated as if it were the size of the creature it was designed for.

毒蓟箭(Thistle arrow) 出自《冒险家的武器库 Adventurer's Armory》
价格:1gp 重量:—
效果:使用有毒的蓟草制作,这些带刺的箭矢在击中后造成如同持续1d6轮的出血效果一样的伤害(damage as a bleed effect for 1d6 rounds)。

Crafted from the thistles of a poisonous plant, these barbed arrows deal damage as a bleed effect for 1d6 rounds after a hit.

铁头箭(Arrow_Iron-tipped distance) 出自《极限战斗 Ultimate Combat》
价格:1gp 重量:4磅

Used tactically for long-range attacks on troops, these arrows are fitted with heavy iron heads. While these heads help them travel great distances, they make the arrows less effective at dealing damage. Iron-tipped distance arrows increase their bow's range increment by 10 feet but take a –1 penalty on damage dealt per range increment (minimum 1 point of damage). They are sold in leather quivers in quantities of 20.
主题: 背景
作者: 人比黄瓜瘦2016-07-06, 周三 01:21:49
双方后裔(Child of Two Peoples)  出自《北方人民》(People of the North)

Sargavan Guard
Source: People of the North pg. 15
Child of Two Peoples
Requirement(s) Half-Elf, Half-Orc, or Human
Your parents come from two visibly different cultures that maintain distinct identities regardless of their physical proximity (such as Tians and Ulfen). The tug of conflicting expectations has strengthened your sense of individuality and given you a gift for languages. You receive a +2 trait bonus on Will saves against charm and compulsion effects, and you automatically know the racial or ethnic languages of both your parents.
主题: 半兽人种族替换能力
作者: Junior_DD2016-07-06, 周三 02:28:00
半兽人种族替换能力 出自《街道英雄Heroes of the Streets》


Tenacious: City-dwelling half-orcs must often be tenacious to get by. Once per day if a half-orc fails a Fortitude save, Will save, or Constitution check, he can reroll the save or check. The half-orc must take the second result, even if it is worse. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 梦子2016-07-15, 周五 16:34:59
上下合围(战斗,团队)(Combat, Teamwork) 出自《内海种族》
Blades Above and Below (Combat, Teamwork)
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 201
You attack high and your ally attacks low, denying your foe the chance to dodge your attacks.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you and your ally who also has this feat threaten the same enemy, you’re both considered to be flanking that enemy, regardless of your actual positioning. To gain this benefit, you and your ally must be of different size categories, and your target must be the same size category as either you or your ally.
主题: 专长:装备技法Equipment Tricks
作者: 愚 者2016-07-21, 周四 10:22:27
靴子技法Boot Tricks 出自《阴招战术工具箱(Dirty Tactics Toolbox》
鞋钉踩踏(精通徒手击打):当你穿着装有防滑钉(Cleats,出自UE)的靴子时,如果你成功用徒手击打命中了一名敌人,那个目标承受1点流血伤害(bleed damage)。这个流血状态可以通过DC为15的医疗技能检定或魔法治疗来中止。这个技法的效果可以和其他来源的流血伤害叠加,但是不能和这个技法造成的其他流血伤害叠加。
鞋跟冲击(精通阴招,出自APG):当年成功地对一名敌人在近战范围进行了一次阴招(dirty trick)战技检定,你可以用你的鞋跟冲击目标的脚或类似肢体。取代你通常可以用阴招造成的状态,你可以降低目标一半的移动速度(最低降到5尺)。你不能用这种阴招的使用方法对抗不使用陆地速度移动的敌人,而且陆地速度以外的移动方式也不受这个装备技法的影响。一般来说,一个移动速度5尺的敌人不能使用5尺快步。


Boot Tricks
Source Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg. 18
In addition to the feat or skill prerequisites (listed in parentheses) for each of the following tricks, you must have the appropriate Equipment Trick feat.
A pair of boots refers to any set of footwear that has hard soles. These equipment tricks can be used with either magic or mundane boots.
Cleat Stomp (Improved Unarmed Strike): When you make a successful unarmed strike against an opponent while wearing a pair of boots with cleats (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 88), the target takes 1 point of bleed damage. The bleed damage can be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal skill check or by magical healing. The effects of this trick stack with other sources of bleed damage but not with other bleed damage dealt by this trick.
Heel Crush (Improved Dirty TrickACG): When you succeed at a successful dirty trick combat maneuver check against an opponent within melee range, you can crush the target’s foot or similar appendage with your boot heel. Instead of inflicting one of the conditions that can normally be imposed by a dirty trick, you reduce the target’s movement speed by half (to a minimum of 5 feet). You can’t use a dirty trick combat maneuver in this manner against an opponent that is using a movement type other than its land speed, and movement types other than land speeds aren’t affected by this equipment trick. As usual, a creature with a movement speed of 5 feet can’t take a 5-foot step.
Sharp Veer (Combat Reflexes): Whenever you use the charge or run action, you can make one 90-degree turn during your movement. You must move at least 10 feet in a straight line after this turn if you are charging.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 熟练的白魔法师2016-07-22, 周五 03:06:27
泰坦战士(Titan Fighter)出自《巨人猎手手册》(Giant Hunter's Handbook)
分类 职业
巨型武器使(Giant Weapon Wielder,Ex):1级开始,泰坦战士可以使用比自己体型大一级的双手武器,把他们当做双手武器使用。在使用一个越型双手武器时,他需要额外承受一个-2的攻击检定减值。此能力取代1级奖励专长。
人力不可思议(Incredible Heft,Ex):3级开始,泰坦战士变得更善于挥舞比自己体型更大的武器。在使用越型双手武器时,泰坦战士的攻击检定减值减少1点,在7级和之后的每4级再减少1点(最低到0)。此能力取代所有盔甲训练。
势不可挡(Unstoppable Momentum,Ex):5级开始,泰坦战士在使用大于对手体型的武器时战技检定和战技防御获得1点加值,在9级和之后的每4级这个加值再加1点。在使用越型武器时,泰坦战士可以对比他大两个体型的对手使用冲撞,拖拽,闯越,移位和绊摔战技。此能力取代所有武器训练

Titan Fighter
Source Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. 21 (Amazon)
Titan fighters make use of enormous weapons others can barely lift. Titan fighters have the following class features.

Giant Weapon Wielder (Ex): At 1st level, a titan fighter can wield two-handed melee weapons intended for creatures one size category larger than himself, treating them as two-handed weapons. He takes an additional –2 penalty on attack rolls when using an oversized two-handed weapon. This ability replaces the fighter’s 1st level bonus feat.

Incredible Heft (Ex): At 3rd level, a titan fighter becomes more skilled at wielding weapons intended for creatures one size category larger than himself. The penalty on attack rolls for using such weapons is reduced by 1, including when using oversized two-handed weapons. At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this penalty is reduced by another 1 (minimum 0). This ability replaces armor training.

Unstoppable Momentum (Ex): At 5th level, a titan fighter gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to CMD while wielding a weapon sized for a creature of a larger size category. At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. When wielding oversized weapons, the titan fighter can attempt to bull rush, drag, overrun, reposition, and trip creatures up to two sizes categories larger than himself. This ability replaces weapon training.
主题: 专长
作者: greenskin2016-07-22, 周五 20:36:27
效死输忠(团队)(Teamwork) 出自《内海种族》pg. 207
Loyal to the Death (Teamwork)
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 207
You’re so loyal to your family or friends that you’re willing to suffer for them.

Prerequisites: Human (Tian).

Benefit: Whenever an opponent makes a melee or ranged attack against one of your allies who is adjacent to you and who also has this feat, you can spend an immediate action to shield the ally with your own body. You become the target of the attack, and the opponent gains a +4 bonus on her attack roll. For the purpose of determining distance, cover and concealment, you count as being in your ally’s square when the attack is resolved. If the attack misses you due to concealment, blink, or a similar effect, it instead targets your ally as if you had not used this feat’s ability.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 朔北之风2016-07-23, 周六 09:02:18
协会的肌肉训练(muscle of the society)   出自《初探探索者协会》Pathfinder Player Companion: Pathfinder Society Primer


Your intense training has taught you how to infiltrate otherwise inaccessible ruins and extract their treasures without too much exertion.

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Strength checks made to break doors and lift portcullises, and you treat your Strength score as 2 higher for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity.
主题: 盾钮
作者: 空山鳴2016-07-25, 周一 06:01:34
盾钮Shield Boss 出自《近战战术工具匣(Melee Tactics Toolbox)》

盾钮类型价格(可变)        重量(可变)       
加固盾钮        30gp        10磅       







A shield boss is a sturdy steel device that fastens to the front of a shield, providing metal support struts that radiate outward from the center of the shield, reinforcing its structure. A shield boss can be added to a buckler, light steel or wooden shield, or heavy steel or wooden shield. Tower shields are too large for a typical shield boss, though one can be crafted to fit a tower shield for an additional 300 gp. Attaching or removing a shield boss requires 10 minutes of work and a successful DC 15 Craft (armor) check; on a failure, the shield boss is not successfully attached or removed and the shield takes 1d6 points of damage that
bypasses any hardness.

A reinforcing boss provides extra protection to a shield, increasing the shield’s current and maximum hit points by 10. The boss makes the shield 10 pounds heavier and more unwieldy—if the shield imposes a penalty on attack rolls, as do bucklers and tower shields, the penalty increases by 1. Common improvements
to the basic reinforcing boss include the following.

Breakaway Boss: The metal stud at the center of the reinforcing boss holds a compartment large enough to insert a single splash weapon, such as a vial of acid or alchemist’s fire, as a full-round action. On a successful shield bash attack, the weapon vial breaks and deals damage to the target as though it were directly hit by the splash weapon. The shield takes the normal amount of splash damage for being adjacent to the target, but no other creatures adjacent to the target take splash damage from this effect. A new splash weapon must be inserted into the breakaway boss for it to be used again.

Hooked Boss: The struts on this reinforcing boss bear large, sturdy hooks, which can be used to snag an opponent’s clothing or armor, causing it to stumble. You can attempt trip combat maneuver checks with this shield. If the combat maneuver check is successful, the opponent does not fall prone, but is considered flat-footed until the beginning of its next turn.

Illuminating Boss: The stud at the center of this reinforcing boss contains a covered slot large enough to insert a sunrod. Installing a lit sunrod into an illuminating boss is a full-round action. If you shake the shield firmly as a move action, you can flip a metal flap fitted over the slot to conceal or reveal the sunrod’s glow.

Masterwork Boss: Any of the bosses listed above, including the basic reinforcing boss, can be masterwork. A masterwork reinforcing boss increases the shield’s current and maximum hit points by 15 instead of 10 and doesn’t increase the attack roll penalty.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 拉比不拉多2016-07-25, 周一 08:05:42
谨慎躲藏(Carefully Hidden)   Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. 14
要求:人类,卡拉什人(Human - Keleshite)


Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Keleshite
Modern Taldor is not kind to Keleshites. Your life as a member of an unpopular ethnic group has given you an uncanny knack for avoiding detection. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Will saves and a +2 trait bonus to saving throws versus divination effects.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 朔北之风2016-07-28, 周四 16:33:58
贱民(Pariah)   出自《内海种族》 Inner Sea Races
类型:种族替换规则(Alternate Racial Rules)


While many cultures discriminate against half-orcs, in some, particularly dwarven communities, half-orcs are complete social pariahs. It goes without saying that such a culture does not provide outlets for a half-orc to practice with traditional orc weapons. The few half-orcs who survive to adulthood in such harsh social climates are deeply scarred by their abusive treatment and find it hard to express and understand normal emotions. Such half-orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against emotion and fear effects and a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 朔北之风2016-07-28, 周四 18:58:39
纵火狂(Firebug)   出自《探索与战役》 Quests and Campaigns

You were the child of a gunsmith or alchemist and always enjoyed experimenting with fiery alchemical items and minor explosives. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons and alchemist bombs.
主题: 牧师子域
作者: norths2016-07-28, 周四 23:24:22
律法子域(Legislation Subdomain)   出自《街头英雄》 Heroes of the Streets
禁令 (Prohibition,Su):以一个标准动作,你可以命令一个30尺内的生物禁止做一个特定的动作(包括所有引用于法术”行动禁制(UM)中的)。如果该生物在你下回合开始前执行了所指定的动作,它受到「1d6+1/2你牧师等级」的伤害。这是一个依赖语言的效果。你每日可使用此能力的次数为「3+感知修正」。
Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the touch of law power of the Law domain or the blast rune power of the Rune domain.
Prohibition (Su): As a standard action, you can command a creature within 30 feet to refrain from committing a particular action (including any referenced in the spell forbid actionUM). If the creature performs the named action before the beginning of your next turn, it takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point for every 2 cleric levels you possess and the effect ends. This is a language-dependent effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
If you have the spell rune domain power, you can attach a spell effect to the prohibition as if it were the spell rune domain ability; the spell takes effect if the creature performs the named action. This spell must be of at least 1 level lower than the highest-level cleric spell you can cast, and it must target one or more creatures. Regardless of the number of targets the spell can normally affect, it affects only the creature that triggers the rune. Attaching a spell in this way extends the duration of the prohibition by a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level, or until it is discharged.
Replacement Domain Spells: 1st—forbid actionUM, 5th—greater forbid actionUM, 9th—mass hold monster.
主题: 背景
作者: 谜途之家Fomoria2016-07-29, 周五 02:26:31
凋变躯(Blighted Physiology) 出自《河川居民》(People of the River)

Blighted Physiology: Exposure to the corruption that
seeps through every drop of water and grain of dirt
in Numeria has altered your body. Horrific growths
beneath your skin provide you a +i natural armor bonus
to AC, but your body does not work as a normal creature's
would. You become sickened for 1 round anytime you
receive magical healing.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2016-07-29, 周五 14:43:07
神祗:【格罗图斯】 【老鼠婆】 【月夜】 【宗-库山】


2级: 【飘渺步伐】   4级:  【隐形术】
6级: 【深幽黑暗术】 8级: 【暗影步】
10级:【吸血影障】    12级:【行影术】
14级:【群体隐形术】  16级:【高等幽影塑能术】





但你依旧同时拥有你使用【气化形体】时增加的DR {10/魔法},并同时免疫毒素、偷袭和重击。


在3级,11级,19级,这个武器都会获得 +1的增强加值


除了不再是不死种 而是 异界生物——幽魂 种,这个能力当做【幽影投射】运作。
你可以使用这个能力每天一定时间(你每拥有2个先知等级 就增加1小时),时间可以不连续,但必须以一小时为单位。


视线躲藏(Hide in Plain Sight, Su):


阴影(先知秘示域)  出自《阴影血脉(blood of shadow)》
主题: 背景
作者: tahngerth2016-07-31, 周日 13:12:17
哲学徒(Student of Philosophy) 出自《任务与战役Quests and Campaigns》
分类 社会
效果 你曾受到一个不复存在的哲学传统训练-例如从现已毁灭的加尔坦大学(the nowdestroyed Galtan universities)或勒根人占星者(Lirgeni astrologers)-并且学会使用逻辑和道理去说服别人,你可以用智力代替魅力来进行劝说他人的交涉和欺骗他人的唬骗。(这个背景并不作用于收集信息的交涉和战斗中的虚招。)

You were trained in a nowdefunct philosophical tradition—such as that of the nowdestroyed Galtan universities or Lirgeni astrologers—and learned to use logic and reason to persuade others. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat.)

能言善辩(Clever Wordplay) 出自《初探探索者协会Pathfinder Society Primer》
分类 社会

Your cunning and logic are more than a match for another’s confidence and poise. Choose one Charisma-based skill. You attempt checks with that skill using your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.
主题: 奇物
作者: tahngerth2016-07-31, 周日 14:50:03
幸运马蹄铁(Lucky Horseshoe) 出自《异能冒险Occult Adventures》
灵光:中等塑能系 CL:9
位置:无位置价格:6800gp 重量:2磅

Although it appears to be a simple horseshoe, a lucky horseshoe focuses and channels the mystical energies of good fortune. As long as a lucky horseshoe’s owner carries it on her person, she gains a +1 luck bonus on saving throws. Once per day, she can invoke the lucky horseshoe’s power to gain a +4 luck bonus on a single saving throw. She must declare that she is using this ability before the roll is made.

四叶苜蓿(Four-leaf Clover) 出自《异能冒险Occult Adventures》
位置:无位置价格:3750gp 重量:无

This curio is a four-leaf clover that was harvested from the wild and preserved. Typically encased in glass or crystal, four-leaf clovers are sometimes pressed, bronzed, or protected through other means. A creature with a four-leaf clover in her possession can call upon an extra boost of luck before attempting a single ability check, saving throw, or skill check. She gains a +2 luck bonus on that check. This ability functions three times per day, and requires a free action that the owner can perform even when it’s not her turn.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: norths2016-08-04, 周四 09:32:07
剪影魔猎(Wayang Spellhunter)  出自《初探龙国》(Dragon Empires Primer)

Source Dragon Empires Primer pg. 14 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Minata
You grew up on one of the wayang-populated islands of Minata, and your use of magic while hunting has been a boon to you. Select a spell of 3rd level or below. When you use this spell with a metamagic feat, it uses up a spell slot one level lower than it normally would.

民那塔(Minata)  出自《初探龙国》(Dragon Empires Primer)


辛族(Tian-Sings)引用自月伶翻的《龙国舆图》种族。http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=55890.0 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=55890.0)
主要生活在惯称漂流诸岛的民那塔上,辛族有着天洲最黑的肤色,包含黄褐色到深棕色。他们的深色头发呈现自然的大波浪,不过一般都剪得很短以应付民那塔的永夏。辛族有着像是嬛族一样的圆脸,但有着更突出的鼻子和颧骨。他们会用珠宝强调这些特征,而且很喜欢在耳、鼻、唇上穿洞--脸上的刺青也很普遍。但不像明族人鲜艳的人体艺术,辛族的刺青 一般是单色的几何或象形图案。另一方面,他们的衣着一般也是浅色,并有着类似的几何图样和印花,不过仍然是由于民那塔的天气,在许多辛族社会里穿不穿衣服都可以。
主题: 冒险装备
作者: 人比黄瓜瘦2016-08-04, 周四 23:47:06
透风甲(Armor vents) 出自《沙之子民》(People of the Sands)
价格:+100gp 重量:-5磅

Armor vents
Source PZO9441 People of the Sands pg. 28
Price +100 gp; Weight -5 lb.
Category Equipment
Armor vents can be built into a suit of medium or heavy armor to al low for better venti lation and reduce the wearer's fatigue in hot environs.The vents can be slid open at the discretion of the user to ensure proper air flow during the day and then closed up at night to better preserve heat. A suit of armor with armor vents imposes only a -2 penalty (instead of -4) on Fortitude saves to avoid taking nonlethal damage from heat exposure, but also has 10 fewer hit points than normal because of its more intricate construction.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 朔北之风2016-08-05, 周五 21:21:57
乐观心(irrepressible)   出自《探索与战役》 Quests and Campaigns

Your hope for a brighter future blessed by the gods, combined with your powerful personality, allows you to force your way free of spells that cloud the mind. You can use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier when attempting Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
主题: 人类种族替换能力
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-08-08, 周一 20:52:45
龙脉血系(4RP) 出自 leagcy of dragon
Draconic Heritage (4 RP): At times, a human’s family history can have a dragon’s power bound to the bloodline. Humans with this trait gain darkvision with a range of 10 feet and low-light vision. They can also ignore the Charisma prerequisite for Eldritch HeritageAPG and any feat that has Eldritch Heritage as a prerequisite, but can select only the draconic bloodline with these feats. This replaces the bonus skill rank humans receive at each level.
有时候,人类家族里会流传有龙类的血脉。拥有该特性的人类获得昏暗视觉和10尺黑暗视觉。他们也能在选取悠久血脉UM,以及任何以悠久血脉 Eldritch Heritage为先决的专长时,忽略魅力值的先决要求,但也只能用这些专长选取龙脉血统。该特性取代奖励技能种族特性。[/size]
主题: 背景
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-08-12, 周五 22:18:22
协会颂教者Exalted of the Society 出自 Shattered Star Player's Guide
Exalted of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Faith)
Requirement(s) Cleric, Pathfinder Society
The vaults of the Grand Lodge in Absalom contain many secrets of the divine powers of the gods, and you have studied your deity extensively. You may channel energy one additional time per day.
主题: 躯体奇物
作者: LYF2016-08-14, 周日 00:42:37
狼袍(狐妖) 出自《内海种族》(Inner Sea Races pg. 232)然而画的是狐……MDZZ
灵光:昏暗变化系  CL:3
位置:躯体 价格:6800gp 重量:1磅

The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.

This silk robe is covered in exquisitely detailed embroidery depicting foxes frolicking in a pristine meadow. Four times per day, the wearer can add 1d6 to the result of a Dexterity-, Intelligence-, or Charisma-based skill check as a free action. The wearer can do this only once per check, and the wearer can’t benefit from both the lupine robe and the inspirationACG class feature on the same check.

If the wearer is a kitsune, he can spend two of the robe’s daily uses to add 1d10 on a skill check instead of 1d6.

制造需求:制造奇物, 猫之优雅(cat's grace), 鹰之威仪(eagle's splendor), 狐之狡黠(fox's cunning), 制造者必须是狐妖。 花费成本:3400gp
主题: 法术
作者: 道是无常2016-08-14, 周日 15:26:20
携带伙伴(Carry Companion)  出自《内海骑士》(Knights of the Inner Sea)
等级:奥能师 2,德鲁伊 2,猎人 2,圣武士 2,游侠 2,术士/法师 2,女巫 2


Carry Companion
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 28
School transmutation; Level arcanist 2, druid 2, hunter 2, paladin 2, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pinch of sand or limestone dust)
Range touch
Target one willing creature touched
Duration permanent; see text
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

You touch an animal or magical beast that has a helpful attitude toward you, instantly transforming the creature into a miniature figurine of stone, small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. Creatures with an attitude of less than helpful will not tolerate this spell, and it automatically fails to work on them. An intelligent animal or magical beast must be a willing subject in order for this spell to take effect. Any items that the creature wears (such as a harness or saddle) or carries (such as those stowed in saddlebags) are transformed along with the creature.
While miniaturized, the creature is under an effect similar to that of a flesh to stone spell: It is mindless and inert, and does not seem alive when viewed with spells like deathwatch. However, you may return the creature to its normal form at any time simply by placing the figurine on the ground, touching it, and uttering a word of command. Otherwise, the creature remains in miniature form unless the spell is broken, such as by dispel magic or stronger magic. Unlike a flesh to stone spell, a creature affected by carry companion is unaffected by stone to flesh. If the miniature figurine is broken or damaged, the creature (if returned to its original state) has similar damage or deformities.
主题: 法术
作者: ooppiiuu2016-08-15, 周一 08:40:17
利刃风暴 出自Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands

学派 咒法(创造)
等级 牧师3,法师/术士2,魔战2

施法时间 标准动作
成分 语言 姿势 材料(一把剑)

距离 近距(25英尺+5英尺 /2施法者等级)
目标 一个生物
持续时间 立即
豁免 无   法术抗力


Storm of Blades
School conjuration (creation); Level cleric 3, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a sword)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no   
You create floating swords of the type used as the material component for this spell (such as a rapier or scimitar) and magically propel them at your target. You can create one sword for every 2 caster levels that you possess, up to a maximum of five swords at 10th level. You must have line of effect between you and the target, and the target must be within the spell’s range. You make a ranged attack roll for each sword (with no penalties for range increments or using melee weapons as ranged weapons); each attack has the same threat range and critical modifier and deals the same damage as a standard sword of the type expended. Swords created by this spell disappear after striking (or missing) their targets.
主题: 通用专长
作者: ooppiiuu2016-08-15, 周一 08:44:17
虚假专注 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic.
前置 知识(宗教)1级,可以使用奥术

False Focus
You can use a divine focus to cast arcane spells.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 1 rank, ability to cast arcane spells.
Benefit: By using a divine focus as part of casting, you can cast any spell with a material component costing the value of that divine focus (maximum 100 gp) or less without needing that component. For example, if you use a silver holy symbol worth 25 gp, you do not have to provide material components for an arcane spell if its components are worth 25 gp or less. The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. If the spell requires a material component that costs more than the value of the divine focus, you must have the material component on hand to cast the spell, as normal.
Normal: A divine focus has no effect when used as a component in arcane spells.
主题: 炼金
作者: 靜海聆2016-08-16, 周二 00:46:21

鬼灵盐(ghost salt) 出自《探索者协会战地指南Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg.48
价格 200 gp; 重量 1/2 lb.
类型 炼金工具
效果 这种砂砾状粉末是混合稀土矿与虚体不死生物的灵力残骸炼成的武器涂层。以一个整轮动作,你可以将粉末涂在武器上然后加热使其熔化,形成一层覆盖在武器表面的涂层。使用了鬼灵盐的武器可以对虚体生物造成全额伤害,即使非魔法武器也可以。它只能在武器第一次击中目标的时候生效。每剂武器涂层可以用在1件普通武器或10发弹药上。一件武器每次只能使用1种涂层。

This gritty alchemical powder is a weapon blanch made from exotic minerals mixed with an infusion crafted from the ectoplasmic remains of destroyed incorporeal undead. When rubbed onto a weapon that is then placed over a hot flame for a full round, ghost salt melts and forms a temporary coating on the weapon. The blanching gives the weapon the ability to do full damage to incorporeal creatures, even if the weapon itself is nonmagical. An application of ghost salt remains effective until the weapon makes a successful attack. Each dose of weapon blanch can coat one weapon or up to 10 pieces of ammunition. Only one kind of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one time.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 祝孤生2016-08-19, 周五 17:10:32
鳞爪僧(感谢米诺提供译名 :em021)Scaled Fist 出自《龙之传承legacy of dragon》

    龙之威仪Draconic Might:鳞爪僧的任何基于感知的职业能力(包括每日使用次数和DC,例如震慑拳。但不包括意志豁免和基于感知的技能)改为基于魅力。

    奖励专长Bonus Feat:鳞爪僧将龙形拳(UC)和威逼加入1级的奖励专长列表,6级时,将炫目技巧和龙威(UC)加入列表,10级时,将狂傲技巧(ACG),龙吼(UC)和粉碎防御加入列表。此能力调整了奖励专长。

威逼(Intimidating Prowess)[战斗]



炫目技巧(Dazzling Display)









龙威(Dragon Ferocity)[战斗]




  特殊说明:学会此专长让你视为满足「元素之拳(Elemental Fist, APG)」专长的先决条件,即使你并没有达到其原先要求。但在你满足「元素之拳」原有的先决条件之前,你只能选择一种元素伤害作为徒手打击的额外伤害。拥有此专长的武僧可以视为同等级修验僧(Monk of the Four Winds, APG)使用「元素之拳」专长(即可以每5级+1d6元素伤害)。


龙吼(Dragon Roar)[战斗]






龙形拳(Dragon Style)[战斗,流派]





粉碎防御(Shatter Defenses)[战斗]




    龙之魄Draconic Mettle :在3级时,鳞爪僧在对抗任何恐惧,麻痹和睡眠的豁免中得到+2加值。此能力取代心如止水,如果你是掉链僧,你在4级得到这个能力。

    龙之怒Draconic Fury:在3级时,鳞爪僧学到了控制洪荒巨龙之力的窍门,武僧需从酸、冰、电、火中选择一种能量类型。选定之后无法更改。武僧可通过迅捷动作消耗1点气,将自己所有天生武器灌注进元素之力,使天武攻击命中后可以造成所选定能量类型的1d6点伤害。持续轮数为1/2鳞爪僧等级。此能力取代招式训练。对于掉链武僧来说,龙之怒能力等同于绝学:四象怒,并且代替了原本在4级获得的绝学。(直接复制了四象怒的描述 :em032)

    龙息Draconic Breath :在15级,鳞爪僧可以花费一个标准动作,从气池中消耗3点气来进行一次喷吐武器攻击,此喷吐武器造成1d6每武僧等级点所选类型的能量伤害,范围30尺锥形,反射减半,DC10+1/2鳞爪僧等级+她的魅力调整值。此能力取代渗透劲,如果你是掉链武僧,你在12级获得此能力并取代12级获得的绝学
主题: 法术
作者: 灰骑士2016-08-22, 周一 13:32:19
训诫射线(Admonishing Ray)出自《塔尔多:荣耀之回声》(Taldor:Echo of Glory)
你使用非致命的力场射线来轰击敌人。你可以发射一道射线,每比3级每多4个等级就可以再加一道射线 (11级时达到最多三道射线)。每道射线都需要一个远程接触攻击来命中,并且造成4d6点非致命伤害,这是一个力场效果。射线可以对准同一个目标发射,也可以瞄准不同目标,但是所有射线瞄准的目标间的距离不得超过30尺,而且必须同时发射。射线有成与成年男性猛击相仿的力度,并可以如同其一般击飞不重于10磅的无主物品。

PFS Legal 3.5 MaterialAdmonishing Ray
Source Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. 24 (Amazon)
School evocation [force]; Level arcanist 2, cleric/oracle 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, warpriest 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one or more rays
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
You blast your enemies with rays of nonlethal force. You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels you possess beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of nonlethal damage. This is a force effect. The rays may be fired at the same or different targets, but all rays must be fired simultaneously and aimed at targets within 30 feet of each other. The rays hit about as hard as a punch from a strong adult human, and can knock away unattended objects weighing up to 10 pounds if that amount of force could normally do so.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灰骑士2016-08-22, 周一 14:16:43
冲击爆破(Battering Blast)出自《格拉利昂的地下城》(Dungeond of Golarion)

PFS Legal Battering Blast
Source Dungeons of Golarion pg. 33 (Amazon)
School evocation [force]; Level arcanist 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or unattended object
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex partial (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You hurl a fist-sized ball of force resembling a sphere of spikes to ram a designated creature or object. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike your target. On a successful hit, you deal 1d6 points of force damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d6). For every 5 caster levels you possess beyond 5th, you gain a second ball of force. A creature struck by any of these is subject to a bull rush attempt. The force has a Strength modifier equal to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest). The CMB for the force’s bull rush uses your caster level as its base attack bonus, adding the force’s Strength modifier and a +10 bonus for each additional blast directed against the same target. Each sphere of force makes its own separate bull rush attempt—if multiple spheres strike one target, you make multiple CMB checks but only take the highest result to determine success. If the bull rush succeeds, the force pushes the creature away from you in a straight line, and the creature must make a Reflex save or fall prone. This spell pushes an unattended object struck by it 20 feet away from you, provided it weighs no more than 25 pounds per level (maximum 250 pounds). This spell cannot move creatures or objects beyond your range. Used on a door or other obstacle, the spell attempts a Strength check to destroy it if the sheer damage inflicted by the spell doesn’t do the job.
主题: 专长
作者: 拉比不拉多2016-08-25, 周四 08:42:01
远程虚招(Ranged Feint)  出自《极限诡道》(Ultimate Intrigue)

Ranged Feint

You can mislead foes about your aim with ranged attacks.

Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +2, Bluff 3 ranks.

Benefit(s): You can feint with a ranged weapon by throwing a thrown weapon or firing one arrow, bolt, bullet, or other piece of ammunition; this feint takes the same action as normal to feint, but depending on your weapon, you might have to reload or draw another weapon afterward. When you successfully use a ranged feint, you deny that enemy its Dexterity bonus to AC against your ranged attacks as well as your melee attacks for the same duration as normal. If your feints normally deny a foe its Dexterity bonus to AC against attacks other than your own, this applies only against others' melee attacks.

Normal: You can feint only with a melee weapon, and only against a creature you threaten with that weapon.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2016-08-27, 周六 04:07:16
协会大师(Greater Adept of the Society) 出自 Shattered Star Player's Guide

Greater Adept of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Magic)
Requirement(s) Wizard, Pathfinder Society
Months of meditation and practice with the greatest spellcasters of the Society have given you an increased capacity for arcane knowledge. You gain one additional 0-level spell slot.
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 道是无常2016-08-27, 周六 22:01:49
静默沙尘(Silence dust) 出自《炼金手册》(Alchemy Manual)
价格:60gp 重量:1磅

Silence Dust
Source Alchemy Manual pg. 15
Price 60 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Tools
This ashen powder can be thrown as a splash weapon, muffling all sound within a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on the point of impact. Perception checks to notice sound emanating from or passing through the cloud take a –10 penalty. Alternatively, applying a dose of silence dust to your feet as a standard action grants you a +5 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks to avoid being heard while walking. The dust is effective for 1 minute before it disperses.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (12 dew of lunary + 40 myrrh)/calcination; Craft 20
Time 1 hour; Tools crucible; Type alchemical tool
主题: 法术
作者: 黑白魔炮2016-08-27, 周六 22:27:52
雪球风暴 Flurry of Snowballs(出自《北方人民 People of the North》)
学派 塑能 [寒冷, 水]; 等级 奥能师 2, 德鲁伊 2, 猎人 2, 魔战士 2, 术士/法师 2, 女巫 2
施法时间  标准动作
成分 语言, 姿势
距离 30 尺.
区域 锥形爆发区域
持续时间 立即
豁免 反射,通过则减半; 法术抗力
你射出一阵雪球喷向你的敌人. 所有在范围内的生物都被雪球砸到受到4d6的寒冷伤害。
Flurry of Snowballs
Source Pathfinder #67: The Snows of Summer pg. 72 (Amazon), People of the North pg. 26 (Amazon)
School evocation [cold, water]; Level arcanist 2, druid 2, hunter 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 30 ft.
Area cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance no
You send a flurry of snowballs hurtling at your foes. Any creature in the area takes 4d6 points of cold damage from being pelted with the icy spheres.

凛冬之触 Winter's Grasp (出自《北方人民 People of the North》  )
学派 咒法 (创造) [寒冷]; 等级 德鲁伊 2, 猎人 2, 女巫 2
施法时间  标准动作
成分 语言, 姿势, 器材/法器 (毛玻璃)
距离 中距 (100 尺 + 10 尺/等级)
区域 半径20尺爆发区域
持续时间 1轮/等级
豁免 无; 法术抗力
冰覆盖了地面,散发出了超自然的寒冷,并使得生物难于保持平衡。 这个结冰的地面视为正常冰面,使得进入冰面的生物花费2格移动并且使得在这个区域的特技检定DC增加5。冰面上的生物在其回合开始时受到1d6的寒冷伤害,并且在一轮内其对拥有寒冷描述符的法术的豁免-2

Winter's Grasp
Source People of the North pg. 26 (Amazon)
School conjuration (creation) [cold]; Level druid 2, hunter 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (ground glass)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Ice encrusts the ground, radiating supernatural cold and making it difficult for creatures to maintain their balance. This icy ground is treated as normal ice, forcing creatures to spend 2 squares of movement to enter an icy square and increasing the DC of Acrobatics checks attempted in the area by 5. A creature that begins its turn in the affected area takes 1d6 points of cold damage, and takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against all spells with the cold descriptor for 1 round.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 羅傑@畫圖提不起勁2016-09-01, 周四 12:28:33

苍翠行者  Green Faith Marshal(出自荒野英雄《Heroes of Wild》)
自然之力(Power of Nature):苍翠行者从动物和地形领域(animal and terrain domains)中选取一个领域。这个领域的1-6环领域法术会被添加进苍翠行者的法术列表。这个能力调整了审判者的领域并且取代了严苛凝视。
荒野学识(Wild Lore,Ex):在智力调整值之外,苍翠行者额外把他的感知调整值添加至知识(自然)的技能检定中。这取代了怪物学识。
自然之友(Nature's Ally,Sp):5级时,苍翠行者能够每周施展一次问道自然 (Commune with Nature)。这取代了辨识谎言。
荒野行(Wild Step,Ex):苍翠行者能以正常速度通过任何灌木丛(例如自然的荆棘丛,石南丛,茂密的灌木丛,以及其他类似地形),并且不会受到任何伤害。然而,如果上述地形是由魔法造成以阻碍移动,仍会影响苍翠行者。这取代了坚定。

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 月华风翎2016-09-02, 周五 09:56:12
奥罗登的咒法剑出自《奥术选集Arcane Anthology》
豁免:意志(无害,物体) 法术抗力:可(无害,物体)


School transmutation; Level bard 4, bloodrager 4, magus 3,occultist 4, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 4
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, F (a magic rod or staff)
Range touch
Effect one melee weapon sized appropriately for you
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance yes (harmless, object)
When you cast this spell on a weapon, you cause an extradimensional space to open within the weapon. As part of the casting, you can insert a single magic rod or magic staff into the weapon’s extradimensional space, after which the space closes.
For the spell’s duration, a character wielding the transmuted weapon is also considered to be wielding the rod or staff as well. If the rod or staff can be used to make attacks, you can attack normally with the weapon or use the weapon as if it were the merged rod or staff. If the effect created by the rod or staff requires an attack roll to successfully strike a foe, you can make the attack roll as if you were making an attack with the weapon at its highest bonus (including any bonuses the weapon would
normally receive) rather than just a normal attack with the rod or staff—doing so does not allow you to add the weapon’s  Damage to the attack, but instead allows you to use your skill with the weapon to boost your chance of hitting with the rod or staff’s attack, spell, or effect.
At the end of the spell’s duration, the merged rod or staff is ejected from the weapon. If you have a free hand, you can catch the rod or staff as a free action; otherwise, it drops to the ground.
If the merged weapon is broken or destroyed during the duration of Aroden’s spellsword, the merged rod or staff is similarly broken or destroyed.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 月华风翎2016-09-03, 周六 12:29:29
剑缚者(Sword Binder)出自《奥术选集》(Arcane Anthology)
分类 职业
奥法链接(Arcane Bond):剑缚者必须选择一把剑作为自己的奥法链接物品,他获得对应武器擅长这调整了奥法链接能力
剑随法身(Sword of the Mage, Su):剑缚者可以指挥他链接的剑(缚剑)攻击敌人。他获得通用学派的学徒之手能力,但是只能对他的剑使用这个能力。能力范围为近距(25码+5码/2法师等级),每天可以使用的次数等于3+他的智力调整值+1/2剑缚者等级
以心御剑(Telekinectic Sword,Sp):10级开始,10级开始,剑缚者可以如心灵遥控的持续发力效果一样控制他的缚剑(只能是他的缚剑)。当剑在飞行时,剑缚者可以用一个迅捷动作来观察剑所处位置,如同法术锐耳/鹰眼术。10级时这个能力每天只能使用1次,到15级和20级时各获得额外一次。这个能力每次使用,持续2轮/剑缚者等级此能力取代10级奖励专长

Sword Binder (Wizard)
Source: Arcane Anthology Page. 11
Sword binders follow a tradition of martial wizards who often worked with the Church of Aroden and the crowns of Taldor and then Cheliax. Once common in Absalom, Cheliax, and Taldor, where they were frequently battlefield commanders, historians, and expedition leaders, they have become much rarer over the past century.
Arcane Bond: A sword binder must choose a sword as his bonded item. He gains proficiency with it. This altersarcane bond.
Sword of the Mage (Su): A sword binder can send his bound sword to strike his foes. He gains the hand of the apprentice ability of the universalist school, but can use that ability only with his bound sword. His range with the ability is close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 wizard levels he possesses), and he can use it a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier + 1/2 his level.
At 5th level, whenever the sword binder casts a spell with a range of touch from the wizard spell list, he can use his bonded sword to deliver the touch attack, including expending a daily use of hand of the apprentice to make the touch attack at range. This occurs as part of the same action as casting the spell. He gains all the attack bonuses that apply to his sword (including enhancement bonuses and relevant feats), but does not add his sword’s damage or effects to the touch spell.
At 8th level, when a sword binder casts a ranged touch spell or activates this ability to cast a touch spell through it, he can send his bound sword to deliver the spell and strike the target in one motion. Rather than a touch attack, he makes a ranged attack with the sword. If the sword hits, it deals normal weapon damage for hand of the apprentice and the spell automatically hits that target. If the sword misses, the spell lingers on the weapon and the sword binder can attempt to deliver the spell again by activating this ability as a standard action. If the sword binder drops or sheaths the weapon with the spell’s charge still held, the charge dissipates to no effect. This ability replaces arcane school and bonus school
spell slots.
Telekinetic Sword (Sp): At 10th level, a sword binder can control his bound sword (and only his sword) as per the sustained force option of telekinesis. While the sword is flying in this way, the sword binder can monitor the area around the sword with clairaudience/clairvoyance as a swift action. This ability can be used once per day at 10th level, and an additional time per day at 15th level and again at 20th level. This ability can be used for 2 rounds per sword binder level each day. This ability replaces the 10th level bonus feat.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 梦子2016-09-07, 周三 19:39:19



PFS Legal Magenta Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone
Source Pathfinder Society Primer pg. 23
Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 800 gp; Weight —
This stone grants you a +2 competence bonus on checks with any one skill you choose, and you can change the skill modified once per day, as a normal magenta prism ioun stone.
+1 bonus on one saving throw not modified by the ability score the stone is currently attuned to (chosen at the same time as the ability score).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, owl’s wisdom, creator must be 12th level; Cost 400 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 祝孤生2016-09-12, 周一 01:09:12
炼金术士变体-龙血化学家DRAGONBLOOD CHYMIST(出自龙之传承legacy of dragon)

对于炼金术士来说,还有什么药剂的原料能比龙类的血液更强更有效呢?Kaer Maga的龙血化学家们研究着能让他们体验巨龙之力的灵药,无论那可能有多危险。




主题: 奇物
作者: 道是无常2016-09-12, 周一 23:17:25
远古诸王旗帜(Banner of the Ancient Kings)  出自《林诺姆诸王国》 (Lands of the Linnorm Kings)
灵光:中等防护系  CL:8
位置:无 价格:18000gp 重量:5磅
制造需求:制造奇物,英雄气概,提升抗力 花费:9000gp


Banner of the Ancient Kings
Source Lands of the Linnorm Kings pg. 50
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 18,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

This tattered white canvas banner looks like an old piece of sailcloth, or perhaps a winding shroud—a 4-foot-by-6-foot rectangle with loops that can fit over a spear haft or pole running up one side. If mounted on a longspear or pole at least 8 feet in length, the banner shifts in appearance to match the heraldry or coat of arms of the person who attached it. If that person has no device, the flag instead displays a device that echoes the owner’s personality (such as a favorite animal, favored weapon, or holy symbol of the wielder’s deity).

When carried into battle, a banner of the ancient kings confers several benefits. As long as the longspear or pole to which the banner is attached is firmly wielded in two hands, its carrier gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Initiative checks. In addition, when so wielded, it grants the wielder and all allies within 30 feet a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects. If the carrier of the banner fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, he may attempt a new saving throw against that effect every round he continues to wield the banner of the ancient kings— once he releases his firm grip on the banner’s haft, though, he no longer gets this benefit, even if he wields the banner properly at a later point while still under the effects of the mind-affecting effect.

If the banner’s carrier possesses the Flagbearer feat (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 286), the banner of the ancient kings doubles the morale bonuses granted by that feat. A bard who carries a longspear or pole to which a banner of the ancient kings has been attached is treated as four levels higher than his actual bard level for the purposes of determining the bonuses granted by his inspire courage bardic performance ability.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, heroism, resistance; Cost 9,000 gp
主题: 法术
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-09-14, 周三 02:14:04
黑鸦天翔(Raven's Flight)  出自《荒野英雄》(Heroes of the Wild)


Raven’s Flight
Source Heroes of the Wild pg. 31 (Amazon)
School transmutation; Level arcanist 2, bard 3, druid 3, hunter 2, inquisitor 3, magus 2, ranger 2, shaman 2, skald 3, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round
You can cast this spell only if it is the first action you take on your turn. In a burst of shadowy feathers, you turn into a Tiny blurred shape reminiscent of a black raven until the beginning of your next turn. You gain a fly speed of 50 feet with good maneuverability, and apply appropriate size modifiers (though your ability scores don’t change). Until the beginning of your next turn, you can take only the 5-foot step, move, run, or withdraw actions. If the spell is dispelled while you are still aloft, the power of flight dissipates slowly; you float downward 60 feet on your next turn, then fall any remaining distance.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: leovzy2016-09-15, 周四 11:46:17
出处 pathfinder #67 : 冬临天下 73页(古希腊女战士) 北方的人(古希腊女战士)
雪球术 咒法(创造)【冰,水】 炼金术师1  德鲁伊1 猎人1 魔战士1 术士/法师1  召唤师1 召唤师(unchained)1 ,女巫1
施法动作 标准动作
施法 语言 动作
距离 近距(25尺+5尺/2等级)
效果 一个冰球
时间 瞬时
法术抗力 否
你召唤了冰雪球,你可以进行远程接触攻击一个目标,成功命中时,雪球造成 每施法等级1d6寒冷伤害(最大5 d6),目标必须进行强韧豁免,如果失败则恍惚一轮
主题: 寒冬魔法
作者: 靜海聆2016-09-15, 周四 16:32:26


雪球风暴(Flurry of Snowballs)出自《冬临天下》
学派:塑能系[ 寒冷,水];
等级:德鲁伊 2,魔战士 2,术士/ 法师 2,女巫 2
范围:30 英尺
你制造出一阵雪球形成的风暴攻击你的敌人。任何位于法术范围内的生物被冰雪形成的球体连续的击打而受到4d6 点寒冷伤害。

冰矛术(ICE SPEARS)出自《冬临天下》
学派:咒法系[ 寒冷];
等级:德鲁伊 3,术士/法师 3,女巫 3
成分:语言,姿势,材料( 一小块石笋状的水晶)
效果:1 只冰矛/4 等级
豁免:反射,通过则减半( 见下文);
        通过施放该法术,1 只或多只寒冰巨矛出现在地面上。每只如同石笋一般的冰柱影响5 英尺方格,向着高处逐渐变窄,最高为10 英尺。你能够在地面上唤出的冰矛数量为每4 个施法者等级1只。占据伸出冰矛的方格的生物( 或者低于距离地面10 尺范围之内) 会受到每个方格2d6 点穿刺伤害以及2d6 点寒冷伤害——占据多个方格的生物能够被数个冰矛攻击,只要施法者有足够的等级的话。这种爆发性的生长同样能够阻碍敌人。当冰矛从地面突然出现时,它们能够进行战技检定对抗任何受到冰矛伤害的目标,使用的总加值为你的施法者等级加上你的智力,感知或者魅力调整值,以较高者为准。首只冰矛之外的每个攻击同一目标的冰矛会使这次CMB 检定获得+10 加值。如果检定成功,冰矛会将敌人击倒为倒地状态。成功的反射检定会使伤害减半并防止被摔绊。
        如果你在被冰或者雪覆盖的区域中施放该法术,比如在冰川,冰湖或者被雪覆盖的原野之上时,冰矛会具有更强的力量打击敌人。对该法术的豁免会受到-2 减值,并且在摔绊战技的检定中会获得+4 加值。
        由冰矛术创造的冰矛在造成伤害后仍会存在。它们会如常融化,不过速度取决于周围的环境。它们不会再对处于相同方格的敌人造成伤害,不过能够提供掩蔽。一只冰矛具有5 点硬度以及30 点生命值。

学派:预言系( 探知);
等级:术士/ 法师 3,女巫 3
施法时间:10 分钟
成分:语言,姿势,材料( 一面镜子)
持续时间:1 分钟/ 等级
此法术允许你通过你附近的一面镜子来观看另一面特定的镜子( 由你选择) 中映出的景象,或者从任意一面镜子中映出的某个特定的人。作用方式类似于探知法术,除了你只能观看与你相同位面的生物。每次你施展此法术,你可以从以下三种类型选择其一显示在你的镜子上。
        例如,W知道Q在王座厅附近的另一个大厅里有一面镜子。他可以通过自己手持的一面镜子看到大厅中的景象,即使Q并不在那里。同样,他也可以试图通过镜子来尝试寻找Q( 不论她在哪里);如果此时此刻Q附近有任何的镜子,那么他就可以通过那面镜子看到她。他还可以在施展此法术时尝试观看王座厅的景象,期待会有什么人携带了一面镜子在那里。如果这些条件均不满足,那么W只会看到镜子中自己的镜像。

雪球术(SNOW BALL)出自《冬临天下》
学派:咒法系( 创造)[ 寒冷,水];
等级:德鲁伊 1,魔战士 1,术士/ 法师 1,召唤师 1,女巫 1
豁免:强韧过则部分生效( 见下文);
你制造出一个冰雪制成的雪球用一次远程接触攻击扔向一个单一目标。如果成功命中,雪球会造成每施法者等级1d6 点寒冷伤害( 最高5d6),并且目标必须要成功通过一个强韧豁免检定,否则恍惚一轮。
主题: 背景
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-09-16, 周五 16:32:52
百地乡音(Tongue of Many Towns) 出自《格拉里昂的人类 Human of Golarion》
分类 种族
需求 伽仑德人(Garundi)
效果 你在伽仑德大陆游历多年,在旅程中结识了众多不同的人。你在下述三个技能之二中获得+1背景加值:交涉,知识(地方),语言学。

You have spent many years traveling across Garund, and have met many different people on your journeys. You gain a +1 trait bonus on two of the following skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Linguistics.
主题: 法术
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-09-17, 周六 01:21:06

闪耀之刃(Dazzling Blade)  出自《Rival Guide》
主题: 法术
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-09-18, 周日 03:04:19
守护盔甲(Guardian Armor)  出自《护甲大师手册 Armor Master's Handbook》

This spell teleports the suit of armor you are wearing off of your body and onto an ally within range; the target must be the same size and general shape as you. This armor appears on the target’s body fully formed and properly donned, granting the creature the immediate benefit of its protection. If the target of guardian armor was already wearing armor, the armor wearing it is removed from the target’s body and falls undamaged into an adjacent square.
主题: 专长
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-09-18, 周日 07:18:43
友军换位(Friendly Switch) 出自《秘密追寻者 Seeker of Secrets》
需求 基本攻击加值+1
效果 通过「你的移动的一部分」或者「五尺快步」,你可以移动进入一名体型与你相同或比你更小的盟友所占据的空间,这会使得你的盟友换位进入你刚刚留下的空间。你的盟友必须愿意且能够移动,并且可以占据你先前所在的空间。该移动不会引发借机攻击。该移动不会计入你的盟友下一轮的移动。

As part of your movement or as a 5-foot-step, you can move into the space occupied by an ally of your size or smaller, which displaces the ally into the space you just left. Your ally must be willing and able to move and able to occupy the space you were in. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This does not count toward your ally’s movement on his next turn.
主题: 颈部
作者: 左手握镰2016-09-19, 周一 17:07:05
五芒星护符(Pentacle Talisman) 出自《恐怖冒险Horror Adventure》
灵光:微弱防护系 CL:1
位置:颈部价格:600gp 重量:1磅

The five-pointed star carved on this round silver talisman glows blue whenever an evil creature targets the wearer with magic jar, possession OA , or a similar effect, or with a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over the wearer (such as suggestion, but not sleep). If the spell or effect allows a saving throw and the wearer fails it, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer is also protected by protection from evil for 5 rounds. Faint abjuration; CL 1st; protection from evil.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 梦子2016-09-21, 周三 18:03:29

主题: 法术
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-09-24, 周六 22:21:34

惧刺锁链(Barbed chains) 出自《恐怖冒险Horror Adventure》

BARBED CHAINS School conjuration (summoning) [emotionUM, fear, mindaffecting]; Level antipaladin 1, bloodrager 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, occultist 1, shaman 1, summoner 1 Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a length of chain doused with fresh blood) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Effect a chain sharpened at one end Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Will partial (see text); Spell Resistance no You summon a chain from another realm, causing it to burst out from the ground and strike a target within the spell’s range. You can have the chain either make a melee attack (dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage) or attempt a trip combat maneuver against the target. The chain uses your base attack bonus plus your key spellcasting ability score modifier as its attack bonus and combat maneuver bonus. On a successful hit or combat maneuver check, the target must attempt a Will save. If it fails its save, the creature is shaken for 1d4 rounds. You summon one additional chain every 3 levels after 1st, for a total of two chains at 4th level, three at 7th level, and a maximum of four at 10th level. Multiple chains can attack the same target but the shaken effect doesn’t stack.
主题: 背景特性
作者: 祝孤生2016-09-25, 周日 20:06:44
炼金奇才(地区背景) 出自People of the Sands

Alchemical Prodigy
Source People of the Sands pg. 23 (Amazon), Qadira, Gateway to the East pg. 25 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Thuvia
Early on in your life, you showed significant promise in the sciences and alchemical arts, and received extensive tutoring from those seeking to maximize your potential. If you have the alchemy class feature, your alchemist level is considered 1 higher when calculating the duration of your extracts.

盾卫训练(宗教背景) 出自内海诸神

Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 222 (Amazon)
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Gorum
You were trained to use shields as weapons. Heavy and light shields are considered simple weapons rather than martial weapons for you. Heavy shields are considered light weapons for you.
主题: 牧师职业变体(翻得不太好就先扔这边)
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-09-28, 周三 06:13:56
Herald Caller神使呼唤者
Source Monster Summoner's Handbook pg. 7 (Amazon)



专注召唤 Delicated Summoner 神使呼唤者依赖于召唤出盟友来打败敌人,这让她比起其他牧师而言专注面更窄,也更加不熟悉战斗方面的技艺。神使呼唤者只能从她的神祉的领域列表中选取1个领域而非两个,并且她也不会获得中甲或盾牌的擅长。这个能力调整了牧师的领域和护甲擅长。

呼唤神使 Call Heralds (Su): 神仆呼唤使能将事先准备好的法术转换为召唤法术,即使她事前并未准备该召唤法术也可。她能“失去”一个准备好的法术,换来一个同级或较低环级的召唤怪物summon monster法术。她在防御式施放一个怪物召唤术的时候在专注检定上获得+1加值。该加值在5级变成+2,并且在之后每5个牧师等级再增加1.

神圣神使 Divine Heralds (Su)神使呼唤者只能用召唤怪物法术召唤出和她信奉的神祉相性特别良好的生物。这包括阵营至少与神祉阵营其中一项相匹配的生物,拥有与神祉拥有的领域相匹配的元素亚种的生物(如果有的话),以及在召唤怪物选项中该神祉的祭司能召唤的列表中存在的生物(请见Monster`s Summoner handbook 30页的祭司召唤扩展表,该选项pfs不可用)。当召唤一个通常会带有天界或炼狱模板的生物时,信仰混乱阵营神祉的神使呼唤者可以改为增加熵化模板,而信仰秩序神祉的神使则可以改为增加绝对模板(这些简易模板详情请见B2)


伟力神使Mighty Heralds:4级时,神使呼唤者获得增强召唤作为奖励专长,并在选取以增强召唤作为先决条件的专长时(例如进化召唤生物Evolved Summoned Monster ACG)视为拥有法术专攻(咒法)专长。到了8级,她获得高等召唤Superior Summoning UM专长。
Unlike warpriests or paladins, who charge headlong into battle in the name of their patron deities, herald callers are adept at calling powerful outsiders to aid their brethren in battle.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. This alters the cleric’s class skills.
Dedicated Summoner: A herald caller depends on summoned allies to overcome her foes, which affords her little experience with the martial pursuits typical of other clerics and a narrower spiritual focus. A herald caller can choose only one domain from her deity’s list of domains, rather than the normal two domains, and she doesn’t gain proficiency with medium armor or shields. This ability alters the cleric’s domains and armor proficiencies.
Call Heralds (Su): A herald caller can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast any summon monster spell of the same level or lower. She gains a +1 bonus on concentration checks to cast a summon monster spell defensively. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and increases by 1 every 5 cleric levels thereafter.
Divine Heralds (Su): A herald caller can use summon monster spells only to summon creatures particularly appropriate to her deity. This includes all creatures listed as summon monster options for priests of her deity (see Expanded Summoning for Priests on page 30), creatures whose alignment matches at least one aspect of her deity’s alignment, and creatures of an elemental subtype that matches a domain granted by the deity (if any). When summoning a creature that is normally summoned with the celestial or fiendish template, a herald caller of a chaotic deity can instead summon it with the entropic template, and a herald caller of a lawful deity can instead summon it with the resolute template (see pages 292–293 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 for more information on these simple templates).
Because of these summoned monsters’ strong ties to the herald caller’s deity, the herald caller also gains specific benefits with creatures she summons with summon monster spells gained from her cleric spell list. The herald caller and her summoned monsters can understand each other’s spoken words as if they shared a common language (though this doesn’t give summoned monsters the ability to speak if they normally lack it). Whenever the herald caller uses channel energy to heal, she can include all of her summoned monsters, even if they are out of her normal channel energy radius or of a creature type that would not normally be affected. If she channels energy to deal damage, she can exclude any of her summoned monsters that would normally be affected.
Mighty Heralds: At 4th level, a herald caller receives Augment Summoning as a bonus feat, and is considered to have Spell Focus (conjuration) for the purposes of prerequisites for feats that have Augment Summoning as a prerequisite (such as Evolved Summoned Monster on page 146 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide). At 8th level, she gains Superior Summoning (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 157) as a bonus feat.

主题: 人类种族特性替换
作者: 剧毒术士2016-09-28, 周三 15:27:14
巨龙学者(4RP) 出自 leagcy of dragon
Dragon Scholar (4 RP):
Dragons have a long history of individual interactions with specific humans, and some humans seek to better understand this relationship.
Humans with this trait receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks to overcome a dragon’s spell resistance. In addition, they receive a +3 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks related to creatures of the dragon type.
This trait replaces humans’ bonus feat racial trait.
主题: 骑士团
作者: 梦子2016-09-29, 周四 10:31:06
笨哈的全部骑士团已经翻译完成,介于其人比较懒散,这里给出传送门:PF官方骑士团汇总 (
主题: 宗教背景(Religion Traits)
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2016-10-01, 周六 08:43:10
慈悲之刃(Blade of Mercy) 出自《烈焰遗产玩家手册》(Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
分类:宗教背景(Religion Traits)
Blade of Mercy
Source Legacy of Fire Player's Guide pg. 9
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Sarenrae
You know that within the heart of even the most hateful and cruel living creature exists a sliver of shame and hope for redemption. You have trained long on martial techniques to use bladed weapons not to kill, but to subdue. When striking to inflict nonlethal damage with any slashing weapon, you do not take the normal –4 penalty on your attack roll, and gain a +1 trait bonus to any nonlethal damage you inflict with a slashing weapon.
主题: 背景
作者: mikun2016-10-01, 周六 09:17:00
查尔迪菈的教诲 (Lessons of Chaldira) 出自内海诸神(Inner Sea Gods)
需求:信仰查尔迪菈•祖拉斯瑞 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=78630.0)

Lessons of Chaldira(Inner Sea Gods)
Requirement(s) Chaldira Zuzaristan
Your studies of Chaldira Zuzaristan’s exploits have given you a knack for avoiding trouble. Once per day before the result of a saving throw is known, you can reroll that saving throw. You must take the second result even if it is worse.
主题: 背景
作者: mikun2016-10-01, 周六 10:41:55
无私外交官(Altruistic Diplomat) 出自Dragon Empires Primer
需求:来自嬛郭(HWANGGOT) (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=57437.msg532282#msg532282)

Altruistic Diplomat(Dragon Empires Primer)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Hwanggot
Your upbringing in Hwanggot has influenced you to be both peaceful and wise, and your arguments are consistently sound. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. You must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Chaotic Good to take this trait.
主题: 背景
作者: mikun2016-10-02, 周日 13:34:20
耀目客(Illuminator) 出自内海诸神(Inner Sea Gods)

Illuminator(Inner Sea God)
Requirement(s) Sarenrae
When you are filled with the light of Sarenrae, your speech takes on a fiery eloquence. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for you.
主题: 职业
作者: SHARED2016-10-02, 周日 21:11:04
魔仆调查员 Bonded Investigator (调查员变体) 出自《内海诡计》(Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 38)


魔宠 (Ex):二级起,魔仆调查员得到一个魔宠作为助力。该魔宠类似法师的奥术联结职业能力,使用调查员职业等级来确定魔宠的特殊能力。魔宠的共享法术和传递接触法术等能力,把魔仆调查员的化合炼成视作法术。

灵感魔宠 (Ex):四级起,魔仆调查员的魔宠成为机敏的助手。魔宠能使用主人的灵感池来强化自己的行动,所耗费的灵感点数如常从主人的灵感池扣除。魔宠能使用灵感能力(并获得调查员天赋对灵感骰的增强效果),但不能以其他方式使用灵感点。

策士之击 (Ex):六级起,魔仆调查员获得策士之击 +1d6。在十级和其后每四级,策士之击伤害增加1d6。

进阶魔宠 (Ex):七级起,魔仆调查员得到“进阶魔宠”奖励专长,以调查员等级替代奥术施法者等级来确定适用魔宠。

调查员天赋:以下调查员天赋契合魔仆调查员变体:黄金精神 effortless aidACG,侦搜 perceptive trackingACG,执着灵感 tenacious inspirationACG和随心灵感 unconventional inspirationACG

Bonded Investigator (Investigator Archetype)
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 38
Bonded investigators use intelligent familiars to assist them in their investigations. They are common in the Inner Sea region’s bustling cities, where a rat, cat, raven, or another small animal can go largely unnoticed.
Familiar (Ex): At 2nd level, a bonded investigator gains a familiar to aid him. This familiar functions as the wizard arcane bond class feature, using the bonded investigator’s class level to determine the familiar’s special abilities. The bonded investigator’s extracts are considered spells for the purposes of familiar abilities like share spell and deliver touch spells.
This ability replaces poison lore, poison resistance, and poison immunity.
Inspired Familiar (Ex): At 4th level, a bonded investigator’s familiar becomes a cunning assistant to the investigator. The familiar can access the investigator’s inspiration pool to augment its own actions; the use of inspiration is deducted from the investigator’s number of daily uses as normal. The familiar can use the inspiration ability (and gains the increased benefts of investigator talents that affect the bonus dice used in this ability) but cannot expend uses of inspiration for other purposes.
This ability replaces the studied strike damage gained at 4th level.
Studied Strike (Ex): At 6th level, a bonded investigator gains studied strike +1d6. At 10th level and every 4 investigator levels thereafer, this damage increases by +1d6.
This ability alters studied strike.
Improved Familiar (Ex): At 7th level, a bonded investigator gains the Improved Familiar feat as a bonus feat, treating his investigator level as his arcane caster level for the purposes of determining what familiars are available to him.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 7th level.
Investigator Talents: The following investigator talents complement the bonded investigator archetype: effortless
aidACG, perceptive trackingACG, tenacious inspirationACG, and unconventional inspirationACG.
主题: 背景
作者: 拉比不拉多2016-10-04, 周二 22:25:01
解放奴(安多安)(Freed Slave [Andoran]) 出自《初探内海 Inner Sea Primer》
分类 地区
需求 安多安
效果 你生而为奴或被卖做奴隶,不过被安多安废奴主义者解救。你坚定的意志帮助你熬过了奴隶生涯,并让你有勇气在安多安开始新的生活。你的意志豁免获得+1背景加值。

Source Inner Sea Primer pg. 4 (Amazon)
Requirement(s) Andoran
You were either born or sold into slavery, but were freed by Andoren abolitionists. Your strong will helped you persevere in captivity, and gave you strength to start again from nothing in your new life in Andoran. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.
主题: 背景特性
作者: 陽光2016-10-09, 周日 13:46:15
观星者(The Star Gazer) 出自《秘学之谜 Occult Mysteries》
分类 宇宙
需求 出生于10月31日至11月20日之间

The Star Gazer [Link]
Source:Occult Mysteries pg. 37 (Amazon)
Requirement(s):31 Lamashan - 20 Neth
With his head in the clouds, the Stargazer sees far-off events, but misses the pitfalls directly before him. When rolling initiative as part of a surprise round, you take a –2 penalty on initiative checks, but you gain a +2 luck bonus to AC during all surprise rounds.[/size]
主题: 法师牧师职业变体
作者: creep2016-10-13, 周四 23:33:14
古卷学者 (Scroll Scholar)牧师或法师变体 来源:探索者协会战地指南 pg. 26




Scroll Scholar

Source Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg. 26 (Amazon)

A scroll scholar values knowledge and learning as much as her other abilities, trading a portion of her potential in her chosen class for greater breadth of skill at deciphering old texts, piecing together strange fragments of esoteric lore, and deciphering the hidden qualities of strange and unusual magical items. The scroll scholar archetype can be taken by either clerics or wizards—they give up different class abilities for the new abilities granted by this archetype. A wizard must either be a universalist wizard or a diviner wizard in order to take this archetype—other types of school specializations are not suited to this archetype’s focus. A scroll scholar has the following class features.

Diligent Student (Ex): At 1st level, a scroll scholar chooses one Knowledge skill. This becomes a class skill if it is not already one. The scroll scholar adds half her class level to all Knowledge checks of this type (minimum 1). At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a scroll scholar chooses 1 additional Knowledge skill to receive this bonus. For clerics, this ability replaces one of the 1st-level granted powers from her domains—the character gets to choose which of her two 1st-level granted powers it replaces. For wizards, this ability replaces diviner’s fortune (if a diviner) or hand of the apprentice (if a universalist).

Secrets Revealed (Sp): At 5th level, a scroll scholar gains the ability to cast comprehend languages and identify as spelllike abilities. Her caster level is equal to her character level in whatever class she took the scroll scholar archetype for. She can cast these spells once per day each at 5th level, twice per day each at 7th level, and three times per day each at 9th level. At 11th level, one of these spell-like abilities (scholar’s choice) becomes a constant spell-like ability, and at 13th level, the second one becomes a constant spell-like ability. If the scholar is a cleric, this ability replaces the increase to her channel energy damage normally gained at 5th level—her channel energy damage increases to 3d6 at 7th level instead, and for the rest of her career as a cleric lags 1d6 behind normal. If the scholar is a wizard, this ability replaces her bonus feat for 5th level.

Flash of Insight (Su): At 10th level, once per day, a scroll scholar can gain a +5 bonus on a single attack roll, caster level check, or saving throw as an immediate action. This decision must be made before the results of the roll are known, but can be made after the die is rolled. This ability can be used twice per day at 15th level, and 3 times per day at 20th level. This ability replaces the normal addition of a new 4th-level spell slot to the character’s spells per day— from this point on, the cleric or wizard has one fewer 4thlevel spell slot than other clerics or wizards.
主题: 区域背景
作者: creep2016-10-15, 周六 10:54:22
瓦里西亚浪客 初探内海 pg. 22
分类    区域
要求    瓦里西亚

Varisian Wanderer (Inner Sea Primer pg. 22)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Varisia
You were raised among or have spent time with a group of Varisian nomads, whether travelers, Sczarni criminals, or entertainers, and have learned their ways. Choose one of the following skills: Perform (choose one type), Profession (fortuneteller), or Sleight of Hand. You gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
主题: 法术
作者: 道是无常2016-10-15, 周六 16:42:12
聚焦低鸣(Recentering Drone)  出自《均衡勇士》(Champions of Balance)
等级:牧师/先知 2,德鲁伊 2,猎人 2,战斗祭司 2


  状态 低一级状态
  目盲  目眩
  力竭  疲乏
  惊惧  战栗
  反胃  恶心

Recentering Drone
Source Champions of Balance pg. 27
School abjuration
Level cleric/oracle 2, druid 2, hunter 2, warpriest 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets one creature/2 levels (no two of which may be more than 30 ft. apart)
Duration concentration
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You emit a calming subsonic drone that allows the targets to temporarily refocus and restore their balance when they’re suffering from debilitating conditions. A target with the dazzled, fatigued, shaken, or sickened condition ignores the penalties of those conditions for the duration of this spell. A target with one of the following conditions is treated as having the associated lesser condition for the duration of the spell, as shown by the following table.
Condition Lesser Condition
Blinded Dazzled
Exhausted Fatigued
Frightened Shaken
Nauseated Sickened
At the end of the spell’s duration, the targets are again subject to the appropriate penalties if the original conditions affecting the target are still in effect.
主题: 区域背景
作者: creep2016-10-17, 周一 23:32:35
锐齿森林外交官(初探内海 pg. 15)
Fangwood Diplomat(Inner Sea Primer pg. 15)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Nirmathas
You’ve lived and worked among the disparate guerrilla groups of the Fangwood. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 左手握镰2016-10-19, 周三 18:45:52
均衡的教育(Balanced Education) 出自《遥远国度》(Distant Shores)

Balanced Education
Source Distant Shores pg. 23
Category Region
Requirement(s) Anuli
Your upbringing focused on strengthening mind and body in equal measure. Once per day, you can draw on this training to apply a physical ability modifier to a skill check instead of its usual mental ability modifier, or apply a mental ability modifier to a skill check instead of its usual physical ability modifier. You can only exchange ability modifiers between the following pairings: Strength with Intelligence, Dexterity with Wisdom, and Constitution with Charisma.
主题: Re: 法术
作者: 剧毒术士2016-10-21, 周五 17:09:49
临时移植(Temporary Graft)  出自《惧怖冒险》(Horror Adventures)
等级:炼金术师 3,血脉狂怒者 3,魔战士 4,秘学士 3,术士/法师 4


P.S. 该法术无邪恶描述符,可放心食用
P.P.S. 从生物的尸体上获取施法材料不是邪恶的行为,但如果是人型生物,这一行径也能被认定为是在【亵渎尸体】
P.P.P.S 所以如果没有合法尸体来源的话(如创源学者的人造人伙伴),请在食用前与GM达成一致意见

Level:alchemist 3, bloodrager 3, magus 4, occultist 3, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time:1 standard action
Components:V, S, F (a dismembered body part)
Duration:1 minute/level (D)

You temporarily graft a dismembered body part onto yourself. You must have the body part in your possession or the spell has no effect. The graft must come from a creature the same size category as you. You can have only one graft active at a time. Grafting on a new body part immediately ends the effects of the older casting and causes that body part to fall off. The effect of the graft depends on the type of body part you choose to graft to yourself, as follows.
Fins: The fins grant you a 40 foot swim speed.
Head: The head grants you all-around vision. If the head came from a creature that had darkvision, low-light vision, or scent, you gain the appropriate senses at half the normal range. You can speak through either head, but not both simultaneously. You don’t receive any additional special abilities the head might have had (like a medusa’s petrifying gaze ability).
Leg: The leg increases your base movement speed by 5 feet and grants you a +2 bonus to CMD against overrun and trip combat maneuvers (the usual bonus for having an extra leg).
Wings: The wings grant you a 40-foot fly speed (poormaneuverability).
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2016-10-23, 周日 12:09:59
紧急力场屏障 (Emergency Force Sphere)  出自 切利亚斯—魔鬼王朝—(PZO9407 Cheliax, Empire of Devils)
学派              塑能系 [力场]
环位              术士/法师 4
施法时间          一个直觉动作
成分            语言
距离              5尺
效果              一个包围着你的五尺半径的半球形力场
持续时间          1轮/每等级(可解消)
豁免              无
法术抗力          否
主题: 背景
作者: creep2016-10-26, 周三 12:15:38
四平八稳Grounded(格拉里昂的矮人 pg. 10)

Source Dwarves of Golarion pg. 10 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Dwarf
You are well balanced, both physically and mentally. You gain a +2 trait bonus on balance-related Acrobatics checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.
主题: 宗教背景(Religion Traits)
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2016-10-30, 周日 00:41:29
盾牌训练(Shield-Trained) 出自《内海诸神》( Inner Sea Gods)
分类:宗教背景(Religion Traits)
Source  Inner Sea Gods pg. 222
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Gorum
You were trained to use shields as weapons. Heavy and light shields are considered simple weapons rather than martial weapons for you. Heavy shields are considered light weapons for you.
主题: 專長(Feats)
作者: 笨哈2016-10-30, 周日 20:33:00
裝備祝祐(Bless Equipment) 出自《亡靈殺手手冊》(Undead Slayer's Handbook,Page.7)


先決條件:施法者等級 3、引導能量職業能力


這項祝福能持續的輪數,等同於你引導能量能力拿來製造傷害或是治療的骰子數(例如: 能引導3d6點傷害的牧師,她的祝福能持續3輪),在此期間,此裝備被視為擁有所選擇之祝福的特殊能力。如果這件裝備屬於一個非自願的生物,那這個生物可以進行一個意志檢定來阻止這個祝祐,如同他對你的引導能量能力進行一次豁免檢定(因此來自導能抗力或類似能力的加值能生效);如果這個生物通過豁免,則此祝祐無效。



已有人翻譯了,沒看到 :em032
主题: Re: 法术
作者: 剧毒术士2016-11-02, 周三 00:40:13
代笔者的复诵(Scrivener's Chant)  出自《追寻者的秘密》(Seekers of Secrets)
等级:奥能师 0,吟游诗人 0,牧师/先知 0,歌者 0,术士/法师 0,战斗祭司 0

该法术能向一支羽毛笔灌输驱动能量,并且快速地将一张纸上的内容抄录到另一张纸上。这支羽毛笔能以 1张中等尺寸的纸/分钟 的速度进行抄写。除非通过语言学检定来伪造仿真的副本,否则该抄本将呈现施法者的笔迹。你必须在法术持续期间将注意力集中在复写的材料上,并且根据需要提供新的空白纸张。除了施法材料外,“代笔者的复诵”还需要空白纸张和一支羽毛笔,或其他书写材料。


Scrivener's Chant
Source:Seekers of Secrets pg. 17
Level:arcanist 0, bard 0, cleric/oracle 0, skald 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, warpriest 0
Casting Time:1 standard action
Components:V, S, M (fine sand and a vial of ink)
Range:5 ft.
Target:one or more written objects
Duration:concentration, up to 1 minute/level
Saving Throw:Will (harmless, object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
This spell imbues a quill with animate energy and rapidly transcribes words from one page to another. The quill copies a written work at the rate of one normal-sized page per minute. The Linguistics skill can be used to make a convincing copy, but otherwise the reproduction is written in the hand of the caster. You must concentrate upon the material being duplicated for the spell's duration and provide new blank pages as required. The scrivener's chant requires blank paper and a quill or other writing materials, in addition to the material components.

This spell cannot duplicate magical writing (including spells and magical scrolls), though it can duplicate non-magical writing from a magical source.
主题: 背景特性
作者: 陽光2016-11-05, 周六 01:43:39
狮子的勇气( Lion’s Audacity) 出自《进化职业起源  Advanced Class Origins》
分类 地区
需求 塔尔多人

You attack life with the ferocity of a charging lion and inspire others with your audacious deeds. Once per day when you make a charge attack, you can inspire allies within 30 feet. They gain an additional +2 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls when they make a charge attack before the beginning of your next turn.
主题: Re: 法术
作者: 陽光2016-11-10, 周四 10:01:29
后继者神击术宗教Inheritor's SmiteR  出自《内海诸神》(Inner Sea Gods)
等级:牧师/先知 2,审判者 2,圣骑士 2,战争祭司 2(信仰艾奥梅黛)


Inheritor' s Smite
School transmutation; Level cleric/oracle 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 2, warpriest 2 (Iomedae)
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S, DF
Range personal
Target you
Duration see text
You channel the power of righteousness into your weapon arm, allowing you to strike with great force. Your next melee attack (if made before the end of your next turn) gains a +5 sacred bonus on the attack roll. If the attack hits, you may immediately attempt a bull rush combat maneuver (with a +5 sacred bonus on your combat maneuver check) against the target without provoking an attack of opportunity; if your combat maneuver check exceeds the defender’s CMD by more than 5, you do not need to move with the target to push it back more than 5 feet.
主题: 专长
作者: 剧毒术士2016-11-12, 周六 02:08:51
德鲁伊语破译者(Druidic Decoder)  出自《信仰与哲学》(Faiths and Philosophies)

先决条件: 1级语言学,不是德鲁伊
专长效果: 你在使用语言学破解由德鲁伊语写成的文字时获得+5加值。如果在语言学技能上拥有10或以上的等级,将德鲁伊语加入你的奖励语言列表中。
Druidic Decoder
Source: Faiths and Philosophies pg. 11 (Amazon)
You have a natural understanding of the Druidic language.
Prerequisites: Linguistics 1 rank, cannot be a druid.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on Linguistics checks made to decipher writings in the Druidic language. If you have 10 or more ranks in Linguistics, add Druidic to the list of bonus languages available to you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-11-12, 周六 16:14:54
圣物收集者 Reliquairan(秘学士变体)
出处 Occult Origins.14

信仰 Faithful:圣物收集者必须信仰一个神祇,她的阵营必须与她所信奉的神祗在善良/邪恶轴、以及秩序/混乱轴上相差共计一阶以内。圣物收集者除了正常的武器和护甲擅长以外,还擅长她的神祇的偏好武器。

法术 Spell:圣物收集者的法术视为神术而非异能法术。她的法术使用语言成分取代思维成分,用姿势成分取代情绪成分,并且她将一个圣灵器(见下文)作为法器。该能力调整了秘学士的法术。


缩减灵器之力Diminished Focus Power (Su):圣物收集者在一级只会习得一个灵器中的基础灵器之力。她如常获得3级及之后的灵器之力。该能力调整了灵器之力。

圣灵器Sacred Implements(Su):圣物收集者在一级获得一个灵器学派。另外,她会获得一件与她的神相关的圣物,通常是一个特殊年代的圣徽,一个失落神殿中的物件,或是来自该信仰中著名历史人物的骨头或毛发。这件圣物让圣物收集者与她神祇的一个领域建立起了联系,详见上文。如果没有这件灵器,圣物收集者就无法使用她的领域之力,并且需要通过成功的专注检定才能施展她的领域法术。圣物收集者之后获得的所有灵器都必须在某程度上体现她的信仰。该能力修改了灵器。


神力点Divine Focus(Su):圣物收集者使用她的感知调整,而非智力调整,来决定她每日可用心智点的数量。该能力修改了心智点。

Source Occult Origins pg. 14
Not all occultists derive their power from psychic impressions left on objects. Some find faith first, and draw out the divine potential in religious relics. Many see these religious scholars as eccentrics or heretics who pilfer holy magic with their bizarre rituals.

Faithful: A reliquarian must worship a deity, and must be within one step of her deity’s alignment, along either the law/chaos axis or the good/evil axis. A reliquarian is proficient with her deity’s favored weapon in addition to her normal weapon and armor proficiencies.

Spells: A reliquarian’s spells are considered divine spells, not psychic spells. The reliquarian’s spells use verbal components instead of thought components, and somatic components instead of emotional components, and she uses a sacred implement (see below) as a divine focus. This ability alters the occultist’s spells.

Domain: A reliquarian gains access to one of her deity’s domains. She treats her occultist level as her cleric level for the purposes of access to domain powers and their strength. Additionally, the reliquarian adds the domain’s spells to her occultist spell list and her spells known.

Diminished Focus Power (Su): A reliquarian learns only the base focus power from one implement school at 1st level. She gains additional focus powers as normal. This ability alters focus powers.

Sacred Implements (Su): A reliquarian gains one implement school at 1st level. Additionally, the reliquarian gains a relic of her god, typically a holy symbol of significant age, a fixture from a lost temple, or bone or hair from a prominent historical figure of the religion. This grants the reliquarian access to one of her deity’s domains, as detailed above. Without this implement, the reliquarian cannot use her domain powers and must succeed at a Concentration check to cast spells from her domain. All of a reliquarian’s future implements must be somehow representative of her faith. This ability modifies implements.

Orisons: A reliquarian gains one orison, or 0-level divine spell, each time she selects an implement school (including when she again selects a school that she has already learned to use.) These orisons otherwise behave as an occultist’s knacks. This ability replaces knacks.

Divine Focus (Su): A reliquarian uses her Wisdom modifier, rather than her Intelligence modifier, to determine the amount of mental focus available to her each day. This ability modifies mental focus.
主题: 背景(种族)
作者: creep2016-11-12, 周六 16:37:51

Intrepid Volunteer(Source Inner Sea Races pg. 194)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Halfling
Like many free half lings, you volunteered readily for military service or an adventuring career and met other half lings who showed you how to make up for your small size. Choose one Strengthbased skill or one combat maneuver. You can use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier to calculate your total modifier for that skill check or combat maneuver check.
主题: 背景(种族)
作者: creep2016-11-15, 周二 18:30:17
分类 种族
需求 人类-瓦瑞西安
Tattooed Focus
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 196
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
You possess an intricate tattoo that proclaims your skill at your chosen vocation. Choose a Craft, Perform, or Profession skill. You gain a +2 trait bonus on checks with that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2016-11-23, 周三 11:23:29
影射 (SHADOWSHOOTING) 出自阴影血脉(Blood Of Shadow)

灵光:中等幻术系 施法者等级:8



需求:「制造魔法武器和防具」,『自动装填 (Reloading Hands)』, 『幽影武器 (Shadow Weapon)』制造者至少要有8个施法者职业等级


主题: 变体职业
作者: 陽光2016-11-27, 周日 16:38:59
祈求者(Invoker)出自《驱灵英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook)

祈求者庇护主(Invoker Patron,Su):在1级时,一位祈求者可以通过一个迅捷动作(在脑海中进行)来请求一个与她的庇护主有所联系的精魂进入她的体内。除了模拟方面要从下列中选择之外,这个能力与猎人的动物之力相似。祈求者每日能够使用该能力的分钟数等同于她的等级。这些时间不需要连续,但是必须以1分钟为单位来使用。这个能力替换了1级,8级和16级的女巫巫术











第二祈唤(Second Invocation ,Su):在10级时,无论何时祈求者使用她的祈求者庇护主能力,她都能选择两个不同方面的庇护主以取代原本的一个。另外,这个能力就类似于猎人的第二动物之力。这个能力取代了10级女巫巫术。
Source:Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 14

The invoker uses her familiar to summon facets of her mysterious patron directly into her body, enhancing her skills and granting her powerful abilities. Whether these spiritual enhancements come from a single entity or a host of spiritual forces associated with the witch’s patron can vary, and in many cases, a particular invoker never learns the truth of this matter.

Invoke Patron (Su): At 1st level, an invoker can invite spirits associated with her patron’s themes into her body and mind as a swift action. This functions like a hunter’s animal focus (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 27), except she emulates facets of her patron, chosen from the list below. The invoker can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level; this duration need not be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. This replaces the witch’s 1st-, 8th-, and 16th-level hexes.

Bondage: The invoker gains a +2 enhancement bonus to her Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 16th level.

Bridge:The invoker treats other creatures as if their damage reduction and spell resistance were 2 lower. This increases to 5 lower at 8th level and 10 lower at 16th level.

Crisis: The invoker gains a +2 enhancement bonus to her Constitution. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 16th level.

Curiosity: The DCs of the invoker’s hexes and patron spells increase by 1. These DCs increase by an additional 1 at 8th level and 16th level.

Decisions: The invoker gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 16th level.

Fortune: The invoker gains a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws. This bonus increases to +3 at 8th level and +5 at 16th level.

Paradise: The invoker gains a +3 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks and concentration checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +9 at 16th level.

Rapture: The invoker can increase the duration of any spell she casts on herself by 1 round. This applies only to spells with a duration other than instantaneous. This increases to 2 rounds at 8th level and 3 rounds at 16th level.

Reckoning: The invoker adds an insight bonus on damage rolls from attacks made with spells and natural attacks, gaining 1 point of damage per die rolled. At 8th level, the invoker gains a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits threatened with spells and natural attacks. At 16th level, the critical threat range of the invoker’s spells and natural attacks doubles, as if from Improved Critical.

Revelation: The invoker gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls made with weapons. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 16th level.

Second Invocation (Su): At 10th level, whenever an invoker uses her invoke patron ability, she selects two different facets of her patron for herself instead of one. Otherwise, this functions like a hunter’s second animal focus ability.This ability replaces the witch’s 10th-level hex
主题: Re: 格拉里昂的矮人(Dwarves of Golarion)里的矮人背景(种族背景和地区背景)
作者: 非常道2016-11-27, 周日 20:16:42

深刻标记Deep Marker:你敢于面对gladdringgar的未知隧道(name-runes凿开的地下深处)。你在生存检定上得到+ 1背景加值,在对抗恐惧效果的豁免检定同样获得+1背景加值。




坑道战士Tunnel Fighte:洞穴和隧道是你的第二个家。在地下环境,你获得+2先攻背景加值并且+1武器重击伤害((该伤害能够因重击加倍)。


战斗激情Zest for Battle:战斗是你最大的快乐,以正义或是卑劣的理由尽情鞭笞你的敌人吧!当你在攻击检定上拥有士气加值时,在伤害检定上同样获得+1背景加值。

浴血者Blooded (Mindspin Mountains):令人绝望的战斗磨练了你针对那些矮人远古宿敌的战斗技巧。当你面对你巨人、地精和兽人时,在武器伤害检定上获得+1背景加值。

霜血Frostborn (Lands of the Linnorm Kings):北地寒冬的漫漫长夜让你习惯了寒冷。在任何抵抗寒冷环境影响的检定中你获得+ 4背景加值,并且获得+ 1背景豁免加值在对应对“冷”的效果时。

先人的荣耀Glory of Old (Five Kings Mountains):你的血管里流淌着来自矮人英雄Tar Taargadth的血。你获得+ 1背景加值在对抗法术、类法术和毒素的豁免上。

毅力Perseverance (Five Kings Mountains):这关键时刻任何困难都可以被克服和忍耐。当你拥有在抵抗一个效果(如高等命令术、控制人类,)时进行超过1次意志豁免的能力(例如使用幸运领域的好运能力)那么在对那个效果进行意志豁免重投时你获得+3背景加值。

战地诗人Warrior Poet (Lands of the Linnorm Kings): 你被吟游诗人,Kalsgard口耳相传习俗的守护者,所训练。当使用吟游诗人吟唱能力时,你获得+1背景加值在有关矮人相关的知识检定(矮人历史、矮人建设等等)并且在任何强韧豁免上获得+1背景加值。

Clearheaded: You see through deception and lies. You
gain a +1 trait bonus on opposed checks against the Bluff
and Disguise skills and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws
against illusion effects.

Deep Marker: You’ve dared uncharted tunnels in
pursuit of the gladdringgar (the chiseling of name-runes
in subterranean depths). You gain a +1 trait bonus on
Survival checks, and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws
against fear effects.

Goldsniffer: Your keen senses lead you to hidden
treasures. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks
related to metals, jewels, and gemstones.

Grounded: You are well balanced, both physically and
mentally. You gain a +2 trait bonus on balance-related
Acrobatics checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.

Ruthless: You never hesitate to strike a killing blow. You
gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls to confrm critical hits.
Tunnel Fighter: Caves and tunnels are a second home
to you. While underground, you receive a +2 trait bonus to
initiative checks and a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage
rolls for critical hits (this damage is multiplied on a
critical hit).

Warsmith: You have an intuitive grasp of the weak points
of metal and stone. You gain a +1 trait bonus to damage
rolls against creatures and objects made primarily of clay,
crystal, earth, metal, or stone. Knowledge (engineering) is
a class skill for you.

Zest for Battle: Your greatest joy is being in the thick of
battle, and smiting your enemies for a righteous or even
dastardly cause. Whenever you have a morale bonus to
weapon attack rolls, you also receive a +1 trait bonus on
weapon damage rolls

Blooded (Mindspin Mountains): Desperate battles have
honed your fghting skills against the ancient enemies
of the dwarves. You receive a +1 trait bonus on
weapon damage rolls against giants,
goblins, and orcs.

Frostborn (Lands of the Linnorm
Kings): Long nights in the frigid winters of
the north have inured you to cold. You gain
a +4 trait bonus on any savings throws made
to resist the effects of cold environments, as
well as a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws
against cold effects.

Glory of Old (Five Kings Mountains): In
your veins flows the blood of dwarven heroes
from Tar Taargadth. You receive a +1 trait bonus
on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities,
and poison.

Perseverance (Five Kings Mountains): In time, any
obstacle can be endured and overcome. When you have
more than 1 Will saving throw to overcome an effect
(such as greater command, hold person, or by using the good
fortune ability of the Luck domain), you receive a +3 trait
bonus on the extra Will saves against that effect.

Warrior Poet (Lands of the Linnorm Kings): You were
trained by the skalds, keepers of the oral tradition of
Kalsgard. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge checks
related to dwarves (dwarven history, dwarven construction,
and so on) and a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves in any
round in which you use a bardic performance ability.
主题: 背景
作者: mikun2016-12-04, 周日 09:18:46
黑荆棘牧场主(Blackthorn Rancher) 出自河域诸国的居民(People of the River)
需求:来自利伯瑟恩 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=60387.0)

Blackthorn Rancher
Source People of the River
Category Region
Requirement(s) Lambreth
Domestic animals from Lambreth are known for their resiliency. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks and Handle Animal is a class skill for you. Your animal companion or bonded mount gains a permanent +3 trait bonus to its maximum hit point total.

主题: 魔战士变体
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2016-12-10, 周六 14:34:43
魔武者(魔战士变体)出自内海诡道(inner sea intrigue)








Magic Warrior (Magus Archetype)
Trained in a tradition stretching back to Old-Mage Jatembe’s Ten Magic Warriors, magic warriors renounce their identities to master magical might and serve as champions of culture and learning across the Mwangi Expanse and beyond.

Class Skills: A magic warrior adds Knowledge (history and nature) to her list of class skills, instead of Knowledge(dungeoneering and planes).
This ability alters the magus’s class skills.

Nameless Mask (Ex): A magic warrior gains strength in hiding her identity behind an animalistic mask, but also suffers drawbacks from doing so. While wearing her mask, a magic warrior gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against divinations in the scrying subschool. However, NPCs who are unfamiliar with or have a poor opinion of the magic warrior tradition have a starting attitude of unfriendly toward the magic warrior while she wears her mask. If using the influence system (Ultimate Intrigue 102), it takes one additional success to increase her influence level over such an NPC.
The magic warrior cannot reveal her name or remove her mask in front of anyone she has never met before or in front of anyone she does not trust. If she violates this taboo, she must
discard her mask and create or obtain a new mask and wear it before she can gain any benefits that result from wearing her mask.

Magic Warrior’s Aspect (Su): At 3rd level, a magic warrior can gain an aspect of an animal’s
might. The animal must suit the magic warrior’s mask (and the animal changes if the magic
warrior must create or obtain a new mask). As a standard action, the magic warrior gains one ability possessed by that animal from the list of abilities given in beast shape I (this ability does not allow her to change her size). The ability lasts for 1 minute per magus level.
This ability replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level.

Nameless Anonymity (Su): At 8th level, a magic warrior’s nameless masked identity protects her from divinations. Once per day, as long as she is in her masked identity, she can cast nondetection using her magus level as her caster level.
This ability replaces improved spell combat.

Improved Spell Combat (Ex):At 14th level, a magic warrior gains improved spell combat.
This ability replaces greater spell combat.

Magaambya Spell Access(Su): At 19th level, a magic warrior learns ancient secrets to using natural magic. She learns seven spells from the druid’s spell list and places them in her spellbook as magus spells of her druid level. She gains one of each of the following druid spells not on the magus spell list: 0-level, 1st-level,2nd-level, 3rd-level, 4th-level, 5th-level, and 6th-level. She can ignore the divine focus component of these spells.
This ability replaces greater spell access.

Magus Arcana: The following magus arcana complement the magic warrior archetype: accurate
strikeUC, arcane accuracyUM, arcane cloakUC, arcane edgeUC, bane bladeUC, devoted bladeUC, empowered magicUM, maximized magicUM, quickened magicUM, silent magicUM, spell blendingUM, still magicUM.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 雾音2016-12-10, 周六 22:26:56
以下都是矮人专用的东西啦(from <Dwarves of Golarion>)还有是第一次翻译资料。。。多多包涵啊 :em032
Deep Guardian
   The subtle power of the deep places of the world flows within you, and grants you mastery of summoning beings of earth and stone. Any creature you conjure with a summon spell that has the earth subtype or a burrow speed gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a +1 enhancement bonus to Armor Class for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
   Your druid spells use a handful of earth or sand as a divine focus in addition to the normal components. While you are touching the ground, you add a +2 trait bonus to saving throw DCs and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance for all spells you cast against creatures with the air subtype.
Eldritch Smith
   You are learned in the secret lore of the forge, rituals handed down for generations that some say come from Torag himself. Whenever you use the Craft skill or a crafting feat to make a stone or metal item, you reduce the cost of making the item by 5%. This includes metal-headed weapons with nonmetal parts, such as axes and spears.
Strength of the Land
   You are able to tap into the living energy of the world to shatter lesser magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks while touching the ground or unworked stone. This includes dispel checks and checks to overcome spell resistance.

矮人的神明以及宗教背景【名字渣翻,请轻敲 :em006。原文来自矮人书,神职、圣徽、偏好武器、领域等摘自pathfinder wiki。】:
与他擅长于防守的兄长托拉格相反,安哥拉徳司掌着战争以及侵略性的策略。他与马格林一同照看战场,一起以他们 的英勇事迹鼓舞矮人们的士气。
神职:火 ,传统,战争
战地法师【注:此背景是Angradd, Gorum, Torag, Trudd通用】
Angradd (The Forge-Fire)
   The counterpart to his older brother Torag’s defensive perspective, Angradd is the god of aggressive tactics and warfare. He and Magrim watch over battles, dividing the dwarven spirits between them according to how brave they were in combat.
    Battlefield Caster (Angradd, Gorum, Torag, Trudd):Your faith protects you even as you unleash spells in the thick of battle. You receive a +1 trait bonus on concentration checks to cast defensively and a +1 trait bonus to AC against
attacks provoked by or readied against spellcasting.
Bolka (The Golden Gift)
   Daughter of Torag and Folgrit, this happy goddess has long blonde hair and a figure that would make even the most reserved dwarf catch his breath.She makes arranged marriages blossom into love and inspires confirmed bachelors to decide to seek a wife.
    Alluring (Bolka): You have the art of turning a passing glance into love. You receive a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks with those who find you attractive. You can use daze once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to your character level.
Dranngvit (The Debt Minder)
   This bitter goddess is Torag’s half-sister; some legends say she was to have been his bride but he chose Folgrit instead, and to earn her forgiveness he made her a goddess. The dwarves consider Dranngvit a necessary evil, a goddess to propitiate when they have wronged someone; only those consumed by hatred and bitterness choose her as a patron. She may be Kols’s mother, though Folgrit treats him like her own son.
Folgrit (The Watchful Mother)
    Torag’s wife is a patient
goddess used to her husband planning and worrying too much. She is the goddess of motherhood, wives, and children, especially those whose husbands and fathers are at war. She is also the goddess of widows and orphans and does her best to keep Torag’s mind fresh so he can minimize dwarven casualties.
Grundinnar (The Peacemaker)
   This glib deity is well practiced in breaking up fights over his sister Bolka. He
mends fences, encourages dwarves to be neighborly, and makes sure that dwarves do not forget friends they haven’t seen in decades.
    Honeyed Words (Grundinnar): Your tact soothes bristling tempers and cools heated blood. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you receive a +1 trait bonus to the DC of any charm or compulsion that does not
provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts, such as calm emotions, sleep, or a suggestion to lay down arms.
Kols  (Oath-Keeper)
   This tight-lipped god splits his time between following his father Torag and keeping his brother Grundinnar out of danger. He punishes those who shirk their obligations or break oaths.
Magrim (The Taskmaster)
   Despite his gloomy role as the overseer of the dwarven afterlife, Magrim is no more dour than a typical mortal dwarf. He determines what tasks dwarf spirits must perform, including reforging worn-out souls to make them suitable for visiting the world again.He is Torag’s older brother, and taught the first mortal
dwarves how to properly commune with the gods.
Trudd (The Mighty)
   Torag’s youngest son, he is the strongest of the dwarven gods despite his short beard. He guards his father’s hall while its lord is away.
尽管许多格拉里昂的学者都宁愿相信德罗斯卡已经死了,但实际上他的祭坛遍布所有有灰矮人的地方,灰矮人们在他的名下 大量生产武器以满足充斥着地下世界的各种冲突。他的教义是 “只要你重复做一件事,那么你就会越加熟练 。如果你有够努力,那你甚至可以成为一代大师。而不够努力的人就只能成为日夜辛勤工作或是会造出次品的家伙。”他深信使用奴隶可以让工匠们不用操心一些烦琐的小事以集中注意力在锻造上;当然了,如果造出了次品,这些奴隶也是一个很好的戴罪羔羊不是吗。如果你要和他的信徒进行比赛并想要做出一些特别的又或者是创新的东西的话,你需要万分提防你的对手或是优胜者偷走你的创意,还有绝对不要带着荣誉参赛。
Droskar (The Dark Smith)
   Though many Golarion scholars would like to believe him dead, Droskar’s church
is the primary faith of the duergar, and in his name they churn out arms and armor for various conflicts deep under the surface. He teaches that repetitive work leads to improved skill, and that if you push yourself far enough,you will achieve greatness. Those who toil and still fail in this endeavor are either not working hard enough or aren’t putting their hearts into their work. He believes in using slave labor to allow craftsmen to focus on the creative aspects of work without worrying about minor details; slaves also provide convenient scapegoats when output
doesn’t measure up to the expected standards. Among the faithful there is strong competition, as one who manages to create something exceptional or innovative must beware a rival or superior stealing it or taking credit for the achievement.
    Resigned (Droksar): Existence is little more than unending toil. By laboring unto exhaustion, greatness can be achieved. You receive a +1 trait bonus when retrying a previously failed skill check or ability check, as well as when taking 20 on skill checks and ability checks.
    Toilcrafter (Droskar): You can craft passable if inferior magical weapons,  armors, and shields through diligence and toil. Choose one Craft or Profession skill in which you have at least 1 rank. Ranks in your chosen skill count as your caster level for the purpose of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. You may craft +1 armor,weapons, or shields (with no special qualities), substituting
your rank in the chosen skill for your caster level. You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item.Crafting in this fashion takes twice as long as normal.These items cannot be upgraded with new abilities.
主题: 背景
作者: mikun2016-12-11, 周日 04:29:21
新婚(The Newlyweds ) 出自异能奥秘(Occult Mysteries)
需求:出生于17 Calistril - 11 Pharast

The Newlyweds
Source Occult Mysteries pg. 37 (Amazon)
Requirement(s) 17 Calistril - 11 Pharast
Your sign is of two lovers, intertwined as one. You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence those who might be romantically attracted to you, and Diplomacy becomes a class skill for you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 雾音2016-12-12, 周一 00:38:25

圣徽 (http://pathfinderwiki.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/1/1d/Findeladlara_holy_symbol.jpg/250px-Findeladlara_holy_symbol.jpg):往上指向金色星星的手指
Findeladlara (The Guiding Hand)
Though she represents art and architecture, she is more a deity of preserving existing traditions than inspiring innovation.Well-meaning but aloof, she disdains the work of the younger races and never answers the prayers of non-elves. She is always shown dressed in beautiful classically styled or archaic clothing, framed in an elaborate archway of mithral or living branches, and illuminated in the ruddy glow of a sun just below the horizon. Her symbol is a hand pointing upward suspending a golden star or flame.
圣徽 (http://pathfinderwiki.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/68/Ketephys_holy_symbol.jpg/250px-Ketephys_holy_symbol.jpg):一只在新月前展翅的猎鹰
Ketephys (The Hunter)
This long-faced elven god rarely speaks unless coordinating the efforts of other beings in a hunt for a dangerous or especially prized creature. In holy art, he is shown barefoot, wearing form-fitting brown and forest- green to prevent snags and excess noise. He is usually accompanied by his dog Meycho and his hawk Falling Star, though he keeps them for companionship rather than assistance, as he prefers to succeed or fail on his own skill.His symbol is a hawk on a silver crescent.
瑞拉努是德鲁伊与魔法师们的守护者,她比起金属、武力和其他人工制品更偏爱自然魔法。那些崇拜她的宝石匠们会巧妙地利用木头、象牙、皮革以及宝石—当然他们只会稍稍打磨而非切割—来制造精美的手工品。她的形象是一个有着睿智目光衣着朴素的精灵女子 ,并围绕着和艾恩石有点相似的水晶。因为发现了半精灵身上的天赋,所以她十分欢迎半精灵成为她的信徒。她的圣徽是 三块在星星下交叠的三块三色水晶。
圣徽 (http://pathfinderwiki.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/7/73/Yuelral_holy_symbol.jpg/250px-Yuelral_holy_symbol.jpg):三块交叠的三色水晶
Yuelral (The Wise)
A patron of druids and mages alike, Yuelral prefers the magic of the natural world to that of metal, force, and other artificial things. Jewelers who worship her work in wood, ivory, and leather; they polish gemstones but do not cut them. In art she appears as an elven woman with wise eyes wearing simple garb and surrounded by floating magical crystals similar to ioun stones.Always quick to see talent, this goddess welcomes half-elves into her faith. Her symbol is a trio of crystals overlapping in a star shape.

Racial Traits 种族背景
Arcane Dabbler
Though your magical studies were decades ago, you still remember your favorite little trick. Choose a 0-level arcane spell. You may cast that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. Your caster level is equal to your highest class level in a spellcasting class; if you have no caster level, it functions at CL 1st. The spell-like ability’s save DC is Intelligence- or Charisma-based (chosen when you select this trait).
Lapsed Faith
You still remember a few prayers from your past experience serving in a temple. Once per day you may cast cure minor wounds as a spell-like ability at caster level 1. The save DC is Wisdom-based.
Seeker of Brightness
You have been actively searching for signs of the Brightness since childhood. Choose a Knowledge skill; you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge checks of that type and on Search checks.
Youthful Mischief
Though you gave up the life of a padfoot, scout, or minstrel decades before, you still know how to roll with the punches when things turn sour. You  gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.
Religious Traits 信仰背景(居然只有一个精灵本族神的。。。)
Sacred Avenger (Calistria)
You have a special connection between you and Calistria that enhances your ability to achieve vengeance. When a creature damages you with a weapon, on your next turn you gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage against that creature. If this creature is your ilduliel (see page 8), this bonus increases to +2.
Sovyrian的泛神论(全部精灵神):由于深受其他精灵的神秘王国的影响,所有格拉里昂的精灵神都对你 有着一定的影响力。你在用历史知识辨认或评价艺术品,工程知识,用于追踪的生存技能检定,关于奔跑的体质检定和对使用了水晶或宝石的法术辨识检定上获得+1的背景加值。
Sovyrian Pantheist (Any Elven Deity)
Strongly influenced by the elves’ mysterious other realm, you embrace obscure elven deities that have little influence on Golarion. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) checks to recognize or evaluate art, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) checks, Survival checks to hunt game, Constitution checks to run, and Spellcraft checks involving crystals or gems.
Wasp Whisperer (Calistria)
Your association with Calistria’s church has toughened your flesh against venom and blessed you with the ability to influence wasps and similar insectile vermin. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison. You may make Diplomacy checks (or wild empathy checks if you are a druid or ranger) to improve a Hostile or Unfriendly insectile vermin’s attitude toward Indifferent.
Regional Traits 地区背景
Forlorn (Any non-elven land)
Having lived outside of traditional elf society for much or all of your life, you know the world can be cruel, dangerous, and unforgiving of the weak. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
Iadaran Illusionist (Kyonin)
You have lived in Iadara for so long that you are very familiar with illusions. You gain a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks with illusion spells and a +1 trait bonus on Will saves to disbelieve illusions.
Kyonin Gatekeeper (Kyonin)
You helped maintain the elf gates and are familiar with the operation of teleportation magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify teleportation magic and a +1 trait bonus to caster level checks when casting teleportation spells. You know the proper commands to operate a particular elf gate (most likely an often used elf gate, but at the GM’s discretion it may be a less popular or out-of-the-way elf gate).
Left Behind (Mwangi Expanse or Varisia)
Having been born to those who chose to remain on Golarion during the Age of Darkness in the Mwangi Expanse, you understand the people of this world better than most elves. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks when interacting with Forlorn elves and non-elf races.
Mordant Heritage (Mordant Spire)
You lived among the Mordant Spire elves and know their strange ways. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against enchantment effects.
Treerazer’s Bane (Kyonin)
Having fought in many battles against Treerazer and his minions, you have learned the best ways to kill the various creatures under his control. You gain a +2 trait bonus on weapon damage against demons, evil fey, and plants and animals corrupted by evil.
主题: 奇物
作者: 雾音2016-12-12, 周一 22:35:05
Aura weak transmutation, CL 5th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus
These arrows are inscribed with a spiral groove down the length of the haft and an eye-glyph on the head. They are designed to maintain accuracy when firing multiple arrows at the same time (such as with the Manyshot feat) by steering their paths toward the impact point of the first arrow. For a clustershot arrow to function, all arrows fired in the attack must have this property. If the first arrow can deal sneak attack damage or is a critical hit, the remaining arrows from that shot can deal half normal sneak attack damage, and if they critically hit deal half normal critical hit damage.
requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic weapon
Healer’s Sorrow
Aura weak necromancy, CL 5th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus
The sickly gray wood of this arrow seems quite fragile and delicate. Created from pale necromantic bone or casket wood, this arrow splinters when it impacts, embedding pieces of itself in the target and making the wound resistant to magical healing. Removing the splinters requires 10 minutes and a DC 25 Heal check. Until the splinters are removed, all magical healing effects used on the target restore only half as many hit points as normal. This applies whether the target requires positive or negative energy for healing.
requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, death knell
Sparkfly Crystal Arrow
Aura weak evocation, CL 3rd
Slot none; Price +1 bonus
The fat crystal head of this arrow contains tiny motes of light; on closer scrutiny, they are actually tiny glowing insects similar to fireflies, held in stasis. When the arrow hits a target, it shatters the crystal and releases the insects, which distract the target with their aggressive flight. The creature takes a –1 penalty on attacks and checks for the next minute or until they rid themselves of the flying pests (such as by diving into water, suffering a damaging area attack, and so on). The lights reduce a target’s concealment by one step (turning a 50% miss chance from total concealment into a 20% miss chance from concealment, and concealment into no concealment at all).
requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire
主题: 背景
作者: mikun2016-12-13, 周二 02:41:18
冰雪裔(Snowblooded) 出自北地居民(People of the North )

Snowblooded [Link]
Race Traits
Source People of the North pg. 9 (Amazon)
Requirement(s) Elf - Snowcaster
Your family has a long tradition of producing excellent sentries and twilight speakers. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws made to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments, and gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells with the cold descriptor.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 弑君者伊恩2016-12-13, 周二 03:19:48
主题: 术士血脉
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2016-12-13, 周二 14:48:43
源数血脉(impossible)出自均衡勇士(champions of balance)




血统奥秘:构装体会如同此类法术并非影响心灵一般受到你的惑控系(胁迫)法术影响。构装体在决定何种法术可以影响它时视为活物(living creature)。







Impossible Bloodline
Source Champions of Balance pg. 21 (Amazon)
You can see beyond the mundane, and are capable of visualizing the improbable, and even the impossible. This ability derives from an equally unlikely source, such as the godmind of the axiomites or the monad of aeons. If this expanded perception doesn’t drive you mad, you may learn to make the impossible into reality.

Class Skill: Knowledge (engineering).

Bonus Spells: lesser confusion (3rd), make whole (5th), shrink item (7th), confusion (9th), fabricate (11th), animate objects (13th), insanity (15th), polymorph any object (17th), wish (19th).

Bonus Feats: Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Deft Hands, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Far Shot, Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Knowledge [engineering]).

Bloodline Arcana: Constructs are susceptible to your enchantment (compulsion) spells as if they were not mindaffecting. Constructs are treated as living creatures for the purposes of determining which spells affect them.

Bloodline Powers: You see the world differently from others, and can mold it to suit your needs.

Disorienting Touch (Sp): At 1st level, as a melee touch attack, you can cause a creature to doubt its sense of depth and direction. The target is sickened for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). Multiple touches do not stack, but they do add to the duration. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Spontaneous Generation: At 3rd level, you gain Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat. In addition, when you craft a magic item (except a potion, a spell-trigger item, or a spellcompletion item), you may ignore one spell prerequisite without increasing the creation DC. You can ignore an additional spell prerequisite at 9th, 15th, and 20th levels.

Distracting Pattern (Su): At 9th level, you can distort the scenery around you for a number of rounds equal to your sorcerer level. This ability provides a 20% miss chance on ranged attacks made against you and grants you a bonus on Stealth checks equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level. You can use this ability once per day at 9th level, twice per day at 17th level, and three times per day at 20th level.

Relativity (Su): At 15th level, you can traverse vertical surfaces as easily as you walk on the ground. When climbing, you move at your normal land speed and take none of the penalties associated with climbing. The surface must be able to support your weight, and difficult terrain affects your speed as normal. You are also immune to reverse gravity and similar effects.

Living Paradox (Ex): At 20th level, your outward appearance remains the same, but beneath your skin lies not flesh and blood but clockwork gears, miniature galaxies, or something equally uncanny. You gain immunity to disease and poison. You take no additional damage from bleed effects, critical hits, and sneak attacks.
主题: 进阶职业
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2016-12-13, 周二 16:02:36
亘古奥秘寻者(Pathfinder savant)出自秘密追寻者(seekers of secrets)







1st+0+0+0+1启动专擅 大师学者-
2nd+1+1+1+1秘传魔法 寻找刻纹+1现有职业
6th+3+2+2+3解析咒文 无声大师+1现有职业













Pathfinder Savant
Source Seekers of Secrets pg. 60 (Amazon)
Pathfinder savants roam Golarion in search of forgotten lore and ancient magical devices. They are specialists in the theory and practice of magic, illuminating mysteries of the eldritch fabric that permeates existence. The path of the savant brings mastery of the lore of glyphs and sigils, knowledge of exotic spells, and the power to unlock the full potential of magical devices.
To qualify to become a Pathfinder savant, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Feats: Magical Aptitude, any one item crafting feat.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks.
Special: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.
Class Skills
The Pathfinder Savant's class skills are Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, Perception, Profession, Spellcraft, Survival, Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Hit Die: d6.
Class Features
Level   Base Attack Bonus   Fort Save   Ref Save   Will Save   Special                                  Spells Per Day
1st   +0                               +0      +0               +1   Adept activation, master scholar   —
2nd   +1                               +1      +1               +1   Esoteric magic, glyph-finding   +1 level of existing class
3rd   +1                               +1      +1               +2   Scroll master                           +1 level of existing class
4th   +2                               +1      +1               +2   Quick identification                   +1 level of existing class
5th   +2                               +2      +2               +3   Sigil master                           +1 level of existing class
6th   +3                               +2      +2               +3   Analyze dweomer, silence master   +1 level of existing class
7th   +3                               +2      +2               +4   Dispelling master                   +1 level of existing class

The following are class features of the Pathfinder savant prestige class.

Spells: At 2nd level and beyond, a Pathfinder savant gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Pathfinder savant, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Adept Activation (Ex): A Pathfinder savant can always take 10 on Use Magic Device checks, except when activating an item blindly.

Master Scholar (Ex): A Pathfinder savant adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks. He can always take 10 on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks, even if distracted or endangered.

Esoteric Magic (Ex): At each class level beyond 1st, the Pathfinder savant chooses a spell from any class’s spell list and thereafter treats it as if it were on the spell list of his base spellcasting classes; if his base class could not normally cast that spell, it is treated as 1 level higher. The spell’s type (arcane or divine) and save DCs function as normal for his base spellcasting class. All other restrictions of his normal spellcasting class apply. This ability does not allow other spellcasters to prepare, cast, or use spell trigger or spell completion items of esoteric spells (such as a sorcerer using a cure light wounds scroll).

Glyph-Finding (Ex): At 2nd level, a Pathfinder savant can use Spellcraft to find writing-based magical traps (including glyphs, runes, sigils, and symbols) in the same way a rogue can use Perception to search for traps.

Scroll Master (Su): A 3rd-level Pathfinder savant uses his own caster level instead of the item’s caster level when using a scroll or other spell completion item.

Quick Identification (Sp): Starting at 4th level, a savant may use identify as a swift action. He may do this once per day per two class levels.

Sigil Master (Su): A 5th level, a Pathfinder savant receives a bonus equal to his class level on saving throws against writingbased magical traps, and if the save is successful he does not trigger the trap. If he leaves the trap’s area and then re-enters, he must save again. A trap that has already been triggered functions normally against a Pathfinder savant, though he still receives this saving throw bonus.

Analyze Dweomer (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a savant may use analyze dweomer for up to 1 round per level per day. He may use this ability in 1-round increments.

Silence Master (Su): A 6th-level savant is able to activate spell trigger, spell completion, and command word items silently, substituting a magical gesture for the necessary words. He cannot use this ability in circumstances where he could not cast a spell with somatic components. He must know how to activate the item normally for this ability to work.

Three times per day he may cast a spell of 6th level or lower as if he were using a silent metamagic rod.

Dispelling Master (Su): Starting at 7th level, if the savant prepares and casts spells like a wizard, he can spontaneously convert any prepared spell into dispel magic or greater dispel magic as a good cleric converts prepared spells into cure spells. If he casts spells as a sorcerer, he adds dispel magic and greater dispel magic to his spells known. Every time he successfully uses either of these spells to make a targeted dispel or counterspell, he heals hit points equal to the caster level of the effect dispelled or counterspelled.
主题: 法术
作者: 灯泡powerbult2016-12-16, 周五 04:31:30

黑暗护盾 shield of darkness 出处 blood of shadows
学派 塑能系【黑暗,阴影UM】
环级 反圣武士3,牧师3,审判者3,萨满3,唤魂师3
施放时间 标准动作
成分 V
范围 个人
目标 自己
持续时间 1轮/等级(可消解)
豁免 无;法术抗力

SHIELD OF DARKNESS School evocation [darkness, shadowUM]; Level antipaladin 3, cleric 3, inquisitor 3, shaman 3, spiritualist 3 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V Range personal Target you Duration 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no You shield yourself with darkness, reducing the illumination level in your space to magical darkness and granting you total concealment. Your opponents are automatically aware of which squares you occupy, preventing you from attempting Stealth checks using this concealment unless every square adjacent to you has an illumination level of darkness or lower. Shield of darkness does not hinder your vision, and creatures that can see in magical darkness ignore this effect
主题: 背景特性
作者: dancefly2016-12-21, 周三 17:34:51
壮臂柔腕(Strong Arm, Supple Wrist) 出自《卡蒂亚,通往东方之门Qadira, Gateway to the East》
分类 战斗
效果 你接受过使用标枪和矛的训练,并知道如何充分发挥你的劲力。当你至少移动10英尺后,即使用投掷武器进行攻击,此投掷武器的射程增加10英尺。每轮你只能获得此收益一次。

Strong Arm, Supple Wrist [Link]

Source Qadira, Gateway to the East pg. 9 (Amazon)
You have been trained in the javelin and the spear, and know how to make the best use of your momentum. Whenever you move at least 10 feet before making an attack with a thrown weapon, you add 10 feet to the range increment of the weapon thrown. You can only gain this benefit once per round.
主题: 背景
作者: 雾音2016-12-22, 周四 21:27:20

主题: 奇物
作者: ooppiiuu2016-12-25, 周日 09:19:59
咒文精华 出自:Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide.

类型 奇物 
灵光 中等防护系;CL9
位置 无;价格 500gp


需求 制造奇物,法术穿透 消耗 250gp
主题: 背景
作者: mikun2016-12-25, 周日 22:47:26
耐心沉着(Patient Calm) 出自任务与战役(Quests and Campaigns)

Patient Calm
Quests and Campaigns pg. 19
As a child, you struggled to suppress a sharp temper, but the care and patient respect of a trusted community leader rubbed off on you. As you grew older, you developed a remarkable ability to keep calm and collected when performing a task you are familiar with. Choose one Craft or Profession skill. Whenever you take 10 with that skill, determine the result as if you had rolled a 12 instead of a 10.
主题: 两个西安人背景
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2016-12-28, 周三 13:57:49
桥下居民 出自《瓦瑞西亚,传说诞生之地》p21
Underbridge Dweller
Source Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 21 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Varisia - Magnimar
You were raised in the Shadow district of Magnimar beneath the Irespan, a veiled place the light of the sun touches for only 3 hours per day. Your well-founded suspicions grant you a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks in dim light, and Perception is always a class skill for you.

哈罗命定 出自《瓦瑞西亚,传说诞生之地》p8

Harrow Chosen
Source Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 8 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
All your life you’ve been drawn to the mysteries surrounding your family’s harrow deck. You begin play with your family’s heirloom harrow deck. If you use this specific harrow deck as an additional focus component when you cast a divination spell, your caster level is treated as being 2 levels higher. Additionally, twice per week, you can spend 10 minutes consulting this harrow deck on a particular action to gain the effects of the spell augury as a spellcaster of your character level. No one other than you gains these benefits from this harrow deck. If your harrow deck is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. However, by returning to your family, paying 300 gp on materials, and spending 1 week immersed in the songs and stories of your people, you can create a new harrow deck that grants half the benefits of the lost heirloom.
主题: Re: 背景
作者: 星云迷蒙2016-12-31, 周六 14:56:48
长獠牙(Tusked) 出自格拉利昂的兽人( Orcs of Golarion )

主题: 先知诅咒,没什么缺陷也没什么卵用
作者: 丞相2016-12-31, 周六 22:02:08
贪婪(Covetous) 出自《龙之遗产Legacy of Dragons》
    使用魔法装置成为你的本职技能,5级时,你在辨别魔法物品的估价及法术辨识上获得+4的洞察加值。10级时 ,你将鬼斧神工加入法术列表。15级时,将你的先知等级的一半加在对抗盗取战技(Steal, APG)的CMD;以及加在其他人偷取你的物品的巧手DC上。
Covetous (Legacy of Dragons pg. 8): You find yourself drawn to the luster of wealthy living. You must wear fine nonmagical clothing and jewelry worth at least 50 gp + 100 gp per character level you have beyond 1st. If you do not have sufficient wealth to purchase this additional equipment, you feel a strong desire (but are not compelled) to sell existing items or steal from others to obtain it. You are sickened whenever you do not meet this requirement; you are also sickened for 24 hours after anything worth 25 gp x your character level or more is taken from you against your will. Use Magic Device becomes a class skill for you. At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on Appraise checks, Spellcraft checks to identify magic items, and Use Magic Device checks. At 10th level, you add fabricate to your list of spells known. At 15th level, you add half your oracle level to your CMD against stealAPG combat maneuvers and to the DC of Sleight of Hand checks to take items from you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 丞相2017-01-01, 周日 23:33:32
价格:200gp 重量:2磅
工艺(炼金):DC 30
Bottled sunlight
Source Undead Slayer's Handbook
Price 200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Alchemical Tools
As a standard action, this ornate rectangular jar can be vigorously shaken to cause its contents to mix and activate. Once shaken, the contents of the jar shed light as a sunrod for 6 hours. A jar of activated bottled sunlight can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Upon striking a solid object, the bottled sunlight creates a 30-foot-radius burst of natural sunlight that persists for 1 round, after which all light from the jar fades. Throwing an inactive jar of bottled sunlight destroys the item, leaving only a smoldering pile of ashes where it struck. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
主题: 背景
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-01-02, 周一 18:25:53
烈阳之眼(Eyes of the Sun) 出自《沙漠之民 People of the Sands》
分类 种族
需求 人类 - 迦伦德人(Garundi)
效果 你习惯于沙漠烈阳的灼光,它那令人炫目的光辉对你构成不了威胁。在对抗可能使你目眩或目盲的效果时,你在豁免检定中获得+1背景加值。每日一次,当你可能被一个效果目眩或目盲时,你可以将该效果的持续时间减半(至少1轮)。若你已经目眩或目盲,或你具有光线敏感或强光目盲特性,你不能使用本能力。

You are inured to the bright glare of the hot desert sun, and its dazzling rays pose little danger to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against effects that would cause you to become dazzled or blinded, and once per day when you would be dazzled or blinded by an effect, you can reduce the duration of that effect by half (minimum 1 round). You cannot use this ability if you are already dazzled or blinded or if you have the light sensitivity or light blindness special quality.
主题: 背景
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-01-04, 周三 06:24:01
闪避巨人(Giant Dodger) 出自《巨人猎手手册 Giant Hunter's Handbook》
分类 地区
需求 沙漠 - 悬崖,沙漠,河流
效果 你在年轻时曾因闯入巨人的领地或单纯是为了运动而被巨人追击,而这让你学会了如何退开敌人的近旁。你在移出威胁区域时避免借机攻击的特技检定上获得+3加值。

可能地区 卡塔佩什,奥西里昂,卡迪亚,拉哈杜姆,苏比亚

In your youth, you were chased by giants for trespassing—or for sport—and you have learned to evade the reach of your opponents. You gain a +3 bonus on Acrobatics checks to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity when moving out of a threatened space.
主题: 背景
作者: 灯泡powerbult2017-01-06, 周五 00:33:11

都市辅祭(Urban Acolyte) 出自《街道英雄 Heroes of the Streets》
分类 宗教
效果 在城市中长大开阔了你的哲学理念,让你用崭新的方式来理解你神祉的神圣意志。将知识(本地)加入你的本职技能。另外,只要你的神祉能联结到相对应的主领域,你就能使用普通的选取子域规则(APG86页)选择出自街道英雄书中的子域。

Urban Acolyte (Faith): Growing up in a city has broadened your philosophy, and helped you interpret your patron’s divine will in a novel way. You gain Knowledge (local) as a class skill. Additionally, you can select one of the following subdomains using the normal rules for subdomains (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player Guide 86) so long as your deity grants access to its associated domain.
主题: 专长
作者: 灯泡powerbult2017-01-10, 周二 02:44:07
紧急退避(Scuttle) 出自《巨人猎手手册 Giant Hunter's Handbook》



You know how to keep your head down and crawl away undetected by larger foes.
Benefit: You can crawl at half your normal speed and can take a 5-foot step when crawling. When crawling, you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity from opponents that are one or more size categories larger than you.
Normal: You can crawl 5 feet as a move action, and  crawling provokes attacks of opportunity.
主题: 奇物
作者: 梦子2017-01-10, 周二 11:50:47
灵光:变化系     CL:8
占据:头部        价格:8000GP     重量:1磅


PFS Legal Goz Mask
Source Inner Sea World Guide pg. 298 (Amazon)
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot head; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Shortly after the Eye of Abendego began, a fanatical splinter-cult of Gozreh known as the Storm Kindlers flocked to the region, convinced the Eye was a manifestation of the Storm Lord himself. The upper tier of this group created enchanted masks to aid in the navigation of the often storm-lashed swamps. The Storm Kindlers, however, were unprepared for the savagery and evil that had claimed the Sodden Lands, and they and their home were quickly wiped out. Today, many of these distinctive masks remain, now worn by humanoid chieftains and Koboto witch doctors. The masks are often defaced, with the original appearance twisted into a monstrous or demonic visage. Their new owners refer to them as goz masks.

A goz mask allows you to see through fog, smoke, and other obscuring vapors as if they did not exist (this ability functions underwater as well, allowing the wearer to see through thick silt and other aquatic precipitates). Additionally, you are treated as one size category larger than you are and gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws made to resist the effects of wind while wearing a goz mask. A goz mask allows its wearer to breathe water for 1 hour per day—these minutes need not be consecutive, but must be expended in minimum increments of 10 minutes each.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, control winds, water breathing; Cost 4,000 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-01-14, 周六 15:11:46
协会拳尊(Honored Fist of the Society) 出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Honored Fist of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Monk, Pathfinder Society
You have studied dozens of ancient texts on martial arts that only the Society possesses, and are more learned in these arts than most. You increase your ki pool by 1 point.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-01-14, 周六 19:21:25
协会之拳(Honored Fist of the Society) 出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Honored Fist of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Monk, Pathfinder Society
You have studied dozens of ancient texts on martial arts that only the Society possesses, and are more learned in these arts than most. You increase your ki pool by 1 point.


主题: Re: 奇物
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-01-15, 周日 08:20:24
灵光:变化系     CL:8
占据:头部        价格:8000GP     重量:1磅

PFS Legal Goz Mask
Source Inner Sea World Guide pg. 298 (Amazon)
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot head; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Shortly after the Eye of Abendego began, a fanatical splinter-cult of Gozreh known as the Storm Kindlers flocked to the region, convinced the Eye was a manifestation of the Storm Lord himself. The upper tier of this group created enchanted masks to aid in the navigation of the often storm-lashed swamps. The Storm Kindlers, however, were unprepared for the savagery and evil that had claimed the Sodden Lands, and they and their home were quickly wiped out. Today, many of these distinctive masks remain, now worn by humanoid chieftains and Koboto witch doctors. The masks are often defaced, with the original appearance twisted into a monstrous or demonic visage. Their new owners refer to them as goz masks.

A goz mask allows you to see through fog, smoke, and other obscuring vapors as if they did not exist (this ability functions underwater as well, allowing the wearer to see through thick silt and other aquatic precipitates). Additionally, you are treated as one size category larger than you are and gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws made to resist the effects of wind while wearing a goz mask. A goz mask allows its wearer to breathe water for 1 hour per day—these minutes need not be consecutive, but must be expended in minimum increments of 10 minutes each.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, control winds, water breathing; Cost 4,000 gp



Gozreh 哥兹莱
Goz 哥兹
Eye of Abendego 阿本迪戈暴风眼
Storm Kindlers 风暴激发者
Sodden Land 浸漫之地

Goz Mask

Shortly after the Eye of Abendego began,
译注:驴唇不对马嘴。设定中,阿本迪戈暴风眼,是Sodden Land西部海上的一个永不停息的巨型飓风,并没有形成很长时间。

a fanatical splinter-cult of Gozreh known as the Storm Kindlers flocked to the region,

convinced the Eye was a manifestation of the Storm Lord himself.

The upper tier of this group created enchanted masks to aid in the navigation of the often storm-lashed swamps.

The Storm Kindlers, however, were unprepared for the savagery and evil that had claimed the Sodden Lands,

and they and their home were quickly wiped out.

Today, many of these distinctive masks remain,

now worn by humanoid chieftains and Koboto witch doctors.

The masks are often defaced, with the original appearance twisted into a monstrous or demonic visage.

Their new owners refer to them as goz masks.


A goz mask allows you to see through fog, smoke, and other obscuring vapors as if they did not exist (this ability functions underwater as well, allowing the wearer to see through thick silt and other aquatic precipitates).

Additionally, you are treated as one size category larger than you are and gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws made to resist the effects of wind while wearing a goz mask.

A goz mask allows its wearer to breathe water for 1 hour per day—these minutes need not be consecutive, but must be expended in minimum increments of 10 minutes each.

主题: Re: 专长
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-01-15, 周日 09:09:43
部落伤痕 出自北方人民(people of the north)


Tribal Scars
Source People of the North pg. 24 (Amazon)
You endured the grueling coming-of-age rituals of your tribe or following, and proudly bear the scars that grant you the blessings of your tribe’s ancestors or totem.
Prerequisites: Member of a Mammoth Lords tribe or following.

Benefit: You gain 6 hit points. In addition, you gain another benefit, depending on which Mammoth Lords following you belong to.

Bearpelt: You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves and a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Greattusk: You gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to make bull rush or overrun maneuvers and a +2 bonus on Ride checks.
Ice Chasm: You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and a +2 bonus on Climb checks.
Night Hunt: You gain a +2 bonus on Perception and Survival checks.
Raptorscale: Your base land speed increases by 5 feet, and you gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Slothjaw: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks


部落伤痕 出自北方人民(people of the north)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-01-16, 周一 22:45:12
协会之拳(Honored Fist of the Society) 出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Honored Fist of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Monk, Pathfinder Society
You have studied dozens of ancient texts on martial arts that only the Society possesses, and are more learned in these arts than most. You increase your ki pool by 1 point.


不好意思。 。 当时把text看成test了
然后字面意思变成你研究过数十种协会独有的武术测试,然后后面一句就理解成你修行的武术比大多数强了。。。。我的错。 。 明天上电脑就改
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-01-17, 周二 02:43:34
协会之拳(Honored Fist of the Society) 出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Honored Fist of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Monk, Pathfinder Society
You have studied dozens of ancient texts on martial arts that only the Society possesses, and are more learned in these arts than most. You increase your ki pool by 1 point.


不好意思。 。 当时把text看成test了
然后字面意思变成你研究过数十种协会独有的武术测试,然后后面一句就理解成你修行的武术比大多数强了。。。。我的错。 。 明天上电脑就改
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-01-17, 周二 10:04:20
火焰之弧(卡拉什) 出自格拉利昂的人类 PG28(Humans of Golarion)

学派 塑能(火焰)
环位 奥能师2 术士/法师2
施法时间 标准动作
成分  语言, 姿势
距离  近距
目标 一个主要目标加上每3施法者等级额外一个目标(每一个额外目标都需要在主要目标的15英尺内)
持续时间 立即
豁免 反射减半


这个法术会让一道火焰之弧从你指尖迸射而出,燃烧附近的敌人。它造成每CL 1d6点火焰伤害 (最高10d6)。对于每个额外的目标施放的火弧则会伤害骰减半(下舍)。因此,在你施法者等级9的时候,你的火焰之弧对主要目标造成9d6火焰伤害,对次要目标造成4d6火焰伤害,然后对下一个额外目标造成2d6火焰伤害。
Burning Arc (Keleshite)
Source Humans of Golarion pg. 28 (Amazon)
School evocation [fire]; Level arcanist 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one primary target plus one additional target/3 levels (each of which must be within 15 ft. of the primary target)
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
Keleshites brag that they stole this spell from genie-kind thousands of years ago while other civilizations struggled without fire.

This spell causes an arc of flame to leap from your fingers, burning a number of enemies nearby. It deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). For every additional target the discharge arcs to, reduce the number of damage dice by half (rounded down). Therefore, at 9th level, your burning arc deals 9d6 points of fire damage to the primary target, then 4d6 points of fire damage to a secondary target, then 2d6 points of fire damage to an additional target.

Each target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. The Reflex DC to halve the damage of the secondary bolts is 2 lower than the DC to halve the damage of the primary bolt. You may choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 15 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum.
主题: 职业
作者: boss old2017-01-19, 周四 20:08:41


暗夜疾行(Occult Realms pg. 16):
  催眠师能当受术者进入一个昏暗或黑暗光照等级区域时触发这个诡计。受术者可以在一轮中以两倍于他的正常速度移动(normal speed )【通过该诡计获得的最高额外移动速度为额外30尺】,但这次移动必须通过昏暗或者黑暗光照等级区域。此外,受术者可以用他的正常速度移动并且使用从这个诡计中获得的额外移动速度在黑暗光照等级区域移动,即使他无法视物。【翻译者的疑问:有点奇怪的是最后一句话不知道是说,如果受术者用完了这个诡计送的额外移速之后然后就要回到半速黑暗的状态。还是说可以这一轮一直可以两倍速黑暗区域移动呢。文中说“use the bonus speed ”这里我个人认为是应该是这个诡计给了你一个“在黑暗里正常移动30尺以下的移动力”所以当你用完了这个移动力后就只剩下了你自身正常的移动力,那么你就不能继续在黑暗里正常速度移动。但是翻译者对于这个and的起的作用没看懂,所以请使用或者查看者提出你们的翻译指导】
 Fleet in Shadows (Occult Realms pg. 16): The mesmerist can trigger this trick whenever the target enters an area with dim or darker light. The subject can move double its normal speed (up to an additional 30 feet) for 1 round, but only while moving through areas of dim or darker light. Additionally, the subject can move at its normal speed and use the bonus speed from this trick in areas of total darkness, even if it cannot see.

共享感官(Occult Origins pg. 12)(原文为eyes不过根据后文提到see and hear everything 故翻译为感官):
Chain of Eyes(Occult Origins pg. 12): The subject can share her senses with the mesmerist. The mesmerist triggers chain of eyes by closing his eyes and concentrating on the implanted subject, allowing the mesmerist to see and hear everything the target experiences with her own senses of sight and hearing (including any special senses or magical effects). Once triggered, chain of eyes lasts for 1 minute per mesmerist level or until the mesmerist shifts his field of vision back to himself as a free action. While viewing events from the target’s perspective, the mesmerist is flat-footed, even if he can see himself from another perspective.

解放(直译为脱离束缚 此处使用意译)(Occult Origins pg. 12):
  当被埋入这个诡计时,受术者获得+2的环境加值在逃脱技能检定上。如果受术者被擒抱,压制,捆绑或者其他类型的个人束缚效果(personally restrained是什么类型..),催眠师可以触发这个诡计并且使得受术者在足以逃脱束缚的时间里变为虚体。(除非束缚者可以用其他的方式束缚一个虚体的生物)这个效果不能使得目标穿过墙或者其他的障碍。当催眠师到达12级,受术者将变为虚体直到下一轮催眠师的回合开始
Slip Bonds(Occult Origins pg. 12): While implanted with this trick, the subject gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks. If the subject becomes grappled, pinned, shackled, or otherwise personally restrained, the mesmerist can trigger the trick and cause the subject to become incorporeal just long enough to slip her bonds (unless they can otherwise restrain an incorporeal creature). This effect doesn’t last long enough for the subject to move through walls or other barriers. If the mesmerist is 12th level, the subject remains incorporeal until the beginning of the mesmerist’s next turn.
主题: 职业变体
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-01-24, 周二 12:23:19


Relics (Su): A relic channeler begins with one relic for each of the six spirit legends. Each relic corresponds to a specific spirit, and could be any type of psychically resonant item—from a runestone with a symbol related to that spirit to a bone remnant from a legendary hero. Once a relic channeler selects a choice for taboos and spirit powers (such as archmage arcana and legendary champion), those choices remain in effect every time she channels that legend; unlike normal mediums, she can't select a different option each time. A relic channeler can't choose to channel a weaker spirit to reduce her influence from spirit surge. She doesn't need to find an appropriate location to channel her spirits, since she can simply use her relics. If she loses one of her relics, she is incapable of channeling that legend until she recovers the relic. If the relic is destroyed, the relic channeler can use her strong bond with the spirit of that relic to forge a new relic for that spirit from her own essence. The process takes 1 week of intense seances and 500 gp per medium level she possesses. This ability alters spirit.


Powerful Bond (Su): Because of habitually channeling the same spirits and possessing physical links to the spirits' former lives and legends, a relic channeler possesses a strong bond with her spirits. She receives the benefit of the Alertness feat whenever she is suffering a spirit's influence penalty. She chooses two spells of each level with the archmage arcana and divine surge spirit powers instead of one, two exotic weapon proficiencies with champion's prowess instead of one, three combat feats with legendary champion instead of two, and three skills with trickster's edge instead of two. This ability alters spirit.

Object Reading (Su): At 3rd level, a relic channeler gains the occultist's object reading ability, substituting her medium level for her occultist level for this ability. This ability replaces haunt channeler.

Apport Relic (Su): At 5th level, a relic channeler can call one of her relics to her once per day as though she had cast apport object* on it and was mentally completing the spell. Furthermore, if the relic channeler gains the apport object spell, she can use it to receive her relics without casting it on them in advance in the same way. The range at which the relic channeler can apport her relics (both with this ability and the spell) increases by an additional 5 feet for every 2 levels she possesses beyond 5th. This ability replaces location channel.


Connection Specialty (Sp): At 7th level, a relic channeler gains connection channel and can use that ability as a normal medium, despite not possessing location channel. She requires familiarity to use this ability, even if she is in an appropriate location. This ability alters connection channel.



Channel Self (Su): A reanimated medium is essentially a bodiless spirit using influence to possess his own spiritless body. "The reanimated medium" refers to this spirit. Unlike a normal medium, a reanimated medium becomes more powerful the more influence it has over its body. Each day, the reanimated medium can perform a seance at a location as normal to focus on one of his potential future legends. He channels that legendary potential as strongly as possible into his body. The spirit gains 3 points of influence over his body, to a maximum of 6 points. Since he is his own possessing spirit, he doesn't lose control at 5 or more points of influence, though he still suffers the legend's influence penalty as normal at 3 or more points of influence. All effects and abilities that normally increase or decrease influence (such as spirit surge and spirit powers) have the opposite effect on a reanimated medium (for instance, propitiation increases influence by 1 point and spirit surge reduces influence by 1 point); this does not apply to the new abilities from the reanimated medium archetype. A reanimated medium can't choose to channel a weaker spirit to avoid losing influence from using spirit surge. The body of a reanimated medium who reaches 0 points of influence enters a deathlike coma and is helpless for 24 hours, after which the reanimated medium reverts to 1 point of influence if the body is still alive, but can't perform a seance for another 24 hours.

A character who selects the reanimated medium archetype after 1st level can do so only after dying; at the GM's discretion, a dead character of another class with an intact body who has earned enough experience points to level up can take a level in medium and gain the reanimated medium archetype, and a dead medium might be able to gain this archetype. In any case, being revived from gaining the reanimated medium archetype does not impart any negative levels or other ill effects.

This ability alters spirit.
主题: 又一个西安人背景
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-01-24, 周二 17:32:53
瓦瑞西亚刺青 出自《瓦瑞西亚,传说诞生之地》

Varisian Tattoo
Source Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 8 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
You bear the elaborate tattoos of your people, marking you as a free son or daughter of the road. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Additionally, you are proficient with bladed scarves and starknives.
主题: 专长
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-01-24, 周二 17:55:41
传奇影响 出自《极限诡道》

Legendary Influence
Each legend grants your more of its power in return for greater influence.
prerequisite:Lesser spirit powerOA class feature
Benefit:Immediately select one feat(other than an item creation feat)for each spirit you can channel.Whenever you perform a seance to channel a spirit, you can allow the spirit to gain 1 point of influence over you to gain access to that spirit’s legendary influence feat for as long as you channel that spirit. You can use this bonus feat as a prerequisite for any feats granted by a spirit power(such as the champion’s legendary champion ability), but not for other feats.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 绿龙2017-02-01, 周三 11:25:42
虚幻杀手(Ghostslayer)专长 出自《驅靈英雄手冊》Haunted Heroes Handbook


Ghostslayer (Combat)

Your blade is keen enough to hew incorporeal creatures.

Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +1, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank.

Benefit(s): As a swift action, you can imbue a weapon you wield with spiritual energies for 1 round. An imbued weapon damages incorporeal creatures as though it were magical. If the imbued weapon has an enhancement bonus of +2 or greater, it functions as a ghost touch weapon.

A weapon imbued in this way can deal precision damage (such as sneak attack damage) to incorporeal creatures.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 绿龙2017-02-01, 周三 12:12:54
灵魂打击(Soulwrecking Strike ) 出自《驅靈英雄手冊》Haunted Heroes Handbook

Soulwrecking Strike (Combat)

Your strikes are so powerful that they harm both your target and any force possessing it.

Prerequisite(s): Vital Strike, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit(s): Whenever you use the attack action against a creature that is possessed, both the creature and any creature possessing it are damaged by your attack (the amount of damage includes your weapon’s damage dice, your Strength modifier, weapon special abilities, and so on). The possessing creature can attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your base attack bonus + your Charisma modifier) to halve the damage. Damage Reduction applies normally against this attack, but incorporeal creatures take full damage from this attack as if they were corporeal.
主题: 手部
作者: mikun2017-02-03, 周五 02:19:04
撕扯护手(Gauntlets of Rending) 出自怪物志(Monster Codex)
灵光:微弱塑能系 CL:5
位置:手部价格:8000gp 重量:4磅
效果:这个笨重的巨大护手,在手掌和手指上镶有邪恶的锯齿状钉。 穿戴者在其爪抓伤害上获得+2加值; 在撕扯时,穿戴者每个参加撕扯的爪抓都会提供一次伤害加值。手套的粗糙结构和厚重的金属使得佩戴者难以执行精细操纵。 因此,穿戴者用手完成各项基于敏捷的技能检定时受到-4的减值。

Gauntlets of Rending
Source Monster Codex pg. 225 (Amazon)
Aura faint evocation CL 5th
Slot hands; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
These Large gauntlets are bulky, and the palms and fingers are studded with wickedly serrated spikes. The wearer gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls with its claw attacks; the wearer adds this bonus damage once for each claw attack used in a rend. The crude construction and thick metal used in the gauntlets make it difficult for the wearer to perform fine manipulation. Consequently, the wearer takes a –4 penalty on all Dexterity-based checks involving her hands.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic weapon; Price 4,000 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 绿龙2017-02-03, 周五 21:36:11
捕鼠者(Rat Catcher ) 出自《街道英雄》


Rat Catcher (Combat)

You have a great deal of experience dealing with the subterranean pests common in cities.

Prerequisite(s): Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit(s): You gain a +1 dodge bonus against attacks made by creatures at least two size categories smaller than yourself, and gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against such creatures. Additionally, you take only half damage from swarm attacks, and as a full-round action can make a single attack with a natural or bludgeoning weapon against an adjacent swarm. If the attack hits, you deal half damage to the target, even if the swarm is small enough to normally be immune to such attacks.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-02-03, 周五 22:41:43
捕鼠者(Rat Catcher ) 出自《街道英雄》


Rat Catcher (Combat)

You have a great deal of experience dealing with the subterranean pests common in cities.

Prerequisite(s): Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit(s): You gain a +1 dodge bonus against attacks made by creatures at least two size categories smaller than yourself, and gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against such creatures. Additionally, you take only half damage from swarm attacks, and as a full-round action can make a single attack with a natural or bludgeoning weapon against an adjacent swarm. If the attack hits, you deal half damage to the target, even if the swarm is small enough to normally be immune to such attacks.

You have a great deal of experience dealing with the subterranean pests common in cities.

You gain a +1 dodge bonus against attacks made by creatures at least two size categories smaller than yourself

and gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against such creatures.

and as a full-round action can make a single attack with a natural or bludgeoning weapon against an adjacent swarm.

If the attack hits, you deal half damage to the target, even if the swarm is small enough to normally be immune to such attacks.
主题: 法术
作者: ooppiiuu2017-02-04, 周六 15:59:44
Undead Slayer's Handbook
学派 咒法(创造)[力场]
环位 法师/术士 3, 奥能师 3, 审判者 2, 魔战士 2, 召唤师 2
施法时间 标准动作
成分 语言 姿势 材料(一颗扭弯的钉子)
范围 中距
效果 一个力场锚
持续时间 1轮/等级
豁免 无;法抗 有

主题: 战争祭祀祝福
作者: 2017-02-05, 周日 11:50:24
Source: 进化職業起源 Advanced Class Origins pg. 25

鳞兽祝福 Scalykind Blessing

Scalykind Blessing
Source Advanced Class Origins pg. 25
Deities: Apsu, Dahak, Ragadahn, Ydersius.
Scaly Touch (minor): At 1st level, you can touch an ally as a standard action to grant it reptilian scales. For 1 minute, the ally gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural armor. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).
Serpent Fang (major): At 10th level, as a standard action you can manifest venomous fangs for 1 minute. These fangs grant a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage (for a Medium warpriest, 1d3 if Small). A successful bite also afflicts the opponent with a debilitating venom. The poison's save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your warpriest level + your Constitution modifier.
Serpent Venom (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort negates; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 1 save.
主题: 法术
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-02-07, 周二 03:45:11
塞伦迅捷着甲术(Serren's Swift Girding)  出自《内海骑士 Knights of the Inner Sea》


With a sweep of your hand, you select a number of targets and the same number of suits of armor. The targets of this spell are immediately clad in the armor that you choose. The subjects of the spell must be capable of wearing the chosen armor, cannot be wearing other armor, and must be able to properly fit into the chosen armor. The chosen armor must be empty and cannot be currently worn by another creature (thus you cannot move armor from one wearer to another with this spell). Creatures armored with this spell are considered to have donned the armor properly.
主题: 炼金药
作者: 白药君2017-02-08, 周三 14:18:31
呼吸水晶(Air crystals)出自《探索者协会外勤指南 Pathfinder Society Field Guide 48页》

Air crystals
Source Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg. 48 (Amazon)
Price 50 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Remedies
These unpleasant-tasting, alchemically grown crystals release breathable air when chewed. A pouch of air crystals provides 1 minute of breathable air. Placing air crystals in your mouth takes a standard action; chewing them each round is a free action. Any attempt to speak while chewing air crystals negates any remaining duration.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 酒蒸烧带鱼2017-02-08, 周三 17:02:28
护身符,高等(Talisman, Greater)  出自《异能冒险》 (Occult Adventure) 与 《Horror Adventure》

Occult Adventure
Horror Adventure
位置:颈部 CL:可变 重量:1磅
灵光:可变 制造需求:制造奇物,其他法术(见描述)

A greater talisman functions as a lesser talisman of the same type, but has much greater longevity. It can provide its benefits once per day.

护身符,次等(Talisman, Lesser)  出自《异能冒险》 (Occult Adventure) 与 《Horror Adventure》

Occult Adventure
Horror Adventure
位置:颈部 CL:可变 重量:1磅
灵光:可变 制造需求:制造奇物,其他法术(见描述)

These amulets are imbued with magic that allows them to protect their wearer against a very specific danger. A talisman triggers automatically as soon as the listed condition is fulfilled. Although talismans occupy the neck slot, up to three talismans can be worn on one cord or chain. Wearing multiple talismans in this way offers a greater variety of protection, but a wearer can benefit from only one talisman’s effect at a time. If another talisman would be triggered while its wearer is under the effect of another talisman, that talisman is not triggered and can still be used later.
A lesser talisman carries only enough magical energy to protect its wearer once, after which it crumbles to dust.
箭矢防护OA:这些护身符上雕刻着一位殉身圣人的名字和徽记,据说它曾经在被九十九支箭矢射中之后仍然存活,最终被第一百支箭所杀死。当佩戴者第一次在一轮中被两次或更多的远程攻击命中,他会自动受到防护箭矢的影响。灵光:微弱防护系;CL 3;防护箭矢。
Talisman of Arrow Protection: These talismans bear the insignia and name of a martyred saint, who was said to have survived being shot by 99 arrows, only to be slain by the hundredth. The first time that the wearer is hit by two or more ranged attacks in a single round, he is immediately affected by protection from arrows. Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; protection from arrows.
祝福之风OA:这些护身符上雕刻着四象之风的秘名,并且会在长距离的坠落中保护佩戴者。当佩戴者第一次坠落了至少5尺时,他会自动受到羽落术的影响。灵光:微弱变化系;CL 1;羽落术。
Talisman of Beneficial Winds: These talismans are inscribed with the secret names of the four winds, and protect the wearer against long falls. The first time that the wearer falls at least 5 feet, he is automatically affected by feather fall. Faint transmutation; CL 1st; feather fall.
危险探知OA:这些护身符上雕刻着凶猛的食肉动物的描述。当佩戴者第一次进行先攻检定时,她会立即受到预知危险UM的影响。灵光:微弱预言系;CL 5;预知危险UM
Talisman of Danger Sense: These talismans are inscribed with depictions of predatory animals. The first time the wearer rolls initiative, she is immediately affected by anticipate peril. Faint divination; CL 5th; anticipate perilUM.
自由OA:这些护身符上雕刻着与自由和解放相关的精魂与其他形象的名字。当佩戴者第一次进入被擒抱,被纠缠,或者麻痹状态时,他会自动受到行动自如的影响,持续3轮。灵光:中等防护系;CL 7;行动自如。
Talisman of Freedom: These talismans are inscribed with the names of spirits and other figures associated with freedom and liberation. The first time that the wearer becomes grappled, entangled, or paralyzed, he is automatically affected by freedom of movement for 3 rounds. Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; freedom of movement.
好运OA:这些护身符上雕刻着象征好运的符号,并从厄运中保护佩戴者。当佩戴者第一次在一次d20检定(例如在一次属性检定,攻击检定,豁免检定,或者技能检定)中自然投骰结果为1时,他可以立即重骰并使用新的结果代替。灵光:中等惑控系;CL 7;强大希望。
Talisman of Good Fortune: These talismans are inscribed with symbols of good luck, and protect the wearer against bad fortune. The first time that the wearer rolls a natural 1 on a d20 roll (such as on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check), he can immediately roll again and take the new result instead. Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; good hope.
治愈之力OA:这些护身符上雕刻着与治疗相关的精魂与其他形象的名字。当佩戴者第一次生命值被降低到他最大生命值的一半以下时,它自动治疗4d8+7点生命值。灵光:中等咒法系;CL 7;治疗致命伤。
Talisman of Healing Power: These talismans are inscribed with the names and symbols of spirits and other figures associated with healing. The first time that the wearer is reduced to fewer than 1/2 his maximum hit points, he automatically heals 4d8+7 hit points. Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; cure critical wounds.
生命之息OA:这些护身符上雕刻着象征生命与死亡的符文符号,以及其他与赐予生命力量紧密相关的精魂和其他形象的名字。当佩戴者第一次死亡时,他会自动受到生命之息的影响。灵光:中等咒法系;CL 9;生命之息。
Talisman of Life’s Breath: These talismans bear runic symbols of life and vitality, as well as the names of spirits and other figures that are closely associated with life-giving energies. The first time that the wearer dies, he is automatically affected by breath of life. Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; breath of life.
火焰防护OA:这些护身符上雕刻着被圆圈、三角或者其他形状所包围的火焰,以此来表现被控制住的火焰。当佩戴者第一次在一轮中承受5点或更多火焰伤害时,他会自动受到防护能量伤害的影响,这会保护他免受剩余的火焰伤害。保护其他类型元素类型的护身符远没有此护身符常见。灵光:微弱防护系;CL 5;防护能量伤害。
Talisman of Protection from Flames: These talismans bear symbols of fire and flames, surrounded by circles, triangles, or other shapes to show the flames as being contained. The first time that the wearer takes 5 or more points of fire damage in a single round, he is automatically affected by protection from energy, which protects him from subsequent fire damage. Talismans that protect against other energy types are much less common. Faint abjuration; CL 5th; protection from energy.
封锁召唤OA:这些护身符上雕刻着通常在束缚异界生物时使用的复杂的封印和符号。当佩戴者第一次被邪恶召唤生物的天生武器攻击命中时,佩戴者会自动受到防护邪恶的影响。这个护符的其他版本,分别影响混乱、守序、和善良召唤生物的,远没有此护身符常见。灵光:微弱防护系;CL 1;防护邪恶。
Talisman of Sealed Summons: These talismans bear intricate seals and symbols often used in the binding of outsiders. The first time that the wearer is hit by a natural attack from an evil summoned creature, the wearer is automatically affected by protection from evil. Other versions of this talisman, which affect chaotic, lawful, and good summoned creatures, are much less common. Faint abjuration; CL 1st; protection from evil.
勇士胆魄OA:这些护身符上雕刻着强大而无畏的战士的名字,以及象征力量与战斗能力的符号。当佩戴者第一次将要获得惊惧或者恐慌状态时,他会改为获得战栗状态。灵光:微弱防护系;CL 1;移除恐惧。
Talisman of Warrior’s Courage: These talismans bear the names of mighty and fearless warriors and symbols of power and martial prowess. The first time that the wearer would gain the frightened or panicked condition, he gains the shaken condition instead. Faint abjuration; CL 1st; remove fear.
阿克本HA:这个用黒木制作的护身符被雕刻成了一个战争号角的形状。当佩戴者在对抗一次令其睡眠的法术或者效果中失败的时候,他会立即获得第二次豁免机会。如果他在第二次豁免中成功了,号角会发出一段只有佩戴者可以听到的洪亮警报声。佩戴者获得耳聋状态并因声音在他的精神中回响而免疫睡眠一轮。灵光:微弱防护系;CL 3;警报术;刺耳尖啸UM
Akoben Talisman: This ebony talisman is carved in the shape of a war horn. When the wearer fails a saving throw against a spell or effect that causes him to fall asleep, he immediately receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the horn sounds a loud warning that only the wearer can hear. The wearer becomes deafened and immune to sleep for 1 round as the sound echoes in his mind. Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; alarm, ear-piercing screamUM.
安可HA:这是一个顶端为圆圈的十字架。当一个生物将它作为护符佩戴时,它会发出温和的金色光芒。当佩戴者被具有能量吸取能力的生物击中时,他会获得一次豁免来取消能量吸取,使用能力所列出的DC(一般是决定临时负向等级是否会变成永久的)。如果该生物的能量吸取能力初始有一次豁免检定,如果佩戴者在初始的豁免检定中失败了,护符会给予佩戴者第二次豁免的机会。如果他在护符给予的豁免中成功了,护符会释放出一股爆发的力场,自动命中攻击者(如同充能之拳OA)。灵光:中等死灵系;CL 7;防死结界,充能之拳OA
Ankh Talisman: This cross has a loop at the top. When a living creature wears it as a talisman, it radiates a soft, golden glow. When the wearer is hit by a creature with the energy drain ability, he receives a saving throw to negate the energy drain, using the DC listed for the ability (which usually determines whether temporary negative levels become permanent). If the creature’s energy drain allows an initial saving throw, the talisman grants a second saving throw if the wearer fails his initial saving throw. If he succeeds at the saving throw granted by the talisman, the talisman releases a blast of force that automatically hits the attacker (as per force punchOA). Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; death ward, force punchOA.
哈姆萨HA:一只坚毅的眼睛装饰在这个手形的粘土护符上。当佩戴者在一次对抗女巫的巫术,具有诅咒UM描述符的法术或者类法术能力,或者鬼婆的超自然能力的豁免检定中失败,他会获得第二次豁免检定。如果他在第二次豁免检定中成功,以他为目标的生物必须成功通过一次相同DC的豁免检定,否则就会承受相同的效果。这个护符对于没有豁免检定的法术和效果没有效果。灵光:强烈防护系;CL 13;移除诅咒,法术反转。
Hamsa Talisman: A stern eye adorns the palm of this hand-shaped clay talisman. When the wearer fails a saving throw against a witch’s hex, a spell or spell-like ability with the curseUM descriptor, or a hag’s supernatural ability, he can attempt a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the creature that targeted him must succeed at a saving throw using the same DC or suffer the effect. The talisman has no effect on spells and effects that don’t allow a saving throw. Strong abjuration; CL 13th; remove curse, spell turning.
五芒星HA:这个圆形的银质护身符上雕刻着一个泛着蓝色光芒的五角星。当邪恶生物使用魔魂壶、占据术OA或类似的效果,或者使用允许该生物对佩戴者实施控制的魅惑及胁迫的法术或者效果(例如暗示术,不包括睡眠术)。如果该法术或者效果允许一次豁免检定并且佩戴者在豁免中失败,他会获得第二次豁免检定。如果他在第二次豁免检定中成功,佩戴者会受到防护邪恶的保护,持续5轮。灵光:微弱防护系;CL 1;防护邪恶。
Pentacle Talisman: The five-pointed star carved on this round silver talisman glows blue whenever an evil creature targets the wearer with magic jar, possessionOA, or a similar effect, or with a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over the wearer (such as suggestion, but not sleep). If the spell or effect allows a saving throw and the wearer fails it, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer is also protected by protection from evil for 5 rounds. Faint abjuration; CL 1st; protection from evil.
圣甲虫HA:这个紫水晶项链雕刻成了一个甲虫的形状。当佩戴者在一次对抗集群的毒素或者扰乱心神能力的豁免中失败,他可以尝试第二次豁免检定。如果他在第二次豁免中成功,佩戴者免疫集群的毒素和扰乱心神效果,持续5轮。灵光:微弱咒法系;CL 3;飞虫走兽。
Scarab Talisman: This amethyst necklace is carved in the shape of a scarab beetle. When the wearer fails a saving throw against a swarm’s poison or distraction ability, he can attempt a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer becomes immune to the poison and distraction abilities of swarms for 5 rounds. Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; summon swarm.
三曲枝HA:这个铜制的护符上雕刻着三个相互连锁的螺旋形。当佩戴者在一次对抗可能令他纠缠、麻痹、缓慢的效果的豁免中失败时,他会获得第二次豁免检定。如果他在第二次豁免检定中成功,佩戴者会受到大步奔行效果,持续5轮。灵光:微弱变化系;CL 3;大步奔行,移除麻痹。
Triskelion Talisman: This bronze talisman is carved in the shape of three interlocking spirals. When the wearer fails a saving throw against an effect that would cause him to become entangled, paralyzed, or slowed, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer instead gains the benefits of longstrider for 5 rounds. Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; longstrider, remove paralysis.
主题: 黑市物品
作者: 白药君2017-02-15, 周三 21:17:00
空耳(Clear ear) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Clear%20ear) 出自《冒险家的武器库  Adventurer's Armory 19页》

Clear ear
Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 15gp; Weight —
Category Black Market
This green gel is poured into the user’s ear and takes effect 2 hours later, enhancing senses and memory but increasing irritability. For 6 hours, the user gains a +2 alchemical bonus on Perception and Knowledge checks and a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2017-02-16, 周四 04:25:38
英灵向导(Guiding Spirit) 出自《驱灵英雄手册(Haunted Heroes Handbook)》


Few understand the medium’s willingness to harbor powerful spirits, but even if you aren’t one of these talented few, you’ve always identified with their abilities. You’ve always felt that you were not alone in this world and that a mysterious guiding spirit watches over you with singular focus. You may have briefly glimpsed this strange spirit—or maybe you simply feel its presence in times of need. Once per day as a swift action, you can look to your guiding spirit for advice. The next time you roll a d20 in that same round, roll twice and pick the better result. If one of these two rolls is a natural 20, you can use this ability again that same day.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2017-02-16, 周四 19:50:19
感召(Called) 出自《任务与战役(Quests & Campaigns)》



Your deity or a powerful spirit spoke to you when you were young, dropping cryptic hints about the important destiny that lay before you and how you must win your fights if you are to achieve your predetermined greatness. Once per day upon rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll, you may reroll the die and take the second result instead.

Suggested Characters: Oracles, paladins, Ulfen.

主题: 黑市物品
作者: 白药君2017-02-21, 周二 00:50:57
单身鼻烟(Bachelor snuff) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bachelor%20snuff) 出自《冒险家的武器库  Adventurer's Armory 19页》

Bachelor snuff
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 1 gp; Weight —
Category Black Market
If inhaled through the nose, this sootysmelling golden powder renders humanoid males temporarily sterile without otherwise affecting their performance. A dose typically lasts 1–3 days. Long-term users of bachelor snuff tend to develop a slight, but still noticeable, gilded tinge to their teeth and nails.
主题: 黑市物品
作者: 白药君2017-02-21, 周二 01:14:06
一夜茶(Night tea) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Night%20tea) 出自《冒险家的武器库  Adventurer's Armory 19页》

Night tea
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 1 sp; Weight —
Category Black Market
This frothy tea made from the bone-white, triangular leaves of the night tea plant renders a humanoid female sterile if drunk every day. In high doses, it may be able to end a pregnancy.
主题: 冒险装备
作者: 白药君2017-02-21, 周二 11:58:57
热能石(Heatstone) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Heatstone) 出自《内海世界指南  Inner Sea World Guide 293页》

Source Inner Sea World Guide pg. 293
Price 20 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Adventuring Gear
Alchemically treated to enhance their natural heat-generating properties, these round or ovoid stones of volcanic glass provide enough heat to keep chambers warm in the coldest winter. One heatstone keeps a 20-foot-square area comfortably warm even in extreme cold (below –20° F), or a 40-foot-square area in severe cold (between –20° F and 0° F). A single heatstone is activated by striking it against any hard surface, after which point it continues to provide heat for 24 hours. An active heatstone does not give off enough heat to cook food or cause damage.
主题: 精灵种族特性替换(Alternate Racial Traits)
作者: 2017-02-23, 周四 12:48:13
该特性取代敏锐感官 Replaces Keen Senses

龍類領事——出自《龙之遗产Legacy of Dragons pg. 10》
精靈侍奉其陪伴的龍,受訓以協助並代表他們的龍類盟友。 有此種族特性的精靈在交涉和知識(奧術)檢定上獲得+1加值。 该特性取代敏锐感官。

Draconic Consular
Source Legacy of Dragons pg. 10
Elves serving in the company of dragons are trained to assist and represent their draconic allies. Elves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (arcana) checks. This racial trait replaces keen senses.
主题: 魔法背景-穿刺法术
作者: 鬼鬼莫名2017-02-24, 周五 12:50:29
Stabbing Spells
Source Arcane Anthology pg. 10
Aroden wrote much about ways to use weapons to enhance magic’s effectiveness, and you have taken to heart the insights gleaned from his words. Whenever you strike a foe with a weapon, you gain a +2 trait bonus on caster level checks to overcome that foe’s spell resistance until the end of your next turn.

主题: 防具附魔
作者: 灯泡powerbult2017-02-24, 周五 21:33:57
心智点Mental Focus 出自护甲大师手册p26(Armor master’s Handbook )
灵光:塑能系 CL:5

需求:制造魔法武器与防具,灵器触发术(Talismanic Implement)OA
PRICE 3,000 GP
AURA evocation CL 5th
Armor enhanced with the mental focus special ability grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus on concentration checks. If the wearer has the mental focusOA occultist class feature, once per day he can also spend 1 hour attuning himself to the armor to gain 1 additional point of mental focus. This point of mental focus is lost if the armor is removed. The mental focus special ability can be applied only to medium armor.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 1,500 GP Craft Magic Arms and Armor, talismanic implementOA
主题: 武器
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-03-01, 周三 19:22:35
异种武器:围巾刃 出自内海世界指南《ISWG》
双手近战武器 花费【12gp】 伤害(s)【1d4】 伤害(m)【1d6】 重击【*2】 射程【-】重量【2lb】 类型【挥砍】 特殊【卸武,摔拌】


Bladed Scarf: Knowing that seductive performances can bring out the worst in watchers, some Varisians craft rows of razor-sharp blades into their scarves. The skill required in using such scarves effectively and not revealing their deadly nature makes them exotic weapons. If you are proficient with a bladed scarf, you deal 1d4 points of slashing damage to any creature that makes a successful grapple check against you while you wield the scarf. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with a bladed scarf sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: snowknight2017-03-09, 周四 00:18:48

异种武器:龙枪(超长枪、萨里沙长枪、马其顿方阵长枪) 出自巨人猎手手册《Giant Hunter's Handbook》
双手近战武器 花费【12gp】 伤害(s)【1d6】 伤害(m)【1d8】 重击【*3】 射程【-】重量【12lb】 类型【穿刺】 特殊【迎击,长武】


Source: Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. 24 (Amazon)
Cost 12 gp Weight 12 lbs.
Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium); Critical x3; Range —; Type P; Special brace, reach, see text
This spearlike weapon is about 15 feet long. Its unwieldy length is counterbalanced by a heavy brass base. A sarissa provides extended reach—tripling your reach rather than doubling it. A Medium wielder would threaten spaces 10 to 15 feet away, but not adjacent squares or squares 5 to 10 feet away (as with a typical reach weapon). Because of its great length and weight, a sarissa can be used to attack foes in only one direction each round. You must select a cone each round before you make any attacks with the sarissa. The weapon threatens only foes within this cone and within its extended reach. You can’t change the area you threaten with the sarissa until your next turn. While you carry the sarissa pointed upward (typical for overland movement), you threaten only squares in the sarissa’s reach in a cone pointed upward.
主题: 背景
作者: 鬼鬼莫名2017-03-11, 周六 01:27:02


Cheat Death
Source Pirates of the Inner Sea pg. 27
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Besmara
Even Besmara's most faithful worshipers usually call upon her only in times of greatest need. Sometimes Besmara intervenes on behalf of her faithful; other times, she turns her face away as they sink beneath the waves. Once per day, when you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points as a result of a failed ability check, skill check, or saving throw on your part, you may invoke this ability in order to reroll the failed check. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse than the original.
主题: 背景
作者: 2017-03-13, 周一 12:06:56
自由鬥士(安多安)   PS. 这是第三个同样叫作自由鬥士的背景……
出自《内海海盗 pg. 5》

Freedom Fighter (Andoran)
Source Pirates of the Inner Sea pg. 5
Requirement(s) Andoran
You’ve developed a reputation as a privateer who fights for freedom. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. This bonus becomes a –2 penalty when dealing with slavers or those who support the slave trade. Diplomacy becomes a class skill for you.
主题: 背景
作者: 左手握镰2017-03-13, 周一 18:18:43
名门望族(Pristine Reputation) 出自《神圣的选集》(Divine Anthology)

Balanced Education
Source Divine Anthology pg.19
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Shizuru
You come from an especially esteemed family, religious order, school, or other group that worships Shizuru, and draw upon that tradition to maintain your identity. The first time each day that you fail a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect, you can reroll that saving throw. If you do so, you gain a +2 trait bonus on this roll and use this result as the actual result for that saving throw.
主题: Re: 种族替换能力
作者: 諾莉莉2017-03-18, 周六 17:28:30
半身人种族替换能力 出自《街道英雄Heros of the Streets》

足下閃避者(Underfoot Dodger):對住在城市的半身人而言,人群不視為困難地形,並在進行特技檢定穿越比自己大的敵人的佔據空間時獲得+5加值。此能力替换無畏和武器熟悉。

Underfoot Dodger (Su): City-dwelling halflings do not treat crowd squares as difficult terrain and they gain a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through the spaces of larger foes. This racial trait replaces fearless and weapon familiarity.
主题: Re: 法术
作者: 猪之哀伤2017-03-20, 周一 17:26:47
利刃风暴 出自Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands

学派 咒法(创造)
等级 牧师3,法师/术士2,魔战2

施法时间 标准动作
成分 语言 姿势 材料(一把剑)

距离 近距(25英尺+5英尺 /2施法者等级)
目标 一个生物
持续时间 立即
豁免 无   法术抗力


Storm of Blades
School conjuration (creation); Level cleric 3, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a sword)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no   
You create floating swords of the type used as the material component for this spell (such as a rapier or scimitar) and magically propel them at your target. You can create one sword for every 2 caster levels that you possess, up to a maximum of five swords at 10th level. You must have line of effect between you and the target, and the target must be within the spell’s range. You make a ranged attack roll for each sword (with no penalties for range increments or using melee weapons as ranged weapons); each attack has the same threat range and critical modifier and deals the same damage as a standard sword of the type expended. Swords created by this spell disappear after striking (or missing) their targets.

主题: 侏儒种族特性替换(Gnomes Alternate Racial Traits)
作者: 2017-03-26, 周日 14:52:59
出自《街道英雄Heroes of the Streets pg. 8》

 Student of the City
Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 8
Gnomes of the city learn all they can from newcomers and tend to make contacts in all quarters. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and can use that skill to gather information in place of Diplomacy. This racial trait replaces obsessive.

出自《龙之遗产Legacy of Dragons pg. 10》

Faerie Dragon Magic
Source Legacy of Dragons pg. 10
Some gnomes ally with capricious faerie dragons or share a supernatural kinship with these enigmatic creatures. Gnomes with this trait add 1 to the DCs of saves against the illusion spells they cast. Additionally, a gnome with a Charisma score of 11 or higher can use each of the following spell-like abilities once per day: ghost sound, grease, and silent image. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s character level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the gnome’s Charisma modifier. This trait replaces gnome magic.
主题: Re: 法术
作者: 灯泡powerbult2017-03-26, 周日 16:43:09

延缓诅咒 Abeyance 出自AP82

等级 牧师/先知2,审判者2,圣武士2,战斗祭司2
施法时间 1分钟
距离 接触
目标 接触到的一个生物
持续时间 24小时
豁免 意志无效(无害)   法术抗力 可(无害)


Source Pathfinder #82: Secrets of the Sphinx pg. 74 (Amazon)
School abjuration; Level cleric/oracle 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 2, warpriest 2
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, M (a flask of holy water worth 25 gp), DF
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 24 hours
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Abeyance suppresses the effects of a single curse on a creature. It does not restore any damage or drain that might have been caused by the curse. Abeyance cannot suppress curses that cannot be removed by remove curse, but it can suppress curses such as lycanthropy that require remove curse along with additional measures. An individual curse can be suppressed only once by abeyance, even if cast by a different caster.

Abeyance does not allow a creature to divest itself of cursed objects, though it can suppress a curse contracted from an object.
主题: 秘示域
作者: 白药君2017-03-28, 周二 12:04:22
火山秘示域(Volcano) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MysteryDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Volcano)  出自《烈火铁砧,Anvil of Fire,72页》



奖励法术:2级:燃烧之手(burning hands);4级:灼热金属(heat metal);6级:防护能量伤害(protection from energy);8级:火山暴(volcanic storm,UM);10级:间歇泉(geyser,APG);12级:游荡烈焰(contagious flame,APG);14级:火焰风暴(fire storm);16级:熔岩墙(wall of lava,APG);18级:流星暴(meteor swarm)


灰烬云烟(Ash Cloud,Su):你能通过一个标准动作使以自身为中心扩散开的10尺范围内烟尘缭绕,此能力如同隐雾术一般运作,然而你自己能清晰地看穿该效果。该云烟静止不动,并且能维持等同于你先知职业等级的轮数。重复使用该能力会使你之前放出的云烟落到地上。7级时,你的云烟里充满了余烬。所有除了你自己以外位于云烟内的生物每回合受到1d6点火焰伤害,并且他们必须通过强韧检定以避免咳嗽,如同他们吸入浓烟一般

创造之息(Breath of Creation,Ex):火山的蒸汽在伤害你身体的同时也振奋着你的思绪。每当你因火山气体受到体质伤害时,你的魅力得到等同于该伤害的加值。该加值持续1小时或直到对应属性伤害被治愈为止。你得到魅力加值的上限是+2,该上限在10级时提升到+4,15级时提升到+6.

燃烧魔法(Burning Magic,Su):如果某个目标没有通过你释放的火系魔法的豁免检定并受到火焰伤害,他将着火。在轮到着火的目标开始行动的时候他受到每法术等级1点的火焰伤害。着火状态将持续1d4轮,但可以用一个移动动作结束这一状态,只要该目标通过一个反射检定(使用那个法术的DC)。将目标浸湿水可以使他在豁免检定上获得+2加值,而把他浸入水中则可以直接将火熄灭。不需要通过豁免的法术不会使目标着火。

净炎(Cleansing Flames,Su):你能以一个迅捷动作借由承受每先知等级1d4点伤害来获得对一个持续中的效果重新进行豁免检定的机会,而且你必须先前在对抗该效果的豁免中失败过才行。如果你以此能力通过了豁免,则该效果被移除。在7级和15级时,你每天能使用该能力的次数额外加1。


炽热导管(Fiery Conduit,Su):你能将接触法术使用到距离自己30尺内的燃烧生物身上,而无须真正接触到他们。就该能力而言,所谓的燃烧生物包括被点燃的生物,受到持续火焰伤害的生物,以及本身拥有火系亚种或者变形成拥有火系亚种的生物。你必须通过远程接触攻击以对非自愿目标使用该能力。

熔岩步(Lava Walk,Su):你能以正常的移动速度在熔岩,岩浆或者类似的高温岩石上移动。你对所有因在该类表面上行走而引起的火焰伤害免疫,即使其能在一定距离外造成伤害也是如此。使用熔岩步时,你绝不会因为打滑或缺少稳固立足点而失足沉入其中。你每天可以使用此能力每先知等级1分钟,这些时间不必连续,但每次使用至少要花费1分钟。要选择此启示你至少要达到3级。

熔岩形态(Magma Form,Su):你能以一个标准动作呈现出小型熔岩元素的形态,如同元素形态 I。你能得到如同选择土元素形态的能力,除了潜地能力如同岩浆元素的同名能力一般运作。在9级时,你能呈现出中型熔岩元素的形态,如同元素形态 II。11级时,你能呈现出大型熔岩元素的形态,如同元素形态 III。13级时,你能呈现出超大型熔岩元素的形态,如同元素形态IV。你每天可以使用此能力1次,持续每先知职业等级1小时。要选择此启示你至少要达到7级.

火烬冲击(Pyroclastic Shove,Su):你能通过一个标准动作召来火山灰瀑流以冲撞30尺内的一个生物。战技CMB等于你的「BAB+魅力修正+4(巨型瀑流)」。如果冲撞成功,生物受到每先知等级1d6的火焰伤害。而在12级和17级时,你每天使用该能力次数额外增加1。要选择此启示你至少要达到7级。

炽焰之触(Touch of Flame,Su):你能通过一个标准动作进行一次近战接触攻击,并造成「1d6+1/2先知职业等级」火焰伤害。你每天可以使用此能力次数为「3+魅力修正」。11级时,当你手持武器,该武器视作炽焰武器。

Source Pathfinder #95: Anvil of Fire pg. 72 (Amazon)

Deities: Flauros, Mhar, Rovagug, Valani, Yamatsumi, Ymeri.

Class Skills: An oracle with the volcano mystery adds Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge (geography), and Survival to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: burning hands (2nd), heat metal (4th), protection from energy (6th), volcanic storm (8th), geyser (10th), contagious flame (12th), fire storm (14th), wall of lava (16th), meteor swarm (18th).

Revelations: An oracle with the Volcano mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Ash Cloud (Su): As a standard action, you can surround yourself with a 10-foot-radius cloud of ash, which functions as an obscuring mist spell, except you can see through it clearly. The cloud is stationary, and remains for 1 round per oracle level. Using this ability again causes your previous cloud to fall to the ground. At 7th level, your ash cloud fills with embers. All creatures in the cloud except you take 1d6 points of fire damage per round and must succeed at Fortitude saves to avoid choking, as though they were breathing in heavy smoke (Core Rulebook 444).

Breath of Creation (Ex): Volcanic vapors elevate your mind even as they ravage your body. When you take Constitution damage from volcanic gases, you gain a bonus to your Charisma equal to the damage taken. This bonus lasts for 1 hour or until the ability damage is healed. The maximum bonus to your Charisma is +2, increasing to +4 at 10th level, and to +6 at 15th level.

Burning Magic (Su): Whenever a creature fails a saving throw against one of your spells that deals fire damage, that creature catches on fire, taking 1 point of fire damage per spell level at the beginning of its turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds, but it can be extinguished as a move action if the creature succeeds at a Reflex save (using the original spell’s DC). Dousing the creature with water as a standard action grants a +2 bonus on this save, while immersing the creature in water extinguishes the fire. Spells that don’t grant a saving throw don’t cause a creature to catch on fire.

Cleansing Flames (Su): As a swift action, you can take 1d4 points of damage per oracle level to gain a new saving throw against a single ongoing effect. The effect must be one for which you already failed a saving throw. If you succeed, the effect is removed. At 7th and 15th levels, you can use this ability one additional time per day.

Erupt (Su): As a swift action, you cause flaming shards of rock to erupt from your body. These shards deal 1d6 points of damage per 2 oracle levels (minimum 1d6) to all creatures in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex half ). Half of this damage is fire damage and the other half is piercing damage. The shards create difficult terrain for 1 round. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.

Fiery Conduit (Su): You can deliver touch spells to burning creatures within 30 feet without actually touching them. For the purposes of this ability, burning creatures include creatures that have caught on fire, creatures taking ongoing fire damage, and creatures with the fire subtype or that are polymorphed into such creatures. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to affect an unwilling target.

Lava Walk (Su): You can walk across lava, magma, and similarly heated stone at your normal movement speed. You are immune to any fire damage caused by the surface while you walk above it, even if it radiates damage at a distance. While using lava walk, you never slip or fall from poor or slippery footing. You can use lava walk for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

Magma Form (Su): As a standard action, you can assume the form of a Small magma elemental, as elemental body I. You gain the same abilities as if you had chosen an earth elemental’s form, except your earth glide functions as the earth glide ability of a magma elemental. At 9th level, you can assume the form of a Medium magma elemental, as elemental body II. At 11th level, you can assume the form a Large magma elemental, as elemental body III. At 13th level, you can assume the form of a Huge magma elemental, as elemental body IV. You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 1 hour per oracle level. You must be at least 7th level to choose this revelation.

Pyroclastic Shove (Su): As a standard action, you conjure a cascade of volcanic ash to bull rush a creature within 30 feet of you. The CMB of this cascade is equal to your base attack bonus + your Charisma modifier + 4 from the cascade’s Gargantuan size. If the bull rush succeeds, the creature takes 1d6 points of fire damage per oracle level. At 12th and at 17th level, you can use this ability one additional time per day. You must be 7th level to select this revelation.

Touch of Flame (Su): As a standard action, you can perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for every 2 oracle levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, when you wield a weapon, it is treated as a flaming weapon.

Final Revelation: At 20th level, the oracle’s body takes on the consistency of rock, and her touch carries the heat of a volcano. She gains the fire and earth subtypes and becomes vulnerable to cold. Any fire damage she deals ignores the first 10 points of fire resistance, but not fire immunity. The oracle gains a +4 bonus to natural armor. Her attacks with natural weapons, unarmed strikes, and metal-hafted weapons deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Any creature that strikes the oracle with a natural weapon or unarmed strike, or that succeeds at a grapple combat maneuver check against her, takes 1d6 points of fire damage. This damage stacks with other sources of fire damage. You can suppress or reestablish this heat as a standard action.
主题: 战斗专长
作者: 白药君2017-04-06, 周四 17:23:38
引述:《作祟英雄手册 》Haunted Heros Handbook 4页

魂刃(Soulblade) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Soulblade)
效果:你能通过一个标准动作以使用武器对单一作祟进行攻击。如果成功,你能对其造成等同于 [ 武器伤害骰+增强加值 ] 的伤害,但其他来源的加值——比如说源自力量,武器专精,或偷袭等职业能力的加值则不能计算入内。此外,你能同时使用任何要害打击专长以增强本次攻击的效果。同时,只要你距离作祟范围10尺以内,你就能如同使用了侦测亡灵一般尝试发现作祟,但仍要受到常规的-4减值。

Source Haunted Heros Handbook pg. 4
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 1 rank, Perception 1 rank.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a weapon attack against a haunt. If successful, your attack deals damage equal to your weapon dice plus any enhancement bonus (but not other bonuses, such as those granted by Strength, Weapon Specialization, or class features like sneak attack). You can use any Vital Strike feat in order to enhance this attack.Whenever you come within 10 feet of a haunt’s area, you can attempt to notice it as though casting detect undead (with the standard –4 penalty).
主题: Re: 背景
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-04-11, 周二 12:21:37
屈服力(Strength of Submission) 出自《神术选集(Divine Anthology)》
分类 信仰
效果 你对拉兹密尔教会的信仰以及对他的主动臣服让他借给了你力量与头脑。当你处于胁迫效果的法术下时,你的攻击骰和伤害骰都会获得+1的背景加值

(常见用法是买播种思想的施法者服务 持续永久的胁迫法术)
主题: 法术
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-04-12, 周三 00:47:20
羞耻盛装 出自《极限诡道》
学派 惑控(胁迫)【影响心灵】;等级:诗人2,审判者2,催眠师2,异能者3,歌者2


Shamefully Overdressed
Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 225
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 3, skald 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
The target sees its own attire as hopelessly out of fashion, ostentatious, and embarrassing, and is filled with a compulsion to strip off all clothing. Each round, the target must spend a move action to remove a worn item that can be removed with a move action, dropping the item once it is removed. The target doesn’t distinguish between magical and nonmagical items when removing them. Each round it removes an item as determined randomly from the following slots: belt, body, chest, eyes, feet, hands, head, headband, shoulders, or wrists. When determining randomly, don’t include any slots if the character has no item of that sort, and don’t include items that take more than one move action to remove. Though creatures can’t have more than one magic item in any of those slots, they can have multiple mundane items that fit each slot, in which case randomly decide which one they remove. If a target is wearing clothing that doesn’t fit in any of those slots, such as breeches or a quiver, add it to the list of possibilities at the GM’s discretion.

The target regards the discarded items with revulsion, and if forced to touch such an item (such as with a melee or ranged touch attack using the item as an improvised weapon), the target becomes sickened for 1d3 rounds. Other than the move action to remove items, the character can take whatever actions it chooses.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 空山鳴2017-04-17, 周一 04:19:49
(常见用法是买播种思想的施法者服务 持续永久的胁迫法术)
主题: 进阶职业
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-04-17, 周一 15:15:12
妩媚交际花 出自《内海诡道》
妩媚交际花是一群精英情报中间人,他们通过幻术、惑控、以及其他能够扩展其极大魅力的魔法手段完美化自己的身体。虽然妩媚交际花通常被卡莉斯翠的教堂训练,但她们抢手的能力可以让其在格拉里昂的各大组织找到,从Kaer Maga的Tallow Boys到Jalmeray学院的学生。虽然某些妩媚交际花与间谍组织合作,而其他的会自己为其取悦或羞辱位高权重的目标的服务开价。为了避免疏远客户,妩媚交际花通常会煞费苦心的通过及其专业的盗贼工会之类的中介开发和出售他们拥有的知识

















Enchanting courtesans are elite information brokers who perfect their bodies and develop their minds to use illusions, enchantments, and other magical extensions of their considerable charms. Although enchanting courtesans are most commonly trained by the church of Calistria, their much-sought-after skills can be found in groups across Golarion, from the Tallow Boys of Kaer Maga to students of Jalmeray’s Conservatory. Although some enchanting courtesans work with spy organizations, others sell their services to please or humiliate high-profile targets. In order to avoid alienating clients, enchanting courtesans usually take great pains to exploit and sell their knowledge only through intermediaries such as highly professional thieves’ guilds.
Hit Die: d6.
In order to qualify to become an enchanting courtesan, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Feats: Either Spell Focus (divination) or Spell Focus (enchantment).
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks; Knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks; Sense Motive 5 ranks; Perform (act) or Perform (dance) 2 ranks.
Spells: Ability to cast two different divination spells and two different enchantment spells. One of each must be 2nd level or higher.
Class Skills
The enchanting courtesan’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Stealth (Dex).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following are the class features of the enchanting courtesan prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An enchanting courtesan gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor.
Covert Spells (Su): An enchanting courtesan can cast divination and enchantment spells covertly. Upon doing so, the enchanting courtesan must attempt a Bluff check, as well as a Sleight of Hand check if the spell has somatic, material, or focus components. Observers do not notice that a spell has been cast unless they succeed at both a Sense Motive check opposing the courtesan’s Bluff check and a Perception check opposing the courtesan’s Sleight of Hand check (if any). If the enchanting courtesan has another ability that allows spells to be hidden in a similar fashion, he gains a +2 bonus on these checks. Casting the spell does not provoke attacks of opportunity from foes unaware of the spellcasting.
Enchanting Touch (Su): An enchanting courtesan can deliver a divination or enchantment spell with a touch, usually a kiss or erotic gesture, to a target that is willing to be touched by him. The target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks to notice or identify the spell being cast.
Seducer’s Leverage (Ex): An enchanting courtesan develops a vast network of informants, comprised of those who have succumbed to his wiles or purchased his services, or whose secrets and goals he learned in turn from other informants. The enchanting courtesan can determine the influence any one individual has with any one organization or other individual once per day by consulting the network for 1 hour. Doing so also reveals the attitudes of the two parties in question toward each other, unless their particular relationship is a well-kept secret.
The enchanting courtesan also gains 1 edge per 3 class levels that can be used in any verbal duel involving or regarding one or more of the characters or group members in question. See Chapters 3 and 4 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue for more information on influence and verbal duels, respectively.
Poison Use (Ex): At 2nd level, an enchanting courtesan is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a weapon.
Seductive Intuition (Su): At 2nd level, an enchanting courtesan gains a competence bonus equal to half his class level on Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Sleight of Hand checks. He can use his total Sense Motive modifier in place of his total modifiers on Diplomacy and Sleight of Hand checks against targets who could be sexually attracted to him.
Hidden Spell (Su): At 3rd level, an enchanting courtesan can undermine a foe’s mental defenses with surprise. The enchanting courtesan gains a +1 circumstance bonus to the save DC of his spells against foes who are unaware of his presence or consider him an ally. In these circumstances, the enchanting courtesan also gains a +1 circumstance bonus on caster level checks to overcome targets’ spell resistance and to penetrate abjurations such as nondetection.
At 6th level, the bonuses increase to +2. A 6th-level enchanting courtesan can also undermine the mental defenses of a target that he is flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, but in these cases, the bonuses are each reduced by 1.
At 9th level, the bonuses increase to +3, or +2 if the foe is merely flanked or denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.
Master Poisoner (Ex): At 3rd level, an enchanting courtesan can use Craft (alchemy) to change a poison’s type. This requires 1 hour of work with an alchemist’s lab and a Craft (alchemy) skill check (DC = the poison’s save DC). If he’s successful, the poison’s type changes to contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury. If he fails the check, the poison is ruined. The enchanting courtesan receives a bonus equal to 1/2 his class level on Craft (alchemy) skill checks when working with poison.
Contact Poison Wielder (Ex): At 4th level, an enchanting courtesan can wield a dose of contact poison as a melee weapon. Delivering the poison requires a touch attack. The enchanting courtesan can prevent foes from noticing he is armed with a successful Sleight of Hand check opposed by observers’ Perception checks. The enchanting courtesan gains a +2 bonus on this
Sleight of Hand check. The enchanting courtesan can draw and open a dose of contact poison as a swift action. If he has the Quick Draw feat, he gains the ability to draw and open a dose of contact poison as part of rolling initiative if his hands are free and the dose of poison is not hidden.
Deluding Touch (Su): At 5th level, an enchanting courtesan can subtly deliver an attack by touch. His caress is so pleasurable that the target doesn’t automatically realize it was attacked. If the target succeeds at a saving throw against a spell delivered via enchanting touch or a contact poison delivered via the contact poison wielder ability, there is a chance it doesn’t notice the attack. The target attempts the saving throw again using all the same modifiers; if it fails this saving throw, it doesn’t notice that anything is amiss even though it successfully resisted the effect.
Informative Liaisons (Ex): At 7th level, the enchanting courtesan has developed a network of contacts in each settlement in which he has spent at least 1 month. In this settlement, once per week, he can take 20 on one Diplomacy check to gather information without increasing the time to perform the action beyond the normal 1d4 hours. In addition, he can determine the result of one Propaganda check to spread or suppress a rumor (see page 14) per week as if he had rolled a 20 on the die.
Overwhelming Touch (Su): At 8th level, an enchanting courtesan’s touch is deceptively and overwhelmingly entrancing. The enchanting courtesan’s target must roll twice and take the worse result on saving throws against spells delivered via enchanting touch.
Touch of Ecstasy (Ex): At 10th level, an enchanting courtesan has perfectly mastered the sensual arts. As a standard action, the enchanting courtesan can touch a living target to saturate its being with pure bliss. An unwilling target can be affected with a melee touch attack. The target is filled with ecstatic pleasure for 1d4 rounds. The pleasure suppresses all painUM effects during this time. The target must attempt a Fortitude save (DC = 20 + the enchanting courtesan’s Wisdom
modifier). If it succeeds at this saving throw, the target is staggered for the duration. If it fails, it is stunned instead. This is a mind-affecting emotionUM effect. Any effect or immunity that prevents precision damage negates this ability.
主题: 土元素裔(Oreads,又译俄瑞阿得)种族背景
作者: 2017-04-19, 周三 20:52:02

斯多葛派的尊嚴 (PFS中必須為土元素裔才可用此背景)
出自《格拉利昂的混种 pg. 29》

Stoic Dignity
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 29 (Amazon)
Requirement(s) Oread
You are an unmoving rock for those who see you as an authority figure. As long as you are conscious, you and all allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects you are not already suffering from. This is a trait bonus for you and a morale bonus for your allies.

出自《內海种族 pg. 197》

Loner of the Rocks
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 197
Requirement(s) Oread
Feeling harried by flighty non-oreads, you chose to embrace the life of a hermit with few contacts beyond your rocky home. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal and Survival checks. Your bonus on Survival checks increases by 1 in underground or mountain environments.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 黄瓜不老2017-04-20, 周四 00:56:17
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: LYF2017-04-20, 周四 01:15:14
主题: 奇物
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-04-21, 周五 13:06:43
落跑便鞋  出自《恶棍志》Villain Codex
1,200 GP
SLOT feet CL 4th WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
AURA faint transmutation
Slippers of scampering function in almost every way like slippers of spider climbing, except the slippers can be used for 10 rounds per day, split up as the wearer chooses (minimum 1 round per use).
Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 黄瓜不老2017-04-21, 周五 22:45:22
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-04-22, 周六 08:45:26
(常见用法是买播种思想的施法者服务 持续永久的胁迫法术)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: TougouTuyosi2017-04-22, 周六 10:03:29


在六级的时候第一种情况是+2,第二种情况是+1 。摧毁心防只是描述性文字和前文“一名妩媚交际花可以猝不及防地摧毁敌人的心灵防御”是一个意思。
主题: Re: 进阶职业
作者: reed2017-04-22, 周六 10:45:22



主题: 法术
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-04-23, 周日 20:19:55
暴风步 出自《元素血脉》

Storm Step
Source Blood of the Elements pg. 13 (Amazon)
School conjuration (teleportation) [electricity]; Level arcanist 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting:Casting Time 1 standard action;Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels);Target you;Duration instantaneous;
Saving Throw Reflex halves; Spell Resistance yes
You are able to harness the power of the storm to transport yourself a short distance, by taking the form of a furious, sizzling bolt of elemental electricity. You must either have line of sight to your destination or you must specify a direction and distance within range. Creatures and objects in the path of your passage take 1d8 points of electricity damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 5d8). A successful Reflex save halves the damage.

If your path intersects with a solid object, you damage the barrier accordingly. If the damage is enough to break through the barrier, you continue beyond the barrier as long as the spell’s range permits; otherwise, your movement stops in the square adjacent to the barrier and the effect ends.
主题: 战斗专长
作者: 白药君2017-04-28, 周五 15:41:06
引述:《炼狱血脉 》 Blood of Fiends 25页

鲁莽瞄准(Reckless Aim) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Reckless%20Aim)

Reckless Aim (Combat)
Source Blood of Fiends pg. 25 (Amazon)
Your lack of regard for others proves a boon when you fire projectiles into melee.
Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Benefit: When you shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee, you can choose to take a –1 penalty to your AC and gain a +2 competence bonus on your attack roll. However, when you roll a natural 1 on a ranged attack roll made with this bonus, you automatically hit a random adjacent creature that threatens your intended target.
主题: 萌萌哒的睡痴女巫[亚龙女巫]
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-04-29, 周六 14:11:00
亚龙女巫(女巫变体)(wyrmwitch) 出自《龙之遗产(Legacy Of Dragon)》
色彩龙:2级 恐惧术 4级 人类定身术 6级 暗杀术 8级 毁灭灵气UM 10级 支配人类
       12级 指使术 14级群体人类定身术 16级 骇人外形 18级 神威如狱
灵域龙:2级 记忆空白APG 4级 读心阅人OA 6级 回避侦测 8级 极化认知OA 10级 精神质询OA
        12级 心灵感应 14级 精神错乱 16级 障幕 18级二重分身 OA
帝龙:2级 忍受环境 4级 造风术 6级 水流爆发 APG 8级 黑曜之流UC 10级 无相之风UM
      12级 地动术 14级 反重力 16级 熔岩墙APG 18级世界波APG
金属龙:2级防护邪恶 4级敬畏武器 APG 6级 英雄气概 8级 反制邪恶 10级 通神术
       12级 高等英雄气概 14级 有限祈愿术 16级 圣洁灵光 18级 神迹术
外空龙 2级 既视感OA 4级黑暗术 6级闪现术 8级黑触手 10级 心智擦除
      12级行影术 14级月光面纱 16级 虚空法球 18级 怪影杀手
原龙 2级 燃烧之手 4级元素之触 APG 6级元素光环APG 8级 位面适应APG 10级元素形态2
    12级 连环闪电 14级漩涡之流 APG 16级 极冰射线 18级 火焰之躯
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-04-30, 周日 12:18:33
狩猎指南 (HUNTER’S MANUAL) 出自怪物猎人手册
价格 90GP  重量 1lb
WEIGHT 1 lb.
These books detail common behavior
patterns and special abilities of a
particular creature type. When used
as a reference (an action that typically
requires 1d4 minutes of searching
the text), a hunter’s manual grants a
+2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge
checks to learn about special abilities
and weaknesses of the text’s
associated creature type for 1 hour.
If the reader successfully makes such a Knowledge check using
the book, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on her next saving
throw against any of that creature’s spell-like, supernatural, or
extraordinary abilities she identified.
主题: 装备
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-05-02, 周二 04:52:16
盗贼吊带(Second-story harness)  出自《破碎魔星I:原罪之芒 Pathfinder #61: Shards of Sin》


A second-story harness is a series of straps, trusses, and buckles that can be worn over clothing or armor. A second-story harness allows the wearer to, as a move action, secure herself in place on a vertical surface so that both her hands are free. The wearer can remain in this position without needing to make additional Climb checks, and does not lose her Dexterity bonus to AC as long as she remains anchored. As long as the wearer is anchored in this way, she cannot move and gains a +5 circumstance bonus on Climb checks made to avoid falling whenever she takes damage. The wearer can release herself to start moving again as a move action. A second-story harness costs 55 gp and weighs 3 pounds.
主题: 動物裝備
作者: 2017-05-02, 周二 16:16:04
出自《動物檔案 pg. 12》
價格:1 sp

Whet bone
Source Animal Archive pg. 12 (Amazon)
Price 1 sp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Animal Gear
This hardened mixture of animal marrow and minerals is shaped into a long bone. When chewed upon by a creature for no fewer than 15 minutes, a whet bone grants the creature a +1 bonus on its next damage roll the first time it hits with a bite attack. This only works on nonmagical bite attacks.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: hellococoo2017-05-04, 周四 01:22:47
出自:Occult Origins pg. 22 http://www.archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Arcanist%20Harrowed%20Society%20Student (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Arcanist%20Harrowed%20Society%20Student)

成立于瓦瑞西亚的暮光学院,神秘的哈罗协会专注于研究超自然帝国的兴起与消逝的历史,并善用哈罗牌来解决世界上的灵异谜团。(使用此变体需要豪华版哈罗牌。如果你没有那件产品, 骰1d6决定抽出的牌型: 1 = 锤, 2 = 匙, 3 = 盾, 4 = 书, 5 = 星, and 6 = 冠.)

异能阅读者 (Ex): 允许哈罗协会学者获得异能敏感作为奖励专长,并且把交涉,察觉与察言观色加入本职技能。这个能力取代一级的奥能技艺。

哈罗源泉 (Ex): 每天一次,哈罗协会学者可以以一个五分钟的仪式来解读哈罗牌。他决定一种和目前在执行的任务最契合的牌型,并布下9张的哈罗牌阵。每次那张牌型出现在牌阵中,他的奥能池就增加一点,至多每两个奥能师等级1点。获得超过源泉最大容量的点数会失去。哈罗协会学者可以在8级和16级每天额外解读一次。这个能力替代了转耗法术。

预言谜团 (Ex):在5级以及每两级后,哈罗协会学者可以从任何职业的法术列表里选择一个预言类的法术,包括释放神术与异能魔法的职业,并加到他的已知法术列表中。这个法术必须比他能释放的最高环级的法术低一级。他像是释放奥术法术一样释放这些法术,使用他原有的法术位,但是必须使用哈罗牌作为额外的器材成分。如果有包含情绪和思维成分的异能法术,他也必须加入那些成分。

王牌 (Su): 在9级时,哈罗协会学者可以从他的奥数源泉消耗一点并且用一个标准动作从他的哈罗牌库抓一张卡来解读他自己或者一个30尺内盟友的命运。目标的命运取决于从牌库中抽出的牌型。

书: 目标下一次施法者检定获得+2洞察加值。
冠: 目标下一次豁免检定获得+2洞察加值。
锤: 目标下一次成功的近战攻击在伤害骰上获得+4的洞察加值。
匙: 目标下一次先攻检定获得+4洞察加值。
盾: 目标下一次受到魔法治疗效果时, 他额外回复等同于哈罗协会学者等级的生命。
星: 目标下一次技能检定获得+2洞察加值。

一个生物不能在同一时间获得多于一张王牌的效果; 为目标抓一张新的王牌会使之前的王牌失效。哈罗协会学者可以试图去解读一个30尺内敌人的命运。造成向上述一样加值的罚值,但是目标可以通过一个( DC= 10 + 1/2 哈罗协会学者等级 + 魅力调整)意志检定来抵抗效果。这被视为诅咒(UM)效果。哈罗协会学者可以在同一时间对多个生物同时保持王牌效果。此能力取代9级时获得的奥能技艺。
主题: 宗教背景(Religion Traits)
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-05-07, 周日 12:15:59
安稳触碰(Stabilizing Touch) 出自《内海诸神》( Inner Sea Gods)
分类:宗教背景(Religion Traits)
你与生俱来的能力让你能够关闭前往死亡之门的门廊。每天一次,你能够以类法术能力使用稳定伤势(stabilize),但是施法范围变为接触(range of touch)。
Stabilizing Touch
Source  Inner Sea Gods pg. 222
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Pharasma
You were born with the ability to stop the passage to death’s door. Once per day, you can use stabilize as a spell-like ability, but with a range of touch.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-05-08, 周一 10:25:00
天界治疗(CELESTIAL HEALING)出自《奥术选集》(Arcane Anthology)
等级:血脉狂怒者1,牧师/先知 1,魔战士 1,术士/法师 1,召唤师 1,女巫 1

School  conjuration (healing) [good];  Level bloodrager 1, cleric 1,
magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1
Casting Time  1 round
Components  V, S, M (1 drop of blood from a good outsider or
1 dose of holy water)
Range  touch
Target  creature touched
Duration  1 round/2 levels
Saving Throw  Will negates (harmless);  Spell Resistance yes
You anoint a wounded creature with the blood of an outsider with
the good subtype (such as an angel) or holy water, giving it fast
healing 1. The target radiates the aura of a good creature for the
duration of the spell and can sense the righteousness of the magic,
though this has no long-term effect on the target’s alignment. If
the target has its own evil aura, this is not suppressed by celestial
healing, and can also be detected normally.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-05-09, 周二 16:31:02
超时尚(Extremely Fashionable) 出自《冒险者的武器库》( Adventurer's Armory)
分类:装备背景(Equipment Traits)
Extremely Fashionable:  You  really  know  how  to  make
a  good  impression  when  you’re  dressed  well.  Whenever
you are wearing clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150
gp  (and  not  otherwise  covered  in  gore,  sewage,  or  other
things  that  mar  your  overall  look),  you  gain  a  +1  trait
bonus  on  Bluff,  Diplomacy,  and  Intimidate  checks.  One
of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.
速习者(Quick  Learner) 出自《冒险者的武器库》( Adventurer's Armory)
分类:装备背景(Equipment Traits)
Quick  Learner :  You’re  skilled  at  learning  the  feel  of
a  particular  weapon  after  a  few  swings  in  combat.  After
your  first  attack  with  a  weapon  in  which  you  are  not
proficient, the non-proficiency penalty decreases by 2 (to
a  –2  penalty).  This  effect  lasts  only  while  you  have  the
weapon in hand; you must “relearn” the weapon each
time you pick it up.
粗糙但趁手(Rough  and  Ready) 出自《冒险者的武器库》( Adventurer's Armory)
分类:装备背景(Equipment Traits)
你对谋生工具的深刻了解允许你在战斗中使用它们,就像它们是真正的武器一样,并使其在以这种方法使用时比通常情况下更有效。当你使用你的谋生工具(要求在相应的工艺或专业技能至少1级)作为武器时,你不会承受临时武器的减值,且在你的攻击检定中获得1的背景加值。这个背景通常与铲、镐、铁匠锤及其他坚固的工具关联——鲁特琴和扫帚是非常脆弱的武器。(非常脆弱 terribly fragile,应该不是算作易碎吧……)
Rough  and  Ready:  Your  intense  familiarity with  the  tools  of  your  trade  allows  you  to use them in combat as if they were actual weapons  and  makes  them  more  effective for  that  purpose  than  they  would normally be. When you use a tool of your trade  (requiring  at  least  1  rank  in  the appropriate Craft or Profession skill) as a weapon, you do not take the improvised weapon penalty and instead receive a  1 trait bonus on your attack. This trait is commonly  used  with  shovels,  picks, blacksmith  hammers,  and  other sturdy tools—lutes and brooms make terribly fragile weapons.
主题: 背景
作者: 空山鳴2017-05-12, 周五 01:42:12
神官福佑(Priest-Blessed) 出自《信仰与理念(Faiths and Philosophies)》


You were guided to maturity by a trusted priest of an ecclesiastical tradition, who inspired you and made you understand that the authority exerted by a religious hierarchy is a blessing rather than a restriction, allowing the faithful to always feel confident in their direction and the righteousness of the guided actions. Now, your faith wells up whenever you are aided by divine magic, and you find it easy to open up to the magic and succor of any faith, seeing the similarities between all such traditions. Three times per day when you are the target of a harmless divine spell, you may increase its caster level by 1 for purposes of its effect on you alone.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-05-12, 周五 23:09:53
焰火:闪烁妖焰(flashing fiend)
出处:《内海舰船》(Ships of the Inner Sea)第二十九页
价格:100gp 重量:-

Firework (flashing fiend)
Source Ships of the Inner Sea pg. 29
Price 100 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Weapons
When lit, this small conical firework emits bright white sparks that illuminate the area as a candle. It can be thrown to target an intersection as a splash weapon. One round later, it begins to emit pulses of extremely bright light for 1d6 rounds. Any creature that begins its turn within 15 feet of the firework must succeed at a DC 12 Reflex saving throw or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
主题: 专长
作者: 空山鳴2017-05-14, 周日 21:06:14
雕像伙伴(Companion Figurine)  出自《经典宝物重现》(Classic Treasures Revisited)








Prerequisites: Handle Animal 1 rank, own a figurine of wondrous power.

Benefit: You may select the creature summoned by your figurine of wondrous power as an animal companion or familiar, or as appropriate. The figurine has the standard abilities of a familiar or animal companion of its type, plus additional abilities related to its figurine type (see below). The main advantage of this is that if your familiar or companion is killed in creature form, it merely reverts to statue form and can be used again later. The following standard figurines are available as animal companions (C) or familiars (F).

Ebony Fly (C): You must have the Vermin Heart feat (see page 219 of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting) to select this creature as an animal companion. It is treated as a horse animal companion, and at 8th level it gains a fly speed of 120 feet (average maneuverability).

Golden Lions (C): When you select a golden lion as an animal companion, one of the pair becomes your companion and the other retains its standard figurine abilities.

Ivory Goats (C): When selecting an ivory goat as an animal companion, you select one of the three goats in the set (traveling, travail, or terror) as your companion; the others remain standard figurines. All three goats are treated as horse companions. The goat of traveling never suffers from fatigue or exhaustion from extended travel. The goat of travail has 2 horn attacks (1d8 + Str bonus) in addition to a horse’s normal attacks. The goat of terror has the fear aura and magical weapon horns as described in its figurine entry.

Marble Elephant (C): The elephant is treated as an elephant companion (see page 128 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary).

Serpentine Owl (C, F): The owl is treated as a bird animal companion or an owl familiar, but only in its Small horned owl form. In its giant owl form, it is merely a creature, not an animal companion or familiar. After three uses of its giant owl form, the figurine loses that transformation ability forever but still functions normally in its horned owl form as an animal companion or familiar.

Silver Raven (C, F): The raven is treated as a bird animal companion or a raven familiar. It retains its metallic appearance and animal messenger ability (though this is redundant for an intelligent familiar) but not its hardness when in animal form.

While the figurine is active, you and the active figurine gain all the normal benefits of having a companion creature; for example, a wizard with a silver raven familiar gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks, the raven can speak one language, and so on. While the figure is inactive, you gain none of these benefits but are not otherwise hampered by its inert state (as if the creature were out of range but not dead). The usable duration of the companion figurine doubles; for example, an ebony fly is normally usable up to three times per week for up to 12 hours per use, but as a companion creature you may use it up to six times per week for up to 12 hours per use. The figurine is still a magic item and is subject to effects like antimagic field and dispel magic that affect magic items; it uses its caster level or your own, whichever is greater.
主题: 专长
作者: 空山鳴2017-05-14, 周日 22:36:23
心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind,团队)  出自《遥远世界》(Distant Shores)

As long as you can see each other, you and an ally who also has this feat can trade nonverbal messages. These function as the message spell, except that you don’t need to whisper or point, and you cannot be overheard.

注意: 一个玩家如果不永久具备此专长,便无法从该专长或以该专长作为前置的专长中获得好处;这是在判定审判者的独行战术能力,骑将的战术能力和其他类似效果时的一个例外。出自于官方战役勘误 (http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/rpg/clarifications)
主题: 継骗剑和骗甲后,骗马背景出现了!!!
作者: 2017-05-22, 周一 22:01:24
出自《瓦瑞西亚,传说诞生之地 pg. 6》
你的游牧文化给予你深刻的了解和尊重漫游在你家园的马匹。你在开始游戏时获得一只已战斗训练的轻型马(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177)。当你无鞍騎乘这匹马时,視你為有骑乘鞍座下騎乘(為马裝備任何鞍座都会失去此好处)。除了最恶劣的环境之外,这匹马可以在定居点外自力更生。如果在社区以外吹口哨,马通常在1d6分钟内到达。如果你的马被杀,你可以通过返回你的氏族并为它的灵魂守夜,从而獲得一匹新的马(仪式中須要用上罕见的香草和焚香,價值100gp)。

Shoanti Steed
Source Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 6 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Shoanti
Your nomadic culture gives you a profound knowledge of and respect for the horses that roam your homelands. You begin play with a combat trained light horse (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177). While riding this horse bareback, you are treated as though you were riding it with a riding saddle (placing any actual saddle upon the horse negates this benefit). The horse can fend for itself outside of settlements in all but the most hostile environments. If whistled for outside of a community, the horse typically arrives within 1d6 minutes. If your horse is slain, you may receive a new horse by returning to your clan and performing a vigil for its spirit (a rite that costs 100 gp in rare herbs and incense).
主题: 背景
作者: 2017-05-22, 周一 22:59:52
一大堆有趣的背景 :em020

出自《北方人民 pg. 10》

Source People of the North pg. 10 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Ulfen
You have a gift for poetic turns of phrase and vicious streams of insults. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made to impress or persuade other Ulfen (or, at the GM’s option, other poetically-minded people), and a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks.

出自《河域子民 pg. 10》

Source People of the River pg. 10 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Gralton
Though forced to live in the River Kingdoms, you never forget you’re a Galtan noble. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks while interacting with aristocrats and nobles, and a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks while interacting with commoners.

出自《瓦瑞西亚,传说诞生之地 pg. 6》
在你到达成年时,你獲得一个部落纹身,标记着你的部族和精魂圖騰(查看內頁以參考休盎提纹身的建议和设计)。你面对恐惧效果时獲得+1背景加值。此外,你擅長使用裂地锤(earth breaker)、喀拉尔(Klar)和休盎提套牛绳(Bolas)。

Shoanti Tattoo
Source Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 6 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Shoanti
Upon reaching adulthood, you received a tribal tattoo, marking you with the symbols of your quah and totem spirits (see the inside back cover for suggestions and designs for Shoanti tattoos). You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Additionally, you are proficient with earth breakers, klars, and Shoanti bolas.

出自《进化职业起源 pg. 19》

Shoanti Spirit-singer
Source Advanced Class Origins pg. 19 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Humans [Bekyar Tribe or Shoanti Clan]
The spirit voices of your ancestors sing to you of the world around you. Once per day, you can act in the surprise round even if you aren’t aware of your attackers; you can use this action only to start a bardic song or raging song, and you’re still considered flat-footed until you act in the first normal round of combat.

出自《內海種族 pg. 194》

Promising Peacemaker
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 194
Category Race
Requirement(s) Half-Orc
You were raised by a mix of human and orc family members, or by accommodating half-orc parents, and many people expected you to act as a flawless peacemaker. Whether these hopes saw fruition or met with frustration, you learned a great deal about both cultures. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks involving orcs, half-orcs, and humans, and a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks against members of those races.
主题: 专长
作者: 叶翎殇2017-05-23, 周二 00:14:23
神圣战技(Extremely Fashionable,战斗) 出自《神圣仪典》(Divine Anthology)

You can use your patron deity’s fighting technique and receive any benefit associated with that technique for which you qualify, as described in the Divine Fighting Techniques section below.

莎伦莱的仁慈(Sarenrae’s Mercy)

Initial Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls for using a scimitar to deal nonlethal damage. If your attack with the scimitar would normally deal additional damage (such as via sneak attack, the flaming weapon special ability, or the like), this additional damage can be nonlethal
damage. You can also alter spells with the fire, good, or light descriptor and inflict spells so that the damage they deal is nonlethal damage instead. You can choose to apply this effect as the spell is cast.

Advanced Benefit: Once per round as you strike a foe with a weapon and deal nonlethal damage with that attack, you regain 1d6 hit points as the warmth of Sarenrae’s approval and the conviction that you are doing the right thing to minimize suffering infuses your body and soul. If the attack that dealt nonlethal damage was from a scimitar, you instead regain 2d6 hit points. You can gain the benefit of this healing only once per round, regardless of how many successful attacks you make with the weapon.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-05-26, 周五 18:45:20
巨魔止血散(Troll Styptic)
出处:《秘密探求者》(Seekers of Secrets)第四十三页
价格:100gp 重量:-

Source Seekers of Secrets pg. 43 (Amazon)
Price 100 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Remedies
A witch’s brew of troll blood, powdered plant extracts, and alchemical binders, troll styptic is intended as a field treatment for wounds and bleeding, particularly where magical healing is not available. This powder is stored in small packets, and when applied directly to wounds grants a living creature fast healing 2 for 2d4 rounds, as well as closing any open wounds the subject has or receives while the styptic is active, preventing ongoing damage from bleeding. This is a painful cure and requires the target to make a DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid being sickened for the duration of the fast healing.
Craft DC 25
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 白药君2017-05-30, 周二 16:10:03
醉蜂赐(Calistria's kindness) (http://www.karzoug.info/srd/equipment/alchemical/CalistriasKindness.htm) 出自《内海诡道  Inner Sea Intrigue 50页》

Calistria's kindness
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 50
Price 3 gp; Weight -
Category Alchemical Items
This tonic reduces menstrual pains and dramatically reduces the chances of conception during sexual intercourse if taken daily for 1 month. The effects last as long as it is taken daily thereafter. Each bottle contains 30 doses. Crafting it requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
主题: 背景
作者: 雾音2017-05-30, 周二 22:36:36
出自 Advanced Class Origins
Erutaki Sky Reader (Crown of the World): Born in the Crown of the World, you learned to read the aurora and the night sky for portents. Once per day, you gain a +2 luck bonus on a single saving throw. You can apply this bonus after the saving throw is rolled but before the results are revealed.
主题: 背景
作者: 雾音2017-05-31, 周三 17:57:01
出自Heroes of the Wild

Beastkin (Social): Select one specific type of animal (such as wolves or apes). You were raised from infancy by an animal or pack of animals of that type. You learned their ways and have more in common with your beastly kin than members of any humanoid race. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks and can use speak with animals as a spell-like ability at will to communicate with the type of animal that raised you.

Vandal (Combat): You gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks to break objects, and when damaging an object with a weapon, natural weapon, or unarmed attack, you ignore 2 points of its hardness.

兽言者(社会):你生长于一个大多数人都掌握了野兽语言的社区。你可以在以下语言中选其一作为你的奖励语言:邪灵语、水族语、风族语、 巨人语、火族语或木族语。当然如若GM允许,你也可以选择德鲁伊语,但是因为德鲁伊将他们的独有语言视作秘密,所以你会惊喜的发现德鲁伊会十分亢奋的追杀你—因为他们认为你是一个窃取了他们共有的秘密的窃贼。(PFS不允许学德鲁伊语)
Feral Speech (Social): You were raised in a community that included numerous individuals who spoke with creatures of the wild. You gain one of the following languages of your choice as a bonus language: Aklo,Aquan, Auran, Giant, Ignan, or Sylvan. With your GM’s permission, you can instead select Druidic, but druids are protective of their language—you are likely to find yourself hunted by druids wishing to eliminate you as a threat to their sole ownership of their secrets.

Green-Blooded (Magic): You are touched by the supernatural essence of nature, marking you since birth as something other than purely mortal. Choose a single 0-level druid spell. You can cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
主题: 背景
作者: 雾音2017-05-31, 周三 21:23:52
出自Quests and Campaigns
Mutant Eye:  One of your parents was exposed to uncontrolled magic or arcane pollution before you were born, causing you to develop a minor mutation that has marked you as different all your life. You have a third eye on your forehead. As long as it is uncovered and open, you can get a clearer sense of the emotions of those you see, granting you a  +2  trait bonus on Sense Motive checks that increases to  +4  on checks to notice whether a character is under a mind-affecting effect. However, the eye is unsettling, and you take a  -1  penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against humanoids who can see it.
Wanderlust:  Your childhood was brightened by the new places you constantly saw as you traveled with your parents, who were merchants. Still excited by travel, you gain great energy when traveling overland. Treat your base land speed as 10 feet higher when determining your overland speed.
主题: 背景+专长
作者: greenskin2017-06-03, 周六 18:49:45
水裔忠诚(Undine Loyalty) 出自《格拉利昂的混種》(Bastards of Golarion)

[Only legal if your character is of the same ethnicity as the section with the trait]
Undine Loyalty
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 29 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Undine
You learned early on that teamwork can help keep you safe from troublemakers. Choose one teamwork feat (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 150) that requires an ally with the same feat to be adjacent to you. You may benefit from that teamwork feat as long as you have an ally within 10 feet of you (though your ally does not benefit from the teamwork feat unless it also has this trait or a similar ability).

终焉之墙方阵(团队)(Lastwall Phalanx) 出自《纯洁勇士》(Champions of Purity)

Lastwall Phalanx (Teamwork)
Source Champions of Purity pg. 23 (Amazon)
When battling the terrifying hordes of Belkzen, you find strength in your shield brothers and sisters.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, good alignment.

Benefit: You gain a sacred bonus to your AC against the attacks of evil creatures and a sacred bonus to saves against the

spells and abilities of evil creatures equal to the number of adjacent allies who also have this feat.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-06-05, 周一 09:59:33
猴爪挂坠(Monkey's Paw)
出处: Pathfinder #39: The City of Seven Spears pg. 56
价格:12000gp 重量:-
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-06-05, 周一 10:13:12
不屈宝石(Indomitable Jewel)
出处:OA P259
价格:12000gp 重量:1磅
描述:被镶嵌进抛光镀铜挂坠后,这块黑色猫眼石的颜色会随着穿戴者心情而转变。当穿戴者因为一个影响心灵效果陷入晕眩,反胃,麻痹,震慑时,在轮到他的回合开始时,他可以选择让智力 感知 魅力受到2点属性伤害来在那一轮你依旧可以进行一个标准动作(如果是反胃,替代反胃的移动动作)。即使其他原因无法使其进行动作,他也能做出这样的选择。如果他受到多种这类效果时,穿戴者必须为每种异常状态而受到属性伤害才能得到标准动作。这块宝石的属性伤害不能被预防或被减少,并且必须用自然手段愈合。此外,不屈宝石会让穿戴者对由影响心灵效果造成的睡眠免疫。

Indomitable Jewel
Source Occult Adventures pg. 259 (Amazon)
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th
Slot neck; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Set in a burnished copper pendant, the colors of this black opal shift with the wearer’s mood. While the wearer is dazed, nauseated, paralyzed, or stunned because of a mind-affecting effect, at the start of his turn he can take 2 points of ability damage to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma to still take a standard action that turn (in place of the move action in the case of nauseated). He can make this choice even if otherwise prevented from taking actions. If affected by multiple such conditions, the wearer must take the ability damage for each in order to take his standard action. Ability damage caused by the jewel can’t be prevented or reduced, and it must be healed naturally. In addition, the indomitable jewel renders the wearer immune to sleep caused by mind-affecting effects.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, thought shield I; Cost 6,000 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-06-11, 周日 17:52:31
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-06-11, 周日 21:57:10
圣油(anointings) 出自《奥术选集》( Arcane Anthology
      一些具有魔力的油膏已被证实具有显著的转化力量,用以调整施用物体的属性。尽管《财富符文》(Runes of Wealth)的内容主要集中于法术,Haphrama也在里面提到了一系列关于转化魔法盔甲和武器属性的高妙理论。在此基础上,圣油的魔法提炼技术已经发展了几个世纪。炼金术士能选择以下圣油替换一个普通的科研发现。炼金术士能使用任何他所知的圣油每天共计3+炼金术士等级次。除非某种圣油特别提到,圣油需要一个标准动作来涂抹(这会引起借机攻击)并持续每炼金术士等级1分钟。
      调查员能使用调查员天赋炼金术士发现(alchemist discovery)选择任何这类科研发现。具有手艺领域的牧师能选择一种圣油替换8级的领域能力。变化学派的法师能获得圣油替换法师奖励专长。庇护主为转变(transformation)的女巫能得到一种圣油替换一个高等巫术。在以上情形下,角色以选择圣油的职业等级作为他的炼金术士等级计算圣油相关的数据。
The power of transmutation is evident in magical oils and pastes that alter the properties of objects when applied. Though the Runes of Wealth is focused primarily on spells, Haphrama included a remarkable appendix of ingenious theories about transmuting the properties of magical armor and weapons, from which the magical process of anointings has been developed over the centuries. Alchemists can choose any of the following anointings in place of a normal discovery. An alchemist can use any of the anointings he knows a total number of times per day equal to 3 + his alchemist level. Unless an anointing specifies otherwise, all anointings require a standard action to apply (this provokes attacks of opportunity) and last for 1 minute per alchemist level.

Investigators can choose any of these discoveries with the alchemist discovery investigator talent. Clerics with the artifice domain can select an anointing in place of their 8th-level domain ability. Transmuter wizards can gain anointings in place of wizard bonus feats. Witches with transformation patrons can gain a single anointing in place of a major hex. In each of these cases, the character treats levels in the class used to select the anointing as his alchemist level for all relevant anointing calculations.

奥法强化剂(Eldritch Enhancement, Su)PFS不可用
Eldritch Enhancement (Arcane Anthology pg. 23): The alchemist douses a weapon, shield, or suit of armor with a glowing green wash. The caster level of any of the item’s magical properties increases by the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier for the purposes of effects, including calculations based on level, overcoming spell resistance, or being dispelled.

精华增效膏(Essence Booster, Su)
Essence Booster (Arcane Anthology pg. 23): The alchemist applies this golden liniment to a weapon or suit of armor that has a tiered special ability (a special ability available in varying degrees of potency, such as light fortification or shadow). The affected special ability increases by one step (to moderate fortification or greater shadow, for example). If the item has multiple tiered special abilities, the alchemist chooses one to affect. The item’s enhancement bonus increases by 1 if it has no tiered magical qualities. The alchemist must be at least 8th level to choose this anointing.

水银脂(Mercurial Oil, Su)
Mercurial Oil (Arcane Anthology pg. 23): This gleaming silver fluid sinks into a magical metal weapon or suit of armor and temporarily liquefies the interior. An affected weapon gains momentum as its center of gravity moves outward during a swing, dealing damage as if it were one size category larger than it actually is. Affected armor resists impact and provides the wearer DR 2/—.

奥铜尘(Orichalcum Dust, Su)
Orichalcum Dust (Arcane Anthology pg. 23): The alchemist sprinkles a small quantity of colorful dust that comprises the essence of all four elements. By favoring one element over another in this mixture, the alchemist temporarily changes the energy type of one weapon into another. For example, the alchemist can choose for a bomb to deal acid damage or a weapon with the shocking burst special ability to deal fire damage instead. Once an elemental effect is changed, it cannot be changed again until the anointing’s duration expires.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-06-11, 周日 22:12:28
精类仪典(Fey Obedience) 出自《第一世界,精类国度》(The First World, Realm of the Fey)
Fey Obedience
Your devotion to one of the Eldest is so great that daily
prayer and offerings grant you special boons.
Prerequisites : Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, must
worship one of the Eldest.
Benefit: Each Eldest requires a different obedience, but
each obedience takes only 1 hour to perform. Once you’ve
performed the obedience, you gain the benefit of a special
ability or resistance as indicated in the “Obedience” entry
for that Eldest.
If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the first
boon granted by your Eldest upon undertaking your
obedience. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you also gain
the Eldest’s second boon. If you have at least 20 Hit Dice,
you also gain the Eldest’s third boon. Unless a specific
duration or number of uses per day is listed, a boon’s
effects are constant.
Feysworn (see page 8) gain access to these boons at
lower levels as a benefit of their prestige class.
If you ever fail to perform a daily obedience, you lose all
access to the benefits and boons granted by this feat until
you next perform the obedience.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灰骑士2017-06-14, 周三 16:29:39




奖励法术一名科莱什先知得到以下奖励法术:【锐耳术/鹰眼术 6级】【窥视魔眼 10级】【真知术 12级】【天降祥瑞 16级】【预警术 18级】




检定结果                                                                 收益
  0-9          你施放的预言系法术DC增加1
 10-19       在接下来的24小时内,以一个直觉动作,你可以以类法术能力施放占卜术一次,将你的先知等级作为施法者等级
 20-29       在接下来的24小时内,你可以以类法术能力施放预言术一次,将你的先知等级作为施法者等级。如果你至少有8个等级,施法时间从10分钟降为1分钟。
 30-39       在接下来的24小时内,你可以以类法术能力施放通神术一次,将你的先知等级作为施法者等级。如果你至少有10个等级,施法时间从10分钟降为1分钟。
  40+        在接下来的24小时内,你可以以类法术能力施放异界探知一次,将你的先知等级作为施法者等级。

PFS Legal Keleshite Prophet
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 42
Keleshite prophets help guide and serve the vast Padishah Empire of Kelesh and its interests across Golarion.

Recommended Mysteries: Any.

Class Skills: A Keleshite prophet adds Perception, Perform (dance), and all Knowledge skills to her list of class skills.

These replace the additional skills gained from the oracle’s mystery.

Bonus Spells: A Keleshite prophet gains the following bonus spells: clairaudience/clairvoyance (6th), prying eyes (10th), true seeing (12th), prediction of failureUM (16th), foresight (18th).

These replace the bonus spells at those levels gained from the oracle’s mystery.

Revelations: A Keleshite prophet must take the following revelation at 1st level.

Divining Dance (Su) Once per day, you can perform a sacred meditative dance that gives you great clarity of mind and prepares you for what lies ahead. This dance must last for at least 1 minute, uninterrupted, and you can take no other actions during the dance.

When you dance, attempt a Perform (dance) check; the results of the check determine the benefits you gain for the next 24 hours, as listed below. You can always choose the benefit from a lower result, if you wish (for example, if your Perform [dance] result is 15, you can choose to gain a +1 bonus on your divinations’ saving throws instead of choosing to use augury once as a spell-like ability).
Perform (Dance) Result   Benefit
0-9   Increase the saving throw DC of any divination spells you cast by 1.
10-19   Once in the next 24 hours, as an immediate action, you can use augury as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level.
20-29   Once in the next 24 hours, you can use divination as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level. If you are at least 8th level, you can cast it in 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.
30-39   Once in the next 24 hours, you can use commune as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level. If you are at least 10th level, its casting time is in 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.
40+   Once in the next 24 hours, you can use contact other plane as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灰骑士2017-06-14, 周三 17:13:49



PFS Legal Stage Magic
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 31 (Amazon)
Category Equipment
You have put in many hours practicing with flashy alchemical items that enhance your Perform skill. When you use an attention-getting alchemical item such as a flask of alchemist’s fire, smokestick, thunderstone, or another appropriate alchemical item (GM’s discretion) as part of a performance, you gain a +2 trait bonus on your Perform check for the duration of that performance. The item is expended without its normal effects and only serves to make your performance more impressive; for example, you could pretend to ignite yourself with alchemist’s fire as part of a Perform (comedy) check or make a dramatic appearance with a smokestick as part of a Perform (act) check, but you would not actually take fire damage or gain concealment from smoke.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-06-18, 周日 04:55:09
出处:《恶人志》(Villain Codex)第237页
位置:脚部 CL:4 重量:1/2磅
制造花费:600 gp


1,200 GP
SLOT  feet CL 4th WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
AURA faint transmutation
Slippers  of  scampering   function  in  almost  every
way  like  slippers  of  spider  climbing ,  except
the  slippers  can  be  used  for  10  rounds
per  day,  split  up  as  the  wearer  chooses
(minimum 1 round per use).
Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 白貓2017-06-18, 周日 16:19:58
出处:《恶人志》(Villain Codex)第237页
位置:脚部 CL:4 重量:1/2磅
制造花费:600 gp


1,200 GP
SLOT  feet CL 4th WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
AURA faint transmutation
Slippers  of  scampering   function  in  almost  every
way  like  slippers  of  spider  climbing ,  except
the  slippers  can  be  used  for  10  rounds
per  day,  split  up  as  the  wearer  chooses
(minimum 1 round per use).
Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb

逾牆便鞋 Slipper of Scampering
靈光:微弱變化系,施法者等級 4
裝備位置:腳部,價格:1200GP,重量 1/2磅

  這雙便鞋擁有和蛛行靴(Slippers of Spider Climbing)相同的能力。但和後者不同,逾牆便鞋每天只能發動蛛行效果10輪時間。便鞋的使用者可以自由分割這些輪數(但是每次使用最少持續1輪時間)。


落跑便鞋  出自《惡棍志》Villain Codex

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 白药君2017-06-18, 周日 17:23:56
出处:《恶人志》(Villain Codex)第237页
位置:脚部 CL:4 重量:1/2磅
制造花费:600 gp


1,200 GP
SLOT  feet CL 4th WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
AURA faint transmutation
Slippers  of  scampering   function  in  almost  every
way  like  slippers  of  spider  climbing ,  except
the  slippers  can  be  used  for  10  rounds
per  day,  split  up  as  the  wearer  chooses
(minimum 1 round per use).
Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb

逾牆便鞋 Slipper of Scampering
靈光:微弱變化系,施法者等級 4
裝備位置:腳部,價格:1200GP,重量 1/2磅

  這雙便鞋擁有和蛛行靴(Slippers of Spider Climbing)相同的能力。但和後者不同,逾牆便鞋每天只能發動蛛行效果10輪時間。便鞋的使用者可以自由分割這些輪數(但是每次使用最少持續1輪時間)。


落跑便鞋  出自《惡棍志》Villain Codex

 :em006 好东西多人关注容易出车祸
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-06-19, 周一 06:17:32
主题: 超魔宝石(Metamagic Gem) 源于大凤指南 Rival Guide
作者: 凯文衍2017-06-25, 周日 14:47:54
超魔宝石(Metamagic Gem)
灵光:强烈通用系 施法者等级:11 无位置奇物
价格:2000gp(强效超魔宝石 黄玉)1000gp(增远超魔宝石 紫晶),1,000 gp (延时超魔宝石 石榴石), 4,000 gp(极效超魔宝石 蓝宝石), 8,000 gp (瞬发超魔宝石 钻石), 1,000gp (默发超魔宝石 尖晶石), 1,000 gp (定发超魔宝石 琥珀), 4,000 gp (扩展超魔宝石 翡翠); 重量 无
效果:超魔宝石可以给予法术超魔效果,你只需要将其作为法术材料的一部分使用便可附带超魔效果。其他方面如同超魔权杖一样运作。这些宝石会在使用的时候被消耗掉。当你的法术运用超魔宝石的超魔时,你的法术位不会被提高,你一次只能给一个法术增加一个超魔宝石,并且不能被超魔权杖所加强。但他们可以超魔被你专长已经超魔过的法术,虽然这样子做你仍然要为你的专长而提高环位(意味着你可以在自己超魔的法术上使用超魔宝石进一步超魔——凯文注释)。使用超魔宝石不会给予施法者任何实质的超魔专长。自发施法者仍然需要为超魔而延长施法时间(除非使用瞬发超魔宝石,这是一个迅捷动作)。这个超魔宝石不仅仅现有上文所写的,其他资源中的超魔专长也能被作为超魔宝石。(提升1个环位的法术位为1000金币,提升2个环位的法术位为2000金币 以此类推)【3个环位的法术位应该是4000 4个环位的法术位应该是8000 但原文并没有写——凯文注释】如果想将其他资源中的超魔专长做成超魔宝石,应该有新的宝石类型(例如黄翡翠,黑宝石这种)


原文 大凤指南page11
Metamagic Gem
Aura strong (no school); CL 11th
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp (empowering topaz), 1,000 gp
(enlarging amethyst), 1,000 gp (extending garnet), 4,000 gp
(maximizing sapphire), 8,000 gp (quickening diamond), 1,000
gp (silent spinel), 1,000 gp (still amber), 4,000 gp (widening
emerald); Weight —
Metamagic gems can be used to enhance spells with various
metamagic effects, similar to the way metamagic rods are
used, save that metamagic gems are consumed when they are
used. To apply the effects of a metamagic gem to a spell, you
need only use the metamagic gem as an additional material
component for the spell in question.
When you apply a metamagic effect to a spell using a
metamagic gem, the spell slot of the altered spell does not
change. You may only use one metamagic gem on any given
spell, and while that spell cannot be further enhanced by a
metamagic rod, it can be used with spells already enhanced in
the normal way via any metamagic feats you possess. In this
case, only the feats possessed by you adjust the spell slot of
the spell being cast.
Use of a metamagic gem does not confer the associated feat
on the owner, only the one-time ability to use the given feat. A
sorcerer or other spontaneous spellcaster must still take a fullround
action when using a metamagic gem, just as if using a
metamagic feat he possesses (except for quickening diamonds,
which can be used as a swift action).
The metamagic gems presented here are not the only such
gems that exist. Other metamagic gems based on metamagic
feats from other sources could easily be created—their costs
should follow the pattern presented here (1,000 gp for gems
that alter a spell slot by 1 level, 2,000 gp for those that alter
spell slots by 2 levels, and so on), and each new gem should
have a corresponding unique gemstone type associated with it.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, appropriate metamagic
feat; Cost 1,000 gp (empowering topaz), 500 gp (enlarging
amethyst), 500 gp (extending garnet), 2,000 gp (maximizing
sapphire), 4,000 gp (quickening diamond), 500 gp (silent
spinel), 500 gp (still amber), 2,000 gp
主题: 武器附魔
作者: 灯泡powerbult2017-06-27, 周二 19:24:18
迷惑(Bewildering) (http://www.karzoug.info/srd/equipment/alchemical/CalistriasKindness.htm) 出自《阴招战术工具箱 Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg. 24》

灵光 中等变化系;  CL  7
价格 +1加值

Source Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg. 24
Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Price +1 bonus; Weight —
Three times per day, when the wielder of a bewildering weapon makes a successful attack with this weapon, in addition to dealing the weapon’s normal damage, the wielder can inflict the confused condition on that enemy for 1d6 rounds. The target can attempt a DC 17 Will saving throw each round to end this effect.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, confusion; Price —
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-07-07, 周五 01:16:00
强化人造人(IMPROVED HOMUNCULI) 出自《炼金术手册》( Alchemy Manual
制造人造人的原始规则出现在《怪物图鉴》(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary)的第176页。一名具有制造构装体(Craft Construct)专长的角色可以使用下述规则创造具有额外新能力的人造人。
The original rules for creating homunculi appear on page 176 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. A character with the Craft Construct feat can use the following rules to create homunculi with new abilities in addition to those normally possessed by homunculi.
To create a homunculus with one or more improvements, the crafter must include large quantities of certain reagents (represented by the price listed for each of the improvements below) while performing the ritual to create a homunculus. For every 1,000 gp worth of additional abilities to be granted to the homunculus, the DC of the Craft check to create the homunculus increases by 1 (minimum +1).
The crafter can also add new abilities to an existing homunculus by performing a brief surgical procedure. To do so, the crafter must purchase the necessary reagents and make a successful Heal check (DC equal to the DC of the Craft check necessary to create such a homunculus from scratch).

酸性吐息(Acid Breath)
Acid Breath: By distilling brimstone and aqua regia, a crafter can bestow upon the homunculus the ability to spit a 15-foot-line of acid. This is a breath weapon that deals 1d6 points of acid damage per 2 Hit Dice of the homunculus. The damage from this attack can be halved with a successful Ref lex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the homunculus’s HD). Price: +1,500 gp.

全视之眼(Extra Eyes)
通过在人造人身上添加银箔的方式,制造者能赋予其额外的眼,使它得到全域视野(All-Around Vision, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary
2 294)特殊能力并且在察觉上得到+4的种族加值。价格:+4000金币。
Extra Eyes: By adding silver shavings to the homunculus,  a crafter can imbue it with additional eyes, granting it the all-around vision special quality (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 294) and a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks.  Price: +4,000 gp.

类法术能力(Spell-Like Ability)
Spell-Like Ability: By incorporating 10 potions of the same spell in the homunculus’s creation, a crafter can imbue the homunculus with the power to use that spell once per day as a spell-like ability.  Price: Total cost of the potions used.

喷吐毒液(Spit Poison)
Spit Poison : By adding gold and realgar to the homunculus, a crafter can give it the ability to spit its poison as a ranged touch attack that deals no damage but exposes the victim to the poison’s effect as though it were a contact poison. The ability has a range of 15 feet with no range increment.  Price: +6,000 gp.

强韧表皮(Toughened Hide)
Toughened Hide : By adding diamond dust and cold iron to the homunculus, a crafter can increase its natural armor bonus to AC by 1, 2, or 3.  Price: +1,000 gp (+1), +4,000 gp (+2), or +9,000 gp (+3).

通过加入少许月露(dew of lunary)和白金的方式,制造者能赋予其开口说话的能力,并且声音微妙地听上去像是主人小型化的版本。
Voice: By adding dew of lunary and platinum to the homunculus, a crafter can grant it the ability to speak in a voice that sounds eerily like a diminutive version of its master’s. Price: +500 gp.
主题: 半兽人种族特性替换
作者: 2017-07-07, 周五 14:07:34

出自《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 12》

PFS Legal Warded Skin
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 12 (Amazon)
(Rainkin Only) Many rainkin are protected from Angazhan worshipers’ power by elaborate tattoos that redirect demonic magic. Jungle half-orcs with this racial trait gain spell resistance against divine magic equal to 6 + their level. Additionally, divine spells cast on them by demon worshipers have a 10% chance of failure. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.

出自《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 12》

PS. 在兽人那邊, 沙漠的太阳令兽人都是瞎了, 反而给了半兽人上位的机会。而在人类那邊,自命运之年起沙漠地區都不是兽人的主要威脅目标,加上是在我们大邪神莎伦莱的地盤,人们都願意给他们一个公平的机会。

PFS Legal Burning Assurance
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 12 (Amazon)
(Sandkin Only) Sandkin lack the chip on their shoulder that many half-orcs acquire as a result of prejudice, and their self-confidence puts others at ease. Desert half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks. This racial trait replaces the intimidating racial trait.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-07-07, 周五 18:37:02
主题: 潜行与察觉(初稿 待润色)
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-07-12, 周三 12:03:27


主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: TougouTuyosi2017-07-13, 周四 13:44:55
易容,出自《Ultimate Intrigue》-极限诡道 186页






The uses of the Disguise skill are far more specific than those of Bluff and Diplomacy. The Disguise skill exists to allow characters to conceal their identity and to potentially pose as other characters.

Not Always Opposed: The most important thing to note about the Disguise skill is that characters do not automatically get a Perception check to oppose it. Per the Core Rulebook, an opponent receives a Perception check only if the disguised character is actively drawing attention, if the perceiving character is actively suspicious of everyone, or if the disguised character is attempting to impersonate a particular person that the perceiving character recognizes. Under one of these circumstances, a perceiving character can attempt one Perception check right away and then another check each hour.

A Single Disguise Check: Unlike most other skills, a character typically attempts a Disguise check only once when creating a physical disguise. Further Disguise checks might be necessary for things such as altering one’s voice or using appropriate mannerisms or phrasing, but the basic disguise doesn’t require further checks. The check result is supposed to be a secret that is revealed only the first time the disguise is truly tested, which can be tricky in the face of disguising characters who want their friends to tell them how good the disguise is. One way to handle this is to roll the Disguise check secretly only the first time it truly comes into opposition (see above), since the skill doesn’t indicate when the check first occurs.

Disguise Is More Than Visual: Though the skill as presented in the Core Rulebook focuses on the visual aspects of disguise that a character prepares, later rules (such as the vocal alteration spell; see page 248 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic) have made it clear that there are other aspects, including voice, mannerisms, and phrasing. The trick is to distinguish between the use of the Bluff and the Disguise skills. Generally, Bluff checks cover telling actual lies to support a disguise, whereas Disguise checks cover the other aspects, such as imitating mannerisms and speech.

Saw Through the Illusion: It is very tempting to use illusion or transmutation magic to augment a disguise, since the bonus is so high. As per the Core Rulebook, magic that penetrates an illusion or transmutation doesn’t automatically see through a mundane disguise, but it negates the magical components of the costume. Thus, a true master of disguise uses both types of trickery, and she also ensures that the person who notices her use of magic has a way to explain the fact that disguise magic was involved at all. For instance, a rogue might disguise herself as a noble with mundane means and then use disguise self to cloak herself in a glamer of that same noble, but more beautiful. Then, if someone sees through the illusion but not the mundane disguise, he would just think she was a vain noble instead of becoming suspicious
due to the use of illusion magic and demanding a more thorough inspection.

Simulacrum and Disguise: The caster of the simulacrum spell uses the Disguise skill to shape the form created. However, it is important to note that the Sense Motive check to detect a simulacrum is very easy at the level that simulacrum becomes available, so unless the simulacrum has a high Bluff modifier, it is still challenging to use a simulacrum as an impostor for long.
主题: 法术
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-07-15, 周六 14:04:35
诱骗人类 出自《内海诡道》
豁免:意志无效;法术抗力 可
距离 近距(25+5/2cl)
目标 一个类人生物
持续时间 1小时/等级
一名被诱骗的生物会采用如同利于其真正朋友的方式努力满足多个请求。如果这些请求发生冲突,它通常会选择更合理的选项——覆写相干的请求需要通过一次魅力鉴定对抗,如同目标正承受多个心灵控制效果一般(PFCRB 209)。

Inveigle Person
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 60
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level arcanist 4, bard 3, mesmerist 3, psychic 3, skald 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, M (a drop of alcohol)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one humanoid creature
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You cause the target to become extremely amiable. The target treats all other living creatures as if it were friendly toward them. Any overtly hostile or harmful act toward the target by any living creature ends the spell.

An inveigled creature attempts to fulfill multiple requests in the same manner as it would favors for its true friends. If such requests conflict, it usually chooses the more reasonable option—overriding this preference requires succeeding at an opposed Charisma check, as if under multiple forms of mental control (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 209).
主题: Re: 法術
作者: 2017-07-15, 周六 23:20:50
诱骗人类 出自《内海诡道》
豁免:意志无效;法术抗力 可
一名被诱骗的生物会采用如同利于其真正朋友的方式努力满足多个请求。如果这些请求发生冲突,它通常会选择更合理的选项——覆写相干的请求需要通过一次魅力鉴定对抗,如同目标正承受多个心灵控制效果一般(PFCRB 209)。

Inveigle Person
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 60
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level arcanist 4, bard 3, mesmerist 3, psychic 3, skald 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, M (a drop of alcohol)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one humanoid creature
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You cause the target to become extremely amiable. The target treats all other living creatures as if it were friendly toward them. Any overtly hostile or harmful act toward the target by any living creature ends the spell.

An inveigled creature attempts to fulfill multiple requests in the same manner as it would favors for its true friends. If such requests conflict, it usually chooses the more reasonable option—overriding this preference requires succeeding at an opposed Charisma check, as if under multiple forms of mental control (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 209).

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one humanoid creature
Duration 1 hour/level
主题: 探索者腰包
作者: hellococoo2017-07-22, 周六 07:46:30
探索者腰包(Pathfinder Pouch) 出自《Seekers of Secrets pg. 56》
价格:1000gp 重量:1磅

This nondescript belt pouch is quite popular among Pathfinders who need to smuggle items past snooping guards or government officials. Detect magic does not detect that it is magical (as per the magic aura spell), but the pouch acts as a very small bag of holding (contents limit 10 pounds, volume limit 2 cubic feet).

With a command word, the wearer can close or open the extradimensional space within the pouch; when closed, the pouch holds no more than a mundane belt pouch the size of a human fist, though objects within the extradimensional space remain stored, unreachable until the pouch is unsealed again. This allows the user to empty his pockets or even turn the pouch inside-out to prove he carries no contraband, and access the hidden goods later when in a safe place. Because of their nonmagical auras, these pouches sometimes hold secret treasures for generations without their owners realizing their nature.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura, secret chest; Cost 1,000 gp
主题: 先知诅咒
作者: norths2017-07-29, 周六 00:05:20
贪婪(Covetous) 出自龙之遗产《Legacy of Dragons pg. 8》
Covetous (Legacy of Dragons pg. 8): You find yourself drawn to the luster of wealthy living. You must wear fine nonmagical clothing and jewelry worth at least 50 gp + 100 gp per character level you have beyond 1st. If you do not have sufficient wealth to purchase this additional equipment, you feel a strong desire (but are not compelled) to sell existing items or steal from others to obtain it. You are sickened whenever you do not meet this requirement; you are also sickened for 24 hours after anything worth 25 gp x your character level or more is taken from you against your will. Use Magic Device becomes a class skill for you. At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on Appraise checks, Spellcraft checks to identify magic items, and Use Magic Device checks. At 10th level, you add fabricate to your list of spells known. At 15th level, you add half your oracle level to your CMD against stealAPG combat maneuvers and to the DC of Sleight of Hand checks to take items from you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-08-09, 周三 07:30:27
出处:《冒险者的武器库》(Adventurer's Armory)第十九页
价格:20 gp 重量:-


Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19 (Amazon)
Price 20 gp; Weight —
Category Black Market
The milk of this vibrantly green cactus, when mixed with resins and other ingredients, congeals into sticky, black chunks with an exceedingly sour taste. Though pesh comes in several different varieties, refined pesh is both the most potent and expensive type. Taking refined pesh gives a person 15 temporary hit points for 1 hour, a +2 morale bonus on saves versus fear effects for 1 day, and a –4 penalty to Dexterity and Wisdom for 1 day. Pesh is addictive (Fortitude DC 10 to resist), and long-term users suffer Dexterity and Wisdom damage.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-08-09, 周三 07:58:08
腐肉诱饵(carrion bait)
出处:《亡灵杀手手册》(Undead Slayer's Handbook)第十一页
价格:25 gp 重量:2 lbs
描述:这个大玻璃罐用蜡塞封上保持气密。在罐子里,溃烂的猴肉块覆盖着霉菌和蛆虫,这些混合物的效力要直到暴露于空气才真正显现。一旦罐子打开(用一个标准动作),内容物会以极快的速度膨胀和腐烂,散发出剧烈的恶臭。在罐子打开时,任何距离罐子15尺内的活着的生物,必须通过一个DC 12的强韧豁免否则恶心1d4轮。
虫类和不死生物很难将腐肉诱饵和腐烂的人类血肉区分开,但是智能不死生物通过一个DC 15的察觉检定可以发觉两者区别。无论如何,任何花至少一轮进食腐肉诱饵的生物会马上意识到不对劲,因为诱饵在入口后仍持续膨胀。在吃下腐肉诱饵一轮后,被影响的不死生物或者虫类恍惚1d4轮,因其肚子膨胀到难以置信的程度(其他类型的生物无法吃下腐肉诱饵,代之以反胃2d4轮)。如果被影响的生物已经恍惚,则在腐肉诱饵效果持续时间内,其移动速度降低10尺作为替代。制造腐肉诱饵需要通过DC 19的工艺(炼金)检定。

carrion bait
Source Undead Slayer's Handbook pg. 11 (Amazon)
Price 25 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Alchemical Tools
This large glass jar is vacuum-sealed with an airtight wax plug. Inside, festering chunks of monkey meat are covered in fungal mycelium and seeded with fly eggs, though the mixture’s potency is not evident until it’s exposed to air. Once the jar is opened (a standard action), the stench quickly becomes overpowering as the jar’s contents swell and rot at an accelerated rate. Any living creature within 15 feet of the jar when it is opened must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds.

Vermin and undead have a hard time distinguishing carrion bait from rotten human flesh, but intelligent undead that succeed at a DC 15 Perception check realize the difference. Regardless, any creature that spends more than 1 round eating the carrion bait quickly realizes its error, since the bait continues to swell and grow even as it’s digested. One round after eating carrion bait, an affected undead or vermin becomes staggered for 1d4 rounds as its belly bulges to incredible proportions (other creature types cannot stomach carrion bait and instead are nauseated for 2d4 rounds). If the affected creature is already staggered, its movement speed instead decreases by 10 feet for the duration of the carrion bait’s effect. Crafting carrion bait requires a successful DC 19 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 19
主题: 不認識的精靈神, 不認識的背景, 查到他只是奧術發現——Yuelral的賜福
作者: 2017-08-09, 周三 21:45:02

出自《內海诸神Inner Sea Gods pg. 221》

PFS Legal Magic’s Might
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 221 (Amazon)
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Yuelral
Your natural affinity for magic allows you to affect even those who resist it. You gain a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 空山鳴2017-08-11, 周五 02:04:55
人類种族替换能力 出自《第一世界的遺產》(Legacy of the First World)


Heart of the Fey: Fey-touched humans enjoy senses and reactions superior to those of their kin. These humans receive low-light vision, gain a +1 racial bonus on Reflex and Will saves, and treat Knowledge (nature) and Perception as class skills. This racial trait replaces skilled.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-08-11, 周五 02:45:55
出处:《第一世界的遗产》(Legacy of the First World)第25页
位置:无 CL:9th 重量:-

2,400 GP
SLOT  none CL 9th WEIGHT —
AURA  moderate divination
A creature carrying this knot-shaped charm for 3 full days becomes
its owner until she loses possession of it. A creature can only be
the  owner  of  a  single  charm  of  the  thriceborn .  At  the  start  of
each day, the charm’s owner rolls 3d20 and keeps their results as
her charmed dice. Once during that day, instead of rolling a d20,
the charm’s owner can instead use the result of one of the three
charmed dice, randomly selected (roll 1d3 to choose).
Craft Wondrous Item, threefold sight

出处:《第一世界的遗产》(Legacy of the First World)第25页
位置:无 CL:5th 重量:5 lbs
描述:每天最多三次,持握这个细长三角棱柱的生物,能释放一个法术,使目标在对抗法术时的豁免中骰三次并且取中间结果,如同三相之视(Threefold Sight)法术。次级三生权杖能影响最高三级的法术,普通三生权杖能影响最高六级的法术,高等三生权杖最高能影响九级的法术。三生权杖不能与超魔权杖或者顽强法术专长一起使用。

Lesser rod of the thriceborn 2,500 GP
Rod of the thriceborn 6,500 GP
Greater rod of the thriceborn   19,500 GP
SLOT  none CL 5th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA moderate divination
The wielder of this elongated triangular prism can cast up to three
spells per day for which the spell’s targets must roll three times
for their saving throws and take the middle of the three results, as
per  threefold sight. A lesser rod of the thriceborn  can affect spells
up to 3rd level, a rod of the thriceborn  can affect spells up to 6th
level, and a greater  rod of the thriceborn  can affect spells up to
9th level. A  rod of the thriceborn  can’t be used in conjunction with
metamagic rods or the Persistent Spell feat.
Lesser rod of the thriceborn 1,250 GP
Rod of the thriceborn 3,250 GP
Greater rod of the thriceborn   9,750 GP
Craft Rod, threefold sight

出处:《第一世界的遗产》(Legacy of the First World)第25页
位置:头部 CL:9th 重量:-
描述:这条绿色的飘带形如Magdh的三端之结。穿戴者得到三张脸,分别代表他的不同人格,如同持续处于三相之貌(Threefold Face)法术影响下。

60,000 GP
SLOT  head CL 9th WEIGHT —
AURA  moderate transmutation
This  green  ribbon  is  fashioned  in  the  shape  of  Magdh’s  three-pointed knot. The wearer gains three faces that each represent a
different aspect of her personality, as if constantly under the effect
of threefold face .
Craft Wondrous Item, threefold face
主题: Re: 先知诅咒
作者: 剧毒术士2017-08-11, 周五 14:54:41
夺舍(Possessed) 出自惊骇国度《Horror Realms pg. 15》


Another mind shares your body, interfering with your control, and it’s more difficult for you to concentrate as a result. You take a –2 penalty on all concentration checks, and concentrating to maintain a spell duration provokes attacks of opportunity. Whenever a foe attempts to use an effect to possess or dominate you and the effect allows a saving throw to negate, you may roll twice and take the better of the two results.
At 5th level, if you become dazed or stunned, you can choose instead to become confused for twice the duration the daze or stun effect would have normally lasted.
At 10th level, add possessionOA to your list of 5th-level oracle spells known.
At 15th level, add greater object possessionOA to your list of 7th-level oracle spells known.
主题: 专长
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-08-12, 周六 16:57:01
精通包抄(战斗、团队)(Improved Outflank) 出自《第一世界的遗产》(Legacy of the First World)

Improved Outflank (Combat, Teamwork)
You can easily find openings in your enemies’ defenses.
Prerequisites: OutflankAPG, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat arethreatening the same foe, you are considered to be flanking that foe if you are adjacent to an unoccupied square from which you would be able to flank the foe with your ally.
Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to flank an opponent.
主题: Re: 魔战士变体
作者: 牧语2017-08-14, 周一 12:33:06
魔武者(魔战士变体)出自内海诡道(inner sea intrigue)








Magic Warrior (Magus Archetype)
Trained in a tradition stretching back to Old-Mage Jatembe’s Ten Magic Warriors, magic warriors renounce their identities to master magical might and serve as champions of culture and learning across the Mwangi Expanse and beyond.

Class Skills: A magic warrior adds Knowledge (history and nature) to her list of class skills, instead of Knowledge(dungeoneering and planes).
This ability alters the magus’s class skills.

Nameless Mask (Ex): A magic warrior gains strength in hiding her identity behind an animalistic mask, but also suffers drawbacks from doing so. While wearing her mask, a magic warrior gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against divinations in the scrying subschool. However, NPCs who are unfamiliar with or have a poor opinion of the magic warrior tradition have a starting attitude of unfriendly toward the magic warrior while she wears her mask. If using the influence system (Ultimate Intrigue 102), it takes one additional success to increase her influence level over such an NPC.
The magic warrior cannot reveal her name or remove her mask in front of anyone she has never met before or in front of anyone she does not trust. If she violates this taboo, she must
discard her mask and create or obtain a new mask and wear it before she can gain any benefits that result from wearing her mask.

Magic Warrior’s Aspect (Su): At 3rd level, a magic warrior can gain an aspect of an animal’s
might. The animal must suit the magic warrior’s mask (and the animal changes if the magic
warrior must create or obtain a new mask). As a standard action, the magic warrior gains one ability possessed by that animal from the list of abilities given in beast shape I (this ability does not allow her to change her size). The ability lasts for 1 minute per magus level.
This ability replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level.

Nameless Anonymity (Su): At 8th level, a magic warrior’s nameless masked identity protects her from divinations. Once per day, as long as she is in her masked identity, she can cast nondetection using her magus level as her caster level.
This ability replaces improved spell combat.

Improved Spell Combat (Ex):At 14th level, a magic warrior gains improved spell combat.
This ability replaces greater spell combat.

Magaambya Spell Access(Su): At 19th level, a magic warrior learns ancient secrets to using natural magic. She learns seven spells from the druid’s spell list and places them in her spellbook as magus spells of her druid level. She gains one of each of the following druid spells not on the magus spell list: 0-level, 1st-level,2nd-level, 3rd-level, 4th-level, 5th-level, and 6th-level. She can ignore the divine focus component of these spells.
This ability replaces greater spell access.

Magus Arcana: The following magus arcana complement the magic warrior archetype: accurate
strikeUC, arcane accuracyUM, arcane cloakUC, arcane edgeUC, bane bladeUC, devoted bladeUC, empowered magicUM, maximized magicUM, quickened magicUM, silent magicUM, spell blendingUM, still magicUM.
这个变体后来进行了更新,借用白猫大佬的翻译:http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=88123.msg856599#msg856599 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=88123.msg856599#msg856599)
主题: Re: 法術
作者: 灯泡powerbult2017-08-15, 周二 23:32:34
準則符文 Rune of Rule

來源 冒險者指南 Adventurer's Guide 61頁. 61
學派 變化系
環位 奧能師2,吟遊詩人2,秘學士2,歌者2,術士/法師2,女巫2
施法時間 1分鐘
成分 語言,姿勢,材料(價值25gp的一小瓶顏料)
範圍 近距
目標 一個活物
持續時間 1天 或 直至被啟動(見描述)
豁免 意志通過則無效(無害);
法術抗力 可(無害)
在秘文法師們對阿茲蘭特的研究中,他們發現這個失落的人類帝國曾經有過一項神秘而古老的傳統,那就是七種美德的行事準則,這個傳統後來在魔印王的玷污下成為了世人更為熟悉的七大罪行。該發現啟發秘文法師們發明出準則符文。這個法術允許你將符文施放在另一個生物上,這些符文可以在之後對它起到幫助。施法時,你需要使用一劑特別準備的價值25gp的顏料,用手指在受術者的身體上描繪特定的符文,來決定法術的具體效果。被描繪的符文持續24小時或直到法術被啟動。除非另有說明,否則繪有符文的生物可以在任何時候以一個迅捷動作啟動它。若法術的效果未被使用,與符文相關聯的所有徽記都會消失,其效果也會消散。你永遠不能將該法術施放在自己身上 - 它必須被賜予別人。以下是七種準則符文,以及使用者啟動它們的具體效果。一個生物一次只能帶有一個符文符號。








PFS Clarification:仁愛符文不能用於幫助PC。它只會在你正直接援助一位NPC時才生效(例如,在他正被其他生物攻擊時保護他)。
Page 62—The rune of charity cannot be used to help PCs. It only applies if you are directly assisting an NPC (for example, defending an NPC from creatures that are attacking him).

Rune of Rule
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 61
School transmutation; Level arcanist 2, bard 2, occultist 2, skald 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, M (vial of paint worth 25 gp)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature
Duration 1 day or until activated (see description)
Saving Throw Will (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Investigations into the ancient and mysterious traditions of the seven virtues of rule of the lost human empire of Azlant, which were later corrupted by the runelords into the more familiar seven deadly sins, inspired the Cyphermages to develop the runes of rule. This spell allows you to place a rune upon another creature that can then be used to aid it at a later time. You determine the spell’s effect at the time of casting by using your finger to paint a specific rune on the recipient’s body with a dose of specially prepared paint worth 25 gp. The inscribed rune lasts for 24 hours or until the spell is activated. Unless otherwise noted, the creature upon which the rune of rule has been inscribed can activate it at any time as a swift action. If the spell effect isn’t used, all markings associated with the rune disappear and the effect fades. You can never place the spell upon yourself—it must be bestowed on someone else. The seven runes of rule, along with their specific effects when the user activates them, are listed below. A creature can bear only one rune of rule at a time.

Charity: A creature bearing this mark gains a +5 insight bonus on a single attack roll or skill check attempted at the request of another creature, provided the creature bearing this mark does not gain any immediate benefit or reward for making the roll or attempting the check.

Generosity: A creature bearing the rune of generosity can activate it as an immediate action, but it must do so as another creature within 30 feet activates a consumable magic item such as a potion or scroll that was given to it at some point within the last 24 hours by the creature bearing the rune. When the rune is activated, the effects of the consumable magic item resolve at a caster level that is 2 higher than the item’s actual caster level.

Humility: When a creature activates the rune of humility, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round.

Kindness: A creature must be using the aid another action or casting a healing spell in order to activate a rune of kindness. If the creature activates the rune while using the aid another action, the bonus imparted on a success increases to +5. If the creature instead activates the rune while casting a healing spell, the effective caster level of the spell increases by 2.

Love: When a creature activates the rune of love as he casts a spell with the charm descriptor, the save DC of that spell increases by 1. Alternatively, a creature can activate the rune of love after he rolls damage for a weapon or spell attack, causing the damage dealt to become nonlethal damage.

Temperance: A creature bearing the rune of temperance can activate it as an immediate action immediately upon failing a saving throw against a poison, disease, drug, or similar effect. The creature can immediately attempt a second saving throw against the effect and can use the result of that second saving throw as the actual result.

Zeal: A creature that activates the rune of zeal gains a +3 bonus on Will saves, and the save DCs of all language-dependent effects created by the creature increase by 1; these effects last for 1 round.
主题: 杂项
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-08-17, 周四 05:52:32
  尖钉的信条  出自《地狱骑士之道》(Path of the Hellknights) 第33页尖钉骑士团边栏




Order of the Nail Hellknights idealize the civilized society of southern Avistan and seek to unite all people in advancing that cultural baseline. In fact, the Order of the Nail’s members preach that anyone who doesn’t embrace Chelish culture is a criminal and heathen who must be destroyed. The order’s members idealize the lifestyles and challenges of frontier settlers, no matter the displacement, indignation, or cruelty they might visit on those who were there before.

Individual Order of the Nail Hellknights work to uphold the following tenets.

• I will strike against civilization’s foes, braving both thicket and darkness.
• I will rid the world of threats to civilization and make it fit for the law to flourish.
• I will fear no creature, though the enemies of order are terrible.
• I will not be merciful, though the enemies of order may bear familiar guises—and may even be individuals I have considered dear.
• I will seek allies and advantage, confounding luck with wisdom.
• I will be the face that monsters dread: fierce, sharp, and unflinching.
主题: Re: 专长
作者: 灯泡powerbult2017-08-18, 周五 17:58:07
反射施法者Reflexive Caster
来源 阴招战术工具箱Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg13

Reflexive Caster
Source Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg. 13
You are ready to defend yourself with a spell at a moment’s notice.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, caster level 5th.

Benefit: If you fail a Perception check that results in you being unable to act in a surprise round, you still roll initiative normally. You can act on your initiative count in the surprise round, but can only take a standard action to cast an abjuration spell that targets only yourself.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-08-21, 周一 19:05:20
门扉卡组(Deck of Doors)
出处:《极限诡道》(Ultimate Intrigue)第246页
位置:无 CL:9th 重量:-
描述:这套54张牌组成的卡组装饰着让人想起门扉的图案。以一个标准动作,使用者能把其中一张牌按在一段5尺的墙上。目标墙必须是非魔法的,最多2尺厚,厚度8或以下。伴随着银光一闪,卡片变为一扇精美的木门(硬度5,15hp)并且嵌入墙内5轮,它的外表符合周围建筑的风格。如果使用者同时在一面墙上按下两张牌,卡片变为双开门10轮。门能从两面打开,允许人从墙中穿过。当效果结束时,门从墙上脱落,并重新变为一张空白的、非魔法的卡片,而墙恢复原状。当使用在城市内的追逐遭遇((Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 232)中时,卡组中的卡片减少任何基于力量或者敏捷的障碍DC5,持续5轮(如使用两张卡片则为10轮)。

Deck of Doors
Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 246
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 12,150 gp; Weight —
This set of 54 cards is adorned with designs reminiscent of doors and gates. As a standard action, the user can press a card from the deck against a 5-foot section of a wall. The wall must be nonmagical, can be up to 2 feet thick, and must have hardness 8 or lower. In a flash of silvery light, the card grows into a good wooden door (hardness 5, 15 hp) and embeds itself in the wall for 5 rounds, its appearance matching the style of the surrounding architecture. If the user presses two cards against a wall at the same time, the cards instead turn into a double door for 10 rounds. The door can be opened from either side, allowing passage through the affected section of the wall. When the duration ends, the door peels off the wall and withers into a blank, nonmagical card, leaving the wall intact. When used in an urban chase encounter (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 232), a card from the deck lowers the DC of any one Strength- or Dexterity-based obstacle by 5 for 5 rounds (or 10 rounds if two cards are used).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, minor creation, passwall; Cost 6,075 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-08-21, 周一 19:55:44
发条响尾蛇(Key-wound rattler)
出处:《地下城探险者手册》(Dungeoneer's Handbook)第24页
价格:350gp 重量:25磅

Key-wound rattler
Source Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 24 (Amazon)
Price 350 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
Category Adventuring Gear
As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, a character can wind the key on this 4-foot-long serpentine clockwork enough to power it until the end of her next turn. For every additional standard action spent winding it, the rattler is powered for another round, to a maximum of 10 total rounds. The mechanism ticks softly while being wound and unwinding (Perception DC 15 to hear).

 When a character removes the key (a swift action) until the rattler winds down, at the start of each of that character’s turn, the rattler slithers 20 feet in a straight line, rearing up every few seconds to extend its forked tongue and make noise with its rattle (Perception DC 0 to hear). Anyone who sees it from farther than 30 feet away must succeed at a DC 10 Perception check to realize it is not an actual snake. The key-wound rattler can neither see nor hear. If it runs into an unyielding surface, it bumps around until it feels an open path, rotating first to the right and then to the left before going back the way it came. If it bumps into anything that is neither hard nor still, it attacks with its bite (+5 attack, 1d3 nonlethal damage) until the obstacle moves away. While moving, a key-wound rattler’s AC is 12 and it provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. At the end of the turn in which it winds down, it curls up as if to sleep. A key-wound rattler has hardness 10 and 10 hit points. It is not a creature, and does not threaten spaces or act except as described above.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-08-21, 周一 20:02:53
发条徘徊者(Clockwork prowler)
出处:《探索者协会外勤指南》(Pathfinder Society Field Guide)第48页
价格:500gp 重量:25磅

Clockwork prowler
Source Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg. 48 (Amazon)
Price 500 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
Category Alchemical Tools
This 2-foot-tall wooden clockwork automaton is shaped roughly like a short-backed, wheeled chair. When wound up with the folding handle at its side, the clockwork prowler trundles forward at a speed of 15 feet per round for up to 2 minutes. A clockwork prowler cannot move through difficult terrain. Each round of vigorous winding powers 2 rounds of movement. If its brake is not released immediately after winding, the prowler loses 1 round of movement for every 2 rounds it sits idle. The clockwork prowler can carry up to 20 pounds of weight at full speed, or up to 50 pounds at a speed of 10 feet. Higher weights prevent the prowler from moving. A clockwork prowler has hardness 5 and 90 hit points, and when in motion has AC 12 (a motionless clockwork prowler has AC 5).

高级发条徘徊者(Clockwork prowler, advanced)
出处:《探索者协会外勤指南》(Pathfinder Society Field Guide)第48页
价格:1500gp 重量:30磅

Clockwork prowler (advanced)
Source Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg. 48 (Amazon)
Price 1,500 gp; Weight 30 lbs.
Category Alchemical Tools
A more advanced version of the clockwork prowler, this device is more metal than wood. It moves at a speed of 20 feet and can be programmed with up to four right-angle turns. Each turn requires 1 round to program along with a DC 15 Disable Device check. If this check is failed, roll d% each time the prowler attempts to turn. On a result of 1–10, it fails to turn. On a result of 11–20, it instead turns on the next round. An advanced clockwork prowler can carry up to 60 pounds of weight at full speed, or up to 120 pounds at a speed of 10 feet. It has hardness 10, 150 hit points, and when in motion has AC 15 (a motionless advanced clockwork prowler has AC 8).
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 喵泰山2017-08-22, 周二 14:56:03
昏暗瞄准(Dusksight)   出自《阴影血脉》 Blood of Shadows
类型:种族替换规则(Alternate Racial Rules)



PFS Legal Dusksight
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 4
Characters who operate below canopies or fight in dimly lit caves and shadowy planes of existence learn to use their low-light vision to deduce a foe’s position from the flickers of shadows around a target. When making ranged attacks, characters with this trait can reroll the miss chance granted by cover to any target in dim light, and take the better of the two rolls. The miss chance for total concealment applies normally.
Dwarves can take this trait in place of hatred and darkvision, also gaining low-light vision. Elves, gnomes, half-elves, and halflings can take this trait in place of keen senses. Half-orcs can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity, also gaining low-light vision..


主题: 炼金药
作者: 白药君2017-08-23, 周三 20:01:16
汉化膏与娘化酊(Anderos salve and mulibrous tincture) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Anderos%20salve%20and%20mulibrous%20tincture) 出自《冒险者指南  Adventurer's Guide 168页》


Anderos salve and mulibrous tincture
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 168
Price 5 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Remedies
Anderos salve and mulibrous tincture are two very different alchemical concoctions with contrary but similar goals: refining the mortal body and quieting mental stresses. Anderos salve is a gray paste applied to the arms or chest that helps restore youthful vigor, while mulibrous tincture is a bitter, minty tea that eases pain and softens skin. If a dose of anderos salve is applied at least twice per week over a period of months, the user’s feminine secondary sex characteristics are gradually reduced and masculine ones develop; imbibing mulibrous tincture in this way reduces the drinker’s masculine secondary sex characteristics and feminine ones develop. Taking a dose of each concoction every week instead softens all secondary sex characteristics, causing the user to take on an androgynous appearance. After a period of 6 months, the transformation is permanent, with no further doses required to maintain the new form.

While these alchemical solutions do not cause as swift or extensive a change as magical alternatives, they are far more affordable, especially among the Rivethun, who often teach the process of their creation to their disciples.
主题: 奇物
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-08-27, 周日 17:25:52
Lantern of Hidden Light
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 115
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
A lantern of hidden light can be an invaluable tool for one who wishes to see in darkened areas without being revealed to those accustomed to the darkness. This magical lantern can be activated with a touch to one of its crystal panes, and functions as a hooded lantern, save that this light (and what it illuminates) is visible only to the character who holds the lantern in one hand. To other observers, the lantern always appears unlit, and does not appear to be shedding any light at all.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, light; Cost 500 gp

隐光提灯 来自《冒险者指南》p115
灵光:微弱塑能系;CL 5th
需求:制造奇物,光亮术;花费 500gp

Pipe of Revealing Mists
Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 249
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 2,592 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
A pair of angry, squinting eyes is carved into the bowl of this wooden smoking pipe. The pipe defies any attempts to light it; even when it’s unlit, pale wafts of smoke constantly crawl out from the pipe’s bowl, despite being unlit. Three times per day as a standard action, the user can inhale the smoke and blow it out in a 30-foot cone. While most of the smoke quickly dissipates, a thin layer of it clings to any corporeal invisible creatures caught in the cone. The creatures are revealed as blurred shapes, rather than being invisible, but attacks against them still suffer a 20% miss chance. This effect lasts for 6 rounds.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility purge, obscuring mist; Cost 1,296 gp
显隐之雾烟斗 来自《内海诡道》p249
灵光:微弱塑能系;cl 5th
位置:无;价格 2592gp;重量 1/2lb
需求:制造奇物,消除隐形,隐雾术;花费 1296gp
主题: Re: 奇物
作者: 2017-08-27, 周日 18:41:39
Lantern of Hidden Light
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 115
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
A lantern of hidden light can be an invaluable tool for one who wishes to see in darkened areas without being revealed to those accustomed to the darkness. This magical lantern can be activated with a touch to one of its crystal panes, and functions as a hooded lantern, save that this light (and what it illuminates) is visible only to the character who holds the lantern in one hand. To other observers, the lantern always appears unlit, and does not appear to be shedding any light at all.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, light; Cost 500 gp

隐光提灯 来自《冒险者指南》p115
灵光:微弱塑能系;CL 5th
需求:制造奇物,光亮术;花费 500gp

Pipe of Revealing Mists
Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 249
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 2,592 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
A pair of angry, squinting eyes is carved into the bowl of this wooden smoking pipe. The pipe defies any attempts to light it; even when it’s unlit, pale wafts of smoke constantly crawl out from the pipe’s bowl, despite being unlit. Three times per day as a standard action, the user can inhale the smoke and blow it out in a 30-foot cone. While most of the smoke quickly dissipates, a thin layer of it clings to any corporeal invisible creatures caught in the cone. The creatures are revealed as blurred shapes, rather than being invisible, but attacks against them still suffer a 20% miss chance. This effect lasts for 6 rounds.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility purge, obscuring mist; Cost 1,296 gp
显隐之雾烟斗 来自《内海诡道》p249
灵光:微弱塑能系;cl 5th
位置:无;价格 2592gp;重量 1/2lb
需求:制造奇物,消除隐形,隐雾术;花费 1296gp

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 德拉卡2017-08-28, 周一 10:37:53
少女的承诺(Maiden’s Promise)
出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:颈部 CL:3th 重量:-
描述:  一件来自科瓦萨城堡财宝的首饰被分为两部分,制作成了这对项坠盒。当被2人穿戴时,项坠盒的魔法增强了她们彼此间的奉献精神。在女王艾廖莎统治的最后一天里,许多军队中的前"灰姑娘"成员紧紧地握着这些吊坠盒,象征着她们姐妹般的身份。
          当佩戴这对少女的承诺的两人间不超过30尺时,每人都将在意志豁免上获得+1士气加值,来缓和任何会损害她对另一方忠诚的影响。如果其中一位佩戴者陷入了无助状态,则另一人对所有威胁这名无助佩戴者的生物的攻击骰上获得+1士气加值。如果一名佩戴者死亡,则另一人必须通过DC16的意志豁免,不然将会陷入极度绝望(Crushing Despair)1分钟。

PRICE:500 GP (pair)
SLOT:neck CL:3rd WEIGHT:—
AURA:faint divination
  Each pair of these lockets is made from a piece of jewelry from Castle Korvosa’s treasury that was split into two parts,
each of which was fashioned into a necklace. When worn by two individuals, the lockets' magic enhances their devotion to each other.
Many former Gray Maidens cling to these lockets, distributed among Queen Ileosa’s forces during the final days of her reign,
as a symbol of their sisterhood.
  When the wearers of linked maiden’s promise lockets are within 30 feet of each other,each gains a +1 morale bonus on Will saves against any effect that would compromise her loyalty to the other.
If one wearer becomes helpless, the other gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against any creature threatening the helpless wearer.
If one wearer dies, the other must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or suffer the effects of crushing despair for 1 minute.
Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, status

神圣之火披风(Cloak Of Heavenly Fire)
出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第16页
位置:肩部 CL:5th 重量:1磅


PRICE 6,000 GP
SLOT shoulders CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint conjuration
  This white silk cloak shimmers with divine energy. Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer of a cloak of heavenly fire can cause it to flash with flames as another creature touches the wearer or strikes the wearer with a melee attack. These flames deal 1d8+5 points of fire damage to the creature that touched the wearer. If the creature subjected to this damage is evil, it takes an additional 1d8+5 points of damage as the fire glows with golden light—this additional damage is divine in nature and not subject to energy resistance or immunity. A target that succeeds at a DC 15 Reflex save takes half the total damage. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer of a cloak of heavenly fire can also use the magic to cure wounds, restoring 2d8+5 hit points to a touched creature.
Craft Wondrous Item, cure moderate wounds, fire shield

解放者之钥(Liberator’s Key)
出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第45页
位置:无 CL:5th 重量:-


PRICE 2,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
This tiny, unremarkable silver key can open nearly any set of shackles. When the key is inserted as a standard action into the keyhole of locked leg irons, manacles, or shackles, the lock unlocks provided that its Disable Device DC is 30 or lower. Shackles whose lock has a Disable Device DC of 15 or lower are instantly and silently broken into fragments. A liberator’s key can be used 10 times, after which it crumbles to dust.
Craft Wondrous Item, knock, shatter
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 德拉卡2017-08-28, 周一 18:00:11
燃烧流沙(Burning Sands)出自 冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)
等级:德鲁伊 1,游侠 1,萨满 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1

School conjuration (creation) [earth, fire];
Level druid 1, ranger 1, shaman 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a handful of sand)/DF
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 20-ft. radius
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
  You cause sheets of hot sand to spread over the ground in the area of effect. This layer of sand is 1 foot deep and constantly shifts and churns, transforming the ground in the area into difficult terrain.
The sand itself burns, and periodic flames rise from the grit. While these flames cannot ignite objects, they deal 1d4 points of fire damage to any creature that ends its turn in contact with the ground within the area of effect.
At the end of the duration, the sand vanishes, leaving no aftereffects (other than damage dealt).

奥多里迅捷咒(Aldori Alacrity)出自 冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)
等级:炼金术士 2,吟游诗人 2,魔战士 2

School transmutation;
Level alchemist 2, bard 2, magus 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (ginger root shavings)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level
This spell’s energy quickens your steps, allowing fancy footwork. You gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to your speed and a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. These bonuses do not stack with those granted by haste or similar effects. While under the effects of Aldori alacrity, you can take 5-foot steps in difficult terrain.
主题: 魔法
作者: 靜海聆2017-08-29, 周二 04:57:19
魔法隔離術(Source Severance)
環位:牧師/先知 6、德魯伊 6、獵人 6、戰爭祭司6、女巫 6
施法時間: 標準動作
成分: 語言、動作、材料(一塊未加工過的天然磁石)
距離: 5英尺
持續時間: 10分鐘/等級(解消)
豁免: 無;法術抗力 見下文

原文 (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Source%20Severance)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 百态2017-09-26, 周二 13:12:58

统御之刃(Soverign Blade)  出自《巨龙之遗》(Legacy of Dragons)




统御之息(Sp) : 6级开始,统御之刃可以像帝龙的龙息一样发出震耳欲聋的吼声,就像【龙息术APG】这个法术一样,在30尺的锥形范围内造成声波伤害,施法者等级等于统御之刃等级的一半。 统御之刃可以每天使用此能力一次,在12级和18级时增加每天一次。这一能力取代武士在6级,12级,18级的奖励专长

Soverign Blade
Source Legacy of Dragons pg. 14
In Tian Xia, many samurai are tutored in the ways of honor using lessons that originate from sovereign dragons and their dedication to safeguarding harmony.
Alignment: A sovereign blade’s alignment must be at least partially neutral. If the sovereign blade’s alignment is not partially neutral, she is treated as if she had violated her order’s edicts each day until her alignment is again partially neutral.
Dogmatic Denial (Ex) : A sovereign blade gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells with any of the following descriptors that don’t match part of the character’s own alignment: chaotic, evil, good, or lawful.
This ability replaces mount.
Golden Armor (Su): At 4th level, a sovereign blade can spend one use of her resolve to cause her armor to become golden for 1 round per class level, gaining energy resistance equal to 1/2 her samurai level against one energy type of her choice.
This ability replaces mounted archer.
Soverign Breath (Sp) : At 6th level, the sovereign blade can issue forth an immense roar similar to the breath weapon of a sovereign dragon. This functions as dragon’s breathAPG, except it deals sonic damage in a 30-foot cone and has a caster level equal to half the sovereign blade’s samurai level. The sovereign blade can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 12th and 18th levels.
This replaces the bonus feats a samurai gained at 6th, 12th, and 18th level.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-09-28, 周四 23:25:07
虚华饰物(Glittering Trinket)
出处:《极限诡道》(Ultimate Intrigue)第247页
栏位:无;价格:120 gp;重量:1/2磅

Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 247
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
Slot none; Price 120 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Though actually made of cheap tin and colored glass, this adornment appears to be a beautiful and expensive piece of jewelry worth 1,000 gp. A glittering trinket can come in the form of a necklace (using the neck item slot), a bracelet (taking up the wrists slot), a belt buckle (taking the waist slot), or a ring (taking up one ring slot). The trinket’s inflated price affects only people’s opinion of the wearer. It uses its actual price and cost for any abilities or effects that depend on the item having a certain value. Anyone who physically interacts with a glittering trinket can attempt a DC 11 Will save to disbelieve the illusion, and a successful DC 20 Appraise check identifies it as false. Because of these factors, selling the trinket—especially to a merchant—rarely fetches the inflated price.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 60 gp

主题: 进阶职业
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-10-07, 周六 00:53:08
染血天使(Sanguine Angel)出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》80页
对于曾经效忠于艾莲莎女皇(Queen Ileosa)意志的灰色少女(Gray Maidens)来说,无人能够见证那些欲魔会(the Erinyes Company)成员们的成功。这个组织起源于由奎尔琳·拉克米洛尔(Qualins Rachmirol)领导的灰色少女小队,她在艾露莎战败时强行征用了一艘船并驶向了切利亚斯(Cheliax)。尊敬的地狱女皇(Her Infernal Majestrix)对这些士兵们的勇猛和忠诚印象极为深刻;阿波罗盖(Abrogail)准许她们加入切利亚斯的军队,并授予了这只小队新的名号。

欲魔会从最初的27名成员不断扩充,尽管这并不顺利——因为给予新成员的启蒙过程是无比激烈而且经常致命的。作为结果,这些幸存者们像最初那些灰色少女一样,在整个精神和肉体上都承受着伤痕。无论如何,这个组织已经抛弃了艾露莎的种族纯净主义(doctrine of racial purity)——内驱力和意志才能创造欲魔,而无关于肤色和形态。

欲魔会的精英成员是这些被称为“染血天使”(sanguine angels)的无情士兵。在灰色少女还是一个世俗组织的时候,这些欲魔中的多数已经开始崇拜被称作“暗夜女王”(Queens of the Night) (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=59749.0)的女性半神们。这些热衷复仇的魔鬼们则回报欲魔会的精英们以地狱的伟力。

生命骰(Hit Die):d10

专长:精通盾击(Improved Shield Bash),钢铁意志(Iron Will),武器专攻(长剑)(Weapon Focus (longsword))


本职技能(Class Skills)



职业能力(Class Features)

坚定之心(Hardened Heart,Ex):染血天使把她职业等级的两倍加到任何试图威吓她的DC上。

少女之盾(Maiden’s Shield,Ex):染血天使只要正在使用一把长剑和一面盾牌,她就视作拥有双武器战斗专长(the Two-Weapon Fighting)。这也允许她选取那些以双武器战斗作为先决条件的专长,即使她没有满足双武器战斗专长和敏捷属性的先决条件,但她只有在持用(wielding)一把长剑和一面盾牌时才能从这些专长中获益。

暴君戒律(Tyrant’s Discipline,Ex):欲魔会的启蒙持续而深入地教导着染血天使,使得她们效忠于地狱女皇,就像昔日灰色少女效忠于艾露莎那样。从2级开始,染血天使凭借她接受的教导和战斗训练,以及对暴政的忠诚发展出了强力的天赋。在2级以及之后每2级时,染血天使从下述列表中选取一个戒律。


驱动攻击(Driving Assault):当进行全力攻击(full attack)时,染血天使可以在一轮内所有近战攻击骰上承受-2的罚值。若她如此做,在该轮内她第一次用近战攻击命中一个体型等于或小于她的生物时,她可以尝试进行一次冲撞战技检定以将这个生物向后推动五尺。她在这次战技检定上获得+2的加值并且不会在进行冲撞时引发借机攻击,但无论检定结果如何,她都不能把目标推动超过五尺。如果染血天使以这种方式推动一个生物,她能够立即移入生物原本占据的空间而不会引发借机攻击。

欲魔怒火(Erinyes Fury):染血天使能够进入一种残忍无情的状态。这个能力类似石心野蛮人变体(the dreadnought barbarian)的刚冷之心(dead calm)职业能力(探索者RPG恐怖冒险47页,Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 47) ,每天能够使用的轮数等同于她职业等级的两倍。如果染血天使拥有野蛮人等级,并且使用了石心人变体,将她的染血天使等级和野蛮人等级叠加,以此来决定她每日的狂暴轮数。
刚冷之心 Dead Clam(Su):石心人可以以一个自由动作进入一种超然冷静的杀戮意识中。在此状态下,石心人只获得普通野蛮人狂暴一半程度的数值好处并不承受防御等级减值,并且他可以在此状态下进行所有的技能检定和需要专注精神的行动,并且他在狂暴结束时不会疲乏。但是,在他结束狂暴后1分钟时间内石心人不能再次激活狂暴。在处于狂暴状态时,石心人不能奔跑或是冲锋。
译者:傻豆 (

狂怒猎手(Furious Huntress):代替敏捷调整值,染血天使将她的力量调整值加到使用弓时的攻击骰上。


残虐屠杀(Merciless Massacre):当染血天使通过近战攻击命中一名畏缩(cowering)或恐慌(panicked)的生物,或是通过近战攻击将一名生物的生命值降至负值时,以一个迅捷动作,她可以对这名生物造成额外的伤害,伤害数值等同于1d8+她的职业等级。

女皇利剑(Queen’s Sword):染血天使针对重刃武器组(heavy blades)的武器训练加值(weapon training bonus)提升1点。染血天使必须至少在这个进阶职业上拥有4个等级,且拥有武器训练(重刃武器组)职业能力才能够选择这个戒律。染血天使能够在8级或更高等级时再次选择这个戒律。

永不屈服(Unyielding):当穿戴灰色少女铠甲(Gray Maiden plate)(本书84页)时,染血天使获得DR1/-。角色必须至少在这个进阶职业上拥有6个等级才能够选择这个戒律。这个伤害减免在8级时提升至DR2/-,在10级时提升至DR3/-。这个伤害减免不会与从其他来源获得的伤害减免互相叠加。
装甲天使(Armored Angel,Ex):3级时,染血天使获得护甲训练(the armor training)职业能力,在穿戴灰色少女铠甲(Gray Maiden plate)时,将她的职业等级视作战士等级来决定护甲训练的效果。如果染血天使在其他拥有护甲训练职业能力的职业上拥有等级,那么当她穿戴灰色少女铠甲时,将二者的职业等级叠加以确定护甲训练的效果。

玛汉沙拉之眼(Eye of Mahathallah,Su):幻中贵妇(The Dowager of Illusion),第一位暗夜女王,将她的恩典授予了欲魔会,并赋予染血天使敏锐的双眼去洞察所有的骗术。5级时,染血天使获得警觉(Alertness)作为奖励专长,并在对抗幻术的意志豁免上获得+4的亵渎加值。此外,每天一次以一个迅捷动作,染血天使能够通过承受1d4点魅力伤害来获得真知术(true seeing)的效果,持续的轮数等同于她的职业等级。

阿达·莉莉的奥秘(Mystique of Ardad Lili,Ex and Sp):尽管大多数染血天使很少关心个人魅力,但纯真之末(the End of Innocence)仍然授予她们不容忽视的影响力。7级时,染血天使在对抗与她属于同类生物的目标的交涉和威吓检定上获得+4的加值。每天一次,染血天使能够作为类法术能力使用支配人类(dominate person),施法者等级等于她的角色等级。

多洛蕾丝的虚无(Hollowness of Doloras,Ex):我们的痛苦女士(Our Lady of Pain)的礼物名为赦免——让你免于惊骇和痛苦,免于悲伤和恐惧。9级时,染血天使获得顽强(Diehard)作为奖励专长。此外,她在对抗[情绪(emotion)]UM和[痛苦(pain)]UM的效果时,在豁免检定上获得+4的亵渎加值,并且她免疫恐惧效果。

艾希斯的天使(Angel of Eiseth,Su):最强大的染血天使赢得了欲魔女王(Erinyes Queen)艾希斯的恩典,她将她们转化为了地狱的仆人。10级时,染血天使的生物类型转变为异界生物(邪恶,跨位面,守序亚种),并且地狱将成为她的原生位面(native plane)。她获得30点火焰抗力,50尺范围的心灵感应,以及看破黑暗(see in darkness)通用怪物能力。乌木叶羽构成的翅膀从染血天使身后浮现,并给予她50尺的飞行速度(机动性良好)。

Of those Gray Maidens who remain loyal to the ideals of Queen Ileosa, none have seen as much success as the members of the Erinyes Company. The company’s origin lies with a band of Gray Maidens led by Qualins Rachmirol, who commandeered a ship in the wake of Ileosa’s defeat and sailed to Cheliax. Her Infernal Majestrix was impressed by the soldiers’ devotion and prowess; Abrogail adopted them into the Chelish military and gave the group its new name.

The Erinyes Company has expanded from its original 27 members, although not drastically, as the initiation process for new recruits is intense and often lethal. By the end, the survivors are every bit as physically and psychologically scarred as the original Gray Maidens. The company has, however, abandoned Ileosa’s doctrine of racial purity; drive and will are what make an Erinyes, not skin or shape.

Elite Erinyes Company members are heartless soldiers known as sanguine angels. While the Gray Maidens were once a secular organization, the majority of the Erinyes have turned to worship the infernal demigoddesses known as the Queens of the Night. These vengeful devils reward the company’s elite with infernal powers.

Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become a sanguine angel, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful evil, lawful neutral, or neutral evil.
Armor Proficiency: Proficient with heavy armor.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Improved Shield Bash, Iron Will, Weapon Focus(longsword).
Gender: Female.
Language: Infernal.
Class Skills
The sanguine angel’s class skills (and the key ability foreach skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge(nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the sanguine angel prestige class.
Sanguine Angel
LevelBase AtkFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
Hardened heart, maiden’s shield
Tyrant’s discipline
Armored angel
Tyrant’s discipline
Eye of Mahathallah
Tyrant’s discipline
Mystique of Ardad Lili
Tyrant’s discipline
Hollowness of Doloras
Angel of Eiseth,Tyrant’s discipline
Hardened Heart (Ex): A sanguine angel adds twice herclass level to the DC of any attempt to Intimidate her.

Maiden’s Shield (Ex): A sanguine angel is treated as if she had the Two-Weapon Fighting feat as long as she is using a longsword and a shield. This allows her to take feats that require Two-Weapon Fighting as a prerequisite without meeting the Two-Weapon Fighting or Dexterity prerequisites, but she benefits from such feats only when she’s wielding a longsword and shield.

Tyrant’s Discipline (Ex): The Erinyes Company’s initiation is deeply indoctrinating, and so sanguine angels are as loyal to the Infernal Majestrix as the Gray Maidens were to Ileosa. At 2nd level, a sanguine angel draws upon her indoctrination, tactical training, and devotion to tyranny to develop potent talents. A sanguine angel selects a discipline from the following list at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.

Castling: When the sanguine angel takes a 5-foot step, she can step into the space of a willing, adjacent ally. If she does, that ally immediately takes a 5-foot step into the sanguine angel’s former space without spending an action to do so.

Driving Assault: When making a full attack, the sanguine angel can take a –2 penalty on melee attack rolls for 1 round. If she does, the first time in that round
that she hits a creature of her size or smaller with a melee attack, she can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check to push the creature back 5 feet. She gains a +2 bonus on this
combat maneuver check and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when performing the bull rush, but regardless of the result, she cannot push the target further than 5 feet. If the sanguine angel pushes a creature in this way, she can immediately move into its space without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Erinyes Fury: The sanguine angel can enter a dispassionate, murderous state. This functions as the dreadnought barbarian’s dead calm ability (Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 47) and is usable for a number of rounds each day equal to twice her class level. If the sanguine angel has levels in barbarian and has the dreadnought archetype, her sanguine angel levels instead stack with her barbarian levels to determine the duration of her rage.

Furious Huntress: The sanguine angel adds her Strength bonus, rather than her Dexterity bonus, to attack rolls made with bows.

Kinslayer: The sanguine angel gains favored enemy (humanoids [humans] +2), as per the ranger ability. If the sanguine angel already has the same favored enemy bonus from another class, her existing bonus instead increases by 2.

Merciless Massacre: When the sanguine angel hits a cowering or panicked creature with a melee attack or reduces a creature to negative hit points with a melee attack, as a swift action she can deal additional damage to that creature equal to 1d8 + her class level.

Queen’s Sword: The sanguine angel’s weapon training bonus with heavy blades increases by 1. The sanguine angel must have at least 4 levels in this prestige class and have the
weapon training (heavy blades) class feature to select this discipline. The sanguine angel can select this discipline a second time when her class level is 8th level or higher.

Unyielding: While wearing Gray Maiden plate (see page 84), the sanguine angel gains DR 1/—. The character must have at least 6 levels in this prestige class to select this discipline. The
damage reduction increases to DR/2 at 8th level and to DR/3 at 10th level. This damage reduction does not stack with damage reduction granted by other sources.

Armored Angel (Ex): At 3rd level, a sanguine angel gains the armor training class feature, treating her class level as her fighter level while wearing Gray Maiden plate†. If the sanguine angel has levels in another class that grants the armor training class feature, the levels stack to determine its benefits, but only when she is wearing Gray Maiden plate.

Eye of Mahathallah (Su): The Dowager of Illusion, the first Queen of the Night to grant her favor to the Erinyes Company, grants sanguine angels keen eyes to pierce all deception. At 5th level, a sanguine angel gains Alertness as a bonus feat and gains a +4 profane bonus on Will saves against illusions. In addition, once per day as a swift action, the sanguine angel can take 1d4 points of Charisma damage to gain the benefits of the true seeing spell for a number of rounds equal to her class level.

Mystique of Ardad Lili (Ex and Sp): Though most sanguine angels care little for seduction, the End of Innocence grants them influence over others regardless. At 7th level, a sanguine angel gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against targets of the same creature type as the sanguine angel. Once per day, the sanguine angel can use dominate person as a spell-like ability (CL = her character level).

Hollowness of Doloras (Ex): The gift of Our Lady of Pain is freedom—freedom from horror and pain, from sorrow and fear. At 9th level, a sanguine angel gains Diehard as a bonus feat. In addition, she gains a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against emotionUM and painUM effects, and she is immune to fear effects.

Angel of Eiseth (Su): The greatest sanguine angels earn the favor of the Erinyes Queen Eiseth, who transforms them into infernal servitors. At 10th level, a sanguine angel’s type changes to outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful), and Hell becomes her native plane. She gains fire resistance 30, telepathy with a range of 50 feet, and the see in darkness universal monster ability. Ebon-feathered wings emerge from the sanguine angel’s back, granting her a fly speed of 50 feet with good maneuverability.
主题: 装备
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-10-07, 周六 01:13:26
灰色少女铠甲(Gray Maiden Plate)出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》84页
价格:1500gp 重量:50磅

伤痕油膏(Scarsalve)出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》84页
价格:10gp 重量:1磅

PRICE 1,500 GP WEIGHT 50 lbs.
The Gray Maidens’ distinctive armor is one of their most iconicidentifiers. Gray Maiden plate is mechanically identical to full plate, and any effect that functions with full plate functions with Gray Maiden plate. Certain options for Gray Maidens function only when they wear Gray Maiden plate.

This alchemical substance, originally developed by secretive worshipers of Zon-Kuthon to hide the marks of their devotion, has become popular among former Gray Maidens. When applied to scarred areas of the body, scarsalve causes those scars to fade from view for 1 day. A character who gains benefits from having visible scars loses those benefits while under the effects of scarsalve, but she also gains a +2 alchemical bonus on Disguise checks.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-10-08, 周日 09:59:46
少女战盔(Maiden's Helm)
出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:头部 CL:6th 重量:3磅


出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:无 CL:7th 重量:3磅

出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:肩部 CL:10th 重量:3磅

出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:头部 CL:9th 重量:3磅

出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:盾牌 CL:6th 重量:15磅

出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:盔甲 CL:11th 重量:50磅

出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:无 CL:10th 重量:2磅
这把优雅的秘银长剑的护手上雕刻着一朵盛开的蔷薇,藤蔓则缠绕着剑柄。 Filarina Grantsliem在其短暂的冒险生涯中发现了蔷薇骑士之剑,当她把一个受困的阿兹兰特人从一个古老魔法监狱中释放后,她得到了这把剑作为回报。猩红玫瑰的成员自此之后就开始创建新的蔷薇骑士之刃,并且这把武器在灰色少女和其附属组织中也变得越来越常见。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2017-10-11, 周三 06:30:37
少女战盔(Maiden's Helm)
出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:头部 CL:6th 重量:3磅

主题: 種族替換能力
作者: 空山鳴2017-10-12, 周四 00:37:03
矮人種族替換能力 出自《皇庭英豪(Heroes of the High Court)》

保守交涉(Conservative Diplomacy):一個矮人可以採用有跡可循的傳統方式來避免社交上的失策。擁有此種族特性的矮人可以在進行一次交涉檢定時採取保守的策略。此矮人如果在這一次交涉檢定中骰出5以下可以視為她骰出了5點,但是骰出15以上也會視為她骰出了15。該種族特性取代岩石敏銳。

A dwarf can embrace predictable traditions to avoid social missteps. A dwarf with this racial trait can rely upon conservative tactics when attempting a Diplomacy check; this choice must be made before the Diplomacy check is attempted. The dwarf treats any roll of less than 5 on such a Diplomacy check as though she had rolled a 5, but she treats any roll higher than 15 on such a check as though she rolled a 15. This racial trait replaces stonecunning.

矮人種族替換能力 出自《市井英雄(Heroes of the Streets)》

勤勞的城市人(Industrious Urbanite):適應所居住城市需求的矮人能夠在製造非魔法物品的工藝檢定中有雙倍的進展,並且能夠在使用專業檢定獲取金錢的時候獲得+4加值。該種族特性取代仇恨。

Dwarves who have adapted to the expectations of their host cities make double the normal progress on Craft checks to create nonmagical items and gain a +4 bonus on Profession checks to earn money. This racial trait replaces hatred.
主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-10-21, 周六 00:28:48

假面少女(Masked Maiden)(侠客职业变体)出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》82页

随着艾莲莎(Ileosa)的死亡,一些幸存的灰色少女(Gray Maidens)试图重返他们旧日的生活——但这却是个因她们在启蒙(indoctrination)中所承受的肉体和精神上的伤痕而难以实现的目标。有些时候,她们似乎能够抑制启蒙所带来的影响。然而,那些被抑制的姿态仍会如约显现,迫使这些昔日的征召兵穿上她们的铠甲去寻求战斗。这些被称作假面少女的人们意识到自己过着双重生活:在白天,她们是普通(尽管身处麻烦之中)的市民,而在晚上则是无名的战士。在最悲惨的情况下,伴随着这些少女在醒来时所经历的难以解释的疲惫感和满身的伤痕,她们的身份被完全地割裂开来了。


瑕疵控制(Imperfect Control,Ex):一个假面少女坚决抗拒进入她过去的身份,但是某些触发条件(比如暴力)会让她做出让步。每天开始时,假面少女总是处于社交身份之中。如果想要自愿的变为侠客身份,假面少女必须成功通过一个意志检定(DC=10+1/2她的侠客等级);如果她失败了,她会战栗1分钟并且不能在这段时间再次做出这个尝试。
当她处于侠客身份的时候,假面少女在魅力相关的能力和技能检定(除了威吓)上获得-2减值并且无法从士气加值或者吟游表演(bardic performances)中获益。
这个能力取代了双重身份(Dual Identity)。

过往伤痕(Scars of the Past,Ex):假面少女必须选择复仇骑士侠客之道。在1级时,假面少女免费获得一套灰色少女铠甲。这套盔甲是破旧的,其他生物始终不视作擅长它。这套盔甲只能作为废品出售4d6Gp,但是这套盔甲对于假面少女来说可以如同正常的一般使用。假面少女可以花费150Gp和1天的工作来把她的破旧盔甲升级为精制品(但是它依旧被认为是破旧的)。
这个能力取代了无痕伪装(Seamless Guise)。

盔甲训练(Armor Training,Ex):所有灰色少女都曾经练习过如何使用她们的盔甲,而作为一个在昔日接受过的启蒙中挣扎的假面少女,这些训练技巧仍然缓慢地从她的潜意识中浮现出来。
这个能力取代了在3,7,11,15,19级获得的社交天赋(Social Talent)。

In the wake of Ileosa’s death, some of the surviving Gray Maidens attempted to return to their former lives—a task made difficult by the physical and emotional scars of their indoctrination. For a few, suppressing the indoctrination’s effects seemed to work. In time, though, the repressed aspects returned, pushing these former conscripts to don their armor and seek out conflict. These so-called masked maidens find themselves leading a double life: ordinary (albeit troubled) citizen by day, faceless warrior by night. In the most tragic cases, the identities entirely disassociate, with the maiden experiencing unexplained exhaustion and injuries upon awakening.
While their social identities cover a wide range of personality types, in their vigilante identities, masked maidens are usually icy and dispassionate. These identities are rarely good-aligned, and are more often merciless bringers of justice than gentle redeemers. Some masked maidens continue enforcing the queen’s cruel agenda, while others fight crime or pursue personal vendettas. A masked maiden always uses the iconic Gray Maiden helm when in her vigilante identity, as these helms serve excellently at both hiding the vigilante’s identity while simultaneously evoking the significant social gravitas associated with the Gray Maidens. Often, the masked maiden wears signature garb, such as a helm with a distinctively colored plume or a scarlike etching on the helm’s face, or perhaps a unique cloak. Although the masked maiden hides behind the armor and is pursuing her goals, she wants to be able to be identified as a specific individual.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All masked maiden vigilantes are proficient with Gray Maiden plate armor (see page 84), but not with any other forms of heavy armor.
This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Imperfect Control (Ex): A masked maiden compulsively resists entering her indoctrinated state, but certain triggers (such as violence) can cause her to lapse. The masked maiden always starts the day in her social identity. To begin willingly changing to her vigilante identity, the masked maiden must succeed at a Will save(DC = 10 + half her vigilante level); if she fails, she becomes shaken for 1 minute and cannot try again during that time. While in her social identity, when the masked maiden is exposed to mortal peril (such as when combat starts), she must succeed at a Will save at the same DC or be compelled to enter her vigilante identity as soon as she can get out of sight to do so. The masked maiden cannot choose to fail this Will save. In addition, if the masked maiden hasn’t entered her vigilante identity for a week or longer, she must attempt this Will save at the start of each day; on a failure, she is compelled to change into her vigilante identity immediately (or as soon as she can slip out of sight to do so).
A masked maiden can don Gray Maiden plate in 1 minute without aid, and can do so as part of switching to her vigilante identity. If the maiden reduces the time it takes to change identities (such as with the quick change social talent), she
can still don her armor as part of changing to her vigilante identity. A masked maiden who changes to her vigilante identity unwillingly can’t choose to switch from her vigilante identity back to her social identity that day.
While in her vigilante identity, the masked maiden takes a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based ability and skill checks (except for Intimidate) and can’t benefit from morale bonuses or bardic performances.

This ability alters dual identity.

Scars of the Past (Ex): A masked maiden must choose avenger as her vigilante specialization.
A 1st-level masked maiden gains a set of Gray Maiden plate at no cost. This armor is battered, and other creatures are never considered proficient with it. This armor can be sold only as scrap for 4d6 gp, but for the masked maiden the armor
functions normally. The masked maiden can spend 150 gp and 1 day of work to improve her battered armor to masterwork quality (although it is still considered battered).

This ability replaces seamless guise.

Armor Training (Ex)
: All Gray Maidens were drilled in the use of their armor, and as a masked maiden continues to lapse in and out of indoctrination, that training emerges slowly from her subconscious. At 3rd level, a masked maiden gains the fighter’s armor training class feature, and at 19th level she gains armor mastery. She treats her vigilante level as her fighter level for the purposes of both.

This replaces the vigilante’s social talents gained at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2017-10-21, 周六 07:14:21
灵巧少女(战斗)(Agile Maiden) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

尖牙王冠的屠戮(Fanged Crown Massacre) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

灰色少女新兵(Gray Maiden Initiate) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)
伤痕累累:你的脸部在灰色少女新兵时期被严重毁容,这催眠了你的美貌。你在交涉和易容检定上获得-1减值。但在威吓检定上和对抗痛苦效果(PF RPG UM 138)的豁免检定上获得+2加值。


猩红玫瑰的奉献(Scarlet Rose Devotion) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

姊妹情深流(Sisterhood Style)(战斗,流派) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

姊妹情深城墙(Sisterhood Style)(战斗) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

姊妹情深奉献(Sisterhood Dedication)(战斗) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

坚不可摧(Unbreakable )(战斗) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)
主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-10-21, 周六 12:22:55
武装姊妹(SISTER-IN-ARMS)(骑将变体)出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》83页



武装姊妹几乎不会对艾莲莎女皇的政策保持中立;其中的一些仍然贯彻着残暴女皇的意志并领导着一批有类似想法的退伍士兵,而另一些则抛弃了艾莲莎并将自己全身心地奉献给幸存者同伴们。无论后者中的武装姊妹是致力于为恢复中的姊妹们提供社会和情感上的支持,或者是担任军事行动的指挥官,又或者是成为了与骑士团相关的个人冒险者,她们中的大多数都支持绯红玫瑰(the Scarlet Rose)。而那些保皇派(Loyalist)的武装姊妹则恰恰相反,她们几乎总是密谋着夺回科瓦萨的计划。

无意挑战(Halfhearted Challenge,Ex):武装姊妹警觉地保护着她们的盟友,弱化了她们专注于向敌人挑战的能力。一名武装姊妹只能将她骑将等级的一半(至少为1)添加到对抗她挑战目标的伤害骰上。

少女之约(Maiden’s Order,Ex):所有武装姊妹都拥有着援助和鼓舞跟随着她们的灰色少女的天赋,这天赋更是被受过的训练和姐妹之间的紧密情谊所强化。通常来说,那些忠于艾露莎女皇所给予她们的誓言的武装姊妹们被称为尖牙王冠骑士团(the order of the fanged crown,),而那些已经抛弃了残酷女皇的武装姊妹们被称为绯红玫瑰骑士团(the order of the scarlet rose)。无论是哪种情况,她们得到的好处都是相同的。
一名武装姊妹不能选择骑士团。作为代替,她被视作同时属于巨龙骑士团(the order of the dragon)和雄狮骑士团(the order of the lion),并且她在对应等级获得这两个骑士团的所有好处(包括额外本职技能,有限的技能加值,额外的挑战增益和骑士团能力)。1级时,武装姊妹必须选择她所遵循的骑士团守则(order’s edicts);通常来说,尖牙王冠的武装姊妹会选择雄狮骑士团的守则,而绯红玫瑰的武装姊妹会选择巨龙骑士团的守则。

献身防卫者(Devoted Defender,Ex):武装姊妹紧靠在那些亲如家人的灰色少女同伴们身边,依靠强烈的奉献精神保护她们。3级时,武装姊妹获得保镖(Bodyguard)APG作为奖励专长(她不需要满足专长的先决条件)。
这个能力替换了骑将冲锋(cavalier’s charge)。

忠贞少女(Maiden’s Loyalty,Ex):武装姊妹的忠诚是不容置疑的。4级时,武装姊妹在对抗那些强迫她攻击或背叛盟友的效果的意志豁免上获得+2加值。这个加值在4级之每4级提升1点.
这个能力替换了驯兽专家(Expert Trainer)。

专注指挥者(Dedicated Commander,Ex):武装姊妹能够高效地鼓舞和指挥她的盟友。11级时,武装姊妹能够以移动动作使用狮之呼唤(Lion's Call)战场策略(Strategy)骑士团能力,而不是原本的标准动作。20级时,她能够以迅捷动作或移动动作使用狮之呼唤(Lion's Call)或战场策略(Strategy)骑士团能力。
这个能力替换了强力冲锋(Mighty Charge)和至高冲锋(Supreme Charge)。

Some of the most charismatic Gray Maidens combine their devotion to their sisters with the intense tactical training they received, learning to perfectly direct their companions and inspiring them to survive and emerge victorious. Known as sisters-in-arms, these scarred soldiers are highly respected by their fellow Maidens for their dedication.
In the aftermath of Ileosa’s fall, groups of Maidens forged a tight-knit family from their fellow survivors, knowing that nobody else truly understood the horrors they had endured—or had been forced to commit. Even after being accepted back into Korvosan society or fleeing the reach of the city’s justice, the Gray Maidens’ sisterhood has endured.
Sisters-in-arms are almost never neutral on the subject of Queen Ileosa; some still hold true to the cruel queen’s ideals and lead bands of like-minded veterans, while others have forsaken Ileosa in favor of total devotion to their fellow survivors. Of the latter, the majority support the Scarlet Rose, whether as social and emotional support for their recovering sisters, as field commanders for military endeavors, or as private adventurers with ties to the order. Loyalist sisters-in-arms, by contrast, are almost always plotting to reclaim Korvosa.

Halfhearted Challenge (Ex): Sisters-in-arms vigilantly protect their allies, weakening their focus on their challenged foe. A sister-in-arms adds only half her cavalier level (minimum 1) to damage rolls against her challenge target.

This ability alters challenge.

Maiden’s Order (Ex): All sisters-in-arms share a talent for aiding and inspiring their fellow Gray Maidens, strengthened by training and the bond of sisterhood. Generally, those loyal to Queen Ileosa refer to their pledge as the order of the fanged crown, while those who have forsaken the cruel queen call it the order of the scarlet rose. In either case, the benefits are the same.
A sister-in-arms does not choose an order. Instead, she is considered to belong to both the order of the dragon and the order of the lion, and she gains all of the benefits of both orders (including additional class skills and conditional skill bonuses, additional challenge benefits, and order abilities) at the appropriate levels. At 1st level, a sister-in-arms chooses which order’s edicts she must follow; generally, those of the fanged crown choose the order of the lion’s edicts, while those of the scarlet rose choose the order of the dragon’s edicts.

This ability alters order and replaces mount.

Devoted Defender (Ex): Sisters-in-arms cling to their fellow Gray Maidens as closely as family and protect them with intense devotion. At 3rd level, a sister-in-arms gains Bodyguard (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 151) as a bonus feat (she does not need to meet the feat’s prerequisite).

This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Maiden’s Loyalty (Ex)
: The loyalty of a sister-in-arms is absolute. At 4th level, a sister-in-arms gains a +2 bonus on Will saves against any effect that would compel her to attack or betray her allies. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4
levels beyond 4th.

This ability replaces expert trainer.

Dedicated Commander (Ex): A sister-in-arms can inspire and direct allies with great efficiency. At 11th level, the sister-in-arms can use lion’s call or strategy order as a move action, rather than as a standard action. At 20th level, she can use act as one, lion’s call, or strategy order as a swift or move action.

This ability replaces mighty charge and supreme charge.
主题: Re: 背景+专长
作者: 梦子2017-11-03, 周五 09:42:53

精明劝诱/独到见解(Persuasive Insight)【SH】(出自极限诡道第六页)
因为某种你所皈依的信仰,契约精神,或励志人物,教会了你如何使用敏锐的洞察力和人进行谈判。现在,你可以用感知调整值取代魅力调整值加在Influence系统中ask favors或gain influence时的交涉检定上。此外,在一场舌战(UI176页)中,当使用关联交涉技能或基于感知技能的辩才时,可以用感知调整值来代替魅力调整值。

Persuasive Insight

Source Spymaster's Handbook pg. 6
You were converted to your faith or taught to bargain with spirits for magic by a figure of inspiring insight who taught you to use keen observation in all dealings. You can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to ask favors or gain influence (Ultimate Intrigue 102). During a verbal duel (Ultimate Intrigue 176), you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier when using tactics you assigned to Diplomacy or Wisdom-based skills.

主题: 背景
作者: elmit2017-11-04, 周六 12:15:49
Faiths and Philosophies这本书好像有不少有趣的背景,这里先陋翻几条

信仰危机 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第0页

Crisis of Faith

You were raised to uphold a specific set of tenets, and you never had reason to doubt their veracity. Recent events, however, have undermined that certainty, and you now find yourself wondering if any of the universal truths you once believed in can actually hold up to scrutiny. Perhaps you witnessed a mentor or church official fall from grace or violate your shared tenets. Maybe you watched a friend injured terribly despite (or because of ) her pure faith. Whatever the case, your shaken confidence grants you a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against illusions. You may replace any other faith trait with the Crisis of Faith trait whenever you gain a level. This replacement is permanent until you receive atonement.

拒信者 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第0页

Divine Denier

You can’t bring yourself to accept the authority of the gods, even though friends might hound you relentlessly to change your ways. Perhaps you’re a Rahadoumi objecting on ideological grounds, or perhaps you just want to be left alone. Your doubt causes you to shrug off divine magic more quickly than others. Once per day when you are affected by a divine spell, you may reduce that spell’s duration to half (minimum 1 round) for you alone.

自然礼拜者 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第0页

Nature Worshiper

When you were young, you saw a dead creature’s body fertilize a field. Witnessing the connection between life and death moved you to recognize your own connection with the world, and ever since you have revered nature and feared death less. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against death effects and effects that use negative energy, such as energy drain and inflict spells.

自我实现 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第33页


Inspired by stories of mortals ascending to godhood, you’re certain that you can do the same, and do all you can to hone your talents and reach your utmost potential. Once per day, when you take 20 on a roll or check, you can complete the action in only five times the normal amount of time for that action, rather than 20 times the normal amount.

图腾师 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第33页


You grew up in a culture where the touch of totem spirits was felt in everyday life, their subtle urgings constantly guiding you and keeping you safe. As a result, you learned quickly to ask for their help when trouble arises. Once per day, you may call upon your totem’s wisdom as a standard action. You gain the benefits of guidance, except that the granted competence bonus is equal to half your character level (minimum +1). This is a supernatural ability.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: NicoNicoNi~2017-11-07, 周二 21:36:08
元素纯净者(Elemental Purist) 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power

受限储念器(Limited Buffer)(su)

虚数元素(Elemental Impossibility)(su)(翻译成不可能总感觉怪怪的)

元素末日(Elemental Apocalypse)(su)

前置:增距(extended range)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2017-11-07, 周二 23:32:32
元素纯净者(Elemental Purist) 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power

受限储念器(Limited Buffer)(su)

虚数元素(Elemental Impossibility)(su)(翻译成不可能总感觉怪怪的)

元素末日(Elemental Apocalypse)(su)
在20级的时候,一位元素纯净者学会了宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal ):em001性质注能(等级:9,超载:5,关联:任何元素,豁免检定:反射通过减半)并且每天可以使用1次。这个注能如同爆破注能一样作用,只不过元素纯净者可以指定1英里范围内的任何一个她能看见的地方作为中心,并且可以将爆炸半径设定为5尺-360尺。

前置:增距(extended range)

不看原文也知道【宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal )性质注能】是【apocalypse】【universal form infusion】。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: NicoNicoNi~2017-11-08, 周三 20:15:56
元素纯净者(Elemental Purist) 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power

受限储念器(Limited Buffer)(su)

虚数元素(Elemental Impossibility)(su)(翻译成不可能总感觉怪怪的)

元素末日(Elemental Apocalypse)(su)
在20级的时候,一位元素纯净者学会了宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal ):em001性质注能(等级:9,超载:5,关联:任何元素,豁免检定:反射通过减半)并且每天可以使用1次。这个注能如同爆破注能一样作用,只不过元素纯净者可以指定1英里范围内的任何一个她能看见的地方作为中心,并且可以将爆炸半径设定为5尺-360尺。

前置:增距(extended range)

不看原文也知道【宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal )性质注能】是【apocalypse】【universal form infusion】。

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 烬晓2017-11-10, 周五 10:59:00

超自然论者(Supernaturalist) 出自Pathfinder Player Companion: Occult Origins

Supernaturalist (Druid Archetype)
Supernaturalists wholly embrace paranormal phenomena as extensions of nature.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A supernaturalist is not proficient with any type of armor. This alters the druid’s weapon and armor proficiencies.
魔植学家(Eldritch Botanist,ex):一名超自然论者可以对植物使用影响心灵的效果,只要那个法术通常可以影响动物。植物使用强韧豁免来进行通常使用意志的豁免检定(使用相同的DC)。此外,除了自然纽带和野性认同外,她也可以选择如同树之歌者(出自ARG25页的德鲁伊变体)选择植物纽带和苍翠认同。
Eldritch Botanist (Ex): A supernaturalist can affect plants with mind-affecting effects she creates and with spells that normally affect animals. Any such spell that allows a Will save can instead be negated by the target plant with a successful Fortitude save at the same DC. She also can choose plant bond and green empathy, as a treesinger druid (Advanced Race Guide 25), in place of nature bond and wild empathy.
超自然学识(Paranormal Scholar,ex):超自然论者获得 异能敏感OA 作为奖励专长,并把交涉,知识(奥术)和察言观色视为本职技能。在3级和之后的每3级,她可以选择异能者法术列表中的一个法术加入她的德鲁伊法术列表,并如同一个德鲁伊法术一般准备和使用它。这个能力取代了自然智识、无踪步和抗自然诱惑。
Paranormal Scholar (Ex): A supernaturalist gains Psychic SensitivityOA as a bonus feat and adds Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), and Sense Motive as class skills. At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, she can select a spell from the psychic class’s spell list (Occult Adventures 69) and add it to her druid spell list, and is able to prepare and cast it as a druid spell. This replaces nature sense, trackless step, and resist nature’s lure.
生灵之魂(Animal Spirit,su):4级时,超自然论者可以进行一场降灵会来呼唤一个动物的魂灵来作为她的伙伴或向导。超自然论者获得英灵、英灵同调、灵力奔涌和禁忌能力,并将她的德鲁伊等级-3作为通灵者等级来确定能力的效果。超自然论者不能邀请她的盟友加入到降灵会中。这个能力取代自然变身。
次级英灵之力:图腾转化(Totem Transformation,su):你获得以下你呼唤的生灵之魂的能力(如果它们拥有):1d6啮咬攻击(中型生物),1d4二爪抓(中型生物),黑暗视觉,地面速度加值(至多比你的基础速度快20尺),昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉,游泳速度(至多30尺)。
中等英灵之力:群落领袖(Pack Leader,su):当你召唤与你降灵的生灵之魂同类的生物时,那些召唤生物在攻击检定、伤害掷骰和全豁免检定上获得+2加值。
至高英灵之力:野性之心(Wild Heart,Ex):你在对抗魅惑和影响心灵的效果豁免上获得+4加值,并且免疫仅能对类人生物生效的效果。此外,每日一次,你可以以一个标准动作自发施放任何等级的“召唤自然盟友”且不消耗法术位。
Animal Spirit (Su): At 4th level, a supernaturalist can perform a seance to call an animal spirit of
any animal with which she is familiar to serve as her companion and guide. The supernaturalist gains spirit, spirit bonus, spirit surge, and taboo abilities as a medium (Occult Adventures 30) 3 levels lower than her druid level. The supernaturalist’s allies cannot participate in this seance. This ability replaces wild shape. The spirit abilities of the animal spirit are as follows.
Spirit Bonus: Your spirit bonus applies on attack and damage rolls with natural weapons and on skill checks relating to animals and plants.
Seance Boon: Your natural armor bonus to AC increases by 1.
Favored Location: Native terrain of the animal type being invoked.
Influence Penalty: You become wild and savage, taking a penalty equal to your spirit bonus on caster level checks, Charisma- and Intelligence- based ability checks, and skill checks.
Taboos: Choose one: you must not speak (except with animals and plants); you must not wield manufactured weapons; you must not eat anything you did not kill or harvest yourself.
Totem Transformation (Lesser, Su): You gain any of the following abilities possessed by the animal you select as your animal spirit: bite (1d6 for a Medium druid), 2 claws (1d4 for a Medium druid), darkvision, improved land movement speed (up to a +20-foot enhancement bonus to the druid’s base land movement speed), low-light vision, scent, and swim (up to 30 feet).
Pack Leader (Intermediate, Su): When you summon animals that match your animal spirit, they gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws.
Wildstrike (Greater, Su): You can allow your animal spirit to gain 1 point of influence over you as a swift action to allow an animal or plant (including your companion) within 30 feet that can see or hear you to immediately take an additional standard action.
Wild Heart (Supreme, Ex): You gain a +4 bonus on saves against enchantment and mind-affecting effects, and immunity to effects that affect only humanoids. Once per day, you can cast any summon nature’s ally spell you can cast spontaneously as a standard action without expending a spell slot.
主题: 自翻自用索引续
作者: 牧语2017-11-15, 周三 02:04:13
咒术精华(无位置奇物) (
日光瓶(炼金物品) (
哥兹面具(头部奇物) (
撕扯护手(手部奇物) (
骇人战争涂料(炼金工具) (
呼吸水晶(炼金药品) (
护身符(颈部奇物) (
空耳(黑市物品) (
单身鼻烟(黑市物品)  (
一夜茶(黑市物品) (
热能石(冒险装备) (
心智点(防具附魔) (
围巾刃(异种武器) (
龙枪(异种武器) (
落跑便鞋(脚部奇物) (
狩猎指南(冒险装备) (
盗贼吊带(冒险装备) (
磨牙骨(动物装备) (
闪烁妖焰(炼金武器) (
巨魔止血散(炼金药剂) (
醉蜂赐(炼金物品) (
猴爪挂坠(颈部奇物) (
不屈宝石(颈部奇物) (
超魔宝石(无位置奇物) (
迷惑(武器附魔) (
探索者腰包(无位置奇物) (
佩什(黑市物品) (
腐肉诱饵(炼金) (
三生护符(无位置奇物) (
三生权杖(无位置奇物) (
三端飘带(头部奇物) (
门扉卡组(无位置奇物) (
发条响尾蛇(冒险工具) (
发条徘徊者(炼金工具) (
高级发条徘徊者(炼金工具) (
汉化膏与娘化酊(炼金药) (
隐光提灯(无位置奇物) (
显隐之雾烟斗(无位置奇物) (
少女的承诺(颈部奇物) (
神圣之火披风(肩部奇物) (
解放者之钥(无位置奇物) (
虚华饰物(无位置奇物) (
灰色少女铠甲(冒险装备) (
伤痕油膏(冒险装备) (
少女战盔(头部奇物) (
猩红玫瑰战旗(无位置奇物) (
欲魔会斗篷(肩部奇物) (
尖牙皇冠头盔(头部奇物) (
少女的守护(盾牌) (
少女的盛装(盔甲) (
蔷薇骑士之刃(无位置奇物) (

耐心沉着(信念) (
桥下居民(地区) (
哈罗命定(地区) (
长獠牙(种族) (
烈阳之眼(种族) (
闪避巨人(地区) (
都市辅祭(宗教) (
瓦瑞西亚刺青(种族) (
感召(信念) (
穿刺法术(魔法) (
诈死(宗教) (
自由斗士(地区) (
名门望族(宗教) (
屈服力(信仰) (
斯多葛派的尊严(种族) (
岩石的孤独者(种族) (
安稳触碰(宗教) (
神官福佑(信念) (
休盎提骏马(种族) (
三寸不烂之舌(种族) (
流亡贵族(地区) (
休盎提纹身(种族) (
休盎提的灵魂歌姬(种族) (
有前途的和事佬(种族) (
艾鲁塔基的读天者(世界之冠) (
兽之子(社会) (
破坏者(战斗) (
英灵向导(魔法) (
兽言者(社会) (
自然之血(魔法) (
天眼(魔法) (
漫游者(社会) (
水裔忠诚(种族) (
魔法威能(宗教) (
精明劝诱/独到见解(信念) (
信仰危机(信念) (
拒信者(信念) (
自然礼拜者(信念) (
自我实现(信念) (
图腾师(信念) (

延缓诅咒 (
羞耻盛装 (
暴风步 (
天界治疗 (
诱骗人类 (
准则符文 (
燃烧流沙 (
奥多里迅捷咒 (
魔法隔离术 (
塞伦迅捷着甲术 (
力场锚 (
火焰之弧 (

武装姐妹(骑士变体) (
元素纯净者((操念变体) (
超自然论者(德鲁伊变体) (
假面少女(侠客职业变体) (
统御之刃(武士变体) (
魔武者(魔战士变体) (
科莱什先知(先知变体) (
巫龙女巫(女巫变体) (
圣遗物使(通灵者变体) (
哈罗协会学者(奥能师变体) (
骑士雇从(战士变体) (
贪婪(先知诅咒) (
暗夜疾行(催眠师诡计) (
共享感官(催眠师诡计) (
解放(催眠师诡计) (
鳞兽祝福(战争祭祀祝福) (
火山秘示域(先知秘示域) (
妩媚交集花(进阶职业) (
圣油(炼金术士) (
夺舍(先知诅咒) (
染血天使(进阶职业) (

守卫之肤(半兽人种族特性替换) (
强烈自信(半兽人种族特性替换) (
精怪之心(人类种族特性替换) (
昏暗瞄准(种族替换规则) (
保守交涉(矮人种族替换能力) (
勤劳的城市人(矮人种族替换能力) (
足下闪避者(半身人种族替换能力) (
城市学徒(侏儒种族替换特性) (
仙灵龙魔法(侏儒种族替换特性) (
龙类领事(精灵种族替换特性) (

反射施法者(专长) (
灵巧少女(战斗专长) (
尖牙王冠的屠戮(专长) (
灰色少女新兵(专长) (
猩红玫瑰的奉献(专长) (
姊妹情深流(战斗,流派专长) (
姊妹情深城墙(战斗专长) (
姊妹情深奉献(战斗专长) (
坚不可摧(战斗专长) (
精通包抄(战斗,团队专长) (
精类仪典(专长) (
终焉之墙方阵(团队专长) (
心灵羁绊(团队专长) (
神圣战技(战斗专长) (
雕像伙伴(专长) (
鲁莽瞄准(战斗专长) (
魂刃(战斗专长) (
捕鼠者(战斗专长) (
灵魂打击(战斗专长) (
虚幻杀手(战斗专长) (
传奇影响(专长) (
紧急退避(专长) (

强化人造人 (
尖钉的信条 (
植入艾恩石 (
潜行与察觉(初稿 待润色) (
易容 (
主题: 背景特性
作者: 白药君2017-11-20, 周一 14:31:25
移情外交家(Empathic Diplomat) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Empathic%20Diplomat) 出自《卡蒂亚,东方之珠 第10页》

Empathic Diplomat
Source Qadira, Jewel of the East pg. 10
Requirement(s):Qadira or Osirion
You have long followed the path of common sense and empathic insight when using diplomacy. You modify your Diplomacy checks using your Wisdom modifier, not your Charisma modifier.

狡猾欺诈师(Cunning Liar) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Cunning%20Liar) 出自《市井英雄 第5页》

Cunning Liar
Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 5
Category Region
Requirement(s) Any City
You were forced into hiding or willingly went on the run at a young age, and learned to reading others’ interests to inform your lies. You can use your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Bluff checks.

布雷斡匪帮(Brevoy Bandit) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Brevoy%20Bandit) 出自《河域子民 第12页》

Brevoy Bandit
Source People of the River pg. 12 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Mivon
You fled the persecution of Brevoy authorities and wound up in Mivon. Whether or not you are guilty of your alleged crimes, you seek to build a new life amid new neighbors. Choose one Profession skill and one ability score other than Wisdom. You add that ability score’s modifier in addition to your Wisdom modifier on checks with the chosen Profession skill.
主题: Re: 背景特性
作者: 2017-11-20, 周一 16:43:40
移情外交家(Empathic Diplomat) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Empathic%20Diplomat) 出自《卡蒂亚,东方之珠 第10页》

Empathic Diplomat
Source Qadira, Jewel of the East pg. 10
Requirement(s):Qadira or Osirion
You have long followed the path of common sense and empathic insight when using diplomacy. You modify your Diplomacy checks using your Wisdom modifier, not your Charisma modifier.

狡猾欺诈师(Cunning Liar) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Cunning%20Liar) 出自《市井英雄 第5页》

Cunning Liar
Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 5
Category Region
Requirement(s) Any City
You were forced into hiding or willingly went on the run at a young age, and learned to reading others’ interests to inform your lies. You can use your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Bluff checks.

布雷斡匪帮(Empathic Diplomat) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Brevoy%20Bandit) 出自《河域子民 第12页》

Brevoy Bandit
Source People of the River pg. 12 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Mivon
You fled the persecution of Brevoy authorities and wound up in Mivon. Whether or not you are guilty of your alleged crimes, you seek to build a new life amid new neighbors. Choose one Profession skill and one ability score other than Wisdom. You add that ability score’s modifier in addition to your Wisdom modifier on checks with the chosen Profession skill.
主题: 背景(战斗)
作者: 2017-11-26, 周日 13:07:59
出自《进化职业源始 pg. 11》

Absalom Bouncer
Source Advanced Class Origins pg. 11 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Combat)
You learned to fight while serving as a bodyguard in the taverns of Absalom, where keeping the patrons alive through bloody bar brawls was just part of your job. When you make an attack that deals nonlethal damage with an unarmed strike, you gain a +1 bonus on your damage roll.

出自《初探龍國 pg. 16》

Quain Martial Artist
Source Dragon Empires Primer pg. 16 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Quain
Having grown up in Quain, you were taught under various schools of martial arts, and have used all you have learned to hone your fighting prowess. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls when using unarmed strikes.
主题: 圣武士守则
作者: 白药君2017-11-26, 周日 19:20:09
引述:神圣选集《Divine Anthology》,18页



The paladins of Ragathiel are shining beacons of furious resolve on the battlefield, and they are careful stewards of valor everywhere. These paladins  disproportionately  come  from cultures that are typically hostile to paladin training, including those of half-orcs, hobgoblins, Gebbites, and the Nidalese. The tenets of Ragathiel’s paladins include the following affirmations. I will avenge evil wrought upon the innocent.
 • I will not give my word lightly, but once it is given, I will uphold a promise until my last breath.
• Those proven guilty must be punished for their crimes. I will not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing.
 • Rage is a virtue and a strength only when focused against the deserving. I will never seek disproportionate retribution.
• Redemption finds hearts from even the cruelest origins. I will strive not to act upon prejudice against fellow mortals based on race or origin.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 烬晓2017-11-28, 周二 09:35:53
苍姬饮命镰 出自神圣选集《Divine Anthology》
Urgathoa’s Hunger

Page 31—When using the initial benefit of Urgathoa's hunger, the maximum number of temporary hit points you can gain from an attack is equal to your character level
Initial Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, you can feast upon the life essence of a creature that you hit with a scythe. Activating this ability is a swift action. When you do so, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage you dealt with the scythe attack. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute and don’t stack.
Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Heal 10 ranks, base attack bonus +7.
Advanced Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, you can exacerbate any lingering contagions within a target’s body upon making a successful melee attack with a scythe. Activating this ability is a swift action, and causes the target to immediately attempt additional saving throws against all diseases with which it is currently afflicted. Any failed saves cause the target to immediately take the effects of that disease, while a successful save does not count toward the number of consecutive saves that the target must succeed at in order to cure the disease.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 白药君2017-11-28, 周二 10:14:23
苍姬饮命镰 出自神圣选集《Divine Anthology》
Urgathoa’s Hunger

Initial Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, you can feast upon the life essence of a creature that you hit with a scythe. Activating this ability is a swift action. When you do so, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage you dealt with the scythe attack. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute and don’t stack.
Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Heal 10 ranks, base attack bonus +7.
Advanced Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, you can exacerbate any lingering contagions within a target’s body upon making a successful melee attack with a scythe. Activating this ability is a swift action, and causes the target to immediately attempt additional saving throws against all diseases with which it is currently afflicted. Any failed saves cause the target to immediately take the effects of that disease, while a successful save does not count toward the number of consecutive saves that the target must succeed at in order to cure the disease.

Page 31—When using the initial benefit of Urgathoa's hunger, the maximum number of temporary hit points you can gain from an attack is equal to your character level

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 烬晓2017-11-28, 周二 13:37:42
苍姬饮命镰 出自神圣选集《Divine Anthology》
Urgathoa’s Hunger

Initial Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, you can feast upon the life essence of a creature that you hit with a scythe. Activating this ability is a swift action. When you do so, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage you dealt with the scythe attack. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute and don’t stack.
Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Heal 10 ranks, base attack bonus +7.
Advanced Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, you can exacerbate any lingering contagions within a target’s body upon making a successful melee attack with a scythe. Activating this ability is a swift action, and causes the target to immediately attempt additional saving throws against all diseases with which it is currently afflicted. Any failed saves cause the target to immediately take the effects of that disease, while a successful save does not count toward the number of consecutive saves that the target must succeed at in order to cure the disease.

Page 31—When using the initial benefit of Urgathoa's hunger, the maximum number of temporary hit points you can gain from an attack is equal to your character level


主题: 背景
作者: elmit2017-11-28, 周二 18:56:16
幻灭 出自探索与战役(Quests and Campaigns)第18页


Your childhood was ended by a great disaster or atrocity that you witnessed. To cope with the horror, you have learned to reflexively suppress all emotion. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saving throws against emotion and fear effects.

Suggested Characters: Galtans, Hellknights, Nidalese.
主题: 炼金武器
作者: 白药君2017-11-29, 周三 11:13:16
吉荼木之怒(Kitumu's ire) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Kitumu%27s%20ire) 出自《冒险者的武具库,Adventurer's Armory 2,25页》
制作:工艺(炼金)DC 30

Kitumu's ire
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 25
Price 75 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Weapons
Named after a malevolent Mwangi goddess, this sack of luminous paste is made from crushed jungle flowers. You can throw Kitumu’s ire as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet; on a hit, the target is coated with the paste. A target coated with the paste draws the attention of any swarm within 30 feet, causing it to seek out and attack the target over any other creature. In addition, an affected creature takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against swarms’ distraction ability. Kitumu’s ire lasts for 1 hour or until washed away with at least a gallon of alcohol.
Construction:Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
主题: 5个唬骗和虚招相关的背景
作者: 2017-11-29, 周三 18:08:01
出自《格拉里昂的兽人 pg. 23》

PFS Legal Dirty Fighter (Orc)
Source Orcs of Golarion pg. 23 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Half-Orc, Orc
You were raised to fight with every dirty trick in the book. You receive a +3 trait bonus on all attempts to feint in combat using your Bluff skill.

出自《内海骑士 pg. 0》

PFS Legal Dueling Cloak Adept
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 0 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Combat)
You are trained in using your cloak to disguise your body and deceive your enemies. While wearing a cloak and using an Aldori dueling sword, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks made to feint. Additionally, every time you successfully feint while wearing a cloak, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class until your next turn.

出自《格拉里昂的人类 pg. 30》

PFS Legal Blade Bravado
Source Humans of Golarion pg. 30 (Amazon)
Category Race
Requirement(s) Taldan
You grew up fighting in one of the many Taldan dueling academies and have honed your skills with one-handed weapons. When wielding a one-handed weapon and nothing in your off hand, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Acrobatics and Bluff checks.

出自《內海諸神 pg. 220》,《Faiths of Purity pg. 15》


PFS Legal Inner Beauty
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 220 (Amazon), Faiths of Purity pg. 15 (Amazon)
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Shelyn
Once per day when you manifest your faith in your goddess, you gain a +4 trait bonus on a single Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, or Perform skill check. You must choose to use this trait immediately after rolling the skill check but before the result is revealed by the GM.

出自《内海诸神 pg. 221》,《Faiths of Purity pg. 19》

PFS Legal Propitiation
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 221 (Amazon), Faiths of Purity pg. 19 (Amazon)
Category Religion
Requirement(s) any dwarven deity
Your knowledge of the dwarven pantheon tells you precisely which gods have jurisdiction over which aspects of your life, and you can call upon the appropriate deity for help even if that deity is not your patron. At the start of each day, pick one of the following skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (pick one craft skill), Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Knowledge (local). You gain a +2 trait bonus on that skill until the start of the next day.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 烬晓2017-12-02, 周六 10:53:58
收集癖(Collector) 出自《格拉里昂的侏儒》(Gnomes of Golarion)

You have a small, bizarre collection of apparently worthless items, such as rusty nails, animal droppings, clockwork cogs, or bent spoons. You find this strange menagerie useful in ways no non-gnome could understand. Seeking new items to add to this collection is endlessly fascinating to you, and while no one else may understand why a Chelish horsenail is worthy to add to your collection when a dwarven wheelbarrow nail is not, it all makes sense to you. Select one of the following skills: Craft (any one), Disable Device, Escape Artist, Perform (any one), or Spellcraft. Whenever you have your collection within 5 feet of you, you gain a +2 trait bonus on all checks made with the selected skill. Once this skill has been selected, it cannot be changed, nor can you gain it for any other collection you begin amassing.
主题: 神圣武器技法
作者: 梦子2017-12-02, 周六 15:11:49
诺格巴的沉默之刃(Norgorber’s Silent Shiv) 出自神圣选集《Divine Anthology》,30页
被称为“收割者之手”(Reaper's Hand)的神圣武器技法是内海地区最难以捉摸的战术。
进阶先决条件:神圣武器技法,潜行10级   申明:PFS禁用该技法的进阶奖励

Norgorber’s Silent Shiv

Source Divine Anthology pg. 30
Entombed within a volume known as The Reaper’s Hand, the divine fighting techniques of Norgorber are among the most elusive in the Inner Sea region, but are theorized to cover the techniques that acolytes of Father Skinsaw use to move and strike unseen. Copies of this manual are rare, and those who spill its secrets to anyone unworthy often meet a swift and bloody end at the hands of the faith’s inquisitors.

Optional Replacement: A neutral evil rogue of at least 2nd level who worships Norgorber can replace a rogue talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefit: Whenever you attack an opponent that is completely unaware of your presence (such as when you are using the Stealth skill or invisible), your attack deals damage as if you were one size category larger. This benefit applies only to the first attack that you make against the target, and only with attacks made with light or one-handed weapons intended for creatures of your size (including thrown attacks).

Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Stealth 10 ranks.

Optional Replacement: A neutral evil rogue of at least 10th level who worships Norgorber can replace an advanced rogue talent with the following advanced benefit without meeting its prerequisites.

Advanced Benefit: At the start of each round, choose one opponent that you can see and attempt a Stealth check as a swift action. If the result of your check exceeds the target’s CMD, treat the target as if it were completely unaware of your presence for the purpose of the initial benefit of this divine fighting technique. If you beat the target’s CMD by 5 or more, you also treat it as being completely unaware of your presence for the purposes of all class features and feats you have.
主题: 服饰
作者: 2017-12-04, 周一 00:24:02
出自《怪物猎人手册 pg. 27》
描述:一双手肘長的皮制手套上加固了精制的鉸接式钢板,以让動物馴獸師和動物獵人能在有所保護下應对野兽的天生防衛机制,例如尖刺和羽毛管。当穿戴此手套时,你在对抗嘗试进行擒抱战技而引發借机攻击时獲得DR 2/魔法。你还会在对抗使用非长触及武器、徒手打击或天生攻击而觸發的防御能力时獲得上述加值,以及在反射上獲得+1环境加值。此厚手套会限制你的行動,在各项包含双手並依赖于准确性的工作时检定獲得-2罰值(例如使用解除装置开锁)。

PFS Legal Wrangler's gloves
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 27
Price 20 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
Category Clothing
Fine plates of articulated steel reinforce these elbow-length leather gloves, which are designed to allow animal handlers and animal hunters alike to confront beasts with natural defenses like spines and quills. While wearing the gloves, you gain DR 2/magic against attacks of opportunity provoked when you attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple a creature. You also gain this damage reduction and a +1 circumstance bonus on Reflex saves against defensive abilities that deal damage when you strike a creature with a nonreach weapon, unarmed strike, or natural attack. The thick gloves restrict your movement, imposing a –2 penalty on precision-based skill checks that involve your hands (such as using Disable Device to pick a lock)
主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-04, 周一 22:51:18
学识守卫(战士职业变体)出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)144页
Lore Warden(Fighter Archetype)


技胜于力(Skill Over Strength,Ex):在2级时,学识守卫能够如同她拥有寓守于攻(the Combat Expertise)专长一般满足其他专长和能力的先决条件。在6级时,她获得寓守于攻作为奖励专长,即使她并不满足先决条件。如果她已经拥有了寓守于攻,作为代替她能够获得任何一个以寓守于攻为先决条件的战斗专长(她必须满足其他的先决条件)。在10级时,她能够在计算寓守于攻的效果时,将自己的基本攻击加值视作比原本高2。
 这个能力取代(replaces)了英勇(bravery)和2级时获得的战士奖励专长(The fighter bonus feat)。

剑之秘技(Swords Secret,Ex):学识守卫知晓那些能够帮助她分析并击败敌人的特殊技艺。在3级时,学识守卫获得一项剑之秘技,在3级之后每有4个战士等级,她额外获得一项剑之秘技。除非另有说明,学识守卫不能重复选择同一个剑之秘技。
趁虚而入(Exploit Weakness,Ex):学识守卫将她1/3的职业等级加到确认重击的攻击骰上。在11级时,无论何时学识守卫确认了一次重击,她的武器攻击都能够忽略目标所具有的5点伤害减免或者硬度,直到她下一回合结束。在19级时,每轮一次,学识守卫能够在一次她造成的重击威胁中自动确认重击。

毫厘之差(Hair’s Breadth,Ex):每天一次,当学识守卫遭受重击时,她能够以一个直觉动作尝试一次特技(Acrobatics)检定来减少伤害。如果这次特技检定的结果比对手的确认骰要高,那么她不视作被重击;这次攻击仍然视作命中并造成普通的伤害。学识守卫必须至少11级才能够选择这项剑之秘技。在15级时,她每天能够额外使用一次这项秘技。

知晓汝敌(Know Thy Enemy,Ex):当学识守卫成功地通过一次知识(Knowledge)检定分辨出生物的能力和弱点时,她能够使用一个标准动作授予自身对抗那个敌人的攻击和武器伤害骰+2的洞察加值。这个加值持续她1/2职业等级的轮数(至少为2轮),或持续到学识守卫使用这个能力对抗一名不同的生物。在11级时,她在使用这个能力时同样在她对抗这名生物的AC上获得+2的洞察加值。在19级时,这个洞察加值提升到+3。

招式训练(Maneuver Training,Ex):学识守卫获得拳师的招式训练职业能力,将她的战士等级视作拳师等级来计算能力的效果。
招式训练(Maneuver Training,Ex):在3级时,拳师可以选择一项战技能力以进行额外的练习,她将在使用这项战技攻击的CMB和对抗这项战技的CMD上获得+1加值。
译者:傻豆 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=70477.0)

快速评估(Swift Assessment,Ex):学识守卫现在能够以一个移动动作来使用她的知晓汝敌(Know Thy Enemy)剑之秘技。在15级时,她能够以迅捷动作使用这个能力。在选择这项剑之秘技之前,她必须已经拥有知晓汝敌剑之秘技。
这个能力取代(replaces)了护甲训练(Armor training)和盔甲宗师(Armor mastery)。

PFS资源列表中,针对冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)的说明:

Quick wits and deceptive techniques can often succeed where brute force might not. A lore warden is the consummate warrior-scholar of the Pathfinder Society, outsmarting her competition even when locking blades with powerful foes. Outside of combat, a lore warden’s extensive education also helps her document the past and survive great danger.
Scholastic (Ex): A lore warden gains 2 additional skill ranks each level. These ranks must be spent on Intelligencebased skills. All Craft and Knowledge skills are class skills for lore wardens, as are Linguistics and Spellcraft.

This ability replaces the fighter’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.

Skill Over Strength (Ex): At 2nd level, a lore warden qualifies for feats and other abilities as though she had the Combat Expertise feat. At 6th level, she gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, even if she would not normally qualify for the feat. If she already has Combat Expertise, she instead gains any one combat feat that includes Combat Expertise as a prerequisite (and for which she otherwise qualifies). At 10th level, she can treat her base attack bonus as though it were 2 higher for the purpose of calculating the effects of Combat Expertise.

This ability replaces bravery and the fighter bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Swords Secret (Ex):
A lore warden learns specialized techniques that help her to quickly analyze and defeat her foes. At 3rd level, a lore warden gains one swords secret, and she gains an additional swords secret for every 4 fighter levels gained after 3rd. Except where noted, a lore warden cannot select the same swords secret more than once.

Exploit Weakness (Ex): The lore warden adds one-third her class level on attack rolls to confirm critical hits. At 11th level, whenever she confirms a critical hit, her weapon attacks ignore the first 5 points of damage reduction or hardness the target has until the end of her next turn. At 19th level, the lore warden can automatically confirm a critical hit once per round when she threatens a critical hit.
Hair’s Breadth (Ex): Once per day when subject to a critical hit, the lore warden can attempt an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage as an immediate action. If the result of this Acrobatics check is greater than the opponent’s confirmation roll, she negates the critical hit; the attack still hits and deals normal damage. The lore warden must be at least 11th level to select this swords secret. At 15th level she can use this secret one additional time per day.
Know Thy Enemy (Ex): When the lore warden succeeds at a Knowledge check to identify a creature’s abilities and weaknesses, she can also use a standard action to grant herself a +2 insight bonus on all attack and weapon damage rolls made against that enemy. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to half her class level (minimum 2 rounds), or until the lore warden uses this ability against a different creature. At 11th level, she also gains a +2 bonus to her AC against the creature when using this ability. At 19th level, the insight bonus increases to +3.
Maneuver Training (Ex): The lore warden gains a brawler’s maneuver training class feature, treating her fighter level as her brawler level.
Swift Assessment (Ex): The lore warden can now use her know thy enemy swords secret as a move action. At 15th level, she can use this ability as a swift action. She must have the know thy enemy swords secret before choosing this swords secret.

This replaces armor training and armor mastery.
Misc.: The focused arcane spell schools, investigator talents, psychic discipline, rogue talents, and shaman spirit are legal for play. The order of the asp cavalier order, the Twice-Damned Prince legendary spirit, Thassilonian magic, Thassilonian specialist options are not legal for play.

Contents in this book will appear in an upcoming update of the Pathfinder Reference Document, at which point the versions in this book will replace any earlier versions (see the list below); at that time, characters are expected to update to use the new rules or rebuild as laid out in Chapter 2 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. Modified gear—including ioun stones whose resonance powers changed—can be sold back at its full market price. Further updates and allowances specific to a particular character option may appear in the Pathfinder Society General Discussion forum on paizo.com. Until then, both versions of the character option are legal for play.

The following character options have received updates since they appeared in earlier publications, and characters must use these updated versions (pending the Pathfinder Rules Document update): brand of conformity, brand of hobbling, brand of tracking, Eagle Knight dress uniform, enlightened bloodrager, golden eagle epaulets, Golden Legionnaire, hellknight barding, lore warden, mammoth hide, Mounted Blade, Pathfinder savant, Qadiran horselord, Ritual Mask, shackle, Steel Falcon, talonstrike sword, Tribal Hunter, Tribal Scars, and wayfinder resonance. Earlier sources in which these rules originally appeared remain a legal source for accessing these updated character options.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灰烬2017-12-05, 周二 01:40:42
元素纯净者(Elemental Purist) 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power

受限储念器(Limited Buffer)(su)

虚数元素(Elemental Impossibility)(su)(翻译成不可能总感觉怪怪的)

元素末日(Elemental Apocalypse)(su)

前置:增距(extended range)

主题: 职业选项
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-05, 周二 18:57:57
调查员天赋(Investigator Talents)出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)146页

记录者的洞察(Chronicler’s Insight):调查员能够以一个标准动作仔细阅读一本《探索者编年史(Pathfinder Chronicle)》,从而如同已经完整地研究了1d4轮一般获得它的增益。一旦他研读了一本《探索者编年史》,调查员就能够花费一次灵感的使用次数,在等同于他智力调整值的小时内获得该册编年史的增益,在此期间,他还会根据该册编年史关联的知识(Knowledge)技能类型而获得一个额外的增益。调查员同一时间只能拥有一个这种类型的持续性增益,获得新的增益会使得前一个增益结束。

引述: 知识关联增益
奥秘,自然,位面或宗教(Arcana, Nature, Planes, or Religion):当进行一次策士之击(Studied Strike)时,调查员的攻击视作一把具有下列与知识检定相关联的性质的武器一般克服伤害减免:精金(Adamantine)(奥秘),混乱(Chaotic)(位面),寒铁(Cold Iron)(自然),邪恶(Evil)(位面),善良(Good)(位面),秩序(Lawful)(位面),银(Silver)(宗教)。他也会在对抗能够通过相关联的知识检定辨识的生物时,于豁免检定上获得+1的洞察加值。(例如,能够通过知识(位面)来辨识异界生物)。
地城(Dungeoneering):调查员的策士之击(Studied Strike)能够对免疫偷袭攻击的生物造成一半的伤害。
工程(Engineering): 无论何时,只要他在进行开锁的解除装置(Disable Device)检定或寻找密门的察觉(Perception)检定上使用灵感能力,调查员就能够在检定上获得等同于他1/3职业等级的环境加值。
历史(History):调查员能够在24小时内,通过一个整轮动作使用战斗策略(Studied Combat)第二次研究一个敌人而不消耗灵感点。在这之后使用的战斗策略仍如常消耗灵感点。
地方(Local): 无论何时,只要在他进行虚招的唬骗(Bluff)检定,收集信息的交涉(Diplomacy)检定或改善一个生物态度的威吓(Intimidate)检定上使用灵感能力,调查员就能够在检定上获得等同于他1/3职业等级的环境加值。
贵族(Nobility):无论何时,只要他在说谎的唬骗(Bluff)检定,提出要求(request favor)的交涉(Diplomacy)检定或挫败士气的威吓(Intimidate)检定上使用灵感能力,调查员就能够在检定上获得等同于他1/3职业等级的环境加值。

指引一击(Didactic Strike)
:当调查员激活他的策士之击(Studied Strike)时,他能够结束他的战斗策略(Studied Combat)并选择不造成他的策士之击伤害。作为代替,他能够向30尺内任何能够看见他的盟友展现目标的一个弱点。直到调查员下一回合开始为止,每个受到影响的盟友命中这个目标的第一次攻击额外造成等同于1/3调查员等级的伤害。他能够以一个直觉动作结束这个效果,改为让受到影响的盟友第一次成功的攻击造成调查员的策士之击伤害。这个额外伤害是精准伤害,并且无法影响那些免疫偷袭攻击的生物。

The following investigator talents are secrets of the Pathfinder Society, each closely integrated into the Pathfinders’ training or their iconic tools of the trade.

Chronicler’s Insight: The investigator can peruse a Pathfinder Chronicle as a standard action, applying its benefits as though he had studied it for the full 1d4 rounds. Upon studying a Pathfinder Chronicle, the investigator can expend one use of inspiration to apply the volume’s benefits for a number of hours equal to his Intelligence modifier and gain an additional benefit based on the volume’s associated Knowledge skill during that time. The investigator can have only one such ongoing benefit at a time, and activating a new benefit ends the first one.

Arcana, Nature, Planes, or Religion: When performing a studied strike, the investigator’s attack overcomes damage reduction as if it were a weapon with the following property based on the associated Knowledge check: adamantine (arcana), chaotic (planes), cold iron (nature), evil (planes), good (planes), lawful (planes), silver (religion). He also gains a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against creatures identifiable by the associated Knowledge check (for example, outsiders for Knowledge [planes]).
Dungeoneering: The investigator can deal half his studied strike damage to creatures immune to sneak attacks.
Engineering: Whenever he uses his inspiration on Disable Device checks to open locks or on Perception checks to find hidden compartments, the investigator gains a circumstance bonus on the check equal to one-third his level.
Geography: The investigator increases any bonuses to AC and on Reflex saving throws he gains from partial cover, total cover, and improved cover by 1.
History: The investigator can study a foe using studied combat a second time in 24 hours as a full-round action without expending inspiration. Subsequent uses of studied combat require inspiration as normal.
Local: Whenever he uses his inspiration on Bluff checks to feint, Diplomacy checks to gather information, or Intimidate checks to improve a creature’s attitude, the investigator gains a circumstance bonus on the check equal to one-third his level.
Nobility: Whenever he uses his inspiration on Bluff checks to lie, Diplomacy checks to request favors, or Intimidate checks to demoralize, the investigator gains a circumstance bonus on the check equal to one-third his level.

Didactic Strike: When the investigator activates his studied strike, he can end his studied combat and choose not to deal his studied strike damage. He is instead able to show any allies within 30 feet who can see him a weak spot on the target. Until the beginning of the investigator’s next turn, each affected ally’s first attack that hits the target deals additional damage equal to one-third the investigator’s level. He can end this effect as an immediate action to instead cause an affected ally’s first successful attack to deal the investigator’s studied strike damage. This additional damage is precision damage and does not affect creatures that are immune to sneak attacks.
主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-07, 周四 20:28:32
无面执法者(侠客职业变体)出自地狱骑士之道(Path of the Hellknight)50页
Faceless Enforcer(Vigilante Archetype)


双重身份(Dual Identity,Ex):无面执法者的侠客身份(Vigilante Identity)与一顶独特的头盔或面罩,以及一套盔甲联系在一起。两个身份之间的切换意味着穿上或者脱下这套完整的盔甲(即使它是被快速穿上(donned hastily)的)并且花费至少等同于穿戴盔甲所需的时间。这一行为所需的时间取决于盔甲的类型(详见Pathfinder RPG核心规则手册153页)。每月一次,侠客可以更换与他的侠客身份关联的头盔或面罩以及盔甲,并购买或制造新的套装来建立联系。无面执法者不能选择飞速变装(Immediate ChangeUI快速变装(Quick ChangeUI社交天赋(Social Talent)。
这个能力改变(Alters)了双重身份(Dual Identity)。

盔甲主宰(Armored Juggernaut,Ex):在2级时,无面执法者不需要他人协助来穿上半身甲或全身甲,但他独自这么做时必须为此花费8分钟。在4级时,他能够独自花费4分钟来穿上半身甲或全身甲,或者花费2分钟来快速穿上它们。在6级时,他不会因穿戴盔甲而在特技(Acrobatics),逃脱(Escape Artist)或隐匿(Stealth)检定上承受防具检定减值,但在其他技能检定上仍如常承受该减值。在8级时,无面执法者穿戴重甲时的移动速度比通常高5尺,最多等同于他的基础速度。在10级时,他只需要花费2分钟来穿上重甲,或者花费1分钟来快速穿上他,并且能够花费1分钟来脱掉它。在16级时,他能够在穿戴重甲时全速移动。在18级时,侠客只需要1分钟来穿上他的盔甲。
这个能力取代(Replaces)2级时获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)。

无面渗透者(Faceless Infiltrator,Ex):在5级时,当他转变他的身份时,无面执法者拥有第三种选择,(取代变为社会或侠客身份)他能够呈现一种与他隶属的地狱骑士团,他的社会身份(Social Identity)或侠客身份(Vigilante Identity)都毫无关联的虚假身份(fictional identity)。当他获得这个能力时,无面执法者必须选择一个他想要渗透的团体(Group),组织(Organization)或社会结构(Social Structure)(例如作为一名乞丐混迹在艾格利安的贫民窟(Egorian’s Cheapside)或者午夜神殿(Midnight Temple)为阿斯莫迪尔斯(Asmodeus)举办的城市集会中),并且这个虚假身份必须是那些团体的新兵(Recruit),盟友(Ally)或者未来的雇员(Employee)。虚假身份的阵营必须与他的侠客身份或社会身份都相差一阶之内。无面执法者身处他的虚假身份时能够使用他的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)和社交天赋(Social Talent),但这么做时他必须承受他的秘密被揭穿的风险。

当他获得这个能力时,无面执法者创造了能够证明他虚假身份的世俗记录。当他身处他的虚假身份时,无面执法者看起来就像他的种族中的另一名普通成员,他在呈现这个虚假身份的易容(Disguise)检定上获得+10的加值。他必须使用任何他所拥有的衣物和工具来为这个虚假身份进行伪装。如果无面执法者从他的侠客身份转变为他的虚假身份,他必须为了改变身份而花费通常穿上或脱下他的盔甲所需的时间(参考盔甲主宰(Armored Juggernaut)能力),反之亦然。如果他从他的虚假身份转变为社会身份,他将会花费1分钟的时间,反之亦然。以探知(Scry)或其他手段定位虚假身份的尝试都会在无面执法者身处虚假身份时正常运作。否则,这种尝试会揭示一名他正试图渗透的组织中的随机成员。



每个月,无面执法者都能依照意愿建立一个新的虚假身份,但不能是另一个试图渗透进和之前相同组织的虚假身份。无面执法者不能选择万重伪装(Any GuiseUI千幻伪装(EverymanUI百变伪装(Many GuiseUI社交天赋。
这个能力取代(Replaces)在5级,11级和17级时获得的社交天赋(Social Talent)。

威逼执法(Enforcer’s Wrath,Ex):在6级时,无面执法者变得擅长于利用他的侠客身份去威胁和逼迫落单的敌人,尤其是那些当前正被他渗透的组织的成员。当他(或者他正在威吓的生物)周围30尺内没有其他对手时,他在针对敌人的威吓检定上获得+4的加值。这个加值能够与侠客从小有名气(Renown)社交天赋或类似的能力中获得的任何加值叠加。此外,如果侠客成功地通过威吓来对一名落单的对手挫败士气(Demoralizes),这名对手会额外战栗(Shaken)1轮。
这个能力取代(replaces)在6级时获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)。

Faceless Enforcer
Source Path of the Hellknight pg. 50
Unyielding warriors, faceless enforcers lock their identities behind implacable helms. While their infamous reputations spread far, striking fear in their foes, the individual behind the mask remains a complete mystery.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A faceless enforcer is proficient with heavy armor, but not with shields.

This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Dual Identity (Ex): A faceless enforcer’s vigilante identity is tied to a particular helmet or face covering and suit of armor. Switching between identities means donning or removing this armored outfit. Switching identities means entirely donning or removing armor (even if it is donned hastily) and never takes less than the minimum amount of time to do so. How long this takes depends on the type of armor, as detailed on page 153 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Once per month, the vigilante can replace the helmet or face covering and armor associated with his vigilante identity and buy or make a new outfit that becomes tied to that identity. A faceless enforcer cannot select the immediate changeUI or quick changeUI social talents.

This ability alters dual identity.

Armored Juggernaut (Ex): At 2nd level, a faceless enforcer does not need help donning half-plate or full-plate armor, but donning it alone takes him 8 minutes. At 4th level, he can don his half-plate or full-plate alone in 4 minutes, and can don it hastily in 2 minutes. At 6th level, he doesn’t apply the armor check penalty for any armor on Acrobatics, Escape Artist, or Stealth checks, but the penalty applies on other skill checks as normal. At 8th level, a faceless enforcer can move 5 feet faster than normal in heavy armor, to a maximum of his base speed. At 10th level, it takes him 2 minutes to don heavy armor, 1 minute to don it hastily, and 1 minute to remove it. At 16th level, he can move at full speed in heavy armor. At 18th level, it never takes the vigilante more than 1 minute to don his armor.

This replaces the vigilante talent gained at 2nd level.

Faceless Infiltrator (Ex): At 5th level, when he changes his identity, a faceless enforcer has a third option (instead of social or vigilante) he can assume a fictional identity with no known ties to his Hellknight affiliation, his social identity, or his vigilante identity. When he gains this ability, the faceless enforcer must choose a group, organization, or social structure he wishes to infiltrate (such as the beggars in Egorian’s Cheapside or the city’s congregation of the Midnight Temple to Asmodeus), and the fictional identity he creates must be a recruit, ally, or prospective employee of that group. This fictional identity’s alignment must be within one step from either his vigilante or his social identity. A faceless enforcer can use social and vigilante talents when in his fictional identity, but he risks exposing his secret when he does so.

When he gains this ability, the faceless enforcer creates mundane records that can verify his fictional identity. While he is in his fictional identity, a faceless enforcer appears to be an otherwise ordinary member of his race, and he receives a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to appear to be the fictional person he says he is. He must create the appearance for this fictional identity using whatever clothing and tools he has at his disposal. If the faceless enforcer changes from his vigilante identity to his fictional identity and vice versa, changing identities takes him the normal amount of time to don or remove his armor (see the armored juggernaut ability). If he changes from his fictional identity to his social identity and vice versa, it takes him 1 minute. Any attempts to scry or otherwise locate the fictional identity work as normal if the faceless enforcer is in his fictional identity. Otherwise, it reveals a random member of the group he is attempting to infiltrate.

At 11th level, the faceless enforcer’s bonus on Disguise checks to appear to be his fictional identity increases to +20. Any spell or ability designed to locate the fictional individual while the faceless enforcer is in that identity has a 50% chance of instead finding a random member of the group. Although this ability does not give the faceless enforcer any special knowledge of the group outside what he gleans himself, the faceless enforcer’s training grants him a +10 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks to maintain his fictional guise.

At 17th level, attempts to scry or otherwise locate the faceless enforcer’s fictional identity always reveal a random member of the group he has infiltrated. Furthermore, his bonus on Bluff checks to maintain his fictional identity increases to +15.

Every month, a faceless enforcer can create a new fictional identity, if he wishes, but not another fictional identity that is attempting to infiltrate the same group. A faceless enforcer cannot select the any guiseUI, everymanUI, or many guisesUI social talents.

This ability replaces the social talents gained at 5th, 11th, and 17th levels.

Enforcer’s Wrath (Ex): At 6th level, a faceless enforcer has become adept at using his vigilante identity to terrify and coerce lone enemies, particularly among the group he is currently infiltrating. He gains a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks against enemies when no other opponents are within 30 feet of him (or the creature he is intimidating). This bonus stacks with any bonuses the vigilante receives from renown or similar abilities. Additionally, if the vigilante successfully demoralizes a lone opponent with Intimidate, the opponent is shaken for 1 additional round.

This ability replaces the vigilante talent gained at 6th level.
主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-08, 周五 18:42:01
碎裂之魂(侠客职业变体)出自堕落英雄手册(Antihero's Handbook)17页
Splintersoul(Vigilante Archetype)

分裂身份(Splintered Identity,Ex):碎裂之魂的两个身份之间的差别远大于一般的侠客。当他身处社交身份时,他不能够使用他所拥有的任何侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)。



拥有圣武士(Paladin)等级的碎裂之魂身处守序善良身份时,必须如常遵循圣武士的行为准则(Code of Conduct),然而当他身处另一个不同阵营的身份时,他的准则会发生如下这些变化:自愿作恶(例如,施展具有邪恶描述符(Evil Descriptor)的法术)仍然会导致侠客变为前圣武士,但除此之外,他可以为了促进秩序和善良的事业而做任何他认为有必要的事情。他应当为了荣誉以及宣扬他所信仰的准则积极行动,而不是做那些违背他准则的事情。GM有权裁定其他拥有类似的严格行为准则的职业或变体同样要求他在处于阵营不符的身份时,必须遵循一个较为宽松的行为准则。
这个能力改变(Alters)了双重身份(Dual Identity)。

突然变身(Sudden Change,Ex):由于比其他侠客更适应身份的转变,碎裂之魂必须在3级时选择快速变装(Quick Change)社交天赋(Social Talent),在7级时选择飞速变装(Immediate Change)社交天赋,并忽略这些天赋的最低等级要求。
这个能力取代(Replaces)不可动摇(Unshakable)并改变(Alters)了在3级和7级时获得的社交天赋(Social Talent)。

惊人变身(Surprising Change,Ex):在7级时,当碎裂之魂在同一轮内使用飞速变装(Immediate Change)社交天赋展现他的侠客身份,并且接着攻击一名敌人时,他能够如同这名敌人没有意识到他的存在一样,对其使用惊愕现身(Startling Appearance)能力。在11级和17级时,在启动这个能力时,他分别能够使用骇人现身(Frightening Appearance)和震撼现身(Stunning Appearance)。碎裂之魂只能够对那些没有意识到他存在的敌人使用骇人现身和震撼现身,他每天能够使用这个能力的次数等同于他的魅力调整值。这个能力对那些已经知晓碎裂之魂真实身份的敌人无效。
这个能力改变了惊愕现身(Startling Appearance),骇人现身(Frightening Appearance)和震撼现身(Stunning Appearance)。

A splintersoul pushes the boundaries of what it means to have two separate identities. One may be kind and calm while the other is angry and heartless, and the change from one identity to another is sudden and frightening. The splintersoul is torn by conflicting emotions and thoughts, but because of his dual mind, he can master a uniquely disparate set of skills and abilities no normal person should be able to manage.

Splintered Identity (Ex): A splintersoul’s two identities are even more distant from one another than those of a normal vigilante. He cannot use any of his vigilante talents while in his social identity.
However, for the purpose of qualifying for classes, feats, and other abilities, he is eligible if one of his alignments meets the requirements. While in an identity whose alignment is incompatible with an ability, class, or feat, he temporarily loses access to the feat or ability or is treated as an ex‑member of the class, as appropriate.
For example, a splintersoul with barbarian levels, a lawful-good social identity, and a neutral vigilante identity can’t use his vigilante talents or his rage class feature while in his social identity, but he regains these abilities and can use them as normal as soon as he changes to his vigilante identity.
A splintersoul with paladin levels must follow the paladin’s normal code of conduct while in a lawful-good identity, but while in an identity with a different alignment, the following changes apply to his code: Willingly committing an evil act (for example, casting a spell with the evil descriptor) still causes the vigilante to become an ex-paladin, but otherwise, he can do whatever else he feels is necessary to uphold the causes of law and good. He should strive to act with honor and uphold the tenets of his faith, but failing to do so is not a violation of his code. At the GM’s discretion, other classes or archetypes with similarly strict codes of conduct can also follow a less strict version of a code of conduct while in an identity with an incompatible alignment.

This alters dual identity.

Sudden Change (Ex): More adaptive than other vigilantes, a splintersoul must select the quick change social talent at 3rd level and the immediate change social talent at 7th level, ignoring the minimum levels for those talents.

This replaces unshakable and alters the social talents gained at 3rd and 7th levels.

Surprising Change (Ex): At 7th level, when a splintersoul uses the immediate change talent to reveal his vigilante identity and then attacks a foe in the same round, he can use the startling appearance ability against that foe as though the foe were unaware of his presence. At 11th and 17th levels, he can use frightening appearance and stunning appearance, respectively, while using this ability. A splintersoul can use frightening appearance and stunning appearance only against foes who are unaware of his presence, and he can do so a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. This ability doesn’t function against foes who already know the splintersoul’s identity.

This alters startling appearance, frightening appearance, and stunning appearance.

主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-18, 周一 20:45:04
实验员(侠客职业变体)出自惧怖冒险(Horror Adventures)70页
Experimenter(Vigilante Archetype)

PFS:实验员在3级和11级时获得技能专攻(手艺(炼金术)(Craft(Alchemy)),易容(Disguise)或知识(工程)(Knowledge(engineering)))作为奖励专长,代替制造药水(Brew Potion)和制造构装体(Craft Construct)。

本职技能(Class Skills)

武器和防具擅长(Weapen and Armor Proficiencies):实验员不擅长军用武器,中型盔甲以及盾牌。

禁忌科学(Forbidden Science, Ex):实验员在知识(工程)(Knowledge(Engineering))和用于制作炼金物品的手艺(炼金术)(Craft(Alchemy))检定上获得等同于1/2侠客等级的加值(至少+1)。他也知晓如何像一名等同于他职业等级的炼金术士(Alchemist)一般制作突变药剂(Mutagen)APG。他能够选择一项炼金术士科研发现(Discovery)代替他获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent),但只能选择那些影响突变药剂的发现(包括异变药剂(Cognatogen)UM科研发现)。
当实验员陷入困惑(Confused),晕眩(Dazed),惊惧(Frightened),恐慌(Panicked)或震慑(Stunned)时,他必须在每次他的回合开始时尝试进行一次意志检定(DC=20+他的侠客等级)。如果他失败了,他立即如同使用了他的突变药剂一般进行突变(随机决定能力赋予的加值)。这并不会消耗他的突变药剂,效果只会持续等同于3+他的侠客等级的轮数,并且在突变结束之后他会变得疲乏。以这种方式进行突变时,他会陷入困惑,并且重骰任何“正常行动(Act Normally)”的结果。这个困惑效果是突变药剂带来的突变的一部分,那些防止或移除困惑效果的能力无法适用于该效果,然而那些能够终止突变药剂影响的效果会正常运作。他会忘记在处于这种偶然性的突变期间经历的一切。
这个能力取代(Replaces)侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization)。

诱发变身(Mutagenic Change, Ex):以一个整轮动作,实验员能够使用他的突变药剂并从他的社交身份(Social Identity)转变为侠客身份(Vigilante Identity),如同他拥有快速变装(Quick Change)社交天赋(Social Talent)。
这个能力取代(Replaces)1级时获得的社交天赋(Social Talent)。

制造药水(Brew Potion):在3级时,实验员获得制造药水(Brew Potion)作为奖励专长。他能够将他的侠客等级视作施法者等级并使用手艺(炼金术)(Craft(Alchemy))代替制造药水所需的法术辨识(Spellcraft)。他能够使用另一瓶含有同样法术的药水作为样本来提供制作药水所必须的法术,这个行为不会消耗这瓶药水并会导致制造DC上升5。

博学(Lore Master, Ex):在5级时,实验员获得博学(Lore Master)吟游诗人(Bard)职业能力。
这个能力取代(Replaces)惊愕现身(Startling Appearance)。
博学(Lore Master, Ex):第5级起,吟游诗人在学识上的成就允许他为任何知识检定取10。他也可以决定不使用取10的能力并正常投骰决定检定结果。此外,每天1次,诗人能够以一个标准动作为任意知识检定取20。在5级之后的每6级,诗人都获得1次额外的每日使用次数,在17级时达到最大每日3次。
译者:鹤影·仙居 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=28014)

制造构装体(Craft Construct):在11级时,实验员获得制造构装体(Craft Construct)作为奖励专长。他将他的侠客等级视作施法者等级并使用知识(工程)(Knowledge(Engineering))代替制造构装体所需的法术辨识(Spellcraft)。
这个能力取代(Replaces)骇人现身(Frightening appearance)。

不定突变(Mutable Mutagen, Su):在17级时,实验员的突变药剂的持续时间增加至每等级1小时。
这个能力取代(Replaces)震撼现身(Stunning appearance)。

Some vigilantes adopt lives of secrecy to hide their strange experiments from public view.

Class Skills: An experimenter adds all Knowledge skills to his list of class skills.
This alters the vigilante’s class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Experimenters aren’t proficient with martial weapons, medium armor, or shields.
This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Forbidden Science (Ex): An experimenter gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his vigilante level on Craft (alchemy) checks to create alchemical items and on Knowledge (engineering) checks (minimum +1). He also learns how to craft a mutagenAPG as if he were an alchemist of his class level. He can take alchemical discoveries in place of vigilante talents, but only discoveries that affect his mutagen (including cognatogenUM discoveries). When an experimenter is confused, dazed, frightened, panicked, or stunned, he must attempt a Will save (DC = 20 + his vigilante level) each round at the start of his turn. If he fails, he transforms as if he had consumed his mutagen (determine which ability score gets the bonus randomly). This doesn’t consume his mutagen, and lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 + his vigilante level, after which the transformation ends and he becomes fatigued. While transformed in this way, he is confused, and he rerolls any result of “act normally.” Since the confusion is part of the mutagenic transformation, abilities that prevent or remove confusion don’t apply to this effect, though abilities that end the effect of a mutagen work normally. He forgets everything that happened while he was involuntarily transformed.

This ability replaces vigilante specialization.

Mutagenic Change (Ex)
: As a full-round action, an experimenter can consume his mutagen (if he has one) and shift from his social identity to his vigilante identity, as if he had the quick change social talent. This ability replaces the 1st-level social talent. Brew Potion: At 3rd level, an experimenter gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat. He treats his vigilante level as his caster level and can use Craft (alchemy) instead of Spellcraft to brew potions. He can use another potion of the same spell as a sample to provide the necessary spell without consuming the potion, increasing the DC by 5.

This ability replaces unshakable.

Lore Master (Ex): At 5th level, an experimenter gains the lore master bard class feature. This ability replaces startling appearance. Craft Construct: At 11th level, an experimenter gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat. He treats his vigilante level as his caster level and can use Knowledge (engineering) instead of Spellcraft to craft a construct.

This ability replaces frightening appearance.

Mutable Mutagen (Su): At 17th level, the duration of an experimenter’s mutagen increases to 1 hour per level.

This ability replaces stunning appearance.
主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-18, 周一 20:49:56
处刑人(侠客职业变体)出自惧怖冒险(Horror Adventures)70页
Hangman(Vigilante Archetype)


侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization):处刑人必须选择诡秘猎手(Stalker)之道
这个能力改变(Alters)了侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization)。

处刑人之索(Hangman’s Noose, Ex):在2级时,处刑人能够将一根活绳绞索(Rope noose)作为一张捕网(Net)或一根鞭子(Whip)来持用(Wield),也可以使用它来进行擒抱(Grapple),并且在使用它时会得到精通擒抱(Improved Grapple)的好处。他不会因为手中持有绞索而在用绞索进行的战技(Combat Maneuver)检定上承受减值,但他仍然无法将任何因为持有捕网或鞭子而获得的加值(例如武器增强加值(Weapen Enhancement bonuses)或来自武器专攻(Weapen Focus)的好处)加到战技检定上。他能够花费1分钟的时间来把一张魔法捕网或者一根魔法鞭子编织成一根绞索,并在之后使用它来获得这些好处。
这个能力取代(Replaces)2级时获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)。

誓求真相(Bound to Truth, Ex, Sp):在3级时,经由感知他们紧缩的喉咙和呼吸的变化,处刑人将他侠客等级的一半加到注意那些被他的绞索纠缠(Entangled)或擒抱(Grappled)的生物说谎(Lies Told)的察言观色(Sense Motive)检定上。此外,他能够通过收紧绞索来防止那些被绞索纠缠或擒抱的生物说谎,如同一个只针对单一目标的诚实之域(Zone of Truth)(施法者等级等于他的侠客等级;豁免DC基于魅力(Charisma-based))。他每天能够使用后一个能力的轮数等同于他侠客等级的一半。这些轮数不需要连续。

扭曲之绳(Twisted Rope, Su):在4级时,处刑人能够花费1小时来准备他的绞索,赋予它等同于他的侠客等级的临时生命值,给予它等同于他的侠客等级加上双倍武器增强加值的硬度(Hardness)(或者它原本的硬度,取较好者),破坏它的DC变为23+1/2他的侠客等级(或者破坏它原本所需的DC,取较好者)。这个效果持续8小时,但也会在处刑人准备另一根绞索时立即结束。
这个能力取代(Replaces)4级时获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)。

这个能力取代(Replaces)惊愕现身(Starling Appearance)。

绞索处刑(Tighten the Noose, Ex):在11级时,当处刑人正在使用他的绞索擒抱一个目标时,他能够以一个迅捷动作对这个目标造成较强的暗袭(Increased Hidden Strike)伤害。
这个能力取代(Replaces)骇人现身(Frightening Appearance)。

闷杀(Suffocation, Ex):在17级时,在处刑人第一次成功地(在他进入擒抱状态(Establishing the grapple)之后的下一轮)维持擒抱(Maintain A Grapple)时,代替其他的选择,他能够让他的目标窒息(Suffocation)并陷入昏迷(Unconscious)。一次成功的强韧豁免(DC=15+处刑人的力量调整值)能够免于窒息。在接下来的轮中,处刑人能够继续维持擒抱来让他的目标窒息。在第二次强韧豁免失败时,该目标的HP降至-1并进入濒死状态。在第三次强韧豁免失败时,该目标就会死亡。即使处刑人有能力以比标准动作低级的动作维持擒抱,他一轮也只能尝试一次在维持擒抱中让目标窒息。
这个能力取代(Replaces)震撼现身(Stunning Appearance)。

Wherever the guilty walk free, the hangman brings judgment.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A hangman is proficient with nets and whips, but not shields.

This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Vigilante Specialization: A hangman must choose the stalker specialization.

This alters vigilante specialization.

Hangman’s Noose (Ex): At 2nd level, a hangman can wield a rope noose as a net or whip, and also can use it to grapple, gaining the benefits of Improved Grapple with it. He takes no penalty on combat maneuver checks with the noose for having the noose in his hand, but he still doesn’t add any bonuses he might have with a net or whip (such as weapon enhancement bonuses or benefits from Weapon Focus) on the check. He can spend 1 minute to weave a magical or masterwork net or whip into a noose, thereafter gaining these benefits with it.

This ability replaces the 2nd-level vigilante talent.

Bound to Truth (Ex, Sp): At 3rd level, a hangman adds half his vigilante level to his Sense Motive checks to notice lies told by a creature entangled or grappled by his noose, by feeling the creature’s throat clench or changes in its breathing. In addition, he can prevent a creature entangled or grappled in his noose from lying by tightening the noose, as per a single-target zone of truth (the caster level equals his vigilante level; the save DC is Charisma-based). He can use the latter ability a number of rounds per day equal to half his vigilante level. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.

This ability replaces unshakable.

Twisted Rope (Su): At 4th level, a hangman can spend 1 hour preparing his noose, granting it temporary hit points equal to his vigilante level, giving it a hardness equal to 1/2 his vigilante level plus double the weapon’s enhancement bonus (or its current hardness, whichever is better), and changing its break DC to 23 + 1/2 his vigilante level (or its current break DC, whichever is better). These benefits last for 8 hours, but end immediately if the hangman prepares another noose. This ability replaces the 4th-level vigilante talent. Chokehold: At 5th level, a hangman gains ChokeholdUC as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces startling appearance.

Tighten the Noose (Ex): At 11th level, while a hangman is grappling a target with his noose, as a swift action he can deal increased hidden strike damage to the target.

This ability replaces frightening appearance.

Suffocation (Ex): At 17th level, the first time the hangman succeeds at a check to maintain a grapple (on his next turn after establishing the grapple), in place of the other options, he can suffocate the target and cause her to fall unconscious. A successful Fortitude save (DC = 15 + the hangman’s Strength bonus) negates the suffocation. On subsequent rounds, the hangman can maintain the grapple to suffocate the target again. On the next failed save, the target drops to –1 hit points and starts dying. On the third failed save, she dies. Even if the hangman has the ability to maintain a grapple with less than a standard action, he can attempt to maintain a grapple to suffocate only once per round.

This ability replaces stunning appearance.
主题: 装备
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-18, 周一 22:36:48
处刑人之索(Hangman’s Noose)出自惧怖冒险(Horror Adventures)215页
以一个标准动作,拥有处刑人之索(Hangman’s Noose)能力的持用者能够尝试一次战技检定来让这根长鞭套住一个生物的脖子。如果她成功了,受害者就无法移动到这根长鞭的触及范围之外。以一个标准动作,持用者能够尝试一次移位(Reposition)APG战技来移动处于长鞭触及范围之内的受害者,或拉紧长鞭使这名受害者无法呼吸(参阅核心规则手册(Core Rulebook)445页关于窒息(Suffocation)的规则)。一旦这名目标处于无法呼吸的状态,持用者就能够以标准动作尝试一次战技检定来挤出受害者肺部的空气。这会使受害者总闭气时间减少1d6+1轮。
受害者能够通过一次成功的逃脱(Escape Artist)检定(DC=持用者的CMD),一次成功的攻击或者一次成功的破武(Sunder)战技来从绞索(Noose)中逃脱。这根绞索具有18 AC,2 硬度以及12 HP。即使被切断,这根绞索仍然能够作为+1长鞭使用,并且会在1小时之后自动修复自身。
制造要求:制作魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),活化绳(Animate Rope),绞杀(suffocation)APG

PRICE 18,301 GP
SLOT none
CL 9th
WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate necromancy
This +1 whip is made from a hemp rope that once served as the noose in a gallows. The countless executions committed with the rope have left an indelible mark on the weapon.

As a standard action, the wielder of a hangman’s noose can attempt a combat maneuver check to wrap the whip around a creature’s neck. If she succeeds, the victim can’t move outside of the whip’s reach. As a standard action, the wielder can attempt a repositionAPG combat maneuver check to move the victim within the whip’s reach or to pull the whip tighter, strangling the victim (see the rules for suffocation on page 445 of the Core Rulebook). Once the target is being strangled, the wielder can attempt a combat maneuver check as a standard action to squeeze the air out of the victim’s lungs. This reduces the amount of time the victim can hold his breath by 1d6+1 rounds.

A victim can escape the noose with a successful Escape Artist check (DC = the wielder’s CMD), or by severing the noose with an attack or a successful sunder combat maneuver check. The noose has AC 18, hardness 2, and 12 hp. If severed, the noose can still be used as a +1 whip and repairs itself after 1 hour.

COST 9,301 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate rope, suffocationAPG

主题: 奇物
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-12-19, 周二 20:06:00
Aerialist's Rod
Source Villain Codex pg. 32
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price 3,200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
A small, metal loop caps each end of this well-worn, 2-foot-long brass rod. Pressing on each of three smooth studs on the rod’s surface activates a different special ability. Pressing a stud a second time collapses the rod back into its ordinary form.

Balancing Pole: The rod extends to 7 feet in length and grants its holder a +5 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks and a +3 enhancement bonus on Reflex saving throws. The user must hold the rod in both hands to gain these bonuses, and they apply only on checks and saving throws related to maintaining balance. In this form, the rod also acts as a masterwork quarterstaff.

Tightrope: A line of rope lashes out from each end of the rod, anchoring to create a horizontal tightrope up to 100 feet long. Characters can traverse the tightrope by hanging below it with a successful DC 15 Climb check, or walking atop it with a successful DC 20 Acrobatics check.

Trapeze: Two lines of rope fly from the ends of the rod and anchor in a ceiling up to 40 feet overhead. Using the trapeze requires a successful DC 10 Acrobatics check and allows the user to traverse gaps up to 50 feet wide. If the user is trying to go farther than 50 feet, she can attempt to jump upon releasing her grip. The trapeze counts as a running start for the purposes of performing a long jump, and grants the user a +5 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to determine how far she can jump. When the user is outdoors, this ability functions only if there are branches, buildings, or other overhangs to which the trapeze can attach.
Requirements Craft Rod, animate rope, cat’s grace; Cost 1,600 gp


灵光:昏暗变化系 cl:5th
需求:制造权杖,活化绳,猫之优雅;花费 1600gp
主题: 毒药
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-12-19, 周二 20:22:09
Red tears
Source Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg. 7
Price 50 gp; Weight —
Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 15
Frequency 1/round for 10 rounds
Effect 1d6 points of damage. Creatures immune to bleed effects are immune to this damage
Cure 1 save

出自《阴招战术工具箱》 pg.7
价格 50gp;重量 -
类型 伤口;豁免 强韧DC15
频率 1/轮,10轮
效果 1d6点伤害。免疫流血效果的生物对此伤害免疫。
治愈 1次豁免

[PFS Legal] Confabulation powder
Source Alchemy Manual pg. 11 (Amazon)
Price 80 gp; Weight —
Type inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 18
Frequency 1/minute for 2 minutes
Initial Effect staggered for 1 minute; Secondary Effect If already staggered, stunned, or unconscious, the victim becomes highly suggestible. If an event (whether true or false) is described to him, he unconsciously fabricates a detailed memory of the event, filling in any gaps in the description with his own best guesses. The confabulated memory can be disbelieved with a successful DC 18 Will save the first time it is recalled, but if the save fails, the victim treats it as completely genuine thereafter. All confabulated memories can be removed with a restoration or heal spell
Cure 1 save
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (20 quicksilver + 15 cytillesh spores)/digestion; Craft DC 18
Time 1 day; Tools heat source; Type poison

价格 80gp;重量-
类型 吸入;豁免 强韧DC18
频率 1/分钟,2分钟
治愈 1豁免
配方(20quicksilver+15cytillesh spores)/分解;制造DC18
时间 1天;工具 热源;类型 毒药
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 前尘如梦新月酱2017-12-19, 周二 20:54:54
Efreeti cord
Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 236
Price 50 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Tools
Originally discovered by dwarven alchemists working with adamantine dust, efreeti cord is a viscid length of string approximately 18 inches long and blue-gray in color. It can be purchased in greater lengths by multiplying the price for every 18 inches or fraction thereof. Flexible and sticky, a length of efreeti cord can be carefully shaped into almost any pattern, draped upon an object, or wrapped around a fixture, and will stay in place until activated. Once activated (using an efreeti switch; see below), efreeti cord rapidly heats up, and after 1 round becomes a white-hot cord of fire. In the first round, the cord deals 3d6 points of fire damage to an object. This damage ignores any hardness less than 10, and is not halved for an object. The cord continues to burn for 2 additional rounds, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage the first additional round and 1d6 points the second.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 10

价格 50gp;重量 -
类别 炼金工具
工艺(炼金) DC10

Efreeti switch
Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 236
Price 25 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Tools
An efreeti switch is the activation device for efreeti cord; it measures approximately 6 inches in length and is made of a supple, red-brown alchemical compound. It is not consumed when activating a length of cord, and it can be used with any length of efreeti cord. It’s possible to key lengths of efreeti cord to a specific switch; however, this doubles the price of both the efreeti cord and the switch.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 10
价格 25gp;重量 -
类别 炼金工具
主题: 职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-20, 周三 19:22:54
风骚客(铳士职业变体)出自堕落英雄手册(Antihero's Handbook)9页
Blatherskite(Gunslinger Archetype)

本职技能:风骚客获得逃脱(Escape Artist)和隐匿(Stealth)作为本职技能,但他不再获得驯养动物(Handle Animal)和威吓(Intimidate)作为本职技能。


风骚晃步(Blatherskite’s Stagger, Ex):在1级时,以一个直觉动作,当一个针对风骚客的远程攻击正常失手时,他能够故意让这次攻击命中他并戏剧性地往后蹒跚数步,立即朝着远离攻击者的方向移动10尺。这次移动会如常引起借机攻击(Attacks of Opportunity)。这次攻击只会造成最低的伤害(如同攻击者在每个伤害骰上都自然骰出1)。
这个炫技取代(Replaces)铳士闪避(Gunslinger’s Dodge)炫技。

风骚机先(Blatherskite’s Initiative, Ex):在3级时,风骚客只要至少有1点勇毅值,就可以获得本炫技的好处。风骚客在先攻检定上获得+2加值。此外,如果风骚客在隐匿(Stealth)上受训(并且他没有处于麻痹(Paralyzed),俯卧(Prone)或定身(Immobilized)状态),他就能够作为先攻检定的一部分来进行一次五尺快步(5-foot step),倘若此时有可供藏身其后的物体(Object)或大型生物(Larger Creature),他还可以尝试一次隐匿检定进行躲藏;如果他花费1点时勇毅值,代替进行一次五尺快步,他可以作为先攻检定的一部分来移动等同于他速度一半的距离。
这个炫技取代(Replaces)把握主动(Gunslinger Initiative)炫技。

廉价弹丸(Cheap Shot, Ex):在3级时,如果风骚客至少有1点勇毅值,并且使用火器对一名未武装(Unarmed)的敌人进行了一次非霰弹射击(Scattering Shot)的成功攻击,他额外造成1d6点伤害。这是一个精准伤害,不会因为重击的翻倍。

风骚惊奇(Blatherskite’s Surprise, Ex):在7级时,当风骚客在对抗一次将会导致他陷入目盲(Blinded),困惑(Confused),晕眩(Dazed),迷魂(Fascinated),惊惧(Frightened),反胃(Nauseated),麻痹(Paralyzed)或震慑(Stunned)的法术或者效果的豁免投骰中成功时,他能够让这个效果正常地影响他。而在他至少有1点时髦值时,以一个直觉动作,他能够使得造成这个效果的生物失去AC上的敏捷加值,持续的轮数等同于这个效果持续时间的一半(按轮计算),或者等同于他铳士等级的一半,取其低者(至少1轮)。如果他花费1点勇毅值,即使不让这些效果正常地影响他,他也能够使用这个炫技。
这个炫技取代(Replaces)惊异射击(Startling Shot)炫技。
主题: “协会XX”背景系列汇总
作者: lvcvcbc2017-12-22, 周五 20:16:21

协会之兽(Beast of the Society)
出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Beast of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 63 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Magic)
Requirement(s) Druid, Pathfinder Society
A druid at the Grand Lodge revealed to you secrets changing your form into that of an animal. Whenever you use your wild shape class ability to turn yourself into a Small or Medium animal, the effect lasts for 2 hours per druid level instead of 1 hour per druid level.

协会之刃(Blade of the Society)
出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Blade of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Rogue, Pathfinder Society
The Society gave you access to charts detailing the weak spots of hundreds of humanoids and monsters. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls from sneak attacks.

协会炮台(Havoc of the Society)
出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Havoc of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 63 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Magic)
Requirement(s) Sorcerer, Pathfinder Society
Through countless hours studying vast libraries of arcane power, you have learned how to cause greater damage to your foes. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the total damage dealt. This damage is considered force damage regardless of the type of damage dealt by the spell.

协会神拳(Honored Fist of the Society)
出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Honored Fist of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Monk, Pathfinder Society
You have studied dozens of ancient texts on martial arts that only the Society possesses, and are more learned in these arts than most. You increase your ki pool by 1 point.

协会音乐家(Maestro of the Society)
出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Maestro of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 63 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Social)
Requirement(s) Bard, Pathfinder Society
The skills of Golarion’s greatest musicians are at your fingertips, thanks to the vast treasure trove of musical knowledge in the vaults beneath the Grand Lodge in Absalom. Studying this knowledge gives you the ability to use your bardic performance an additional 3 rounds per day.

协会无畏者(Stalwart of the Society)
出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Stalwart of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 63 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Faith)
Requirement(s) Paladin, Pathfinder Society
The courageous powers of Golarion’s ancient paladin orders are open to you thanks to the Society’s records of heroic deeds. As a result, your aura of courage class ability grants an additional +1 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

协会追踪者(Tracker of the Society)
出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Tracker of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62 (Amazon)
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Ranger, Pathfinder Society
Thanks to your time as a Pathfinder, you’ve mastered the art of tracking. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks and a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks made while traveling through any of your favored terrains. This is in addition to any bonuses you receive from your favored terrain class ability.


主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-12-22, 周五 20:21:00
协会之拳(Honored Fist of the Society) 出自《碎星玩家手册》(Shattered Star Player's Guide)

Honored Fist of the Society
Source Shattered Star Player's Guide pg. 5, Faction Guide pg. 62
Category Basic (Combat)
Requirement(s) Monk, Pathfinder Society
You have studied dozens of ancient texts on martial arts that only the Society possesses, and are more learned in these arts than most. You increase your ki pool by 1 point.



主题: 专长
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-30, 周六 11:04:13
闪影 出自《内海诸神(Inner Sea Gods)》216页,《秽邪之信(Faiths of Corruption)》24页
Shadow Dodge

专长效果: 你利用周身的光线掩护自身撤退,其后又迅速从阴影中归来,而这意想不到的转变迷惑了敌人的双眼。每次你在正常或昏暗光照(Dim Light)的区域内移动等同或超过你速度的距离时,你直到下一轮开始为止在AC上获得+3的闪避加值。那些不依赖视觉来感知你,或者是拥有真知术(True Seeing)及类似效果的敌人忽略这个AC加值。这个专长在黑暗(Darkness)或明亮光照(Bright Light)这类无法让一个人随时在光影之间转移的区域内无效。

Shadow Dodge
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 216 (Amazon), Faiths of Corruption pg. 24 (Amazon)
You use shadows to confound your enemies’ senses.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, worshiper of Norgorber.

Benefit: You can use the light around you to move back and forth from shadow to light again, and your sudden shifting confuses your enemies’ eyes. Each time you move a distance equal to or greater than your speed in areas of normal light or dim light, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. Enemies who do not use sight in order to perceive you or are using true seeing or a similar effect ignore this AC bonus. This feat is ineffective in areas of darkness or bright light, where one cannot readily shift between light and shadow.

注:这个专长在果园已有翻译,译者为傻豆 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=68368.0),但书籍再版之后效果被修正为上述内容。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 黑白魔炮2017-12-31, 周日 21:12:14
老赌鬼 出自《内海种族》

类型 种族背景

需求 人类 瓦瑞希安地区

Practiced Gambler
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 196
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
Your upbringing around the Sczarni has exposed you to games with cards and dice. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Sleight of

Hand checks; for the purpose of gambling, these bonuses increase by 1.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 弑君者伊恩2017-12-31, 周日 23:44:56
老赌鬼 出自《内海种族》

类型 种族背景

需求 人类 瓦瑞希安地区

Practiced Gambler
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 196
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
Your upbringing around the Sczarni has exposed you to games with cards and dice. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Sleight of

Hand checks; for the purpose of gambling, these bonuses increase by 1.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 白药君2018-01-01, 周一 10:51:48
目盲热忱(Blind Zeal) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Blind%20Zeal) 出自《神圣选集》,第19页

Blind Zeal
Source Divine Anthology pg. 19
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Vildeis
You are blind but trained by followers of Vildeis to sense your surroundings by sound and touch. You need not attempt a skill check to move at full speed. You take a –4 penalty from blindness on only Acrobatics, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks. You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. You lose the benefits of this trait whenever you can see, but regain them if you once again become blind.
主题: 薇尔迪斯圣武士准则
作者: 白药君2018-01-01, 周一 11:05:33
引述:神圣选集《Divine Anthology》,20页

(https://i.imgur.com/Qr1GeuM.png)  圣武士守则-薇尔迪斯


The paladins of Vildeis are eager and self-denying martyrs in search of a good cause. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
• Sacrifice defies the selfishness of evil. I will not shy from a sacrifice that would help the greater good.
• Evil does not rest, so good cannot either. I will not be complacent, but rather seek out evil to oppose.
• Family is a rare refuge from the evils of the world, but it cannot keep me from my cause. I will not favor my own family over other innocents.
主题: 先知诅咒
作者: 牧语2018-01-03, 周三 00:52:35
咒身(Acursed) 出自(Horror Realms pg. 14)
你被不幸和悲痛所诅咒,你无法从任何的士气加值中获益,但是你在对抗诅咒效果(curse effects)的豁免检定上获得+4加值。
5级的时候你将凶兆(ill omen)APG加入你的已知法术列表。
10级的时候高等烙印术(greater brand)APG加入你的已知法术列表。
Acursed (Horror Realms pg. 14): You are cursed with misfortune and sorrow, and you cannot gain benefit from morale bonuses. However, you gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws against curse effects. At 5th level, add ill omenAPG to your list of spells known. At 10th level, add greater brandAPG to your list of spells known. At 15th level, you are immune to curse effects except for your own oracle curse.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 德拉卡2018-01-03, 周三 10:42:37
抗力马鞍(Caparison of resistance)
出处:冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第16页
价格:+1-2700gp +2-10800gp +3-24300gp +4-43200gp +5-67500gp
位置:肩部 CL:5th 重量:4磅
制造花费:+1-1350gp +2-5400gp +3-12150gp +4-21600gp +5-33750gp

This garment is intended for a horse or similar quadruped, but it can change size and shape to fit any four-legged creature ranging from Small to Huge in size.
When worn, a caparison of resistance offers the wearer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will).
This bonus on saving throws also applies to a single rider who is mounted on the creature (in the case of multiple riders, the resistance bonus is not shared at all and applies only to the mount).
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2018-01-06, 周六 04:42:38
协会守护者(Defender of the Society):你花时间向协会的伟大战士学习新的着甲防御技能。在你穿中型或重型盔甲时,你得到+1AC背景加值。Your time spent studying the greatest warriors of the Society taught you new defensive skills while wearing armor. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Armor Class when wearing medium or heavy armor. 战斗背景
主题: PFS火器弹药价格表
作者: hrvws2018-01-08, 周一 17:16:27


主题: 骑马没人权,那就骑虫!
作者: 德拉卡2018-01-11, 周四 10:45:57
害兽驯服者(Vermin Tamer)出处:幽暗地域英雄(Heroes of the Darklands)第17页

幽暗之地坐骑Darklands Mount (Ex):1级时,害兽驯服者可以选择一只原生于幽暗之地的生物作为他的坐骑。他可以选择巨甲虫(giant beetle),巨蜈蚣(giant centipede),巨壁虎(giant gecko)(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 186),巨蛞蝓(giant slug)或巨蜘蛛(giant spider)作为坐骑。这些坐骑(除了巨壁虎)和其他毒虫伙伴的规则详见“极限魔法”第36页(page 36 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic)。
坐骑被视为受过战斗训练。在骑乘其坐骑时在骑术检定上不受防具减值。如果一开始的坐骑体型足够让害兽驯服者乘骑,坐骑则获得「擅长轻甲」作为奖励专长。如果不够大,那么害兽驯服者则获得「小型坐骑」(Undersized Mount)作为奖励专长(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 159)。这一能力调整了坐骑。

黏在鞍上Stuck in the Saddle (Ex):一名熟练的害兽驯服者,即使在特殊的情势下也能在鞍上保持平稳。4级时,当坐骑爬墙或飞行时,他的骑术鉴定获得+4的环境加值来稳定身形。8级时,这一加值提高到+8,并且昏迷时也不会掉下坐骑。这一能力取代驯兽专家。

迷惑挑战Disorienting Challenge (Ex):12级时,每当害兽驯服者发动挑战时,他和坐骑可以用奇怪的动作迷惑目标。当回合开始时,他和坐骑爬或飞在比挑战目标高的位置时,目标AC-2。这一能力取代威迫挑战。



Vermin Tamer
Source Heroes of the Darklands pg. 17
Due to the strange terrain, the lack of sunlight, and numerous other hazards, keeping a traditional mount in the Darklands can prove difficult. Cavaliers native to or traveling the region may choose to tame local creatures instead. Those who can overcome their revulsion and distrust of Sekamina’s strange fauna often find that such partnerships with native creatures serve both rider and mount well. While these mounts may be harder to handle than typical mounts, their versatility and adaptations prove indispensable.

Darklands Mount (Ex): At 1st level, a vermin tamer chooses a creature native to the Darklands as his mount. This functions as a cavalier’s mount. He can choose a giant beetle, giant centipede, giant gecko (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 186), giant slug, or giant spider as his mount. These mounts (except the giant gecko) and the rules for vermin companions are detailed on page 36 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic.

The selected mount is combat trained. The vermin trainer does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. If the vermin tamer’s starting mount is large enough to act as a mount, it gains Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. If the selected animal companion is too small to act as a proper mount, then the vermin tamer gains Undersized Mount (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 159) as a bonus feat.
This ability alters mount.

Stuck in the Saddle (Ex): A practiced vermin tamer can remain steady in the saddle even in unconventional situations. At 4th level, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus on any checks to stay in the saddle when his mount is climbing walls or flying. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +8, and he never falls off his mount when he is rendered unconscious.
This replaces expert training.

Disorienting Challenge (Ex): At 12th level, whenever a vermin tamer declares a challenge, he can confound his target with the erratic movements of his mount. As long as the vermin tamer begins his turn mounted, with his mount climbing or flying at a higher location than his target, the target of his challenge takes a –2 penalty to its AC.
This replaces demanding challenge.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 德拉卡2018-01-12, 周五 09:23:04

阿尼萨恩特骑士(Knight of Arnisant)
出处:护甲大师(Armor Master's Handbook)第5页

盾牌专精(Shield Expertise):1级时,阿尼萨恩特骑士获得「盾牌专攻」(Shield Focus)作为奖励专长。在满足先决条件包含「盾牌专攻」的专长时,其骑将等级视作战士等级。这一能力取代战术。


偏斜盾Deflective Shield (Ex):4级时,一名阿尼萨恩特骑士擅长使用盾牌来偏转攻击。他在接触AC和CMD上获得加值,数值等同于其AC中的盾牌加值,最高不超过他骑将等级的一半。在这个计算中不包括他从魔法盾中获得的增强加值。这一能力取代驯兽专家。

纹章旗帜Heraldic Banner (Ex):5级时,阿尼萨恩特骑士把他的盾牌当做旗帜,不过只影响30尺内的盟友。这一能力调整了旗帜。


灵魂盾Soul Shield (Su):9级时,只要拿着盾牌,阿尼萨恩特骑士在对抗诅咒法术和效果的所有豁免检定上获得获得加值,数值相当于其AC中的盾牌加值,最高不超过他骑将等级的一半。 在这个计算中,不包括魔法盾的增强加值。这一能力取代高等战术。

防御挑战Defensive Challenge (Ex):12级时,当阿尼萨恩特骑士发动挑战时,他的目标就必须特别注意他。只要目标处于阿尼萨恩骑士的威胁范围内,他在攻击骑将以外的人时,攻击骰受到-2减值。这一能力取代威迫挑战。

心之盾Heart Shield (Su):17级时,只要拿着盾牌,阿尼萨恩特骑士在对抗死亡法术和效果的所有豁免检定上获得获得加值,数值相当于其AC中的盾牌加值,最高不超过他骑将等级的一半。 在这个计算中,不包括魔法盾的增强加值。这一能力取代旗帜高扬。

Knight of Arnisant
Source Armor Master's Handbook pg. 5
The cavaliers known as knights of Arnisant revere the famous general who was crucial in the defeat of the Whispering Tyrant, the powerful wizard-king. Knights of Arnisant call upon Arnisant to grant them protection from evil magic, just as the Shield of Aroden protected him. Many of these cavaliers further emulate him by joining the order of the shield. Most knights of Arnisant serve at Lastwall, where the movement originated, but they can be found everywhere from the general’s homeland of Taldor to the front lines of the Worldwound.

Shield Expertise: At 1st level, a knight of Arnisant gains the Shield Focus feat as a bonus feat. His cavalier levels count as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for all feats that list the Shield Focus feat as a prerequisite.
This ability replaces tactician.

Deflective Shield (Ex): At 4th level, a knight of Arnisant specializes in using his shield to deflect attacks. He adds a bonus equal to his shield bonus to AC to his touch AC and his CMD, up to a maximum of half his cavalier level. He does not include any enhancement bonus he has from a magic shield in this calculation.
This ability replaces expert trainer.

Heraldic Banner (Ex): At 5th level, a knight of Arnisant uses his shield as a banner, though its benefits apply only to allies within 30 feet.
This ability alters banner.

Soul Shield (Su): At 9th level, when carrying a shield, a knight of Arnisant adds a bonus equal to his shield bonus to AC on all saving throws against curse spells and effects, up to a maximum of half his cavalier level. He does not include any enhancement bonus from a magic shield in this calculation.
This ability replaces greater tactician.

Defensive Challenge (Ex): At 12th level, whenever a knight of Arnisant declares a challenge, his target must pay particular attention to him. As long as the target is within the threatened area of the cavalier, it takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against anyone other than the knight of Arnisant.
This ability replaces demanding challenge.

Heart Shield (Su): At 17th level, when carrying a shield, a knight of Arnisant adds a bonus equal to his shield bonus to AC on saving throws against death spells and magical death effects, up to a maximum of half his cavalier level. He does not include any enhancement bonus from a magic shield in this calculation.
This ability replaces greater tactician.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 星云迷蒙2018-01-13, 周六 18:58:21
扭曲藤蔓手套(Gauntlets of Twisting Vines)
出处:荒野英雄(Heroes of the Wild)第28页
位置:手部 CL:3th 重量:2磅

Gauntlets of Twisting Vines
Source Heroes of the Wild pg. 28 (Amazon)
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot hands; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
These wrist wraps are actually dark, thorny vines that constantly move and twist around the wearer’s hands of their own accord. The wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on combat maneuver checks to disarm, grapple, and stealAPG. Once per day when the wearer successfully pins a foe with a grapple check, the vines can move off the wearer (ending the circumstance bonus on combat maneuver checks), envelop the target, and tie it up. A tied-up victim can escape the vines by succeeding at a combat maneuver or Escape Artist check with a DC equal to the result of the combat maneuver check that pinned the victim. The character who was wearing the gauntlets when they were used to envelop a target can remove them from the target as a move action. Any other creature must succeed at a combat maneuver or Strength check at the same DC to pry the gauntlets loose of an enveloped target.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Grapple, entangle; Cost 2,500 gp
主题: 头部奇物
作者: 2018-01-15, 周一 12:10:54
出自《惡棍誌 pg. 201》
灵光 微弱變化系
CL 5
位置 头部
价格 2700gp
重量 -





PFS Legal Animal Mask
Source Villain Codex pg. 201
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 2,700 gp; Weight —
This finely constructed mask of colored cloth and carved bone incorporates parts of the animal it represents, such as its hair, hide, horn, fur, and teeth. Depicting the head of an ape, bear, boar, cat, fox, horse, pig, rat, or wolf, the mask completely covers the wearer’s face, but the wearer can see through the mask’s eyes as though they were her own.

As a swift action, the wearer can transform her head into the form of the animal depicted by the mask for up to 5 minutes per day, absorbing the mask into her body in the process but leaving in place any other item she wears on her head. While so transformed, the wearer retains the ability to speak normally and can complete verbal spell components, utter command words, and activate spell-completion and spell-trigger items. She also gains low-light vision, scent, and either a bite or gore attack (as appropriate to the animal) that deals 1d4 points of damage for a Medium wearer (1d3 if Small).

This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, beast shape I; Cost 1,350 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 德拉卡2018-01-19, 周五 10:57:06
决斗(PSFG) Dueling (PSFG)
出处:探索者协会外勤指南(Pathfinder Society Field Guide)第50页
灵光:中等变化系 CL:7
位置:无 价格:+1 重量:-
描述:决斗武器具有魔法增强效果,其效果显著表现在使用某些战技上。当用决斗武器施展那些只使用武器进行的战技时(见下文),在CMB上获得幸运加值,其数值等于武器增强加值的两倍。这些幸运加值同时也可以应用在同样类型的战技防御(CMD)上。战技包括:卸武和摔绊,但是不包括冲撞,擒抱或闯越。如果使用进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player's Guide)中的额外战技,那么还可应用于任何使用武器施展的阴招,以及移位,但不包括拖拽和盗取。这些幸运加值和武器的增强加值可叠加。
制造需求:制造魔法武器和防具,猫之优雅 (cat's grace)

Dueling (PSFG)
Source Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg. 50
Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A dueling weapon bears magical enhancements that makes it particularly effective at performing certain combat maneuvers. When a dueling weapon is used to perform a combat maneuver that utilizes the weapon only (see below), it grants a luck bonus equal to twice its enhancement bonus on the CMB check made to carry out the maneuver. The dueling weapon also grants this same luck bonus to the wielder’s CMD score against these types of combat maneuvers. These combat maneuvers include disarm and trip maneuvers, but not bull rush, grapple, or overrun maneuvers. If you’re using the additional combat maneuvers in the Advanced Player’s Guide, this also includes any dirty trick maneuvers that utilize the weapon, as well as reposition combat maneuvers, but not drag or steal combat maneuvers. Note that this luck bonus stacks with the weapon’s enhancement bonus, which in and of itself adds to CMB checks normally.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat’s grace; Price —
主题: 专长
作者: 白药君2018-01-19, 周五 15:37:37
引述:《进化职业手册 》 Advanced Class Guide 157页

坚定常识 (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Steadfast%20Personality)
Steadfast Personality

Steadfast Personality
Source Advanced Class Guide pg. 157 (Amazon)

You rely on your assuredness and sense of self to help keep your mind clear.

Benefit: Add your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom bonus on Will saves. If you have a Wisdom penalty, you must apply both your Wisdom penalty and your Charisma modifier.


发现已经被FAQ打死,勿念 :em032
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2018-01-22, 周一 04:41:45

地狱骑士板甲(Hellknight plate)
出处《内海世界指南》(Inner Sea World Guide)
分类 防具
价格 2,000 gp 重量 50磅
盔甲加值 +9;最大敏捷加值 +1;防具检定减值 -5
奥术失败率 35%;速度 20尺/15尺

主题: 种族特性变体
作者: 弑君者伊恩2018-01-22, 周一 06:56:38
妖精学识(Fey Wisdom)
出处:王庭英雄(Heroes of the High Court) 第14页

Fey Wisdom
Source Heroes of the High Court pg. 14
Elves tend to be too aloof and capricious to make reliable diplomats, but some elves specially train to serve as ambassadors to fey courts. Elves with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nature) checks, and Knowledge (nature) is a class skill for them. This racial trait replaces keen senses.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2018-01-22, 周一 14:22:41
老賭鬼 出自《內海種族》

類型 種族背景

需求 人類 瓦瑞希安地區

Practiced Gambler
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 196
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
Your upbringing around the Sczarni has exposed you to games with cards and dice. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Sleight of

Hand checks; for the purpose of gambling, these bonuses increase by 1.

老賭鬼(Practiced Gambler)
出處 《內海種族》(Inner Sea Race)
類型 種族背景
需求 人類(瓦瑞希安地區)

Practiced Gambler
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 196
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
Your upbringing around the Sczarni has exposed you to games with cards and dice. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks; for the purpose of gambling, these bonuses increase by 1.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2018-01-22, 周一 15:27:31
Source: Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. 24 (Amazon)
Cost 12 gp Weight 12 lbs.
Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium); Critical x3; Range —; Type P; Special brace, reach, see text
This spearlike weapon is about 15 feet long. Its unwieldy length is counterbalanced by a heavy brass base. A sarissa provides extended reach—tripling your reach rather than doubling it. A Medium wielder would threaten spaces 10 to 15 feet away, but not adjacent squares or squares 5 to 10 feet away (as with a typical reach weapon). Because of its great length and weight, a sarissa can be used to attack foes in only one direction each round. You must select a cone each round before you make any attacks with the sarissa. The weapon threatens only foes within this cone and within its extended reach. You can’t change the area you threaten with the sarissa until your next turn. While you carry the sarissa pointed upward (typical for overland movement), you threaten only squares in the sarissa’s reach in a cone pointed upward.

出处:巨人猎手手册(Giant Hunter's Handbook)第24页
价格 12 gp 重量 12磅
伤害 1d6(小型),1d8(中型);重击 ×3;射程 —;类型 穿刺;特殊能力 迎击,长武

This spearlike weapon is about 15 feet long. Its unwieldy length is counterbalanced by a heavy brass base. A sarissa provides extended reach—tripling your reach rather than doubling it. A Medium wielder would threaten spaces 10 to 15 feet away, but not adjacent squares or squares 5 to 10 feet away (as with a typical reach weapon). Because of its great length and weight, a sarissa can be used to attack foes in only one direction each round. You must select a cone each round before you make any attacks with the sarissa. The weapon threatens only foes within this cone and within its extended reach. You can’t change the area you threaten with the sarissa until your next turn. While you carry the sarissa pointed upward (typical for overland movement), you threaten only squares in the sarissa’s reach in a cone pointed upward.
主题: Re: 专长
作者: hellococoo2018-01-25, 周四 14:01:54
魔学院毕业生(Acadamae Graduate)
出处:猩紅王座的詛咒玩家指南(Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide) 第11页


Source Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide pg. 11
You have passed the grueling Test of Summoning and graduated from the Acadamae.

Prerequisites: Specialist wizard 1st; cannot have conjuration as a forbidden school.

Benefit: Whenever you cast a prepared arcane spell from the conjuration (summoning) school that takes longer than a standard action to cast, reduce the casting time by one round (to a minimum casting time of one standard action). Casting a spell in this way is taxing and requires a Fortitude save (DC 15 + spell level) to resist becoming fatigued.
主题: 神圣武器技法(托拉格)
作者: 梦子2018-01-27, 周六 15:14:30
托拉格的沉稳打击(Torag's Patient Strikes) 出自神圣选集《Divine Anthology》,31页

Torag's Patient Strikes

Source Divine Anthology pg. 31
Copies of Lessons of the Father, the divine fighting manual of Torag, are somewhat rare outside of the Five Kings Mountains, as tradition mandates that all copies of Lessons of the Father must be scribed by hand in Dwarven on iron sheets and bound between slabs of stone hand-carved by a cleric of Torag. As a result, these tomes are somewhat cumbersome to transport (even the smallest copy of the book weighs 50 pounds, and most exceed 100 pounds in weight). Those who have mastered the Lessons of the Father are highly respected within the faith.

Initial Benefit: Whenever you wield a warhammer, add your Wisdom bonus to the total number of attacks of opportunity that you can make per round. These additional attacks of opportunity don’t stack with those granted by Combat Reflexes, but this benefit counts as Combat Reflexes for the purpose of satisfying feat prerequisites and prestige class requirements. In addition, you can make attacks of opportunity while you’re flat-footed.

Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (warhammer), base attack bonus +10.

Advanced Benefit: Once per round, before you make an attack of opportunity with a warhammer, you can declare an opportunistic strike. If the attack hits, you can apply the effects of your Vital Strike feat. You can apply the Improved Vital Strike or Greater Vital Strike feat instead if you have either of those feats. If you confirm a critical hit with an opportunistic strike, you can attempt a disarm or trip combat maneuver check against the target as a free action—this combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
主题: 父爱如山
作者: 梦子2018-01-27, 周六 15:29:58
坚毅(Stalwart) 出自极限战斗,第1页

Source Ultimate Combat pg. 1 (Amazon)
You adopt a defensive stance that allows you to absorb and redirect hits.

Prerequisites: Diehard, Endurance, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: While using the total defense action, fighting defensively action, or Combat Expertise, you can forgo the dodge bonus to AC you would normally gain to instead gain an equivalent amount of DR, to a maximum of DR 5/—, until the start of your next turn. This damage reduction stacks with DR you gain from class features, such as the barbarian’s, but not with DR from any other source. If you are denied your Dexterity bonus to AC, you are also denied this DR.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2018-01-29, 周一 22:13:27
亘古奥秘寻者(Pathfinder savant)出自秘密追寻者(seekers of secrets)







1st+0+0+0+1启动专擅 大师学者-
2nd+1+1+1+1秘传魔法 寻找刻纹+1现有职业
6th+3+2+2+3解析咒文 无声大师+1现有职业













Pathfinder Savant
Source Seekers of Secrets pg. 60 (Amazon)
Pathfinder savants roam Golarion in search of forgotten lore and ancient magical devices. They are specialists in the theory and practice of magic, illuminating mysteries of the eldritch fabric that permeates existence. The path of the savant brings mastery of the lore of glyphs and sigils, knowledge of exotic spells, and the power to unlock the full potential of magical devices.
To qualify to become a Pathfinder savant, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Feats: Magical Aptitude, any one item crafting feat.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks.
Special: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.
Class Skills
The Pathfinder Savant's class skills are Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, Perception, Profession, Spellcraft, Survival, Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Hit Die: d6.
Class Features
Level   Base Attack Bonus   Fort Save   Ref Save   Will Save   Special                                  Spells Per Day
1st   +0                               +0      +0               +1   Adept activation, master scholar   —
2nd   +1                               +1      +1               +1   Esoteric magic, glyph-finding   +1 level of existing class
3rd   +1                               +1      +1               +2   Scroll master                           +1 level of existing class
4th   +2                               +1      +1               +2   Quick identification                   +1 level of existing class
5th   +2                               +2      +2               +3   Sigil master                           +1 level of existing class
6th   +3                               +2      +2               +3   Analyze dweomer, silence master   +1 level of existing class
7th   +3                               +2      +2               +4   Dispelling master                   +1 level of existing class

The following are class features of the Pathfinder savant prestige class.

Spells: At 2nd level and beyond, a Pathfinder savant gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Pathfinder savant, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Adept Activation (Ex): A Pathfinder savant can always take 10 on Use Magic Device checks, except when activating an item blindly.

Master Scholar (Ex): A Pathfinder savant adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks. He can always take 10 on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks, even if distracted or endangered.

Esoteric Magic (Ex): At each class level beyond 1st, the Pathfinder savant chooses a spell from any class’s spell list and thereafter treats it as if it were on the spell list of his base spellcasting classes; if his base class could not normally cast that spell, it is treated as 1 level higher. The spell’s type (arcane or divine) and save DCs function as normal for his base spellcasting class. All other restrictions of his normal spellcasting class apply. This ability does not allow other spellcasters to prepare, cast, or use spell trigger or spell completion items of esoteric spells (such as a sorcerer using a cure light wounds scroll).

Glyph-Finding (Ex): At 2nd level, a Pathfinder savant can use Spellcraft to find writing-based magical traps (including glyphs, runes, sigils, and symbols) in the same way a rogue can use Perception to search for traps.

Scroll Master (Su): A 3rd-level Pathfinder savant uses his own caster level instead of the item’s caster level when using a scroll or other spell completion item.

Quick Identification (Sp): Starting at 4th level, a savant may use identify as a swift action. He may do this once per day per two class levels.

Sigil Master (Su): A 5th level, a Pathfinder savant receives a bonus equal to his class level on saving throws against writingbased magical traps, and if the save is successful he does not trigger the trap. If he leaves the trap’s area and then re-enters, he must save again. A trap that has already been triggered functions normally against a Pathfinder savant, though he still receives this saving throw bonus.

Analyze Dweomer (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a savant may use analyze dweomer for up to 1 round per level per day. He may use this ability in 1-round increments.

Silence Master (Su): A 6th-level savant is able to activate spell trigger, spell completion, and command word items silently, substituting a magical gesture for the necessary words. He cannot use this ability in circumstances where he could not cast a spell with somatic components. He must know how to activate the item normally for this ability to work.

Three times per day he may cast a spell of 6th level or lower as if he were using a silent metamagic rod.

Dispelling Master (Su): Starting at 7th level, if the savant prepares and casts spells like a wizard, he can spontaneously convert any prepared spell into dispel magic or greater dispel magic as a good cleric converts prepared spells into cure spells. If he casts spells as a sorcerer, he adds dispel magic and greater dispel magic to his spells known. Every time he successfully uses either of these spells to make a targeted dispel or counterspell, he heals hit points equal to the caster level of the effect dispelled or counterspelled.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 酒蒸烧带鱼2018-02-09, 周五 00:44:14
记忆仓库(Mnemonic Repository)
出处:Pathfinder #112: The Whisper Out of Time pg. 73
位置:无 CL:3rd 重量:1磅
在记忆仓库中的信息可以通过相似的方式获取,用其他方式传达该信息每需要10分钟,使用者必须专注1分钟来获取这些信息。但是此时使用者必须了解记忆仓库的心理密钥,这由记录该记忆的生物决定。记忆仓库可以用于移除篡改记忆(modify memory)或者压制记忆(repress memory,OA)的效果,只要使用者在他受到这些法术影响之前记录了自己真实的记忆,但是该装置不能移除心智擦除(Mindwipe,OA)所造成的负向等级,同样它也不能恢复已经施放的法术。

Mnemonic Repository
Source Pathfinder #112: The Whisper Out of Time pg. 73
Aura faint divination [mind-affecting]; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This device looks like a clear, fist-sized crystal with an internal lattice made up of nearly invisible strands of silver-white metal. By holding the crystal in both hands and concentrating, the user can record its own memories, storing the information in the crystal so that it can be retrieved later with perfect clarity. The crystal can store a nearly limitless amount of information, but the user must concentrate for 1 minute to record an amount of information that would require 10 minutes to communicate in other ways.

The information in a mnemonic repository can be recalled in a similar fashion, requiring 1 minute of concentration for each 10 minutes’ worth of information gained, but the user must know the repository’s mental keyword, which is set by the creature that recorded the memories. A mnemonic repository can be used to remove the effects of spells such as modify memory or repress memory, as long as the user recorded its true memories prior to being affected by those spells, but the device cannot remove negative levels imposed by a mindwipe spell, nor can it restore previously cast spells.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mindlink; Cost 1,500 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 白药君2018-02-09, 周五 01:43:30
记忆仓库(Mnemonic Repository)
出处:Pathfinder #112: The Whisper Out of Time pg. 73
位置:无 CL:3rd 重量:1磅
在记忆仓库中的信息可以通过相似的方式获取,信息用其他方式每需要10分钟来传达,使用者必须专注1分钟来获取这些信息。但是此时使用者必须了解记忆仓库的心理密钥,这在生物记录该记忆的时候决定。记忆仓库可以用于移除篡改记忆(modify memory)或者压制记忆(repress memory,OA)的效果,只要使用者在他受到这些法术影响之前记录了自己真实的记忆,但是该装置不能移除心智擦除(Mindwipe,OA)所造成的负向等级,同样它也不能恢复已经施放的法术。

Mnemonic Repository
Source Pathfinder #112: The Whisper Out of Time pg. 73
Aura faint divination [mind-affecting]; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This device looks like a clear, fist-sized crystal with an internal lattice made up of nearly invisible strands of silver-white metal. By holding the crystal in both hands and concentrating, the user can record its own memories, storing the information in the crystal so that it can be retrieved later with perfect clarity. The crystal can store a nearly limitless amount of information, but the user must concentrate for 1 minute to record an amount of information that would require 10 minutes to communicate in other ways.

The information in a mnemonic repository can be recalled in a similar fashion, requiring 1 minute of concentration for each 10 minutes’ worth of information gained, but the user must know the repository’s mental keyword, which is set by the creature that recorded the memories. A mnemonic repository can be used to remove the effects of spells such as modify memory or repress memory, as long as the user recorded its true memories prior to being affected by those spells, but the device cannot remove negative levels imposed by a mindwipe spell, nor can it restore previously cast spells.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mindlink; Cost 1,500 gp

 :em009 这个东西帅哭了
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 羅傑@畫圖提不起勁2018-02-11, 周日 00:33:20
位置:手部 CL:5rd 重量:1磅
价格:4,000gp (+1),16,000gp (+2),36,000gp (+3),64,000gp(+4),100,000gp(+5);
描述:粗糙的皮革手套可以使用简易武器在攻击和伤害上获得+1到+5的增强加值。另外,手套可以给予近战武器的特殊能力,只要它们可以用于近战或投掷的武器。特殊能力在计算价格时使用其等效加值,替换原本的增强加值。即兴手套的等效加值综合不能超过+5 (包含增强加值与特殊能力等效加值)。与重拳护符不同的是,即兴手套必须具有+1增强加值才能授予近战武器特殊能力。普通武器不受即兴手套的影响,除非武器描述特别允许用为临时武器,例如使用箭头作为近战武器(或者有能力把普通武器作为简易武器使用)。

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2018-02-11, 周日 09:34:10
位置:手部 CL:5rd 重量:1磅
价格:4,000gp (+1),16,000gp (+2),36,000gp (+3),64,000gp(+4),100,000gp(+5);
描述:粗糙的皮革手套可以使用简易武器在攻击和伤害上获得+1到+5的增强加值。另外,手套可以给予近战武器的特殊能力,只要它们可以用于近战或投掷的武器。特殊能力在计算价格时使用其等效加值,替换原本的增强加值。即兴手套的等效加值综合不能超过+5 (包含增强加值与特殊能力等效加值)。与重拳护符不同的是,即兴手套必须具有+1增强加值才能授予近战武器特殊能力。普通武器不受即兴手套的影响,除非武器描述特别允许用为临时武器,例如使用箭头作为近战武器(或者有能力把普通武器作为简易武器使用)。

Gloves of Improvised Might
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 23
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot hands; Price 4,000 gp (+1), 16,000 gp (+2), 36,000 gp (+3), 64,000 gp (+4), 100,000 gp (+5); Weight 1 lb.
These rough leather gloves grant an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with improvised weapons. Alternatively, the gloves can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to melee or thrown weapons (see pages 136– 137 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment for a list of abilities). Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Gloves of improvised might cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. Unlike an amulet of mighty fists, gloves of improvised might must have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.

Normal weapons are unaffected by gloves of improvised might except when used as an improvised weapon in a way specifically permitted by the weapon description, such as using an arrow or bolt as a melee weapon (or if the user has an ability that allows the use of normal weapons as improvised weapons). The wearer still takes a –4 nonproficiency penalty on attack rolls with improvised weapons, as normal, unless he has the Catch Off-Guard feat or a similar ability.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2018-02-14, 周三 15:22:01
精灵荆棘刃出自《冒险者指南(Adventure Guide)》114页
价格 60GP
类型 单手异种近战武器
重量 4磅
伤害(小型)1d4 伤害(中型)1d6 重击范围18-20/x2 伤害类型 穿刺/挥砍
这把适合于格挡和突刺的利刃尤其擅长造成深入血肉的贯穿伤害。一名拥有武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)专长的持用者能够将他的敏捷调整值取代力量调整值加到命中骰上。但是双手持用精灵荆棘刃也不会带来额外的好处。此外,使用精灵荆棘刃造成重击威胁时,持用者可以在确认重击的命中骰上获得+2的加值。

TYPE one-handed exotic melee
WEIGHT 4 lbs.
DMG (S) 1d4 DMG (M) 1d6 CRIT 18–20/×2 TYPE P/S
This blade is suited for thrusts and parries, making it especially capable of inflicting deep, penetrating wounds. A wielder with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to attack rolls with an elven thornblade instead of her Strength modifier. An elven thornblade grants no additional benefit when wielded two-handed. In addition, attacks with an elven thornblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2018-02-14, 周三 22:23:39
精灵叶刃出自《冒险者指南(Adventure Guide)》114页
价格 40GP
类型 轻型异种近战武器
重量 3磅
伤害(小型)1d3 伤害(中型)1d4 重击范围18-20/x2 伤害类型 穿刺/挥砍

TYPE light exotic melee
WEIGHT 3 lbs.
DMG (S) 1d3 DMG (M) 1d4 CRIT 18–20/×2 TYPE P/S
Elves have traditionally eschewed the use of larger weaponry, opting instead for lighter weapons that take advantage of their wielders’ agility and poise. The elven curve blade is perhaps the best-known weapon in this category, but the leafblade (often partnered with the substantially longer thornblade) embraces these fighting styles to an even greater extent. This short sword has a blade reminiscent of a long, narrow leaf and is suitable both for slashing swings and targeted thrusts. These weapons are designed to be wielded alongside elven thornblades. Attacks with an elven leafblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2018-02-16, 周五 13:25:42
位置:手部 CL:5rd 重量:1磅
价格:4,000gp (+1),16,000gp (+2),36,000gp (+3),64,000gp(+4),100,000gp(+5);
描述:粗糙的皮革手套可以使用简易武器在攻击和伤害上获得+1到+5的增强加值。另外,手套可以给予近战武器的特殊能力,只要它们可以用于近战或投掷的武器。特殊能力在计算价格时使用其等效加值,替换原本的增强加值。即兴手套的等效加值综合不能超过+5 (包含增强加值与特殊能力等效加值)。与重拳护符不同的是,即兴手套必须具有+1增强加值才能授予近战武器特殊能力。普通武器不受即兴手套的影响,除非武器描述特别允许用为临时武器,例如使用箭头作为近战武器(或者有能力把普通武器作为简易武器使用)。
PS:天杀P子不开  :em032 PFS不可用


临时力量手套(Gloves of Improvised Might)
出处 《冒险者的武器库2》第23页
灵光 微弱变化系;CL 5
栏位 手部;价格 4,000 gp(+1),16,000 gp(+2),36,000 gp(+3),64,000 gp(+4),100,000 gp(+5);重量 1磅
这对粗制的皮革手套在穿戴者使用临时武器(Improvised Weapon)时,在命中与攻击检定上赋予其+1至+5的增强加值。或者,这对手套也可以赋予其近战武器特殊能力,只要这些能力是能被附加于近战武器或投掷武器上(详见探索者角色扮演游戏《极限宝具》第136至137页的特殊能力表)即可。在决定物品的市场价格时,特殊能力算做额外加值,但并不调整命中或伤害加值。临时力量手套的调整值(即增强加值加上特殊能力的等效加值)不能超过+5。临时力量手套与重拳护符不同,必须至少要有+1增强加值才能附加近战武器特殊能力。

除非是以武器描述中特别允许的方式将一般武器作为临时武器——比如将箭或矢作为近战武器——使用(或者使用者拥有能够将一般武器作为临时武器使用的能力),否则一般武器不受临时力量手套的影响。除非穿戴者拥有「随手武器(Catch Off-Guard)」专长或类似能力,否则在使用临时武器进行攻击时仍如常在命中上承受-4减值。

These rough leather gloves grant an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with improvised weapons. Alternatively, the gloves can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to melee or thrown weapons (see pages 136– 137 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment for a list of abilities). Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Gloves of improvised might cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. Unlike an amulet of mighty fists, gloves of improvised might must have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.

Normal weapons are unaffected by gloves of improvised might except when used as an improvised weapon in a way specifically permitted by the weapon description, such as using an arrow or bolt as a melee weapon (or if the user has an ability that allows the use of normal weapons as improvised weapons). The wearer still takes a –4 nonproficiency penalty on attack rolls with improvised weapons, as normal, unless he has the Catch Off-Guard feat or a similar ability.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: TougouTuyosi2018-02-16, 周五 23:29:05
精灵荆棘刃出自《冒险者指南(Adventure Guide)》114页
价格 60GP
类型 单手异种近战武器
重量 4磅
伤害(小型)1d4 伤害(中型)1d6 重击范围18-20/x2 伤害类型 穿刺/挥砍
这把适合于格挡和突刺的利刃尤其擅长造成深入血肉的贯穿伤害。一名拥有武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)专长的持用者能够将他的敏捷调整值取代力量调整值加到命中骰上。但是双手持用精灵荆棘刃也不会带来额外的好处。此外,使用精灵荆棘刃造成重击威胁时,持用者可以在确认重击的命中骰上获得+2的加值。

TYPE one-handed exotic melee
WEIGHT 4 lbs.
DMG (S) 1d4 DMG (M) 1d6 CRIT 18–20/×2 TYPE P/S
This blade is suited for thrusts and parries, making it especially capable of inflicting deep, penetrating wounds. A wielder with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to attack rolls with an elven thornblade instead of her Strength modifier. An elven thornblade grants no additional benefit when wielded two-handed. In addition, attacks with an elven thornblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

精灵叶刃出自《冒险者指南(Adventure Guide)》114页
价格 40GP
类型 轻型异种近战武器
重量 3磅
伤害(小型)1d3 伤害(中型)1d4 重击范围18-20/x2 伤害类型 穿刺/挥砍

TYPE light exotic melee
WEIGHT 3 lbs.
DMG (S) 1d3 DMG (M) 1d4 CRIT 18–20/×2 TYPE P/S
Elves have traditionally eschewed the use of larger weaponry, opting instead for lighter weapons that take advantage of their wielders’ agility and poise. The elven curve blade is perhaps the best-known weapon in this category, but the leafblade (often partnered with the substantially longer thornblade) embraces these fighting styles to an even greater extent. This short sword has a blade reminiscent of a long, narrow leaf and is suitable both for slashing swings and targeted thrusts. These weapons are designed to be wielded alongside elven thornblades. Attacks with an elven leafblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

AG的作者之一同时也是这两把武器的设计者Isabelle Lee在官网论坛回答说这两把武器都属于轻刃武器组,但他说自己的话做不得准,目前还需要等待PF或PFS的澄清。

主题: 萨满魂域
作者: longman1232018-02-20, 周二 16:51:07
来源: Cohorts and Companions pg. 19 (Amazon)










先祖议会(SU):以一个标准动作,萨满可以召唤她的先祖为30英尺以内的一个盟友提供建议和帮助。盟友在萨满的下一轮开始之前的一次攻击检定、豁免检定、属性检定或技能检定获得+2无名加值。萨满可以每天使用这个能力3 +她的魅力调整值次。






Ancestors Spirit
Source Cohorts and Companions pg. 19 (Amazon)
A shaman that selects the ancestors spirit has wise eyes and thick white or silver hair. Fine wrinkles line the shaman’s face, becoming more obvious when she smiles or glowers. When she calls upon one of this spirit’s abilities, her hair glows as though lit from within, rustling of its own accord.

Spirit Magic Spells: unseen servant (1st), spiritual weapon (2nd), heroism (3rd), spiritual ally (4th), telekinesis (5th), greater heroism (6th), ethereal jaunt (7th), vision (8th), astral projection (9th)

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the Ancestors spirit can select from the following hexes.

Ancestral Blessing (Su): The shaman can grant the blessings of her ancestors to any ally within 30 feet. The blessed creature receives a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls. This blessing lasts until the blessed creature hits with an attack or deals damage to a target. The shaman can have only one ancestral blessing active at a time. If the shaman uses this ability again, the previous blessing immediately ends. At 8th level and 16th level, the bonuses provided by this blessing increase by 1.

Ghost Blade (Su): The shaman can touch a creature to grant all of her weapons the ghost touch weapon property for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus. Once a creature has been the target of this ability, it cannot be the target of this ability again for 24 hours.

Intercessor (Sp): The shaman can invoke an ancestor spirit into an intact, humanoid or monstrous humanoid corpse to learn what the body knew in life. The acts as speak with dead, but the shaman may ask only a single question. If an animated corpse or undead is targeted with this ability, the hex immediately fails. Once a corpse has answered a single question, it cannot be targeted with this ability again.

Might of the Fallen (Su): The shaman can call upon the ancestral heroes of her family to bolster ailing allies. As a standard action, the shaman can cure 1 point of temporary ability damage affecting the creature touched. At 7th level, this increases to 1d4 points of temporary ability damage. Once a creature has been the target of this hex, it cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours.

Wisdom of the Ages (Su): The shaman can call upon her ancestors for lore and guidance. She can use her Wisdom modifier instead of her Intelligence modifier on all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Spirit Animal: The shaman’s spirit animal has streaks of gray or silver hide, hair, or fur, and long facial hair that appears similar to a wispy mustache or bushy eyebrows. The spirit animal can speak and understand a number of bonus languages equal to the shaman’s Charisma bonus.

Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the Ancestors spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Ancestor's Council (Su): As a standard action the shaman can call upon her ancestors to provide advice and assistance to one ally within 30 feet. The ally gains a +2 bonus on any attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check made before the beginning of the shaman’s next turn. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma bonus.

Greater Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the Ancestors spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the greater version of that spirit.

Ancestral Weapon (Su): As a standard action, the shaman can summon an appropriately-sized simple or martial weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus from her family’s history. She is always considered proficient with this weapon. At 15th level and 19th level, the weapon’s enhancement bonus increases by 1. At 11th level, the weapon gains the ghost touch weapon property. The shaman can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her shaman level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. The weapon disappears 1 round after leaving the shaman’s grasp.

True Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the Ancestors spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the true version of that spirit.

Ancestral Guardian (Sp): The shaman can call on the ancient allies of her ancestors to physically appear and assist her, even if they have moved on to new roles in the cosmos. Once per day as a standard action, the shaman can cast planar ally. Although there is no cost to use the spelllike ability, the planar ally demands payment for services it performs as normal for the spell.

Manifestation: Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman becomes one with the spirits of her ancestors. She gains a bonus on Will saving throws equal to her Charisma modifier, blindsense out to a range of 60 feet, and a +4 bonus to her caster level for all divination spells. She can cast astral projection as a spell-like ability once per day without requiring material components.
主题: 特殊材料:歌铁
作者: longman1232018-02-25, 周日 12:47:10
轻甲 +750 gp
中甲 +9,000 gp
重甲 +12,000 gp
盾牌 +7,000 gp
武器 +6,000 gp
其他物品 +600 gp/磅

This lustrous golden metal emits beautiful bell-like tones
when struck. An alloy of gold and mithral, singing steel
was originally created by the elves of Jinin, although the
secrets of working singing steel have spread to Hwanggot,
Minkai, and Tianjing. Instruments made of this metal are
especially popular among bards and other performers who
worship the goddess Shelyn.
A weapon made of singing steel counts as alchemical
silver for all purposes, including the –1 penalty on damage
rolls with singing steel weapons. Most armor made of
singing steel is treated as one category lighter (heavy armors
are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as
light, but light armors are still treated as light). The armor
or shield’s arcane spell failure chance is reduced by 5%, its
maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 1, and its armor
check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
When wielding a singing steel weapon, shield, or item
weighing at least 5 pounds, or wearing medium or heavy singing
steel armor, the wielder or wearer can strike the singing steel
as part of beginning a bardic performance. If the wielder can
normally start a bardic performance as a standard action, he
can do so as a move action instead. If the wielder can normally
start a bardic performance as a move action, he can do so as a
swift action instead. This ability does not function in the area
of a silence spell or similar effect. After using the singing steel in
this fashion, the steel must be carefully brushed to remove any
lingering vibrations, a process that takes 10 minutes.
Singing steel items are always masterwork; this cost is
included in the price. Singing steel has 20 hp per inch
of thickness and hardness 10. Although formed partially
from mithral, singing steel items weigh as much as their
normal counterparts.
Type of Singing-Steel Item Item Price Modifier
Light armor +750 gp
Medium armor +9,000 gp
Heavy armor +12,000 gp
Shield +7,000 gp
Weapon +6,000 gp
Other items +600 gp/lb.
主题: 服饰:忍者服
作者: longman1232018-02-25, 周日 14:03:47
忍者服 价格 50 GP
重量 2磅
This close-fitting bodysuit of soft, dark fabric is favored by ninja and
assassins. When worn, it grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Stealth
checks. Wearing armor with a base armor bonus higher than +1
negates this bonus, as does additional heavy clothing or equipment
worn under the shinobi shozoku (at the GM’s discretion).
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2018-03-12, 周一 23:19:40
盛气凌人(Domineering)出自任务与战役(Quests and Campaigns) pg. 19


When you were young, you attracted a group of devoted companions thanks to your impressive talent, and the experience inspired in you a powerful self-assurance and air of superiority. Your confidence is so strong that others feel naturally compelled to follow your commands. Choose one 1st-level enchantment spell you are capable of casting. The DC of that spell increases by 1.

倾国之美(Overwhelming Beauty)出自格拉利昂的混种(Bastards of Golarion) pg. 21


Your wiles are particularly potent against people who share a race with you, as your beauty is often held up as a symbol of perfection. The DC of your mind-affecting effects increases by 1 against creatures that have at least one of the same subtypes as you.

甜言蜜语(Honeyed Words)出自格拉利昂的矮人(Dwarves of Golarion) pg. 10

你的圆滑机智能够让那些热血沸腾的暴脾气家伙冷静下来。你在交涉检定上获得+1的背景加值。此外,任何你所施展的不造成持续性支配并且引导出和平行动的魅惑和胁迫效果的DC获得+1的背景加值,例如安定心神(calm emotions),睡眠术(Sleep),或是一个要求解除武装(Lay down arms)的暗示术(Suggestion)。

Your tact soothes bristling tempers and cools heated blood. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you receive a +1 trait bonus to the DC of any charm or compulsion that does not provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts, such as calm emotions, sleep, or a suggestion to lay down arms.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灰烬2018-03-14, 周三 14:49:57









Serpent-Fire Adept (MonkArchetype)
A serpent-fire adept embraces the secrets of her chakras and mastery of their energetic flow.

Class Skills: The serpent-fire adept adds Appraise, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Knowledge
(arcana), Linguistics, and Survival to her list of class skills, but does not gain Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge (history), Perform, Ride, or Swim as class skills. This alters the monk’s class skills.

Chakra Training: A serpent-fire adept gains Chakra InitiateOA and Psychic SensitivityOA as bonus feats. She need not meet these feats’ prerequisites, and can use her serpentfire ki from Chakra Initiate to open and maintain her root chakra, despite not being 2nd level. This ability replaces stunning fist and the bonus feat gained at 1st level.

Chakra Expertise (Ex): At 2nd level, the serpent-fire adept gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her monk level on Fortitude and Will saves attempted to maintain awakened chakras. At 8th level, when she has opened one or more chakras, she can maintain those chakras (without opening any new chakras) for 1 round without taking a swift action, expending ki, or attempting Fortitude or Will saves to maintain the chakras. This increases to 2 rounds at 16th level. After maintaining her chakras with chakra expertise, the monk must open a new chakra or maintain her open chakras normally before she can use chakra expertise again. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Light Spirit (Su): At 4th level when the serpent-fire adept has her sacral chakra open and chooses to benefit from its power, her fly speed is equal to either her base land speed or her bonus to her base speed from the monk fast movement class ability (whichever is higher). She maintains this fly speed for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom bonus (minimum 1 round), even if she closes her chakras. This ability replaces slow fall and high jump (or the 4th-level ki power for the unchained monk).

Chakra Adept (Ex): At 6th level, the serpent-fire adept gains Chakra AdeptOA as a bonus feat. She need not meet the feat’s prerequisites. When the serpent-fire adept has used all her rounds of chakra expertise to maintain open chakras, if she does not spend additional ki to maintain her open chakras on the next round, her highest chakra closes and she can spend a swift action to use any one of the abilities of her remaining open chakras. On the round after that, all her chakras close, and if she wishes to reopen them, she must start again with her root chakra. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.

Linked Chakras (Ex): At 7th level, the serpent-fire adept can open multiple chakras at once as a standard action. The round that she does this, she is required to make saving throws only to resist being overwhelmed by the highest chakra she opens, though the save DCs are increased by 5. She can do this once per day, plus one additional time per day each at 12th and 17th level. This ability replaces wholeness of body. (This ability is gained at 8th level, replacing the 8th-level ki power, for the unchained monk).

Chakra Mastery (Ex): At 10th level, the serpent-fire adept gains Chakra MasterOA as a bonus feat. She need not meet the feat’s prerequisites. When maintaining her open chakras with chakra expertise, she can spend 1 point of ki to gain the benefits of two chakras rather than one in that round (or three chakras, if she has opened her crown chakra). At 14th level, the serpent-fire adept’s pool of serpent-fire ki increases to 7 points, and at 18th level, it increases to 9 points. This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 10th, 14th, and 18th level.
附:求助译名 :em009
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: hellococoo2018-03-17, 周六 13:19:30
定向炸弹(Directed Bomb)  出自《魔法市集指南》(Magical Marketplace pg. 20)
类型:科研发现(Alchemist Discoveries)

Directed Bomb (Magical Marketplace pg. 20): The alchemist can cause his bombs to splash in a 15-foot cone instead of a 5-foot-radius burst. The alchemist chooses the direction of the cone. If the attack misses, roll an additional 1d8 to determine the direction of the blast from where the bomb lands. This discovery can’t be combined with the explosive bomb discovery.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: hellococoo2018-03-18, 周日 20:33:25
狡黠(Cunning)  出自《恶棍志》(Villain Codex pg. 128)

Source Villain Codex pg. 128
You are particularly devious, and can master more skills than others in the same amount of time.

Benefit: You gain 1 additional skill point per Hit Die. When you take this feat, you gain a number of skill points equal to your Hit Dice right away, and every time your Hit Dice increase in the future, you will gain an additional skill point as well.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 德拉卡2018-03-19, 周一 13:05:36
恐龙卫士(Saurian Champion)出自:极限荒野(Ultimate Wilderness)第45页



野蛮斗士(Ex)Savage Combatant (Ex):恐龙卫士不依赖于致命的冲锋或像那些“文明”骑士一样从远处射击,他们宁愿在敌人中横冲直撞。恐龙卫士在持用长枪(或类似武器)时骑冲不会获得2倍伤害。在骑乘时,恐龙卫士也无法使用除了投掷武器外的其他远程武器攻击。

泰坦挑战(Ex)Titanic Challenge (Ex):恐龙卫士只认为面对最大的生物才是真正的挑战。他的泰坦挑战在面对中型或小型生物时,只在伤害骰上增加1/2等级的额外伤害,但是当在挑战至少比他体型大两级的目标时(对于中型恐龙卫士来说为超大型(huge)),他在攻击骰上会获得+1加值,并且在对超巨型(Colossal)目标进行挑战时攻击骰获得+2加值。这一能力调整了挑战。

狂野战士(Ex)Wild Warrior (Ex):恐龙卫士来自文明秩序所触及不到的原始地区。他不会选择骑士团或获得任何与之相关的好处。这一能力取代了骑士团。

恐龙坐骑(Ex)Dinosaur Mount (Ex):恐龙卫士会找一头乐意服务于他的恐龙伙伴成为坐骑。这种坐骑和普通的骑士坐骑一样,不过有以下调整:恐龙卫士的坐骑必须是恐龙 (see the various Pathfinder RPG Bestiary volumes)。 恐龙卫士可以骑乘和他体型一样或更大的恐龙,而不是必须大1级的。 在考虑其负载能力时,将坐骑的力量视为提高8点。每当一种能力或专长允许恐龙卫士的坐骑进行蹄击时,坐骑可以用爪抓或啮咬攻击替代。这调整了骑士的坐骑,取代了战术,高等战术和战术大师。

灵活骑手(Ex)Nimble Rider (Ex):2级时,恐龙卫士在骑乘时AC获得+1闪避加值。 任何导致恐龙卫士无法将敏捷加至AC的效果均会令本能力无效。该加值在2级以后每6级再+1(在20级时为最大的+4)。

凶暴忠诚Fierce Devotion (Ex):5级时,恐龙卫士的坐骑获得忠诚(devotion,ex),其效果也适用于情绪和恐惧效果。坐骑不受反自然灵光(Unnatural Aura)的影响(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 303)。这一能力取代了旗帜。

*速查:反自然灵光 (Unnatural Aura, Su): 动物不愿意接近该生物,除非动物的主人通过DC 25的驯养动物、骑术技能或【荒野认同】检定。

敏捷骑手(Ex)Quick Rider (Ex):8级时,恐龙卫士面对比自己大1级以上的坐骑时,也可以使用骑术检定快速登上或下他的坐骑。

泰坦坐骑(Ex)Titanic Mount (Ex):10级时,恐龙卫士的坐骑尺寸会增加1级(即使该生物通常没有这个尺寸)。该生物在攻击检定和AC会获得相应的减值(如果变为大型(Large)-1,超大型(Huge)-2)和敏捷-2(敏捷至少剩1),其基础伤害增加一个尺寸类别,其触及增加到10尺(如果它尚未)。它的力量和体质也获得+2的体型加值。 在12,14,16和18级时,力量属性上的加值增加2,并且坐骑的天生护甲也获得+1。在14和18级时,体质属性上的加值增加2。在15级时,坐骑的触及增加到15尺。

原始忠诚(Ex)Primeval Devotion (Ex):14级时,由坐骑的忠诚能力提供的豁免加值提高2。此外,坐骑在其他的豁免检定上也能获得该能力的一半加值。这一能力取代了旗帜高扬。

These primeval cavaliers idolize dinosaurs as apex predators and value them as powerful, oversized mounts.
Class Skills: A saurian champion gains Acrobatics, Knowledge (nature), Perception, and Survival as class skills.
This alters the cavalier’s class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A saurian champion doesnot gain proficiency with medium or heavy armor.
This alters the cavalier’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Savage Combatant (Ex): A saurian champion does not rely on lethal charges or firing from afar as more “civilized” cavaliers do, preferring to rampage among his foes instead. Saurian champions do not deal double damage when charging with a lance (or similar weapon) while mounted. While mounted, a saurian champion cannot attack with ranged weapons other than thrown weapons.

Titanic Challenge (Ex): A saurian champion considers only the largest creatures a true challenge. His titanic challenge adds only half his level on damage rolls against Medium or smaller creatures, but he adds a +1 bonus on attack rolls against a target of his challenge that is at least two size categories larger than himself (Huge for Medium saurian champions) and a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a Colossal target of his challenge.
This alters challenge.

Wild Warrior (Ex): A saurian champion hails from primeval lands where the civilized orders hold little sway. He does not select an order or gain any order-related benefits.
This replaces order.

Dinosaur Mount (Ex): A saurian champion bonds with a dinosaur companion that willingly serves as his mount. This mount functions as a cavalier’s normal mount with the following adjustments: The saurian champion’s mount must be a dinosaur (see the various Pathfinder RPG Bestiary volumes). The saurian champion can ride mounts of his size category and larger, rather than only those of a larger size. Increase the mount’s Strength score by 8 for the purpose of determining its carrying capacity. Whenever an ability or feat allows the saurian champion’s mount to make a hoof attack, the mount can make a claw or bite attack instead.
This alters the cavalier’s mount and replaces tactician, greater tactician, and master tactician.

Nimble Rider (Ex): At 2nd level, a saurian champion gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC when mounted. Anything that causes the saurian champion to lose his Dexterity bonus to AC also causes him to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 levels beyond 2nd (to a maximum of +4 at 20th level).

Fierce Devotion (Ex): At 5th level, a saurian champion’s mount gains the devotion ability, and its effects also apply against emotion and fear effects. The mount is immune to the effects of unnatural aura (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 303).
This replaces banner.

Quick Rider (Ex): At 8th level, a saurian champion can attempt Ride checks to fast mount or fast dismount his mount even if it’s more than one size category larger than himself.

Titanic Mount (Ex): At 10th level, a saurian champion’s mount increases in size by one category (even if the base creature normally does not reach that size). The creature receives the appropriate size penalty on attack rolls and to AC (–1 if growing to Large or –2 if growing to Huge) and a –2 penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum Dexterity score of 1), its base damage increases by one size category, and its reach increases to 10 feet (if it wasn’t already). It also gains a +2 size bonus to its Strength and Constitution score. At 12th, 14th, 16th, and 18th levels, the bonus to Strength increases by 2 and the mount’s natural armor increases by 1. At 14th and 18th levels, the bonus to Constitution increases by 2. At 15th level, the mount’s reach increases to 15 feet.

Primeval Devotion (Ex): At 14th level, the bonus on saving throws provided by the mount’s devotion ability increases by 2. In addition, the mount adds half this bonus to other saving throws.
This replaces greater banner.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 德拉卡2018-03-19, 周一 18:28:07
龙兽骑士(Drakerider)出自:巨龙遗产(Legacy Of Dragon)第24页

龙兽坐骑(Drake Mount):龙兽骑士获得一只龙兽伙伴替代坐骑。她在9级时获得骑士冲锋而不是3级。这一能力取代了坐骑,战术,驯兽专家,旗帜,高等战术,旗帜高扬和战术大师,并且调整了骑士冲锋。

获得批准(Approved Order):龙兽骑士只能选择那些经过自己坐骑批准的骑士团。可选的骑士团为:狂兽骑士团(ISC)Order of the Beast (ISC),蛇怪骑士团(order of the cockatrice)和巨龙骑士团(order of the dragon)。以及其他GM批准的骑士团。
PFS修正:只能从:狂兽骑士团(ISC)Order of the Beast (ISC),蛇怪骑士团(order of the cockatrice)和巨龙骑士团(order of the dragon)中选择。

While many cavaliers dream of riding a dragon into battle, drakeriders come to learn that the reality involves far more effort than they had expected. Unlike other cavaliers, drakeriders must train their mounts from hatchlings, fighting and toiling alongside their drakes for years through countless struggles before the proud dragons are willing to accept them as riders. Some residents of Triaxus, envious of the close connection between dragonriders and dragons, attempt to emulate this relationship by raising drake hatchlings. These efforts aren’t always successful, sometimes leaving the would-be drakeriders dead or maimed.

Drake Mount: A drakerider gains a drake companion instead of a mount. She gains cavalier’s charge at 9th level instead of 3rd.
This ability replaces mount, tactician, expert trainer, banner, greater tactician, greater banner, and master tactician and alters cavalier’s charge.

Approved Order: A drakerider can join only an order approved by its mount. Suitable orders include order of the beastISC, order of the cockatrice, and order of the dragon, as well as other fitting orders at the GM’s discretion.

主题: 替代种族特性
作者: 白药君2018-03-20, 周二 00:52:08

十字弓训练(Crossbow Training) 出自《冒险之路:阿兹兰特废墟 第四部:深海之城 第79页》
莫丹特尖塔的精灵们接受过使用水下武器的训练。具有该种族特性的精灵能以自由动作装填轻弩和以移动动作装填重弩,条件是其必须擅长上述武器。若该精灵选择了快速装填(重弩)专长,则其能以自由动作装填重弩。该种族特性替代武器熟悉(Weapon familiarity)。

天生泳客(Natural Swimmer) 出自《冒险之路:阿兹兰特废墟 第四部:深海之城 第79页》
莫丹特尖塔的精灵们在年幼时就会学习潜水以及游泳。具有该种族特性的精灵在游泳检定上获得+2种族加值,并且其总是能在游泳检定中取10,即便身处危险或分心的情况下也是如此。该种族特性替换精灵魔法(elven magic)以及敏锐感官(Keen Senses)。

浩海之语(Tongue of the Sea)PFS不可用  出自《冒险之路:阿兹兰特废墟 第四部:深海之城 第80页》
Alternate Racial Traits:

The following racial traits may be selected instead of the standard elf racial traits.

Crossbow Training: Mordant Spire elves train with weapons that can be used underwater. An elf with this trait can reload a light crossbow as a free action and a heavy crossbow as a move action, provided that she is proficient with the weapon. If she selects the Rapid Reload feat for a heavy crossbow, she can reload the weapon as a free action. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.

Natural Swimmer: Mordant Spire elves learn to dive and swim at an early age. Elves with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Swim checks and can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered when swimming. This racial trait replaces elven magic and keen senses.

Tongue of the Sea: Mordant Spire elves speak the ancient languages of their ancestors, enemies, and other creatures native to the Steaming Sea. Elves with this racial trait begin play speaking Azlanti and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Common, and Undercommon. This racial trait replaces an elf’s normal languages.
主题: 动物伙伴[坐骑]
作者: 2018-03-20, 周二 09:59:26

沙漠骏马 999土豪金宝马

出自《卡蒂亞,東方明珠 pg. 63》


体型 大型
速度 60尺
AC +1天生护甲
攻击 啮咬(1d6),2蹄击(1d4;次要天生武器)
属性 力量16,敏捷15,体质13,智力2,感知14,魅力10
特殊能力 沙漠居民,易于驯養

AC +3天生护甲
攻击 啮咬(1d8),2蹄击(1d4;次要天生武器)
属性 +2力量,+4敏捷,+2体质;
特殊能力 沙漠感應

沙漠居民(Desert Dweller, Ex):沙漠如同沙漠骏马的家,碎石或沙子对沙漠骏马而言不视作困难地型。它在沙漠的生存检定獲得+4种族加值,还会视热害的狀況低一级。因此,沙漠骏马不会遭受炎热环境的影響,视高温环境為炎热环境,和极度高温為高温环境。

易于驯養(Easily Trained, Ex):沙漠骏马學习技巧和动物訓練的速度異常地快。任何人嘗試訓練沙漠骏马时在驯养动物检定上皆獲得+2加值。沙漠骏马更可以在动物的智力值限制之外學习额外2个技巧。

沙漠感應(Desert Senses, Ex):沙漠骏马熟識海市蜃樓,在对抗海市蜃樓效果和引起目眩狀態的豁免上獲得+4种族加值。在沙漠时沙漠骏马的察覺检定+4种族加值。

Shissah Companions
A shissah companion starts with slightly less natural armor than a typical horse, but it is easier to train; while it doesn’t advance until 7th level (unlike a typical horse, which advances at 4th level), the superior boons it gains in the end often make the wait worthwhile.

Source Qadira, Jewel of the East pg. 63
Monster Entry Link

Starting Statistics: Size Large; Speed 60 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 hooves (1d4; secondary attack); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 10; Special Qualities desert dweller, easily trained.

7th-Level Advancement: AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 hooves (1d4, secondary attack); Ability Scores Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2; Special Qualities desert senses.

Desert Dweller (Ex) A shissah feels at home in the desert and does not treat light rubble or sand as difficult terrain. It gains a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks in the desert, and it treats hot temperatures as one category less for the purposes of heat danger. Thus, a shissah does not suffer unduly in very hot conditions, treating severe heat as very hot and extreme heat as severe heat.

Desert Senses (Ex) A shissah is familiar with mirages and gains a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against mirage effects and against effects that cause the dazzled condition. It gains a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks in deserts.

Easily Trained (Ex) A shissah is unusually quick to pick up tricks and animal training. Anyone attempting to train a shissah gains a +2 bonus on her Handle Animal checks. A shissah can learn an additional 2 tricks beyond what an animal of its intelligence can normally be taught.

主题: 头部奇物
作者: 2018-03-26, 周一 21:41:12
出自《進階职业起源 pg. 29》


靈光:中等預言系和變化系 施法者等級:8
價格:5100gp 重量:1磅
黑羽頭帶上設有兩顆琥珀石掛在穿戴者前額。穿戴者的智力得到+2增強加值。在剛穿戴的24小時內,此加值視為臨時加值。它與智力頭帶headband of vast intelligence的效果類似,不過只給予知識技能技能等級。
製造條件:製造奇物、知己知彼know the enemy(UM)


Lepidstadt Investigator's Hat
Source Advanced Class Origins pg. 29 (Amazon)
Aura moderate divination; CL 8th
Slot head; Price 7,000 gp; Weight —
This black deerstalker cap features a subtle, sinister, eye-like design stitched on the front flap. The hat grants a +2 competence bonus on all Knowledge checks to identify monsters.

If the wearer is an investigator, the hat allows him to take advantage of his deductions in combat. Whenever he uses inspiration to identify a nonhumanoid creature, he can record the result of the inspiration die and use it again later. Within the next minute, before rolling an attack roll against that creature, a skill check against that creature, or a saving throw against one of that creature’s attacks, he can add the recorded inspiration die result to his roll—if he does so, he can’t use inspiration to apply another inspiration die to the roll. Using the recorded result doesn’t require the investigator to spend a use of inspiration, and the recorded result goes away once it’s used. He can have only one inspiration die result recorded in this way. If he uses inspiration to identify another monster before using his recorded inspiration die, he must decide whether to replace the old result before rolling.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2018-03-30, 周五 09:26:57
出自《薩迦瓦,失落的殖民地 pg. 28》

Cloak of the Jungle
Source Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 28 (Amazon)
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot shoulders; Price 2,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
When this plain green cloak is worn with the hood drawn up around the head, the wearer can assume the form of a Large tree or shrub, as per the tree shape spell. The cloak is usable once per day, and the wearer may remain in tree form for up to 1 hour. The wearer can return to her normal form as a free action.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, tree shape; Cost 1,200 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2018-03-30, 周五 10:12:57
出自《皇庭英豪 pg. 28》

Choker of Body Alteration
Source Heroes of the High Court pg. 28
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 2,400 gp; Weight —
This unobtrusive but fashionable velvet choker allows the wearer to change certain aspects of her physical form. Once per day on command, the choker can alter the wearer’s body in one of the following ways: adopt the physical characteristics of a different gender, appear up to 10 years older or younger, become up to 10% taller or shorter, or become up to 10% thinner or heavier. This is a polymorph effect. This alteration does not change any of the wearer’s statistics, such as size category or ability scores, although it does provide a +2 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. The choker can provide only one alteration at a time, and its effects last until the choker is removed or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alter self, wizened appearanceUI or youthful appearanceUM; Cost 1,200 gp
主题: 古老者
作者: 梦子2018-03-31, 周六 12:04:03
莱诺克伯爵(Count Ranalc) 


第一神恩 黑暗之种(Dark Seeds,Sp):幽影武器(shadow weaponUM)3次/日,死亡丧钟 (death knell)2次/日,或幽深黑暗术 (deeper darkness)1次/日
第二神恩 暗影旅行(Shadow Travel,Sp):你是一个被阴影眷顾的人,可以使用魔法的力量轻松穿越日光世界,每天三次暗影步 (shadow step),以及每天一次行影术 (Shadow Walk)。
第三神恩 暗影军势(Shadow Armyr,Sp):每天一次阴魂咒法术 (Shades)。

Find or create an area of shadow. While sitting within it, whisper the name of someone you intend to betray or who has betrayed you, and what you wish to do to them. You gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC against attacks whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus (such as in a surprise round or when paralyzed).
Boons - Fey Obedience
PFS Legal Feysworn
Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 18
1: Dark Seeds (Sp) shadow weaponUM 3/day, death knell 2/day, or deeper darkness 1/day
2: Shadow Travel (Sp) You are one with the shadows, using magic to move easily through the daylight world. You gain the ability to cast shadow step three times per day, as well as shadow walk one per day.
3: Shadow Army (Sp) Once per day, you can cast shades

莱诺克伯爵(Count Ranalc)的追随者
职业:死魂精之影ANKOU'S SHADOW (杀手变体),暗影之嗣SHADOW SCION (盗贼变体)(详见第一世界的遗产)



第一神恩 双子祝福(Blessing of the Twins,Sp):凶兆( ill omenAPG)3次/日,镜影术 (mirror image)2次/日,或人类定身术 (hold person)1次/日
第二神恩 雕像(Statuesque ,Sp):每天三次雕像术 (Statue)。
第三神恩 终焉使者(Endbringer,Sp):每天一次复仇风暴(Storm of Vengeance)。

Carve or sculpt a figurine, then split it in two and repair it or bind the pieces together. You gain hardness 1 for the next 24 hours as your skin stiffens and takes on a gray pallor.
Boons - Fey Obedience
PFS Legal Feysworn
Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 22
1: Blessing of the Twins (Sp) ill omenAPG 3/day, mirror image 2/day, or hold person 1/day
2: Statuesque (Sp) You can cast statue three times per day.
3: Endbringer (Sp) You can cast storm of vengeance once per day.

职业:双子召唤师TWINNED SUMMONER (召唤师变体)(详见第一世界的遗产)



第一神恩 秘密知识(Secret Knowledge,Sp):鉴定术( identify)3次/日,占卜术 (augury)2次/日,或锐耳术/鹰眼术 (clairaudience/clairvoyance)1次/日
第二神恩 未来视(Sight Beyond Time ,Su):你经常能够看见一部分关于自己未来的命运,因此从来不会因为任何事情而惊讶或措手不及。此外,你的AC和反射豁免获得+2洞察加值。
第三神恩 凶恶预兆(Baleful Revelation,Sp):每天一次天降祥瑞 (Prediction of Failure)UM

Paint two dots above each ear to represent Magdh’s three sets of eyes. Cast leaves, bones, or coins into a bowl of clear water, and attempt to divine meaning from the way they land. You gain a +4 bonus on Intelligence-based skill checks.
Boons - Fey Obedience
PFS Legal Feysworn
Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 28
1: Secret Knowledge (Sp) identify 3/day, augury 2/day, or clairaudience/clairvoyance 1/day
2: Sight Beyond Time (Su) You constantly see a few moments down your own line of fate, and thus are never surprised or flat-footed. In addition, you gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves.
3: Baleful Revelation (Sp) You can cast prediction of failureUM once per day.

职业:纺命僧 NORNKITH (武僧变体)(详见第一世界的遗产)
魔法物品:三生权杖 Rod of the Thriceborn,三生护符Charm of the Thriceborn,三端飘带 Ribbon of the Three(详见第一世界遗产)
法术:三重面相(Threefold Face),三重形态(Threefold Form),三相之视(Threefold Sight) (详见第一世界的遗产)



第一神恩 自由通行(Pass Freely,Sp):脚底抹油(expeditious retreat)3次/日,隐形术 (invisibility)2次/日,或闪现术 (blink)1次/日
第二神恩 旅法师(Planeswalker ,Sp):每天一次异界传送 (Plane Shift)。
第三神恩 歧路之家(Home at the Crossroads,Sp):每天一次,你可以创造一个由无尽森林与十字小道构成的异次元迷宫,如同迷宫术。同时,你也可以选择自己为该能力的目标,在这种情况下,你和100英尺范围内的任何自愿目标都可以前往这个异次元迷宫,并且可以无限期地呆在那里而不需要食物或水。任何通过第二种方法带到那里的人都可以随时离开迷宫,但如果没有其他方式如再次使用该能力就不能返回。

Wear gloves or a veil at all times. As long as you have followed this stricture for the last 24 hours, you gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that damage, drain, or penalize ability scores.
Boons - Fey Obedience
PFS Legal Feysworn
Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 30
1: Pass Freely (Sp) expeditious retreat 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or blink 1/day
2: Planeswalker (Sp) You gain the ability to cast plane shift once per day.
3: Home at the Crossroads (Sp) Once per day, you can cast maze—the resulting extradimensional labyrinth takes the form of an endless network of empty roads running through a lonely forest. Conversely, you can also choose to target yourself with this ability, in which case you travel to the same extradimensional crossroads yourself, along with any willing targets within 100 feet, and can stay there indefinitely without needing food or drink. Anyone brought there by this second method can leave the crossroads at any time by willing it, but cannot return without another use of this ability.




第一神恩 扭转时间(Twist Time,Sp):熵光护盾(Entropic Shield)3次/日,占卜术 (Augury)2次/日,或加速术 (Haste)1次/日
第二神恩 伪造记忆(Borrowed Memories ,Su):每天一次以标准动作,你可以获得通晓传奇(Legend Lore)的效果,除了传奇会被立即召唤外,你会获得最完整的信息(就像人物、地点或事物就在眼前一样,无论实际位置如何)。你关于该人、地点或事物的传奇 (如果有的话) 会像借来的记忆一样映入你的意识之中(PS:以第一视觉看电影)。
第三神恩 时间停止(Pause,Sp):每天一次,你可以暂停你自己或30尺内的一个指定生物的时间。该能力类似于时间静止 (Time Stop),但只持续1轮。

Build something small and fragile—such as a house of cards, an ice sculpture, or a sand castle—while contemplating the fleeting nature of existence and the inevitability of entropy. Leave your creation to decay at its own pace. You gain a +2 sacred bonus on initiative checks.

Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 34
1: Twist Time (Sp) entropic shield 3/ day, augury 2/day, or haste 1/day
2: Borrowed Memories (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can gain the effects of legend lore, save that the legends are recalled immediately and you gain the most complete level of knowledge (as if the person, place, or thing were at hand, regardless of its actual position). Your recollection of the legend takes the form of a memory borrowed from someone familiar with the subject matter.
3: Pause (Sp) You gain the ability to pause time for yourself or one creature you designate within 30 feet once per day. This functions as per time stop but with a duration of 1 round.[/size]

职业:时法师CHRONOMANCER (法师变体)(详见第一世界的遗产)
法术:时之盟友(Ally Across Time)(召唤),时之军势(Army Across Time)(召唤),时间分歧(Time Divergence)(详见第一世界的遗产)

绿母(Green Mother) 


第一神恩 风姿卓越(Compelling Presence,Sp):魅惑人类(charm person)3次/日,注目术 (Augury)2次/日,或暗示术 (suggestion)1次/日
第二神恩 影响力(Suble Influence ,Sp):每天三支配人类(dominate person),你不需要和目标拥有共同语言就能下达复杂的命令。
第三神恩 诱惑之触(Beguiling Touch,Sp):每天一次支配怪物 (dominate monster),作为施法的一部分,如果你成功对目标进行了一次接触攻击,则该能力的DC+2。

Seek out the most verdant plant life in the immediate area and achieve sexual release amidst it, either alone or accompanied. At the moment of climax, whisper a secret belonging to someone else. This secret must be different every time. You gain a +4 profane bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.
Boons - Fey Obedience
PFS Legal Feysworn
Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 20
1: Compelling Presence (Sp) charm person 3/day, enthrall 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
2: Suble Influence (Sp) You can cast dominate person three times per day, though you don’t need to share a common language with the target to give it complex commands.
3: Beguiling Touch (Sp) You can cast dominate monster once per day. If you make a successful touch attack against the target as part of the casting, the save DC of the spell increases by 2.

绿母(Green Mother)的追随者
职业:贪婪之藤GRASPING VINE (萨满变体),诱惑者SEDUCER (女巫变体)(详见第一世界的遗产)
法术:诱惑孢子(Alluring Spores)(创造),纠缠之结(Strand of The Tangled Knot),饥渴纠缠(Thirsting Entanglement)(详见第一世界的遗产)

提灯王(The Lantern King ) 


第一神恩 恶作剧之触(Prankster's Touch,Sp):易容术(disguise self)3次/日,狂笑术 (hideous laughter)2次/日,或暗示术 (suggestion)1次/日
第二神恩 变化他人(Transform Others ,Sp):每天一次变形万物(polymorph any object)。
第三神恩 千变万化(Anyone and Anything,Sp):每天一次形体变化(shapechang)。

Light a small lantern and tell it a joke or the story of a prank you played on someone—this must be a different joke or story each time. You gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws versus illusions.
Boons - Fey Obedience
PFS Legal Feysworn
Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 24
1: Prankster's Touch disguise self 3/day, hideous laughter 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
2: Transform Others You can cast polymorph any object once per day.
3: Anyone and Anything (Sp) You can cast shapechange once per day.

提灯王(The Lantern King )的追随者
职业:调皮精FEY PRANKSTER  (诗人变体)(详见第一世界的遗产)

失落王子(Lost Prince)    


第一神恩 失落的知识(Knowledge of the Lost,Sp):鉴定术(identify)3次/日,物品定位术 (locate object)2次/日,或极度绝望 (crushing despair)1次/日
第二神恩 健忘(Forgetfulness ,Sp):每天三次以标准动作,你可以对一个生物施放篡改记忆(Modify Memory),和标准法术不同,不管你编辑多少时间,都只需要一个标准动作。通过一次性消耗此能力两次,你可以编辑一个小时的记忆;通过消耗此能力三次,你可以编辑一天的记忆。
第三神恩 绝对孤独(Absolute Solitude,Sp):每天一次禁锢术(imprisonment)。

Write down a memory on a piece of paper and then burn it. This must be a memory you’ve never used for this purpose or told anyone about. You gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC and CMD against attacks of opportunity provoked by moving out of a threatened space.
Boons - Fey Obedience
PFS Legal Feysworn
Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. 26
1: Knowledge of the Lost (Sp) identify 3/day, locate object 2/day, or crushing despair 1/day
2: Forgetfulness (Sp) Three times per day as a standard action, you can alter a creature’s memories as per modify memory, except that doing so takes only a standard action regardless of how much time is edited. By expending two uses of this ability at once, you can modify up to 1 hour of the creature’s memory; by expending all three uses at once, you can modify up to 1 day.
3: Absolute Solitude (Sp) Once per day, you can cast imprisonment.

失落王子(Lost Prince)   的追随者
职业:隐士HERMIT (先知变体) (详见第一世界的遗产)

精类之友(Fey Friend) 出自内海诸神《Inner Sea Gods pg. 212》,212页

Fey Friend
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 212 (Amazon)
Your reverence for the Eldest helps make fey your allies.

Prerequisites: Worshiper of one of the Eldest.

Benefit: Fey regard you as akin to them, and the spells and other abilities of fey treat you as fey or your actual type, whichever is more advantageous to you. You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks against fey.

重塑现实(Shaper of Reality) 出自内海诸神《Inner Sea Gods pg. 212》,222页

Shaper of Reality
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 222 (Amazon)
Category Religion
Requirement(s) any of the Eldest
You can mimic the Eldest’s ability to reshape the world. Once per day, you can cast either a conjuration spell or a transmutation spell at +1 caster level.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2018-04-03, 周二 16:35:01
深入不毛(Valashmai Veteran )
出自《初探龙国 pg. 19》

Valashmai Veteran [Link]
Source Dragon Empires Primer pg. 19 (Amazon)
Requirement(s) Valashmai Jungle
You have traveled to the Valashmai Jungle on numerous occasions, and your prowess in traversing the jungle wilderness makes you a formidable guide and explorer. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks in jungle terrain. One of these skills becomes a class skill for you.

出自《河域子民 pg. 8》,《天界血脈 pg. 31》

PFS Legal Wary [Link]
Source People of the River pg. 8 (Amazon), Blood of Angels pg. 31 (Amazon)
Requirement(s) Daggermark
You survived an assassination attempt once. You gain a +1 trait bonus on opposed Perception and Sense Motive checks. One of these skills is always a class skill for you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: AI_Player2018-04-04, 周三 01:03:23
鬼婆撕裂者(Hag-Riven)出自:战团血脉(Blood of the Coven)第27页


奥秘影响 Arcane Influence:鬼婆撕裂者不会获得军用武器擅长,且必须从以下几种血脉中选择一种:奥秘血脉(Arcane)、命运血脉(Destined)、元素血脉(Elemental)、精类血脉(Fey)、鬼婆血脉(Hag)。这调整了鬼婆撕裂者的武器和防具擅长。

鬼婆之爪(Ex)Claws of the Hag (Ex):鬼婆撕裂者长出一对恶毒的爪子,这些爪子被视为天生武器。这些爪抓攻击都是主要天生武器,造成1d4(小体型1d3)点伤害,加上你的力量调整值。2级时,这些爪抓在穿透伤害减免时视为魔法武器。5级时,这些爪抓伤害提升至1d6(小体型1d4)。13级时,鬼婆撕裂者的爪抓攻击威胁范围为19-20。16级时,这些爪抓伤害提升至1d8(小体型1d6)。这取代了快速移动和直觉闪避。

术法利爪(Su)Sorcerous Claws (Su):5级时,鬼婆撕裂者可以用迅捷动作花费一个每日法术位来赋予她的利爪等同于法术位环数的增强加值。这加值持续1分钟,并且可以和已有的增强加值(比如来自魔牙术或奇物)叠加,但最大不超过+5。多次使用本能力,并不会与其自身叠加。7级时,它们中的全部或一部分也可以被用来给利爪增添以下附魔:炽焰 (Flaming)、焰爆 (Flaming Burst)、冻寒 (Frost)、冰爆 (Icy Burst)、锐锋 (Keen)、抵消 (Nullifying)、海灵 (Seaborne)、窃法 (Spellstealing)、电击 (Shock)、电爆 (Shocking Burst)、血光 (Wounding)。利爪在增添任何附魔前必须先至少拥有+1的增强加值。这取代了精通直觉闪避。

疤痕掩蔽(Ex)Scarred Hide (Ex):7级时,鬼婆撕裂者伤痕累累的皮肉变得厚实而坚韧。她的AC获得+1天生护甲加值。在10级、13级、16级和19级,该加值增加1点。

诅咒利爪(Su)Hexing Claws (Su):10级时,鬼婆撕裂者获得重击专攻(Critical Focus)作为奖励专长,但只对她的爪抓攻击有效。每个清晨,她可以选择一个以重击专攻作为先决条件的专长,将该专长的好处用在她的爪抓攻击上。她必须满足除重击专攻外的其他先决条件。这取代了所有等级的伤害减免。

Source Blood of the Coven pg. 27
All changelings have the potential to transform into hags, but the process is a slow one, requiring several nights to complete. When left incomplete—by virtue of a wily changeling’s escape or her mother’s death—the creature is scarred and saturated in arcane power. Though she remains in possession of her own faculties, the seeds of hag hatred sprout within her. These hag-riven wield powerful magic interlaced with more powerful emotions.

The painful rituals that create a hag-riven can work for any creatures tenacious enough to endure them, and the art has sprung up as a defense against the devastating power of hags in various remote communities.

Arcane Influence: A hag-riven bloodrager does not gain proficiency with martial weapons and must choose from one of the following bloodrager bloodlines: arcane, destined, elemental, fey, or hag (see below).

This alters the bloodrager’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Claws of the Hag (Ex): A hag-riven grows a pair of vicious claws that are treated as natural weapons. These claws are primary attacks and deal 1d4 points of damage each (1d3 for a Small creature) plus the hag-riven’s Strength modifier. At 2nd level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 5th level, the damage increases to 1d6 points (1d4 for a Small creature). At 13th level, the hag-riven’s claws threaten a critical hit on a natural roll of 19–20. At 16th level, the damage increases again to 1d8 points (1d6 for a Small creature).

This replaces fast movement and uncanny dodge.

Sorcerous Claws (Su): At 5th level, a hag-riven can expend one of her daily spell slots as a swift action to grant her claws an enhancement bonus equal to the level of the spell slot sacrificed. This bonus lasts for 1 minute and stacks with existing enhancement bonuses (such as those provided by magic fang or magic items) to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

Beginning at 7th level, the hag-riven can also expend some or all of the bonus provided by her sorcerous claws to add any of the following weapon properties to her claws for 1 minute: flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, nullifying, seaborne, spellstealing, shock, shocking burst, or wounding. Her claws must have a minimum enhancement bonus of +1 before any special abilities can be added.

This replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Scarred Hide (Ex): At 7th level, a hag-riven’s scarred flesh becomes thick and leathery. She gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. At 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th levels, this bonus increases by 1.

Hexing Claws (Su): At 10th level, a hag-riven gains Critical Focus as a bonus feat, but she can apply its benefits only to her claw attacks. Each morning, she can select a single feat with Critical Focus as a prerequisite and apply its benefits to her claw attacks. She must meet all other prerequisites for any feat she wishes to apply with this ability.

This replaces damage reduction.

pg. 27—A hag-riven bloodrager's hexing claws ability replaces bloodrager's entire damage reduction ability, not just the increase gained at 10th level.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 戏言2018-04-05, 周四 19:15:06
社会之心 出自《沙之子民》p21
Source People of the Sands pg. 21 (Amazon)
Category Region
Requirement(s) Rahadoum
While some pray to the gods for mercy or prosperity, you follow a different tack—you believe in improving the lives of those around you through earnest labor and the efforts of you and your community. Your hard-earned discipline and the candor of your words affect all who bear witness. Any morale bonuses you confer upon your allies through your own abilities or spells last 2 additional rounds.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: duke19912018-05-06, 周日 16:34:58
form Adventurer's Guide pg. 24-25





Aldori Style (Combat, Style)
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 24
You have learned the classic Aldori dueling stance.

Prerequisites: Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword).

Benefit: While using Aldori Style and wielding only a single Aldori dueling sword in one hand (not using a shield, an off-hand weapon, armor spikes, unarmed strikes, or natural weapons), when you fight defensively or use Combat Expertise, you gain a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls.





Aldori Style Aegis (Combat)
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 24
Baron Aldori’s dueling style is at its strongest when employed in one-on-one duels. Adjusting to a reverse grip and keeping your blade in motion, you parry your rival’s strikes with ease.

Prerequisites: Aldori Style Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword).

Benefit: While using Aldori Style, at the beginning of your turn, you can designate a focused target as a swift action. This designation lasts until the beginning of your next turn, and you take a –2 penalty to your AC against all other creatures’ attacks for that duration. As an immediate action while using Combat Expertise or fighting defensively, you can attempt to parry the focused target’s attack. This functions as the swashbuckler’s opportune parry and riposte deed (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 57), except that it does not cost panache and you cannot riposte.





Aldori Style Conquest (Combat)
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 25
Defense is now second nature to you, and your blade punishes those who try to attack and fail.

Prerequisites: Aldori Style, Aldori Style Aegis, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword).

Benefit: When you attempt to parry an attack using Aldori Style Aegis, you do not take any penalties on the attack roll incurred from using Combat Expertise or fighting defensively.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: duke19912018-05-06, 周日 16:54:35
from Blood of the Sea pg. 10-11





Electric Eel Style (Combat, Style)

You have learned how to harness electrical energy to momentarily disorient your foes.

Prerequisites: Wis 13, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5th.

Benefit: You gain one additional Elemental Fist attempt per day. While you are in this style, your Elemental Fist attack deals electricity damage. When a creature takes electricity damage from your Elemental Fist attack, you gain a +4 bonus for 1 round on combat maneuver checks to grapple the creature.





Electric Eel Shock (Combat, Style)

You can stagger your opponents with jolts of electricity.

Prerequisites: Wis 15, Electric Eel Style, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 7th.

Benefit: You gain one additional Elemental Fist attempt per day. Creatures that take electricity damage from your Elemental Fist attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be staggered for 1 round. This also applies to creatures that take electricity damage from your Electric Eel Conduit feat while grappled.




專長效果:你每天獲得一次額外的元素之拳次數。 當你成功擒抱一個生物時,以一個迅捷動作,消耗兩次元素之拳的使用次數來使你和這個生物之間產生一個電流通道。此通道會使目標在你維持擒抱的每一輪受到1d6+你的感知修正的閃電傷害。當你不再擒抱目標時,這個傷害就會消失。

Electric Eel Conduit (Combat, Style)

You can establish an ongoing electrical charge between you and a target you have grabbed.

Prerequisites: Wis 17, Electric Eel Shock, Electric Eel Style, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 9th.

Benefit: You gain one additional Elemental Fist attempt per day. When you successfully grapple a creature, you may expend two uses of Elemental Fist as a swift action to set up an electric charge between yourself and the creature. If you do, the target takes electricity damage equal to 1d6 plus your Wisdom modifier each round you maintain the grapple. This damage ceases when you are no longer grappling the target.

from Ultimate Wilderness pg. 114-115





Indomitable Mountain Style (Combat, Style)

Like a rugged mountain, you are impassable and unmovable.

Prerequisites: Wis 13, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: As long as you do not take a move action, you gain a +4 morale bonus to your CMD and to the DC of Bluff checks used for feint attempts against you. Additionally, you are considered to be one size category larger for the purpose of calculating your CMD when creatures attempt Acrobatics checks to move through spaces you threaten without provoking attacks of opportunity.





Indomitable Mountain Peak (Combat)

You become more difficult to move or pass, an elusive peak your enemies cannot surmount.

Prerequisites: Wis 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Indomitable Mountain Style, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: Whenever an opponent succeeds at a combat maneuver against you or at an Acrobatics check to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity when moving through a square you threaten, you immediately gain a +2 morale bonus to your CMD against the next combat maneuver against you or to the DC of the next Acrobatics check to avoid an attack of opportunity when moving through a square you threaten. This bonus stacks until either attempt fails against you.





Indomitable Mountain Avalanche (Combat)

You are an impassable mountain, hurling your enemies back.

Prerequisites: Wis 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Indomitable Mountain Peak, Indomitable Mountain Style, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: If an opponent fails at a combat maneuver against you, you can use an attack of opportunity to make a melee attack against the opponent using your highest attack bonus. If the attack hits, instead of dealing damage, you can push the opponent back 5 feet for every 5 by which it failed its combat maneuver check (minimum 5 feet). Additionally, when you hit with an unarmed melee attack against an opponent who provoked an attack of opportunity by failing its Acrobatics check to move through a space you threaten, you can push the opponent back 5 feet instead of dealing damage. The opponent moves back in a straight line, but stops before hitting any obstacle or hazard.

主题: 塑能系力竭射線
作者: 2018-05-07, 周一 12:28:55
出自《萨迦瓦,失落的殖民地 pg. 28》

學派              塑能系 [火]
環位             奧能師 3,德魯伊 3,猎人 3,術士/法師 3
施法時間       標準動作
成分              語言, 姿勢, 材料  (一滴汗)
距離              近距
效果              射線
持續時間       1分鐘/等級
豁免              強韌,通過則部分生效;見下文
法術抗力       可


此射線造成1d4点非致命伤害,使目标因身體大幅度升温而遭受中暑。除了以上描述外,此法术其余功能如同力竭射線 (Ray of Exhaustion)。


Source Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 28 (Amazon)
School evocation [fire]; Level arcanist 3, druid 3, hunter 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a drop of sweat)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect ray
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes
A wavering red ray projects from your finger. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to hit your target.

The ray inflicts 1d4 points of nonlethal damage, causing the target to suffer from heatstroke as its body temperature dramatically increases. Except as noted above, this spell otherwise functions as ray of exhaustion.

Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a –4 penalty on their saves.
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 白药君2018-05-12, 周六 22:05:15
凝神口香糖(Focus chew) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Focus%20chew)出自《幽暗地域英杰 Heroes of the Darklands 28页》
效果:这种海绵般的口香糖在被咀嚼时会释放出温和的兴奋剂来强化你的注意力。德洛人 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=57885.msg535553#msg535553)会利用凝神口香糖以改善自己的实验,然而来自其他幽暗地域文明的施法者也会将德洛人的处方用于研究当中。在咀嚼该口香糖的一小时内,你在专注检定上获得+2炼金加值,同时在所有基于智力的技能上获得+1炼金加值。

Focus chew
Source Heroes of the Darklands pg. 30
Price 40 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Tools
When chewed, this spongy gum releases mild stimulants that heighten your focus. Derros use focus chew in an effort to improve their experiments, though spellcasters from other Darklands cultures have adopted their recipe for use in research. For up to 1 hour while chewing focus chew, you gain a +2 alchemical bonus on concentration checks and a +1 alchemical bonus on Intelligence-based skill checks.

【注:按照PFS的clarifications,炼金术师和调查员可以通过DC 25的工艺(炼金术)检定来制作该物品】
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 白药君2018-05-12, 周六 22:56:18
胡蜂腑(Waspguts) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Waspguts)出自《内海诡道 Inner Sea Intrigue 50页》
制作:工艺(炼金术)DC 20

Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 50
Price 100 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Alchemical Tools
This golden, oily alchemical reagent can be applied to any surface or delivered as a touch attack (the wielder exposes herself unless she uses a glove and disposes of it afterward). A creature or object marked with waspguts attracts angry insects. Vermin within 30 feet attack the target over other available creatures. Wasps are affected at a range of up to 1 mile; in most environments where wasps live, the target is stung by at least one wild wasp per hour. The effect lasts 8 hours or until washed or scraped off (a full-round action). Waspguts can also be thrown as a splash weapon. A direct hit deals no damage, but exposes the target to the waspguts’ effects. Crafting waspguts requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20
主题: 法术
作者: longman1232018-05-30, 周三 22:39:53
Retrieve Item
Source Classic Treasures Revisited pg. 27 (Amazon)
School conjuration (calling); Level arcanist 2, bard 2, skald 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 full round
Components V, S
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target an unattended object weighing 1 lb. or less whose longest dimension is 6 inches or less
Duration permanent until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You call a specific nonliving item directly to your hand from a nearby location. First, you must cast the spell on the item while holding it. Thereafter, you can summon the item by speaking a special word (set by you when the spell is cast) and snapping your fingers. The item appears instantly in your hand.

If the item is in the possession of another creature, the spell fails.
物品召回(Retrieve Item)
等级:奥能师2 ,吟游诗人2,歌者2,术士/法师2


范围:远距 (400 英尺. + 40 英尺/每施法者等级)





主题: Re: 法术
作者: 2018-05-31, 周四 14:02:16
Retrieve Item
Source Classic Treasures Revisited pg. 27 (Amazon)
School conjuration (calling); Level arcanist 2, bard 2, skald 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 full round
Components V, S
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target an unattended object weighing 1 lb. or less whose longest dimension is 6 inches or less
Duration permanent until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You call a specific nonliving item directly to your hand from a nearby location. First, you must cast the spell on the item while holding it. Thereafter, you can summon the item by speaking a special word (set by you when the spell is cast) and snapping your fingers. The item appears instantly in your hand.

If the item is in the possession of another creature, the spell fails.
物品召回(Retrieve Item)
等级:奥能师2 ,吟游诗人2,歌者2,术士/法师2


范围:远距 (400 英尺 + 40 英尺/每施法者等级)






If the item is in the possession of another creature, the spell fails.
在体內也太可怕了吧2333, possession可以解作擁有/佔有 :em020
snapping your fingers是打響指的意思, 挥舞里的手指是什么啦2333
主题: 术士血脉
作者: flyingfox2018-07-29, 周日 22:11:27
太阳血脉(Solar Bloodline)出自卡蒂亚,东方之珠(Campaign Setting: Qadira, Jewwl of the East)









净化之焰(Su):9级时,每日2次,你可以使用火焰治疗自己或者盟友。以一个标准动作,你以火焰光环覆盖手掌,并接触自己或者盟友。此接触可以治疗 2d8+你的角色等级 点伤害。你还可以在以下状态中选择移除一种:1d6点属性伤害,目盲,困惑,目眩,耳聋,疾病,力竭,疲乏,反胃,中毒,恶心。20级时,你每日可以使用3次。



Solar Bloodline
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Qadira, Jewwl of the East

Sorcerers who serve in the sun goddess’s court display powers infused with the glory of the sun itself.

Class Skill: Perception.

Bonus Spells: searing light (3rd), fury of the sun (5th), daylight (7th), shield of dawn (9th), flame strike (11th), true seeing (13th), sunbeam (15th), sunburst (17th), overwhelming presence (19th).

Bonus Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus, Spell Penatration.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the fire descriptor, if it deals damage, it deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

Bloodline Powers: The solar power that infuses your being alters the way you interact with the world, searing through your spells.

Sunsight (Su)
At 1st level, you gain low-light vision and cannot be dazzled. If you already have low-light vision, you instead gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against blindness effects.

Friend of Fire (Su)
At 3rd level, you gain fire resistance 10. At 5th level, when in contact with flame or a burning object (including a flaming weapon, lantern, or torch), add 1 per die to any healing effect of which you are the target. At 9th level, your fire resistance increases to 20. At 20th level, you gain immunity to fire.

Cleansing Flame (Su)
At 9th level, twice per day, you can use fire to restore the health of yourself or your allies. As a standard action, you can wreathe your hand in a halo of flame and touch yourself or another creature. The touch heals 2d8 + your character level points of damage. You can also remove one of the following conditions affecting the target: 1d6 points of ability damage, blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, poisoned, or sickened. At 20th level, you can use this ability three times per day.

Healing Fire (Su)
At 15th level, you can channel energy twice per day as a cleric of half your level. Instead of using this ability to damage undead, you can convert the positive energy to flame and deal an equivalent amount of fire damage instead.

Solar Ascension (Su)
At 20th level, as a full-round action, you can become an incorporeal being of light for 1 round per sorcerer level. While in this form, you gain the incorporeal subtype and take half the normal damage from corporeal magic attacks (you take no damage from nonmagical weapons and objects). Your spells deal half damage to corporeal creatures, but spells and abilities that do not deal damage function normally. The duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-round increments. While in this form, any creature you move through (as the overrun combat maneuver) takes 2d6 points of fire damage.
主题: 盗贼天赋/高级天赋
作者: elmit2018-08-29, 周三 01:55:12

偷袭战技*(Ex) 出自魔法市集指南(Magical Marketplace):任何时刻当盗贼可以近战偷袭一名敌人时,她可以选择在这次攻击上承受-2减值并使用一次阴招/卸武/偷取/破武/绊摔战技取代造成偷袭伤害。如果攻击命中,盗贼造成正常的武器伤害,并以迅捷动作尝试一次战技检定(-2减值只影响武器攻击,不影响战技检定)。这次战技仍然触发借机攻击,除非盗贼有专长或能力让她不触发借机攻击

Sneaky Maneuver* (Ex): Anytime a rogue with this talent could hit an opponent with a melee sneak attack on her turn, she may take a –2 penalty on her attack roll and attempt a dirty trick(APG), disarm, steal(APG), sunder, or trip combat maneuver instead of dealing sneak attack damage. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal and then attempts a combat maneuver check as a swift action (the –2 penalty only applies to the initial attack roll, not the combat maneuver check). This combat maneuver still provokes attacks of opportunity unless the rogue has a feat or ability that allows her to perform it without provoking attacks of opportunity.

跟腱打击*(Ex) 出自魔法市集指南(Magical Marketplace):任何时刻当拥有此天赋的盗贼成功偷袭一名敌人时,她可以选择尝试一次跟腱打击来取代偷袭伤害。如果攻击命中前提不是已经提过要成功攻击才触发此天赋吗,盗贼造成正常的武器伤害,然而取代偷袭伤害,目标被击倒至俯卧并无法在下一轮之前进行移动动作。成功的强韧检定(DC=10+1/2盗贼等级+盗贼的敏捷修正)免疫此效果

Hamstring Strike* (Ex) : Anytime a rogue with this talent successfully hits an opponent with a sneak attack, she may forgo her sneak attack damage to try to hamstring her opponent. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, but instead of the rogue dealing sneak attack damage, the target is knocked prone and is unable to take move actions during its next turn. A successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Dexterity modifier) negates this effect.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2018-08-29, 周三 03:01:52
主题: UW魔宠(翻译和排版质量都很差,先放在这求订正)
作者: elmit2018-09-04, 周二 17:48:34

魔宠,缝线藤 出自极限荒野Ultimate Wilderness

缝线藤 CR1/3
XP 135
绝对中立 超小型植物
先攻+1; 感官 低光视觉,血液感知; 察觉+1

AC 13,接触13,措手不及12 (+1 敏捷,+2 体型)
hp 4 (1d8)
免疫 植物特性

速度 15尺,攀爬 15尺
近战 藤蔓 +3(1d2-4)
占据 2½尺;触及 0尺

力量 3,敏捷 12,体质 10,智力 —,感知 13,魅力 5
BAB +0;CMB -1;CMD 5
专长 武器娴熟
技能 攀爬+4
特殊攻击 缝合伤口

环境 落叶林
组织 单体,成对,或 诊所clinic(3-5)





Familiar, Suture Vine
This twitching, slithering coil of bright-green vines is covered with hooked thorns and tiny barbs.

Suture Vine CR 1/3
Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 207
XP 135
N Tiny plant
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, blood sense; Perception +1

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1
Immune plant traits

Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft.
Melee vine +3 (1d2–4)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.

Str 3, Dex 12, Con 10, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 5
Feats Weapon FinesseB
Skills Climb +4
SQ seal wound

Environment temperate forests
Organization solitary, pair, or clinic (3–5)
Treasure none

Special Abilities
Blood Sense (Ex) A suture vine can sense badly wounded creatures, including those at less than half their normal hit point total or suffering from bleed damage, as if it had the scent ability.

Seal Wound (Ex) A suture vine instinctively latches on to a creature that suffers from bleed damage or is at less than half its normal hit point total. When it attempts to seal wounds in this way, it must make a normal vine attack but gains attach as per the universal monster rule. If it successfully attaches to the target (dealing damage as normal), any bleed damage currently suffered by the target immediately ends. The suture vine remains attached for 24 hours, gaining nutrients from sipping at the victim’s blood but never enough to cause any further damage. The vine drops off automatically once a target has no hit point damage or 24 hours have passed, whichever comes first. A suture vine can seal wounds in this manner only once per day.

Vine (Ex) A suture vine’s vine attack is a primary natural attack that deals piercing and slashing damage.

Suture vines are thorny, symbiotic organisms that snag rides on wounded animals, seek out open wounds, and knit those injuries closed—all while absorbing fairly harmless amounts of blood. Local animals often recognize suture vines, both avoiding them as food and seeking them out when wounded. A suture vine that goes without feeding for a week or more sometimes resorts to ambushing small prey.

Suture Vine:Master gains a +3 bonus on Heal checks
主题: UW版本的香草药魔女改动
作者: elmit2018-09-06, 周四 12:06:13

香草药魔女  出自极限荒野Ultimate Wildnerness荒野英雄Heroes of the Wild



药草知识(Herb Lore, Ex):香草药魔女是药草学的大师,并且能使用他们的药草複製许多炼金术的效果彻底的展现于他们的酊剂工艺。香草药魔女可以尝试以专业(药草师)检定应用于任何工艺(炼金术)的地方并在专业(药草师)获得等同于她职业等级一半的奖励加值。








Herb Witch
Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 89, Heroes of the Wild pg. 11 (Amazon)
Some witches dedicate their lives to the mastery of herb lore. Herb witches brew foul-tasting medicines, sweet poisons, and other concoctions from the untamed plants of the wild.

Patron Spells: An herb witch must choose a patron with a theme compatible with the needs of the natural world, selected from the following list: ancestors, animals, death, elements, healing, plague, strength, time, water, winter, wisdom, or woodlands.

This alters the witch’s patron spells.

Herb Lore (Ex): Herb witches are masters of herbalism, and they can use what they gather from garden or grove to duplicate many of the effects of alchemy. An herb witch can attempt Profession (herbalist) checks in place of Craft (alchemy) checks, and she gains a bonus on Profession (herbalist) checks equal to half her class level.

Herb witches are adept at brewing thick herbal cure-alls called remedies. An herb witch prepares these remedies while communing with her familiar, during which she can prepare a number of remedies equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier (minimum 1 remedy). A remedy becomes inert if it leaves the herb witch’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to her keeping. A witch can never have more remedies than 3 + her Intelligence modifier.

As a standard action, the herb witch can administer a remedy to herself or a creature within reach which consumes the remedy. The herb witch attempts a Profession (herbalist) check against the save DC of any one disease or poison currently afflicting the consumer. If she is successful, the affliction is suppressed for 1 minute. At 10th level, if she exceeds the DC of the check by 10 or more, the affliction immediately ends. If the disease or poison doesn’t allow saving throws, the remedy is ineffective.

An herb witch can also use a remedy to attempt to remove the blinded, deafened, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, and staggered conditions. This requires a Profession (herbalist) check with a DC equal to the spell or effect that caused the condition, or a DC 25 check if the condition was caused by an effect that doesn’t allow a saving throw. If the herb witch succeeds, the condition is removed unless the condition is permanent; at 10th level, if the herb witch succeeds by 10 or more, her remedy can remove a permanent condition.

Only a single condition, disease, or poison can be removed with each application of a remedy, and a creature can only benefit from one herbal remedy each day, whether or not the herb witch succeeds at her skill check.

This replaces the hexes gained at 1st and 10th levels.

Hexes: An herb witch must select cauldron as her hex at 2nd level. The following witch hexes complement the herb witch archetype: fortune, healing, poison steep, swamp hag.  PFS:The herb witch must select the healing hex at 2nd level in place of the cauldron hex

Major Hexes: The following major hexes complement the herb witch archetype: major healing, weather control, witch’s brew.

Grand Hexes: The following grand hex complements the herb witch archetype: life giver.
主题: 法术渣翻:战术适应(PFS可用)
作者: 梦子2018-09-08, 周六 23:48:46
战术适应(Tactical Adaptation) 出自冒险家指南《Adventurer's Guide pg》,27页

环位:魔战士 3

PFS Legal Tactical Adaptation
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 27
School transmutation; Level magus 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a gold and sapphire ring worth 500 gp, which the caster must wear for the spell's duration)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level
This spell was developed by an Aldori Academy student after several weeks of observing (and occasionally joining) Restov barroom brawls. You draw on your mind’s hidden reserves, instantaneously mastering advanced combat techniques. When you cast this spell, choose a combat feat. You must meet all prerequisites for this feat, treating your magus level as your base attack bonus for this purpose. For the duration of this spell, you are treated as if you had the chosen feat. Once you cast this spell, you cannot change the chosen feat (or any decisions related to that feat) for additional castings of this spell on the same day.

A creature can benefit from only one tactical adaptation spell at a time.
主题: Re: 法术渣翻:战术适应(PFS可用)
作者: 2018-09-09, 周日 00:18:04
战术适应(Legal Tactical Adaptation) 出自冒险家指南《Adventurer's Guide pg》,27页

环位:魔战士 3

PFS Legal Tactical Adaptation
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 27
School transmutation; Level magus 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a gold and sapphire ring worth 500 gp, which the caster must wear for the spell's duration)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level
This spell was developed by an Aldori Academy student after several weeks of observing (and occasionally joining) Restov barroom brawls. You draw on your mind’s hidden reserves, instantaneously mastering advanced combat techniques. When you cast this spell, choose a combat feat. You must meet all prerequisites for this feat, treating your magus level as your base attack bonus for this purpose. For the duration of this spell, you are treated as if you had the chosen feat. Once you cast this spell, you cannot change the chosen feat (or any decisions related to that feat) for additional castings of this spell on the same day.

A creature can benefit from only one tactical adaptation spell at a time.

半精灵成精的魔战版? :em020
名字是Tactical Adaptation才对
PFS Legal的Legal没删啦233333333333
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人2018-10-16, 周二 19:45:05
幽影惑控(Shadow Enchantment)
等级:诗人/歌者3 奥能师/术士/法师3





高等幽影惑控(Shadow Enchantment, Greater)
等级:诗人/歌者6 奥能师/术士/法师6



真视祷言(Litany Of Truth)

范围:近距 (25尺+5尺/2等級)


A PC uses his own spell list to determine the level of the replicated spell. If the spell does not appear on his list, use the spell level that appears on the wizard's or psychic's list.

Shadow Enchantment
Source Occult Realms pg. 17
School illusion (shadow) [shadow]; Level arcanist 3, bard 3, skald 3, sorcerer 3, wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range see text
Effect see text
Duration see text
Saving Throw Will disbelief, see text; Spell Resistance yes
You use material from the Shadow Plane to cast a quasi-real, illusory version of a psychic, sorcerer, or wizard enchantment spell of 2nd level or lower. Spells that deal damage or have other effects work as normal unless the affected creature succeeds at a Will save. If the disbelieved enchantment spell has a damaging effect, that effect is one-fifth as strong (if applicable) or only 20% likely to occur. If recognized as a shadow enchantment, a damaging spell deals only one-fifth (20%) the normal amount of damage.

If the disbelieved attack has a special effect other than damage, that effect is one-fifth as strong (if applicable) or only 20% likely to occur. Regardless of the result of the save to disbelieve, an affected creature is also allowed any save (or spell resistance) that the spell being simulated allows, but the save DC is set according to shadow enchantment’s level (3rd) rather than the spell’s normal level. Objects, mindless creatures, and creatures immune to mind-affecting effects automatically succeed at their Will saves against this spell.

Shadow Enchantment, Greater
Source Occult Realms pg. 17
School illusion (shadow) [shadow]; Level arcanist 6, bard 6, skald 6, sorcerer 6, wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range see text
Effect see text
Duration see text
Saving Throw Will disbelief, see text; Spell Resistance yes
This spell functions like shadow enchantment, except that it enables you to create partially real, illusory versions of psychic, sorcerer, or wizard enchantment spells of 5th level or lower. If the spell is recognized as a greater shadow enchantment, it’s only three-fifths (60%) as effective.

PFS Legal
Litany of Truth
Source Qadira, Jewel of the East pg. 33
School divination [language-dependent]; Level inquisitor 6, paladin 4
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S, DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
With a tirade against deceit, you strip the target of any illusions cloaking it. Any illusion spells or effects affecting the target are suppressed for the spell’s duration. In addition, the target can’t benefit from concealment.

While subject to this spell, the target cannot be the target of another spell that has the word “litany” in the title.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2018-10-21, 周日 23:19:09
出自《初探内海 pg. 19》
你曾服務於萨迦瓦衛隊(Sargavan Guard),要么是一名殖民地副執政官,要么是原住的芒吉人正規軍,並已經習慣在炎熱的氣溫下穿著盔甲行动。当你身穿任何種類的盔甲時,該盔甲的防具檢定減值下降1點,最低為0。

Sargavan Guard [Link]
Source Inner Sea Primer pg. 19
Requirement(s) Sargava
You served in the Sargavan Guard, either as a colonial sub-praetor or as a native Mwangi regular, and have grown accustomed to marching in hot temperatures while wearing armor. When you wear armor of any sort, reduce the armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum penalty of 0.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: creep2018-10-21, 周日 23:52:02
出自《初探内海 pg. 19》
你曾服務於萨迦瓦衛隊(Sargavan Guard),要么是一名殖民地副執政官,要么是原住的芒吉人正規軍,並已經習慣在炎熱的氣溫下穿著盔甲行动。当你身穿任何種類的盔甲時,該盔甲的防具檢定減值下降1點,最低為0。

Sargavan Guard [Link]
Source Inner Sea Primer pg. 19
Requirement(s) Sargava
You served in the Sargavan Guard, either as a colonial sub-praetor or as a native Mwangi regular, and have grown accustomed to marching in hot temperatures while wearing armor. When you wear armor of any sort, reduce the armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum penalty of 0.

这个是http:// 这个
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 辇道增七2018-10-27, 周六 21:35:56
 铠装磁铁(Gauntlet magnet) 出自《冒险家的武器库2》(Adventurer's Armory2),13页
价格:75gp 重量:1/2磅

This specialized magnet straps onto a gauntlet and is powerful enough to attract metal even through leather or cloth. A gauntlet magnet provides a +2 bonus to your CMD against disarm attempts while holding a magnetic metal weapon, shield, or item (such as one made from steel or iron). It also provides a +1 bonus on disarm attempts made with the gauntlet against magnetic objects. Attaching one of these magnets to a gauntlet or removing it is a full-round action
主题: 职业变体
作者: 猪之哀伤2018-11-16, 周五 21:24:25
心能剑客(Mind Sword)出自《异能源起》(Occult Origins pg. 20)
分类 圣武士职业变体

灵犀剑(Mind Arsenal,Su):2级开始,心能剑客可以用近战武器进行念动攻击,此能力和法师通用学派的学徒之手类似,但以她的魅力取代智力进行相关计算。6级时,她可以消耗2次使用次数,以整轮动作对同一目标进行多次攻击,如同全力攻击动作。12级时,她可以仅消耗1次使用次数,以整轮动作将近战攻击和远程攻击结合起来攻击60尺内的不同目标,如同全力攻击动作。此能力取代圣疗。
学徒之手(Hand of the Apprentice, Su):你能让你的武器从你的手中飞出,打击一个敌人然后回到你手中。通过一个标准动作,你能使用一件近战武器作出一次30尺射程的单攻击。这次攻击视同投掷武器远程攻击,除了你用智力加值取代敏捷加值来决定攻击值(伤害依然使用力量加值)。此能力不能用于执行一项战技攻击。你能够每天使用此能力次数为“3+智力修正”。
接触疗法(Touch Treatment,Su):3级起,心能剑客能够消耗一次灵犀剑的使用次数来移除次级心灵有害状态——这和催眠师的同名能力类似。9级起,他能够移除任何次级或中级状态列表上的状态。15级起,他能够移除任何在次级、中级和高级状态列表上的状态。此能力取代恩惠。
次级状态(Minor Conditions):迷魂(Fascinated),战栗(shaken)。
中级状态(Moderate Conditions):困惑(Confused),晕眩(dazed),惊惧(frightened),恶心(sickened)。
高级状态(Greater Conditions):畏缩(Cowering),反胃(nauseated),恐慌(panicked),震慑(stunned)。
Mind Sword
Source Occult Origins pg. 20
Veterans of mystical battles against demons of the Worldwound, mind swords merge psychic and divine power, probing and cleansing minds while their telekinetic blades cleave demonic flesh.

Mind Arsenal (Su): At 2nd level, a mind sword can make a telekinetic attack with a melee weapon. This functions as the hand of the apprentice universalist wizard school ability, but any calculations of that ability based on Intelligence are instead based on Charisma. At 6th level, a mind sword can expend two uses of this ability as a fullround action to attack the same opponent multiple times, as if using the full-attack action. At 12th level, a mind sword can expend one use of this ability as a full-round action to combine melee attacks and ranged attacks aimed at different targets within 60 feet as part of a single full-attack action. This ability replaces lay on hands.

Touch Treatment (Su): At 3rd level, a mind sword can expend one use of her mind arsenal ability to remove minor harmful mental conditions, as per the mesmerist touch treatment class feature (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 43). At 9th level, she can remove moderate conditions, and at 15th level, she can remove major conditions. This ability replaces mercy.

Spells: A mind sword adds the following psychic spells to her paladin spell list at the listed spell levels: 1st—detect psychic significanceOA, mage hand, telekinetic projectileOA, thought shield IOA; 2nd—apport objectOA, enshroud thoughtsOA, mental barrier IOA, thought shield IIOA; 3rd—intellect fortress IOA, mental barrier IIOA, telekinetic maneuverOA, thought shield IIIOA; 4th—intellect fortress IIOA, telekinesis, thought shield IVOA, thoughtsenseOA, tower of iron will IOA. The mind sword can prepare and cast these psychic spells as divine paladin spells. However, the mind sword cannot use these spells for item creation, including making potions or scrolls of these spells. This ability replaces channel positive energy.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-01-06, 周日 15:33:48
http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=94725.msg878289#msg878289 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=94725.msg878289#msg878289)

出自《第一世界的遗产 pg. 12》
Source Legacy of the First World pg. 12
Gnomes are humanoid, rather than fey, and are therefore not particularly susceptible to the Darkblight contagion afflicting the fey of the Fangwood. Nevertheless, many gnomes grow up fearing its taint and are obsessive about training their bodies to stave off illness of all kinds. These gnomes gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases. This racial trait replaces obsessive.

精类堅韌(Fey Fortitude)
出自《邊緣英雄 pg. 16》
Fey Fortitude
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 16
Gnomes with this racial trait are infused with a connection to life. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saves to resist death effects.

This replaces weapon familiarity.

出自《邊緣英雄 pg. 16》
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 16
Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on a Perform skill of their choice.

This replaces obsessive.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: longman1232019-01-27, 周日 19:23:53
来源 Pathfinder #125: 溺水者之塔 pg. 21
中等塑能系灵光; CL 7th
无位置; 价格 1,100 gp; 重量t —
制造要求:制造奇物, 秘法调和; 花费 650 gp

Elixir of Concordance
Source Pathfinder #125: Tower of the Drowned Dead pg. 21
Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 1,100 gp; Weight —
This elixir is barely an ounce of blue-gold bubbling liquid. For 1 minute after drinking this elixir, a blue-gold aura surrounds the imbiber, shining light as per a candle. Each arcane spell cast by the imbiber during this time gains a +1 enhancement bonus to the DC of saving throws against the spell, and the spell can be cast as if one of the following metamagic feats were applied to it without increasing the spell level or casting time: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still Spell. The imbiber can choose which metamagic feat to apply each time she casts a spell and can use different metamagic feats throughout the duration of the elixir’s effects.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, arcane concordance; Cost 650 gp

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 白貓2019-01-27, 周日 19:31:06
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-02-25, 周一 14:49:09
瓦瑞西亚刺青(Varisian Tattoo)
出自《瓦瑞西亚,传说摇篮 pg. 19》
你身负你的族人為你精心製作的紋身,標示着你是道路上的自由子女(free son or daughter of the road)。你在对抗魅惑和脅迫效果的豁免獲得+1背景加值。此外,你擅長使用刃巾(bladed scarf)和星刃(starknife)。

PFS Legal Varisian Tattoo
Source Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 8
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Varisian
You bear the elaborate tattoos of your people, marking you as a free son or daughter of the road. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Additionally, you are proficient with bladed scarves and starknives.

又一个瓦瑞西亚刺青!!! :em032


算命師傅(Fortune-Teller)[吟遊詩人变体] [通靈者变体]
出自《惡棍誌 pg. 32》


占卜算命(Fortune-Teller’s Divinations):將下列法術加入算命師傅的吟遊詩人法術列表。他不会自动獲得它們而是需要學习后才能使用。
  1環——讀取物體(Object Reading)
  3環——分析靈光(Analyze Aura)
  6環——真知術(True Seeing),靈視(Vision)


晦澀之誦(Oracular Performance):算命師傅能使用表演[朗誦]来算命以作為吟遊表演的一部分。每小时1次,当吟遊詩人使用算命卡牌(Fortune-Teller's Deck )、水晶球(Crystal Ball)、或类似的物品来算命时,他能算出吟遊表演中一个目標的运勢。这是啟動吟遊表演的动作的一部分。算命師傅骰一个d100,並在檢定數值加上其吟遊詩人等级,而结果如下。後果则是取決於所選擇的生物是盟友(若為有益的表演)還是敵人(若為有害的表演)。






算命師傅的精明(Fortune-Teller’s Acumen):2级起,当算命師傅施放预言学派的法术时,他能使用算命卡牌(Fortune-Teller's Deck )、水晶球(Crystal Ball)、或类似的物品替代法术的材料成分,只要该材料成分不超个每100GP/吟游诗人等级。若他选择使用上述器材物品和法术的正常材料成分进行施法(不管材料成分的成本价值多少),此法术CL+1。这个特殊器材不能与其他拥有类似效果的法器同时使用,但能在正常情況下須求法器成分的法术一同使用(这情況也必须提供)。

吟遊表演(Bardic Performance):算命師傅獲得以下吟遊表演。
剧透一时爽揭示命运(Transparent Fate,Su):8级起,算命師傅可以让所有人都看到30尺以內所有敵人不久后的将来。一个成功的意志豁免(DC=10+1/2算命師傅等级+算命師傅的魅力调整值)可以抵抗此效果。此能力使任何生物在对抗受影響的敵人攻击时的AC和豁免检定獲得+2加值。此外,当受影響的生物HP少于其体质值时,它还会看到自己的死亡影像並須要通过另一个意志豁免检定否则驚懼1轮。一个生物在每次揭示命运表演里只会須要通过1次另一个意志豁免检定,即使它的HP多次低于其体质值。被晦澀之誦影響的目标在此表演的所有DC有要认用调整。由GM自行决定,揭示一个生物的命运可能引發其它后果;例如,一个生物的盟友可能会看到它计划背叛他们。一直剧透一直爽


PFS Legal Fortune-Teller
Source Villain Codex pg. 32
Instead of using song and dance, a fortune-teller influences people by divining their fate. Though he learns a great deal about the paths of destiny, his true skill is in making others think he knows more than he truly does.

Fortune-Teller’s Divinations: Add the following spells to the fortune-teller’s bard spell list. He doesn’t automatically gain them and must still select them as spells known if he wants to use them. 0—guidance; 1st—object reading; 2nd—augury; 3rd—analyze aura; 4th—divination; 5th—retrocognition; 6th—true seeing, vision.

This ability alters the bard’s spell list.

Oracular Performance: A fortune-teller can use Perform (oratory) to read a fortune as part of a bardic performance. Once per hour when the bard performs a fortune-telling using a fortune-teller’s deck, a crystal ball, or a similar item, he can read the fortune of one subject of the bardic performance. This is part of the same action used to activate the performance. The fortune-teller rolls d%, adds his bard level to the result, and consults the table below. The outcome depends on whether the chosen creature is an ally (for a beneficial performance) or an enemy (for a detrimental performance).
d%   Result for Ally   Result for Enemy
1-35   Woe   Weal
36-65   Inconclusive   Inconclusive
66+   Weal   Woe
On an inconclusive result, the bard fails to get any information from the reading and the subject is affected by the performance normally. For an ally, on a weal result the subject’s bonus from the performance increases by 1, and on a woe result the subject’s bonus decreases by 1 (minimum 0). This affects only numeric bonuses. For example, a subject wouldn’t gain another Hit Die from inspire greatness.

For an enemy, on a weal result the subject gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw to negate the bard’s performance, and on a woe result it takes a –2 penalty on its save. An oracular performance has no effect on an enemy if the performance doesn’t require a saving throw.

All adjustments from an oracular performance on a foe last only for that instance of the bardic performance. All adjustments on an ally last for 1 minute, applying each time the fortune-teller uses that particular bardic performance on that ally but ending when the duration expires, even if the performance continues.

This ability alters bardic performance and replaces countersong and distraction.

Fortune-Teller’s Acumen: At 2nd level, whenever he casts a spell from the divination school, a fortune-teller can use a fortune-teller’s deck, crystal ball, or similar item instead of the spell’s material component, as long as the cost of the material component is no more than 100 gp per bard level. If he chooses to cast the spell using such an item and the spell’s normal material component (regardless of that component’s cost), he casts the spell at +1 caster level. This special focus can’t be used with other special foci that have a similar effect, but can be used with spells that normally require a focus component (which must also be provided).

This ability replaces well-versed.

Bardic Performance: A fortune-teller gains the following bardic performance.

Transparent Fate (Su): At 8th level, the fortune-teller can cause all enemies within 30 feet to have their near future revealed for all to see. A successful Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the fortune-teller’s level + the fortune-teller’s Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability causes any creature attacked by an affected enemy to gain a +2 bonus to AC and on saving throws against the attack. As a secondary effect, if an affected creature’s hit points are reduced to less than its Constitution score, it also sees a vision of its own death and must succeed at another Will save or become frightened for 1 round. A given creature needs to save against this secondary effect at most once per performance of transparent fate, even if its hit points are reduced to less than its Constitution score multiple times. A creature that was targeted by oracular performance when this performance began applies any save DC adjustment to this secondary save as well. At the GM’s discretion, the revelation of the creature’s fate might have other consequences; for example, a creature’s allies might see it was planning to betray them.

This ability replaces dirge of doom.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 绝对领域使2019-06-07, 周五 22:44:30
看到了闲聊区的这个 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=108096.0)
出自Wilderness Origins

Spark of the Uncanny (Animal Companion Feat)
All familiars are more than they seem, but yours wears its skin like an ill-fitting coat.

Prerequisite(s): Familiar class feature.

Benefit(s): Your familiar is able to speak a single language that you know.

Special: At 5th level, your familiar takes its true form; you can replace this feat with Improved Familiar.

Shapeless Familiar (Animal Companion Feat)
A familiar is more than just an animal. It’s a spirit and an intelligence, and your familiar can choose to take more than one physical form.

Prerequisite(s): Familiar class feature, caster level 7th.

Benefit(s): Your familiar gains the change shape universal monster ability. This ability functions as beast shape II and grants access to a single alternate form, which must be the same size as the familiar. Once chosen, this form cannot be changed.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, your familiar gains an additional alternate form. If taken by a familiar that already has the change shape universal monster ability (like an imp), this grants a single additional form.

Changeling Familiar (Animal Companion Feat)

Many familiars are able to turn into other animals, but a few familiars have greater talents, and can transform into humanoid bodies of their own.

Prerequisite(s): Familiar class feature, caster level 9th, your familiar must have the change shape universal monster ability.

Benefit(s): Your familiar’s change shape universal monster ability can function as alter self, and it gains a single alternate form of either Small or Medium size. This form is of a child or teenager of its master’s species, and once chosen cannot be changed. Such changeling familiars always bear some kind of visible mark of their original nature, such as a cat’s eyes, a serpent’s tongue, or small demonic horns. The changeling familiar does not gain any new languages with this transformation, so changeling familiars are often mute.
主题: 變體
作者: 沉淪2019-06-26, 周三 13:24:44
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 无名之影(Nameless Shadow)【游荡者变体】
出处《Merchant's Manifest》(Merchant's Manifest)


无害伪装(Harmless Guise,Ex):无名之影获得侠客的双重身份以及无痕伪装职业能力,但有以下限制:她的社交身份必须是普通、毫无威胁性的社会成员,例如农夫或商人。6级时,无名之影获得侠客的百变(Many Guises)社交天赋。8级时,无名之影获得侠客的快速变装(Quick Change)社交天赋。14级时,无名之影获得侠客的千幻(Everyman)社交天赋。18级时,无名之影获得侠客的一人千像(Any Guise)社交天赋。

平头百姓(Face in the Crowd,Ex):4级时,只要无名之影30尺范围内有至少10名非敌对生物,她便能在进行躲藏或者狙击时用唬骗或易容来取代隐匿。8级时,就算她正在被人观察,也可以用此能力躲藏在人群之中。
主题: 專長
作者: 沉淪2019-06-26, 周三 17:12:52
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 忠心耿耿(Ferocious Loyalty)【团队】
出处《月之血脉》(Blood of the Moon)第11页
主题: 背景
作者: 沉淪2019-06-26, 周三 17:51:24
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 弹指成火(Snap Ignition)【种族】
出处 《沙之子民》(People of the Sands)第15页
先决条件 火元素裔
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-07-17, 周三 19:32:02
矮人巨型尖刀(Giant-sticker, dwarven)|25gp|1d8|2d6|x3|-|12磅|穿刺或挥砍|长武,迎击
出自邊緣英雄pg. 8
PFS Legal Giant-sticker, dwarven
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 8
Cost 25 gp Weight 12 lbs.
Damage 1d8 (small), 2d6 (medium); Critical x3; Range —; Type P or S; Special brace, reach
Category Two-Handed; Proficiency Exotic
Weapon Groups Polearms
This heavy bladed spear is specifically designed for use against giants, who have long reach and the ability to soak up large amounts of damage.

矮人链球 (Dorn-dergar, dwarven)   |  50gp   |  1d8   |  1d10   |  x2   |  -   |  15磅   |  钝击   |  长武,见下文
出自《冒险家的武器库2 pg. 8》,《格拉里昂的矮人 pg. 21》
PFS Legal Dorn-dergar, dwarven
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 8, Dwarves of Golarion pg. 21
Cost 50 gp Weight 15 lbs.
Damage 1d8 (small), 1d10 (medium); Critical x2; Range —; Type B; Special reach, see text
Category Two-Handed; Proficiency Exotic
This 10-foot-long chain is weighted at the end by a ball of solid iron the size of a large fist. By adjusting the slack of the chain, the weapon can be used either with or without reach. Changing between using it as a normal weapon and a reach weapon is a move action.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-07-22, 周一 12:30:47

终结战斗(Finish the Fight)
出自《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 11》
PFS规则:Only legal if your character is of the same ethnicity as the section with the trait
Finish the Fight
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 11
Category Race
Requirement(s) Half-Orc - Orc-Raised
You’re at the bottom of the pecking order, so when you challenge that order, your victory must be absolute. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against opponents you already injured in the past 24 hours.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-07-22, 周一 22:56:58
安多安自由战士(Andoren Freedom Fighter)
出自《初探內海 pg. 4》
Andoren Freedom Fighter
Source Inner Sea Primer pg. 4
Category Region
Requirement(s) Andoran
You’ve dedicated your life to fighting against oppression, tyranny, and slavery. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against slavers or any creature holding someone against their will.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-07-25, 周四 08:28:57
【Wilderness Origins】

武器变形(Weapon Shift)

Weapon Shift
Source Wilderness Origins pg. 9
Your melee weapons meld into your animal form.

Prerequisites: Wild shape class feature.

Benefit: When you use your wild shape ability, any melee weapons you are wielding and proficient with meld into your new form. Select one of these weapons; while in your new form, your natural attacks deal the same damage type as that weapon. Your natural attacks also gain all of the weapon’s properties (such as disarm), other than the double weapon property and the fragile weapon property; moreover, when using this feat to grant the trip property to your natural attacks, you gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to trip an enemy, but you cannot drop your weapon to avoid being tripped due to a failed trip attempt. Weapon Shift does not apply a magic weapon’s enhancement bonus to your natural attacks, nor does it grant your natural attacks any of a weapon’s magical special abilities.

精通武器变形(Improved Weapon Shift)

Improved Weapon Shift
Source Wilderness Origins pg. 9
When you change forms, your natural attacks take on not just the physical properties of your weapons, but their magical abilities as well.

Prerequisites: Weapon Shift, base attack bonus +6, wild shape class feature.

Benefit: When you apply a melee weapon’s damage type and properties to your natural attacks using the Weapon Shift feat, your natural attacks also gain the weapon special abilities of the weapon, such as the flaming special ability. Improved Weapon Shift does not apply the dancing special ability or any special abilities limited to thrown or ranged weapons, and it does not apply the weapon’s enhancement bonuses to your attacks.

高等武器变形(Greater Weapon Shift)

Greater Weapon Shift
Source Wilderness Origins pg. 9
In animal form, your natural attacks are as deadly as the weapons you were holding.

Prerequisites: Improved Weapon Shift, Weapon Shift, base attack bonus +8, wild shape class feature.

Benefit: When you apply a melee weapon’s damage type and properties to your natural attacks using the Weapon Shift feat, your natural attacks also gain an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to the enhancement bonus (if any) of the weapon.

When using the Weapon Shift feat, the user's natural attacks do not gain the reach weapon property. When using Improved Weapon Shift and Greater Weapon Shift, choose whether to apply the enhancement bonus and weapon special properties of the melded weapon or the bonuses and properties granted by other items, such as an amulet of mighty fists; you cannot gain the benefits of both items simultaneously.

撕裂之爪(Raking Claws)

专长效果:当你使用你的主要天生武器造成穿刺或挥砍伤害时,你的对手在被此攻击伤害时以及他每轮开始时承受1d6点流血伤害。此流血伤害能通過DC 15的医疗技能检定或任何魔法治疗所治愈。
Raking Claws
Source Wilderness Origins pg. 9
Your claws cause bleeding wounds.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8, shifter, wild shape class feature.

Benefit: Whenever you deal piercing or slashing damage with your primary natural weapons, your opponent takes 1d6 points of bleed damage at the start of his turn each round, in addition to the damage dealt by the attack. Bleed damage can be stopped with a successful DC 15 Heal skill check or any magical healing.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-08-23, 周五 10:54:56

純種(True Breed)
出自《內海种族 pg. 209》


True Breed
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 209
Your dual heritage makes you something more than merely a mix of your parent races.

Prerequisites: Two subtypes, elf blood or orc blood racial trait.

Benefit: For the purposes of any effect related to subtype (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), you count as neither of your subtypes, and you no longer count as either of your parent races for the purposes of effects related to race.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Rivers2019-08-28, 周三 10:59:00
出自 Adventurer's Guide 15页
先决条件:魅力 15,选择引导,引导能量职业特性

Purifying Channel
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 15
Your healing energy also damages your enemies.

Prerequisites: Cha 15, Selective Channeling, channel energy class feature.

Benefit: When you channel positive energy to heal, one creature that you exclude from your channeling takes an amount of fire damage equal to the die result you roll for healing, and is dazzled for 1 round by the light of these flames. A successful saving throw against your channel energy halves the fire damage and negates the dazzled effect.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Rivers2019-08-28, 周三 11:04:14
出自 Faith & Philosophy

Thought bards may have different reasons for wanting to heal the sick and injured, both out of pure altruism and in order to keep adventuring companions safe, the ability to heal also makes it much easier for a bard to pose as a cleric or other divine healer, opening the door for a wide array of swindles and scams.

引导能量(Channel Energy ,Su):
2级时,玄秘愈师获得类似于牧师引导正能量的能力,用(玄秘愈师等级-1)作为有效牧师等级来计算这个引导能量的效果。如果一名处于引导能量生效范围内的生物能够对此效果进行豁免,它的豁免DC为(10+1/2玄秘愈师等级+魅力调整值)。在2级时,玄秘愈师每日引导能量次数为1次,在之后每4级(6级、10级、14级和18级),玄秘愈师将获得1次额外使用次数,在18级达到5次的上限。此能力代替多才多艺(Versatile Performance)。

At 2nd level, an arcane healer gains the ability to channel positive energy as a cleric of one level lower than his level. If a creature within the channeled energy’s area of effect would be allowed a save against its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the arcane healer’s level + the arcane healer’s Charisma modifier. An arcane healer can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, gaining an additional use per day every four levels thereafter (6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th), to a maximum of 5 times per day at 18th level. This ability replaces versatile performance.

振励治疗(Inspiring Healing,Sp):

At 5th level, an arcane healer gains the ability to expend rounds of his bardic performance to provide extra healing to his allies. By expending 2 rounds of bardic performance, an arcane healer can cast cure light wounds as a spell-like ability. At 11th level, the arcane healer can expend 2 rounds of bardic performance to cast cure moderate wounds as a spell-like ability. At 17th level, he may instead expend 2 rounds of bardic performance to cast cure serious wounds as a spell-like ability. No single target may be affected by an arcane healer’s inspiring healing ability more than once in a 24-hour period. This ability replaces loremaster.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Rivers2019-08-28, 周三 11:27:41
elemental commixture (teamwork)
通常来说融合法术无法被反击。一名具有精通法术反制(Improved Counterspell)的角色可以反制混合法术,如果他成功鉴别出了两个法术且两者属于同一学派。但无论如何,法术的融合效果均不能被反制。对于融合效果,法术抗力仍会正常生效,除非两个法术均忽视法术抗力。

You can combine your elemental spells with those of your allies to produce entirely new and synergistic magical effects.
Prerequisite: Caster level 1st.
Benefit: You and an ally within 30 feet who shares this feat can cast your spells together to create a more powerful, hybrid effect. Both spells must have an elemental descriptor (air, earth, fire, or water), or an energy descriptor that corresponds to one of the elements (acid [earth], cold [water], electricity [air], or fire [fire]) . Both spells must be at least 1st level, within 1 spell level of each other, and cast during the same initiative turn through the use of readied actions.
When the spells to be commixed are cast, one is designated as the primary spell (typically the higher-level spell), while the other is the secondary spell. The primary spell must be an offensive spell that targets an area or one or more creatures. The secondary spell can be any spell with an appropriate descriptor. Neither spell can take more than a standard action to cast. The primary spell behaves as written (with the exception of the synergistic benefits that are described below). The secondary spell does not manifest any of its usual effects; instead, targeted creatures are affected by a secondary effect that is determined by the combination of the two spells’ descriptors.
Targeted creatures can attempt a saving throw against the primary spell as normal (assuming that a save is normally allowed), and then attempt a separate save against the secondary effect. The secondary effect’s save type is described in its listing, and its save DC is equal to the normal save DC of the primary or secondary spell, whichever is lower (or, if neither spell allows a saving throw, 10 + lowest spell’s level + spellcaster’s primary spellcasting ability score [Int, Wis, or Cha] modifier).
Commixed spells cannot be counterspelled normally. A creature with Improved Counterspell can counterspell commixed spells if both spells are correctly identified and both belong to the same school. Regardless, the secondary effects of two spells combined through Elemental Commixture cannot be counterspelled. Spell resistance still applies to the secondary effect, unless both of the commixed spells bypass spell resistance.
Synergistic Benefits: The primary spell’s save DC (if any) increases by 1. If either spell is normally modified by Spell Focus or Greater Spell Focus, the bonus to save DCs granted by those feats stacks with this increase. The caster of the primary spell also gains a +1 bonus on any caster level check made to overcome spell resistance.
Secondary Effects: While the secondary spell has no direct effect other than bolstering the effects of the primary spell, the combination of spells also creates a unique secondary effect depending on the elemental descriptors of the commixed spells. For the purpose of this secondary effect, the acid, cold, and electricity descriptors count as earth, water, and air descriptors, respectively. Commixed spells with the same elemental descriptors do not produce a secondary effect, though the primary spell still gains the synergistic benefits described above.
•   尘埃(气/土):目标被尘埃呛住,必须通过一次强韧豁免,否则陷入恍惚状态1轮外加1轮每5个次要法术施法者等级。目标施法者施法时必须进行一次专注检定(检定DC等同于豁免DC)。成功的豁免检定可以使目标不受恍惚状态的影响,但施法时仍需要专注检定。
•    Dust (Air/Earth): Choked by dust, the targets must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round plus 1 round per 5 caster levels of the secondary spell’s caster. Targeted spellcasters must succeed at a concentration check to cast spells (the DC is equal to the save DC). On a successful save, the targets are not staggered but must still attempt concentration checks.
•   熔岩(土/火):目标被熔岩溅射,受到1D6点火焰伤害。目标必须通过一次反射检定,否则着火(着火效果见CRB 444页)。
•    Lava (Earth/Fire) : The targets are splattered with bits of molten rock and take 1d6 points of fire damage. The targets must succeed at a Reflex save or catch fire (see Catching on Fire on page 444 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).
•   泥淖(土/水):目标必须通过一次反射检定,否则摔倒(进入俯卧状态)并且移动速度减半(至少具有5尺)持续1轮外加1轮每5个次要法术施法者等级。成功的豁免检定可以使移动速度减半的持续时间减少至1轮。
•    Mud (Earth/Water): The targets must succeed at a Reflex save or fall prone and have their movement speeds cut in half (to a minimum speed of 5 feet) for 1 round plus 1 round per 5 caster levels of the secondary spell’s caster. On a successful save, the targets’ movement speeds are cut in half for 1 round.
•   烟雾(气/火):目标吸入烟雾,必须通过一次强韧检定,否则恶心1轮并目盲1D4轮。成功的豁免检定可以使目标免受恶心并将目盲状态减少至1轮。免疫火焰的生物不受此恶心状态的影响。
•    Smoke (Air/Fire) : The targets suffer smoke inhalation and must succeed at Fortitude saves or become nauseated for 1 round and blinded for 1d4 rounds. Success negates the nausea effect and reduces the blindness to 1 round. Creatures immune to fire are immune to the nausea effect.
•   霜雪(气/水):若首要法术不具有[水]描述符,则其将获得之,其造成的伤害(若有)的一半变为寒冷伤害。目标必须一次反射检定,否则摔倒(进入俯卧状态)。
•    Snow (Air/Water): The primary spell gains the cold descriptor if it doesn’t have that descriptor already, and half the damage dealt (if any) is cold damage. The targets must succeed at a Reflex save or fall prone.
•   蒸汽(火/水):首要法术造成的伤害(若有)变为非致命的无属性伤害(既非寒冷也非火焰伤害),不受能量抗力或防护能量伤害的影响。目标必须通过一次意志检定,否则目盲1D4轮。
•    Steam (Fire/Water): Damage caused by the primary spell (if any) is treated as nonlethal, untyped damage (neither cold nor fire damage) and is not affected by energy resistance or absorbed by protection from energy. The targets become blinded for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed at a Will save.
Special: An inquisitor or any other character with the solo tactics class feature can use this teamwork feat without the aid of an ally. In order to do so, the character must be able to cast two qualifying spells within the same round, such as by using the Quicken Spell metamagic feat to cast one spell as a swift action or by usingo effects such as the time stop spell.
主题: 最便宜炼金药,没有之一
作者: 2019-09-13, 周五 23:08:22
盐片(10)(Salt tablets (10))
出自《People of the Sands pg. 28》
价格 1gp
重量 -
分类 炼金药
制作 工艺[炼金]DC 10

PFS Legal Salt tablets (10)
Source People of the Sands pg. 28
Price 1 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Remedies
These tablets of pressed salt help stave off dehydration. Taking a salt tablet once every 24 hours grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws to avoid heatstroke and on Constitution checks to avoid thirst.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 10

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 剧毒术士2019-09-20, 周五 12:57:10
出处:《瓦瑞希安,传说诞生之地》第14页、《符文领主的崛起 玩家手册》第11页、《猩红王座 玩家手册》第13页












Hide shirt
Source Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 14, Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide pg. 11, Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide pg. 13



20 gp

18 lbs.
 Armor Bonus 

 Max Dex Bonus 

 Armor Check Penalty 

 Arcane Spell Failure Chance 

 Speed(30 ft.) 

30 ft.
 Speed(20 ft.) 

20 ft.

Made from animal hide and giant lizard scales over a shirt of interwoven cords, these chest and shoulder coverings protect Shoanti riders without restricting their mobility. The wearer of a hide shirt can make a DC 15 Strength check as a standard action. If he succeeds, the armor gains the broken condition and drops to the ground rather than requiring the usual 1 minute it would take to remove it. The armor must be repaired as though it had taken 8 points of damage before it can be used again; a broken hide shirt grants no bonus to Armor Class.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-09-24, 周二 20:51:58
出自《Advanced Class Origins pg. 28》


制作条件:制造奇物[註:疑似打错专长],防護邪惡(Protection from Evil)


出自《Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. 33》


制作条件:制造魔法武器与防具,縮放物品(Resize Item)GHH


出自《Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. 33》


制作条件:制造魔法武器与防具,縮放物品(Resize Item)GHH

How does the fitting armor enhancement work in Pathfinder Society?
Fitting armor may change its combination of shape and size to any combination of equal or lesser value. For example, fitting armor bought for a Huge biped (x4 cost) could also fit a biped or quadruped of any smaller size, whereas fitting armor for a Huge quadruped (x8 cost) could fit a Gargantuan humanoid (x8 cost) or any Huge or smaller creature. Note that when shrunk to size Tiny or smaller, the armor bonus that fitting armor grants is halved, as usual for armor of this size.

主题: Re: 特殊材料
作者: paulkirikawa2019-09-26, 周四 12:29:53
虚空玻璃 (Voidglass) 出自《玩家伴侣:护甲大师手册 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Armor Master's Handbook)》与PFS特许模组《龙之欲 (The Dragon's Demand)》 非PFS合法资源
价格:武器 +1000gp; 轻甲 +1000gp; 中甲 +2000gp; 盾牌 +3000gp; 重甲 +4500gp
描述:虚空玻璃发源于葛拉利昂之外的某个未知世界,格里欧斯 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=86666.0)(Bestiary 5,一个具有心灵异能的外星种族)将少量的虚空玻璃带到此地。虚空玻璃与生物的心智产生共鸣,增强其思维与心灵的抵抗力。任何能使用金属材料正常打造的护甲都能使用虚空玻璃打造。用虚空玻璃制成的轻甲或盾牌为所有影响心灵的魔法效果的豁免检定提供+1抗力加值,中型护甲的加值增加到+2而重型护甲+3。用虚空玻璃制成的穿刺或挥砍武器击中时造成1点额外伤害;钝击武器没有任何特殊效果。

Voidglass originates on an unknown world beyond Golarion. It is brought to Golarion in small quantities by grioths (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 137), a race of psychic extraterrestrials. Voidglass resonates with a creature’s mind, bolstering thought and mental defenses. Any suit of armor normally made from metal can be made of voidglass. A suit of light voidglass armor or a voidglass shield grants a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting magic. This bonus increases to +2 for medium voidglass armor, and to +3 for heavy voidglass armor. A voidglass piercing or slashing weapon deals 1 additional point of damage on a hit; bludgeoning weapons gain no benefit.
Voidglass has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. A pound of raw, unworked voidglass is worth 100 gp. Light armor made from voidglass costs an additional 1,000 gp, medium armor costs an additional 2,000 gp, heavy armor costs an additional 4,500 gp, and shields cost an additional 3,000 gp. Weapons made from voidglass cost an additional 1,000 gp.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 浩浩2019-10-16, 周三 19:45:34
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)【PA】 旅法師 Worldseeker (法師變體)
位面冒險 p.21頁 Planar Adventures pg. 21

旅法師是一群旅行在世界彼岸(the Great Beyond)所有角落的法師。其中初學者總是將他們自身載滿學習與實踐,而最強大的旅法師在世界彼岸裡也是充滿影響力的人物,其中強者甚至連半神也會注意。



行走位面 Walk the Planes (Sp, Su)
他在知識(位面)的檢定中+2 並恆定於忍耐環境(endure elements)效果中。
此能力取代抄寫捲軸(Scribe Scroll)

位面適應 Planar Adaptation (Su)
在8級時,旅法師對於位面環境有持續的保護就如同位面適應(planar adaptation)
此能力取代通常於6等或8等時獲得的學派能力(school ability)

位面聯繫 Planar Associates (Ex)
旅法師的跨位面的旅行和交易,讓他在需要協助時的召喚能夠不需要經由異界誓縛(Planar Binding)就建立連接。
一個旅法師必須要選擇魔寵作為他的奧術連結(arcane bond)

在5級時,他獲得進階魔寵(Improved Familiar) 作為獎勵專長必須要選擇異界生物(outsider)魔寵並符合他的陣營。他可以以這方法選擇一個原本需要7級施法者才能作為其主人的異界生物。

在7級時,旅法師自動習得次等異界誓盟(lesser planar ally)作為其4環法師法術。他會自動在11級時習得異界誓盟(planar ally)作為其法師6環法術,15級時習得高等異界誓盟(greater planar ally)作為其法師8環法術。


此能力改變奧術連接(arcane bond)並取代5級時的獎勵專長。

位面據點 Planar Redoubt (Sp)
在15級時,旅法師可以創造一個位面據點,一個個人的半位面 他可以躲入來休息或是謀而後動。這個功能像是次級創造半位面(lesser create demiplane),除了這個創造出的半位面是最大是單邊50呎的立方體且是永久的。

Source Planar Adventures pg. 21
Worldseekers are wizards who travel to all corners of the Great Beyond. While neophytes must content themselves with study and practice, the most powerful worldseekers are movers and shakers throughout the Great Beyond, power players of whom even demigods take note. Worldseekers are rare sights on Golarion, but among those few, more are trained in Kyonin and Nex than any other nation; those in Kyonin explore the potential of using elf gates to travel beyond this realm, while those in Nex emulate some of the dimensional exploits of Nex’s legendary founder.

Most worldseekers prefer not to specialize in a school of magic, for having a diverse array of available spells is a boon when exploring the countless wonders of the Great Beyond. Those who do specialize usually do so as conjurers. Conjuration is a poor choice of oppositional school for a worldseeker.

Walk the Planes (Sp, Su): A worldseeker learns every plane’s place in the Great Beyond and trains to survive even on the harshest of them. She gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks and is constantly under the effects of endure elements.

This replaces Scribe Scroll.

Planar Adaptation (Su): At 8th level, a worldseeker is continually protected from planar environments as by planar adaptation. At 15th level, she can extend that benefit to all allies within 30 feet of her.

This replaces the school ability normally gained at 6th or 8th level.

Planar Associates (Ex): A worldseeker’s travels and dealings across the planes allow her to make connections she can call upon when necessary to gain assistance without needing to resort to planar binding. A worldseeker must choose a familiar for her arcane bond. At 5th level, she gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat and must choose an outsider familiar that matches her alignment exactly; she can choose an outsider in this way even if it normally requires a 7th-level spellcaster as its master.

At 7th level, a worldseeker automatically learns lesser planar ally as a 4th-level wizard spell. She automatically learns planar ally as a 6th-level wizard spell at 11th level, and greater planar ally as an 8th-level wizard spell at 15th level. She can swap out a prepared spell of an equal spell level to spontaneously cast any of these three spells (one 4th-level spell for lesser planar ally, a 6th-level spell for planar ally, and a 8th level spell for greater planar ally).

The first time each day she casts one of these three spells, the worldseeker reduces the gp value of the material component cost by an amount equal to her caster level x 100 (to a minimum cost of 0 gp).

This alters arcane bond and replaces the bonus feat gained at 5th level.

Planar Redoubt (Sp): At 15th level, a worldseeker creates a planar redoubt, a personal demiplane to which she can retreat to rest and plan. This functions like lesser create demiplane, except the demiplane is up to a single 50-foot cube in size and is permanent.

This replaces the bonus feat gained at 15th level.

主题: 法术
作者: Los@水銀燈座2019-11-02, 周六 14:07:21
【PFS可用】弱效还元术(Minor Reversion)
出处:《Plane-Hopper's Handbook》(异界漏斗手册?)
等级:牧师/先知/战斗祭司3 异能者2 奥能师/术士/法师3

【PFS可用】高等还元术(Greater Reversion)
出处:《Plane-Hopper's Handbook》
等级:牧师/先知/战斗祭司5 异能者4 奥能师/术士/法师5

【PFS可用】群体弱效还元术(Minor Reversion,Mass)
出处:《Plane-Hopper's Handbook》
等级:牧师/先知/战斗祭司6 异能者5 奥能师/术士/法师6


PFS Legal    Minor Reversion
Source:Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 28
School:conjuration (healing); Level:arcanist 3, cleric 3, oracle 3, psychic 2, sorcerer 3, warpriest 3, wizard 3
Casting:Casting Time 10 minutes
Components:V, S
Duration:24 hours
You create an imperfect replica of yourself within the Akashic Record at the time the spell is cast. You must currently have a number of hit points equal to or greater than half your maximum hit points to cast the spell. If at any time during the duration of the spell you are brought below half your maximum hit points, you can end this spell as an immediate action to absorb strength from your replica and immediately regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 plus 1 point per caster level (maximum +5).

PFS Legal    Greater Reversion
Source:Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 28
School:conjuration (healing); Level arcanist 5, cleric 5, oracle 5, psychic 4, sorcerer 5, warpriest 5, wizard 5
Casting:Casting Time 20 minutes
Components:V, S
Duration:24 hours
You create a fine-tuned replica of yourself within the Akashic Record at the time the spell is cast. You must currently have a number of hit points equal to or greater than half your maximum hit points to cast the spell. If at any time during the duration of the spell you are brought below half your maximum hit points, you can end this spell as an immediate action to absorb strength from your replica and immediately regain a number of hit points equal to 3d8 plus 1 point per caster level (maximum +15).

PFS Legal    Minor Reversion, Mass
Source:Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 28
School:conjuration (healing); Level arcanist 6, cleric 6, oracle 6, psychic 5, sorcerer 6, warpriest 6, wizard 6
Casting:Casting Time 30 minutes
Components:V, S
Range:close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target:one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration:24 hours
You create a replica within the Akashic Record of each target at the time the spell is cast. Each targeted creature must currently have at least half its hit points. If at any time during the duration of the spell a target is brought below half her maximum hit points, that target can end the spell on herself as an immediate action to absorb strength from her replica and immediately regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 plus 1 point per caster level (maximum +25).
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2019-11-29, 周五 14:50:53
(https://aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbolN.gif) 抗力戒指(Ring of Resistance)【物品/戒指】
出处 《探索者#123:浸没大圣堂》(Pathfinder #123: The Flooded Cathedral)第44页
灵氲 微弱咒法系 CL 5
栏位 戒指;价格 1,500 gp (+1),6,000 gp (+2),13,500 gp (+3),24,000 gp (+4),37,500 gp (+5);重量




先决条件 铸造戒指,提升抗力,制造者的施法者等级必须至少为戒指加值的三倍;成本 750 gp (+1),3,000 gp (+2), 6,750 gp (+3),12,000 gp (+4),17,750 gp (+5)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 沉淪2019-11-30, 周六 16:25:38
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 蒙蒂維遠征軍誓言(Oath of the Mendevian Crusade)



神契(Divine Bond,Su):5級時,聖武士將破敵(邪惡異界生物)加入他的神契能力可為武器附加的特殊效果的列表中,然後從該表中移除熾焰。此能力調整了神契。



行為準則(Code of Conduct):對抗一切形式的惡魔力量,並找到方法關閉世界之殤。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2019-12-03, 周二 16:43:06
海之赠礼(Gifts from the Sea)
出自《Heroes from the Fringe pg. 20》

Gifts from the Sea
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 20
Although shoreborn see little of their aquatic parents, they can still call on their underwater kin for help.

Prerequisites: Shoreborn half-elf.

Benefit: Once per day, you can fill a vial with water from a natural source and the water will turn magical, functioning as a potion of a 1st-level druid spell of your choice with a caster level equal to your Hit Dice. This potion becomes inert after a number of hours equal to your Hit Dice.
主题: 不用特定变体就直接拿植物伙伴、昆虫伙伴的办法
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-01-18, 周六 14:19:33
奇特伙伴(Curious Companion)

出自《荒野起源》(Wilderness Origins)第21页



主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Blue-gen2020-02-08, 周六 23:05:31
轻甲 +750 gp
中甲 +9,000 gp
重甲 +12,000 gp
盾牌 +7,000 gp
武器 +6,000 gp
其他物品 +600 gp/磅

This lustrous golden metal emits beautiful bell-like tones
when struck. An alloy of gold and mithral, singing steel
was originally created by the elves of Jinin, although the
secrets of working singing steel have spread to Hwanggot,
Minkai, and Tianjing. Instruments made of this metal are
especially popular among bards and other performers who
worship the goddess Shelyn.
A weapon made of singing steel counts as alchemical
silver for all purposes, including the –1 penalty on damage
rolls with singing steel weapons. Most armor made of
singing steel is treated as one category lighter (heavy armors
are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as
light, but light armors are still treated as light). The armor
or shield’s arcane spell failure chance is reduced by 5%, its
maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 1, and its armor
check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
When wielding a singing steel weapon, shield, or item
weighing at least 5 pounds, or wearing medium or heavy singing
steel armor, the wielder or wearer can strike the singing steel
as part of beginning a bardic performance. If the wielder can
normally start a bardic performance as a standard action, he
can do so as a move action instead. If the wielder can normally
start a bardic performance as a move action, he can do so as a
swift action instead. This ability does not function in the area
of a silence spell or similar effect. After using the singing steel in
this fashion, the steel must be carefully brushed to remove any
lingering vibrations, a process that takes 10 minutes.
Singing steel items are always masterwork; this cost is
included in the price. Singing steel has 20 hp per inch
of thickness and hardness 10. Although formed partially
from mithral, singing steel items weigh as much as their
normal counterparts.
Type of Singing-Steel Item Item Price Modifier
Light armor +750 gp
Medium armor +9,000 gp
Heavy armor +12,000 gp
Shield +7,000 gp
Weapon +6,000 gp
Other items +600 gp/lb.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Symphogear2020-02-20, 周四 00:42:01
影手烟玉 Shadow Hand Smoke Pellet
灵光:中等幻术系 施法者等级:7
价格:800gp 重量:-
Shadow Hand Smoke Pellet
Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 251
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 800 gp; Weight —
This delicate metallic shell contains two sets of volatile alchemical substances, similar to those used in smoke pelletsUE. When the sphere is broken, the substances mingle and fill a 10-foot cube with a cloud of dark gray smoke that lasts for 1 minute. The user can throw the pellet as a ranged touch attack with an increment of 10 feet. Partially tangible hands of smoke accost creatures in the cloud. These hands attempt to grapple anyone moving through the smoke (CMB +7). Upon successfully grappling an opponent, the hands attempt to maintain the grapple every round until the smoke dissipates.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, black tentacles, obscuring mist; Cost 400 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-02-20, 周四 09:13:56
事半功倍 (Less Effort)
出处:邪恶特务(Agents of Evil)pg.10

Less Effort
Agents of Evil pg. 10
Select one spell belonging to the abjuration or transmutation school on your spell list. When you cast that spell or it is cast on you, treat the caster level as 2 higher for the purpose of determining the duration.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-03-03, 周二 13:35:20
醉汉吐息 (Drunkard's Breath)
出处:虚空之子(Pathfinder #14: Children of the Void)pg.61

等级:吟游诗人2,牧师/先知2,歌者2,战争祭司2 (凯登·凯连)
豁免:强韧, 通过则无效; 见后文


Drunkard's Breath
Source Pathfinder #14: Children of the Void pg. 61
School conjuration (creation); Level bard 2, cleric 2, oracle 2, skald 2, warpriest 2 (Cayden Cailean)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a rotten egg or cabbage leaves)
Range 30 ft.
Area cone-shaped burst
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; see text; Spell Resistance no
This spell emanates from your mouth and functions like stinking cloud, except as noted above. The effect is barely visible and does not obscure vision. The nausea effect resembles that of an extreme hangover. This is a poison effect. Cayden Cailean’s church uses this spell to disperse angry crowds, such as when celebrations get out of hand.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-03-25, 周三 12:17:50
牧师变体:先兆呼唤者(Herald Caller)
出处:怪物召唤手册(Monster Summoner‘s handbook)pg.7







Herald Caller
Source Monster Summoner's Handbook pg. 7
Unlike warpriests or paladins, who charge headlong into battle in the name of their patron deities, herald callers are adept at calling powerful outsiders to aid their brethren in battle.

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. This alters the cleric’s class skills.

Dedicated Summoner: A herald caller depends on summoned allies to overcome her foes, which affords her little experience with the martial pursuits typical of other clerics and a narrower spiritual focus. A herald caller can choose only one domain from her deity’s list of domains, rather than the normal two domains, and she doesn’t gain proficiency with medium armor or shields. This ability alters the cleric’s domains and armor proficiencies.

Call Heralds (Su): A herald caller can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast any summon monster spell of the same level or lower. She gains a +1 bonus on concentration checks to cast a summon monster spell defensively. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and increases by 1 every 5 cleric levels thereafter.

Divine Heralds (Su): A herald caller can use summon monster spells only to summon creatures particularly appropriate to her deity. This includes all creatures listed as summon monster options for priests of her deity (see Expanded Summoning for Priests on page 30), creatures whose alignment matches at least one aspect of her deity’s alignment, and creatures of an elemental subtype that matches a domain granted by the deity (if any). When summoning a creature that is normally summoned with the celestial or fiendish template, a herald caller of a chaotic deity can instead summon it with the entropic template, and a herald caller of a lawful deity can instead summon it with the resolute template (see pages 292–293 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 for more information on these simple templates).

Because of these summoned monsters’ strong ties to the herald caller’s deity, the herald caller also gains specific benefits with creatures she summons with summon monster spells gained from her cleric spell list. The herald caller and her summoned monsters can understand each other’s spoken words as if they shared a common language (though this doesn’t give summoned monsters the ability to speak if they normally lack it). Whenever the herald caller uses channel energy to heal, she can include all of her summoned monsters, even if they are out of her normal channel energy radius or of a creature type that would not normally be affected. If she channels energy to deal damage, she can exclude any of her summoned monsters that would normally be affected.

Mighty Heralds: At 4th level, a herald caller receives Augment Summoning as a bonus feat, and is considered to have Spell Focus (conjuration) for the purposes of prerequisites for feats that have Augment Summoning as a prerequisite (such as Evolved Summoned Monster on page 146 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide). At 8th level, she gains Superior Summoning (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 157) as a bonus feat.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-03-25, 周三 14:56:43
动物伙伴:鲁尔战猫(Warcat of Rull)
出处:贝尔克泽恩,兽人部落之地(Belkzen,Hold of the Orc Hordes) pg.55

起始属性: 体型 中型; AC +4 天生护甲; 速度 40尺; 攻击  噬咬 (1d6),2 爪击 (1d4); 能力值 力量 15, 敏捷 15, 体质 14, 智力 2, 感知 11, 魅力 5; 特殊能力 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉。

7级进化: 体型 大型; AC +2 天生护甲; 攻击 噬咬 (1d8), 2 爪击 (1d6); 能力值 力量 +8, 敏捷 –2, 体质 +4。特殊攻击 攫抓,猛扑,耙抓(1d6)

Warcat of Rull
Source Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes pg. 55

Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 5; Special Attacks rake (1d4); Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Attacks grab, pounce, rake (1d6).
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-03-27, 周五 07:29:55
位面注能1 (Bestow Planar Infusion I)
出处:位面冒险(Planar Adventures)pg.39

豁免:强韧, 通过则无效(无害)

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-03-28, 周六 16:32:17
动物伙伴变体:图腾向导(Totem Guide)
出处:极限荒野(Ultimate Wilderness)pg.189






Totem Guide
Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 189, Animal Archive pg. 21
Totem guides embody the wisdom and spirituality of the natural world, providing guidance as well as aid in combat. Once a totem guide is chosen, a character can replace the companion if it is slain but must choose the same kind of totem guide.

Spiritual Guidance (Sp): At 3rd level, a totem guide can use guidance as a spell-like ability at will as a full-round action, targeting itself or its master. In addition, a totem guide’s master can spontaneously cast the following spells while adjacent to the totem guide by sacrificing a spell slot of equal or higher level: detect animals or plants (1st), augury (2nd), helping hand (3rd), divination (4th), commune with nature (5th), and find the path (6th). The totem guide serves as a divine focus for these spells, but costly material components must still be provided.

This replaces evasion.

Beast Speech (Ex): At 6th level, a totem guide can speak with its master as though the two share a common language, and it can speak with other animals of its species (or, at the GM’s discretion, other creatures with similar types).

This replaces devotion.

Eldritch Claws: At 9th level, a totem guide gains Eldritch Claws as a bonus feat.

This replaces Multiattack.

Ghost Guardian (Ex): At 15th level, a totem guide’s natural weapons deal full damage to incorporeal creatures, and its natural armor bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks. A totem guide can never be transformed into or animated as an undead creature.

This replaces improved evasion.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灰骑士2020-04-16, 周四 22:43:23
出处:先祖之血(Blood of Ancient)









ome arcanists specialize in a school of magic and trade flexibility for focus. School savants are able to prepare more spells per day than typical arcanists, but their selection is more limited.
The school savant is an archetype of the arcanist class.
School Focus (Su)
At 1st level, a school savant chooses a school of magic. The arcanist gains the abilities granted by that school, as the arcane school class feature of the wizard, treating her arcanist level as her wizard level for these abilities. She can also further specialize by selecting a subschool. In addition, the arcanist can prepare one additional spell per day of each level she can cast, but this spell must be chosen from the selected school.
Finally, the arcanist must select two additional schools of magic as her opposition schools. Whenever she prepares spells from one of her opposition schools, the spell takes up two of her prepared spell slots. In addition, a school savant takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of her opposition schools as a prerequisite. A school savant cannot select the school understanding arcanist exploit.
This ability replaces the arcanist exploits gained at 1st, 3rd, and 7th levels.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: shysifer2020-04-18, 周六 12:08:20
出处:先祖之血(Blood of Ancient)









ome arcanists specialize in a school of magic and trade flexibility for focus. School savants are able to prepare more spells per day than typical arcanists, but their selection is more limited.
The school savant is an archetype of the arcanist class.
School Focus (Su)
At 1st level, a school savant chooses a school of magic. The arcanist gains the abilities granted by that school, as the arcane school class feature of the wizard, treating her arcanist level as her wizard level for these abilities. She can also further specialize by selecting a subschool. In addition, the arcanist can prepare one additional spell per day of each level she can cast, but this spell must be chosen from the selected school.
Finally, the arcanist must select two additional schools of magic as her opposition schools. Whenever she prepares spells from one of her opposition schools, the spell takes up two of her prepared spell slots. In addition, a school savant takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of her opposition schools as a prerequisite. A school savant cannot select the school understanding arcanist exploit.
This ability replaces the arcanist exploits gained at 1st, 3rd, and 7th levels.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 魍魎2020-04-25, 周六 01:38:52
亚托库斯之火(Artokus's fire)
出自炼金术手册(Alchemy Manual) pg. 26

分类:炼金武器(Alchemical Weapon)



Artokus's fire
Source Alchemy Manual pg. 26
Price 100 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Weapons
This congealed incendiary functions like alchemist’s fire, but its white-hot flames deal 2d6 points of fire damage on a direct hit and 1d6 points of splash damage to adjacent creatures.

Mythic: You can expend one use of mythic power while throwing a flask of Artokus’s fire to cause the substance to burn hotter and longer than normal. A creature struck by a direct hit of Artokus’s fire must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or continue to take 1d4 points of fire damage each round at the beginning of its turn. A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the user’s mythic tier, and otherwise acts as the burn universal monster rule (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 298). Artokus’s fire used in this way burns even underwater, offering no relief to creatures that try to extinguish the fire by dousing or immersing themselves in water.

Recipe (20 magnesium + 25 saltpeter + 30 spirit of wine)/congelation; Craft 30
Time 1 hour; Tools alchemist's lab; Type alchemical weapon
純美蘋果園 »譯文資料區 »Pathfinder »Pathfinder RPG »玩者手册(Player Companion) (版主群: 星, 黎白羽, 傻豆, 月夜白雨, 丞相) »【AM】《炼金术手册》(Alchemy Manual)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Blue-gen2020-05-09, 周六 19:52:28
骑士变体:巡回判官出自Path of the Hellknight pg. 32

判决(Sentence,Ex)每天1次(原文这里是Once per day,但是后面描述每日次数的时候又说1级时1天两次,这边以后续描述为准)以一个迅捷动作,巡回判官可以对他视线中的敌人进行判决(Sentence)。巡回判官会获得只会对判决目标生效的各种加值。巡回法官从下列审判者审判中选择这些好处的形式:惩戒、正义、保护、纯净或制裁。

重复起诉(Double Jeopardy,Ex)

A circuit judge claims a specific region, becoming an expert in the local laws and, perhaps, becoming a fearsome executioner.
Circuit (Ex)
At 1st level, a circuit judge chooses a single community. While in that community or within 25 miles of it, she adds half her cavalier level (minimum 1) on Intimidate, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive skill checks (as well as any other law-related skill checks, at the GM’s discretion). Whenever she advances in level, the range within which she gains this bonus expands by another 25 miles—50 miles at 2nd level, 75 miles at 3rd level, and so forth. This bonus on Intimidate checks increases by 2 when she enters a community within this area that she hasn’t visited for 1 week or more.

At 9th level and 17th level, the circuit judge can select another community within the range in which she gains this ability’s bonus. She can measure from that community (as well as previous communities) to determine whether she gains this ability’s bonus on the relevant skill checks.

This ability replaces tactician, greater tactician, and master tactician.

Sentence (Ex)
Once per day as a swift action, the circuit judge can choose one target within sight to sentence. The circuit judge gains the potential for a variety of bonuses related to that target. The circuit judge chooses the form of these benefits from the following list of inquisitor judgments: destruction, justice, protection, purity, or smiting.

The benefits of these judgments apply only to the circuit judge and the target—the protection judgment’s bonus to Armor Class, for example, applies only to attacks made by the sentenced target (not any creature who attacks the circuit judge while the judgment is active). Treat the circuit judge’s level as her inquisitor level for the purposes of determining how these judgments increase in power. The circuit judge can use this ability twice per day at 1st level, plus two additional times per day for every 3 cavalier levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of 14 times per day at 19th level. She can switch her sentence as a swift action, but doing so expends an additional daily use of this ability.

Sentencing a foe requires much of the circuit judge’s concentration. The circuit judge takes a –2 penalty to her Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of her sentence.

The sentence remains in effect either until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends.

Sentences are considered challenges for the purposes of the effects listed in the challenge section describing the cavalier’s order.

This ability replaces challenge.

Double Jeopardy (Ex)
At 12th level, whenever a circuit judge sentences a foe, she can gain the benefits of two inquisitor judgments against the foe instead of one.

Using this ability does not expend a daily use of sentence.

This ability replaces demanding challenge.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Rivers2020-05-21, 周四 21:03:03
出自 边境英雄 第12页

Twilight Speaker
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 12
From the extraordinarily reclusive Snowcaster elves come the twilight speakers, who consider it a sacred duty to seek out and befriend non-elven communities. These elves travel among outsiders as envoys, diplomats, traders, and even spies as events demand. Deeply devoted to the elven goddess Findeladlara, twilight speakers wander far and wide, vigilant for threats to their homes and their people.
Twilight speaker is a skald archetype that is available only to elves.

Devout: A twilight speaker must worship the elven goddess Findeladlara, and his alignment must be within one step of chaotic good. A twilight speaker who does not meet these requirements cannot use inspired devotion or Findeladlara’s blessing.

暮光使者(Twilight Envoy):

Twilight Envoy: A twilight speaker gains a bonus equal to half his skald level on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks.
This replaces bardic knowledge.

战怒之歌(Raging Song, Su):

Raging Song (Su): A twilight speaker gains the following raging songs.

    激发热忱(Inspired Devotion, Su):

Inspired Devotion (Su): The twilight speaker inspires fervor rather than fury. Affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws. At 6th, 12th, and 18th levels, these bonuses increase by 1.

    巧言之歌(Song of Understanding, Su):

Song of Understanding (Su): At 6th level, a twilight speaker can use his raging song to create an aura that allows creatures to speak and understand each others’ languages. By expending 4 rounds of raging song, the twilight speaker creates an aura that grants him and creatures in a 60-foot spread centered on him the effects of tongues. This aura uses the skald’s level as the caster level for all purposes, including duration. A twilight speaker can dismiss this aura as a standard action.

    隐秘旋律(Song of Secrecy, Su):

Song of Secrecy (Su): At 10th level, a twilight speaker can use his song to shroud allies from detection. Affected allies gain a bonus equal to half the twilight speaker’s skald level on Stealth checks, and they can attempt such checks without cover or concealment. Song of secrecy is audible only to those affected.

This replaces inspired rage, song of strength, and dirge of doom.

团队领域(Community Domain):

Community Domain: At 2nd level, a twilight speaker gains the Community domain and gains the powers and spells of the domain. He treats his skald level as his cleric level, and he uses his Charisma modifier in place of his Wisdom modifier for the purposes of the domain’s abilities.
This replaces versatile performance and well-versed.

芬德烈莱拉的祝福(Findeladlara’s Blessing, Su):

Findeladlara’s Blessing (Su): At 7th level, once per day a twilight speaker can activate any spell trigger or spell completion item as though the spell were on the skald spell list. He can use this ability an additional time per day at 13th and 19th levels.
This ability replaces lore master.

芬德烈莱拉之手(Findeladlara’s Hand):

Findeladlara’s Hand: At 20th level, the twilight speaker can use Findeladlara’s blessing at will.
This replaces master skald.
主题: 腰部奇物
作者: MAXATK2020-05-30, 周六 22:29:49

递减腰带(Diminishing Sash)出自《街头英雄》第14页
Diminishing Sash
Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 14
Aura faint universal; CL 3rd
Slot belt; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1lb.
At first glance, there is nothing at all unique about this length of woven brown wool; however, in the hands of a spellcaster it can be a devious resource. The wearer of a diminishing sosh can tear off a piece of the item and use it as a substitute for spell components worth up to 50 gp. Each piece torn from a diminishing sash (an action subsumed in the casting of a spell) provides components for one spell, and multiple pieces cannot be combined to provide more expensive components. After providing the components for 50 spells, a diminishing sash becomes a nonmagical piece of cloth.
If the sash is used to generate material components for a spell that normally uses no components or components that cost 1 gp or less, the wearer casts the spell at +1 caster level
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2020-06-13, 周六 13:12:43
自主绘圖裝置(Autonomous Cartographer)魔法照相機
出自《Seekers of Secrets pg. 55》



Autonomous Cartographer
Source Seekers of Secrets pg. 55
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Upon command, this item draws your surroundings, out to the limits of your normal vision, rendering them as if depicted by a competent but unexceptional artist. It does not record any details you cannot see. The autonomous cartographer creates the map as needed to fit upon a 1-foot-by-4-foot parchment or scroll contained within the item. A second command erases the scroll, allowing you to use it again. You may insert or remove a scroll as a full-round action.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, erase, prestidigitation; Cost 1,000 gp

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Los@水銀燈座2020-06-25, 周四 23:18:13
【PFS可用】风暴跨步(Storm Step)(一路火花带闪电)
出处:《元素血脉》Blood of the Elements pg. 13




PFS Legal    Minor Reversion
Source:Blood of the Elements pg. 13
School conjuration (teleportation) [electricity]; Level magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components ??


Target you
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex halves; Spell Resistance yes


You are able to harness the power of the storm to transport yourself a short distance, by taking the form of a furious, sizzling bolt of elemental electricity.

You must either have line of sight to your destination or you must specify a direction and distance within range. Creatures and objects in the path of your passage take 1d8 points of electricity damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 5d8). A successful Reflex save halves the damage.

If your path intersects with a solid object, you damage the barrier accordingly. If the damage is enough to break through the barrier, you continue beyond the barrier as long as the spell’s range permits; otherwise, your movement stops in the square adjacent to the barrier and the effect ends.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: longman1232020-07-09, 周四 15:24:25

递减腰带(Diminishing Sash)出自《街头英雄》第14页
Diminishing Sash
Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 14
Aura faint universal; CL 3rd
Slot belt; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1lb.
At first glance, there is nothing at all unique about this length of woven brown wool; however, in the hands of a spellcaster it can be a devious resource. The wearer of a diminishing sosh can tear off a piece of the item and use it as a substitute for spell components worth up to 50 gp. Each piece torn from a diminishing sash (an action subsumed in the casting of a spell) provides components for one spell, and multiple pieces cannot be combined to provide more expensive components. After providing the components for 50 spells, a diminishing sash becomes a nonmagical piece of cloth.
If the sash is used to generate material components for a spell that normally uses no components or components that cost 1 gp or less, the wearer casts the spell at +1 caster level
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: linfzxy2020-07-14, 周二 15:26:54

  出自:《Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins》 © 2019, Paizo Inc. pg.24
    【PFS可用】部落魂域 Tribe


    迟疑诅咒,Curse of Faltering (Su):当30尺内的一个敌人造成重击威胁时,以一个直觉动作,萨满可以强迫一个生物重骰它原来的攻击骰,这个攻击骰具有等同于萨满魅力调整值的减值。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    孤立诅咒,Curse of Isolation (Ex):萨满使30尺内的一个敌人敏锐地感受到他在部落外面的状态。等同于萨满等级的回合数,目标无法从夹击或者援助他人中获益,也无法从士气加值中获益。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    屹然楷模,Steadfast Example (Su):萨满接触一个自愿的生物,增强它的精神和情感防御。目标下次尝试一个意志豁免时,目标可以使用萨满的意志豁免加值而不是他自己的意志豁免加值。同一时间萨满只能用此巫术影响一个生物,受此巫术影响的生物24小时内无法再次被此巫术影响。

    危机四伏,Threatening Coordination Hex (Su):萨满使一个30尺内的生物将萨满的盟友视作障碍物。目标将萨满盟友的临接方格视为困难地形,该效果持续等同于萨满等级的轮数。如果目标意志豁免成功,则该效果只持续一轮。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    援助之触,Touch of Succor (Su):以一个标准动作,萨满可以触摸一个自愿的生物,来移除下列状态之一:疲乏,战栗,恶心。在8级时,她将困惑和惊惧加入可移除状态列表。在12级时,她将晕眩,反胃和恐慌加入此列表。萨满每天可以使用等同于萨满等级次数的此能力。


    部落协作,Tribal Cooperation (Su):萨满获得一个团队专长作为奖励专长。她必须满足该专长的先决条件。以一个标准动作,萨满可以将一个她的团队专长分享给30尺内所有能看见和听到她的盟友。盟友可以使用这个奖励专长(3+每2萨满等级1)轮。盟友不需要满足这个奖励专长的先决条件。萨满每天可以使用3+魅力调整值次数的此能力。
    部落连结,Tribal Bond (Sp):萨满和她的部落之间享有一个超绝的连结。每天一次,当她和她的魂兽交流以恢复法术时,萨满可以选择她一半萨满等级数量的生物作为她的名誉宗族。这些生物可以持续互相交流,如同心灵连线(telepathic bond)一样。

    部落护卫,Guardian of the Tribe (Su):萨满可以释放一个距离为接触的无害法术到30尺内的一个被部落连结影响的生物上。萨满每天可以使用此能力的次数等同于她的魅力调整值(最低1)。此外,她能持续感知所有部落连结成员的状况,如同关照术(status)一样。

    20级时,萨满是她部落力量和团结的显现。她在所有豁免检定上获得等于魅力调整值的加值,并且免疫胁迫类法术和类法术能力。每天一次,以一个标准动作,她可以尝试复活一个在她的部落连结中的1回合内死去的生物,类似于生命之息(breath of life),只是这个法术可以以任意距离施展只要目标和萨满在同一位面,并且目标恢复的生命值等于10x萨满的等级(最大200)。


A shaman who selects the tribe spirit strives to protect her allies, whether they be a traditional tribal unit or a chosen group of adventuring companions.

Spirit Magic Spells: bless (1st), shield other (2nd), create food and water (3rd), spiritual ally (4th), life bubble (5th), battlemind link (6th), vision (7th), discern location (8th), mass heal (9th).

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit can select from the following hexes.

Curse of Faltering (Su): As an immediate action when an enemy within 30 feet threatens a critical hit, the shaman can force the creature to reroll its original attack roll with a penalty equal to the shaman’s Charisma modifier. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Curse of Isolation (Ex): The shaman makes an enemy within 30 feet keenly feel its status outside the tribe. For a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, the target gains no benefit from flanking or the aid another action, and it doesn’t benefit from morale bonuses. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Steadfast Example (Su): The shaman touches a willing creature and bolsters its mental and emotional defenses. The next time the target attempts a Will saving throw, the subject can use the shaman’s Will saving throw bonus instead of his own. The shaman can have only one creature under the effect of this hex at a time, and a creature affected by this hex cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.

Threatening Coordination Hex (Su): The shaman causes a creature within 30 feet to view the shaman’s allies as obstacles. The target treats squares adjacent to the shaman’s allies as difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, or for 1 round if the target succeeds at a Will saving throw. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature affected by this hex cannot be the target of it again for 24 hours.

Touch of Succor (Su): The shaman can touch a willing creature as a standard action to remove one of the following conditions: fatigued, shaken, or sickened. At 8th level, she adds confused and frightened to the list of conditions she can remove. At 12th level, she also adds dazed, nauseated, and panicked. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her shaman level.

Spirit Animal
The shaman’s spirit animal has colorations or markings that resemble a totem or important symbol for the shaman’s tribe. When the spirit animal successfully performs the aid another action, the bonus it provides increases by 1.

Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Tribal Cooperation (Su): The shaman gains a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the feat’s prerequisites. As a standard action, the shaman can grant one of her teamwork feats to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every 2 levels the shaman has. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of this bonus feat. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Greater Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the greater version of that spirit.

Tribal Bond (Sp): The shaman and her tribe share a transcendent bond. Once per day when she communes with her spirit animal to regain spells, the shaman can select a number of creatures equal to half her shaman level to serve as her honorary tribe. These creatures can constantly communicate with each other, as telepathic bond.

True Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the true version of that spirit.

Guardian of the Tribe (Su): The shaman can cast a harmless spell with a range of touch on a member of her tribal bond as long as that creature is within 30 feet. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). In addition, she is constantly aware of the condition of all members of her tribal bond ability, as status.

Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman embodies the strength and unity of her tribe. She gains a bonus on all of her saving throws equal to her Charisma modifier and becomes immune to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Once per day as a standard action, she can attempt to revive a creature connected to her by her tribal bond ability who has died within 1 round as breath of life, except that the spell can be cast at any range as long as the target is on the same plane, and the target regains a number of hit points equal to 10 × the shaman’s level (maximum 200).

Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Kim Frandsen, Sasha Hall, Violet Hargrave, Andrew Mullen, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail Rekun, Sean K. Reynolds, and Rodney Sloan.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 绝对领域使2020-07-25, 周六 21:05:49
    出自:《Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins》 © 2019, Paizo Inc. pg.24
    【PFS可用】部落魂域 Tribe

    迟疑诅咒,Curse of Faltering (Su):当30尺内的一个敌人造成重击威胁时,以一个直觉动作,萨满可以强迫一个生物重骰它原来的攻击骰,这个攻击骰具有等同于萨满魅力调整值的减值。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    孤立诅咒,Curse of Isolation (Ex):萨满使30尺内的一个敌人敏锐地感受到他在部落外面的状态。等同于萨满等级的回合数,目标无法从夹击或者援助他人中获益,也无法从士气加值中获益。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    屹然楷模,Steadfast Example (Su):萨满接触一个自愿的生物,增强它的精神和情感防御。目标下次尝试一个意志豁免时,目标可以使用萨满的意志豁免加值而不是他自己的意志豁免加值。同一时间萨满只能用此巫术影响一个生物,受此巫术影响的生物24小时内无法再次被此巫术影响。

    危机四伏,Threatening Coordination Hex (Su):萨满使一个30尺内的生物将萨满的盟友视作障碍物。目标将萨满盟友的临接方格视为困难地形,该效果持续等同于萨满等级的轮数。如果目标意志豁免成功,则该效果只持续一轮。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    援助之触,Touch of Succor (Su):以一个标准动作,萨满可以触摸一个自愿的生物,来移除下列状态之一:疲乏,战栗,恶心。在8级时,她将困惑和惊惧加入可移除状态列表。在12级时,她将晕眩,反胃和恐慌加入此列表。萨满每天可以使用等同于萨满等级次数的此能力。


    部落协作,Tribal Cooperation (Su):萨满获得一个团队专长作为奖励专长。她必须满足该专长的先决条件。以一个标准动作,萨满可以将一个她的团队专长分享给30尺内所有能看见和听到她的盟友。盟友可以使用这个奖励专长(3+每2萨满等级1)轮。盟友不需要满足这个奖励专长的先决条件。萨满每天可以使用3+魅力调整值次数的此能力。
    部落连结,Tribal Bond (Sp):萨满和她的部落之间享有一个超绝的连结。每天一次,当她和她的魂兽交流以恢复法术时,萨满可以选择她一半萨满等级数量的生物作为她的名誉宗族。这些生物可以持续互相交流,如同心灵连线(telepathic bond)一样。

    部落护卫,Guardian of the Tribe (Su):萨满可以释放一个距离为接触的无害法术到30尺内的一个被部落连结影响的生物上。萨满每天可以使用此能力的次数等同于她的魅力调整值(最低1)。此外,她能持续感知所有部落连结成员的状况,如同关照术(status)一样。

    20级时,萨满是她部落力量和团结的显现。她在所有豁免检定上获得等于魅力调整值的加值,并且免疫胁迫类法术和类法术能力。每天一次,以一个标准动作,她可以尝试复活一个在她的部落连结中的1回合内死去的生物,类似于生命之息(breath of life),只是这个法术可以以任意距离施展只要目标和萨满在同一位面,并且目标恢复的生命值等于10x萨满的等级(最大200)。


A shaman who selects the tribe spirit strives to protect her allies, whether they be a traditional tribal unit or a chosen group of adventuring companions.

Spirit Magic Spells: bless (1st), shield other (2nd), create food and water (3rd), spiritual ally (4th), life bubble (5th), battlemind link (6th), vision (7th), discern location (8th), mass heal (9th).

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit can select from the following hexes.

Curse of Faltering (Su): As an immediate action when an enemy within 30 feet threatens a critical hit, the shaman can force the creature to reroll its original attack roll with a penalty equal to the shaman’s Charisma modifier. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Curse of Isolation (Ex): The shaman makes an enemy within 30 feet keenly feel its status outside the tribe. For a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, the target gains no benefit from flanking or the aid another action, and it doesn’t benefit from morale bonuses. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Steadfast Example (Su): The shaman touches a willing creature and bolsters its mental and emotional defenses. The next time the target attempts a Will saving throw, the subject can use the shaman’s Will saving throw bonus instead of his own. The shaman can have only one creature under the effect of this hex at a time, and a creature affected by this hex cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.

Threatening Coordination Hex (Su): The shaman causes a creature within 30 feet to view the shaman’s allies as obstacles. The target treats squares adjacent to the shaman’s allies as difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, or for 1 round if the target succeeds at a Will saving throw. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature affected by this hex cannot be the target of it again for 24 hours.

Touch of Succor (Su): The shaman can touch a willing creature as a standard action to remove one of the following conditions: fatigued, shaken, or sickened. At 8th level, she adds confused and frightened to the list of conditions she can remove. At 12th level, she also adds dazed, nauseated, and panicked. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her shaman level.

Spirit Animal
The shaman’s spirit animal has colorations or markings that resemble a totem or important symbol for the shaman’s tribe. When the spirit animal successfully performs the aid another action, the bonus it provides increases by 1.

Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Tribal Cooperation (Su): The shaman gains a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the feat’s prerequisites. As a standard action, the shaman can grant one of her teamwork feats to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every 2 levels the shaman has. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of this bonus feat. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Greater Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the greater version of that spirit.

Tribal Bond (Sp): The shaman and her tribe share a transcendent bond. Once per day when she communes with her spirit animal to regain spells, the shaman can select a number of creatures equal to half her shaman level to serve as her honorary tribe. These creatures can constantly communicate with each other, as telepathic bond.

True Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the true version of that spirit.

Guardian of the Tribe (Su): The shaman can cast a harmless spell with a range of touch on a member of her tribal bond as long as that creature is within 30 feet. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). In addition, she is constantly aware of the condition of all members of her tribal bond ability, as status.

Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman embodies the strength and unity of her tribe. She gains a bonus on all of her saving throws equal to her Charisma modifier and becomes immune to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Once per day as a standard action, she can attempt to revive a creature connected to her by her tribal bond ability who has died within 1 round as breath of life, except that the spell can be cast at any range as long as the target is on the same plane, and the target regains a number of hit points equal to 10 × the shaman’s level (maximum 200).

Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Kim Frandsen, Sasha Hall, Violet Hargrave, Andrew Mullen, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail Rekun, Sean K. Reynolds, and Rodney Sloan.

诶 这个我翻过了啊 在PF译文区→玩者手册里
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: linfzxy2020-07-30, 周四 17:21:55

诶 这个我翻过了啊 在PF译文区→玩者手册里

啊,感谢大佬,果园不太熟就如同我的发帖数量一般没搜索到又想缥缈魂域拿就翻了一下 :em003 (不过看了半天都不知道哪个团队专长好用
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 戏言2020-08-03, 周一 23:55:04
天狗剑学 Tengu Blade Lore
出自《Heroes of Golarion pg. 26》
主题: 實用與花哨並存——尾巴系列专长
作者: 2020-08-05, 周三 19:53:30
抓取用尾巴(Grasping Tail)
出自《Planar Adventures pg. 28, Advanced Race Guide pg. 174》

  特殊說明:若你已擁有魔裔的卷尾(Prehensile Tail)种族特性,你能以迅捷動作用你的尾巴抓取5尺的无主物品或在你个人随身携带收藏好的物品;你能用你的尾巴持有此物品,但是你不能用他控作此物品(除了放到你手上外)。

Grasping Tail
Source Planar Adventures pg. 28, Advanced Race Guide pg. 174
Your tail becomes more useful, and can be used to grab or hold small items.

Prerequisites: You must have a tail.

Benefit: You can use your tail to grab stowed items. While you cannot wield weapons with your tail, you can use it to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on your person as a swift action.

Special: If you have the prehensile tail tiefling racial trait, you can use your tail to grab unattended items within 5 feet or stowed objects carried on your person as a swift action; you can hold such objects with your tail, though you cannot manipulate them with it (other than to put them in your hand).


鞭击用尾巴(Lashing Tail)[战斗]
出自《Source Planar Adventures pg. 30》


Lashing Tail (Combat)
Source Planar Adventures pg. 30
Your tail is either thick and heavy enough to serve as a weapon, or else is adorned with barbs or quills that weaponize its lashing length.

Prerequisites: Grasping Tail, you must have a tail.

Benefit: You gain a tail slap natural attack that deals damage as appropriate for your size (1d6 points for a Medium creature, or 1d4 points for a small creature). When you first gain this feat, choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing; this is the type of damage your tail inflicts, and it cannot be later changed. Due to the inherent awkwardness of attacking with your tail, you can’t make a tail slap attack and other natural weapon attacks as part of the same full attack. Treat your tail slap attack as a secondary attack if you also attack with a manufactured weapon as part of a full-attack action.


调皮用尾巴(Mischievous Tail)
出自《Source Planar Adventures pg. 30》

  先決條件:敏捷 15,抓取用尾巴,你必須擁有尾巴。
  專長效果:你能使用你的尾巴滿足所有目的,如同空手(free hand)一样,但是你不能用他有效地持用武器或盾牌(你仍能用你的尾巴持有物品,只要该物品通常也可以舒适地用手携带)。此外,你在卸武和盜取战技獲得+2加值而且不会引起借机攻击,以及在只用你的尾巴的巧手检定獲得+2加值。

Mischievous Tail
Source Planar Adventures pg. 30
Your tail seems to have a mind of its own.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Grasping Tail, you must have a tail.

Benefit: You can use your tail for all purposes as though it were a free hand, though you cannot effectively wield weapons or shields with it (you can still carry such objects with your tail, as long as such an object could also be comfortably carried in a hand normally). In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on disarm and steal combat maneuvers and Sleight of Hand checks performed using only your tail, and combat maneuvers performed this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 有栖川零音2020-08-17, 周一 18:19:14
姬图姆之忿(Kitumu's Ire) 出自《冒险家的武器库2》(Adventurer's Armory 2)
价格:75gp 重量:-
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金) 30

PFS Legal Kitumu's ire
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 25
Price 75 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Weapons
Named after a malevolent Mwangi goddess, this sack of luminous paste is made from crushed jungle flowers. You can throw Kitumu’s ire as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet; on a hit, the target is coated with the paste. A target coated with the paste draws the attention of any swarm within 30 feet, causing it to seek out and attack the target over any other creature. In addition, an affected creature takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against swarms’ distraction ability. Kitumu’s ire lasts for 1 hour or until washed away with at least a gallon of alcohol.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 愤怒的书页2020-08-20, 周四 15:47:06
几把武器,都出自Martial Arts Handbook
断背直刀Broken-back seax(轻刃武器组)
双头矛Double spear(矛武器组)
分刃剑Split-blade sword(重刃武器组)
旅行壶Traveling kettle(武僧武器组)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 愤怒的书页2020-08-20, 周四 16:24:06
青春版抗力斗篷变换斗篷(PROTEAN CLOAK),来自Planar Adventures
这些多彩的斗篷就像它的灵感来源proteans(这是啥。。。某种很会变形的怪物吗)一样易变。典型的变换斗篷由naunet protean的皮毛制成,但不管由什么材料制作,变换斗篷都会闪烁着五彩斑斓的光芒。虽然材料摸起来有凹凸不平的鳞片状质感,但变换斗篷能像丝绸一样流动,并且不会妨碍任何移动。变换斗篷会在单一的豁免检定上(通常是意志豁免)提供+1到+5的抗力加值。每日一次,穿戴者可以以一个标准动作改变变换斗篷提供的豁免类型,变换斗篷会为这种新的豁免提供加值,直到再次被改变为止。如果一件变换斗篷超过24小时无人使用,便会自动恢复为提供意志豁免。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 愤怒的书页2020-08-21, 周五 12:56:06
Ultimate Wilderness中对动物装备栏位进行了修正,和动物档案Animal Archive中相比有所不同,不同之处已经标红,基本都添加了头部装备位









主题: 强化动物伙伴的各类体型能力
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-08-28, 周五 00:57:39
健壮猛兽(Hefty Brute)

出自《荒野起源》(Wilderness Origins)第22页



主题: 提高动物之力的级别
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-08-28, 周五 02:46:02
偏好动物之力(Favored Animal Focus)

出自《荒野起源》(Wilderness Origins)第22页











鼠(Mouse):动物伙伴获得精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge),如同相同等级的盗贼一样。






主题: 本地异界生物版的远古血脉
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-08-28, 周五 03:35:02
位面血脉(Planar Heritage)

出自《位面冒险》(Planar Adventures)第31页



专长效果:选择一种本地异界生物种族(例如:熵裔 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=120934))。在判断任何与种族相关的效果时,你将同时视为人类和那个种族。例如,你选择熵裔,那么在选取背景特性、满足专长先决条件、确定法术和魔法物品的效果等等情况时,你被同时视为人类和熵裔。

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-08-28, 周五 12:59:57
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: snowknight2020-08-29, 周六 17:29:25
位面血脉(Planar Heritage)
出自《位面冒险》(Planar Adventures)第31页




主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-08-30, 周日 19:49:48
应该是和远古血脉(Racial Heritage)的判法一样,考虑到PFS里远古血脉的判法和神裔的说明:

 Some character options, such as the Racial Heritage feat from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide, allow characters to count as members of a different race. Can I use these options to count as a member of any race, or only races that are on the list of "always available" races in the Roleplaying Guild Guide?

    Typically, you may only use these options to count as a member of a race in the "always available" list. However, if you have a boon that allows you to play as a member of another race, you may apply that boon to a character to unlock the ability to take that race's features with options like the Racial Heritage feat. For example, you could apply a ratfolk boon to a human character to allow that character to select ratfolk-restricted racial options with the Racial Heritage feat, as long as they do not depend up ratfolk-specific physical features. Refer to this FAQ regarding Additional Resources for more information.

阿斯莫(Aasimars): 所有种族能力变体、天赋职业能力、种族变体职业、装备、专长、魔法物品和法术均可以使用。


如果想要创建阿斯莫、吸血裔、窃影鬼、树蛙人、地精、火元素裔、土元素裔、鼠人、轮回者、巨灵裔、风元素裔、泰夫林、水元素裔或蝮血裔种族的角色,你必须拥有允许你合法创造此种族角色的战役记录表(Chronicle sheet)。

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-08-30, 周日 20:02:08
配合上位面血脉(Planar Heritage)专长,部分职业可以有一些新玩法


沉着战士(Enlightened Warrior):你总是能轻松的保持内心的平静和沉着,即使是在战场上。即使你的阵营为绝对中立或中立善良,你也可以获得武僧职业等级。

还可以用人类种族拿到“水之歌者 (”这类原本自身强力,但却和限定种族的属性调整不搭甚至属性相互冲突的实用职业变体



主题: Re: 自用自翻資源帖
作者: 白貓2020-08-30, 周日 21:04:58
應該是和遠古血脈(Racial Heritage)的判法一樣,考慮到PFS里遠古血脈的判法和神裔的說明:

 Some character options, such as the Racial Heritage feat from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide, allow characters to count as members of a different race. Can I use these options to count as a member of any race, or only races that are on the list of "always available" races in the Roleplaying Guild Guide?

    Typically, you may only use these options to count as a member of a race in the "always available" list. However, if you have a boon that allows you to play as a member of another race, you may apply that boon to a character to unlock the ability to take that race's features with options like the Racial Heritage feat. For example, you could apply a ratfolk boon to a human character to allow that character to select ratfolk-restricted racial options with the Racial Heritage feat, as long as they do not depend up ratfolk-specific physical features. Refer to this FAQ regarding Additional Resources for more information.

阿斯莫(Aasimars): 所有種族能力變體、天賦職業能力、種族變體職業、裝備、專長、魔法物品和法術均可以使用。



Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide **
To create an aasimar, catfolk, changeling, dhampir, fetchling, gillman, grippli, goblin, merfolk, ratfolk, samsaran, suli, tiefling, vanara, or vishkanya character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation. Aasimars and tieflings that were created and had at least one xp applied before August 14, 2014, remain legal for play. The boon restriction to create a kitsune, nagaji, and wayang was removed at the start of Season 6 and all three are now available for open creation. The boon restriction to create ifrits, oreads, sylphs, and undines was removed at the start of Season 8, and all four are now freely available.


主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-08-30, 周日 21:12:33
是的,这里说的是需要战役记录表才可以用,看的时候看太快只看到下面没看到上面 :em032误看成指的是可以直接用

如果想要创建阿斯莫、吸血裔、窃影鬼、树蛙人、地精、火元素裔、土元素裔、鼠人、轮回者、巨灵裔、风元素裔、泰夫林、水元素裔或蝮血裔种族的角色,你必须拥有允许你合法创造此种族角色的战役记录表(Chronicle sheet)。
主题: 这大概,就是立FLAG吧
作者: 2020-08-31, 周一 19:01:28
逃出异界(Anywhere but Here)
出自《Planar Adventures pg. 38》

等级:奧能師 4,魔戰士 4,異能者 4,術士 4,召喚師 4,召喚師UCH  4,女巫 4,法師 4
  此法术类似于異界傳送(Plane Shift),但不会將目标传送至特定位面的目的地附近,逃出异界(Anywhere but Here)將传受影響的生物传送至隨機位面。只有不處于其主位面的生物才能受到逃出异界(Anywhere but Here)影響(但此法术有机会將目标传送至其主位面)。目标总是出现在隨机但非先天有害的目的地。具体的位面由下列列表決定;被传送的生物到达的終點位面的目的地完全按GM的突發奇想而定。[注:这里用了个很奇妙的句式,跟一样由GM決定不同hhhhh]
21-24影界(Shadow Plane)
25-28第一世界(First World)
50-56灵界(Ethereal Plane)
78-84星界(Astral Plane)
85-90隨機半位面(Random demiplane)
91-95物质位面(隨機世界)(Material Plane (random world))
96-100由GM決定(GM's choice)
  被逃出异界(Anywhere but Here)传送的生物在24小时內不能被及后的逃出异界(Anywhere but Here)影响(但能如常被其他方式的位面旅行所影响)。

Anywhere but Here
Source Planar Adventures pg. 38
School conjuration (teleportation); Level arcanist 4, magus 4, psychic 4, sorcerer 4, summoner 4, summoner (unchained) 4, witch 4, wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range touch
Target you and up to four willing creatures, none of whom can be on their home plane
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no
This spell functions similarly to plane shift, but instead of transporting the targets to a destination near an intended location on a specific plane, anywhere but here transports affected creatures to a random plane. A creature can be affected by anywhere but here only if it is currently not on its home plane (although targets can, by chance, end up traveling to their home plane as a result of this spell). Subjects always appear in a location that is not inherently harmful, but the exact destination is otherwise random. The specific plane is determined by the table below; the location on the destination plane where the transported creatures arrive is completely subject to the GM’s whim.
d%   Planar Destination
1-7   Abyss
8-14   Abaddon
15-20   Hell
21-24   Shadow Plane
25-28   First World
29-35   Maelstrom
36-42   Boneyard
43-49   Axis
50-56   Ethereal Plane
57-63   Elysium
64-70   Nirvana
71-77   Heaven
78-84   Astral Plane
85-90   Random demiplane
91-95   Material Plane (random world)
96-100   GM's choice
A creature that is transported by anywhere but here cannot be affected by a subsequent casting of anywhere but here for 24 hours afterward (but can be affected normally by other forms of planar travel).

主题: Re: 这大概,就是立FLAG吧
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-08-31, 周一 20:29:07
21-24影界(Shadow Plane)
这些地方真的非“先天有害”嘛 :em032
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-09-13, 周日 08:57:37
出自:暴君魔爪冒险之路第一章(Pathfinder #139: The Dead Road pg. 63)


墓石物品类型          价格调整
      弹药                 每发+10GP
      武器                   +500GP

Source Pathfinder #139: The Dead Road pg. 63

Cryptstone is a dense gray stone scavenged from the mausoleums of the Graveyard of Souls in the Boneyard. While cryptstone may appear ancient and pitted, the supernatural essence of the Boneyard has infused it with power over the eons. A weapon made of cryptstone grants a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against undead creatures; this damage is multiplied on a critical hit. Additionally, any nonmagical weapon made of cryptstone affects incorporeal undead as if it were a magic weapon, and weapons made of cryptstone that have the disruption special ability increase the DC of that ability by +1.

Cryptstone can be used to craft bludgeoning melee weapons and ammunition that deals bludgeoning damage. Weapons made of cryptstone are always considered masterwork, and the masterwork costs are included in the listed prices. Items not primarily made from stone are not meaningfully affected by being partially made from cryptstone.

Cryptstone has the same hit points and hardness as steel.

Type of Cryptstone Item   Item Price Modifier
Ammunition   +10 gp per item
Weapon   +500 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2020-09-13, 周日 09:14:11
(PFS不合法)特殊材料:液态玻璃(Liquid Glass)
出自:《商人货单》(Merchant's Manifest Pg.17)


液态玻璃物品类型          价格调整
          武器                       +800GP
       其他物品               每磅+250GP

Liquid Glass
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 17

This heatstone-derived glass is warm to the touch and slightly malleable, as if it were still liquid. A pliable nature allows this otherwise razor-sharp crystal to repair itself when it takes damage. An item made from liquid glass repairs damage to itself at a rate of 2 hit points per day, even if the weapon is broken or destroyed (but not if the weapon is destroyed in a way that the pieces cannot be retrieved, such as via disintegrate). If a weapon made from liquid glass has full hit points, it grants a +1 bonus on damage rolls. Items made from liquid glass have 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.
Type of Liquid Glass Item   Item Price Modifier
Weapon   +800 GP
Other Items   +250 GP/lb.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 希尔2020-09-14, 周一 15:02:33
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 灰烬2020-09-16, 周三 22:14:23
配合上位面血脉(Planar Heritage)专长,部分职业可以有一些新玩法


沉着战士(Enlightened Warrior):你总是能轻松的保持内心的平静和沉着,即使是在战场上。即使你的阵营为绝对中立或中立善良,你也可以获得武僧职业等级。

还可以用人类种族拿到“水之歌者 (”这类原本自身强力,但却和限定种族的属性调整不搭甚至属性相互冲突的实用职业变体



主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-09-17, 周四 01:12:43
主题: 一直等到《阴影血脉》才终于出现的“额外忍术”专长
作者: 阿贝里昂2020-09-21, 周一 18:19:06
额外忍术(Extra Ninja Trick)





主题: Re: 法术
作者: Julien2020-11-13, 周五 09:52:11
压制魅惑与胁迫(Suppress Charms and Compulsions)  出自《塔尔多,荣耀之回声》(Taldor, Echoes of Glory)


(1)这个法术并非出于《塔尔多,荣耀之回声》(Taldor, Echoes of Glory),而是《安多安,解放之魂》(Andoran, Spirit of Liberty)pg. 27以及核心的《冒险者指南》(Adventurer's Guide);

压制魅惑与胁迫(Suppress Charms and Compulsions)  Adventurer's Guide pg. 77

Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 77, Andoran, Spirit of Liberty pg. 27
School abjuration; Level arcanist 2, bard 2, cleric 2, mesmerist 2, oracle 2, paladin 2, psychic 2, shaman 2, skald 2, sorcerer 2, warpriest 2, wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature plus one additional creature per 4 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 10 minutes or concentration (up to 1 round/level); see text
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

You bolster the subject’s sense of willpower and self-worth when you cast this spell. As you cast it, you must decide if you want to grant a bonus to saving throws against charms and compulsions or suppress charms and compulsions.

If you grant a bonus to saving throws, you grant all affected creatures a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects for 10 minutes.

If instead you suppress charms and compulsions, the spell’s duration drops to concentration, to a maximum duration of 1 round per level. As long as you continue to concentrate, the spell suppresses all existing charm and compulsion effects affecting the targets, regardless of whether the effect is beneficial or harmful. New charm or compulsion effects that successfully target such a protected creature are automatically suppressed as long as you continue concentrating. If you cease concentrating, the spell effect immediately ends, and remaining charm or compulsion effects resume for the rest of their remaining durations as normal.
主题: 我真是個罪惡的PC啊~
作者: 2020-12-28, 周一 23:05:56
符文守護紋身(Runeward Tattoo)
出自《Magical Marketplace pg. 5》

  每一個此類別的紋身都關聯着單一魔法學派。受紋身者能任意使用偵測魔法(Detect Magic),但只能感應到該學派的靈光。受紋身者在對抗關聯學派的法術和類法術能力時豁免檢定獲得+1洞察加值而且自動知曉60尺內有該法術和類法術被施放。

制作条件:绘制魔法刺青(Inscribe Magical Tattoo)ISM偵測魔法(Detect Magic),神導術(Guidance)

Runeward Tattoo
Source Magical Marketplace pg. 5
Aura faint divination CL 1st
Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —
Each of these tattoos is keyed to a single school of magic. The bearer can use detect magic at will, but only to sense auras of that school. The bearer gains a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities of the keyed school and knows when such a spell or spell-like ability has been cast within 60 feet.
Requirements Inscribe Magical TattooISM, detect magic, guidance; Cost 500 gp



飛天寶箱(Flying Chest)
出自《Lost Treasures pg. 13》

  此箱子最常見的為帶有馬鞍的鉸鏈加固木桶。經過仔細檢查,在木桶側邊有個可見的鎖孔,裡面有個優質的鎖頭(where a good lock is inset)。箱子的內部能裝載至多6立方尺的物質。箱子能被1個中體型的生物或2個小體型的生物騎乘,而且能如同受翱翔天際(Overland flight)影響在空中飛行(飛行檢定擁有+5加值)至多每天10小時,按其擁有者意願分配使用。箱子能負載至多300磅物體時飛行速度40尺,或負載至多600磅物體時飛行速度30尺。只有騎手的重量和綁在箱子外部的重量算入此限制,不包括存放在內部的物質。
制作条件:製造奇物,活化物體(Animate Objects),翱翔天際(Overland flight),魔法恆定術(Permanency)

Flying Chest
Source Lost Treasures pg. 13
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 19,000 gp; Weight 100 lbs.
These chests most often appear as hinged, reinforced wooden barrels with saddles. Upon close inspection, a keyhole is visible on the side of the barrel, where a good lock is inset. The chest’s interior can hold up to 6 cubic feet of material. The chest can be ridden by a single Medium creature or two Small creatures, and is able to fly through the air as if affected by an overland flight spell (with a +5 bonus on Fly checks) for up to 10 hours per day, split up as its owner desires. The chest can carry up to 300 pounds at a speed of 40 feet, or up to 600 pounds at a speed of 30 feet. Only the weight of riders and materials strapped to the chest’s exterior counts for this limitation, not the weight of material stored within.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate object, overland flight, permanency; Cost 8,500 gp

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: __INT2021-01-10, 周日 16:22:57
焰目光(Fiery Glare)  出自《格拉利昂的混种》(Bastards of Golarion)
Fiery Glare
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 29
Category Race
Requirement(s) Ifrit
You can use your unearthly nature to frighten others. You can always take 10 on Intimidate checks, even in combat.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 有栖川零音2021-01-30, 周六 13:09:24
燃烧催化剂(Incendiary catalyst) 出自《寻路者#115:猎物小径》(Pathfinder #115: Trail of the Hunted pg. 74)
价格:40gp 重量:1lb
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金) 20
效果:燃烧催化剂可以用作基础射程为10尺的远程接触武器来投掷攻击生物。命中时,目标被浇上助燃剂,使目标获得火焰易伤状态 ,持续1轮。燃烧催化剂不会影响已是火焰易伤的生物,且目标已有的免疫火焰伤害或火焰抗力如常计算。制作这个物品需要一个成功的 DC 20工艺(炼金术)检验。

Incendiary catalyst
Source Pathfinder #115: Trail of the Hunted pg. 74
Price 40 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Weapons
Incendiary catalyst can be thrown at a creature as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. On a hit, the target is doused with accelerants that give the target vulnerability to fire (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 305) for 1 round. Incendiary catalyst does not affect creatures that are already vulnerable to fire, and the target’s fire immunity and resistances apply as normal. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: __INT2021-02-01, 周一 01:09:28
统治者(Dominator)  出自《初探内海》(Inner Sea Primer),《格拉里昂的兽人》(Orcs of Golarion)
Source Inner Sea Primer pg. 5, Orcs of Golarion pg. 23
Category Region
Requirement(s) Belkzen
The blood of dominance runs thick in the savage home of orcs. You receive a +2 trait bonus on all attempts to demoralize an opponent in combat using the Intimidate skill.
主题: 战斗剑鞘
作者: longman1232021-02-23, 周二 20:01:27
Combat scabbard,sharpened
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 6
Cost 1 gp Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d4 (small), 1d6 (medium); Critical x2; Range —; Type B; Special improvised, see text
Category One-Handed; Proficiency Martial
This scabbard is an improvised weapon designed to allow you to remove it from your belt as a swift action when drawing the weapon it contains. Taking the Equipment Trick feat (see page 22) for a scabbard gives you additional combat options for using a scabbard. For the purpose of fighter weapon groups, a scabbard for a heavy blade is considered a hammer, and a scabbard for a light blade is considered a close weapon.
PFS可用 来源:Adventurer's Armory pg. 6
价格:1GP,重量 1磅
伤害 1D4(小体型),1D6(中体型);重击*2,钝击,射程 -,特殊见下
持用方式 单手;擅长类型 军用
描述 剑鞘是一个临时武器,它被设计用来当你拔出武器时可以用一个迅捷动作从你的腰带上把它飞出去。装备技法(本书22页)为你使用剑鞘提供了额外的战斗选项。考虑到武器组时,一个重刃武器的剑鞘被属于是锤武器组,轻刃武器的剑鞘被属于是贴身武器组。

重鞘技法 Heavy Blade Tricks
来源:冒险家的武具库 pg.22

飞鞘 白虹贯日 Hurl Scabbard(即时备战):你可以在将你的战斗剑鞘(见P.3)飞掷向视野内的任意生物的方式拔出武器。这是以迅捷动作进行的远程攻击,掷出的剑鞘被视为投掷武器。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2021-05-05, 周三 20:07:38

布雷斡匪帮(Brevoy Bandit) (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Brevoy%20Bandit) 出自《河域子民 第12页》

You fled the persecution of Brevoy authorities and wound up in Mivon. Whether or not you are guilty of your alleged crimes, you seek to build a new life amid new neighbors. Choose one Profession skill and one ability score other than Wisdom. You add that ability score’s modifier in addition to your Wisdom modifier on checks with the chosen Profession skill.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2021-06-05, 周六 17:06:23
擴展壁壘(Extend the Bulwark)[戰鬥,團隊]
出自《Magical Marketplace pg. 6》


Extend the Bulwark (Combat, Teamwork)
Source Magical Marketplace pg. 6
You can bolster a trained ally’s defenses by interposing your own armored body.

Benefit: If you are wearing medium or heavy armor and are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, as a free action, you may give your ally a circumstance bonus to her AC equal to half the armor bonus provided by your armor. This bonus lasts for 1 round. During this round, you gain no bonus to your AC from your armor.

主题: 狐妖的天赋职业奖励
作者: 叶翎殇2021-06-09, 周三 11:07:48
吟游诗人(ARG pg192)+1/2加值在撒谎时唬骗鉴定上或者在搜集信息的交涉鉴定上
德鲁伊(ARG pg192):在改变生物态度时交涉与威吓+1/2
先知(ARG pg192):选择一种武器,由于不擅长使用而受到的减值-1。当减值通过天赋职业奖励减少至0点时,视为先知针对该武器获得了相应的“擅长军用武器”或“擅长异种武器”专长
盗贼(ARG pg192):获得1/6盗贼天赋
变形者(荒野起源pg8):每日增加1/4分钟进入次级形态的时间 (pfs不可用)
术士(ARG pg192):+1/4惑控系法术DC
PFS Legal All (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Gain 1/6 of a new Magical TailARG feat. Any kitsune character can choose this bonus upon gaining a level in her favored class.
PFS Legal Arcanist (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): When casting arcanist enchantment spells, add 1/3 to the effective caster level, but only for the purpose of determining duration.
PFS Legal Bard (Advanced Race Guide pg. 192): Add a +1/2 bonus on Bluff checks to lie and a +1/2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information.
PFS Legal Brawler (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Increase the number of times per day the brawler can use martial flexibility by 1/4.
PFS Legal Cavalier (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Add 1/4 to the cavalier’s banner bonus.
PFS Legal Druid (Advanced Race Guide pg. 162): Add a +1/2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to change a creature’s attitude.
PFS Legal Fighter (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Add 1/3 to damage rolls the fighter makes with weapon attacks against an opponent that he is flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.
PFS Legal Mesmerist (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Increase the number of mesmerist tricks the mesmerist can use per day by 1/3.
PFS Legal Oracle (Advanced Race Guide pg. 192): Reduce the penalty for not being proficient for one weapon by 1. When the nonproficiency penalty for a weapon becomes 0 because of this ability, the oracle is treated as having the appropriate Martial or Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for that weapon.
PFS Legal Rogue (Advanced Race Guide pg. 192): The rogue gains 1/6 of a new rogue talent.
PFS Legal Shaman (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Add one enchantment spell from the sorcerer/ wizard spell list that isn’t on the shaman spell list to the list of spells the shaman knows. This spell must be at least 1 level below the highest spell level the shaman can cast.
Shifter (Wilderness Origins pg. 8): Add 1/4 to the number of minutes the shifter can assume her minor form each day.
PFS Legal Sorcerer (Advanced Race Guide pg. 192): Add +1/4 to the DC of enchantment spells.
PFS Legal Swashbuckler (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Increase the total number of points in the swashbuckler’s panache pool by 1/4.
PFS Legal Vigilante (Blood of the Beast pg. 12): Add 1/2 to the Disguise bonus provided by seamless guise.
主题: 專長
作者: 空山鳴2021-06-12, 周六 20:54:12
濺射武器大師(Splash Weapon Mastery)  出自《冒險家軍械庫》(Adventurer's Armory)31頁

You are adept at increasing the range, area, and accuracy of splash weapons.

Benefit: When throwing a splash weapon, you act as if you had the Far Shot feat. When you hit with a splash weapon, select one additional square adjacent to the splash area; creatures in this area also take splash damage. When you miss with a splash weapon, you may adjust the miss direction on the grid by +1 or –1. This feat counts as Far Shot for the purpose of qualifying for other feats, but only in regard to splash weapons.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: hellococoo2021-06-29, 周二 13:47:47
传奇英灵:西里卡斯(Cyricas)  出自Pathfinder Adventure Path #132: The Six-Legend Soul 70页
因为曾奇迹般地从童年的疾病中恢复,并与他的猿类伙伴马尔杜一起进行狂野冒险,跃狮西里卡斯是塔尔多青年中最受欢迎的英雄。无论是鼓励善待动物还是鼓励勇敢面对困境,西里卡斯的大多数故事都带有一些教育意义。许多塔尔多人逐渐将西里卡斯和马尔杜的冒险视为幼稚,但也从他广为流传的故事中有所收获。那些寻求与这一传奇英灵沟通的人发现,也许少年冒险家和博学者是西里卡斯最强烈的特征,只有对数字 "8 "不同寻常的亲和力才能取代这些点。
降灵奖励:你在夹击对手时的攻击检定加值增加 2(通常为 +4)。

次级英灵之力:自然魔法 : 你可以从自然本身汲取力量。这和大法师英灵的大法师魔术一样,除了是从德鲁伊法术列表中选择法术,而不是从术士/法师列表中选择法术(这些是神圣法术),且你必须展示一枝冬青或其他神圣的植物来施展需要法器的法术。
中等英灵之力:王子的盟友: 为你能施放的每个法术换位添加对应的召唤自然盟友法术到你的通灵者法术列表中。只要你有1个被召唤的生物,它就会获得增强召唤专长的增益,即使你没有该专长。
高等英灵之力:破碎锁链: 以一个迅捷动作,你可以让西里卡斯对你获得 1 点共鸣,从而为你和 60 英尺内的所有盟友提供行动自由的增益,持续 1 分钟。

Cyricas (Hierophant)
Source Pathfinder #132: The Six-Legend Soul pg. 70
Cyricas the Leaping Lion is a favorite hero among Taldan youth, due to both his miraculous recovery from a childhood ailment and his wild adventures with his ape companion Mardu. Most tales of Cyricas carry some lesson, whether encouraging kindness to animals or bravery in the face of adversity. Many Taldans grow to regard the adventures of Cyricas and Mardu as childish, but learn to respect his inspiring and widely circulated lectures. Those who seek rapport with this legendary spirit find that the bond between juvenile thrill-seeker and learned scholar is perhaps the strongest aspect of Cyricas’s identity, superseded perhaps only by an unusual affinity for the number eight.

Gaining Favor: To gain the Leaping Lion’s favor, you must release an animal that has been unjustly restrained. You must then swear an oath to never stand idle while an animal is being abused and attempt a Wisdom check. If you succeed, Cyricas answers your call.

Seance Boon: Your bonus on attack rolls when flanking an opponent increases by 2 (normally, to +4).
Taboos: If you accept a taboo while channeling Cyricas, you must vow to never harm an animal.

Natural Magic (Lesser, Su): You can draw upon the power of nature itself. This functions as the archmage arcana spirit power, except that you select spells from the druid list instead of the sorcerer/wizard list (these spells count as divine), and you must present a sprig of holly or another sacred plant to cast spells that require a divine focus.
Princely Allies (Intermediate, Su): Add the appropriate summon nature’s ally spell for each spell level you can cast to your medium spell list. As long as you have exactly 1 creature summoned, it gains the benefits of the Augment Summoning feat, even if you don’t have that feat.
Breaking Chains (Greater, Su): As a swift action, you can allow Cyricas to gain 1 point of influence over you to grant the benefits of freedom of movement to you and all allies within 60 feet for 1 minute.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 叶翎殇2021-07-04, 周日 01:59:53
为战而生(Bred for War)  出自《格拉利昂的人类》(Humans of Golarion)30页
你高出大多数其他人类,并拥有结实、虬结的肌肉。你在威吓检定上获得 +1 背景加值,且在你的 CMB 上获得 +1 背景加值。你必须至少有 6 英尺高。
Bred for War
Source Humans of Golarion pg. 30
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human—Shoanti
You tower above most other humans and possess a physique of hard, corded muscle. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks and a +1 trait bonus on your CMB because of your great size. You must be at least 6 feet tall.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2021-07-04, 周日 18:10:08
强大心灵(Sound of Mind)  出自《初探龙国》(Dragon Empire Primer)第21页

Sound of Mind
Source Dragon Empires Primer pg. 21
Requirement(s) Zi Ha
You have lived in the mountains of Zi Ha and found utter tranquility among the samsarans of the region. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: hellococoo2021-07-06, 周二 23:32:21
魔誓者(Demon-Sworn)  出自《幽域英雄》(Heroes of the Darklands pg. 16)
卓尔是格拉利昂上被恶魔干预所“拯救”的最著名物种之一,但他们并非唯一。 在幽暗之地的深处,以及格拉利昂上类似荒凉的地方,许多人寻求恶魔的帮助作为生存手段。这种契约往往是订立者在匆忙中制作的,没有真正了解对其终生的影响。
恶魔契约:魔誓者与一个恶魔实体签订契约,将其与深渊力量牢牢束缚,并腐蚀了其与其的庇护主之间的联系。在特定等级,其获得以下的法术来代替其通常的庇护主法术:2级-防护善良,6级-邪影击,10级-反制善良,14级-渎神之语,18级-邪恶灵光。释放在此替换列表中拥有邪恶描述符的法术对魔誓者的阵营没有影响。 此能力调整了庇护主法术
残酷巫术:无论其是否愿意,魔誓者总是会造成痛苦。除了该巫术通常造成的任何伤害外,每个巫术对受其影响的生物造成 1d4 点非致命伤害。对于强力巫术,伤害增加到2d4。对于高等巫术,伤害增加到4d4。每一个自然4点骰子的结果都会对魔誓者造成1点致命伤害。此能力调整了女巫的巫术,强力巫术,高等巫术
彰显契约(Ex):6级时,魔誓者获得进阶魔宠作为奖励专长。连结的魔宠是由魔誓者与恶魔力量签订契约时失去的少量灵魂组成。 无论魔誓者的实际阵营如何,魔宠都必须是夸赛魔,它通过由内而外的吞噬魔誓者前魔宠的方式出现。 夸赛魔已知前魔宠已知的所有法术。 它忠心耿耿地服务于魔誓者,无论任何阵营冲突,它尽其所能地服从主人的命令。此魔宠无法被替换,如果被杀死,替换失去魔宠的仪式会重塑相同的夸赛魔,其拥有与之前相同的已知法术。 以这种方式替换魔宠会给予魔誓者 1 个永久负面等级,就好像被一个能量吸取生物击中一样。

The drow are among the best known creatures on Golarion who were “saved” by demonic intervention, but they’re far from the only ones. In the depths of the Darklands, as well as similarly inhospitable locales on Golarion, many seek the succor of demons as a means of survival. Such pacts are often made in haste, without a true understanding of the lifelong effects they’ll have on those who make them.

Demonic Pact: A demon-sworn makes a pact with a demonic entity, forever binding her to the forces of the Abyss and corrupting her connection with her patron. At the indicated levels, she gains the spells below in place of her normal patron spells: 2nd—protection from good, 6th—unholy blight, 10th—dispel good, 14th—blasphemy, 18th—unholy aura. Casting spells with the evil descriptor from this replacement list has no effect on the demonsworn’s alignment.

This ability modifies patron spells.

Cruel Hex: A demon-sworn always inflicts some pain, whether she wants to or not. Each hex deals 1d4 points of nonlethal damage to creatures affected by it, in addition to any damage the hex normally deals.

For major hexes, the damage increases to 2d4. For grand hexes, the damage increases to 4d4. Each die result of a natural 4 deals 1 point of lethal damage to the demon-sworn.

This ability alters the witch’s hex, major hex, and grand hex.

Manifest Pact (Ex): At 6th level, the demon-sworn gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat. The associated familiar is made up of the tiny amount of soul matter lost when the demon-sworn made her pact with demonic powers. The familiar must be a quasit, regardless of the demon-sworn’s actual alignment, and it manifests by eating its way out of the demon-sworn’s former familiar. The quasit knows all spells known to the previous familiar. It loyally serves the demon-sworn, despite any conflicts of alignment, obeying its mistress to the best of its abilities.

This familiar cannot be replaced, and if slain, the ritual to replace the lost familiar recreates the same quasit, along with the same spells previously known. Replacing the familiar in this fashion also imparts the demon-sworn with 1 permanent negative level, as if she had been hit by an energy-draining creature.

This ability replaces the hex gained at 6th level.
主题: 知名炫技 Deeds of Renown
作者: 叶翎殇2021-07-11, 周日 09:02:19
知名炫技(Deeds of Renown)  出自《传说编年史》(Chronicle of Legends pg.5)
游荡剑客与铳士通过勇毅点和时髦值来发动令人印象深刻的炫技,但是其中真正华丽壮观的动作被称为知名炫技 (renowned deeds)。一位游荡剑客或者铳士(而不是其他职业)到达下文提出的炫技描述中的相应等级时可以选择一项其本职业的知名炫技。这么做将会替换特定的一项或多项炫技。如果角色不能获得相应的炫技,他将无法选择知名炫技,正如选择变体一般
Swashbucklers and gunslingers perform impressive deeds through their grit and panache, but some are capable of truly spectacular acts known as renowned deeds. A swashbuckler or gunslinger (though not members of other classes) can select a renowned deed for her class upon reaching the class level listed in the deed’s description. This replaces the specific listed deed or deeds; if the character would not gain the appropriate deeds, she cannot select the renowned deed, as if selecting an archetype.
Vengeful Heart (Ex) (Chronicle of Legends pg. 5): Some swashbucklers are driven by vengeance above all else. At 1st level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai’s resolve class feature, treating her swashbuckler level as her samurai level. Whenever the swashbuckler spends a use of resolve, she must also spend a point of panache or a use of charmed life, or the use of resolve has no effect. This deed replaces the derring-do deed and one other 1st-level deed.
Hilt Hammer (Ex) (Chronicle of Legends pg. 5): Precise strikes with a slender blade do little to hinder amorphous or incorporeal creatures; when encountering such threats, some swashbucklers abandon precision in favor of brutish strikes. At 3rd level, the swashbuckler can activate this deed before rolling the attack roll when making an attack that would benefit from precise strike. An attack altered this way deals only half the normal damage from precise strike, but this damage is not treated as precision damage. This deed alters (but does not replace) the precise strike deed and replaces one other 3rd-level deed.
Dodging Dance (Ex) (Chronicle of Legends pg. 5): The swashbuckler moves around her opponents' attacks to open them up for strikes. At 7th level, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point to move up to half her speed as a move action. If a creature makes an attack of opportunity against her due to this movement, she can attempt an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to the attacking creature's CMD. If she succeeds, the attack of opportunity misses, and the swashbuckler can make an attack of opportunity against the attacking creature instead. She can attempt to evade multiple attacks of opportunity during this movement, but the DC of the Acrobatics check increases by 2 for each additional opponent that makes an attack of opportunity against her during this movement. If the swashbuckler has an ability that grants her additional attacks of opportunity, she can use them to respond to multiple missed attacks of opportunity with her own attacks. This deed replaces the swashbuckler's grace deed and one other 7th-level deed.
Vengeful Soul (Ex) (Chronicle of Legends pg. 5): Sometimes vengeance can take years or even decades, forcing the aggrieved swashbuckler to push the limits of her endurance. At 11th level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai's greater resolve class feature. At 19th level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai's true resolve class feature. The swashbuckler must have the vengeful heart renowned deed to select this deed. This deed replaces the subtle blade and cheat death deeds, plus an additional 11th-level deed.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: mestery2021-07-19, 周一 23:57:24
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2021-08-03, 周二 10:31:15
Grundinnar (The Peacemaker)
   This glib deity is well practiced in breaking up fights over his sister Bolka. He
mends fences, encourages dwarves to be neighborly, and makes sure that dwarves do not forget friends they haven’t seen in decades.
    Honeyed Words (Grundinnar): Your tact soothes bristling tempers and cools heated blood. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you receive a +1 trait bonus to the DC of any charm or compulsion that does not
provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts, such as calm emotions, sleep, or a suggestion to lay down arms.

主题: Re: 自用自翻資源帖
作者: hellococoo2021-08-06, 周五 17:15:56
沙漠劫掠者(Desert Raider)  出自《极限荒野》(Ultimate Wilderness pg. 76)
本职技能:沙漠劫掠者取代知识(地城)和游泳将知识(地理)与生存加入本职技能。 此能力调整了盗贼本职技能。

推荐盗贼天赋:快速潜行, 跑路艺术, 稳行者, 盗贼匍匐术, 鲤鱼打挺, 突袭攻击.
推荐高等盗贼天赋:平地潜行, 魅影狙击.

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 76
Desert raiders constantly threaten caravans that cross vast, desolate expanses. Some desert raiders are tribespeople who raid to supplement their hardscrabble existence, while others are career thieves who take to the desert to avoid the noose. To survive, a desert raider must learn the secrets of the deserts and become inured to their dangers. Though most often associated with hot deserts, desert raiders can also operate in tundra, where sunlight on snow can blind as easily as on sand.

Class Skills: A desert raider adds Knowledge (geography) and Survival to her list of class skills instead of Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Swim.

This alters the rogue’s class skills.

Desert Tracker (Ex): A desert raider is immune to the dazzled condition. A desert raider adds half her level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Survival skill checks to follow or identify tracks in desert terrain.

This replaces trapfinding.

Sun at Your Back (Ex): At 2nd level, a desert raider can use the reflected light of the blinding sun to conceal her presence. A desert raider in bright light can attempt Stealth checks without cover or concealment but takes a –5 penalty on her check. The desert raider cannot use this ability to hide from creatures immune to the blinded or dazzled conditions. This replaces the rogue talent gained at 2nd level.

Light Step (Ex): At 3rd level, the DC of Survival checks to track the desert raider increase by 3. In addition, she gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised by a foe. The DC increase and the bonus on Perception checks increase by 1 every 3 rogue levels thereafter (to a maximum increase of 8 and a maximum bonus of +6 at 18th level).

This replaces trap sense.

Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the desert raider archetype: fast stealth, getaway artist, ledge walker, rogue crawl, stand up, surprise attack.

Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the desert raider archetype: hide in plain sight, stealthy sniper.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: hellococoo2021-08-10, 周二 17:42:23
千界旅行者(Traveler of a Hundred Lands)  出自《传奇编年史》(Chronicle of Legends p.3)
你已经了解了许多地方的行事方式。选择任意两项技能; 其变成本职技能。对于其他每个地区背景,选择一个额外的技能成为本职技能。
Traveler of a Hundred Lands [Link]
Source Chronicle of Legends pg. 3
Exemplar Type Regional Exemplar
You have learned the ways of many lands. Choose any two skills; each of those skills becomes a class skill for you. For every other regional trait you have, select an additional skill to treat as a class skill.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2021-08-11, 周三 14:05:48
跨界魔法(Two-World Magic)二(異)世界魔法
出自《Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 23》

  你彌合芒吉人民的天然魔法與切利亞斯殖民者的精緻魔法之間的差距。從你的職業法術列表之外選擇1個0環法術。此法術成為你的職業法術列表的0環法術(若你的職業沒有0環法術則為1環法術)。例如,若你是一位德魯伊,你能選擇法師之手(Mage Hand)並在此後作為德魯伊的0環法術來準備;若你是一位術士,你能選擇指北术(Know Direction)作為術士0環已知法術。

Two-World Magic
Source Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 23
Category Basic (Magic)
Requirement(s) Sargavan
You have bridged the gap between the natural magic of the Mwangi peoples and the refined magic of the Chelish colonists. Select one 0-level spell from a class spell list other than your own. This spell is a 0-level spell on your class spell list (or a 1st-level spell if your class doesn’t have 0-level spells). For example, if you are a druid, you could select mage hand and thereafter prepare it as a 0-level druid spell; if you are a sorcerer, you could select know direction as a 0-level sorcerer spell known.

業餘藝術家(Dilettante Artist)
出自《Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. 14》
Dilettante Artist
Source Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. 14
Category Race
Requirement(s) Elf
Art for you is a social gateway and you use it to influence and penetrate high society. You gain a +1 trait bonus to one category of Perform checks and a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

深藏心能(Latent Psion)
出自《Legacy of Fire Player's Guide pg. 8》
Latent Psion
Source Legacy of Fire Player's Guide pg. 8
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human—Vudrani
The power to affect the world with the mind is very much a reality in your distant homeland. Although you may not even have been born in Vudra, this power remains potent in your mind as well and protects you from mental assault. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves against mindaffecting effects.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 紫堇2021-09-06, 周一 08:38:08
空洞面具出自《间谍大师手册》(Spymaster's Handbook pg. 7)无脸人
Empty Mask
Source Spymaster's Handbook pg. 7
Category Drawback
You have spent so long hiding your true identity to escape political enemies that you have lost much of your sense of self. You take a -1 penalty on Will saving throws against compulsions. This penalty increases to -2 against foes who know your true identity.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2021-12-01, 周三 13:08:36
(https://aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 宝库弓(Vaultbow)【特殊魔法武器】
出处 《内海神殿》(Inner Sea Temples)第33页
灵光 强烈咒法系 CL 13
栏位 无;价格 28550gp;重量 4磅.





先决条件 制造魔法武器与防具(原文没有magic怎么回事),星云锁链UC(原文为UM),秘藏箱成本 14550gp

Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 33
Aura strong conjuration CL 13th
Slot none; Price 28,550 gp; Weight 4 lbs.

This +1 light repeating crossbow of deep mahogany rimmed with gold has a stock carved in the likeness of Abadar’s First Vault. An extradimensional space within the crossbow can hold 20 bolts. Loading new bolts into the extradimensional space requires a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity for each bolt. The crossbow weighs the same no matter how many bolts are placed inside it. A worshiper of Abadar treats the vaultbow as a light crossbow for purposes of proficiency and applying the benefits of feats relating to a light crossbow.

Three times per day, the wielder can choose to have a bolt transform into a length of chain that wraps around its target on a successful attack. This decision must be made before the attack roll is made. A Large or smaller creature struck by this attack becomes entangled (and if dependent on wings to fly, it must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or lose the ability to fly while entangled). An entangled creature can break (and destroy) the chains with a successful DC 30 Strength check or escape them with a successful DC 30 combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. This chain lasts for 5 rounds before fading from existence.

Requirements Craft Arms and Armor, chain of perditionUM, secret chest; Price 14,550 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: yuuharuka2021-12-04, 周六 01:15:42
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 机械专业知识(Mechanical Expertise)【地区】
出处 《废土子民》(People of the Wastes)第3页
要求 阿肯斯塔
在法力荒原边长大并生活在阿尔肯斯塔大公国,您已经熟悉了工具和实用物品。 您依靠力学来解决问题并熟悉基本的工程概念。 在工艺(任意)、解除装置或知识(工程)技能中选择一个。你在所选技能检定上获得+1背景加值,且该技能视为你的本职技能。
Mechanical Expertise [Link]
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 3
Requirement(s) Alkenstar native
Growing up bordering the Mana Wastes and living within the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar has made you familiar with tools and practical objects. You rely on mechanics to solve problems and are familiar with basic engineering concepts. Select one of the following skills: Craft (any), Disable Device, or Knowledge (engineering). You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Rap Rat2021-12-09, 周四 17:00:24
【PFS可】缰绳骑士团(Order of the Reins) 出自《商人货单》( Merchant's Manifest )


挑战:每当缰绳骑士团的骑将发出挑战时,60 英尺内的所有盟友动物、动物伙伴、魔宠和坐骑在攻击检定上获得 +1 加值(这里不确定攻击加值只对挑战目标有效还是对所有敌方有效,译者认为应该是只针对挑战目标,如有其他理解欢迎指出[土下座]),对抗目标的 AC 获得 +2 加值。这个加值每提升4个骑士等级就会额外+1。


控制兽群(Control the Herd):2级时,骑将可以用一个强有力的命令指挥多只动物。只要被命令的动物能看到或听到骑将对指挥,骑将就可以使用一次驯养动物技能来驯服与他的骑将等级相同数量的非敌对、无骑手的动物。被命令的动物都必须执行相同的把戏。如果其中有动物不知道骑将命令它们执行的技巧,则骑将被认为在强迫该动物(见驯养动物技能介绍)。骑将不能对比他小两个体型以上的动物使用这种能力。使用此能力是一个移动动作,但如果骑将如上所述强迫任何动物,则需要一个整轮动作。
团队把戏/团队技巧(Teamwork Tricks ):8级时,以一个自由动作,骑将可以使用控制兽群来命令盟友和无骑手的动物以及动物伙伴。除了已知的任何任务或把戏之外,骑将使用驯养动物或控制兽群能力命令的友好和乐于助人的动物被认为知道任何骑将的坐骑知道的任务或把戏。
践踏(Stampede):15级时以一个标准动作,骑将可以煽动他周围 60 英尺内的任何无骑手和非敌对动物和动物同伴执行踩踏。每个受影响的生物在 AC 上获得 +4 加值(该加值与骑将挑战的加值叠加)、采用通用怪物践踏规则,以及在 1 轮内获得等于骑将等级一半的伤害加值。对抗被激怒的动物践踏攻击的豁免 DC 为 10 + 骑将等级的一半 + 骑将的魅力修正。被激怒的生物会攻击骑将指引它们的任何目标,除非它们连结的主人另有命令(比如魔宠或动物伙伴)。

Order of the Reins
Source  Merchant's Manifest pg. 31
The cavaliers of the order of the reins hold a strong rapport not just with their mounts, but with all tamed and domesticated animals on Golarion. From camels and horses to teams of sled dogs, these cavaliers hold themselves honor-bound to protect these creatures for their labor and loyalty. Cavaliers of the order of the reins often serve as the commanders of caravans or other expeditions, using their unique skills to ensure that the caravan and its wares safely reach their intended markets.

Edicts: The cavalier must do everything in his power to keep a caravan or traveling group safe once he has agreed to protect it. He must see that any allied animal injured under his watch is healed, or personally give it a merciful death if survival is not an option. He must not let any animal under his command suffer needlessly.

Challenge: Whenever an order of the reins cavalier issues a challenge, all allied animals, animal companions, familiars, and mounts within 60 feet gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus to AC against the target. This bonus increases by 1 for every additional 4 levels the cavalier has.

Skills:  An order of the reins cavalier adds Appraise and Perception to his list of class skills. Any animal that the cavalier is riding can use the cavalier’s Handle Animal modifier in place of its own Acrobatics and Swim skill modifiers as long as the cavalier is mounted on it.

Order Abilities:A cavalier belonging to the order of the reins gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Control the Herd(Ex): At 2nd level, the cavalier can direct multiple animals with one forceful command. The cavalier can handle a number of nonhostile, riderless animals equal to his cavalier level with a single use of the Handle Animal skill, so long as the commanded animals can see or hear the cavalier. The handled animals must all be ordered to perform the same trick. If an animal in the group does not know the trick the cavalier is commanding them to perform, the cavalier is considered to be pushing that animal. The cavalier cannot use this ability on animals more than two size categories smaller than he is. Using this ability requires a move action, though if the cavalier is pushing any animal as described above, it requires a full-round action.

Teamwork Tricks (Ex): At 8th level as a free action, the cavalier can use control the herd to handle allied and riderless animals and animal companions. Friendly and helpful animals that the cavalier commands with Handle Animal or his control the herd ability are considered to know any tasks or tricks the cavalier’s mount knows, in addition to any tasks or tricks they already know.

Stampede (Ex): At 15th level, as a standard action, the cavalier can incite any riderless and nonhostile animals and animal companions within 60 feet of him to stampede. Each affected creature gains a +4 bonus to AC (this bonus stacks with the benefits of the cavalier’s challenge), the trample universal monster rule, and a bonus to damage equal to half the cavalier’s level for 1 round. The save DC against an incited animal’s trample attack is 10 + half the cavalier’s level + his Charisma modifier. Incited creatures attack whatever targets the cavalier directs them to unless commanded otherwise by a bonded master (in the case of a familiar or animal companion).
主题: 奇物:戒指
作者: 沉淪2022-01-03, 周一 19:01:54
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 愚者沉痾(Fool's Malady)
出处《恶棍志》(Villain Codex)第33页
灵氲 微弱变化系;CL 3
栏位 戒指;价格 900 gp;重量





需求 “铸造戒指”,变身术成本 450 gp
主题: 奇物:戒指
作者: 沉淪2022-01-03, 周一 19:06:03
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 鍊魔戒(Kyton Ring)
出处《惊惧冒险》(Horror Adventures)第216页
灵氲 中等咒法系;CL 7
栏位 戒指;价格 1,000 gp;重量


这枚锈铁戒指看上去就像扭曲的铁链一样。透过命令,戒指可以产生出一条锈迹斑斑、噹啷作响的铁链(硬度10,5 hp,击破DC 26)。戒指最多只能以此方式产生出100尺长的铁链。总长度可以分为多次使用,但必须以10尺为单位使用。当戒指每天的铁链长度存量刷新时,任何先前召唤出来的铁链都会锈败到不堪使用。每天一次,以一个标准动作,使用者可以从戒指射出铁链,将之视为爪钩,只是射程增量是50尺。无论她射出的链条有多长,都要从戒指每日的铁链长度存量中扣除。


需求 “铸造戒指”,强效造物术成本 500 gp
主题: 背景
作者: 沉淪2022-01-29, 周六 20:00:32
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 枕戈待旦(Dormant Defense)【战斗】
出处 《废土子民》(People of the Wastes)第4页
主题: 专长(医疗技能相关)
作者: yuuharuka2022-02-20, 周日 01:02:50


【PFS不可】 治疗者之手(Healer's Hands)【引能】
出处 《位面冒险》(Planar Adventures)第28页
要求 医疗1级,知识(位面)1级
原文 (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Healer%27s%20Hands)
Healer's Hands (Conduit)
Source Planar Adventures pg. 28
Your healing efforts are bolstered by positive energy.

Prerequisites: Heal 1 rank, Knowledge (planes) 1 rank.

Benefit: You can use the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds as a full-round action. You do not take a penalty for not using a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds this way, and you can do so on a given creature more than once per day. When treating deadly wounds this way, if your result exceeds the DC by 10 or more, add your ranks in Knowledge (planes) to the damage healed. These benefits do not apply to creatures that are not healed by positive energy. You can use this feat’s benefit a number of times per day equal to your ranks in Knowledge (planes).

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 惊异治疗者(Incredible Healer)
出处 《古国血脉》 (Blood of the Ancients)第20页
要求 医疗5级
原文 (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Incredible%20Healer)
Incredible Healer
Source Blood of the Ancients pg. 20
You are able to treat deadly wounds with an almost supernatural skill.

Prerequisites: Heal 5 ranks.

Benefit: When you use the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds, the target heals a number of hit points equal to either the result of your Heal check or the normal amount, whichever is higher. A creature can still benefit from having deadly wounds treated no more than once per day.

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 即兴治疗者(Improvisational Healer)
出处 《冒险者的武具库2》(Adventurer's Armory 2)第22页
要求 医疗1级
当尝试进行通常需要医疗包的医疗检定时,你不会因为没有医疗包而在检定上受到惩罚。当你使用医疗包时,你可以用临时补给来增强它,在你的检定上获得额外的 +2 环境加值。最后,你可以在自己和或喂给其他人任何治疗轻伤药水、治疗中伤药水或治疗重伤药水时,用自己的医疗技能等级代替施法者等级。该法术的正常限制适用;例如,治疗轻伤的药水最多可以治疗 1d8+5 点伤害,即使你的医疗技能等级超过 5。
原文 (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Improvisational%20Healer)
Improvisational Healer
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 22
In any urban or natural setting, you can scavenge for useful medical supplies.

Prerequisites: Heal 1 rank.

Benefit: When attempting a Heal check that normally requires a healer’s kit, you don’t take a penalty on the check for not having a healer’s kit. When you use a healer’s kit, you can augment it with improvised supplies, gaining an additional +2 circumstance bonus on your check. Finally, you can treat any potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds, or potion of cure serious wounds you drink yourself or administer to another character as though its caster level were equal to the number of ranks you have in the Heal skill. The spell’s normal limitations apply; for example, a potion of cure light wounds can cure a maximum of 1d8+5 points of damage, even if you have more than 5 ranks in the Heal skill.

【PFS不可】 病理学家(Pathologist)
出处 《古国血脉》 (Blood of the Ancients)第20页
要求 惊异治疗者(Incredible Healer)
原文 (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Pathologist)
Source Blood of the Ancients pg. 20
You can offer greater care for diseases and poisons than other healers can.

Prerequisites: Incredible Healer.

Benefit: When you use the Heal skill to treat disease or poison, instead of granting a +4 competence bonus on the target’s saving throws to resist the affliction, you may instead choose to allow the target to use the result of your Heal check in place of his next saving throw to resist the disease or poison.

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 针灸专家(Acupuncture Specialist)
出处 《古国血脉》 (Blood of the Ancients)第20页
要求 医疗5级
您可以将针灸的艺术融入您的治疗过程中,让您可以使用物理手段来净化精神疾病。这样做需要您有一个针灸套工具(与医疗包相同)(same as a healer’s kit)并且需要 1 小时。尝试进行医疗检定,对抗一个诅咒或有诅咒标签的法术的DC。如果你的医疗检定结果超过DC10以上,诅咒的效果会被抑制 1d4 天。如果你的医疗检定结果超过诅咒的DC20以上,诅咒就会被移除。
原文 (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Acupuncture%20Specialist)
Acupuncture Specialist
Source Blood of the Ancients pg. 20
You can use the art of acupuncture to heal spiritual woes as well as physical ailments.

Prerequisites: Heal 5 ranks.

Benefit: You can incorporate the art of acupuncture into your healing procedures, allowing you to use physical means to cleanse spiritual ailments. Doing so requires that you have an acupuncture kit (same as a healer’s kit) and takes 1 hour. Attempt a Heal check, and compare the result to a single curse or spell with the curse descriptor that the patient is suffering from. If the result of your Heal check exceeds the DC of the curse by 10 or more, the curse’s effects are suppressed for 1d4 days. If the result of your Heal check exceeds the DC of the curse by 20 or more, the curse is removed.

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 颅骨穿孔术(Trepanation)
出处 《异能源始》(Occult Original)第20页
要求 医疗5级,知识(奥秘)2级
即使不能施放异能法术,也可以进行医疗神秘技能解放【OA】。如果你能施放异能法术或拥有异能敏感(Psychic Sensitivity)OA专长,你可以每天额外使用一次信念治疗(Faith Healing)。
只要您有医疗包UE (https://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Healer%27s%20kit)或手术工具包UE (https://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Surgeon%27s%20tools),你可以花 1 小时对一个生物进行一次完整的颅骨穿孔手术。这个过程需要一个医疗检定(DC=20+目标的生命骰)。如果你成功了,目标在对抗来自惑控(强迫)法术,占据,诅咒(curses, possession, and spells from the enchantment (compulsion) school.)的豁免检定上获得+2洞察加值。这些效果会持续 1 天/角色等级。如果你未能通过检定,目标将受到 1d3 点智力、感知和魅力伤害。您可以对自己执手术,但DC增加5。
原文 (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Trepanation)
Source Occult Origins pg. 25
Through careful study and practice, you have learned how to relieve pressure in the brain to balance the humors, promote health, and ward off outside influence.

Prerequisites: Heal 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks.

Benefit: You can perform the faith healing occult skill unlockOA even if you can’t use psychic magic. If you can cast psychic spells or have the Psychic SensitivityOA feat, you can use faith healing one additional time per day.

So long as you have a healer’s kitUE or surgeon’s toolsUE, you can spend 1 hour performing a full trepanation on a creature. This procedure requires a Heal check (DC = 20 + the target’s Hit Dice). If you’re successful, the target gains a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against curses, possession, and spells from the enchantment (compulsion) school. These effects persist for 1 day per character level you possess. If you fail the check, the target takes 1d3 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage. You can perform this procedure on yourself, but the DC increases by 5.

【pfs可】心理疗法Psychic Healing (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Psychic%20Healing)
【PFS不可】颅内植入术Cranial Implantation (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Cranial%20Implantation)
主题: 炼金武器
作者: yuuharuka2022-02-25, 周五 02:54:17
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 长发酊(Tress tincture)
出处《冒险家的武器库2》(Adventurer's Armory 2)第25页
价格 50 gp;重量
类别 炼金武器;


这种酊剂用于对抗脱发和保护茂密的头发,但炼金术士已经开发出一种用于战斗的浓缩形式。你可以将长发酊作为远程接触攻击投掷,射程增量为 10 英尺。被击中时,目标的头发会变得又长又密,部分遮挡了目标的视线。受影响的生物将所有其他生物视为具有隐蔽。以一个迅捷动作,受影响的生物可以将它的头发拨开或甩到一边,从而在一轮内消除这种隐蔽。作为一个引发借机攻击的整轮动作,受影响的生物可以剪下足够多的毛发来结束隐蔽效果;这需要轻型或单手挥砍武器。无法长出毛发的生物不受长发酊的影响。


工艺(炼金术)DC 25

PFS Legal Tress tincture
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 25
Price 50 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Weapons
This tincture is used to counteract hair loss and guarantee luxurious locks, but alchemists have developed a concentrated form for use in combat. You can throw tress tincture as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. On a hit, the target’s hair grows long and thick, partly blocking the target’s vision. The affected creature treats all other creatures as if they had concealment. As a swift action, the affected creature can brush or toss its hair aside, negating this concealment for 1 round. As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the affected creature can hack off enough hair to end the concealment effect; this requires a light or one-handed slashing weapon. Creatures incapable of growing hair are unaffected by tress tincture.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2022-02-26, 周六 04:38:58
出处《商人货单》(Merchant's Manifest)第6页
价格 5 gp;重量 —


Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 6
Price 5 gp; Weight —
Category Food/Drink
Honey collectors harvest the immense combs created by the giant bees in the foothills of Pol-Ptirmeios. Local confectioners ferment this honey for several weeks before mixing it with flour and spices and cutting it into chewy cubes. Once reserved for hero-gods to enhance their longevity, mekainae is now served as a rare treat on important anniversaries and birthdays. Eating a serving of mekainae limits the reduction in a creature’s current and total hit points to only 3 for each negative level it has (instead of the normal 5-point reduction in current and total hit points); other penalties imposed by negative levels remain unchanged Additionally, you gain a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws to remove negative levels. Both effects last 24 hours. The price listed is for a single serving of mekainae.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: CKR2022-02-26, 周六 13:39:17
图腾野兽(Totem Beast)
出处《探索者玩家手册:进化职业源始》(Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins)第27页

要求:感知13、拥有职业特性 动物伙伴

Totem Beast
Your animal companion becomes spiritually connected to an animal totem that has a spiritual signif icance for you or your background, such as a Shoanti clan’s animal totem.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, animal companion class feature.
Benefit: Select one animal aspect from the list presented in the hunter class’s animal focus class feature. Your animal companion has natural coloration suggestive of this aspect—a bear might have a dark spot in the shape of a bat, or a hawk might have unusual tiger striping in its feathers. Your animal companion gains the benefits of the selected animal aspect, treating its Hit Dice as its effective hunter level for this ability. This bonus doesn’t stack if the animal companion is already under the benefit of the same animal aspect because of the actual class feature.
For example, an animal companion with Totem Beast (snake) under the effect of the snake aspect from its hunter owner would get a +2 bonus on attack rolls when making attacks of opportunity, not a +4 bonus.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 晨风2022-03-06, 周日 19:40:22

暗影后裔(Umbral scions)
出处《阴影血脉》(Blood of Shadows pg. 19)第19页











Umbral Scion
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 19
Umbral scions are sorcerers who are able to expertly control their especially potent shadow heritage. The majority of umbral sorcerers hail from the Darklands.

Bloodline: An umbral scion must have the shadowAPG bloodline.

Diminished Spellcasting: An umbral scion can cast one fewer spell per day of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, she can cast spells of that level only if her Charisma score grants her bonus spells of that level.

This ability alters the sorcerer’s spellcasting.

Shrouded Spells (Su): An umbral scion is enveloped by wisps of shadow whenever she casts a spell. The DC to identify spells cast by an umbral scion increases by 2. If the spell is being cast within an area of dim light or darkness, the DC increases by 5 instead.

Encroaching Darkness (Su): An umbral scion is capable of influencing light around her. As a standard action, she can produce a 10-foot-radius veil centered on a creature or object within 30 feet. This veil decreases the light level by one step and remains for a number of rounds equal to the sorcerer’s Charisma modifier. At 7th level, the veil increases to a 30-foot radius. At 8th level, the veil decreases the light level by two steps. If the light level is decreased past darkness, the veil is treated as deeper darkness. At 14th level, the veil increases to 60 feet and grants any creature within it cover (even against senses normally able to penetrate total darkness, such as the see in darkness ability). An umbral scion can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces the shadowstrike bloodline power.

Potent Shadows (Su): At 7th level, when an umbral scion casts a spell of the shadow subschool or a spell with the darkness or shadowUM descriptor within an area of dim light or darkness, she treats her caster level as 1 higher. Only the sorcerer herself needs to be in dim light or darkness. This bonus increases by 1 every 4 sorcerer levels beyond 7th she has to a maximum of +4 at 19th level.

This ability replaces the 7th-level bloodline feat.

Crippling Darkness (Su): At 13th level, when an umbral scion targets a creature within an area of dim light or darkness with a spell of the shadow subschool or a spell with the darkness or shadowUM descriptor, the DC for the spell increases by 1. This bonus increases by 1 at 18th level.

This ability replaces the 13th-level bloodline feat.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2022-03-11, 周五 11:27:42
巨龙咖啡(Dragon's Blend)
出处《商人货单》(Merchant's Manifest)第27页
价格 1 gp;重量 —


This aromatic blend fills the belly with the sensation of fire, warming the drinker’s body. By drinking two cups of dragon’s blend coffee, you gain cold resistance 5 for 1 hour. Once the coffee has prevented 5 points of cold damage, the effect ends. You can benefit from dragon’s blend coffee only once per day.
主题: Re: 背景
作者: 猩猩2022-04-11, 周一 04:07:31
民兵(Militia) 出自《初探龙国》(Dragon Empire Primer Pg.8)


PFS Legal Militia [Link]
Source Dragon Empires Primer pg. 8
Requirement(s) Amanandar
As part of Amanandar’s militia, you have trained extensively with groups. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks made while flanking an opponent.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2022-05-01, 周日 22:03:51
Ultimate Wilderness中对动物装备栏位进行了修正,和动物档案Animal Archive中相比有所不同,不同之处已经标红,基本都添加了头部装备位
可用栏位:护甲,腰部,胸部(鞍座),眼部,头部,头饰,颈部,指环,腕部,可抓握物品(can grasp objects)
Available Slots armor, belt, chest (saddle), eyes, head, headband, neck, ring, wrist; can grasp objects

Animal Companions archaeopteryx*, axe beakB3, bustard*, dimorphodonB4, dire bat, eagle, giant owl*, giant ravenB6, giant vultureB3, hawk, moaB5, pteranodon, ornithomimosaur*, owl, quetzalcoatlusB6, roc, trumpeter swanB4

Familiars archaeopteryxB4, arctic tern*, bat, chicken*, dodo*, hawk, kakapo*, osprey*, owl, parrot*, peafowl*, penguin*,
ptarmigan*, puffin*, rhamphorhynchus*, raven, snail kite*, thrushUM, toucan*

Available Slots armor, belt, chest, eyes, head, headband, neck, ring, shoulders, wrist; can grasp objects

Animal Companions allosaurusB2, ceratosaurusB5, chalicotheriumB5, deinonychus, giganotosaurusB6, iguanodonB3, kangarooB3, pachycephalosaurusB3, parasaurolophusB2, spinosaurusB3, therizinosaurusB5, troodonB5, tyrannosaurus, velociraptorB4

Familiars compsognathusB2, wallaby*
Available Slots all; can grasp objects

Animal Companions ape, baboonB2, chimpanzee*, devil monkeyB6, megaprimatus

Familiars monkey, tarsier*

Available Slots belt, chest (saddle), eyes

Animal Companions anglerfish*, armorfish*, blue whaleB5, dolphin, dunkleosteusB6, garB2, giant seahorseB4, hammerhead shark*, manta rayB2, narwhalB5, orca, plesiosaurusB5, shark, stingrayB2, tylosaurusB2, walrusB4

Familiars lamprey*, popoto dolphin*, pufferfish*, seal*

Available Slots armor, belt (saddle), chest, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders, wrist

Animal Companions badger, bear, capybara*, cheetah, digmaulB5, dire polar bearB5, dire rat, dog, giant mole*, giant porcupine*, giant skunk*, giant weaselB4, goblin dog, grizzly bear*, hyena, leopard, lion, marsupial devil*, marsupial lion*, panda*, polar bearB5, saber-toothed cat*, thylacineB3, tiger, wolf, wolfdog*, wolverine

Familiars arctic fox*, arctic hare*, armadillo*, cat, donkey ratUM, ermine*, flying foxB5, flying squirrelB3, foxB3, hedgehogUM,
jerboa*, koala*, lemming*, margay*, meerkat*, mole*, mongoose*, otterB3, platypus*, rabbit*, raccoonB3, rat, red pandaB5, slothB4, squirrel*, weasel

Available Slots armor, belt (saddle), chest, eyes, feet (horseshoes), head, headband, neck, shoulders

Animal Companions antelopeB3, aurochs, bison, boar, brontotheriumB6, buffalo, cattle*, elkB3, giraffeB4, horse, llama*, megalocerosB2, moose*, pony, ramB2, reindeer*, stagB4, styracosaurusB4, yak*, zebra*

Familiars goatB3, pigB3

Available Slots armor, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders

Animal Companions alligator, archelonB3, crocodile, dimetrodonB3, elasmosaurus, frog fatherB5, giant chameleonB3, giant frilled lizard*, giant frog, giant geckoB3, giant salamander*, giant snapping turtleB2, glyptodonB2, goliath frogB5, kaprosuchusB5, megalaniaB3, monitor lizard, prionosuchus*, tortoiseB4

Familiars dwarf caiman*, fire salamander*, horned lizard*, lizard, marine iguana*, snapping turtleB2, toad, tuataraB4, turtleUM

Available Slots armor, belt (saddle), chest, eyes, head,
headband, neck, shoulders

Animal Companions amargasaurusB6, ankylosaurus, arsinoitheriumB2, baluchitheriumB3, brachiosaurus, camel, deinotheriumB6, diplodocusB4, elasmotheriumB6, elephant, eohippus*, hippopotamusB2, kentrosaurusB6, mammoth, mastodon, megatheriumB2, mokele-mbembeB6, rhinoceros, stegosaurus, triceratops, uintatheriumB5, wollipedB5

Familiars —

Available Slots belt, eyes, headband

Animal Companions basilosaurusB3, constrictor snake, electric eel, giant leechUM, giant moray eel, giant slugUM, reef snake*, spitting cobra*, titanoboaB6

Familiars sea krait*, viper

Available Slots belt, eyes

Companions camerocerasB5, corpse-eater fungus*, creeping puffball*, eurypterid*, giant antUM, giant assassin bug*, giant beetleUM, giant caterpillar*, giant centipedeUM, giant cockroach*, giant crabUM, giant dragonfly*, giant locust*, giant mantisUM, giant mantis shrimp*, giant mosquito*, giant scorpionUM, giant solifugid*, giant spiderUM, giant squid*, giant termite*, giant waspUM, giant whiptail centipede*, gulper plant*, hunting cactus*, octopus, rash creeper*, slithering sundew*, snapping flytrap*, sniper cactus*, squid, web tyrant spider*

Familiars blue-ringed octopusUM, butterfly*, cockroach*, creeper ivy*, dweomer cap*, flowering lattice*, giant isopod*, giant tardigrade*, greensting scorpionUM, house centipedeUM, ioun wyrd*, king crabUM, leopard slug*, moth*, petrifern*, ravenous tumbleweed*, razor fern*, sawleg locust*, scarlet spiderUM, shimmerwing dragonfly*, spiny starfish*, suture vine*, trilobiteB5, vampire squid*
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 戏言2022-05-04, 周三 00:11:42
狂暴增幅(团队) 出自《格拉里昂的兽人》p24
每当你进入狂暴时并与同样拥有此专长的狂暴盟友相邻的情况下,或与拥有此专长的狂暴盟友夹击同一对手时,你在力量和体质上的士气加值增加 +4。该专长不与自身叠加(你只能从一个符合要求的盟友处获得此加值,无论有多少个盟友与你相邻)。
Amplified Rage (Teamwork)
Source Orcs of Golarion pg. 24
When adjacent to other raging allies, your rages become even more powerful.

Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.

Benefit: Whenever you are raging and adjacent to a raging ally who also has this feat or flanking the same opponent as a raging ally with this feat, your morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by +4. This feat does not stack with itself (you only gain this bonus from one qualifying ally, regardless of how many are adjacent to you).
主题: Re: 法术
作者: wyg653098972022-05-08, 周日 22:06:25
精心谋划的幸运(Calculated Luck)  出自《秘学之谜》(Occult Mysteries pg.50)
等级:牧师/先知 3,战斗祭司 3,女巫4

   你能够使用天元道(the Path of Numbers)来强化你的备战能力,但你的这份远见是有代价的。掷3个d8骰子,并将每一个骰子分配给以下一项。
      能量类型:在法术持续时间内,你会受到与骰子结果相匹配的能量类型的易伤。无论你是否成功地豁免了伤害性法术或效果,你都会从该能量类型中再次受到一半的伤害 (+50%)。(按原文可能是受到豁免前的伤害的一半)
      d20掷骰类型:在法术持续时间内,你在与骰子结果相匹配的 d20 掷骰上获得 +2 幸运加值。

  d8 能量类型魔法学派d20掷骰类型
  1    气 惑控 意志豁免
  2  电 幻术 反射豁免
  3  火 死灵 攻击检定
  4  音波 塑能 先攻检定
  5  强酸 防护 强韧豁免
  6  水 变化 施法者等级检定
  7  寒冷 预言 专注检定
  8  大地 咒法 战技检定

Calculated Luck
Source Occult Mysteries pg.50
School divination
Level cleric 3, oracle 3, warpriest 3, witch 4
Casting 1 standard action
Components V, S,
Range personal
Targets you
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving none; Spell Resistance no
You are able to use the Path of Numbers to substantially boost your combat preparedness, but your foresight comes at a price. Roll 3d8 and refer to the Eight Basic Energies table on page 51. After rolling, assign each die to one of the following.
Energy Type: You gain vulnerability to the energy type that matches the die’s result for the duration of the spell. You take half again as much damage (+50%) from that energy type, regardless of whether you successfully saved against the damaging spell or effect.
Magic School: For the spell’s duration, you cast all spells from the school that matches the die’s result at +1 caster level.
d20 Roll Type: You receive a +2 luck bonus on the d20 roll that matches the die’s result for the duration of the spell.
  d8 Energy TypeMagic Schoold20 Roll Type
  1    Air Enchantment Will save
  2  Electricity Illusion Reflex save
  3  Fire Necromancy Attack roll
  4  Sonic Evocation Initiative roll
  5  Acid Abjuration Fortitude save
  6  Water Transmutation Caster level check
  7  Cold Divination Concentration check
  8  Earth Conjuration Combat Maneuver Check
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 小夜嵐2022-05-30, 周一 16:36:15
光之刃(Blade of Light) 出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》第16页
这个法术为武器注入纯净的阳光(武器不需是带刃武器)。被这个法术强化的武器如同被施展了昼明术一样发光。它在克服伤害减免时视作魔法和善良武器。该武器在对不死生物的攻击骰上给予+2神圣加值,并对成功命中的不死生物敌人造成额外1d6点伤害;在对抗虚体不死生物时,它视作拥有幽冥特殊武器能力。武器在对日光敏感(vulnerable to sunlight)的敌人重击时自动确认。

Blade of Light
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 16
School transmutation [good]; Level cleric 4, inquisitor 4, oracle 4, paladin 4, warpriest 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one melee weapon
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell infuses a weapon with pure sunlight (the weapon need not be a bladed weapon). A weapon enhanced by this spell sheds light as if daylight had been cast on it. It functions as a magic and good weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The weapon grants a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls against undead and deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful hit against such foes; against incorporeal undead, it functions as if it had the ghost touch weapon special ability. The weapon automatically confirms critical hits against foes that are vulnerable to sunlight.
主题: 《位面冒險》第54頁
作者: 沉淪2022-06-12, 周日 19:05:37
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 兔王子面具(Mask of the Rabbit Prince)
位置:头部;价格:12,000 gp
这张七彩斑斕的面具让人联想到哈啰国度(Harrowed Realm)的兔王子(Rabbit Prince)。它遮住穿戴者的上半张脸,刻画出一只兔子坚决果敢的形象,当然也包括那对毛茸茸的大耳朵。虽然这张面具的构造看起来十分脆弱,但它其实跟铁一样坚实(硬度10)。兔王子面具赋予穿戴者一股蛮勇之气,使穿戴者在先攻检定和对抗恐惧效果的豁免检定上获得+2士气加值。此外,穿戴者在尝试以特技检定进行跳跃时,总是视为已助跑。
制造成本:6,000 gp
主题: 你們不但能養曱甴當伙伴,還能養曱甴當魔寵啦!
作者: 2022-06-19, 周日 11:24:23
蟑螂(Cockroach) CR 1/8

XP 50
絶對中立 微型 蟲類
先攻+2;感官 黑暗視覺60尺,昏暗視覺;察覺+0


AC 16,接觸 16,措手不及 14(+2 敏捷,+4 體型)
HP 6(1d8+2)
強韌 +4,反射 +2, 意志 +0
免疫 影響心靈效果(mind-affecting effects)
弱點 強光敏感(light sensitivity)


速度 20尺,攀爬20尺,飛行30尺(機動性不良)
近戰 啃咬 -1(1d2-5)
佔據 1尺;觸及 0尺


力量 1,敏捷 15,體質 14,智力 -,感知 11,魅力 2
BAB +0;CMB -2;CMD 3(對抗絆摔為11)
技能 攀爬+3,飛行+4
特殊能力 閉氣(Hold Breath)


環境 任意
組織 單獨,成對或集群(3-60)



Cockroach CR 1/8
Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 193
XP 50
N Diminutive vermin
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 size)
hp 6 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Immune mind-affecting effects
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor)
Melee bite –1 (1d2–5)
Space 1 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 14, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 2
Base Atk +0; CMB –2; CMD 3 (11 vs. trip)
Skills Climb +3, Fly +4
SQ hold breath
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or swarm (3–60)
Treasure none
Cockroaches are hardy insects commonly viewed as pests—especially for being attracted to warm buildings and unattended food in urban areas. They are famously skittish, fleeing from larger creatures and sources of light.
主题: 微型猴子
作者: 2022-06-19, 周日 21:26:20
眼鏡猴(Tarsier) CR 1/6

XP 50
絶對中立 微型 動物
先攻+3;感官 昏暗視覺;察覺+5


AC 17,接觸 17,措手不及 14(+3 敏捷,+4 體型)
HP 4(1d8)
強韌 +2,反射 +5, 意志 +1


速度 20尺,攀爬20尺
近戰 啃咬 +7(1d2-4)
佔據 1尺;觸及 0尺


力量 3,敏捷 16,體質 10,智力 2,感知 13,魅力 7
BAB +0;CMB -1;CMD 3(對抗絆摔為9)
專長 武器嫻熟
技能 特技+7,攀爬+8,察覺+5,隱匿+19;種族加值 +4 特技,+4 攀爬,+4 察覺
特殊能力 眼鏡猴之躍(tarsier’s leap)


環境 溫帶或和暖的森林
組織 單獨,成對或家庭(3-6)


眼鏡猴之躍(tarsier’s leap, Ex):眼鏡猴的長後肢使其成為出色的跳躍者。眼鏡猴嘗試跳躍的特技檢定時如同已助跑而且不會因為緩慢的基本速度而在跳躍的特技檢定受到減值。

  眼鏡猴是一種食肉的爬樹靈長類動物。 這種動物的脖子很靈活,它的頭部能旋轉180度左右。 眼鏡猴在夜間捕獵,靜靜地等待昆蟲和其他小動物飛過或爬過,如此牠們就能撲向獵物並抓住牠。這些害羞的動物能存活至12年。



Tarsier CR 1/6
Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 208
XP 65
N Diminutive animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +7 (1d2–4)
Space 1 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Str 3, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 5 (9 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +8, Perception +5, Stealth +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Climb, +4 Perception
SQ tarsier’s leap
Environment temperate or warm forests
Organization solitary, pair, or family (3–6)
Treasure none
Special Abilities
Tarsier’s Leap (Ex) A tarsier’s long hind limbs make it an excellent leaper. A tarsier attempts Acrobatics checks to jump as though it had a running s tart and doesn’t take a penalty on Acrobatics checks to jump from having a slow base speed.
The tarsier is a carnivorous tree-climbing primate. The animal’s neck is flexible, allowing its head to swivel around 180 degrees. Tarsiers hunt at night, silently waiting for insects and other small animals to fly or crawl by so they can jump at the prey and catch it. These shy animals live up to 12 years.

The length of a tarsier from its head to the tip of its tail is about 1 to 1-1/2 feet, but when clinging to a tree, a tarsier appears to be about the size of a human’s fist. A tarsier weighs about 4 ounces.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 紫堇2022-07-07, 周四 01:35:08
灵性依恋出自《驱灵英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 18)灵性恋
Spiritual Attachment
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 18
Category Basic (Magic)
The union between spirits and spiritualists is one of the strongest (and strangest) bonds shared between the mortal realm and the spirit world. Spiritualists can use the knowledge of their linked phantoms to better negotiate with other spirits. Whether you’re a spiritualist or not, you’ve always had a similar knack when it comes to interactions with the spirit world. You gain a +4 trait bonus on checks to notice haunts, and when interacting with someone who is possessed by an incorporeal undead creature, you gain a +2 trait bonus n Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against that target.
主题: 特种烟玉
作者: 猩猩2022-07-10, 周日 11:17:13
特种烟玉(Specialty Smoke Pellet) 出自《地城手册》(Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 27)



Specialty smoke pellet
Source Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 27
Price PFS Legal 60 gp (Pepper), PFS Legal 40 gp (Smog); Weight — (Pepper), — (Smog)
Like standard smoke pellets (Ultimate Equipment 105), these specialty pellets fill a single 5-foot square with opaque smoke for 1 round when broken. They can also be thrown as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. However, unlike standard smoke pellets, these pellets produce smoke that confers additional effects.

Pepper Pellet: The smoke from a pepper pellet is an ocular and respiratory irritant, and creatures that are hit by a pepper pellet or pass through the smoke must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 round.

Smog Pellet: The smoke from a smog pellet is oily, and creatures that are hit by a smog pellet or pass through the smoke are covered in thick residue. This residue makes invisible creatures visible for 1d4 rounds.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
主题: 猎犬追踪
作者: 猩猩2022-07-19, 周二 02:32:12

出自《Advanced Player's Guide pg.206》


猎犬追踪 (Bloodhound)

学派              变化系

环位              炼金术师 3, 审判者 2, 游侠 2

施法时间       标准动作

成分              语言, 姿势, 材料 (一滴鲜血和一撮肉桂粉)

范围              个人

目标              自己

持续时间       1小时/等级




PFS Legal Bloodhound
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 206
School transmutation; Level alchemist 3, hunter 2, inquisitor 2, investigator 3, occultist 3, ranger 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a drop of blood and a pinch of cinnamon)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 hour/level
You gain the scent special quality, including the ability to track by scent. You receive a +8 competence bonus on Perception checks involving smell and a +4 competence bonus on Survival checks to track using scent. You take a –4 penalty on saving throws against odor-related effects such as the stench ability and stinking cloud. A creature under the effects of bloodhound can detect poison by scent with a DC 20 Perception check.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2022-07-19, 周二 22:45:45
感谢wyg65309897翻译和排版的天元道(the Path of Numbers)
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)命理抗力(Numerological Resistance)  出自《异能奥秘》(Occult Mysteries pg.51)
等级:法师/术士/奥能师 3,牧师/先知/战斗祭司 3


Numerological Resistance
Source Occult Mysteries pg. 51
School abjuration; Level arcanist 3, cleric 3, oracle 3, sorcerer 3, warpriest 3, wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target see text
Duration see text
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Numerological resistance allows numerologists to use the Path of Numbers to grant their allies resilience in the face of elemental dangers. Roll 5d8; this is your dice pool. You will use each die in the pool exactly once to customize numerological resistance.

Choose one of the dice, and match its result to the appropriate value in the first column of the Eight Basic Energies table to determine the type of energy to which numerological resistance grants resistance. Next, allocate one of the dice to represent the number of creatures you can affect with numerological resistance (including yourself). All of these creatures must be within the spell’s range. Then allocate one of the dice to represent the number of rounds numerological resistance lasts. Finally, sum the remaining two dice. This is the number of points of resistance that numerological resistance grants.

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)命理塑能(Numerological Evocation)  出自《异能奥秘》(Occult Mysteries pg.51)
等级:法师/术士/奥能师 3,魔战士 3,女巫 4


Numerological Evocation
Source Occult Mysteries pg. 51
School evocation; Level arcanist 3, magus 3, sorcerer 3, witch 4, wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range see text
Target see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
You can use the Path of Numbers to calculate the latent magical energies all around you and fire customized rays of elemental energy that damage nearby targets. Roll 1d6 per 2 caster levels you possess. This is your dice pool. You will use each die in the pool exactly once to customize numerological evocation. Choose a number of dice in the pool, and match their results to the values in the first column of the Eight Basic Energies table to determine the types of energy damage the spell deals. You can allocate any number of dice in this manner, provided you still have enough dice remaining for the subsequent steps.

Next, allocate one of the dice to represent the total number of target creatures you can affect, including the initial target. No matter how many creatures you are eligible to affect, no two affected creatures can be more than 15 feet apart. Next, allocate any number of the dice to represent the range of numerological resistance. The range of the spell is 10 × the sum of the allocated dice. Finally, add up the results of the dice remaining in the pool. This is the amount of damage that numerological evocation deals to the first creature hit. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. Secondary targets take 50% of the damage dealt to the first creature hit (rounded up), and successful Reflex saves negate this damage.

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)数学诅咒(Mathematical Curse)  出自《异能奥秘》(Occult Mysteries pg. 51)
等级:反圣武士 2,法师/术士/奥能师 2,吟游诗人/歌者 2,牧师/先知/战斗祭司 3,女巫 2
成分:语言,姿势,材料/法器 (1整套10片指甲)


Mathematical Curse
Source Occult Mysteries pg. 51
School necromancy [curse]; Level antipaladin 2, arcanist 2, bard 2, cleric 3, oracle 3, skald 2, sorcerer 2, warpriest 3, witch 2, wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a full set of 10 fingernails)
Range touch
Target one living creature
Duration see text
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Using the Path of Numbers, you are able to influence the seemingly random elements in the environment around a creature, reducing that creature’s efficacy. Roll 3d8 and choose one of the dice—this die’s result is the penalty mathematical curse imparts. Next, choose either of the two remaining dice; the d20 roll corresponding to that result on the Eight Basic Energies table is the roll the spell’s penalty applies to. The result of the final die represents the number of rounds that mathematical curse lasts. A creature can be under the influence of only one mathematical curse at a time. If mathematical curse is cast on a creature already affected by that spell, the new curse replaces the previous one.

引述: 天元道
  d8 能量类型魔法学派d20掷骰类型
  1    气 惑控 意志豁免
  2  电 幻术 反射豁免
  3  火 死灵 攻击检定
  4  音波 塑能 先攻检定
  5  强酸 防护 强韧豁免
  6  水 变化 施法者等级检定
  7  寒冷 预言 专注检定
  8  大地 咒法 战技检定

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2022-07-24, 周日 19:56:03
划空裂隙护腕(Rift-Rending Bracers)【腕部奇物】出自《位面之力》第9页
灵光 中等咒法系 施法者等级:7
栏位 腕部; 价格 18000GP; 重量 1磅.

Rift-Rending Bracers
Source Planes of Power pg. 9
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Slot wrists; Price 18,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
When worn by a kineticist, these bracers develop finely inscribed patterns on their once-plain surfaces that reflect the wearer’s elemental connection. As a full-round action, a kineticist wearing the bracers can accept 3 points of burn to tear open a brief rift between her current location and the Material Plane, Ethereal Plane, or an Elemental Plane; this behaves as per plane shift, but the rift is able to transport only her. By accepting an additional point of burn, she can allow up to 8 willing creatures to travel with her. When traveling to or from the plane that corresponds to her elemental focus, the total burn cost required to activate the bracers is reduced by 1.

Rift-rending bracers must be worn for 24 hours before a kineticist can activate them.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Cost 9,000 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2022-07-30, 周六 22:09:21
(https://aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbolN.gif)锁孔术(Keyhole)出自Pathfinder #143: Borne by the Sun's Grace pg. 78(暴君魔爪第五本)
等级:法师/术士/奥能师 1,牧师/先知/战斗祭司 1,女巫 1
     通过触摸一扇门、大门或其他的门(door, gate, or other portal),你可以创造一个之前不存在的锁孔,或是将现有的锁孔增大至两倍。

This spell is legal for play but accessible only to worshippers of Barzahk.
Source Pathfinder #143: Borne by the Sun's Grace pg. 78
School transmutation; Level arcanist 1, cleric 1, oracle 1, sorcerer 1, warpriest 1, witch 1, wizard 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, DF
Range touch
Target one touched door or portal
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw special (see text); Spell Resistance no
By touching a single door, gate, or other portal, you create a keyhole where none existed before or double the size of an existing keyhole. A conjured keyhole allows you to peer through the door, though the limited perspective imposes a –10 penalty on Perception checks to spot anything beyond. It also allows a sealed door to be locked or picked if it could not be before. Locking or unlocking such a door requires a successful Disable Device check with a DC equal to the barrier’s break DC + 10. Enlarging an existing keyhole allows viewers to peer through to whatever lies beyond, even if the preexisting keyhole did not allow it, and it reduces the Disable Device DC to open or lock the door by 5.

This spell does not normally allow a saving throw, but magic doors and barriers can resist the effect with a successful Will saving throw, as if they were carried by their original creator..
主题: 《亡命海寇》pg. 46
作者: 沉淪2022-08-05, 周五 13:02:21
存世三因(Three Reasons to Live)
位置:无;价格:9,000 gp
制造成本:4,500 gp
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2022-09-01, 周四 13:21:27
仁慈之叶(Merciful Foliage)(操念使通用原力)
元素 木; 类型:通用(Su); 等级:2; 超载:0

Merciful Foliage
Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0
The First World is a place of rampant life, and you can use some of its energy to ease the danger of your attacks. You can deal nonlethal damage without taking a penalty on attack rolls with your wood blasts or composite blasts that include wood.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2022-09-09, 周五 12:28:48
优雅双武Two-Weapon Grace(战斗专长)(PFS不可用)
出处:恶棍志Villain Codex pg. 224
先决条件:DEX 15;优雅挑刺/优雅挥砍/优雅繁星三者之一;双武器格斗;武器娴熟



Two-Weapon Grace (Combat)
Source Villain Codex pg. 224
You can fight using agility instead of brute strength, even while fighting with two weapons.

Prerequisites: Dex 15; Fencing GraceUI, Slashing GraceACG, or Starry GraceUI; Two-Weapon Fighting; Weapon Finesse.

Benefit: You can gain the benefit of the Fencing GraceUI, Slashing GraceACG, or Starry GraceUI feats while fighting with two weapons. Your penalties from two-weapon fighting increase by 2 on all attack rolls you make when doing so, and you can’t decrease the penalties to less than –2 even if other abilities would reduce the penalties further. Add 1/2 your Dexterity bonus to damage with your off-hand weapon instead of 1/2 your Strength modifier. If you attack without using your off-hand weapon, you can use the aforementioned feats despite your other hand being occupied.

In addition, Two-Weapon Grace counts as Double Slice for the purposes of qualifying for the Two-Weapon Rend feat.

Normal: You gain no benefit from the listed feats if you don’t have a free hand.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2022-09-09, 周五 13:05:00
触力旁通(Redistributed Might)(战斗专长)(PFS不可用)
出处:Adventurer's Guide pg. 26


先决条件:体质或感知13,专长Enhanced Morale,异种武器擅长(奥多里决斗剑),钢铁意志,BAB+4


Redistributed Might (Combat)
Source Adventurer's Guide pg. 26
You’ve gained enough control over your body to translate strength into swiftness.

Prerequisites: Con 13 or Wis 13, Enhanced Morale, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Iron Will, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: Whenever an effect would grant you an enhancement or morale bonus to your Strength score (such as via bull’s strength or a skald’s inspired rageACG performance), you can instead apply that bonus to your Dexterity score. You make this choice when you first gain the bonus. The bonus type does not change.

(Enhanced Morale专长从未存在过,故请DM判断此专长是否可用,如果可用的话请删除这个先决条件。)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2022-09-09, 周五 15:52:37
悄然脱逃Stealthy Escape(背景特性-装备背景)
出处:Adventurer's Armory pg. 31


Stealthy Escape
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 31
Category Equipment
You are adept at escaping from confinement in an unobtrusive manner. When trying to escape manacles, rope, or other similar restraints (but not grapples or similar attacks), you may make a Sleight of Hand check instead of your Escape Artist modifier. If you free yourself, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks to pretend that you are still bound.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2022-10-04, 周二 17:38:08
这里 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=86078.msg819253#msg819253)有翻译过,但作用方式没读懂,且描述文本也有不同,所以斗胆翻新一下,有大面积参考
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)神圣占卜(Cleromancy)出自《异能奥秘》(Occult Mysteries pg. 50)
等级:法师/术士/奥能师 3,牧师/先知/战斗祭司 2,德鲁伊/猎人 3,审判者 3

PFS Legal Cleromancy
Source Occult Mysteries pg. 50
School divination; Level arcanist 3, cleric 2, druid 3, hunter 3, inquisitor 3, oracle 2, sorcerer 3, warpriest 2, wizard 3
Casting Time full-round action
Components V, S, F/DF (a set of 64 chicken bones)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/caster level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Cleromancy involves casting bones and interpreting the results. Those able to arrive at the proper interpretation are granted knowledge of coming events. Roll 1d4 per caster level. Group the dice by like results, and choose one of the groups. For the duration of cleromancy, you can apply a luck bonus equal to the result of the selected dice to any d20 roll. You can apply this bonus to a number of rolls equal to the number of dice in the group. If cleromancy expires before you are able to allocate the total number of allotted bonuses, the remaining bonuses are lost.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2022-10-04, 周二 18:08:58
痛苦仪典(Agonizing Obedience)(专长)
出自《异能奥秘》(Occult Mysteries pg. 45)(PFS不可)

第二恩惠:你得到一只“魅影手臂”的使用权,它的功能就像炼金术士的畸变之臂科研发现(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 18)。但鉴于它是一种看不见的力场效果,它不能获得额外的戒指魔法装备栏,也不能作出攻击。



Agonizing Obedience
Source Occult Mysteries pg. 45
You physically defile yourself out of zealous devotion to pain in order to gain special boons.

Prerequisites: 3 ranks in Heal.

Benefit: When you take this feat, select an agony. You can gain this feat multiple times, each time selecting a different agony, but you can perform an obedience for only a single agony in a 24-hour period. Each agony requires a different obedience, but all obediences take only an hour to perform. Once the obedience has been performed, you take a number of minor penalties and gain the benefit of a resistance to some element or attack associated with your agony, as indicated below. Additionally, you gain the ability to make an agony strike. A number of times per day equal to 1 + 1 per every 5 Hit Dice you possess, when you deal damage to a creature, you can declare that attack as an agony strike. In addition to the normal damage dealt by the attack, you cause the target to take the penalties associated with your agony for 1 minute. Incorporeal creatures and creatures that are immune to critical hits are immune to agony strikes.

If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the first boon granted by your agony upon undertaking your obedience. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you gain the agony’s second boon as well. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain the agony’s third boon. Unless a specific duration or number of uses per day is listed, a boon’s effects are constant.

If you ever fail to perform a daily obedience, or if you are healed of damage, conditions, or penalties caused in the course of performing your obedience, you lose all access to resistances and boons granted by this feat until you next perform the obedience.
You have amputated a digit on one of your hands and treated the wound such that it will never fully heal.

Obedience: Manipulate the scabs, scar tissue, and open wound of your amputated digit, preventing it from closing and forcing bits of metal and glass into the wound. Take a –2 penalty on Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, and Sleight of Hand skill checks, as well as to your CMD against disarm maneuvers. When attempting to cast a spell with somatic components, succeed at a caster level check whose DC is equal to 5 + twice the spell level or lose the spell slot with no effect. Gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against transmutation spells; this bonus increases to +4 against spells in the polymorph subschool.

Boon 1: In addition to the normal effects of your agony strike, the target has a chance of dropping one object held in its hand immediately after you hit it with the agony strike. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Dexterity modifier) avoids this effect.

Boon 2: You gain the use of a phantom arm, which functions as the vestigial arm alchemist discovery (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 18) save that it is an invisible force effect, it does not grant an additional ring magic item slot, and it cannot make attacks.

Boon 3: You are immune to effects that would cause you to become sickened, and you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against any conditions that would make you nauseated.
You temporarily blind yourself with blood to heighten your other senses.

Obedience: Scratch at your eyes with your fingernails, jagged metal shavings, and thorny branches, allowing the blood from your wounds to form thick scabs over your eyelids and tear ducts. Take a –4 penalty on visionbased Perception checks, and anytime you make an attack against a target benefiting from concealment, increase the miss chance by 10% (maximum 50%). Gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against illusions in the pattern subschool and against gaze attacks.

Boon 1: Creatures affected by your agony strike have the distance they can see in areas of dim light and darkness reduced by 50%.

Boon 2: You gain a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet that you can activate as a standard action. You can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to half your hit dice; these minutes need not be consecutive but you must use the ability in 1-minute increments. Enemies affected by your gaze are frightened for 1 minute. A successful Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Charisma modifier) negates this effect. A creature that successfully saves against your gaze is immune to its effects for 24 hours.

Boon 3: Your affinity to pain allows you to sense suffering in others. You gain lifesense out to a distance of 60 feet.
Practitioners of the agony of flensing are adept at finely removing the skin from living flesh, revealing the vulnerable tissue beneath.

Obedience: Remove a patch of your own skin measuring at least 3 square inches with a flensing knife, while carefully avoiding damage to the muscles, veins, and other tissues underneath. Leave this patch of exposed nerves uncovered by clothing or armor, allowing it to be exposed to the elements and displaying your sacrifice to all you meet. Take a –2 penalty on saving throws against disease, and take 1 extra point of damage per die from sneak attacks. Gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against pain effects.

Boon 1: All attacks you make against a creature suffering the effects of your agony strike deal 1d6 points of bleed damage.

Boon 2: Your knowledge of anatomy imparts to you an awareness of others’ vulnerabilities. You gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.

Boon 3: The frequent removal of skin and subsequent healing has covered your body in thick scars. Your natural armor bonus to AC increases by 2. Additionally, there is a 25% chance that critical hits and sneak attacks fail to affect you, as though you were wearing armor with the light fortification property.
主题: 拳师变体
作者: 叶翎殇2022-10-14, 周五 06:24:02
战舞者(Battle Dancer)出自《武术手册》第4页(Martial Arts Handbook pg.4)
分类 职业
舞者智慧(Dancer’s Cunning (Ex)):战舞者可以将魅力作为智力以满足战斗专长的先决条件。此外,她可以尝试使用表演(舞蹈)检定取代唬骗来使用战斗中的虚招,同时她的徒手打击被视为具有演武武器特性。
翻滚连打(Rolling Flurry (Ex)):战舞者在使用连打职业能力时,她在每次发动近战攻击或者战技前,必须移动五尺。如果她不能移动五尺,她不能进行后续的攻击或者战技。她不能移动超过自身最大移动速度。如果战舞者能够正常的五尺快步,这个移动不会导致借机攻击;如果她不能(比如,在困难地形中),此移动会正常地招致借机攻击,除非通过特技检定。在使用此能力时,战舞者依然可以正常的在攻击前或后进行五尺快步。
舞动闪避(Dancing Dodge (Ex)):4级时,当一名敌人尝试对战舞者进行近战攻击时,她可以使用1次借机攻击次数以直觉动作移动5尺,针对此次攻击的AC将获得等同于魅力调整值的加值(最少0)。这次移动并不能使此次攻击无效,就好像战舞者在受到攻击时仍然处在原来的位置,此移动并非5尺快步,因此也会引发除了那个发动攻击的敌人以外的其他敌人的藉机攻击,但是战舞者可以尝试通过特技检定来避免借机攻击。战舞者每天只能使用1/2职业等级次此能力。战舞者只能在穿着轻甲或无甲,且负载不超过轻载时使用此能力。
陪练伙伴(Sparring Partners (Ex)):4级时,每天一次,当战舞者在使用翻滚连打能力时获得了夹击加值,提供此夹击加值的盟友将在下次攻击该敌人时获得夹击加值,哪怕战舞者离开了夹击位置。如果该盟友或者敌人在该盟友发动攻击前移动超过五尺,此夹击加值失效。此能力只能在盟友在战斗时位于战舞者的敌人的另一侧位置时生效,如果通过其他方式获得夹击加值,如一拥而上,则此能力无效。战舞者在10级和16级时每天可以额外使用一次此能力

Battle Dancer
Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 4

Originating among the Mwangi tribes of Sargava, battle dancers practice a martial art that emphasizes constant motion, hiding their training from colonial oppressors by presenting it as an acrobatic dance. Sargava’s alliance with the Shackles has led to a proliferation of the art there, and battle dancers are often found among Mwangi-descended pirates.

Class Skills: A battle dancer gains Perform (all) as a class skill instead of Knowledge (dungeoneering).

This alters the brawler’s class skills.

Armor Proficiency: A battle dancer isn’t proficient with shields.

This alters the brawler’s armor proficiencies.

Dancer’s Cunning (Ex): A battle dancer can treat her Charisma score as her Intelligence score for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. In addition, she can attempt a Perform (dance) check instead of a Bluff check to feint in combat, and her unarmed strikes are considered to have the performance weapon special quality.

This replaces brawler’s cunning.

Rolling Flurry (Ex): When a battle dancer uses her brawler’s flurry, she must move 5 feet before each melee attack or combat maneuver. If she is unable to move 5 feet, she can’t attempt any further attacks or combat maneuvers. She can’t exceed her maximum speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity if the brawler would be able to take a 5-foot step normally; if she would be unable to (for instance, if she were in difficult terrain), the movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal unless she succeeds at the appropriate Acrobatics checks. While using this ability, she can still take her normal 5-foot step before or after making her attacks.

This alters brawler’s flurry.

Dancing Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, when an opponent attempts a melee attack against a battle dancer, the battle dancer can expend one use of an attack of opportunity as an immediate action to move 5 feet, granting the battle dancer a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against the triggering attack. The attack is still resolved normally, even if the battle dancer’s movement takes her out of the triggering attack’s reach. This movement is not a 5-foot step and provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one that triggered this ability, though the battle dancer can attempt an Acrobatics check to avoid provoking the attacks. A battle dancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her level. She can use this ability only while wearing light armor or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load.

This replaces AC bonus.

Sparring Partners (Ex): At 4th level, once per day when a battle dancer gains a flanking bonus on an attack while using her rolling flurry ability, the ally providing the flank gains a flanking bonus on its next attack against that opponent, even if the battle dancer moves out of a flanking position. If either the opponent or the ally moves more than 5 feet before the ally’s attack, the flanking bonus is lost. This ability works only if the ally is on the opposite side of an opponent during the battle dancer’s attack, not if a flanking bonus is gained in some other way, such as through Gang Up. A battle dancer can use this ability one additional time per day at 10th level and at 16th level.

This replaces knockout.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 胡萝卜骑士肥鱼2022-11-22, 周二 10:04:07
魅影情感羁绊:骄傲(Pride) 出自《异能国度》( Occult Realms pg. 15)



强豁免(Good Saves):反射和意志。


公然蔑视(Flagrant Disregard,Ex):以一个迅捷动作,魅影可以在所有攻击检定上获得+2加值,同时在AC上承受–1减值,持续1轮。幻影每有4点基本攻击加值,该加值在攻击检定上增加1,AC减值增加1。

虚荣致辞(Vainglorious Oration,Su):当唤魂师达到7级时,以一个迅捷动作,魅影可以大胆地谎称自己的实力来让敌人战栗。要受到影响,敌人必须在魅影30尺以内并且能够听到它。只要敌人在30尺以内,此效果就会持续(幻影可以以自由动作结束演说)。此能力不能使生物变得惊惧或恐慌,即使目标已经因其他效果而战栗。这是一种依赖于听觉成分的影响心灵的恐惧效果。

极度自信(Overwhelming Confidence,Su):当唤魂师达到12级时,只要魅影免从决心能力中获得对恐惧的免疫能力,任何影响魅影的士气加值都会翻倍。如果魅影失去对恐惧的免疫,所有正在影响魅影的双倍士气加值将作为减值应用到它们的剩余持续时间或直到魅影重新获得恐惧免疫力(以先到者为准)。

完美幻象(Illusion of Perfection,Su):当唤魂师达到17级时,贪婪的魅影能以一个迅捷动作将自己笼罩在幻觉中,表现为完美的物质典范——它对自己的理想化形象。魅影在近战伤害检定上获得等于其魅力调整值的加值。然而,每当魅影对一个生物造成伤害,该生物可以尝试一次意志豁免(DC=10+1/2幻影的生命骰数+幻影的魅力调整值)来不相信这个效果,成功通过则额外伤害减半。魅影每天可以使用完美幻象的时间等于它的生命骰数。此持续时间不需要一次全部使用,但必须以1分钟为间隔消耗。此能力是一种影响心灵的幻觉效果。
主题: 杀手天赋:
作者: yuuharuka2022-11-23, 周三 19:30:17
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 阵营偷袭(Aligned Sneak Attack)(Su)
出处 《遥远国度》(Distant Realms)第13页
当对一个可以被特定阵营的武器(例如 DR 5/善良)克服伤害减免的生物进行偷袭时,盗贼(译注:应该是杀手,下同)的攻击会减少该伤害减免直到盗贼的回合结束,减少的伤害减免等于偷袭骰子数。
Aligned Sneak Attack (Su) (Distant Realms pg. 13): When making a sneak attack against a creature that has damage reduction that can be overcome by weapons of a particular alignment (such as DR 5/good), the rogue’s attack reduces that damage reduction by an amount equal to the number of sneak attack dice rolled until the end of the rogue’s turn.
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 隔离阵营*(Sever Alignment*)(Su)
出处 《遥远国度》(Distant Realms)第13页
当对具有阵营亚种的敌人进行偷袭时,具有此天赋的盗贼可以放弃她的偷袭伤害来扰乱该生物的抽象本质。 如果攻击成功,盗贼正常造成武器伤害,并且目标必须通过强韧豁免(DC = 10 + 盗贼等级的一半 + 盗贼的智力调整值)否则失去所有被特定阵营的武器克服的伤害减免(例如 DR 10/善良),失去所有由阵营来源克服的再生(例如再生 10 [善良]),并失去施法和使用带有阵营描述符的类法术能力的能力,每 2d6 点偷袭伤害持续 1 轮(至少 1 轮)。 盗贼必须拥有阵营偷袭(Aligned Sneak Attack)天赋才能选择该天赋。
Sever Alignment* (Su) (Distant Realms pg. 13): When making a sneak attack against an opponent with an alignment subtype, a rogue with this talent can forgo her sneak attack damage to scramble the creature’s metaphysical nature. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Intelligence modifier) or lose all damage reduction overcome by aligned weapons (such as DR 10/good), lose all regeneration overcome by aligned sources (such as regeneration 10 [good]), and lose the ability to cast spells and use spell-like abilities with alignment descriptors for 1 round for every 2d6 points of sneak attack damage the rogue would have dealt (minimum 1 round). The rogue must have the aligned sneak attack talent to select this talent.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 空山鳴2022-11-30, 周三 22:45:17

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 胡萝卜骑士肥鱼2022-12-10, 周六 15:21:14
翻译了一波和人神奥罗登相关的背景,如有错漏或者重复欢迎指正(最近果园经常上不去 :em003

奥罗登众的剑技训练  来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(战斗)
Arodenite Sword Training
Category Basic (Combat)
Your family has passed down training in Aroden’s favored weapon, even though the god no longer answers their prayers. You are proficient with the longsword. If your class grants longsword proficiency as well, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity with longswords.

围攻防御者 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(战斗)
Siege Defender
Category Basic (Combat)
Aroden taught the people of Absalom to survive any siege with proper preparation and cooperation, and those teachings were passed on to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on melee damage rolls when you attack a target from higher ground.

论语学者 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(魔法)
Scholar of the Analects
Category Basic (Magic)
You studied various Analects of Aroden from a young age and became skilled at using magic written by others. You can cast read magic as a spell-like ability three times per day, using your character level as your caster level.

穿刺法术 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(魔法)
Stabbing Spells
Category Basic (Magic)
Aroden wrote much about ways to use weapons to enhance magic’s effectiveness, and you have taken to heart the insights gleaned from his words. Whenever you strike a foe with a weapon, you gain a +2 trait bonus on caster level checks to overcome that foe’s spell resistance until the end of your next turn.

奥罗登的历史学家 来源 Arcane Anthology pg.10 PFS不可
类别 基础(社会)
Arodenite Historian
Category Basic (Social)
You believe there is much useful information to glean from the mark Aroden left on history, and learn all you can about his exploits and teachings. This has given you significant insights on how different kinds of information are interconnected. If you fail a Knowledge (arcana, history, or religion) check, you can reroll the check 1 round later using your bonus for one of the other two skills.

创始人的遗产 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(社会)
Founders' Heritage
Category Basic (Social)
You can trace your family line back to one of the founding families of Absalom that was called by Aroden to aid him in establishing the city because of their vision and potential. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma-based skill checks to influence citizens of Absalom.

宽慰的建议 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(社会)
Reassuring Advice
Category Basic (Social)
You’ve studied the speeches and writings of a leader or thinker who served as a reassuring voice in her community in the turbulent times after Aroden died, painfully learning which portions of Aroden’s advice no longer applied and what of his writings could still be usefully applied. Once per day, you can speak Aroden’s words of encouragement to grant any human a +1 insight bonus on any attack roll, saving throw, or skill check of his choice within the following hour. The choice to use the insight bonus must be made before the related roll is made.

哲学系门徒 来源 Quests and Campaigns pg. 21
类别 基础(社会)

Student of Philosophy
Category Basic (Social)
You were trained in a nowdefunct philosophical tradition—such as that of the nowdestroyed Galtan universities or Lirgeni astrologers—and learned to use logic and reason to persuade others. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat.)

Suggested Characters: Arodenites, Galtans, Sodden Lands natives.

亡神信徒 来源 Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. 14
类别 宗教
需求 奥罗登
Devotee of a Dead God
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Aroden
You simply cannot and will not accept that Aroden is dead. Your faith in his teachings and religion are stronger than ever. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks and Knowledge (religion) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

虔诚的奥罗登众 来源 Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 23
类别 宗教
需求 奥罗登
Faithful Arodenite
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Aroden
You worship a dead god, and are skilled at making that sound reasonable. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks; this bonus increases to +3 if you are dealing with a follower of Aroden or Iomedae.

精魂语者 来源 Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 23 PFS不可
类别 信仰
需求 莽吉萨满教
Spirit Talker
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Mwangi shamanistic faith
You are a devotee of the shamanistic practices of the Mwangi, having little use for the deities of the colonials. You gain a +1 racial bonus on Will saves against divine spells and spell-like effects employed against you by clerics or paladins of Aroden, Abadar, Iomedae, Gozreh, and Shelyn—but you suffer a –1 penalty on Will saves against divine spells cast by devotees of Mwangi faiths.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: Symphogear2023-01-25, 周三 00:45:14
猴像(Monkey Statue)
出处:《商人货单(Merchant's Manifest)》23页
价格:150gp 重量:1/2磅
效果:处于某些不为人知的原因,这个精心雕琢的普通猴子雕像抗拒着恶鬼。任何具备恶鬼亚种 (Oni Subtype,见于《怪物图鉴 3》)的生物在处于猴像30尺范围内时,在所有的d20检定上都承受-1罚值。猴像可以在无人持用的情况产生作用,也可以由一个持有者通过一个迅捷动作产生这种效果;但如果它只是储存在持有者身上,那么将不会对恶鬼产生影响。持有者必须以一种空闲的手来展示雕像才能获得其效果。这种罚值与其他猴像的罚值不叠加。

WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
For some unknown reason, this finely crafted but mundane
monkey statue repulses oni. Any creature with the oni subtype
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 307) that is within 30 feet of a
monkey statue takes a –1 penalty on all d20 rolls. The monkey
statue can be unattended or presented by its wielder as a swift
action to cause this effect; the statue has no effect on oni if it
is simply stored on a wielder’s person. A wielder must have a
free hand available to present the statue and gain its effect. This
penalty does not stack with that from other monkey statues.

精魂供物(Spirit Offering)
出处:《商人货单(Merchant's Manifest)》23页
价格:20gp 重量:1/2磅
效果:这类祭品可以有多种形式,如食物、熏香、风车、稀有的茶叶、无瑕圆润的白色鹅卵石或是石碑,但总会放在丝带绑好的袋子里。龙国的旅行者们将这些祭品放在路边的小神龛或是圣地上。在旅行者献上精魂供物的一个小时内,其遇到的任何社神(kami,见于《怪物图鉴 3》)的起始态度都改善一级。这种态度改变会在10分钟后恢复正常,除非目标生物的态度在这段时间内得到了进一步的改变——例如通过交涉技能,在这种情况,社神的态度不会在祭品的效果结束后恢复原样。一旦一份精魂供物被用来改善了一个社神的态度,就不能再重复使用。

WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
These offerings take many forms, such as food, incense,
pinwheels, rare teas, perfectly smooth white pebbles, or stone
tablets, but they are always kept in pouches tied with ribbon.
Travelers in the Dragon Empires leave these offerings at the
small shrines or holy sites that can be found scattered along
roads. For 1 hour after a traveler leaves a spirit offering, any
kami (Bestiary 3 159) the traveler encounters has its initial
attitude improved by one step. This attitude adjustment reverts
to normal after 10 minutes unless the creature’s attitude is
adjusted further during that time, such as via the Diplomacy
skill, in which case the kami’s attitude does not revert after the
offering’s effect expires. Once a spirit offering has been used to
improved a kami’s attitude, it cannot be reused.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 猩猩2023-01-25, 周三 20:54:38
交换先攻(Trade Initiative)
出处:《遥远海岸(Distant Shores)》63页

PFS Legal Trade Initiative (Teamwork)
Source Distant Shores pg. 63
You’re an expert at helping your partner respond faster, and vice versa.

Benefit: After initiative is rolled but before enemies’ initiative is revealed, you may trade the results of your die roll (not including modifiers) with an adjacent ally who also possesses this feat.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 2023-01-26, 周四 08:38:07
訂盟對戒(Covenant rings)
出自《Merchant's Manifest pg. 21》


Covenant rings
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 21
Price 100 gp; Weight —
Category Clothing
These silver rings are always sold in uniquely crafted pairs— usually one made in a Varisian style and one in an old Korvosan style. Originally made to celebrate the uniting of the Korvosan dissidents and Varisian locals at the city’s outset, they are now commonly sought by young lovers, very close friends, and other intimate pairs. When two emotionally intimate creatures each wear one of the rings in a set, both wearers gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This bonus ends if the creatures’ emotional bond is severed (at the GM’s discretion), one of the creatures removes a ring and returns it to the other creature, or a bonded creature is no longer wearing the ring (or is no longer alive or on the same plane).

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 蓬莱儿2023-02-10, 周五 13:41:36

Syrinx Racial Traits
–2 Dex, +2 Wisdom: Syrinx are contemplative and patient, traits that make them somewhat slow to act.
Normal Speed: Syrinx have a base speed of 30 feet.
Flight: Syrinx have a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability.
Low-Light Vision: Syrinx can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Darkvision: Syrinx can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Nocturnal: Syrinx gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks at night.
Pride (2 RP): Syrinx receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Speak with Avians (0 RP): Syrinx can speak with all birds of the animal creature type and birdlike magical beasts (like phoenixes and thunderbirds).
Languages: Syrinx begin play speaking Syrinx. Syrinx with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Azlant, Celestial, Strix, or Infernal.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 萌新也有滥强的心2023-02-15, 周三 10:31:49
强化统治之冠(Diadem of Inspiring Rule)
出自:Quests and Campaigns pg. 31
栏位:头部;价格:4,500 GP;重量:-磅
这顶华丽而招摇的王冠使得其佩戴者的领导力值(Leadership score)获得+3表现加值(competence bonus)。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),鹰之威仪(eagle's splendor);
制造成本:2,250 GP

Diadem of Inspiring Rule
Source Quests and Campaigns pg. 31
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 4,500 gp; Weight —
This ornate, ostentatious diadem grants its
wearer a +3 competence bonus to her Leadership score.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's
splendor; Cost 2,250 gp

of Inspiring Rule)直译可译为:提振统治之冠、启迪统治之冠、统帅灵感之冠。总觉得一眼看不出是什么玩意而。干脆意译强化统治之冠(Diadem of Inspiring Rule)了。
2、萌新现在比较咸鱼,已经零散翻译了几节《商人货单》(共19节,其中海上钓鲸客大佬已经在自己得专区翻译了3节),还对【#135】魔池(Magic Pools)较为感兴趣,翻译了一些还没翻译完。本来想把译好得东西发出去得了,但是电脑上 “您要提交的信息不安全”、“由于正在提交的表单使用的连接不安全,其他人可以看到你的信息”、“拒绝访问”。手机打字,实在打不了那么多字。等正常后再发。
主题: 工具
作者: 空山鳴2023-03-14, 周二 18:16:07
藥刀 Boline 出自《冒險者的軍械庫2(Adventurer's Armory 2)》16頁

价格 10gp      重量 2磅       


Bolines are hook-shaped knives commonly used by herbalists and spellcasters to harvest ingredients for their craft. A boline’s blade is typically 5 inches long, and is too small and irregular to use as a weapon. You can use a boline to finely slice the herbs in a healer’s kit, so you can treat deadly wounds with only a single use from a healer’s kit rather than two uses.
主题: 奇怪的“仪典”类专长又增加了
作者: 思维熵化2023-03-24, 周五 15:32:48
各种人名地名事件名翻译主要参考这里 (,致谢前辈们
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)古老传统(Ancient Tradition)(专长)
出自《古国血脉》(Blood of the Ancients pg. 6)


古奥斯里昂(Ancient Osirion)
恩惠:1:蛇纹法印;2:元素形态 IV;3:法师裂解术


吉斯塔克帝国(Jistka Imperium)

龙华(Lung Wa)
恩惠:1:巧言术;2:巨龙形态 I;3:辉煌豪宅

恩惠:1:类人形态 I;2:再生术;3:斗争徽记

恩惠:1:召唤自然盟友 III;2:休养仙环;3:异界之门

日常仪式:爬到你可以到达的最高点,在那里你可以清晰无遮地看到天空。如果你能够飞,你应该飞到合理的高度以取代之。张开双臂回想天空的开放和自由,以及飞行的力量。对四风(four winds)中的每一个说出祝福,并祈求它们在这一天只给你带来好运。你在飞行检定上获得+2加值,并且在决定有[气](air)描述符的法术的持续时间时施法者等级+1。

特尔塔伽德(Tar Taargadth)
特尔塔伽德的矮人帝国是从事寻天宏愿(大寻天,the Quest for Sky)的矮人的最终产物。帝国代表了古代矮人的毅力和团结。

PFS Legal Ancient Tradition
Source Blood of the Ancients pg. 6
You have devoted yourself to keeping the traditions of an ancient or lost culture alive and well, and you gain strength from your devotion to the old ways.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (history) 3 ranks, must have a connection to a lost culture (see text).

Benefit: Each lost culture has its own daily ritual, but none of them take more than 1 hour per day to perform. Once you’ve performed the daily ritual, you gain the benefit of a special ability or resistance as indicated in the Daily Ritual entry for the culture in question. Specific cultures and their rituals are listed below.

If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the first boon granted by your lost culture upon undertaking its daily ritual. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you also gain the lost culture’s second boon. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain the lost culture’s third boon. Each boon is a spell-like ability that you can cast once per day. Your caster level for these boons is equal to your Hit Dice, and the saving throw DC is based on your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest).

For the purposes of this feat, you are considered to have a connection to a lost culture if you have a relic or object from that civilization, have extensively researched that culture, or are descended—directly or culturally—from that culture’s people. Once you have chosen a lost culture, you cannot change it without your GM’s permission. At the GM’s discretion, other types of connections might also apply. Typically, you can have a connection to only one lost civilization. If you ever fail to perform a daily ritual, you lose all access to the benefits and boons granted by this feat until the time you next perform the daily ritual.

Lost Cultures
The following cultures have rich ancient traditions in which characters can invest.

Ancient Osirion
Founded by Azghaad, a prophet of Nethys who famously slew a Spawn of Rovagug and founded his capital within its carapace, Osirion is a nation with a long and proud history. The Ancient Osirians are best known today for their elaborate tombs, many of which have remained untouched for millennia.

Daily Ritual: Position yourself where you can watch the sun rise. As it does, briefly give thanks to each god in Ancient Osirion’s pantheon. Reflect on your notable Osirian ancestors or other ancient heroes and their accomplishments. Then, leave a small offering of cooked food on a wooden plate (or, if none is available, on a large leaf ). You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist death effects.

Boons: 1: sepia snake sigil; 2: elemental body IV; 3: mage’s disjunction.

Azlant is considered by many to have been the pinnacle of human society, though the ancient empire’s hubris brought about the calamity known as Earthfall.

Daily Ritual: Stand tall, with one arm outstretched, clutching a crystal, gem, or ioun stone in your fist. Keeping your arm outstretched, slowly turn three times in a counterclockwise circle, each time naming aloud one of your achievements or strengths. You gain a +2 bonus on Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks.

Boons: 1: arcane sight; 2: reverse gravity; 3: overwhelming presence.

Jistka Imperium
One of the first human civilizations to emerge after the devastation of Earthfall, Jistka was known for its advanced technologies and mighty legions. The Imperium eventually fell before the rising might of Ancient Osirion and the Tekritanin League.

Daily Ritual: Read sections from the Poleiheira, the journals of Arustun, the ancient hero who founded the Jistka Imperium. If you do not have any portions of these journals, you can instead meditate on the nature of civilization, the importance of structure and discipline to society, and the ways in which technology can improve the lives of the people. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls for nonmagical masterwork weapons and a +2 bonus on Craft checks to create golems.

Boons: 1: keen edge; 2: control construct; 3: wooden phalanx.

Lung Wa
While not the largest empire in its region’s history, Lung Wa was perhaps the most prosperous—and certainly the most recent, collapsing only about a century ago. The empire’s reign is noted for its long periods of peace and stability, along with its state religion, which raised emperors to deities and banned the worship of other divine figures.

Daily Ritual: Carefully write your name in calligraphy in the center of a blank piece of parchment. Then, write around it the names of those to whom you have obligations: your family members, superiors, dependents, business partners, neighbors, and so on, mapping the personal connections in a wheel about yourself. If no paper is available, the writing can be performed in a patch of smooth sand or earth instead. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist emotion effects.

Boons: 1: tongues; 2: form of the dragon I; 3: resplendent mansion.

Situated around the Pit of Gormuz, the nation of Ninshabur boasted a warlike people, whose phalanxes spread far and wide to lay siege to other nations. Though their armies are said to have successfully done battle against the Spawn of Rovagug on many occasions, they met their end facing the wicked Tarrasque.

Daily Ritual: Recall a battle with a magical beast you participated in that occurred within the last week. Meditate on your technique and identify ways to improve for your next combat. If you have not fought a magical beast recently, instead train for 1 hour, chanting the war cries of Ninshabur while you do. You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against magical beasts.

Boons: 1: monstrous physique I; 2: regenerate; 3: symbol of strife.

The land that was once Sarkoris has always been unpredictable and wild—a place where borders between planes were naturally thin and whose ties to other planes of existence long predated the formation of the Worldwound. Before this land was invaded by demons and scoured of human life, it was home to a proud warrior culture ruled over by shamans.

Daily Ritual: With your back to the rising sun, travel directly westward (or as close to directly westward as you can manage). At the first signs of an animal you encounter, you must change your path to track it, and if you are able to catch up to it within an hour, you must attempt to slay or capture it. You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) and Survival checks.

Boons: 1: summon nature’s ally III; 2: fairy ring retreat; 3: gate.

The aerial Shory Empire consisted of a collection of loosely aligned city-states that soared through the skies with the power of Shory’s advanced aeromancy techniques.

Daily Ritual: Climb to the highest point available to you, where you have a clear and unobstructed view of the sky. If you are able to fly, you should fly as high as you reasonably can instead. Spread your arms wide and reflect on the openness and freedom of the skies, and the power of flight. Speak a blessing to each of the four winds and ask that they bring only good fortune your way this day. You gain a +2 bonus on Fly checks and treat your caster level as 1 higher when determining the duration of spells you cast with the air descriptor.

Boons: 1: fly; 2: wind walk; 3: winds of vengeance.
Tar Taargadth
The dwarven empire of Tar Taargadth was the final product of the dwarves who undertook the Quest for Sky. The empire represented both the perseverance and the unity of the dwarves in ancient days.

Daily Ritual: Dig a hole that is at least 1 foot deep. Gather the dug up earth and create a small mound. Sit on the mound and meditate on the Quest for Sky. Reflect both on the life for those underground and the liberation granted to those above ground. Write a short prayer and bury it in the hole, covering it with the same earth. You gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks while underground and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves.

Boons: 1: meld with stone; 2: rampart; 3: clashing rocks.

Ruled over by powerful mages and built on the backs of enslaved giants, Thassilon was one of the great powers of the ancient world.

Daily Ritual: Meditate on an action you performed the previous day that particularly corresponds with one of the seven sins celebrated by Thassilonian rune magic. If you cannot think of any sinful actions you performed the previous day, you are unable to complete the ritual. Once your meditation is complete, draw the rune corresponding to the chosen sin in a prominent place on your body, such as the palm, the back of the hand, the forehead, or the chest. Choose a school of magic from the following list: abjuration, conjuration, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation. Once you choose a school of magic, it cannot be changed. You gain a +2 bonus on saves against spells of the chosen school.

Boons: 1: explosive runes; 2: symbol of stunning; 3: symbol of vulnerability.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2023-05-09, 周二 19:28:48
暮行者(Duskwalker)种族特性:阎摩执行官(Yamaraj's Bailiff)
这取代了腐化抗性(ward against corruption).
Yamaraj’s Bailiff: Duskwalkers tied to the mighty yamarajes can draw upon a fraction of the final judges’ sagacity. Duskwalkers with this racial trait can use their Wisdom modifier when attempting Bluff and Diplomacy checks instead of their Charisma modifier. This racial trait replaces ward against corruption.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2023-05-28, 周日 16:07:53
变体领域力量(Variant Domain Powers)(职业选项)
出自《闹鬼英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook)

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)阿斯莫迪斯(Asmodeus)出自《闹鬼英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 8)

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)凯登凯连(Cayden Cailean)出自《闹鬼英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 8)

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)义洛理(Irori)出自《闹鬼英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 8)

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)奈德丽(Naderi)出自《闹鬼英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 9)

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)法莱斯玛(Pharasma)出自《闹鬼英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 9)

(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)厄加图娅(Urgathoa)出自《闹鬼英雄手册》(Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 9)

Variant Domain Powers
Description Source: Haunted Heroes Handbook
A cleric (or any other character capable of selecting a domain) who worships the deity in question can choose to gain the variant domain power upon first gaining the domain in question, but the choice to replace the domain power must be made immediately upon gaining access to that domain and cannot be changed thereafter.

PFS Legal Asmodeus
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 8
Associated Domain(s): Trickery
While the church of Asmodeus periodically endorses the use of possession for certain reasons, it is usually vehemently against unsanctioned possession and the creation of uncontrolled undead forces. Asmodeans have a particular hatred for celestials who partake in acts of possession. Such outsiders are hunted down, and the Church of Asmodeus may offer its exorcising agents’ services pro bono for the chance to strike at a particularly hated celestial. The eventual consequence of such arrangements—often left unsaid—is that Asmodeans track those they have helped in this way, and often return to force those individuals to host a devil for a period of predetermined length as recompense for their prior service.
Deceptive Reprieve (Sp): When you touch a creature under direct mental control (such as that granted via dominate person, but not via charm person) or the victim of possession, that creature can attempt a new Will save against the control or possession effect with a +2 bonus. If the creature succeeds, the effect or possession is temporarily halted, as per protection from evil, for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your character level. While this ability is active, the target takes a –2 penalty on saves against new mind-affecting effects and new attempts at possession. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
This replaces the copycat domain power of the Trickery domain.

PFS Legal Cayden Cailean
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 8
Associated Domain(s): Chaos
Cayden Cailean stands opposed to any force that denies free will. Servants of Cayden make unique exorcists, as their methods radically differ from those of other churches, despite often using similar spells and items. Spirited consumption of alcohol usually precedes any formal activity, and while it may seem to onlookers that Caydenites are feckless drunks, the devoted use this time to elicit truthful statements about the possessed from those with whom they drink. In this way, the servants of Cayden ensure they have all the proper information before moving against a supernatural threat, which they undoubtedly do with a (mostly) sober head.
Drunken Autonomy (Su): As a swift action, whenever under the effects of mind-affecting magic, possession, or similar external control, you can channel the unrestricted nature of your god. Instead of acting under the compulsion, you instead act as though you had the confused condition for 1 round. Producing the “act normally” result allows you to act free of mental compulsion for that round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
This replaces the touch of chaos domain power of the Chaos domain.

PFS Legal Irori
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 8
Associated Domain(s): Healing
Through Irori’s teachings, impurities in oneself and in the world are overcome. Irori’s followers are some of the most self-disciplined of Golarion’s faithful, believing that knowledge is the best weapon one can wield against the shackles of possession. They rarely directly involve themselves in battling those intruding forces, instead hoping the afflicted can overcome their situations through their own force of will. Haunts are the one exception to this mantra of nonintervention. As spirits beyond the mortal cycle, haunts are often targeted by the servants of Irori as being stains on the delicate fabric of the world.
Exorcise Haunt (Sp): You can emit a burst of positive energy as a standard action. Any haunt within 15 feet of you takes 1d8 points of damage plus 1 for every 2 cleric levels you have. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
This replaces the rebuke death domain power of the Healing domain.

PFS Legal Naderi
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 9
Associated Domain(s): Nobility
As worshipers of the goddess of drowning, romantic tragedy, and suicide, Naderi’s faithful are often fraught with encounters of the supernatural variety. Her followers contend more with undead than they do outsiders or magical possession, more as a matter of her portfolio than because of any actual training against such forces. Her divine worshipers use conventional means of defeating haunts or possessing spirits, but have additional power over those tied to means of death in Naderi’s portfolio.
Romance Beyond Death (Su): You receive Command Undead or Turn Undead as a bonus feat, depending on the type of energy you channel. Increase the DC of the saving throw against these feats’ effects by 2 as long as the spirits involved were slain by drowning or killed themselves. If the circumstances of the affected undead’s creation was linked to romance, increase the save DC by 4 instead.
This replaces the leadership domain power of the Nobility domain.

PFS Legal Pharasma
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 9
Associated Domain(s): Repose
The Lady of Graves seeks the destruction of undead, be they corporeal or manifested spirits. Inquisitors of Pharasma scour the world for signs of the undead, destroying such abominations on sight by means both traditional and esoteric in nature. As a result, most people come first to the church of Pharasma when seeking assistance against foul spirits. One unusual facet of Pharasma’s faithful is their reluctance to excise non-undead spirits, such as demons or devils. Only the most altruistic of Pharasmin priests offer their services against possessing outsiders, as most faithful see battling such foes as being beyond their true calling.
Exorcism of Undeath (Sp): Once per day as a full-round action, you can try to end any possession spells or effects, or effects that directly exercise mental control over a creature, as long as the effect was caused by an undead creature. You must touch the affected creature (this requires a melee touch attack if the target is neither willing nor helpless) and use a vial of holy water as a material component that is consumed as part of using this ability. The target must immediately attempt a new Will save against the original save DC of the controlling effect. If the save is successful, the possession effect immediately ends, as if the target had succeeded at its original saving throw. If the possessing force is a ghost or similar undead, it manifests adjacent to the target and is staggered for 1 round.
This replaces the ward against death domain power of the Repose domain.

PFS Legal Urgathoa
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 9
Associated Domain(s): Death
A risen spirit is akin to a plant that must be tended. Such are the teachings of Urgathoa, the goddess who is believed to be the first undead creature. Unlike many of her deific counterparts, Urgathoa champions the shepherding and protection of haunts and possessing spirits, even to the danger and detriment of her own followers. The faithful of the Pallid Princess believe that by prolonging the torment and tortured existence of a spirit, they create something akin to a beautiful piece of artwork. In a similar manner, servants of Urgathoa view the possession of a mortal body by a deceased spirit as a blessing.
Necrotic Tending (Sp): You can touch an undead creature or area affected by a haunt as a standard action, restoring 1d8 hit points + 1 for every 2 cleric levels you have. This ability has no effect on other creatures. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
This replaces the bleeding touch domain power of the Death domain.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2023-05-30, 周二 14:21:03
滞留吐息/龙息长存(Lingering Breath)
出自《传说编年史》(Chronicle of Legends pg. 9)

先决条件:龙徒(龙脉术士 Dragon disciple)3级

效果:对你的喷吐武器(breath weapon)豁免失败的生物将被龙息缠绕,每回合受到1d6 x 你每天能够使用喷吐武器次数 的伤害,持续伤害类型与你喷吐武器的能量类型相同。龙息缠绕效果持续轮数等同于你的龙徒等级,但一个生物能在效果生效的回合中以一个标准动作再次尝试一次对抗你喷吐武器DC的豁免来移除效果。

Lingering Breath
Source Chronicle of Legends pg. 9
Your powerful draconic breath coats the battlefield.

Prerequisites: Dragon disciple level 3rd.

Benefit: A creature that fails its save against your breath weapon is covered in a clinging effect that deals a number of points of damage equal to 1d6 × the number of times per day you can use your breath weapon. This lingering damage is of the same energy type as your breath weapon. The lingering breath effect remains for a number of rounds equal to your dragon disciple level, but in each subsequent round, a creature can spend a standard action to attempt another save against your breath weapon DC to remove the effect.
主题: 【Distant Shores】团队专长
作者: 萌新也有滥强的心2023-06-09, 周五 08:56:51
(http://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind)〔团队〕

(http://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)额外援助(Exceptional Aid)〔团队〕
先决条件:心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind)。

(http://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 分享法术(Share Spells)〔团队〕
先决条件:心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind),与一名动物伙伴、幻灵、魔宠或魅影有法术共享(share spells)能力,施法者等级1级。
专长效果:只要盟友拥有心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind)专长的话,你就可以将目标为〔自身〕的法术如同接触法术一般的施展到一名盟友身上,如同法术共享(share spells)魔宠能力一般。

(http://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)特殊快递(Special Delivery)〔团队〕
先决条件:心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind),分享法术(Share Spells),通过动物伙伴、幻灵、魔宠或魅影传递法术的能力,施法者等级3级。
专长效果:每当你与一名拥有心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind)专长的盟友保有联系,且你施展了一道接触法术时,你可以指定该盟友为“接触者”,如同传递接触法术(deliver touch spells)魔宠能力一般。

(http://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 吃下这一击(Take the Hit)〔团队〕
先决条件:心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind),基础攻击加值+6。
专长效果:只要一名拥有心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind)专长的盟友与你相邻,你就可以选择从任何造成生命值损失的攻击中吸收高达一半的伤害,就像受到护卫他人(shield other)法术的影响一样。使用该能力是一个直觉动作,即便该盟友在同一动作中被多次攻击击中,但它也仅适用于一次攻击。

  Bonded Mind (Teamwork)
Source Distant Shores pg. 63
You and your partner are so close that you can almost read each other’s minds.

Benefit: As long as you can see each other, you and an ally who also has this feat can trade nonverbal messages. These function as the message spell, except that you don’t need to whisper or point, and you cannot be overheard.

  Exceptional Aid (Teamwork)
Source Distant Shores pg. 63
You’re always ready to lend your partner a hand.

Prerequisites: Bonded Mind.

Benefit: When you successfully use the Aid Another action to assist an ally’s skill check, and the ally also has this feat, the bonus is +4 instead of +2.

  Share Spells (Teamwork)
Source Distant Shores pg. 63
You can share individual magic with your partner.

Prerequisites: Bonded Mind, ability to share spells with an animal companion, eidolon, familiar, or phantom, caster level 1st.

Benefit: You can cast a spell with a target of “you” on an ally as a touch spell, as per the share spells familiar ability, so long as the ally possesses the Bonded Mind feat.

  Special Delivery (Teamwork)
Source Distant Shores pg. 63
Your partner can carry your spells to their targets.

Prerequisites: Bonded Mind, Share Spells, ability to deliver spells through an animal companion, eidolon, familiar, or phantom, caster level 3rd.

Benefit: Whenever you are in contact with an ally who has the Bonded Mind feat and you cast a touch spell, you can designate the ally as the “toucher,” as per the deliver touch spells familiar ability.

  Take the Hit (Teamwork)
Source Distant Shores pg. 63
You can shield your partner’s body with your own.

Prerequisites: Bonded Mind, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: As long as an ally with the Bonded Mind feat is adjacent to you, you can choose to absorb up to half of the hit point damage from any attack that strikes him, as if subject to a shield other spell. Using this ability is an immediate action, and it only applies to one attack, even if the ally is hit by multiple attacks as part of the same action.



3、心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind)专长中的except that you don’t need to whisper or point,通过查看传讯术(message),私自扩展翻译成:除了你们并不需要轻声说出信息或指出所需传递信息之人。要不然whisper or point没法翻译。另外,不知道是不是错觉,总感觉这个专长似乎被翻译过,翻译出来后有点眼熟,不会是撞车了吧?
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 回归直线2023-06-11, 周日 20:33:35
峭壁打击(Precipice Strike)(战斗)
出处:《缘界英雄(Heroes from the Fringe)》26页


Precipice Strike (Combat)
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 26
Rough mountain roads are as smooth as cobblestone to you. Enemies challenge you in your home territory at their peril.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +6, cragkin half-orc.

Benefit: When you and the target of your attack are both in difficult terrain, treat the target as if he were flat-footed. In addition, if you attack a flat-footed enemy from a higher elevation (including while falling), you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your attack roll.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2023-07-06, 周四 00:42:53
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)记忆虹吸(Mnemonic Siphon)出自《古国血脉》(Blood of the Ancients pg. 26)
等级:法师/术士/奥能师 4,魔战士 3,秘学士 3,女巫 4
持续时间:1天/等级 或 直至能量发散(可解消)
PFS Legal Mnemonic Siphon
Source Blood of the Ancients pg. 26
School divination; Level arcanist 4, magus 3, occultist 3, sorcerer 4, witch 4, wizard 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S
Range touch
Target object touched
Duration 1 day/level or until discharged (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You inscribe a rune on the target object. The rune remains dormant until the object finds its way into the hands of a spellcaster, at which point the rune steals one of that creature’s spells and passes the knowledge back to you. The stolen spell is selected randomly. An object inscribed with this rune is affected as though by the spell magic aura. Additionally, if a creature in possession of the object casts a spell that appears on your spell list, there is a 10% chance that the mnemonic siphon absorbs that spell, causing it to fail as though it had been successfully countered. Whenever the mnemonic siphon absorbs a spell in this fashion, it causes the knowledge of the absorbed spell to appear directly in your mind. You can use this knowledge to prepare the spell if you have an unused spell slot capable of casting it. You can also use the knowledge to write the spell into a spellbook or teach it to your familiar. This knowledge remains in your mind for 24 hours, after which time it is lost. The mnemonic siphon is capable of absorbing up to 1 spell per 2 caster levels you have before being discharged. If you are not capable of learning a stolen spell normally, the knowledge is useless to you.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 草野2023-07-07, 周五 11:06:00
日隐术(Sunstalker)PFS可 出自冒险者指南Adventurer's Guide
等级:术士/法师 3,游侠 3,吟游诗人 3
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 草野2023-07-07, 周五 11:18:58
解法专攻 Dispel Focus 出自怪物召唤者手册(Monster Summoner's Handbook pg.9)

高等解法专攻 Greater Dispel Focus 出自怪物召唤者手册(Monster Summoner's Handbook pg.9)
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: unspeakable2023-07-14, 周五 12:54:02
万象真气Ki Diversity  (PFS不可用) 出自《组织指南》(Faction Guide pg.56)





:迅捷动作消耗1点气,你可以让你当轮的所有近战或远程攻击(melee or ranged attacks)适用感知调整值而非力量/敏捷调整值。


(TPA:Total Prestige Award,该势力的声望点)

Ki Diversity (Combat, Faction)
Source Faction Guide pg. 56
You have trained at the feet of the masters of the Kusari-Gama, a secret society of monk warriors. With their secrets you have mastered new ways to apply your ki.

Prerequisites: Ki pool class feature, Wis 13, Kusari-Gama 25 TPA.

Benefit: You learn how to channel your ki in a new ability. Choose one of the following ki powers:

Bone Crusher: When you succeed at a trip or disarm combat maneuver, you may spend 1 point from your ki pool as a swift action to deal damage to your opponent as if you had hit them with an unarmed strike.

Dim Mak: You may spend 1 point from your ki pool as a swift action to execute your next Stunning Fist attack as a melee touch attack rather than a normal melee attack.

Mind of the Kensai: You may spend 1 point from your ki pool as a swift action to imbue a single melee weapon in your hands with the ki focus weapon special ability until your next turn.

Wings of the Crane: If you have the Deflect Arrows feat, you may spend 1 point from your ki pool as an immediate action to use that feat to def lect a second missile weapon that round. If you have the Snatch Arrows feat, you may use this ability to catch a second weapon, but not throw it back.

Zen Combatant: You may spend 1 point from your ki pool as a swift action to substitute your Wisdom score for your Strength or Dexterity for all melee or ranged attacks you make that round.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, you may choose an additional ability from the list above. Monks can select this feat as a monk bonus feat.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 萌新也有滥强的心2023-07-24, 周一 18:27:03
出自:Ultimate Intrigue pg. 134, Cohorts and Companions pg. 30

由于新手们忙于学习和研究其职业生涯的基础知识,那些没有与你一道旅行的成员不能参与制造寻常物品及魔法物品、亦或是专业检定。然而,如果你使用休整期规则(downtime rules)的话,那些没有与你一同旅行的新手们可以担任你私产的管理人(managers)。如果一名新手死亡的话,你仅会承受-1的领导力减值。


Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 134, Cohorts and Companions pg. 30
Be they students, retainers, new recruits to your order, or neophyte members of your faith, you have access to a small set of dedicated servants.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, character level 5th.

Benefit: You gain a number of cohorts (as per the Leadership feat) that represent NPCs you are responsible for instructing and overseeing. You have a number of such cohorts equal to half your character level. Unlike normal cohorts, these recruits must be at least 4 levels lower than your level. Since these recruits must spend most of their time studying and gaining experience, only one recruit can travel with you at a time (though they all gain experience at the same rate, as those not present are assumed to be studying and growing independently). Whenever you are in a major town or city, you can exchange the recruit currently accompanying you for a different member of your recruits.

As recruits are busy learning and studying the basics of their careers, those not traveling with you can’t engage in mundane or magical crafting or Profession checks. Recruits not traveling with you can, however, serve as managers for your holdings if you are using the downtime rules. If a recruit dies, you take only a –1 penalty to your Leadership score.

Special: The Recruits feat counts as the Leadership feat for purposes of fulfilling prerequisites. A character cannot have both Leadership and Recruits. A character with Recruits who later qualifies for Leadership can exchange this feat for Leadership immediately upon qualifying (selecting one minor cohort to become a full cohort, while the rest move on).


2、休整期规则(downtime rules):详见柳深龙佐性大佬在《极限战役》翻译的系列帖子。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 草野2023-07-24, 周一 22:42:42
不可思议王国之秘(Secret of the Impossible Kingdom)
出自《初探内海》第9页(Inner Sea Primer)

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 萌新也有滥强的心2023-07-28, 周五 16:19:22
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/ThreeFiveSymbol.gif) (
碎钢心境之秘(Secret of Steel-Shattering Spirit)[/b]
出自:Pathfinder Campaign Setting pg. 85



一名在完美学社中训练过的武僧可以选择碎钢心境之秘(Secret of Steel-Shattering Spirit)作为他的6级武僧奖励专长。

Secret of Steel-Shattering Spirit
Source Pathfinder Campaign Setting pg. 85
As a student trained in the Impossible Techniques of Jalmeray, you can rend wood, burst brick, or even shatter steel with the perfect focus and application of your ki.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6, must be lawful.

Benefit: You gain a pool of ki points equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). As a swift action, you may focus your ki into strikes that can overcome the hardness of any substance. Each unarmed strike attack you make while in this focus expends 1 ki from your pool, whether or not it hit. You lose your focus automatically when you run out of ki, when the encounter ends, if you are reduced to fewer than 0 hit points or killed, or as a free action any time you wish.

While focused in this way, your unarmed strikes are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction or bypassing hardness.

Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. For each additional time you gain the feat you add 1 to your ki pool and your unarmed strikes gain an additional property for overcoming damage reduction, in the following order: adamantine, cold iron, silver, magic, lawful, epic. If your unarmed strikes already count as one or more of those properties (from any source), they gain the next property in line.

A monk trained at one of the Houses of Perfection may select Secret of Steel-Shattering Spirit as his 6th-level monk bonus feat.

主题: 背景
作者: 思维熵化2023-08-18, 周五 16:44:12
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)惊啸跃击(Screaming Leap)
出自《进化职业起源》(Advanced Class Origins pg. 13)
类型 地区背景
需求 猛犸象大王之国
PFS Legal Screaming Leap
Source Advanced Class Origins pg. 13
Category Region
Requirement(s) Realm of the Mammoth Lords
The rocky foothills of your homeland are ideal for staging leaping ambushes that leave your victims battered and routed. You gain a +1 trait bonus on melee damage rolls when you make a charge attack from higher ground. Once per day, when you make a charge attack from higher ground, you can use the Intimidate skill to demoralize your target as a swift action.
主题: 炼金物品
作者: 思维熵化2023-08-18, 周五 18:49:12
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)粘液凝滞剂/史莱慢(Slime slow)
出自《恶魔猎人手册》(Demon Hunter's Handbook pg. 19)
价格 15 gp
重量 1/2磅
类型 炼金武器




工艺(炼金) DC20
Slime slow
Source Demon Hunter's Handbook pg. 19
Price 15 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Category Alchemical Weapons
Dark blue crystals are suspended at various points in this chunky mixture of icy liquid. When the liquid inside is exposed to open air, a vial of slow slime has a unique congealing effect on amorphous bodies. The wielder can throw a vial of slime slow as a splash weapon. If a creature with the amorphous special quality suffers a direct hit, that creature must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or lose the benefits of being amorphous for 1d4 rounds. Amorphous creatures indirectly hit by slime slow must attempt the same Fortitude save, but only risk losing the benefits of being amorphous for 1 round. Crafting a vial of slime slow requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20
主题: 冒險裝備
作者: 空山鳴2023-08-25, 周五 04:16:04
紳士公文箱 Esquire attaché case 出自《極限詭道》233頁

价格 100gp      重量 8磅       


An esquire attaché case contains the materials and references for drafting agreements and treaties. Carried by ambassadors and diplomats, these kits hold masterwork writing implements, fine parchments, special inks, and references on the legal languages of specific nations or regions. When purchasing a kit, you must select a nation or region. An esquire attaché case grants you a +2 circumstance bonus when used to draft diplomatic and legal documents in the chosen nation or region. These are typically Profession (barrister) checks, but may include other checks related to creating documents, such as Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), or Linguistics.

主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 萌新也有滥强的心2023-11-29, 周三 13:02:07
出自:Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
价格:1 SP - 50 GP;重量:1/2磅。


According to the worshipers of Abadar, “Clothing is what separates the civilized from the savage.”

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 185, Pathfinder #51: The Hungry Storm pg. 67
Price 5 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Clothing
Cleats reduce the penalty for walking over slick surfaces by 50%. For example, walking across ice normally costs 2 squares of movement (1 square plus a 1 square penalty) for every square of movement, but with cleats it costs only 1.5 squares for every square. Cleats cause damage to any type of finished flooring. They may supplement another outfit.

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Pathfinder #51: The Hungry Storm pg. 67, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 185, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 12 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Category Clothing
The most basic of cold-weather gear, animal furs serve to keep their wearers warm. Wearing enough fur to cover the body provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist cold weather. This does not stack with any bonuses gained from the Survival skill. Furs may supplement another outfit.

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Pirates of the Inner Sea pg. 21, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 1 sp–50 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.–2 lbs.
Category Clothing
Hats of various styles appear in all cultures. Ranging from the turban to the tricorne to the furred cap, a hat can be a simple covering for the head. Particular hats are sometimes mandatory for social or religious sects. A utilitarian hat such as a tricorne typically costs 2 sp.

  Hot weather outfit
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 185
Price 8 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Category Clothing
Covering your body from head to foot in light, airy cloth keeps you cooler than baring your skin to the sun. This outfit typically consists of a loose linen robe and either a turban or loose head covering and veil. The outfit provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist warm or hot weather. This does not stack with any bonuses gained from the Survival skill.

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price Varies; Weight Varies
Category Clothing
The price of jewelry varies wildly by its quality. Many cultures, particularly nomads, consciously use jewelry as a form of portable wealth, most notably with belts and bangles made from coins. A commoner’s ornaments may only be worth a few copper pieces, an artisan’s a few silver pieces, and a merchant’s a few gold pieces, while nobles rarely wear jewelry worth less than 100 gp.

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 1 sp–50 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Clothing
The gala events of decadent nobles are where one might see the most outlandish and stylish of masks, but simpler masks might be found wherever local customs permit. They range from small bits of fabric that cover only a portion of the face to elaborate constructions that cover the entire face or head.

  Pickpocket's outfit
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 5 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Category Clothing
Outfitted with concealed pockets, this clothing gives you a +2 bonus when hiding small objects on your person.

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19, Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 15
Price 1 sp–5 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Category Clothing
Entertainers often employ seductive garb and entrancing props in their performances. Scarves of colorful cloth or transparent silk, often embroidered with elaborate scenes or motifs, are favorite accessories.


Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Varisia, Birthplace of Legends pg. 15, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19, Pathfinder Campaign Setting pg. 213, Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide pg. 12, Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide pg. 11
Price   8 gp (pocketed),   10 gp (reinforced); Weight 1/2 lb. (pocketed), 1 lb. (reinforced)
An elaborate design disguises several small pockets on one side of this scarf. This scarf grants you a +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide objects on your body. This bonus does not stack with the bonus wearing heavy clothing provides but does stack with bonuses for attempting to hide small objects.One side of this 8-foot-long scarf is reinforced with chain links and metal plates. While not enough to provide a benefit to Armor Class, these versatile scarves can be used like a length of chain to climb short distances or bind an enemy. A reinforced scarf has hardness 10 and 4 hit points. It can be burst with a successful DC 24 Strength check.


Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Pathfinder #51: The Hungry Storm pg. 67, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 185
Price 5 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Category Clothing
These high-tension nets of rope or sinew in wooden frames are lashed to the feet to spread your weight across the snow, making you much less likely to break through the crust and rendering walking much easier. Snowshoes reduce the penalty for walking through heavy snow by 50%; for example, if moving through snow normally costs you 2 squares of movement (1 square plus a 1 square penalty) per square traveled, snowshoes reduce this cost to 1.5 squares per square traveled. Snowshoes may supplement another outfit.

  Tear-away clothing
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price +5 gp; Weight —
Category Clothing
Sneaks and thieves know the value of a good disguise. The ability to remove that disguise in a hurry, thus revealing the next layer of disguise, is nearly as valuable. Tear-away clothing is generally loose fitting and allows another layer of clothing to be worn underneath. The seams on this clothing are designed to break easily, making it a simple matter (a standard action) to remove these items and walk away with none the wiser. Any outfit can be crafted as tear-away clothing for an additional price.

Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 1 sp-50 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Category Clothing
Much like hats, vests appear in almost all cultures. Though the basic design remains the same, they vary wildly in cut, color, and function. The difference between the court vests of Taldor and the dancing vests of Varisia is quite striking.

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 89, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 5 gp–500 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.–4 lbs.
Category Clothing
False hair comes in many forms, from the severe coif of a judge to the towering confection adorning a noble to the simple curls worn by a housewife whose hair is thinning. Wigs can be found for sale in any major city and can be special-ordered in most towns. As they are usually made of hair, the available colors are likely limited by the locally predominant hair color, but others can be obtained by applying dye.


忽然发现Adventurer's Armory的服饰章节的服饰基本都被翻译完全了,将最后一个未翻译的服饰补上翻译。希望哪天有大佬做个整合。
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 蠢蠢的骑士2023-12-05, 周二 13:42:46
    格拉里昂的地精 25页
专长效果:如果你被近战武器击中,你可以尝试将部分或全部伤害转化为移动,使你在不受控制的弹跳中翻滚。如此做,你必须用直觉动作进行一个特技检定(DC=5+这次攻击造成的伤害)。如果你在这次检定中成功,你不会受到这此攻击的实际伤害但是作为这次伤害的每一点将会转化成1尺移动。例如,如果你受到了 6 点伤害,你可以将其转化为 6 尺的移动。你会立即朝你选择的方向直线移动,移动距离为这个英尺数(提升到最接近的 5 英尺倍数),如果你移动了等同于你速度的距离,你就会停下。如果这个移动会使你击中一个与你体型相当或更大的物体或生物,则移动立即结束,你会受到 1d4 点伤害,并俯卧在该方格中。如果你穿过受威胁的方格,这种非自愿的移动通常会引发借机攻击,但不会引发首先攻击你的生物的借机攻击。



Only legal goblin PCs are allowed to choose anything from this book Roll With It (Combat)
Source Goblins of Golarion pg. 25
You know how to take a hit, even if your reaction sends you bouncing and flying out of battle while shrieking at the top of your lungs.

Prerequisites: Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank.

Benefit: If you are struck by a melee weapon you can try to convert some or all of that damage into movement that sends you off in an uncontrolled bouncing roll. To do so, you must make an Acrobatics check (DC = 5 + the damage dealt from the attack) as an immediate action. If you succeed in this check, you take no damage from the actual attack but instead convert that damage into movement with each point equating to 1 foot of movement. For example, if you would have taken 6 points of damage, you would convert that into 6 feet of movement. You immediately move in a straight line in a direction of your choice this number of feet (rounded up to the nearest 5-foot-square), halting if you reach a distance equal to your actual speed. If this movement would make you strike an object or creature of your size or larger, the movement immediately ends, you take 1d4 points of damage, and fall prone in that square. This involuntary movement provokes attacks of opportunity normally if you move through threatened squares, but does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the creature that struck you in the first place.

You are staggered for 1 round after you attempt to use this feat, whether or not you succeed.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 蠢蠢的骑士2023-12-05, 周二 14:11:03
错误的攻击者(EX) pfs不合法
 (Heroes of the Streets pg. 26)
每当游荡者在隐匿中攻击敌人时, 她可以用直觉动作进行一个哄骗检定(对抗目标的察言观色或者察觉检定,以有更高加值为准) 来让敌人在受到伤害前相信攻击者是另一个生物。这个哄骗检定也会加上让目标相信谎言的加值,但是这个过程可以只用物理诡计来完成(不需要共同语言)。如果哄骗成功而且游荡者保持掩蔽或隐蔽,游荡者的隐匿不会结束。

False Attacker (Ex) (Heroes of the Streets pg. 26): Whenever the rogue strikes a foe from hiding, she can attempt a Bluff check as an immediate action (opposed by the target’s Sense Motive or Perception check, whichever has a higher bonus) before rolling damage to convince the foe that another creature was the attacker. This Bluff check applies the normal modifiers for convincing a creature of a falsehood, but can be accomplished with just physical trickery (a shared language is not required). If the Bluff is successful, and the rogue maintains concealment or cover, the rogue’s stealth does not end.
主题: 工具
作者: 思维熵化2023-12-23, 周六 02:38:56
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)盗贼训练工具(Thief trainer)
出自《冒险者的军械库2》(Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 14)
价格 200gp;重量 4磅
类型 工具


PFS Legal Thief trainer
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 14
Price 200 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Category Tools
This small box is covered with varying gears, locks, panels, and other mechanisms. Thieves practice their mechanical skills by attempting to undo or unlock the various mechanisms to reach the box’s center. The mechanisms shift and rearrange, allowing for a multitude of combinations to keep the box from opening. Once unlocked, the box resets itself and provides a reordered set of mechanisms, starting the process over. Using a thief trainer to improve your skills requires 1 hour and a DC 25 Disable Device check. If you succeed at the check, you reduce the time required to complete a Disable Device check by 2 rounds (minimum 1 round). This bonus lasts for 24 hours.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 幼年成长KY咖喱2024-02-22, 周四 14:56:33
图腾纽带(猎人变体)Adventurer's Guide pg. 131

原始伙伴(EX):图腾纽带的动物伙伴采用一种原产于猛犸象王国的强大动物——通常是适合寒冷苔原的动物——从以下列表中选择:原牛、獾 B2、熊、大猫、麋鹿B3、巨型乌鸦 B6、乳齿象、犀牛、海象B4、狼或任何被归类为巨型动物的生物。根据GM的判断,她可以选择其他动物伙伴。

此外,7级图腾绑定的动物伙伴可以进一步成长。如果动物伙伴的自然体型为大,但通常作为 7 级的中型动物体型(例如熊)可用,则图腾纽带可以增加动物伙伴的体型。要为此类生物统计数据,请应用以下修改:体型 大型;AC +1 天生护甲;属性 力量+4,敏捷–2,体质+2。将动物伙伴的每次天生武器的伤害骰增大一个体型。

共享之力(su):在第 1 级,图腾纽带与她的动物伙伴之间的联系使他们能够利用彼此的力量。图腾纽带可以迅捷动作激活这种能力,她每天可以使用与她的等级相等的分钟数。此持续时间不需要是连续的,但必须以 1 分钟为最小使用时间。如果动物伙伴距离图腾纽带超过 100 英尺,效果会立即结束。

图腾纽带可以从动物伙伴拥有的特征(只限制天生武器和移动速度)从以下列表中获得一项:昏暗视觉、灵敏嗅觉、+1 天生护甲、+10 陆地速度、攀爬速度 30 英尺、游泳速度 40 英尺、2 爪 (1d4)、啃咬 (1d6)、抵撞 (1d6) 或挥击 (1d6);图腾纽带获得的天生武器都是主要攻击,列出的伤害对应中体型生物。。在第 8 级,图腾纽带体现了她的动物同伴的两个特征,她将以下内容添加到她的可用特征列表中:+20 英尺速度加成、50 英尺飞行速度(普通)、增加体型(如同人类变巨术)和强大的冲锋(使授予的抵撞或挥击攻击造成的伤害骰翻倍)。在第 15 级时,该技能所赋予的任何天生武器造成的伤害增加两个骰子。

图腾纽带的动物伙伴也受益于共享之力,动物伙伴可以理解图腾纽带的已知语言,并且可以执行不熟悉的技巧。在第 8 级时,动物同伴在豁免上获得+1加值,在所有技能检定上获得+2加值。在第 15 级时,动物同伴在豁免和技能鉴定方面的加成分别增加到 +2 和 +4。


主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2024-02-29, 周四 21:25:32
(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif)盗贼戒指(Thieves' ring)
出自《地城手册》(Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 25)
价格 300gp;重量 -
类型 工具


PFS Legal Thieves' ring
Source Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 25
Price 300 gp; Weight —
Category Tools
This slightly oversized ring conceals a few lockpicks and other tools coiled inside its band. These discreet tools, made of a metal alloy that springs straight once the tool is removed from the band, are sufficient to attempt Disable Device checks without penalty, and long enough to pick locks on manacles fastened around the wearer’s hands (once she slips off the ring). The wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the ring’s nature from anyone searching her.
主题: Re: 自用自翻资源帖
作者: 思维熵化2024-02-29, 周四 21:41:10
盗贼工具延长器(Thieves' tool extenders)
出自《地城手册》(Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 25)
价格(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 70gp(普通),(https://www.aonprd.com/images/PathfinderSocietySymbol.gif) 820gp(秘银);重量 3磅(普通),1-1/2磅(秘银)


Thieves' tool extenders
Source Dungeoneer's Handbook pg. 25
Price PFS Legal 70 gp (common), PFS Legal 820 gp (mithral); Weight 3 lbs. (common), 1 1/2 lbs. (mithral)
These long-reaching extenders can be attached to or detached from thieves’ tools as a standard action, allowing the user to make Disable Device checks on devices in any space he could reach with a reach weapon. High-quality mirrors on the shafts let him see what he’s doing, but he takes a –4 penalty on Disable Device checks when working on a device more than 5 feet away.