作者 主题: 前豺狼人之神苟莱利克(Gorellik)  (阅读 17593 次)

副标题: 【渣翻·修正补齐版】

离线 一楼夜雨

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« 于: 2013-03-31, 周日 19:20:17 »

  苟莱利克(Gorellik),鬣狗与斑齿兽之神God of Hyenas and Hyenadons

    猎人The Hunter, 流浪鬣狗The Wandering Hyena,衰弱之神The Fading God.
    徽记:白色斑鬣齿兽的头a white, mottled hyenadon's head
    居住位面:无;漫步于无底深渊和喧嚣空隧( the Abyss and the Windswept Depths of Pandemonium )
    信徒:豺狼人(除弗林德)Gnolls,猎人Hunters,野蛮豺狼人Feral Gnolls
    敌对:耶诺古(Yeenoghu,豺狼人之王深渊422层),达拉格尔 (Daragor,兽化人神祇)
   神系:豺狼人神系Gnoll pantheon

有关历史Publication history
    苟莱利克第一次被详细记录在《怪物神话》(1992年)(Monster Mythology)。
Gorellik was first detailed in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about his priesthood.


In many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Gorellik is the gnoll deity of hunting, hyenas, and hyaenodons. It was he who taught gnolls to tame hyenadons for purposes of hunting. Gorellik was the original patron god of gnolls, until the gnolls turned to giantish gods and later toward the demon lord Yeenoghu began stealing their worship and devotion for himself. As a result, Gorellik has suffered the loss of much of his power and is now no more than a demigod.

Gorellik now wanders the planes endlessly, with no seeming purpose, losing followers at a steady rate.
Gorellik appears as a tall mangy gnoll or as a mottled white hyenadon. As his power has declined he more often takes the form of the latter, prowling and hunting anything in his path.

    苟莱利克已经很少访问主物质面了。当他这么做,他会寻找狗头人据点。如果他们追随耶诺古,他会很高兴的摧毁他们以及食尸鬼之王(Ghoul Lord',伟大的吃神,在耶诺古的手下卧薪尝胆)的神殿。当他罕见的发现他们仍然效忠于他,他要么将他们变为鬣齿兽,并加入追随自己的流浪队伍作为授予的礼物,或者,在他离开时留下一个他的强大且非常智慧的鬣齿兽萨满提供服务。
Gorellik appears in two different forms, although his appearances in the former are becoming more and more infrequent. In his first form he is a tall gnoll with mangy fur and beady black eyes that wields Jackaltooth, a magical halberd. Anyone struck by this weapon will probably flee from him in terror.
His second form is that of a hyenadon. He resembles a giant, mottle white primitive hyena with wicked fangs and sharp forepaws. He attacks his foes in this form with his claws and teeth. Any gnoll he bites that lacks the protection of another god such as Yeenoghu, will automatically turn into a hyenadon that is fanatically loyal to The Hunter. This can happen to other humanoids, but the chance is slight.
Gorellik is not able to cast spells in either forms. In both forms, however, he is surrounded by a small pack of hyenas and hyenadons. He also has a choking charnel smell that surrounds him that nauseates others and can charm canines. Finally, no canine creature will ever attack the Wandering Hyena and he is immune to mind affecting spells.
Gorellik rarely visits the Material Plane anymore. When he does, he seeks out bands of gnolls. Should they follow Yeenoghu, he takes great pleasure in destroying them and the Ghoul Lord'stemples. If he should stumble upon gnolls still loyal to them, he will either grant them the gift of becoming hyenadons and joining his pack or he leaves one of his powerful and highly intelligent hyenadons to serve the shaman.
His favored weapon is the halberd. 】

least a lesser god, but his atavistic cult has remorselessly declined, originally due to gnolls turning to giantish gods and later due to the rise of Yeenoghu and the power of his priests compared with Gorellik's shamans (who have no witch-doctor abilities). Even early gnoll myths do not tell of a creation of their race, so this role was not one the god could hold on to his worshipers with; they simply revered force and power. In the face of this decline, the god has grown more feral and animalistic. Originally, it was he who taught gnolls how to charm and master hyenas that were used for hunting, and the powerful hyenadon is the god's symbol. As Gorellik has declined, he increasingly takes the form of this totemic animal, even as he prowls Pande-monium and the Abyss, which does not increase his attractiveness to flinds in particular.】
As a god in decline who increasingly acts more feral and animalistic, Gorellik has few if any constructive relationships with other deities.
The Fading God has few dealings with other deities nowadays; most rightfully dismiss him as a bestial has-been who barely deserves being called a power. No god, not even powers like Malar who may admire his hunting prowess and bestial ways, can truly be considered his friend or ally. The same is virtually true in regards to his enemies; no power truly considers him worthy or even worrisome enough to be called a foe. Only Yeenoghu could be considered an enemy, but the current gnoll god is so far beyond his predecessor in power that he rarely even thinks of the god he replaced, while Gorellik is so far gone that there is virtually no way the Hunter could ever be considered a threat to his successor.】
    苟莱利克居无定所。在喧嚣空隧(PANDEMONIUM)和深渊(the Abyss)随性游曳。
Gorellik has no fixed home. He prowls Pandemonium and the Abyss at random.
Before his fall from power, Gorellik taught gnolls to respect only force and power. This proved to be his downfall as they turned away from him to more powerful, alien gods. His dogma did not even encompass any creation myth for the gnoll race, which he could have used to help maintain some greater reverence toward himself.

Gorellik has few worshippers, and he does nothing to encourage this state. He occasionally will manifest an avatar before a gnoll horde and demand worship, though he is just as likely to run and hunt with a pack of hyenas. Among gnolls his worship is avoided by flinds in particular. His holy symbol is a white, mottled hyenadon's head.

Gorellik's shamans must be trained hunters and lead gnoll hunting groups. They have no specific duties otherwise.
Requirements: AB std; AL ce (gnolls); WP any; AR any; SP all,animal, creation*, necromantic*, protection, travelers*; PW 1) animal friendship, speak with animals 3/day, both with hyeans and hyenadons only; TU nil; LL 5; HD d4; Shamans only.
Gorellik's shamans, few though they are, are totally male gnolls and are found in small, is olate tribes. These shamans lead more bestial tribes with the threat of violence and their well trained hyenas. They wear hyena skins on ceremonial occasions and black and white mottled hyenadon skins, though rare, are highly prized.
Gorellik rarely makes the effort to send signs to his followers any more. On the sporadic occasions that he does, such omens are usually howls, laughing, or barking in the distance. If theFading God is displeased, these may instead be snarls and growls. More concrete signals of his pleasure might be the ability to temporarily control wild canines, especially hyenas, or, as stated above, the granting of a hyenadon servant. Those who greatly anger the Wandering Hyena sometimes disappear in the night, and only their gnawed-on and picked-over bones are found in the morning. Gorellik almost never nowadays sends any other type of sign, certainly nothing so subtle as gems or other typical forms of omens.】


宗教节日Holy days
神话与传说Myths and legends
    苟莱利克是已知最古老的豺狼人之神,他的文字记载历史可以追溯到雷霆年代(the Days of Thunder)仍然统治着费伦的创世者种族的帝国,在那个时期,人类远比今天野蛮。他不是豺狼人的创造者,这是他的崇拜不稳定的部分原因。
Gorellik is the oldest known god of gnollkind, and his recorded history dates back to the Days of Thunder, when the Creator Race Empire's still ruled Faerun, and humans were barbaric, primitive more ape-like beings than they are today. He is not the creator of the gnolls however, and this is partially the reason why his worship faltered.

Gorellik's Avatar (Fighter 12)
The avatar can appear either as a tall, mangy gnoll or as a mottled white hyenadon.
Dex 17 Con 15
Wis 12 Cha 15
SZ L (9' tall/long) MR 10%
HD 12 HP 96
THACO 9 Dmg d6/d6/2d8 or
by weapon type +1
Special Att/Def: The avatar is 25% likely to be accompanied by ld4 hyenadons of largest size (8hp/die), and he communicates with them and ordinary hyenas at will. No natural canine will attack the avatar, who can charm canine 2/day.
Role-playing Notes: Gorellik's sole avatar is able to travel the planes, a last residue of the god's former power, but only rarely and at unpredictable intervals (around once every two to five years). Often the avatar simply runs in a pack with hyenas,hunting anything in its path; sometimes it will manifest before a gnoll horde and demand reverence. Neither the god nor the avatar are typified by intelligent tactical awareness or wise planning. Gorellik does not send any form of omen to his shamans.
Statistics: AL ce; WAL ce (gnolls); AoC hunting, hyenas, hypnadons: SY white, mottled hveandon's head.

« 上次编辑: 2013-04-06, 周六 16:13:20 由 一楼夜雨 »

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Re: 前豺狼人之神苟莱利克(Gorellik)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-05-21, 周二 19:39:12 »


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Re: 前豺狼人之神苟莱利克(Gorellik)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-05-21, 周二 22:23:36 »

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Re: 前豺狼人之神苟莱利克(Gorellik)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2014-07-20, 周日 13:26:21 »
Gorellik rarely visits the Material Plane anymore. When he does, he seeks out bands of gnolls.
