譯文資料區 > Delta Green

翻译占坑:ICONOCLASTS 碎神者(update:准备翻译整个模组)

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劇透 -   : The physical destruction of cultural artifacts has always been key to ethnic cleansing. If you destroy the other tribe’s
temples and dig up their graves, tossing their ancestors’ bones into the nearest river, what evidence is there that this
was their land? How can your grandparents be guilty of genocide against a people who were never really here? Orwell got it right in 1984: “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
ISIL’s assault on the relics of Iraq’s and Syria’s past was more than the performative piety of grooming standards
and suicide bombings. This was about creating a kind of “Year Zero” where nothing existed before their Califate.
Those to come under its yoke wouldn’t be able to imagine a time before their theocratic police-state ruled all. By the
time they were done, who could say if there had ever been Shiites or Yazidis in the first place?
Watching the moronic glee with which the soldiers of ISIL destroyed Iraq’s and Syria’s irreplaceable cultural
heritage left me sick with rage. I brooded over childish revenge fantasies. I wished those brutes would crack open
some cursed artifact, unleashing a nightmare to scour the dumb smiles off their faces, leaving only a naked rictus of
bloody teeth and staring eyeballs, unable to close out the horror of what they had done. It left me incapable of imagining proportional justice. What I wanted was punishment so vile that I would lose the moral high ground.
That, of course, was never going to happen. There would be no cathartic end like the wrath of God consuming
the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark. But to paraphrase John Milius and H.P. Lovecraft: I may not be a sorcerer, but
give me a word processor and I can harness the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness.

Good luck, Agents.

Adam Scott Glancy
19 APR 2022对文物的毁坏永远都是种族清洗必不可少的一部分。如果你摧毁了另一个部族的神殿,刨开了他们的祖坟,将他们祖宗的骨灰扬进最近的河里,这里作为他们土地的证据何在?你的祖父怎么可能背负灭绝一群从来没有存在于那里的人的罪名呢?奥威尔在《1984》里说得对:“谁控制过去就控制未来;谁控制现在就控制过去。”


Adam Scott Glancy
19 APR 2022

模组名为iconoclast 我非常想叫它偶像爆破()

劇透 -   : 又tm是奈亚背锅 奈亚怎么天天搞这些


--- 引述: Ophidia 于 2022-04-24, 周日 08:19:57 ---update:读完了模组
劇透 -   : 又tm是奈亚背锅 奈亚怎么天天搞这些

--- 引用结尾 ---

背景部分已经翻译完毕,其他部分正在快速进行 请大家期待

背景部分一校完成 第三章一校进行中 其余章节翻译稳步进行中


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