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【Book of the Damned】風魔之王——帕祖祖(Pazuzu, King of the Wind Demons)

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風魔之王(King of the Wind Demons)
混亂邪惡 男性惡魔領主 职權為天空之主、誘惑、有翼生物

領域  氣、混亂、邪惡、詭術
連接子域 雲、欺騙、惡魔(混亂)、惡魔(邪惡)、風
偏好武器 長劍
邪徽 右手高舉的帕祖祖形象
神殿 懸崖邊的教堂、沙漠廢墟、山頂、高聳的尖塔
信徒 反聖武士、拉瑪什圖的敵人、鹰身女妖、天狗
僕從  煉獄飛行生物、鹿鹰兽B2、集群、弗洛魔
圣兽 所有飛行動物
宗教色 棕色、紅色

遵从仪式 在能吸引飢餓鳥類的地方(例如樹枝上或塔的垛口)或比你曾曾祖父更為古老的帕祖祖祭壇上串起新鮮殺死的生物的眼睛或舌頭,然後向供品冥想。你在對抗源於飛行生物的效果和脅迫效果的所有豁免獲得+4亵渎加值。⑴

劇透 -   : Old Demonic Obedience
String up the intestines of a freshly killed creature somewhere that will attract the attention of hungry birds (such as the branches of a tree or the crenellations of a tower), then meditate on the offering. Gain a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws against effects from flying creatures and compulsion effects.赐福——惡魔儀典[註:这是旧版,专長也不一样]

第1神恩 風中輕語(Whispers on the Wind, Sp):魅惑人類(Charm Person) 每天3次、注目術(Enthrall) 每天2次、或飛行術(Fly) 每天1次
第2神恩 佔據術(Possession, Sp):每天1次,你能以類法術能力施放魔魂壺(Magic Jar)。你能以帕祖祖的邪徽或雕像作為你的容器——若是如此,你能確定你能佔據的所有潛在生命力的確實生物類型和位置。此能力等同一個7環法術。
第3神恩 真誠誘惑(True Temptation, Sp):若有任何生物一口氣大喊帕祖祖的名字3次,而且該生物處於你的60尺之內,你能對該生物以直覺動作施放瞬發魅惑怪物(quickened Charm Monster)。你能至多每天3次使用此能力。擁有飛行速度的生物在對抗此效果時豁免承受-4罰值。若對抗此效果豁免檢定失敗的生物擁有防護邪惡(Protection from Evil)或類似效果,該效果立即結束而且自動被解除。你能向沒有呼喚帕祖祖的名字的生物使用此能力,但若如此,它如同正常(沒有瞬發)的魅惑怪物(Charm Monster)法術而且不能解除防護邪惡(Protection from Evil)效果。此能力等同一個9環法術。


第1神恩 帕祖祖之聲(Pazuzu’s Voice, Sp):次等困惑術(Lesser Confusion) 每天3次、甜言蜜語(Honeyed Tongue) 每天2次、或暗示術(Suggestion) 每天1次
第2神恩 天空的塞壬(Siren of the Skies, Ex):你的型態在方方面面變成鳥類——你的頭髮轉化成由羽毛構成的鬃毛,由羽毛構成的翅膀從你的背部萌芽,你的臉孔獲得了擁有鷹鉤鼻和下巴的鳥類輪廓。你的新翅膀給予你等同你的基礎移度的飛行速度(機動性良好)。此外,你的聲音變得甜美動聽,而且浩大。你在表演[朗誦]和表演[演唱]檢定獲得+4加值,以及在你創造的依賴語言或音波效果的豁免DC+1。當你必須進行魅力對抗檢定以說服被魅惑的目標去做他一般不會做的事情時,你能雙骰任取。
第3神恩 掌控鳥性(Avian Mastery, Su):任何以自身力量(除了以法術、類法術能力或魔法物品)飛行中的生物在嘗試以近戰攻擊攻擊你時必需進行意志豁免檢定(DC=10+1/2你的HD+你的魅力調整值)。若此生物失敗,他不能繼續攻擊,他該部分的動作丟失,而且他不能在此回合的剩餘時間直接攻擊你。一旦生物成功通過此豁免檢定,它免疫此效果24小時。


第1神恩 風中輕語(Whispers on the Wind, Sp):魅惑人類(Charm Person) 每天3次、注目術(Enthrall) 每天2次、或飛行術(Fly) 每天1次
第2神恩 佔據術(Possession, Sp):每天3次,你能以類法術能力施放佔據術(Possession)。
第3神恩 真誠誘惑(True Temptation, Sp):若有任何生物一口氣大喊帕祖祖的名字3次,而且該生物處於你的60尺之內,你能對該生物以直覺動作施放魅惑怪物(Charm Monster)。你能至多每天3次使用此能力。擁有飛行速度的生物在對抗此效果時豁免承受-4罰值。若對抗此效果豁免檢定失敗的生物處於防護邪惡(Protection from Evil)或類似效果的增益下,該效果立即結束而且自動被解除。你能向沒有呼喚帕祖祖的名字的生物使用此能力,但若如此,它如同正常(沒有瞬發)的魅惑怪物(Charm Monster)法術而且不能解除防護邪惡(Protection from Evil)效果。


第1神恩 氣系大師(Master of Air, Sp):羽落術(Feather Fall) 每天3次、造風術(Gust of Wind) 每天2次、或風牆術(Wind Wall) 每天1次
第2神恩 此風,我盾(The Wind, My Shield, Su):一筒旋風不斷圍繞著你,你能以自由動作解除或重啟此效果。當此效果啟用時,你在AC獲得+4偏斜加值,以及對你的所有遠程攻擊都承受50%失手率。此超自然之風甚至能偏轉遠程接觸法術效果(例如射線)和巨型遠程武器(例如精金弩炮矢或投石)。以標準動作,你能引導此風襲擊30尺內的生物;此行動如同嘗試衝撞或絆摔,使用你的體質調整值代替你的力量調整值。你能繼持此風盾的輪數等同你的HD,但此輪數不需要連續。
第3神恩 斯巴賽特的魔衛(Champion of Shibaxet, Sp):風之魔王給予你駕馭風之力量的技藝。每天1次,你能以類法術能力施放復仇之風(Winds of Vengeance)。

  帕祖祖是最古老的惡魔領主之一,與阿巴拉克薩斯(Abraxas)、大袞(Dagon)和拉瑪什圖(Lamashtu)等是首批上位掌控深淵的存在,然而他與拉瑪什圖的長期戰爭妨礙了他獲得更大的力量,或許甚至是他的神性——這事實只會促進他與怪物之母無休止的衝突。如果帕祖祖能轉移他的注意力並最好記得她自己曾經成功屠神,那假以時日,帕祖祖可能成為不僅僅是對她繼續存在的無用威脅。(Had Pazuzu managed to turn his attention away would do well to remember that she herself managed to kill a god, and that over time, Pazuzu might just become more than an idle threat to her continued existence.)
  帕祖祖的位面姆瓦尼亞高嶺(High M’Vania)存在於巨大的深淵裂谷的其中一側。此垂直位面包含一座建立在龐大架子上的巨大城巿,以及它下面的深坑和上面的天空。此位面的獨特地理位置讓帕祖祖在外層位面中有空前絕後的機動性,這種自如被他經常濫用於跟拉瑪什圖的戰爭之中,從末日荒原(Abaddon)、地獄(Hell)以及更遙遠之地招募強大的盟友。帕祖祖的私人棲息地是一堆糾纏結在一起的高塔,名為斯巴賽特(Shibaxet)——只有他最信任的爪牙或他最喜歡食物才有幸一睹芳容。他使用的斯巴賽特之權杖(Scepter of Shibaxet),一件強力的神器能夠揭露他的敵人,在他們之間散播恐懼,並且一下碰撞就能毀滅低級魔法道具。在他被呼喚至戰場時,他會迅速地把斯巴賽特之權杖變形成一把強力的黑色魔法長劍。他很少將此神器借給受寵的凡人特使——但由於等待着那些尋求和接受這種援助卻以失敗告終之人的反響和懲罰是如此劇烈,他的崇拜者中很少有人敢尋求這種支持。

劇透 -  原文: PAZUZU
CE male demon lord of the sky, temptation, and winged creatures
Domains Air, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Subdomains Cloud, Deception, Demon, Wind
Favored Weapon longsword
Unholy Symbol image of Pazuzu with right hand upraised
Temples cliffside cathedrals, desert ruins, mountaintops, towering spires
Worshipers antipaladins, enemies of Lamashtu, harpies, tengus
Minions fiendish flying creatures, perytonsB2, swarms, vrocks
String up the eyes and tongue of a freshly killed creature somewhere that will attract the attention of hungry birds (such as the branches of a tree or the crenellations of a tower) or atop an altar of Pazuzu older than your grandfather’s grandfather, and then meditate on the offering. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against effects from flying creatures and compulsion effects.

Boons - Demonic Obedience
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 23
1: Whispers on the Wind (Sp) charm person 3/day, enthrall 2/ day, or fly 1/day
2: Possession (Sp) You can cast magic jar once per day as a spell-like ability. You can use a holy symbol of Pazuzu or a statue of Pazuzu as your receptacle—if you do so, you can determine the exact creature type and position of all potential life forces you’re capable of possessing. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
3: True Temptation (Sp) If any creature speaks Pazuzu’s name aloud three times with a single breath, and that creature is within 60 feet of you, you can cast quickened charm monster on that creature as an immediate action. You can use this power up to three times per day. Creatures with fly speeds take a –4 penalty on saves against this effect. If a creature that fails its save against this effect has protection from evil or a similar effect activated, that effect is immediately and automatically dispelled. You can use this ability against a creature that has not invoked Pazuzu’s name, but if you do so, it functions as a normal (non-quickened) charm monster spell that does not dispel protection from evil effects. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell.

Boons - Fiendish Obedience
Source Book of the Damned pg. 86
1: Pazuzu’s Voice (Sp) lesser confusion 3/day, honeyed tongue 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
2: Siren of the Skies (Ex) Your form becomes avian in aspect—your hair transforms into a mane of feathers, feathered wings sprout from your back, and your face takes on a birdlike profile with a hooked nose and chin. Your new wings grant you a fly speed equal to your base speed (good maneuverability). In addition, your voice becomes sweet and melodic, with an astonishing range. You gain a +4 bonus on Perform (oratory) and Perform (sing) checks, and the save DCs of language-dependent or sonic effects you create increase by 1. When you must attempt opposed Charisma checks against a charmed subject to convince it to do something it wouldn’t ordinarily do, you can roll twice and take the result you prefer as your actual result.
3: Avian Mastery (Su) Any creature flying under its own power (flight from a source other than a spell, spell-like ability, or magic item) that attempts to attack you with a melee attack must attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). If the creature fails, it can’t follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it can’t directly attack you for the remainder of the round. Once a creature succeeds at this save, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 86
1: Whispers on the Wind (Sp) charm person 3/day, enthrall 2/day, or fly 1/day
2: Possession (Sp) You can cast possession three times per day as a spell-like ability.
3: True Temptation (Sp) If any creature speaks Pazuzu’s name aloud three times with a single breath, and that creature is within 60 feet of you, you can cast charm monster on that creature as an immediate action. You can use this spell-like ability up to three times per day. Creatures with fly speeds take a –4 penalty on saving throws against this effect. If a creature that fails its save against this effect is under the benefits of protection from evil or a similar effect, that effect is immediately and automatically dispelled. You can use this ability against a creature that has not invoked Pazuzu’s name, but if you do so, it functions as a normal (non-quickened) charm monster spell that does not dispel protection from evil effects.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 86
1: Master of Air (Sp) feather fall 3/day, gust of wind 2/day, or wind wall 1/day
2: The Wind, My Shield (Su) A cylinder of swirling wind constantly surrounds you, an effect you can dismiss or reactivate as a free action. While this effect is active, you gain a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class, and all ranged attacks against you suffer a 50% miss chance. These supernatural winds can even deflect ranged touch spell effects (such as rays) and massive ranged weapons such as ballista bolts or thrown boulders. As a standard action, you can also direct these winds to assail a creature within 30 feet; this acts as a bull rush or trip attempt, using your Constitution modifier in place of your Strength modifier. You can maintain this wind shield for a number of rounds per day equal to your Hit Dice, but these rounds need not be consecutive.
3: Champion of Shibaxet (Sp) The King of the Wind Demons grants you mastery over the power of the winds. You can cast winds of vengeance as a spell-like ability once per day.

Pazuzu appears as a humanoid with eagle’s feet and talons, a demonic avian head, two pairs of bird wings, a scorpion tail, and a writhing snake in place of his genitals. Pazuzu is an aggressive demon fond of possessing mortals and using them to work his evils upon the world. It is said that Pazuzu can hear his name when anyone speaks it—and that this may be all that is needed to invite possession by the demon lord. He is the patron of all evil things that fly, particularly harpies and vrocks. His breath is a cloud of locusts, and legend tells that at the dawn of civilization his first breath of air upon the Material Plane spawned the demon that, in time, would become Deskari.

Although Pazuzu can indeed hear his name whenever it is spoken, locate a creature if his name is spoken three times in the same breath, and possess those he so pinpoints when he and the speaker are on the same plane, it is in fact relatively rare for Pazuzu to act upon these opportunities. Typically, he takes advantage of this ability when the speaker is in a region where he feels his reputation needs bolstering, but in most cases he only does so when the speaker does so innocently or out of ignorance. One of Pazuzu’s great joys is possessing and destroying the life of an innocent, be it a holy warrior, a naive prince, or a very young person. When he takes control of such a victim, Pazuzu takes his time in taking apart all that victim holds dear. Friends, family, and loved ones bear the brunt of Pazuzu’s wrath, and it is only when, often several months or even years later, the victim’s life has been reduced to shambles that Pazuzu relinquishes his spiritual hold over the victim. In most cases, the victim has been driven to despair or has even grown to see Pazuzu as her only ally, and gratefully continues to serve even after release from possession.

The demon lord can hear his name spoken by his cultists as well but rarely comes to their aid or answers their call—cultists who cannot fend for themselves or bolster Pazuzu’s reputation on their own, after all, hardly deserve aid. More often than not, when a cultist begs for help or attempts to attract Pazuzu’s attention in this way, the demon lord becomes enraged and sends an agent to smite the speaker—or at least to look on and mock as the desperate cultist fails.

Pazuzu is among the oldest of the demon lords, one of the first to rise to power in the Abyss long ago alongside the likes of Abraxas, Dagon, and Lamashtu, yet his long war with Lamashtu has prevented him from achieving greater power or perhaps even godhood himself—a fact that only serves to spur on his unending conflict with the Mother of Monsters. Had Pazuzu managed to turn his attention away would do well to remember that she herself managed to kill a god, and that over time, Pazuzu might just become more than an idle threat to her continued existence.

Pazuzu’s realm of High M’Vania exists on the side of one of the great Abyssal rifts. This vertical realm includes an immense city on a vast shelf, as well as the depths below it and the skies above. The unique location of this realm allows Pazuzu unprecedented mobility in the Outer Planes, a freedom he often abuses in his war against Lamashtu, recruiting powerful allies from Abaddon, Hell, and beyond. Pazuzu’s personal rookery is a tangle of towers called Shibaxet—a place only his most trusted minions or his favored meals ever get to see. He wields the Scepter of Shibaxet, a powerful artifact capable of revealing his enemies, spreading fear among his foes, and destroying lesser magic items at a touch. He can transform the Scepter of Shibaxet into a blackbladed, magical longsword of great power, and he is swift to do so when called to battle. Rarely will he loan this artifact to favored mortal agents—but since the repercussions and punishment awaiting those who ask and receive such aid only to fail are so great, very few of his worshipers even have the gall to ask for such support.

忽然被超連結CUE了,只能不摸魚了 :em002

DND中的故事,十分親切回應信徒,你們真的是同一位嗎? :em032


--- 引述: 犬良人 于 2021-11-27, 周六 13:49:33 ---忽然被超连结CUE了,只能不摸鱼了 :em002

DND中的故事,十分亲切回应信徒,你们真的是同一位吗? :em032

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--- 引述: 犬良人 于 2021-11-27, 周六 13:49:33 ---忽然被超連結CUE了,只能不摸魚了 :em002

DND中的故事,十分親切回應信徒,你們真的是同一位嗎? :em032

--- 引用结尾 ---



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