作者 主题: 【BM】《黑市指南》(Black Markets)  (阅读 25497 次)

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【BM】《黑市指南》(Black Markets)
« 于: 2016-11-23, 周三 16:00:27 »

不是每个人都愿意接受法律的限制。从瓦瑞西亚人的城市(Varisia’s cities)中的斯扎尼家族(Sczarni)到传闻中由地下组织接管的切利亚斯(Cheliax)的后巷,罪犯和阴谋家们结成了秘密的同盟,虽然这些同盟会因时不时的背叛,权利的争夺和械斗而解体。甚至某些声誉良好的组织,例如探险者协会(Pathfinder Society)和雄鹰骑士团(Eagle Knights),在需要使用那些被社会的大部分人认为是危险或反感的资源和关系时,也会在必要时动用它们黑市的人脉。



劇透 -   :
Not everyone willingly accepts the limits of the law. From the Sczarni of Varisia’s cities to the underground organizations rumored to run Cheliax’s back alleys, criminals and conspiracies carve out secret alliances shaken by periodic betrayals, power grabs, and turf struggles. Even reputable groups like the Pathfinder Society and Eagle Knights make use of resources and connections that society at large may deem dangerous or distasteful, quietly buying from fences and privateers with black market connections when necessary.

Even idealists and wonder-workers are at times driven to the outlaw havens of black markets. Magical visionaries from Katapesh to Ustalav use these unauthorized enterprises to fund and protect their work even when the populace fears and opposes their methods (reasonably or not). In Irrisen and Geb, freedom fighters rely on black markets to support their efforts to undermine oppressors. Persecuted faithful and isolated cultists, such as Iomedaean clergy in Rahadoum and Desnan evangelists in Nidal, hide their practices and their relics for fear of confiscation and worse, relying on each other for safety—and just as often on the questionable honor of the thieves with whom they must deal.
In this volume, discover the secret workings of underground economies, including descriptions of the most infamous and wondrous black markets in and around the Inner Sea region. In illicit havens like these, adventurers can command a criminal organization or thieves’ guild to rule the back streets and dark alleys using new downtime

作为资源的黑市(Black Markets as Resources)

通常而言,黑市的奸商是最财力雄厚的一群人,因此冒险者可以在这里买到它们需要但合法市场中没有货物,或者向黑市出售那些一般的商人负担不起的东西。传统的罪犯——包括逃税者、非法的宝藏猎人和合同杀手——也把这些不法的同伴视为它们最好的资源。在切利亚斯的前首都西冠城和艾巴萨罗姆的硬币区(Coins district of Absalom),无能的政府意味着黑市的关系往往是最快和最简单的完成任何事情的方法,即便是为公益也是如此。




劇透 -   :
Often, the unscrupulous traders of black markets have the deepest pockets, so adventurers turn to these merchants when the open market doesn’t have what they need or lawabiding merchants can’t afford to buy what they hope to sell. Conventional criminals—from tax dodgers to unlicensed treasure hunters to contract killers—also appreciate fellow outlaws as their best resources. In Cheliax’s former capital of Westcrown and the Coins district of Absalom, ineffectual government means that black market connections are often the fastest and easiest ways to get anything accomplished, even projects dedicated to the common good.

Many illegal goods are still vital and accepted tools for adventurers. Drugs, poisons, cursed items, dangerous spells, and thieves’ tools are often banned from public sale—with good reason—but may prove necessary to those who delve dungeons and face extraordinary challenges, driving otherwise lawful heroes to consort with criminals.

To any enemies of the powers that be, black markets are an invaluable outlet to sell goods and a source of new equipment, especially items deemed dangerous to those very powers. If you seek items to fight the undead overlords of Geb, the mobile black market known as the Wagons of Light is perhaps your sole source of holy symbols, cure potions, and wands of bless. Although this market is run by goodly clerics seeking to protect the living, in this evil land where the government is dominated by undead, the marketeers are outlaws.

Similarly, when wealthy powers use legal means to keep the facts buried, truth-seekers often find themselves criminals, and find only fellow lawbreakers are willing to help (for the right price, of course). The best information brokers, even those dealing in perfectly legal lore and history, are often available only through the black market; few get to be the best in such a trade without breaking a few laws or attracting criminal patrons.

作为冒险机会的黑市(Black Markets as Opportunities for Adventure)





劇透 -   :
Adventurers can get involved with black markets in many ways. Each of these risky operations requires protection from whatever authority keeps it illegal. Most also feel the constant pressure of outside criminal groups or monsters hungry for a cut of the profits, or eager to prey on those living outside of the law’s protection. Trust is the one commodity not for sale in any black market, and even if your band of thieves lives by a strict code of honor, it takes only one greedy client to bring the town guard knocking on your door, or one dissatisfied vendor to call down a rival syndicate’s wrath. And as with any market, visitors may decide that robbery is faster and easier than haggling.

Every black market needs wares delivered or collected, presenting a chance to work on the road. The smugglers, forgers, and brave caravan guards who perform these tasks form the backbone of any illegal economy. These bold conspirators provide a steady supply of contraband. Trusted agents may also find work scouting new routes, acting as decoys or running shipments on their own.

Most black markets need respectable go-betweens to settle affairs between the shadow world they occupy and the rest of the world. A law-abiding citizen in need of help only the black market can provide may need an advocate to protect her from the robbers and swindlers who call that market home—and that advocate may later need to protect the black-marketeers themselves from the citizen’s loose lips. At the same time, criminals sometimes back themselves into a corner, and find themselves unable to call upon the legal authorities for aid or protection. A criminal with an odd disease or cursed item could likely use help getting in touch with the sort of lawful priest or mage who might be able to solve the problem.

For upstanding citizens, black markets represent a chance to champion the authorities by sniffing out and exposing its activities. The authorities might offer rewards for anyone who exposes the markets’ lawbreaking, but most lack sufficient personnel or inside knowledge to truly shut down a black market, as most underground economies simply change venues when discovered. Instead, stalwart heroes looking to end such a criminal enterprise must infiltrate the market and expose its leaders, or else address the societal ills that make black markets so profitable.

黑市的种类(Perceptions of Black Markets)

一个强大的共产主义权威主义或者道德感的国家,例如切利亚斯(Cheliax)、安多安(Andoran)或五王山脉(Five Kings Mountains),把黑市视为他们的社会之耻。在这些国家中,很少有人敢于与它们交往。犯罪组织依然存在,但是普通民众很少会把他们视为英雄。城市当中依然存在黑市,但是那里是惯犯、革命家、间谍或外来人口的领地。如果这样的黑市能够长久的存在下去,那一定是在官方的默许之下,或者是一位有权势的黑市领导者。


在那些充斥着腐败的资本主义国家和地区,例如河谷诸国(River Kingdoms)、塔尔多(Taldor)和切利亚斯的西冠城(Westcrown in Cheliax),黑市是生活中不可避免的一部分。普通市民可能在黑市里购买重要但是难以找到的货物,富人们则是用“合理”的价格购买罕见的奢侈品。罪犯、商人、甚至在这些地区的整个市场都可能将他们的利润作为利益交换付给当局,以换取当局对这些非法行为的保护。



劇透 -   :
Black markets provoke emotions of every sort. Despite trends in a nation as a whole, the opinions of individual cities and individual citizens naturally run the gamut.
Nations with a strong sense of authoritarianism or moral rectitude, such as Cheliax, Andoran, and the Five Kings Mountains, view black markets as disgraces to proper society, and in such nations, fewer citizens dare associate with them. Criminal organizations exist, but the common folk rarely romanticize outlaws. The cities still have black markets, but they are the domain of scofflaws, revolutionaries, spies, and foreigners. If such a black market survives for long, it likely has some form of semiofficial agreement with local authorities or powerful patrons.

People from more profit-minded nations, such as Absalom, Druma, Katapesh, and Qadira, are less offended by these markets, recognizing that just because a product is illegal or distasteful doesn’t mean it won’t have buyers and sellers, even among otherwise lawful citizens. Authorities in these places focus on enforcing fines against violators without worrying about the endless task of eliminating them altogether. Most citizens merely shrug at the existence of these vendors, pointing the curious toward or away from noteworthy locations, depending on how their moral compasses align.

In places where a certain amount of corruption is commonplace, such as the River Kingdoms, Taldor, and Westcrown in Cheliax, black markets are an unavoidable fact of life, and ordinary citizens likely visit them to buy vital but hard-to-find goods or uncommon luxuries at affordable prices. Criminals, merchants, and even entire markets in these areas likely pay a cut of their profits to local authorities in exchange for turning a blind eye to their illegal activities.

Nations invested in intrigue and spreading their own vision of the world, such as Andoran, Cheliax, and Taldor, take advantage of black markets inside rival nations.On foreign soil, a black market is a valuable blind spot in the enemy’s vision, where their agents can hide, resupply, and find allies. With a little tacit support and clever propaganda, criminal organizations can prove fertile ground in which to plant the seeds of future schemes and networks of contacts.

Nations with valuable artifacts and lost treasures, such as Numeria and Osirion, devote much effort to finding and eliminating black markets because they represent the potential loss of extremely potent weapons or symbols. Some citizens may be tempted by the power or wealth these items represent, but others hate foreigners who dare to fleece their nation of its riches by exporting their history and culture. As result, citizens may be highly polarized, immediately either friendly or hostile, should they discover
a visitor’s black market dealings.

黑市规则(Black Market Rules)


黑市数据(Black Market Stat Blocks)




阵营和类型(Alignment and Type):几乎所有的黑市阵营都与它所在的定居点不同,黑市内大部分人员的阵营与黑市阵营而不是定居点阵营相差一阶以内。黑市的阵营不影响他的调整值;所有的黑市都有+1的腐败和犯罪调整值。黑市的类型指的是他的大小,大小分为:隐蔽处(hideout),贼窝(den),庇护所(hotbed),地下街市(underbelly),地下市场(underground),和地下王国(underword)。黑市的类型会确定多个属性(见表格:黑市属性)








重要NPC(Notable NPCs):本部分会列出重要NPC在黑市中的角色,姓名和简单的介绍。

基础购买价值/购买限额/施法服务/次级/中级/高级物品(Base Value /Purchase Limit/Spellcasting/Minor Items/Medium Items/Major Items):

类型   人口范围   准入检定DC   调整值   特质   危险度  购买限额 
(Type)   (Population Range)   (Access DC)   (Modifiers)   (Qualities)   (Danger)  (Purchase Limit) 
隐蔽处   30或更低   12   0   1   5    4,000gp   
贼窝   31-120   15   0   1   10   8,000gp
庇护所   121-400   18   +1   2   10   16,000gp 
地下街市   401-1200   20   +1   2   15  35,000gp
地下市场   1201-4000   25   +2   3   15 75,000gp 
地下王国   4001或更多   30   +2   3   20  150,000gp  

类型   基础购买价值   次级物品   中级物品   高级物品   施法服务  
(Type)   (Base Value)   (Minor)   (Medium)   (Major)   (Spellcasting)   
隐蔽处   1,000gp  3d4个物品   1d6个物品   -   3   
贼窝   2,000gp   3d4个物品   2d4个物品   1d4个物品   4  
庇护所   4,000gp   4d4个物品   3d4个物品   1d6个物品   5     
地下街市   8,000gp  4d4个物品   3d4个物品   2d4个物品   6 
地下市场   16,000gp   *   4d4个物品   3d4个物品   7  
地下王国   32,000gp  *   *   4d4个物品   8  


劇透 -   :
A black market sometimes offers more valuable items and more powerful spellcasting services than the settlement in which it is found, but such items and services cost half again more (+50%) than their normal market price unless noted otherwise. Black markets by their very nature are illegal, whether because the sellers and buyers are criminals, local taxes and tariffs aren’t paid, or the items or services are banned or stolen.

Black markets have stat blocks similar to those of settlements (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 204) and function as settlements except as noted here. A black market is tied to a settlement that must have at least at least 201 inhabitants (small town or larger), and its population can never exceed half its settlement’s population. A mobile market uses the nearest settlement as its host settlement for the purpose of its statistics. A black market stat block is organized as follows.

Name: The black market’s name is presented first.

Alignment and Type: A black market’s alignment almost always differs from that of its settlement, and the majority of the black market’s workers and regulars are within one step of the market’s alignment rather than the settlement’s. A black market’s alignment does not affect its modifiers; all black markets instead apply +1 Corruption and Crime modifiers. The type is indicative of the black market’s size, whether it’s a hideout, a den, a hotbed, an underbelly, an underground, or an underworld. A black market’s type determines many of its statistics (see the tables below).

Access: This is the DC of the Diplomacy check to gather the information required to learn about and access the black market. Success reveals how to visit the black market. Failure by 4 or less reveals the market’s existence and best-known attributes but not how to access it. Failure by 5 or more attracts unwanted attention or a false lead, and the check cannot be retried for 1 day. The GM might rule that failure by 5 of more results in a random encounter, with criminals who shake down nosy PCs or authorities who question the PCs’ search for illegal goods. Regardless of success, each attempt costs 2d4 gp since PCs must buy drinks or otherwise bribe informants.
A Knowledge (local) check against the black market’s access DC reveals general information about the black market and its best-known patrons; failure by 5 or less reveals rumors of its existence.

Modifiers: A black market’s modifiers are cumulative with those of its settlement.

Qualities: A black market’s qualities are in addition to those of its settlement. Duplicated qualities don’t stack.

Danger: A black market’s danger value from its type is added to that of its settlement and applies nearby as well as within the black market itself.

Disadvantages: A black market’s disadvantages are in addition to those of its settlement. Disadvantages duplicated by both a black market and its host settlement don’t stack.

Government: This entry lists how the black market is run. Most black markets are anarchies or run by secret syndicates. Modifiers for government types duplicated between a black market and its host settlement don’t stack.

Population: This number represents the number of people who regularly sell, buy, or otherwise maintain contact with
the black market. Most are not present at any given time.

Notable NPCs: This entry lists the key NPCs’ roles, names, and abbreviated statistics.

Base Value, Purchase Limit, Spellcasting, and Minor Items/Medium Items/Major Items: These values are set by the black market’s type.

黑市特质(Black Market Qualities)

多样经济(Diverse Economy):这类黑市广泛吸引了不同类别的商人。(经济+1,基础购买价值提高20%,双倍的可购买魔法物品)


官方默许(Official Understanding):这类黑市被政府当局默许,守卫可能由政府指派,采取秘密的方式来保护黑市,或者守卫接受私人贿赂来保证黑市的安全。(准入检定-8,腐败+1,秩序+3)

受迫害(Persecuted Enclave):这类黑市可能由反对政府的宗教所把持,或者是由社会中受到歧视的那部分人所开设。(准入检定+2,腐败、犯罪和经济-1,基础购买价值提高20%)


专业市场(Specialized Market):这类黑市专注于经营某些物品或服务。(在相关主题上文化+2,相关物品或服务上的基础购买价值和购买限额提高50%)

劇透 -   :
In addition to settlement qualities, black markets can have any of the following qualities.

Diverse Economy: The black market attracts an especially wide array of vendors. (Economy +1; increase base price by 20%; double magic item availability)

Mobile: The market relocates often within its settlement, or operates from a roving caravan. (Access DC +3; Economy –1;
Lore +1)

Official Understanding: The black market is tolerated by government authorities. Guards might be authorized to look the other way to keep the peace or they accept bribes to provide security. (Access DC –8; Corruption +1; Law +3)

Persecuted Enclave: The black market hosts a cult or another minority persecuted by the wider society. (Access DC +2; Corruption, Crime, and Economy –1; increase base price by 20%)

Secretive: The black market is particularly difficult for outsiders to find. (Access DC +2)

Specialized Market: The black market specializes in one or a few types of items or services. (Lore +2 regarding related topics; increase base price and purchase limit by 50% for related items)

黑市灾祸(Black Market Disadvantage)



劇透 -   :
In addition to settlement disadvantages, black markets can have the following disadvantage.

Violent: Monsters or violent criminals take advantage of the black market’s isolation from government protection. (Economy, Law, and Society –2; Danger +10)


黑市交易高手(Black Market Dealings)
除此之外,你可以用交涉技能寻找定居点或黑市内的富商。如果你希望在黑市内寻找,那么DC等于黑市的准入检定DC;如果你希望在定居点内寻找,那么DC等于黑市的准入检定DC+5(如果没有黑市,那么DC=30,玩家可以将定居点的犯罪调整值作为额外加值)。如果检定成功,你可以把当前的黑市或定居点视为成大一级的存在,决定基础购买价值,可购物品数量和购买限额。如果当前定居点已经是都会,则所有的次级和中级魔法物品均可购买,高级物品提高到3D8个,基础购买价值提高到32000GP,购买限额提高到200,000gp。如果当前黑市已经是地下王国,则所有的次级和中级魔法物品均可购买,高级物品提高到4D8个,基础购买价值提高到64000gp,购买限额提高到300,000gp。该专长不与其他能够提高黑市或定居点类型的专长叠加(例如黑市客户(Black Market Connections)UC盗贼天赋)。你每周只能进行一次检定。

黑市侦探(Black Market Sleuth)

犯罪同伙(Connected Criminal)
这些加值适用于休整期活动(UCa 84)和在黑市中赚取资本的技能检定中。对你来说,黑市的每日资本限额(capital spending limits)提高5点。

谨慎走私者(Wary Smuggler)

劇透 -   :
Black Market Dealings
You walk dark alleys and trade in secrets.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to access black markets and do not pay the gp cost to do so. You suffer no consequences for failing the check unless you fail by 10 or more.
In addition, you can use the Diplomacy skill to locate merchants who have deeper pockets in a black market or settlement. If you are looking inside a black market, the DC is equal to the black market’s access DC. If you are looking more widely in
a settlement, use the black market’s access DC + 5 (if a settlement has no black market, the DC is 30; PCs can apply the settlement’s Crime modifier to their checks). If successful, you can treat the black market or settlement as one step larger for the purposes of base value, items available, and purchase limit. If the settlement was already a metropolis, nearly all minor and medium magic items are for sale, as well as 3d8 major magic items; the base value is 32,000 gp; and the purchase limit is 200,000 gp. If the black market was already an underworld, nearly all minor and medium magic items are for sale, as well as 4d8 major magic items; the base value is 64,000 gp; and the purchase limit is 300,000 gp. This benefit does not stack with other ways to increase the effective size of a black market or settlement (such as the black market connectionsUC rogue talent). You can attempt this check only once per week.

Black Market Sleuth
You track the dealings of criminals with an expert eye.
Prerequisites: Diplomacy 1 rank, Knowledge (local) 1 rank.
Benefit: You roll twice and take the better result on Diplomacy checks to access black markets or learn about anyone who has contact with black markets. You can roll twice and take the better result on Knowledge (local) checks to recall information about black markets, criminals, and people directly connected to either. You can search for people trying to disappear in a community, attempting a Diplomacy check to track a target rather than a Survival check, but only within an urban environment.

Connected Criminal
You are a master of criminal commerce.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (local) 5 ranks.
Benefit: Attempting a Diplomacy check to access a black market requires only 5d4 minutes of effort. You can apply the Crime modifier of a black market you have accessed to Bluff, Diplomacy, Profession, and Sleight of Hand checks to make
money within the market itself.
This bonus applies to skill checks to covertly perform downtime activities (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 84) and to checks to earn capital in black markets. You treat the capital spending limits of black markets as 5 higher than their listed value.

Wary Smuggler
You are skilled at trading without the government’s approval.
Prerequisites: Perception 5 ranks, Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal small, non-weapon objects on your body, or on a single animal or vehicle with which you are traveling. While in urban areas, you can always take 10 on Perception checks, Sleight of Hand checks, and Stealth checks.


劇透 -   :
Black markets can be found anywhere that has laws to evade. Each black market described here includes its stat block and a trait for those with ties to that market. Any quality or disadvantage marked with an asterisk (*) is a new rule introduced on page 7.

黄昏市场(The Dusk Market)

从成瘾药物、毒药到驯化的怪兽甚至是奴隶,在西冠城(Westcrown)内的黄昏市场销售各种违法的货物。为了躲避地狱骑士中邢架骑士团(Order of the Rack)的追捕和城市中游荡的怪物,它坐落在另外一个宏伟的废墟当中,每晚在日落时分开市。

黄昏市场的艺术(社交)(Dusk Market Bribery (social)):你通过观察黄昏市场中的商人与西冠城市守卫队之间的交易学会了贿赂的艺术。当你贿赂守卫、官员或补偿召唤生物时,降低5%你花费的金币.

劇透 -   :
The Dusk Market in Westcrown sells most kinds of illegal goods, from drugs and poisons to guard monsters and unregistered slaves. It operates from a different grandiose ruin at sundown each evening to avoid Hellknights of the Order of the Rack and the city’s roving monsters.

Dusk Market Bribery (social): You learned how to bribe by watching Dusk Market merchants interact with Westcrown’s dottari guards. Reduce the amount of gold you must spend to bribe a guard or official or compensate a conjured creature by 5%。


守序邪恶(LE) 地下市场
准入检定 20


政府 秘密结社
人口 1,501(1,162 人类,223 半身人,102 提夫林,50 其它)
腐败的守卫队长 杜马尼斯·伊可(混乱邪恶 男性提夫林 6级战士)
怪物猎人 麦克斯塔瑞·贝拉娜 (绝对中立 女性人类 8级游侠)


基础购买价值 20,800 gp ; 购买限额 112,500 gp ; 施法服务 7级
次级物品 所有可用;中级物品 4d4;高级物品 3d4

夜色集市(The Nightstalls)

夜色集市的精明(社交)(Nightstalls Navigator (social)):长时间在夜色集市中的探索让你领略到了他的无穷变化,在搜集信息时你的交涉检定获得+2加值,在关于犯罪活动的知识(地方)检定时获得+2加值,于此同时,你可以把这两个技能中的其中一个作为你的本职技能。
劇透 -   :
The Nightstalls of Katapesh sell legal but controversial offerings—including most of the city’s trade in slaves and drugs—as well as untaxed wares.
Nightstalls Navigator (social): Long exposure to the endless variety of the Nightstalls grants you a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information and on Knowledge (local) checks to recall information about criminal activities. One of these (your choice) is always a class skill for you.


中立邪恶(NE) 地下王国
准入检定 22


政府 秘密结社
人口 5,623(4,708 人类,247 矮人,191 半精灵,172 半身人,114 侏儒, 93 半兽人50 其它)
盾之代理人 法蒂玛·杰伦-阿布拉(中立邪恶 女性人类 6级盗贼)
奴隶主 爵士 奥斯林·克拉里昂 (守序邪恶 男性半精灵 8级望族)


基础购买价值 48,000 gp ; 购买限额 225,000 gp ; 施法服务 8级
次级物品 所有可用;中级物品 所有可用;高级物品 8d4

红丝路(The Red Silk Route)

红丝路的诚意(社交)(Red Silk Frankness (social)):你从那些爽快人——硬币区保持秩序的盗贼工会中——学会了如何用“真诚”避免麻烦。你在减少他人敌意或教唆他人进行非法活动的交涉检定上获得+5加值。交涉总是视为你的本职技能。

劇透 -   :
The Red Silk Route runs through Absalom’s Coins district, demarcated by red silk flags. It boasts famous attractions of pleasure. The lax guards of the Coins pay little attention to its crimes in exchange for the black market policing their own

Red Silk Frankness (social): You learned from the Forthright Men, the Coins’ peace-keeping thieves’ guild, to use candor to avoid trouble. You gain a +5 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to convince others to overlook offensive or illegal acts. Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.


绝对中立(N) 地下市场
准入检定 17


政府 秘密结社
人口 3,129(1,909 人类,326 侏儒,291 半精灵,267 半身人,155 矮人, 88 精灵,29半兽人,61 其它)
豪爽的工会管理人 杰斯特先生(守序中立 男性半身人 11级诗人)
代币守卫队指挥官 凯斯·芬奇女士 (绝对中立 女性人类 7级骑將)
代理人 安内特·麦提玛 (守序邪恶 男性半精灵 9级卡莉斯翠的牧师)


基础购买价值 24,800 gp ; 购买限额 75,000 gp ; 施法服务 7级
次级物品 所有可用;中级物品 4d4;高级物品 3d4

玷污大厅(The Tarnished Halls)

玷污大厅的速度(战斗)(Tarnished Halls Runner (combat)):你与血鳝海盗一起躲避着科技联盟的巡逻。当你移动至少10英尺且使用火器和科技武器时,你获得+1背景加值AB,同时在对抗这些武器时你获得+1闪避AC。这些加值持续到你的下一轮开始时。

劇透 -   :
In this market, treasure hunters, smugglers, and tinkers trade in timeworn technology and alien beasts without Technic League interference.
Tarnished Halls Runner (combat): You evaded Technic League patrols with the Blood Gar pirates. When you move at least 10 feet, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with firearms and technological weapons and a +1 dodge bonus to your AC against such weapons until the start of your next turn.


混乱邪恶(CE) 庇护所
准入检定 20
危险+30;灾祸 暴力*


政府 秘密结社
人口 228(167 人类,19 半身人,13半兽人,8自动人,7矮人,5兽人,4鼠人,5其它)
血鳝海盗指挥官 卓肯达·库鲁达尔(中立邪恶 女性人类 6级杀手)
盗贼技术专家 塔兰德·哈兰特 (混乱中立 女性自动人 9级术士)


基础购买价值 4,000 gp(外星货物或科技 6000gp) ; 购买限额 24,000 gp(外星活物或科技 32,000) ; 施法服务 5级
次级物品 4d4;中级物品 3d4;高级物品 1d6

光之货车(The Wagons of Light)

隐秘信徒(信仰)(Covert Channeler (faith)):你在光之货车的导师教会了你如何快速的隐藏圣徽。你可以用一个迅捷动作拔出或收起圣徽。

劇透 -   :
This mobile black market in Geb carries holy symbols, good-aligned outlaw priests, and items for combating undead and wielding positive energy. Although the Wagons of Light usually remain near Mechitar, they move frequently.

Covert Channeler (faith): Your mentor in the Wagons of Light taught you to hide holy symbols quickly. You can draw or stow a holy symbol as a swift action.


中立善良(NG) 贼窝
准入检定 18
危险+10;灾祸 诅咒缭绕


政府 秘术团体
人口 101(81 人类,9 半身人,6吸血裔,5其它)
布道者 乌拉尔·穆哈瑞姆(中立善良 男性人类 11级塞恩蕾的战争祭祀)
戴思娜的先导者 伊克斯拉·欧贝格 (绝对中立 女性吸血裔 7级盗贼)


基础购买价值 2,000 gp ; 购买限额 8,000 gp; 施法服务 5级
次级物品 3d4;中级物品 2d4;高级物品 1d4

巫术市场(The Witchmarket)
巫术市场是由一群通过原初世界(First World)传送门访问格拉利昂的其它地点的精类商人开设的。这些商贩们有时候会提出一些古怪的交换条件,例如特殊的魔法物品,购买者的寿命或者仅仅是一碗牛奶。


劇透 -   :
The Witchmarket is a caravan of fey merchants who use First World portals to visit different locales on Golarion. The peddlers sometimes demand payment in odd forms, such as specific magic items, years of the buyer’s life, or a bowl of milk.
Hex-Proof (magic): You’ve dealt too often with cruel fey magic, and so gain a +2 bonus on Will saves against hexes and fey creatures’ spells and spell-like abilities.


混乱中立(NG) 地下街市
准入检定 22


政府 霸主统治
人口 537(297 精类,55 鬼婆,43侏儒,37精灵,34人类,17半精灵,44其它)
马车巫婆 阿吉斯(守序邪恶 女性绿鬼婆 13女巫)
豪克斯特·维塔莱恩 (混乱中立 男性萨特羊人 4级诗人)


基础购买价值 11,200 gp ; 购买限额 42,000 gp; 施法服务 8级
次级物品 8d4;中级物品 6d4;高级物品 4d4

黑市休整期(Black Market Downtime)
劇透 -   :
Even between adventures, black markets bustle with intrigue, opportunity, and trouble. Thieves’ guilds, shadowy cabals, and other black market organizations can all make use of the downtime rules from Chapter 2 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 

黑市花费限制(Black Market Spending Limits)
劇透 -   :
Black markets have spending limits just like settlements, representing how much help you can get in a given day. A black market uses the spending limits of its host settlement, though it can exceed that settlement’s normal limit. In such a case, all capital spent beyond the settlement’s normal spending limit can be applied only toward black market businesses and activities. The following numbers represent the limit of Goods, Influence, and Labor you can use in a black market each day

黑市类别 每日花费限制
隐蔽处   5
贼窝     10
庇护所   15
地下街市 25
地下市场 35
地下王国 50

休整期与队伍(Downtime and Teams)
休整期活动章节UCa所列出的那些休整期活动同样可以由玩家的团队(team)1完成。团队不能在同一天内同时进行赚取资本或其它的休整期活动。当团队试图进行这些休整期活动时,使用与其赚取资本相同的检定加值进行一次检定。多个队伍可以在休整期活动的检定上合作,合作检定使用最高的加值,并且增加一个队伍就可以额外获得+2加值(最高+4)。在特定类型资本没有加值(a listed bonus)的团队无法在那个类型的资本上合作或尝试检定。
那些派遣它们的团队去做台面下工作的玩家将他们的雇员暴露于危险之中。如果一个团队在休整期活动的检定失败了4点或更少,那个团队处于曝光(reported)状态。如果失败了5点或更多,团队将被击溃(broken up)。

劇透 -   :
The downtime activities listed in the Downtime Activities section can also be performed by your teams. You cannot use a team to earn capital on the same day it is engaged in another downtime activity. When a team performs one of these downtime activities, it attempts a check using the same bonus it uses to attempt a check to earn capital. Multiple teams can collaborate on a downtime activity check, using the largest bonus available, and gaining a +2 bonus for each team assisting (maximum +4). Teams that do not have a listed bonus for a specific type of capital cannot attempt or collaborate on checks of that type.
PCs who dispatch teams to do their dirty work risk their employees’ safety. If a team fails its downtime activity check by 4 or less, it is reported. If the team fails the check by 5 or more, it is instead broken up
击溃(Broken Up):危险的犯罪生涯有时候不会有好下场,任何在休整期活动检定上失败5点或以上的团队将被击溃——成员死亡,被监禁,或背上了犯罪的恶名。如果控制被击溃团队的玩家在交涉或威吓检定上成功(DC=20+定居点或黑市的犯罪调整值),她还可以挽救足够的资源——设备,重要信息和那些活着的团队成员——将招募相同团队的资源减半。

劇透 -   :
Reported: A team performing an illegal activity or negotiating with disreputable sorts may need to lie low when it fails at a task. A team that fails a downtime activity heck may be detained by the authorities, lose confidence, or go into hiding from angry rivals, becoming unavailable for 2d6 days. The character who controls the reported team an spend 1 day of downtime attempting to ease feelings with a successful Bluff check (DC = 20 + the settlement or black market’s Corruption or Law modifier, depending on whether the team is in trouble with other criminals or with he law, respectively) to reduce the team’s exile to 1d6 days. Depending on the circumstances, the GM may allow different skill checks to reduce a team’s exile—a Profession (barrister) check may be useful in freeing a team detained by the local guard, for example.

Broken Up: The dangers of a criminal life sometimes lead to bad ends, and any team that fails a downtime activity check by 5 or more is broken up—its members are dead, imprisoned, or simply putting crime behind them. If the character who controls the broken-up team succeeds at a Diplomacy or Intimidate check (DC = 20 + the settlement or black market’s Crime modifier), she can salvage enough resources— equipment, notes, and surviving team members—to reduce the capital cost of recruiting an identical team by half.

休整期活动(Downtime Activities)
劇透 -   :
This section describes various criminal activities you can undertake during downtime. Additional criminal downtime activities can be found on pages 26–27 of Pathfinder Player Companion: Cohorts and Companions.


你可以在任何时间展示这个秘密,使你在对目标的某个威吓检定上获得+5环境加值。一旦检定成功,目标的对你的态度将保持友善1d6天,而不是1d6 × 10分钟,随后其态度每天下降一级,直到变为敌对。或者,当你在恫吓你的目标(见下文)时,你可以展示该秘密,使得你在恫吓目标的威吓检定上自动成功。一旦秘密被使用,你就不能再次使用它。



强制命令(Enforce Order):你的团队在一天之内可以保证黑市客人和供应商的相对安全。强制命令需要一个DC等于黑市准入检定的影响力或劳动力检定。检定成功将使得黑市的秩序在24小时内提高2点,且危险降低10点。当由你执行强制命令时,商人和顾客可能会找你解决内部的纷争或外面的问题(例如外来的盗贼或不识货的守卫)

不管成功与否,你的目标都会怀疑你涉及了这起事件。你可以通过成功的哄骗检定来消除你的嫌疑,辩解(alibi,见前文)或混淆证据(manipulating evidence, 玩家伴侣:军团与同伴PZO9457)可以帮助你。如果试图进行一个不容易被人怀疑的盗窃行为,你的团队必须先进行潜伏(见下文)

除了赚取资本或搜集信息,一个潜伏的团队可以花费一天进行一次盗取(Heist,见前文) 。这将结束这次潜伏行动,但是不会引发对你或你组织的怀疑。被盗取的目标必须通过一个DC=20的觉察检定(调整值为你团队赚取资本加值1)才能发现与你有关的证据。如果这次觉察检定失败5点或以上,目标甚至不会发现他们被窃贼光顾了。

1:赚取资本加值原文是Earning bonus,我的理解是团队中Earning一栏的加值。


街头暴力(Street Violence):你命令你的团队追捕,恐吓或杀死一个特定的,CR至少低于你人物等级3点以上的团队或生物。以一个成功的劳动力检定(DC=11+双倍的目标CR或赚取资本加值),目标生物或者团队将被威吓或受伤,不能进行任何休整期活动1d6天。如果你的检定结果超过5点或以上,目标生物将被捕获或被杀死,团队将被击溃


劇透 -   :
With a successful DC 15 Bluff or Influence check, you or a team can spend 1 day of downtime to interfere with a current or future investigation. This applies a +2 bonus to any Bluff check to convince others you were uninvolved in a specific event of your choice that happened in the past 48 hours or will happen within 24 hours. You can spend 1 point of Influence to increase this bonus to +5.

You can spend 1 day of downtime to learn an incriminating secret about someone. To learn a secret about your target, you or a team must succeed at a Diplomacy (gather information) or Influence check with a DC equal to 10 + target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Charisma modifier. On a successful check, you can pay 10 gp per Hit Die to learn the secret.
You can reveal this secret at any time to gain a +5 circumstance bonus on a single Intimidate check against your target. On a successful check, the target’s attitude remains friendly toward you for 1d6 days, rather than 1d6 × 10 minutes, then degrades by one category each day until the target’s attitude become hostile. Alternatively, you can reveal a secret while coercing your target (see below) to automatically succeed at your Intimidate check to coerce that target. Once a secret has been revealed, you can’t use it again.

You or your team uses 1 day of downtime to browbeat a person or team with a successful Intimidate or Influence check (DC = 15 + target’s Hit Dice + target’s Wisdom modifier). If you succeed, you can coerce the foe to perform a downtime activity on your behalf, or no activity for 1 day. Whether you succeed or fail, the target’s attitude becomes unfriendly.

Enforce Order
Your team keeps the black market relatively safe for customers and vendors for 1 day. Enforcing order requires a successful Influence or Labor check against the black market’s access DC. Success raises the black market’s Law modifier by 2 and reduces its Danger by 10 for 24 hours. While your agents enforce order, merchants and patrons might approach you to resolve internal disputes or address outside concerns (such as unaligned thieves or nosy guards).

One or more of your loyal teams infiltrate (see below) an organization or property to steal valuables or information. You must spend 1 day of downtime and succeed at an Appraise or Sense Motive check (DC = 20 + settlement or black market’s Law modifier) to assemble the ideal recruits and provide them the necessary information on their target.
At any point in the next week, your assembled team or teams can perform their heist, attempting a check to earn capital as if performing skilled work. Because this capital is stolen from another organization, you do not need to pay the associated gp cost for earning capital. Assembled teams must succeed at a DC 20 check to earn capital, or else they fail and are reported or broken up. Performing a heist to generate Magic capital imposes a –5 penalty on this check.
Regardless of the result, your target suspects your involvement. Blame can be deflected with a successful Bluff check, which may benefit from an alibi (above) or manipulating evidence (Pathfinder Player Companion: Cohorts and Companions 26). To perform a heist without arousing too much suspicion, your team must first infiltrate it (see below)

You spend 1 day of downtime to insert one of your teams into another organization to feed you information or steal resources. Doing so requires a successful Disguise or Bluff check against a DC of 20, modified by the settlement or black market’s Crime (for criminal organizations), Law (for law enforcement and military organizations), or Society (for governments and businesses) modifier. While infiltrating another organization, your team can attempt checks to earn capital on your behalf, using any non-team bonuses provided by the infiltrated organization’s facilities and resources; you must still pay any associated cost for earning capital. Alternatively, your team can spend 1 day of downtime to attempt a check to earn capital and treat the result as a Diplomacy check to gather information regarding the organization, reporting the discoveries to you.
An infiltrating team remains ensconced for 1 week, plus 1 week if you succeeded at your initial check by 5 or more. You can perform the infiltrate activity up to once per week to maintain a team’s infiltration for extended periods. An infiltrating team can perform no other downtime activities on your behalf.
Instead of earning capital or gathering information, an infiltrating team can spend 1 day to perform a heist (see above). This ends the infiltration, but deflects any suspicion away from you or your organization; the target of the heist must succeed at a DC 20 Perception check (modified by the earning bonus your team used) to find any evidence of your involvement. Targets that fail their Perception checks by 5 or more don’t realize they were robbed.

Your team performs a transport activity (see below), but moves illegal goods or circumvents normal taxes and fees. Smuggling adds 1 additional day to the travel time,  and the final downtime activity check DC is modified by the settlement’s Law modifier

Street Violence
You order a team to capture, intimidate, or slay a target team or creature with a CR at least 3 less than your character level. With a successful Labor check against a DC of 11 + double the target’s CR or earning bonus, the target creature or team is intimidated or injured, and is unable to engage in any downtime activities for 1d6 days. If your team succeeds by 5 or more, the target creature is instead captured or killed, or the target team is broken up

You dispatch a team to move specific items, people, or capital from one place or organization to another. The team becomes unavailable for the duration of the trip (minimum 1 day). At the end of its journey, a successful downtime activity check by the assigned team (DC = 5 + days traveled) means their goods arrived safely and intact. On a failure, the team is robbed or skims off the top, losing half the cargo’s value. If its check fails by 5 or more, the team breaks up or goes rogue, and you lose both the team and the valuables it was transporting.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 04:40:34 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markert)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2016-11-23, 周三 16:00:40 »
黑市毒药(Black Market Poisons)
劇透 -   :
In some countries, poisonous substances are sold openly alongside other alchemical wares. Yet even in these nations, illegal poisons trade hands in the shadows. Mixing toxins with magic or negative energy creates amalgamations that even many assassins find deplorable

灌法毒药(Infused Poisons)
通过将制药的手艺和制毒的艺术结合,狡诈的刺客和药草师将创造出邪恶的超自然威胁。一个灌注的毒药结合了摄入毒药和药剂的效果。饮下灌法毒药的生物会首先遭受到摄入毒药的影响(包括其初始效果或伤害),紧接着触发灌注的法术效果,饮用者必须进行第二次豁免检定(通常是不同的类型或DC)来对抗其法术效果。法术抗力能正常的对抗灌法毒药的法术效果,但是不能使其免受毒素的影响;毒素抗力也不能免除灌法毒药的法术效果。毒素免疫(Poison immunity)使得生物免受灌法毒药的法术效果




灌法毒药(物品制造)(Infuse Poison (Item Creation))


劇透 -   :
By combining the skill of potioncraft with a poisoner’s art, cunning assassins and herbalists can craft vile supernatural threats. An infused poison combines the effects of an ingested poison and a potion. A creature drinking an infused poison is affected by the poison (and its initial effects or damage) first, after which the infused spell effect triggers and the imbiber must attempt a second saving throw (often of a different type or DC) against its magical effects. Spell resistance applies normally to an infused poison’s magical effects, but offers no protection against the poison, and poison resistance offers no protection against the magical effects of an infused poison. Poison immunity renders a creature immune to an infused poison’s magical effects.

A poison can be infused with a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute and targets one or more creatures. As with a potion, you cannot create an infused poison without meeting its spell prerequisite. The base price of the infusion is equal to the level of the spell × the creator’s caster level × 25 gp. The cost of the poison to be infused is paid separately. If the spell has a material component cost, it is added to the poison’s base price and cost of creation.

Infused poisons function like spells cast on the imbiber. A poison’s creator makes all decisions regarding the spell’s effects when it is created—the creature consuming the infused poison has no control over its effects. Unlike with a potion, the imbiber is not considered the caster of the effect. If the spell has an effect related to the caster (as does charm person), the subject treats the first sentient creature it encounters after consuming the poison as the poison’s creator.

A character who attempts to identify an infused poison with a Perception check (as if it were a potion) has a 5% chance of poisoning herself, unless she has the poison use ability. This process doesn’t consume the infused poison.

Infuse Poison (Item Creation)
You can infuse a poison with a magical effect.
Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, caster level 3rd.
Benefit: You can infuse an ingested poison with any spell of 3rd level or lower that you know and that targets one or more creatures and has a casting time of less than 1 minute. Infusing a poison takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less; otherwise, infusing a poison takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. When you infuse a poison, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own caster level. To infuse a poison, you must use up raw materials costing half of its base price. When you create an infused poison, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever ingests the infused poison is the target of the spell.


灵光:昏暗变化系   施法者等级:3
价格:420gp1   重量:—    位置:无

类型:毒药,摄入;豁免 强韧 DC13
生效时间 :10分钟;  发作频率:1/分钟,持续4分钟
毒药效果:1d2 体质伤害;治愈:1次豁免
制造条件:调制药剂,灌法毒药,毁容之触UM 制造成本:270gp1


灵光:昏暗塑能系 施法者等级:1
价格:150gp   重量:—    位置:无
类型:毒药,摄入;豁免 强韧 DC14
生效时间 :10分钟;  发作频率:1/分钟,持续6分钟
毒药效果:1d2 力量伤害,目标可以尝试一次检定治愈在过去一小时内接触的兽化症苦难(lycanthropy affliction);治愈:1次豁免
制造条件:调制药剂,灌法毒药,爆燃之触ARG 制造成本:125gp

亿欧克斯PZO9243里的玩意之尘(DUST OF EOX)
灵光:昏暗防护系 施法者等级:5
价格:1150gp   重量:—    位置:无
类型:毒药,摄入;豁免 强韧 DC13
生效时间 :10分钟;  发作频率:1/分钟,持续6分钟
毒药效果:1d3 力量伤害;治愈:2次连续豁免
制造条件:调制药剂,灌法毒药,解除魔法 制造成本:775gp

暗示液体(LIQUID INFLUENCE)[/color]
灵光:昏暗惑控系 施法者等级:5
价格:900gp   重量:—    位置:无

类型:毒药,摄入;豁免 强韧 DC13
生效时间 :10分钟;  发作频率:1/分钟,持续6分钟
毒药效果:1d3 感知伤害;治愈:2次连续豁免
制造条件:调制药剂,灌法毒药,暗示术 制造成本:525gp

劇透 -   :
SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
Favored by demon cultists, this malign variant of arsenic causes
a wide variety of painful deformations in the victim’s flesh.
Type poison, ingested; Save Fortitude DC 13
Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/minute for 4 minutes
Effect 1d2 Con damage; Cure 1 save
Spell Effect disfguring touchUM (Will DC 13)
Brew Potion, Infuse Poison, disfguring touchUM

SLOT none CL 1st WEIGHT —
AURA faint evocation
Brewed from belladonna and popular among the backstabbing
nobility of Taldor and Cheliax, burning heart causes victims to
burst into flames at the most embarrassing times.
Type poisoned, ingested; Save Fortitude DC 14
Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes
Effect 1d2 Str damage, target can attempt one save to cure a
lycanthropy affliction contracted in the past hour; Cure 1 save
Spell Effect touch of combustionARG (Reflex DC 11)
Brew Potion, Infuse Poison, touch of combustionARG

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint abjuration
This black metallic powder infuses lich dust with magicdestroying energies, tearing down any protective spells its
imbiber may have in place. It is especially favored by Red
Mantis assassins when they must target wizards, arcanists, or
nobles with abundant magical servants.
Type poison, ingested; Save Fortitude DC 13
Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes
Effect 1d3 Str damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves
Spell Effect dispel magic
Brew Potion, Infuse Poison, dispel magic

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint enchantment
This heady liquid brewed from the toxin indigo dreams imparts a
compulsion to its victim, decided when the poison is frst created.
Type poison, ingested; Save Fortitude DC 13
Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes
Effect 1d3 Wis damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves
Spell Effect suggestion (Will DC 14)
Brew Potion, Infuse Poison, suggestion



灵光:昏暗死灵系 施法者等级:3
价格:900gp   重量:—    位置:无

类型:毒药,吸入;豁免 强韧 DC18
毒药效果:1d2 魅力伤害,在毒药持续期间,受害者必须通过成功的专注检定(DC等于毒药的豁免DC)才能引导正能量或施展圣疗治愈:1次豁免

灵光:中等死灵系 施法者等级:11
价格:5400gp   重量:—    位置:无

类型:毒药,摄入;豁免 强韧 DC18
生效时间 :10分钟;  发作频率:1/分钟,持续8分钟
毒药效果:1d2 体质伤害,在毒药持续期间死去的类人生物将在下一个午夜到来时转变成一个不受控制的食尸鬼,它不会保留生前的任何能力 治愈:2次连续豁免

腐烂催化剂(QUICK ROT)
灵光:昏暗死灵系 施法者等级:3
价格:450gp   重量:—    位置:无

豁免 强韧 DC14
毒药效果:1d2 体质伤害,在毒药持续期间,受害者获得恶臭的普通怪物能力(DC等于毒药豁免DC),豁免失败的生物将恶心1d6+4分钟。中毒的生物并不能免疫其自身的恶臭。

灵光:昏暗死灵系 施法者等级:5
价格:1200gp   重量:—    位置:无

类型:毒药,吸入;豁免 强韧 DC16
生效时间 :10分钟;  发作频率:1/小时,持续6小时
毒药效果:1d2 敏捷伤害,除非敏捷伤害被治愈,否则受害者只能从引导能量或咒法(治疗)法术的效果中获得一半治疗量。 治愈:2次连续豁免
制造条件:制造奇物,一级亡灵形态UM 制造成本225gp(原文如此,疑似有误)

劇透 -   :
Hailing from the undead nation of Geb but illegal even there, necrotoxins fuse alchemy and necromancy to attack not just the body or the mind, but the very soul of the victim. Only alchemists in Geb and the poison-loving city of Daggermark have mastered the creation of these rare and reviled toxins.
Charging necrotoxins with necrotic power requires special rituals, reagents from undead creatures, and the channeling of negative energy during the brewing process. The DCs of Craft (alchemy) check to brew a necrotoxin is 5 higher than the poison’s Fortitude DC due to the temperamental process of its creation

SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint necromancy
This white grit hinders a victim’s divine power.
Type poison, inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 18
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Effect 1d2 Cha damage, and for the duration of the poison, victim
must succeed at a concentration check vs. the poison’s save
DC to channel positive energy or lay on hands; Cure 1 save
Craft Wondrous Item, desecrate

SLOT none CL 11th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate necromancy
These dark gray flakes induce ravenous hunger.
Type poison, ingested; Save Fortitude DC 18
Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/minute for 8 minutes
Effect 1d2 Con damage, and a humanoid who dies while
poisoned rises as an uncontrolled ghoul at the next
midnight, retaining none of the abilities it possessed in life;
Cure 2 consecutive saves
Craft Wondrous Item, create undead

SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint necromancy
This smelly toxin causes a victim’s flesh to become gangrenous.
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 14
Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds
Effect 1d2 Con damage, and until the Con damage is healed,
the victim gains the stench universal monster ability. The
stench DC is equal to the poison’s DC, and creatures who fail
their saves are sickened for 1d6+4 minutes. The poisoned
creature is not immune to its own stench; Cure 1 save
Craft Wondrous Item, ghoul touch

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint necromancy
These Shadow Plane spores inhibit a victim’s ability to absorb
positive energy.
Type poison, inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 16
Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/hour for 6 hours
Effect 1d2 Dex damage, and until the Dex damage is healed,
the victim regains only half the normal amount of hit points
from channeled energy and conjuration (healing) spells;
Cure 2 consecutive saves
Craft Wondrous Item, undead anatomy I

尸体贸易(The Corpse Trade)

劇透 -   :
Black markets deal in esoteric goods far more often than in addictive drugs and valuable baubles. A macabre trade in undead—either whole or as parts to be grafted onto living flesh—flourishes across Golarion

劇透 -   :
Creating an undead violates not merely a person’s body, but also his immortal soul, and most nations of the Inner Sea region outlaw the creation or transport of undead. Yet some nations, such as Geb, appreciate the obvious advantages of undead servants: undead never tire, require no food or payment, and never demand better treatment. Such a creature’s owner must be prepared to reduce or conceal the ever-present dangers of using the undead—primarily their occasional tendency to run amok and attack the living.
Though the practice is common only in Geb, unscrupulous business owners throughout the Inner Sea region use mindless undead laborers in industries requiring repetitive toil, such as mining and logging. Mindless undead also make good soldiers and exceptional guards, as they attack without concern for their personal welfare. A standard human zombie costs about 90 gp, while a skeleton costs 45 gp, although most necromancers charge an additional fee of 50 to 100 gp to provide a body, and purchasers are expected to provide their own means of controlling their shambling laborers. Most undead available in black market circles are created through arcane necromancy, as those created by dark cults and deathworshiping clerics often exist to fulfill divine plots, while those that arise independently are difficult to sway from the unnatural impulses that spawned them for very long.
Intelligent undead make far more efficient and adaptable guards, soldiers, and assassins. However, intelligent undead prefer payment for their services and react to slavery with sullen defiance or violence.



劇透 -   :
Grafting undead components to a living creature is illegal outside of Geb, but black markets across the Inner Sea region still trade in these undead body parts. Most prospective necrograft hosts seek out these macabre additions to replace a sick or missing body part, although some see necrografts as an extreme form of body modification, excising perfectly healthy body parts to make room for undead flesh. Not all necrograft hosts are willing recipients—some are forced to endure the surgical process as part of mad experiments.
A skilled necrograft surgeon (often a necromancer) is required to install a necrograft. Necrografts can be attached only to humanoids and only to replace a part—a necrograft arm can’t be added in addition a human’s two healthy arms, for example, but could replace a lost arm. When a necrograft is attached (a process requiring 1 hour), the recipient must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or the necrograft fails to integrate with his body. Either way, the recipient takes 2 points of Constitution damage from the surgery.
A raise dead or resurrection spell cast on a living creature instantly destroys any necrograft implants unless the target succeeds at a separate Will save against the spell for each necrograft implant. If the target of the spell is dead, the target is restored to life but any implants are destroyed. 

腐败值(Necrosis Score)

Harsh conditions or long exertions do not easily tire you.
劇透 -   :
Necrosis Score
Undead flesh doesn’t readily bond with a living body, creating many problems but also unexpected boons. A necrograft host has a necrosis score equal to half the number of necrografts implants in his body (minimum 1). A necrograft host gains DR against nonlethal damage (excluding nonlethal damage from starvation or exertion) and a racial bonus on saving throws against paralysis, poison, and sleep effects equal to his necrosis score, but takes an equal penalty on saving throws against disease and negative energy effects. A necrograft also reduces the host’s morale bonuses and the magical healing he receives by an amount equal to his necrosis score, as the necrotic energies blunt his emotions and ties to the natural cycle of life and death.

常见亡灵移植体(Common Necrografts)
灵光:中等死灵系和变化系 施法者等级:9
价格:16,000gp   重量:5磅    位置:无

灵光:中等死灵系 施法者等级:11
价格:6200gp   重量:——磅    位置:无

灵光:强烈死灵系和变化系 施法者等级:13
价格:12000gp   重量:10磅    位置:无

灵光:强烈死灵系和变化系 施法者等级:13
价格:6400gp   重量:25磅    位置:无
一只亡者之腿可以让他的宿主能够比正常坚持1-1/2倍的时间才需要进行持续奔跑的体质检定以及避免强行军的非致命伤害上1。拥有两只亡者之腿的类人生物在需要进行上述检定前可以坚持2倍的时间。除此之外,每一只亡者之腿都给宿主提供对抗闯越和冲撞时+2的CMD加值,并且有 50%的几率忽略铁蒺藜。


灵光:昏暗防护系和死灵系 施法者等级:5
价格:20000gp   重量:4磅    位置:无

灵光:昏暗惑控系和死灵系 施法者等级:5
价格:36000gp   重量:1磅    位置:无
劇透 -   :
SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA moderate necromancy and transmutation
A ghoulgut consists of a ghoul’s stomach, gallbladder, and liver
implanted in the host’s torso, resulting in a potent resistance to
disease, but also a hunger for flesh. Once per day, the necrograft
host can charge her second stomach by feeding on at least
1 pound of raw meat (doing so provides no nutritional value). This
charge lasts for 24 hours. While charged, a ghoulgut grants the
host a +4 enhancement bonus on saving throws against disease
and poison. As a swift or immediate action, the host can expend
her stomach’s charge to reroll a failed Fortitude saving throw.
Craft Wondrous Item, create undead, undead anatomy IIUM,
creator must have 8 ranks in Heal

SLOT none CL 11th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate necromancy
A gravespawn gland is a piece of zombie brain implanted in the
host’s skull. When the command word (which is often kept secret
by its creator) is spoken within 60 feet of the host, the gravespawn
gland releases a surge of necromantic power, dealing 4d6 points
of negative energy damage to the host. The host must succeed
at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + the damage dealt) or be
instantly slain. Creatures killed in this manner cannot be revived
by breath of life or raise dead. A creature killed by a gravespawn
gland rises 1 round later as a mindless zombie.
A gravespawn gland is rarely implanted willingly. Unlike with
most necrografts, implanting this organ requires a successful DC
25 Heal check by the necrograft surgeon, not a successful Fortitude
save by the recipient. Removing an implanted gravespawn gland
requires a successful DC 25 Heal check; if this check is failed by
more than 5, the gravespawn gland detonates inside the host.
Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, inflict critical wounds,
creator must have 11 ranks in Heal

SLOT none CL 13th WEIGHT 10 lbs.
AURA strong necromancy and transmutation
An arm of undead flesh allows its host to lift up to 1-1/2 times his
maximum load over his head. A humanoid with two necrograft
arms can lift up to twice his maximum load over his head. Each
necrograft arm also provides its host with a natural slam attack
(replacing any natural attacks that limb may have once had) that
deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage (1d3 for Small creatures)
as a secondary attack. If a host attacks with only slam attacks
in a round, the slams are instead considered primary attacks. A
necrograft arm is clumsy, imposing a cumulative –2 circumstance
penalty on all Craft, Disable Device, and Sleight of Hand checks
per limb replaced, as well as on relevant Perform checks (such as
for stringed instruments and wind instruments).
Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, regenerate, creator must
have 8 ranks in Heal

SLOT none CL 13th WEIGHT 25 lbs.
AURA strong necromancy and transmutation
A single necrograft leg allows its host to travel overland for 1-1/2
times longer than normal before needing to attempt Constitution
checks to continue running or to avoid nonlethal damage from
a forced march. A humanoid with two necrograft legs can travel
overland twice as longer than normal before needing to attempt
these same checks. In addition, each necrograft leg grants its
host a +2 bonus to CMD against bull rush and overrun attempts
and provides a 50% chance to ignore caltrops.
Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, regenerate, creator must
have 8 ranks in Heal

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 4 lbs.
AURA faint abjuration and necromancy
This necrograft weaves strips of rotted skin across the bearer’s body
in a grisly process of scarifcation. The dense, undead hide provides
a +2 enhancement bonus to its host’s natural armor bonus, and
causes undead creatures to perceive the host as one of their own—
skeletons, zombies, and other mindless undead ignore a character
implanted with sallowflesh unless attacked frst. Intelligent
undead may also be fooled by this effect, but can recognize the
host as a living creature with a successful DC 11 Will save; on a
failed save, the undead assumes the host to be another intelligent
undead. Undead attacked by the host, or that witness the host
channel positive energy, can immediately see through this effect.
Sallowflesh has no effect on living creatures’ perceptions.
Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, hide from undead, creator
must have 5 ranks in Heal

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint enchantment and necromancy
Extracted from a mohrg, this ropy, claw-tipped tongue is
implanted into a recipient’s mouth or throat. A strangler’s
tongue lacks the strength to grasp or hold items, but the host
can lash out with the tongue as a standard action as a melee
touch attack. A humanoid hit by the strangler’s tongue is
paralyzed for 1d4 minutes (Will DC 15 negates).
Craft Wondrous Item, create undead, hold person, creator must
have 5 ranks in Heal
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-05, 周四 14:36:48 由 软软软 »

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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markert)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2016-11-23, 周三 16:00:48 »
诅咒遗物(Cursed Relics)
劇透 -   :
Black markets are a place of wonder, where modern fineries and contraband can be found alongside the relics of ages. Buyers must always beware of deals too good to be true, though, as curses ancient and insidious await
诅咒物品(Cursed Items)

劇透 -   :
The Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment describe many kinds of cursed magic items. Most cursed items are created by accident, when the crafting process goes horribly wrong. However, some devious crafters create such items on purpose—either to deceive and discomfit others or because the cursed effect is somehow useful.

物品(Item)  价格(Price)  需求法术(Spell Prerequisites )
箭靶护甲(Armor of arrow attraction) 10,650gp 防护箭矢
暴怒护甲(Armor of rage) 1,850gp 狂暴术
吞噬袋(Armor of rage) 120,000gp 解离术,异界传送,魔绳术
狂暴巨剑(Berserking sword) 36,190gp 狂暴术
舞动靴(Boots of dancing) * 迷舞
破防护腕(Bracers of defenselessness) 12,500gp 法师护甲
催眠水晶球(Crystal hypnosis ball) 49,000gp 支配人类,虚假景象,探知
反噬矛(Cursed backbiter spear)3,901gp 魔化武器,曲木术
诅咒水瓶(Flask of curses)25,000gp 降咒
笨拙护手(Gauntlets of fumbling)* 笨拙之触APG
染血硬头锤(Mace of blood)12,912gp 出血术,死亡丧钟
扼喉项链(Necklace of strangulation)95,000gp 真言术:死,窃取呼吸ARG
自缚网(Net of snaring)16,320gp 纠缠术
毒性药水(Potion of poison)1,800gp 毒击术
笨重戒指(Ring of clumsiness)1,100gp 缓慢术,笨拙之触APG
毒虫法袍(Robe of vermin)30,000gp 死亡一指,飞虫走兽
重力石(Stone of weight)5,400gp 完全修复术,缓慢术


制造诅咒物品(Crafting Cursed Items)
反冲和需求(Drawbacks and Requirements):没有直接影响游戏的美容效果的物品不降低成本;对于轻微影响游戏的,例如最低技能等级要求或崇拜某个特定神的物品,降低10%成本;对于中度影响游戏或影响财富的,例如改变阵营,属性伤害,奉献财富或必须通过特定任务激活的物品,降低30%成本;对于极度影响游戏的,例如负向等级或献祭活物,降低50%成本。
故障(Intermittent Functioning):不受控制或不可靠的物品成本降低10%,那些在特定情况下才能发挥作用——即依赖性的物品降低30%成本。
反效果(Opposite Effect or Target):成本降低5%
劇透 -   :
Intentionally crafting cursed items requires the same item creation feats and skill checks as does crafting a normal item of that type, but in addition to such requirements, intentionally cursed items require bestow curse or major curse as a spell prerequisites. Crafting cursed items is generally cheaper than creating fully functional items, depending on the type of curse involved, as detailed below. The table above indicates the price and spell prerequisites of some of the most common deliberately created cursed items.
Delusion: Cost is reduced by 90%.
Drawbacks and Requirements: Cost isn’t reduced for
cosmetic drawbacks or requirements with no direct game
effects. Cost may be reduced by 10% for minor drawbacks
or requirements such as minimum skill ranks or worship
of a specific deity; by 30% for harmful or costly drawbacks
or requirements such as alignment change, ability damage,
sacrificing wealth, or performing a quest to activate the
item; or by 50% for severe drawbacks or requirements such
as negative levels or sacrificing sentient creatures.
Intermittent Functioning: The cost of uncontrolled or
unreliable items is reduced by 10%. The cost of dependent
items, which function only in certain situations, is reduced
by 30%.
Opposite Effect or Target: Cost is reduced by 50%.

诅咒赝品(Cursed Counterfeits)


劇透 -   :
In a black market, ancient bric-a-brac that appear to be
genuine artifacts could be bits of valueless junk held
together by magic. More sinister, however, are deliberately
cursed objects intended to visit vengeance upon their buyers
or return some great wealth to their creators. Some items
are crafted to function for a limited time, convincing a buyer
of their authenticity. These twisted treasures are often sold
for far less than their apparent worth by merchants claiming
to need money quickly or who feign ignorance of their value.
By the time the curse manifests and the buyers realize they
have been cheated, the seller is long gone.
Many of these relics differentiate the item’s creator from
its owner. Owner refers to the creature wearing or using
the magic item, while creator refers to the original creature
who crafted the magic item, or else the last creature to wear
it and speak its command word (which is often kept secret
from perspective buyers).

重量:-   位置:头部 施法者等级:7级灵光:中等(无学派)
类型 价格
I型 1,500gp
II型 6,000gp
III 型 13,500gp
IV 型 24,500gp

劇透 -   :
Iridescent whorls and runes in a flowing eldritch script adorn this
golden circlet. The circlet functions as a ring of spell knowledgeUE,
allowing a spontaneous caster to learn and store an additional
arcane spell. However, once the circlet has been worn for 1d6
days, the wearer must succeed at a DC 16 Will save each day when
meditating to renew her spell slots. Failure indicates that she
loses knowledge of a random spell, whose level cannot exceed
the maximum level of the circlet of spell-eating. Knowledge of
this spell is lost until the circlet is removed, returning at a rate of
one spell per day, beginning with the lowest-level spell forgotten.
So long as the circlet of spell-eating has caused its wearer to
forget at least one spell, its creator can cast the frst spell lost to
the item once per day as a spell-like ability

价格:6,250gp   重量:-    位置:眼部

劇透 -   :
Crafted from brass and polished quartz, these expensive
bifocals grant the wearer a +5 bonus on Appraise checks,
and on Linguistics or Perception checks to detect a forgery.
However, after they have been worn for 1 week, they begin
distorting the wearer’s perception of value, replacing this
bonus with a –10 penalty on the same checks. This penalty
persists even when a victim is not wearing the spendthrift
spectacles. Whenever the wearer is making a purchase that
costs more than 10 gp, he must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or
be compelled to make extravagant offers and pay outrageous
prices (1d10 × 10% more than the asking price) for the item,
paying with coin and valuables if available, or bartering with
other equipment if not.

价格:15,000gp   重量:2磅    位置:腕部
劇透 -   :
This plain silver-and-steel bracelet grants the keen weapon specia
ability to any piercing or slashing weapon wielded by the wearer
Each time the wearer confrms a critical hit with such a weapon
however, she must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or the
bracelet severs her hand, dealing 1d6 points of Dexterity drain
and 2d6 points of bleed damage. The style-stealing vambrace
and the severed hand immediately teleport to the item’s creato
if he is on the same plane, or else drop to the ground if he is not
Once per day, a creature holding the severed hand can speak
the bracelet’s command word to gain access to one combat fea
known by the previous wearer for 24 hours, as if it were a bonu
feat. The creature must meet all of the usual prerequisites fo
the feat.
The wearer’s hand can be restored instantly with a regenerate
spell, or with a restoration spell or regeneration (such as tha
granted by a ring of regeneration) if the severed hand is held
against the stump. Restoring the wearer’s hand removes the
Dexterity drain. The style-stealing vambrace cannot be removed
from the severed hand it holds or be reused until its victim die
or the hand is reattached

价格:19,000gp   重量:1磅    位置:无
这个小小的装饰物可以被做成几乎任何形状,不过它看起来总是小且有价值的。它看起来是那样有趣和蜥蜴人,使任何持有他的生物——甚至包括那些进行估价法术辨识检定的——变得迷恋它并强迫持有它(意志DC13 通过无效)

劇透 -   :
This small decorative object can take almost any form but is always
small and seemingly valuable. The item seems so intriguing and
delightful that any creature holding it—including while examining
it with Appraise or Spellcraft checks—becomes infatuated with the
object and compelled to keep it (Will DC 13 negates).
Each talisman of spying is linked to a ring when created. Any
creature within 30 feet of a talisman of spying takes a –5 penalty
on saving throws against divinations used by the ring’s wearer.
The ring’s wearer is always aware of the direction and distance to
the talisman and can discern the general condition of a creature
carrying the talisman as if using status. Once per day, the creature
wearing the talisman’s ring can use scry upon the talisman. This
functions as scrying if the talisman is carried by a creature, or as
clairaudience/clairvoyance if the talisman is unattended
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-15, 周一 23:02:44 由 软软软 »

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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markert)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2016-11-23, 周三 16:00:59 »

离线 creep

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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markert)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 08:38:13 »
楼主标题markert bug

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Re: 有關法術部分
« 回帖 #5 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 10:49:46 »
樓主您好,目前我在整理各職業法術大全,有關BM書的法術估計過一兩個星期就會翻譯到,為了避免撞車,所以請問樓主是否在這段時間內會翻譯到該處 :em003?
如果沒有,那我可以佔BM書的法術坑嗎 :em008?

可以 :em020顺便帮我减少工作量

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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markert)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 11:40:19 »
楼主标题markert bug


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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markerts)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2016-11-29, 周二 22:40:19 »
 :em001 :em001 :em001小的给软软姥爷跪安了~

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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markerts)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2016-12-02, 周五 23:34:55 »

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Re: 【BM】POZ9462黑市指南(Black Markerts)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-03-14, 周二 08:06:03 »
敲打軟軟軟 :em014